Is a Survey Required When Building a House?
As with any construction project, Tulsa surveying services are an essential part of home
construction. When surveying, an Oklahoma surveying technician determines a property's
legal boundaries by comparing mathematical measurements of the property with existing maps
and plans. A property survey is one of the most important steps of building a house because it
determines if that property is the best land choice.
What Do Pre-Construction Tulsa Surveying Services Include?
Initial Research
Before the technician visits the actual plot of land, they will research the property. This research
will likely include deed history and a title search. Title searches are very important as they
ensure there are no discrepancies regarding who actually owns the property.
Once the surveyor knows the property's history and legal descriptions, they will visit the property
to conduct fieldwork. Fieldwork involves sketching out the land, marking its boundaries, and
documenting the elements of the property.
Creating the Map
After completing the fieldwork, the surveyor will create a map or plan which details the
property's legal boundaries. This written description of the property includes:
● Its street address.
● The location of any existing structures.
● The locations of adjacent properties.
● Any recommended improvements that the homeowner can make to the property.
Why You Need Pre-Construction Oklahoma Surveying Services
Whether you are purchasing a home or having a new one constructed, having a professional
survey conducted can save you from expensive legal issues later on. In particular, conducting a
pre-construction survey can help prevent property encroachment.
Especially in areas with smaller property lots, there is a chance that builders may accidentally
start constructing a house that is too close to another property according to zoning setback
requirements, or that is partially or entirely on someone else's property. The process of solving
an encroachment can be long and complicated, so it is best to avoid them in the first place.
Bringing the right surveyor technician in tulsa Oklahoma to your house construction project
can ensure that the project will be a long-term success. They will also help you avoid any
possible issues, includingproperty encroachments. Contact Sisemore & Associates to learn
more about the importance ofpre-construction surveys.
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