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Parish magazine july-aug 24 pp01-32 Digital

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Published by Timothy Elliot, 2024-06-13 08:34:07

Parish mag Jul2024

Parish magazine july-aug 24 pp01-32 Digital

Parish Magazine July-August 2024 • ‘Vicars just work on Sundays. Right?’ page 3 • Rougham Churches annual report, page 6 • Round-up of events, page 8 • Wedding Festival, page 9 • Tea, coffee and a chat, pages 11, 14 and 23 • Family@Church, page 11 • Poets’ corner, page 16 • Time to tackle those summer jobs, page 21 • Church services, page 31 and back page Sunflowers. Photograph by Leopictures from

2 The Parish Churches of Rougham, Beyton with Hessett and Rushbrooke Details of Church services are on the back cover. SundAy SeRViCeS WeddingS, BAPTiSMS, FuneRAlS And Any oTHeR RequeSTS Rev’d Canon Julia Lall 07543 824837 [email protected] Rev’d Sarah Lock 07510 114359 [email protected] Follow us on Facebook: Beyton Church/vestry Diane Rendle 01359 270924 BeneFiCe CHuRCH WARdenS Beyton with Hessett Tony Ciorra 01359 272685 [email protected] Peter Pitcher 01359 271997 [email protected] Rougham Di Ruddock 01359 270731 [email protected] David Palmer 01284 386108 [email protected] Rushbrooke Church Richard Ball 01359 232088 Bell Tower Captain Maurice Rose 01359 270298 Hospital visits Graham Rendle 01359 270924 Beyton and Hessett Floodlights Debbie Marshall 01359 271314 [email protected] Rougham Floodlights Di Ruddock 01359 270731 [email protected] PCC Secretary Peter Rutt 01359 242464 PCC Treasurer Position vacant Choir Ros Pitcher 01359 271997

Dear Friends, When I was a teacher the joke was that teachers are always on holiday; and now that I’m a vicar people often joke – ‘but you only work on Sundays!’ This led me to wonder how much people actually know about the role of the vicar (and curate). If you are a fan of Midsommer Murders on television, you will almost always see the vicar in the church building, usually wearing a long black cassock and putting out hymn books! Or wandering around the village knocking on everyone’s door. This is a long way from the reality of modern ‘vicaring’. I admit that Sunday is usually the busiest day, (and Saturdays during the wedding season!) but there is plenty to do during the rest of the week, too. Nowadays, many vicars may have previously held another job; or some choose to continue in secular employment alongside their ministerial duties, like our Rev Sarah. These are known as Self-Supporting Ministers. However, trying to explain my role and title is almost as complicated as explaining the Rules of Cricket, so I have included some definitions at the end of this article. The most significant aspect of a vicar’s or curate’s role is that we are there for anyone in the parish, whether you are regular church-goer or not. This might be for a chat or a prayer, a bereavement visit, a wedding or christening or a hospital visit. And along with other members of the ministry team, I take Holy Communion to people at home who might be poorly or housebound. Another aspect that I enjoy is being a visible presence in the community – attending fetes, coffee mornings, afternoon teas, concerts, exhibitions and the like. This can be an excellent opportunity for good conversations and for people to make contact. There are some additional duties that come with the role, such as being a local charity trustee, and being a Foundation Governor in our local Church of England school. I love being in school weekly to take Collective Worship, and to help with RE lessons and visits to the church. In a recent survey of various types of employment that were the most rewarding and fulfilling, being a vicar came quite high up the list, and I can honestly say that although there are challenges, it is a privilege to be called to serve God and his people in these churches. Oh and those definitions are over the page! Blessings, Julia 3 ‘Of course, Vicars only work on Sundays – don’t they?

4 The Parish Churches of Rougham, Beyton with Hessett and Rushbrooke If you have any Safeguarding concerns, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer Ann Ciorra 01359 272865 or Rev’d Julia Lall 07543 824837 Policies and Diocesan contacts may be found at Details of our church services for the month and contact details can also be found on the ‘A Church Near You’ website Beyton Church now has its own website If you have a prayer request or would like someone from the church to call on you or would appreciate help in some practical way, please contact Rev’d Julia, Rev’d Sarah or any of the church members listed above. We would be pleased to pray for you and help in any way that we can. Alternatively you can use one of the “prayer boxes” outside each of our church buildings: simply write your prayer. Magazine The editor of the Parish Magazine is Jonathan Wilson. Contact him at [email protected] The deadline for contributions is the second Sunday of the month for the following month’s issue. The magazine is published monthly except for december & January and July & August which are joint editions. Advertising: Peter Pitcher 01359 271997 [email protected]

5 gloSSARy Vicar A priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church and the religious/spiritual/pastoral needs of people in a particular area. Rector A priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a group of churches (known as a benefice). incumbent The current holder of an office or position. Curate A person who is training to become a Vicar, Rector or SelfSupporting Minister. This training usually lasts between two to four years and can be done full-time at Theological College, part-time through a regional training course, or locally in Suffolk with our Bishops. deacon A curate in the first year of training. Priest with Permission to officiate A priest who has retired from full time or self-supporting ministry, but offers additional ministerial support. Coming next! Other roles within our churches explained: Readers, lay elders, lay Pioneers or evangelists and Churchwardens PS Don’t forget to follow us on PRg Property Maintenance • Renovation work • Extensions & Garage Conversions • Patios, installation and cleaning • Decking, Fencing, erecting and repairing • Carpentry, Kitchens & Bathrooms • Flat pack assembly • Fascia Soffit & Guttering • Painting & Decorating, • Interior & Exterior • General repairs and maintenance • Obligation-free, survey & quote Based in Hessett. Tel:07449 346243 Email: [email protected] Facebook Prgpropertymaintenance by Tony Ciorra To Hessett Church Preservation Society and the numerous kind people who donated plants for the plant sale, cakes for teas and cakes and the amazing Art submitted to the Art Competition. Thank you too for visiting and sharing in our fun day. It was a lovely community event. On behalf of the Church Wardens and PCC. A Big thank you!

Church matters... We start this round-up with a summary of the Rougham Churches Annual Report for 2023 On 12 May, we held our Annual Meeting to review all that has happened in the life of our churches in 2023. Here is a summary of the full report. Peter Rutt, PCC Secretary Our revitalised and invigorated team of lay people worked with visiting clergy to maintain the pattern of services, and we were very grateful to them for providing cover for the services. Revd Sarah was ordained at the end of June and worked hard at the ‘Family@Church’ services. Ann Ciorra took over Safeguarding and the Churchwardens worked hard to overcome the backlog of maintenance issues. The ‘Pantry in the Porch’ was a success and the PCC worked incredibly hard to build upon the successes of 2022. Revd Julia lall, Rector This APCM marks a year since I found myself, somewhat unexpectedly, applying to become your Rector, and I can only comment on the last three months of the year. The annual meeting is always an opportunity to look back with hearts full of gratitude for what God has done for, in and through us, and to step out in faith as we seek to shape a new vision and future for our churches. This year, inspired and guided by him, we will work together to discern our priorities for the next 18 months, tackle head-on our financial difficulties, and grow in faithful stewardship. Let us tell a new story of joy and hope as we encourage others to walk with us the way of service and love. It is my privilege and pleasure to thank everyone for keeping things going during the vacancy, and I look forward to working with you in the year ahead. Revd Sarah lock, Curate Following my ordination on 1 July, it has been a privilege to work in the benefice as a Deacon. In many ways it did not feel much different to prior to ordination, but in others, it felt that there had been a significant shift – which really surprised me. I would like to express my thanks to all of you for your encouragement and kindness to me as I try to find my feet in the role of Curate among you. I can honestly say, that the more I do, the humbler I feel about my ability to do it, 6

but the more I also know that God has called me to this position and will equip me for it. So, thank you one and all and may God continue to bless us as a church family and local community. Revd graham Rendle, Priest with Permission to officiate In January I stepped back from duty as my hip was hindering my ability to get about. A highlight of the year was the Deaconing of Sarah Lock who has matured into her role, and the installation of the Revd. Julia Lall later in the year. I hope that now I have a new hip I will be able to continue to serve this Benefice. Ros Pitcher, Choir I am so grateful to our choir members! They have faithfully led our worship week in, week out, come rain, shine, freezing cold, boiling hot. They have been brilliant. They have supported the services in each of the churches and enriched liturgy. We are able to present new hymns and really set the tone of the worship, encouraging fuller participation from the congregation. Thank you to all members – you are wonderful! House groups, Beyton, Hessett and Rougham Beyton meets on Tuesday afternoons, Hessett on Thursday evenings, and Gipping Press are proud to print this publication Tel: 01449 721599 Email: [email protected] DESIGN • PRINT • LARGE FORMAT MAILING • PROMOTIONAL GIFTS • SCANNING

8 Rougham on Tuesday afternoons. The groups offer refreshments, time to chat, pray and explore the Bible, and offer friendship, practical help and pastoral support to one another. Food for Thought, Hessett This continues to meet about every four to six weeks and it is a place where small steps of faith can begin or be reignited in people who attend. Themes are chosen by the members and discussed openly together with the happy acceptance that our Christian perspective will also be shared. The group is very supportive of each other, and new beginnings are occurring. Fundraising, Social and outreach Committee We have raised £2,936.91 this year through Coffee Mornings/sale of coffee, cake and fresh food; Hire of Vestry; Beyton Fair; Sale of Books and the Beyton Church Christmas Fair. Well done to everyone who was involved for their hard work and enthusiasm. ************* your help is needed, please! We need to appoint a Benefice Treasurer. This is a voluntary role. Also we need mannequins and clothing rails for our Wedding Festival. Do you have a wedding dress to display? Could you donate some cakes for the refreshment stall? Help to make this event a success by bringing your family and friends along! See the advert on the page opposite and feel free to contact Rev Julia [email protected] FoRTHCoMing eVenTS Saturday 29th June Sarah’s Ordination, 2.30pm, Cathedral Sunday 30th June Sarah presides at the Benefice Holy Communion, 10.30am, Hessett; Classic Femme Concert, 4pm, Hessett Church Sunday 7th July Ordination celebration and Lunch, 10.30am, Rougham Saturday 13th July, Aquarius singers Concert, 7pm, Rougham Sunday 21st July Wedding Festival, 2.30pm-4.30pm and Songs of Praise, 4.30pm-5pm, Rougham Church Saturday 27th July Rougham Sings concert, 4pm, Rougham Church Sunday 28th July Hymns and Pimms, 4pm, Rushbrooke Church Sunday 25th August Cheese and Wine Evening on the Rectory Lawn. Cheeses, bread, snacks and soft drinks will be provided, but please bring your own wine, and something to sit on. Quiz. Bottle Tombola. Tickets £5, 5pm-7pm, Rougham Rectory News from the Parishes: (Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals) In Loving memory: Brian Coley, Rougham

Wedding Festival: ‘Bells, Rings and Confetti’ St Mary’s Church, Rougham, IP30 9JJ Sunday 21 st July, 2024 2.30-4.30pm: Exhibition Flower arrangements Wedding Dress exhibition Wedding suppliers and information Bell-ringing Cake and Prosecco Meet the people who help to make your church wedding a truly memorable occasion! 4.30 – 5.00pm: Wedding Celebration Service with familiar wedding hymns and readings We warmly invite all those who might consider holding a wedding or wedding blessing in one of our four historic churches. We offer a breathtaking setting, a perfect place for a beautiful country wedding, and our ongoing love and support long after your special day is over. We would also love to welcome back all those who were married in one of our churches – come and celebrate with us. If you want to find out more about a Church of England wedding, just ask! 9

10 Hessett’s Summer 2024 update Report by Phil Barrett, Maggie Shaw, Tim elliot, Richard Merryfield and Andrew Pearson Hessett Parish Council continues to work for the village and this report highlights what has happened over the past year along with plans for the future. We are pleased that the village allotments have been reorganised. This has resulted in those on a waiting list being allocated allotments and the hedges have been cut back. We have been successful in a funding application towards a community compost site. This will enhance allotments and improve food waste recycling. The heath area continues to be a community open space and wildlife area where we have had the hedges cut back. The wild flowers have been especially good this spring. We are keen to develop further the area and establish an environmental group to help manage the heath and churchyard. Contact [email protected] if interested. Speeding continues to be a concern and we have had a successful funding application towards a speed camera. The community support and responses regarding the speeding survey has made this possible. The camera will be purchased once approved sites have been agreed with the District Council. We plan to request the use of a camera which has an element of enforcement. Assistance in managing the camera would be welcome so email [email protected] if you can help. We have replaced the Hessett sign at the south of the village and now have a new contractor to mow community spaces following the retirement of the last supplier. It has been one of the wettest winters on record with the main street flooded but thankfully no houses affected. We have written to residents who are responsible for keeping the village stream in front of their houses clear and been working with Beyton Parish Council on water management. We are also keen to work with volunteers to carry out a survey that will inform efforts to combat flooding in Hessett. There is good progress on a village information point in the old phone box, and we hope to refresh the play area. We are keen to improve the Parish Council website including making space for local groups to say what is on. We are a small Parish Council with just five councillors, rather than the seven we need and will soon be down to four. So there is a danger that we may have to hand responsibility to Mid Suffolk District Council if numbers drop further. The village needs to be more involved whether as councillors, volunteers for the community or just to come to our meetings. For more details visit our website And the Parish Clerk, Michelle Fisher, can be contacted via email at [email protected]

11 St Mary’s Church, Rougham Sunday 21 July and Sunday 18 August A breakfast of bacon and sausage butties, croissants, toast etc from 9.30am before a service for all ages at 10am. This will be followed by a traditional Family Holy Communion service at 11.15am to which all are welcome. You are invited to attend either or both services! Family@Church Church for all ages all together! Tea & Tchat & maybe T’cake? (if you are from Yorkshire!) Tea and Tchat (not tchai!) is continuing at Hessett and Beyton Village Hall every Thursday at 2.30pm. Join us any time between 2.30pm and 4.30pm or just come once in a while for: • Simple homemade tea, filter coffee, biscuits and that cake if you are lucky! • Companionship • A change of environment • No charge but donations appreciated! It’s summer time – what did Jesus do? Come and find out!

12 - – – – – – – – – – early memories of Church I was brought up in the tiny village of Horsenden in Bucks (population 22), writes Graham Rendle and baptised in the church in the font which was an exhibit in the Great Exhibition of 1851. Like Rushbrooke the pews faced each other. Sunday school was with three other children. We learnt the Apostles Creed, turning to the east, led by a retired missionary to India, Mr O’Connor. Later with friends from the next village I attended the Baptist church in the town, singing and processing as we dropped our pennies in the box for children in Africa. There I learnt the ‘thank you prayer’: Thank you for the world so sweet, Thank you for the food we eat, Thank you for the birds that sing, Thank you, God, for everything. Amen All rather different from today’s ‘Messy Church’! Hessett open gardens 7th June 2025 Please email [email protected] if you are interested in opening your garden next summer.


KNIT AND nATTeR! Do you fancy a sociable morning with coffee, tea and chat? Our successful Knit and Natter mornings continue in Beyton Church Vestry, from 10am to 12 midday normally on the first Monday of each month. Bring any yarn project or just come for a chat! All welcome! 14 For more information, please contact Vicky Pryke on 01359 231465. You are most welcome to join us! July 4 The Ukele Players September 5 Blood, Sweat and Fears with Mary Newton, Forensic Biologist THuRSTon eVening Wi Members and visitors are welcome to our meetings on the first Thursday of the month (usually!), 7.30pm at Cavendish Hall, Thurston. Come and borrow or swap books! Adult and children’s books are available in St Mary’s Church,Rougham We have a great selection of fiction to suit most tastes. For those who would like to stay to read,there is a comfortable seating area. Donations of books in good condition across all genres are always welcome. Knit and Natter mornings coming up include: • 1 July • 5 August • 2 September For more information, please contact Debbie on 01359 271314 Changes to Beyton Coffee Morning dates With the general election on 4 July, Beyton Vestry will be used as a Polling Station, so the July coffee morning will be held on Thursday 11 July from 10amnoon. And it has been decided that the second Thursday of the month will be the date for all future coffee mornings. So the August date will be on the 8th. As usual there will be wonderful home-cooked food to buy and the opportunity to chat to friends over coffee. Hope to see you there.

KILN DRIED FIREWOOD Locally sourced hardwood timber from sites with felling licences to ensure sustainability. All logs are Kiln dried on site, ‘Ready to Burn’ certiȴed with a moisture content of below 20%, to ensure clean and e cient burning. 01284 788794 • [email protected] • Wood Farm, Brand Road, Great Barton IP31 2NY TREE WORK & ARBORICULTURAL SERVICES Qualiȴed and insured professionals undertaking all aspects of tree work, from dismantling mature dangerous trees to pruning and planting. 15

16 Poets’ Corner go peaceful by Paul Donald Field In gentleness Through the violence of these days Give freely Show tenderness In all your ways Through darkness In troubled times Let holiness be your aim Seek wisdom Let faithfulness Burn like a flame God speed you God lead you And keep you wrapped around his heart May you be known by love Be righteous Speak truthfully In a world of greed and lies Show kindness See everyone Through heaven's eyes God hold you Enfold you And keep you wrapped around his heart May you be known by love God speed you God lead you And keep you wrapped around his heart May you be known by love May you be known by love Christian Meditation Group. The next meditation meetings will be at 2 pm on Thursday 2022 in the cabin, Guildhall Cottage. The next meditation meeting will be on Thursday July 18th at 2pm in the cabin, Guildhall Cottage There is not a meeting in August. The verse will also be sent out to those who have expressed an interest. Contact: Helen on 01359 270365 Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date; Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Suggested by Helen Elliot If you have a favourite poem, let us know at rbhparishmag

17 Caring is at the heart of everything that we do Fornham House offers high standards of residential and dementia care,wheredignity is respected,talentsandinterestsareencouraged, and where life is lived to its fullest potential. Our brand new dementia-friendly extension offers 17 ensuite rooms surrounded by scenic gardens. Call us on 01206 646646 or visit Fornham House, Fornham St Martin, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 1SR

18 Sunday 30th June Back by popular demand: Classic Femme will perform a 1940s concert in Hessett Church at 4pm. (please note change to previously advertised time) Tickets £10 will included refreshments 1940s dress optional Funds raised will support the work of the Hessett Church Preservation Society All aspects of decorating undertaken to the highest of standards • Domestic & commercial painting • Refurbishments • Hand painted kitchens Contact us for a FREE estimate & advice: M: 07785 945 363 • T: 01359 270257 • E: [email protected] FULLY INSURED • Interior & exterior painting • Dust-free sanding • Qualified decorators EST. OVER 20 YEARS

K.G.CONTRACTORS - MATHS TUITION Years 6-11 Rougham and surrounding villages Contact: Mr M Lall, The Rectory, Church Road IP30 9JJ [email protected] 07703391934 20

Great weather (hopefully!) yet so much to do... Relax, yvonne Harbutt is here with your handy garden checklist. As we settle into summer, hopefully there will be plenty of warm, sunny days to enjoy in the garden! The vegetable plot will be producing regular, fresh crops to harvest daily. Hanging baskets and planters, exhibiting colourful displays of annual flowers, brighten up outside spaces. Perennial and flowering shrubs fill the borders with fragrance and a mass of colour, attracting bees and butterflies – creating a calm oasis to relax in over the coming weeks. However, there are still plenty of regular jobs to do to keep your garden in prime condition and looking good. Feed and water vegetable plants to encourage more produce. Hanging baskets also need to be fed, watered and deadheaded to keep the blooms fresh and vibrant for the season. Keep an eye on the borders, there may be gaps to fill – replacing them as needed will allow you to select the right colours and Summer days filled with fun... and work! 21

22 flowering times, keeping the garden in full bloom through the season. Lawns need cutting regularly and if you weed the beds little and often it will avoid them getting out of control. While the garden is at its peak, take time to stand back and see if there are areas for development. Some plants may need moving to new positions, especially if they are under performing and need to be better situated. Planning this now will save you having to remember when the time is right during autumn or spring. Making a few notes or marking out with canes will focus on areas requiring attention. You may want to consider larger projects that will need more time to complete out of season. There’s always plenty of jobs to do! Planning is the key to successful gardening. Enjoy the summer! Contact Yvonne Harbutt at Rougham Hall Nurseries on 01359 270577 or visit Floodlight sponsors Our Rougham Church floodlighting is sponsored by Robert Watkinson ‘In loving memory of my dear wife Anna who passed away 22nd July 2017’ Floodlighting for Hessett is sponsored by Brenda Picking ‘In memory of Joyce Walmsley (nee Epps), Yvonne Southgate (nee Epps) and Don Picking.’ If you would like to sponsor the lights at any of our churches (in memory of a relative or friend or just to help with the costs) then please contact: RougHAM: Di Ruddock 01359 270731 [email protected] BeyTon and HeSSeTT: Debbie Marshall 01359 271314 [email protected]

23 RougHAM RAVeRS Wi We normally meet on the second Monday of each month at 7.30pm at Rougham Sports Hall, Almshouse Road, Rougham, IP30 9JN 8th July: Mindful Yoga – Isobel Bradshaw 12th August: Summer Picnic & Wine Tasting 9th September: Lucy Barrett (Style Coach) – Colour analysis, style and body shape analysis and possibly wardrobe organisation For more information, please contact Deborah Hockey on 07880 550382 Visitors and new members welcome! Coffee & Company A community-run initiative to help bring people together Coffee & Company is now firmly established at St Mary’s Church, Rougham.Why not drop in? oon Join us everyTuesday at 10am for: • Simple homemade tea, filter coffee and cake • Companionship • A change of environment • No charge but donations appreciated! Make new friends or meet up with old chums in a warm,safe and friendly place Image courtesy chevanon on Freepik

- - - 24 To help you with: Fears/phobias, anxiety/ panic attacks/nerves, low self-esteem/depression/ low confidence, stop smoking, unwanted habits, weight management and much more... Further details: Heather Fletcher Qualified Hypnotherapist (Cert.Hyp.CS) (Accred); BA (Hons) Bus. Man Tel: 07377 676385



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COUNSELLING Sue Scase MA Reg MBACP Accred Individual and Couples Counselling for a wide range of issues i e anxiety, depression, relationships, loss, abuse, bereavement, anger – & more. T:01449 737180 M: 07764661681 Email: [email protected] BACP Registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist 29 COUNSELLING Sue Scase MBPsS; MA; MBACP (Snr. Accred) Individual Counselling offered for a wide range of issues – anxiety, depression, stress, relationships, bereavement and much more. Tel: 01359 244163 07764661681 Email: [email protected] Dip. ASIIP Clinical Supervision TESSA COULTEN Privatecarer with 20 years’experience Enhanced DBS, PL insurance, own car, references available. Hourly rate plus mileage.Respite, hourly, 24 hours,weekly live in. Telephone: 07885 734437 email:[email protected] To advertise in this publication, please contact Peter Pitcher on 01359 271997

30 uPCoMing eVenTS Sewing classes and felting workshops for children running throughout August Please contact Lizzie May 07837 440261 Friday 19 July and 16 August, 5pm-7pm Mobile Pizza Van 07982 427483 Weekly on Thursdays, 2.30pm-4pm Tea & Tchat All welcome. ******************************************************************* BooKing enquiRieS PLEASE TO: Kathy Kreetzer 07714 242408 [email protected]

31 Services mv2022 Sunday 18th August 9.30am for 10am Family@Church Rougham 11.15am Holy Communion Rougham Sunday 25th August 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Beyton every Wednesday at 7.00pm Midweek Worship online using the link below Facebook: We welcome everyone to join us in worship or just enjoy the peace and serenity of our historic churches.

Services mv2022 Sunday 30th June 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Hessett Revd Sarah Lock will preside at Holy Communion Sunday 7th July 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Rougham Ordination Celebration and ‘Bring and Share’ lunch Please note: there will be no service at Rushbrooke at 9am Sunday 14th July 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Beyton Sunday 21st July 9.30am for 10am Family@Church Rougham 11.15am Holy Communion Rougham Sunday 28th July 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Beyton 4pm ‘Hymns and Pimms’ Rushbrooke Sunday 4th August 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Rougham Please note: there will be no service at Rushbrooke at 9am Sunday 11th August 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Beyton Continued on inside back cover

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