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Published by indangasi2011, 2016-07-18 08:21:48

Midnight Prayer PDF-2

Midnight Prayer PDF-2


Byegon Charles
Box 2300 - 30200

Kitale, Kenya.
Tel: 0726 073425
E-mail: [email protected]
Bible quotations have been taken from the
King James Version (KJV) unless it is indicated

First print August, 2015
©All rights reserved.

Design / Print:
Zindua Paperworks
Tel: 0723 878 199
Email: [email protected]



I thank the almighty God for this far. It’s by his grace
that am in the ministry and can speak to you through
this piece of writing. All glory and honor to him.
My spiritual parents, Apostle Julius & Rev. Martha Suubi
for their parental care, love and concern towards my
growth as their son. May the lord do you well dad and
My lovely wife and partner in the ministry, Edna Byegon
and daughter, Grace Victoria Byegon who have
supported me and have been my pivot in the ministry.
My home and childhood Pastor Alfred Koskei. You were
to me a real mentor and motivator to me.
My parents, Mr. John Bii and Mrs. Emily Bii. You really
struggled to make me a person of value to the society.
Thanks a lot.
Rev. Mike Bitok. I appreciate your valuable assistance
and encouragement.
Worshipers assembly church Kitale, the church I pastor,
you have truly supported the ministry in me and made
me grow to this far. Am proud of you.
My spiritual son, Samuel Katami Mamati who ensured
that this work is what it is. Thanks for your labour–its
never in vain.
You reading this book–you were my target.



This book is dedicated to God’s children who are thirsty
and hungry for a greater outbreak of God’s power.



We are leaving in times when darkness is increasing in
the nations of the world. Economic challenges,
earthquakes, sicknesses like Ebola, marriage break
down, political un rest, terrorism just to mention a few.
With darkness increasing God is calling upon the church
to rise up to new dimension of prayer. Darkness has
continued because of a prayer less church that lacks the
fire power to stop the darkness. ordinary prayer will not
stop this darkness. It will not only take prayer but
strategic prayer. This is what Apostle Charles is sharing
in his book midnight prayer book. Its a call for all
Christians to rise up and WATCH over the midnight hour.
This will stop darkness and bring tremendous break-
throughs in our lives. Its a call to step out of slumber
and stand on the walls of our nations, cities and families.
This book comes at the right time to bring us the much
needed understanding on why we need to WATCH at
I believe this book will help intercessors and the body of
Christ to move to a new dimension of strategic prayer.

Apostle Julius Suubi
Founder Highway of Holiness Ministries International



The Midnight Prayer ………………………….………….…. 1
The Prime Hour of the Enemy…………….…………..… 4
At Midnight - Catch the Thief………………………....... 8
Be Vigilant……………..………………………………..……….. 10
Persist for Results……………..……………………….…….. 15
A Time for Warfare……………………………….…..……… 20
Rise to Thank God…………………………….……...………. 23



As a Christian it is imperative that you live a life of vigil.
There are levels you can never attain in the spirit
without mastering the act of praying in the midnight,
there are levels of revelations you can’t get without
prolonged midnight prayers, there are also satanic
entities, thrones and chains you can never dismantle
unless it’s through prolonged midnight prayers
The aim of the write out is to awaken the church /
Christians to this great spiritual weapon made available
to us by God. I believe (and by experience too) that any
Christian that masters the art of praying in the midnight
will ultimately control what happens in the day.


Isaiah 45:19

I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper
obscurities in some dark corner.
I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I
could not be found.
I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what
is right. (NLT)



This is the art of a person being lost in God, adoring and
worshiping him. (It’s a communion between man and
God) Prayer allows the flow of divine life that transforms
us into Christ likeness.
It’s the spiritual channel for connecting with helps from
above Hebrews 4:16, we go boldly to God in prayers to
obtain help from him and to be prayer less is to be
Prayer is the foundation of every successful Christian
endeavor. Time spend with God is vital if you desire a
fruitful Christian life.

Why pray in the midnight

Midnight hours (between 11pm-3am) is known to be the
most spiritual active period of the day. You will notice
that dreams, revelations attacks, visitations from the
spirit world (angels and demons) often come at this time
especially when you are sleeping. The reason is
simple–Human beings are overwhelmed when asleep.
Naturally the body is weak at this time and thus
vulnerable to any spiritual manipulation.

You can pray seven (7) days or three (3) days from
12midnight to 3a.m.
Or from 10p.m. to 5a.m. for three (3) days or seven (7)



Sow into the night and reap in the day

Midnight is an hour of the middle of the night
twelve o’clock (12:00midnight), it’s a term that can also
be used to refer to a period from twelve o’clock of the
night to three (12:00midnight—3:59am).
Spiritually this is a very active hour/time the enemy uses
to attack relationships, health, business, ministries and
corrupt destinies.

If so then why should we (intercessors) sleep?
Persistence should not only be during the day, It’s worth
noting that the devil and his agents work all times and
mostly during the midnight hour, the secret being that
at his time most of us are asleep and thus helpless, our
bodies are weak and our minds are dull and off, the
Mouth can’t utter a word and the best we can do is

Some of us have ended up owning unworthy
destines, ministries, businesses, bodies (health wise) and
even partners (in relationships) because at this hour
somebody did exchange what was worth you with what
was unworthy, an example being in 1 Kings 3:20 where
“...she arose at midnight. And took my son from beside
me, while your handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom,
and laid her dead child in my bosom.”

No wonder A.W Tozer (1897-1963) asserted that;
“the church that is not jealously protected by night
intercession and sacrificial labours will before long


become an abode of every evil bird and hiding place for
unsuspected corruption. (the church isn't the building
but your body) the creeping wilderness will soon take
over that church that trusts in its own strength and
forgets to watch and pray” what this American pastor
and author insists is mighty intercession and sacrificial
labor. I call these prayers, if we have to wage the war,
it’s when the enemy has risen and as seen above, it’s at

Midnight prayers are very effective, for they
encounter no obstacles, and have no jam at all, Hannah
tried them; “so Hannah rose up after they had eaten in
Shiloh, and after they had drunk… and she was in
bitterness of soul and prayed unto the Lord, and wept
bitterly.” (1 Samuel 1: 9-10) and the result was; “and
they rose up in the morning early and worshiped before
the Lord and returned, and came to their house to
Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord
remembered her.” (1:9)

This was after years of irritation and provocation
from her co-wife Peninah; “And her adversary provoked
her severely to make her fret, because the Lord had shut
up her womb.” (1:6).

We ought to understand that it’s not that she never
used to pray, she always did but the moment she took
on this ‘Mighty intercession and sacrificial labor,’ the
Lord gave her the desire of her heart. What is your
desire? Discern the times like the sons of Issachar; “and
of the children of Issachar, who were men that had
understanding of times, to know what Israel ought to


do…”1 Chronicles 12:32:
Midnight is a time for God’s Manifestation, Job had

a revelation that God gives songs in the night: “… who
gives songs in the night:’’ Job 35:10, King David proved
this fact in Psalm 42:8: where he says “…Yet the LORD
will command His loving kindness in the daytime, and in
the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto
the God of my life’’ And at this time he (David)
remembered God’s Songs “…I call to remembrance my
song in the night: I commune with my own heart: and
my spirit made diligent search” Psalm 77:6
This is the reason Paul and Silas made it! We need such
a revelation now for God’s works to be manifested in
and out of us. We have to pray and absolutely at a time
that is conducive.

Prayer is the only solution, this could be the cause of
Charles Spugeon’s words “whether we like it or not,
asking (praying)… is the rule of the Kingdom. If you may
have everything by asking in His name, and nothing
without asking, I beg you to see how absolutely vital
prayer is.” Just as we look for that conducive time and
environment as opportunities to give our earthly friends
or father’s requests so should it be to our Heavenly
Father through Jesus Christ.



A good day begins with a good night,
just as a poor day begins with a poor night

A night is described as period of darkness, between
sunset and sunrise; figuratively it’s a time of sorrows or
sin. That means in its middle then the activities are at
their apex. This is a time when evils of all sought are
committed. John 3:19-20, “… and this is the condemnation,
that light is come into the world, and Men loved
darkness (night) rather than light, because their deeds
were evil, For everyone that does evil hates light, neither
comes to light, lest his deeds should be exposed” Count
those evils, from theft cases, prostitution, witchcraft,
idolatry and devil worship all are done at night.

As a Christian/ intercessor you ought to learn this,
“…For they sleep not, until they have caused someone to
fall” Proverbs 4:16(NIV): Who are they? This are forces
and agents of darkness and being their time, they are
very active for the reason that we (Christians/ Intercessors)
inclusive of others have lied down and slept “for they
that sleep, sleep in the night…’’ 1 Thessalonians 5:7.

This gives them freedom to do as they wish. With
this a warning comes “love not sleep…!” Proverbs 20:13
a statement Apostle Paul emphasizes to the church in
Thessalonica: “therefore let us not sleep, as do others:
but let us watch and be sober.” 1 Thessalonians 5:6
because when you lie: “… I lie even among them that are
set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears
and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword” Psalms 57:4.


With a Mission to accomplish and knowing that you
are spiritually sober, they will pretend to be asleep too,
to await for the time you are unarmed (asleep) or even
though having arms with you, you can’t use them like
Abner who ended up dying like the lawless 2 Samuel
3:33-34; “And the king lamented over Abner, and said,
Died Abner as a fool dies? Your hands were not bound,
nor did your feet put into fetters: as a man falls before
wicked men, so fell you. And all people wept again over

The worst part of it is that “…and their sleep is taken
away, unless they cause someone to fall.” Proverbs 4:16.
Learn this, they can’t fail he who is fallen already but he
who is standing, they don’t rob off a dead life but a
living one, they don’t fight a collapsed Ministry but that
which is destructive to them. That is you and I. The evil
one is looking for that opportunity, chance and time to
pull us down and kill us like Abner was.

If Satan (the Prince of Persia) could stop the
heavenly beings (angels) for as long as 21 days, “But the
prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and
twenty days…” Daniel 10:13 what can he do to we
Mortal beings,: flesh and blood? It’s proved that prayer
is the most powerful weapon against the devil, William
Cowper (1731-1800) argues that, “Satan trembles when
he sees the weakest Christian on his knees.” This English
poet and humanist know that all advancements may
come in the technological world but no weapon shall
ever be stronger like prayer.

What you and I need to know is that, it’s not that


the devil is powerful than we are; we are more
powerful, he is only cunning,“…the serpent beguiled
(deceived) me (Eve), and I did eat’’, Genesis 3:13 he was
crafty than any of the wild animals“…now the serpent
was more subtle than any beast of the field which the
LORD had made…” and until today, he is. That serpent is
the devil as denoted in Revelation 12:9; “…and the great
dragon was cast out (like he was in heaven) that old

As I had earlier said, he knows when to attack like
he did to Eve: when she was alone. Timing is his key
element when devising a mission! Like Eve was helpless
(Without Adam) She found herself trapped, and so that’s
the same plan he is devising and using against you,
when you have slept, he brings terror “…you shall not be
afraid of the terror by night” Psalm 91:5. He knows that,
that is the time you too like Eve is helpless, the body is
weak. He attacked our Lord Jesus Christ at a time when
He was weak and hungry; after 40 days of prayer and
fasting and Satan enticed him to turn stones into bread,
the power he knew Jesus had!

When you have slept, (deep asleep) “…they that
sleep, sleep at night…’’ 1 Thessalonians 5:7, at Midnight
the devil starts shooting his arrows at you, he attacks
you, steals from you, destroys and kills because that is
what he came to do when he was thrown down on
earth! How many times have you slept in your good
health and then woken up sick, tired, exhausted having
dreamt scaring things and your day/s become spoilt and
moody? Remember the coming of our Lord is likened to


that of the thief (Satan) in the night “…For you
yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so
comes as a thief in the night” 1Thessolonians 5:2.

We ought not to sleep to allow our destinies,
marriages, children, positions at work places, Ministries,
health among other possessions which are rightfully
ours to be taken away! Let’s confront and stop him.



What you do with your night determines
what becomes of your day

In the previous topic we’ve seen when the thief
comes:- at night 1 Thessalonians 5:2 he is an enemy
who is ill intended, he is black hearted and will never
stand to see us grow, benefit, expand our territories and
even harvest. You could be planting your ‘good seeds’
“…The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who
sowed good seed in his field.” Mathew 13:24:
“25. but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed
tares among the wheat, and went his way”. As warned
in Proverbs 20:13: “love not sleep…”

It’s surely not time to sleep and allow the weeds to
be sowed! Why should we wait until harvest? We shall
have nothing to count our own in the relationships, job
places, Ministries and our lives. We have to keep watch
so that diseases cannot be planted through dreams. The
best time to catch the thief is the time he is in the act of
stealing. Remember what the devil came to do - to steal
John 10:10; “The thief comes not, but to steal…” If we
don’t posses anything, then when they are stolen we
won’t feel anything, however if we have possessions it’s
time to be on the watch.

The best time to catch the thief is at night. Let’s
sleep not but pray. If Paul and Silas hadn’t done it, He
couldn’t have let them loose, same to Peter. If the
church hadn’t prayed, Acts 12:5-17; “5. Peter therefore


was kept in prison; but prayer was made without ceasing
of the church unto God for him” he wouldn’t have left
the prison in which they had been put under a guard of
the two soldiers, bound with two chains and sentries
taking guard at the entrance“6. And when Herod would
have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping
between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the
guards before the door kept the prison”. How could it be
possible? Only by prayers, yet watch the time!

We can learn something from the mighty men of
God: Daniel, Paul, Silas and even Jesus himself, they
knew that to win during the day, you must win at night,
the reason they spent their nights in prayer. If Jesus the
only son of God, he who witnessed creation, the beloved
of God could spend nights praying how much more do
we need to pray? “And it came to pass in those days,
that he went out into the mountain to pray, and continued
all night in prayer to God”. Luke 6:12. We just have to be
wise like Solomon who was able to determine the owner
of the life child.

We need wisdom to discern the works of the devil
and destroy them as Jesus did. “…for the devil sins from
the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that he might destroy the works of the
devil” 1 John 3:8. And just as Christ was manifested, our
time too for manifestation has come. Romans 8:19, “For
the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the
sons of God.” How then shall we be manifested if we
can’t spend time in prayer and win the battle ahead?



Stay awake at night and gain
command of the daytime

The previous topic talked of how the devil knows
when to attack, having known this we ought to know
what to do at this time and it’s not any other thing but
to prepare for warfare, If not we shall go the Abner way
‘Dying as a fool dies.’ (2 Samuel 3:32). It wasn’t Abner
alone many have gone because they were caught

In Mathew 25:1-13 Jesus narrates of the ten virgins
among whom five were wise and the other five unwise!
“4. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps”
contrary to this, those who were fools took only lamps
without any spare oil with them “3. They that were foolish
took their lamps, and took no oil with them.”

The wise prepared themselves not because they
knew when the bridegroom will come but anticipated
and never wanted to take chances. We need to be wise
as James tells us in his letter that, “if any of you lacks
wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives it to all men liberally,
and reproaches not; and it shall be given to him” James 1:5

We can liken the lamp to our faith and Prayers to
oil. Without prayers our faith won’t go far, without
prayers our faith is weak, without prayers our faith is
dead! We ought to get out of dependence (sunlight-it
shines all day then at night we are in darkness without
oil for our lamps.) Some of us depend on other people’s


prayers especially our pastors – yet this will not fill your
lamp with oil. Every one of us should learn to fight
through prayer.

At a time when the sun (your leaders Prayers) are
not there have your own light to shine – your faith can
only shine when you have oil (Prayers). A prayerful
Christian will always be seen, known and is easily
identified and so is the un prayerful one, that is why
Jesus said; “You are the light of the world. A city that is
set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a lamp
and put it under a bushel, but on a lamp stand; and it
gives light unto all that are in the house” Mathew 5:14-15.

A lamp lights not during the day but at night when
there is darkness, and having enough oil means not just
praying after supper for five or thirty minutes but for
long after and its rather better to sleep before midnight
and wake up to pray at this hour – an hour Paul and
Silas prayed and praised God and the angel came to
their rescue. With no lamp you will not be noticed in the
dark night yet your rescuer will be on the rescue mission

“And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the
bridegroom comes; go out to meet him.” Mathew 25:6
Why should we be among the numbers (being counted
with others in the Christian Community) and then miss
out on our blessings, possessions and even destiny?

Remember we are distinct from any other religious
groups we are Christians – Christ like, meaning we do
what our Lord Jesus did, count the number of times he
was awake throughout the night praying and compare


to yours are they comparable?!
We are saved by grace, we didn’t deserve, and then

why shouldn’t we value the grace? He is the son of God;
we sin, he never sinned we fall, he never fell. How much
more then do we need to be awake? How much more
then should we be prayerful?

At this hour – an hour we’ve proved people are
asleep, the farmer, the businessmen, Eutychus too was,
“And there sat in a window a certain young man named
Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep…” Acts 20:9 and
the virgins were “While the bridegroom tarried, they all
slumbered and slept” Mathew 25:5 the bridegroom
came. The five wise ones were vigilant, prepared and
ready and thus went with him, the foolish ones went to
look for oil and thus were left 25:10; “ And while they
went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were
ready went with him to the marriage; and the door was
shut.” On their coming they were denied entry into the
banquet and worse of was that, the bridegroom
denounced them “…verily I say unto you, I know you
not.” 25:12 How painful?

In Luke 2:8; “And there were in the same country
shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their
flock by night.” we are told of the shepherds, who were
keeping watch over their flocks at night. These men
were in the fields: a place where a lot of wild animals
lived, lions and bears inclusive as David testifies in 1
Samuel 17:34; “…your servant kept his father’s sheep,
and there came a lion and a bear...” The vigilance of
David made him rescue his father’s sheep: “35. And I


went out after him, and delivered out of his mouth: and
when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard,
and struck him, and slew him.”Many are the attacks on
the church, our families and those close to us; that is
the flock our father has given us to watch over.

We have the power but at times we’ve become
reluctant to exercise it. Remember we shall be
accountable for everything including the hidden ones,
“For God shall bring every work into judgment including
every secret thing…” Ecclesiastes 12:14. Victory over
small demons, problems, challenges, will give us
courage, testimony and eventually victory over bigger
ones. If you are in the ministry, you have no excuse,
there is a flock attached to you by the father and thus
this calls for your vigilance over them.

Learn this; watchmen don’t guard themselves but
other people and their properties, that is our commission,
“… I have made you a watchman unto the house of Israel…”
Ezekiel 3:17 you don’t know when the angel will visit
with the breaking good news. We are asked not to give
ourselves and God rest Isaiah 62:6-7; “I have set
watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who shall
never hold their peace day or night: you that make
mention of the LORD, keep not silence. And give him no
rest till he establishes, and till he makes Jerusalem a
praise in the earth” to counter Proverbs 4:16 unless we
fail to and get abused as is written in Isaiah 56:10-11; “
His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are
all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down,
loving to slumber…”


There is a mystery in this hour, when you are awake
and wise, your son will not be taken from your side, an
evil farmer will not plant weeds in your garden and also
when the bridegroom comes, you will not miss the
opportunity but grab it. We are losing what is ours
because we are sleeping at an hour the evil one visits
and also the bridegroom comes. Be vigilant!



Sleepy eyes will bare slippery hands

Persistence is the act of continuing to do something,
without giving up. One who persist keeps doing
something over and over again, he perseveres and keeps
trying. Persistence gives the desired results. The athlete
trains for long; Persistence is the virtue all of us need to
learn. It outdoes resistance. To enter that effective door
that is open before you, you have to deal with the many
opposers “…a great and effective door is opened unto
me, and there are many adversaries.” I Corinthians 16:9

In Luke 11:5-10 Jesus teaches on persistence: on
how a needy man went to a friend to borrow food at
midnight “5…which of you shall have a friend, and shall
go unto him at midnight…” because of the man`s
8…though he will not rise and give to him, because he is
his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and
give him as many as he needs” the friend got up and
gave him much as he needed, he just didn`t get bread
but as much as he wanted. To get as more than you
want, persist!

Brethren it`s time to seek, knock, confront those
doors you need in your life and they will open. Make
midnight a routine time for prayer and pray not for a
day or just one night, pray for those issues over and over
until they are released. If you want results, you have to
persist in prayer to get them;


Assuming the prostitute (mother of the live child)
didn`t persist crying all along even when the sword had
been raised to have the kid split into two she could have
lost her kid, her cry to the last minute saved her and her

If Job hadn’t persisted- it`s so funny that God speaks
nothing in thirty six chapters (Job chapters 2-37). After,
God speaks to Job and the result is great. Job 42:10; 12
“10. And the LORD restored the fortunes of Job…”
“12. So the LORD blessed the letter end of Job than his
He persisted on his stand of not giving the enemy any
credit whatsoever but banked and counted it on God
and him alone.

Daniel`s answer was sent on the first day of his
three weeks of fasting, “I ate no pleasant food, neither
came meat nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint
myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled” Daniel
10:3 yet it came after the fast ,he persisted in prayer
and the angel messenger persisted in the fight until
angel Michael came to the aid,“… fear not Daniel: for
from the first that you did set your heart to understand ,
and to humble yourself before your God, your words
were heard , and I have come because of your words but
the prince of the kingdom Persia withstood me one and
twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes,
came to help me; for I had remained there with the king
of Persia” Daniel 10:12-13.
We have to show our need and seriousness in whatever
we do; the midnight prayer is not an exception.


Persistence releases in you an apostolic anointing.
Hannah in I Samuel 1:12“… continued praying

before the LORD…” meaning she persisted. This
persistence earned her a miracle. She didn`t pray only
that night: she was the first wife of Elkanah and due to
her barrenness; Elkanah had to marry a second wife who
bore him children making her irritate and mock Hannah
(1:6; “…her adversary also provoked her severely…”). Its
logical enough, before she got married she wished
(prayed) to have children, on their wedding day people
prayed for them to be blessed with children including
the high priest, before Peninah came she prayed.

Peninah’s coming and bearing children for Elkanah
catapulted Hannah’s prayers too. Hannah trusted in the
Lord and prayed until this night that she received her
miracle- a son who becomes a prophet, a priest, a leader
and a generational changer in/of Israel. None of
Peninah`s sons is mentioned in the Bible for anything!
Peninah had kids, in fact sons and daughters (1:4“…he
gave to Peninah his wife and to all her sons and her
daughters…”) yet none of them shook even a village,
Samuel shook the world. What you pray for at night is
extra ordinary, incomparable, distinct and better than
any other. Midnight prayer is not just a prayer, it`s
powerful than you never thought; you only need to

Jesus spent the night praying “…it came to pass in
those, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and
continued all night in prayer to God” Luke 6:12 He didn`t
pray for an hour it was the whole night. He did it to get


best results. It wasn`t an easy job choosing twelve
disciples from the hundreds who used to follow him,
how could he spot them. On his baptism he received the
Holy Spirit, wasn`t that enough? He is the only son of
God John 3:16; “…that he gave his only begotten son…”
why could he spend the night praying? Why could he
spend the night in the cold? He wanted to get the best
among the imperfect many.

He needed those worth for the ministry and
mission, it wasn`t an easy issue. It was only God`s
intervention that he needed. How many of us persist in
prayer? How long do we take while praying? Do we
spend such time praying while we are spoilt for choice
on who is the wife/husband to marry, church leaders to
choose and the people to work within the ministry.?

The Holy Spirit has to guide us Acts 1:24; “ And they
prayed, and said, You, Lord, who know the hearts of
men, show which of these two you have chosen.” The
disciples met for constant prayers Acts 1:14; “These all
continued with one accord in prayer…”

There is a mystery too with this hour. Ideally it’s a
time we have no much work to do and friends, spouses,
relatives and children who can indulge us in any
activity are asleep. During the day, before and after
midnight, we have a lot of businesses to transact, at this
hour there is nothing to distract your prayers like noise,
phone calls, disturbances and to God there is no
congestion because only a few are awake at this time
and praying.

This is the best time to hear from God and have


intimacy with Him. This is the reason as to why Jesus
went to the mountains to pray - to have intimacy with
His father and hear from Him after serving people the
whole day. As Christians, this is an example we have to
emulate. We should be doing it every now and then.

There are levels we can’t attain in the spirit without
being persistent in prayer. These levels come with
prolonged midnight prayers. The level of anointing and
revelations is determined by the persistence of our
prayers. The deeper we want to sink in them the much
and persistent our midnight prayers should be.

Just like Paul, Silas, Peter and Hannah got their
breakthrough at this hour, Ruth too got a spouse at
midnight Ruth 3:8; “And it came to pass at midnight,
that the man startled, and turned himself: and, behold, a
woman lay at his feet” The secret is in this hour; unlock
your potential, go for your miracle, breakthrough and
higher levels at midnight.



Invest in your night and you will earn
the dividend of a good day

After realizing that the devil operates much when
we (Christians/intercessors) are dormant mostly at
midnight we don’t only need to be vigilant, but to
attack, to fight back and block his ways, plans and
devices. This is a time of warfare. We have to confront
this devil. Jesus did it in (Math 4:1-11) He denounced
every word spoken to Him by the devil, we too ought to;
as he announces curses, we announce blessings, as he
announces failure we proclaim success, as he announces
death, we proclaim life for we have the power Job 22:28
“….decree a thing, and it shall be established.”

We have to decree remembering that our struggle is
not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12; “For we wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in heavenly places.” we are an army of the
Lord and thus established to fight.

How hard is it to fight an enemy you know nothing
about? It’s better if you knew he whom you are fighting.
Know the enemy, his tactics and strongholds.

In a war there are confrontations and thus let`s not
fear confronting the devil in the face and fighting him.


This is a battle hour and thus if you sleep then the devil
has won over you. Samson was wise “And Samson lay till
midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of
the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away
with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders
and carried them up to the top of a hill that is before
Hebron.” Judges 16:3;

Samson woke up at midnight and caused harm to
the city before harm could be caused on him: “…laid
wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and were
quiet all the night, saying, in the morning…we shall kill
him.” 16:2. you too are tasked to “…root out…”
Jeremiah 1:10, all the gates of sorcery, adultery,
witchcraft, that the devil uses to attack you. Take them
to the top of the hill- a hill/mountain in the Bible mostly
refers to the presence of God. A lot of things happen at
the gates, evil is devised there, and we as watchmen
ought to do as God wishes.
Ezekiel 3:17; “… I have made you watchman unto the
house of Israel…give them warning from me.”
33:7; “… I have set you a watchman unto the house of
Israel,…warn them from me.”

There has been a misconception about uprooting,
most a times we chase, send away demons and fail to do
the replacement. We are “set over the nations and over
the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to de-
stroy, and to throw down,” after this your business is not
over until you “….build and plant.” Jeremiah 1:10.

Many a time we have send away demons and left
the place open. We forget that there is a principle of
replacement. When the spirit of the Lord left Saul for


David the evil one entered Saul because the place had
been left empty. “… and the spirit of the LORD came
upon David from that day forward… But the spirit of the
LORD departed from Saul and the evil spirit from the
LORD troubled him” I Samuel 16:13-14

Whenever we uproot the works of the devil we have
to plant God`s work, whenever we uproot the spirit of
the devil we have to plant the spirit of the Lord because
when you send away demonic spirits and don`t plant the
Lord`s, the person becomes worse than before for that
spirit hovers and when it finds the place unoccupied it
comes with seven more demons greater than itself.

Gideon tore down his father’s altar of Baal and cut
down the Asherah pole beside it then after built a
proper kind of alter to the Lord.“And it came to pass the
same night that the LORD said unto him. Take your
fathers young bullock, even the second bullock of seven
years old, and throw down the alter of Baal that your
father has, and cut down the idol pole that is by it. And
build an alter unto the LORD your God upon the top of
this rock…that he did it by night. Judges 6:25-27.

Brethren, warfare was done at midnight and it
hasn't ended, you have a part to play, to uproot every
disease, witchcraft, curse, poverty and plant health,
holiness, blessings, prosperity in your life and other
people’s lives. This is the time for warfare and knowing
what / whom we are fighting. “Be strong, put on the full
armor of God that you may be able to stand against the
wiles of the devil” Ephesians 6:11; “take unto you the
whole armor of God…” 6:13. Always wake up to pray
from 11pm-3am for three to seven days constantly and
see miracles, breakthroughs, blessings and opening up
of gates.



When you praise God the battle in your
hand is transferred to the hands of God

It`s also worth worshipping God. We should not only
always pour out our problems, concerns fears to the
Lord without appreciating what he has done to us. In the
prayer Jesus taught his disciples and consequently us he
taught them to start with praise. Mathew 6:9 - “our
father who is in heaven, hallowed (glorified/magnified/
worshiped) be your name.” lets learn to praise God too
besides praying like Paul and Silas did, “And at midnight
Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God...” Acts

These men understood the effect of prayer - “Ask
and it will be given to you…” Mathew 7:7 they knew that
their father in heaven was going to answer their prayers
because everyone who asks receives (7:8- “For everyone
that asks receives…”). Possibly they were asking God for
justice to be done, they had suffered being stripped
naked and flogged severely then thrown into prison,
“And when they had laid many stripe upon them, they
cast them into prison…”Acts 16:23.

They had the zeal of preaching the word; they were
asking God to release them so that they could go out
and win more souls for Him, set captives free and teach
the truth. Remember this was the time persecution was
at the apex, Peter had just escaped the prison miraculously
(Acts 12:1-19) Stephen had just been stoned (Acts 7:54-60;


“59… they stoned Stephen...”) and the church had been
persecuted and had scattered (Acts 8:1-3; 5:17-42).

Though they were assured of a reward for the
persecution and a reply for the prayers they had made
they too praised God. They were not mad at doing this;
unlike most of us who keep on complaining to God when
problems befall us and especially when the suffering
comes on our line of ministry and service to others.

These men knew that Job “In all this Job sinned not,
nor charged God with wrong.” Job 1:22 and also “Woe
unto him that strives (quarrels) with His maker …” Isaiah
45:9. For not complaining Job received double blessings
(Job 42:10-16). They learned there was a hidden
mystery (blessing) in praising and a curse in complaining.
Praising God made the Israelites win war without
fighting “And when they began to sing and to praise, the
LORD set ambushes against the children of Ammon,
Moab, and mount Seir, who were come against Judah;
and they were defeated.” II Chronicles. 20:22, 19-24

It also pulled down the wall of Jericho. Praise is a
powerful tool. When we praise He commands angels to
fight our enemies on our behalf (Psalm 35:5-6;
Revelation 12:7) and deliver us from the hands of the
enemy and takes us away from the reach of the enemy -
Satan (Revelation 12:13-16). At this time when the
dragon was pursuing the woman praises were being
sung to the Lord.

Paul and Silas added ingredients to their prayers. As
they prayed they praised and this brought their break-
through. This is what Jesus called being wise as a


David was a man after the heart of God because he

knew the secret in praise. Look at all the psalms he
composed and sung majorly are praises- he knew where
to touch; the heart of God. It was through praising Him.

It’s worth noting that all glory and honor belongs to
God and he shares it with no one else, “You shall not
have other gods before me…you shall not bow down
yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your
God am a jealous God…”Exodus 20:3-5. David used to
arise purposely to thank God at midnight; “At midnight, I
will rise to give thanks unto you…” Psalm 119:62. He
knew the power at midnight isn’t like any other hour of
the day.

David, Paul and Silas arose meaning they used to
sleep earlier then woke up at midnight to praise. Make it
your culture too to sleep earlier then wake up at
midnight to praise God. You can join it with prayer like
these three men used to do “And at midnight Paul and
Silas…and sang praises unto God…” Acts 16:25, “…and in
the night song shall be with me…” Psalm 42:8 or like
David did at times like in Psalm 119:62. He also used to
meditate through the night on what the Lord had done
to him. “When i remember you upon my bed, and meditate
on you in the night watches” Psalm 63:6
“My eyes awake before the night watches that I might
meditate on your word.” Psalm119: 148)

David treasured not to sleep but to do God’s work in
his life and duty as King. He didn’t have that pride of the
kingship but the humbleness of a servant and a


watchman appointed by God to watch over his children
(Ezekiel 33:7) he wanted to have an answer to questions
like this “...watchman, what is left of the night?” Isaiah
21:11 (NIV)

Friend we need to have such a revelation like David,
Job, Paul and Silas did: the power in praising God.
Midnight is proved to be the best time to pray and
praise. Among all the prisoners it’s only Paul and Silas
who had such a revelation and as they prayed and
praised the other prisoners looked at them with dismay
maybe thinking this two gents were entertaining them!
Or maybe thought they were provoking the guards given
the fact that they were the highly guarded prisoners
than any other.

This revelation set them free and made them leave
the other prisoners in there. To come out of that
spiritual prison, your release will not come for free, the
Kingdom of God is experiencing violence and the
violent shall take it by force. You have to celebrate,
thank and praise God in prayer at this hour. As Christians
we need to engage in prayer battles at midnight - this
will make our prayers effective (James 5:16d). The
effectiveness of our prayers will cause the Lord to pass
through the land like he did in Exodus. 12: 12- He did it
after he was praised, let’s cause him to pass through
praising Him. Praise is an area neglected by many Christians
no wonder there is little impact Christians leave to the
society. Let’s arise.



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