Fall 2018
Ja Lynn Burma - Worshipping God Through Math
Ja Lynn (Lettellier, ‘89) was a sec- BS - Math Education
ond-generation SBA student when she South Dakota State University
arrived in 1985. Then, after college and
missions work in Russia, Burma joined the Joined SBA faculty in 1997
staff of SBA as a dorm counselor and
Algebra teacher in 1997. “I always thought Teaches 5-8 Math, 7-8 Science
it would be fun to come back here,” Bur- and 7-8 Bible
ma said. “Especially when I was in Russia, I
realized all the valuable lessons I learned Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach
at SBA, like learning to live with people,
living without hot water or electricity at showing students the incredible
times, Bible knowledge, and training to live connections between God and the
a godly life. I wanted to be a part of train- things we see everyday. Math is
ing young people to love and serve Jesus. so stamped with God that I truly
I also needed to be in a place where they feel I am worshipping Him as I am
spoke English. (My Russian was bad!) At the showing how Math, Algebra or
time there was also a pretty special boys’ Geometry work. Numbers show
dorm counselor.” That boys’ dorm counselor that He is an infinite God. The uni-
was Jason Burma, whom Ja Lynn married in verse shows the power and enor-
1998. mity of God and the cell shows the
detail and design of God.”
“I love seeing kids grow in their knowl-
edge and relationship with God. I love
2 | The Crusader
From Our Superintendent 4
New Faces 5
Costa Rica 9
School Board Puerto Rico 10
Tom Young, Chairman Rodeo Team 12
Onida, SD Spirit Week 14
Paul Beckwith, Vice Chairman Homecoming 2018 16
Pierre, SD Boys’ Dorm Update 18
David VanHeuvelen, Secretary Alumni Music Opportunity 19
Emmetsburg, IA Crusader Athletics 20
Daniel Paul, Treasurer SBA Foundation 22
Carson, ND Endowment Startup Procedures 23
Gaven Banik Development Corner 24
Hartford, SD
Andy Michaelis
Wessington, SD
Ken Shay
Pierre, SD
Brad Ufen
Miller, SD
Giving 25
God’s Truth for Today’s Youth. SBA Family News 26
According to its Articles of Incorporation, Sunshine Calendar 27
Bible Academy exists to provide “for the general
education of youth in the essentials of culture and in Front cover: Bethany Konechne (‘20) and
the arts and sciences, giving emphasis to the Chris- Shelby Thompson (‘22) on Role Model Day
tian doctrines and the ethics revealed in the Holy
Scriptures; combating all atheistic, agnostic, pagan, Back cover: Upper elementary students
and so-called scientific adulterations of the Gospel; Madelyn Koth, Jimmy Burma, Tate Michaelis,
unqualifiedly affirming and teaching the Inspiration Owan Watson and Joseph McClure (L to R)
of the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments); the admire God’s handiwork on September 25.
birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; His identi- Lisa Deal, their teacher, said, “We had just
fication as the Son of God; His vicarious atonement discussed how God is a reliable God in Bible
for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood class the day before. We also made a rainbow
on the cross; the resurrection of His body from the of tissue paper reminding us we can trust Him
tomb; His power to save man from sin; the new birth and not be fearful. This fit perfectly!”
through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit; and
the gift of eternal life by the grace of God through The Crusader | 3
faith in Jesus Christ.”
From Our
The start of a new school year
is always an exciting time, but God
it always brings with it a lot of is faith-
ful and
change, too. There are new faces unchang-
among students and staff alike. ing. He is the same yesterday,
High school students in particular today and forever. And among His
have all new classes. There are new unchanging attributes is His loving-
relationshops to build, new oppor- kindness. As a result of that un-
tunites to embrace and new truths changingness (which may be a new
to learn. As you will see on the next word), God gives us new mercies
four pages we have more “new and compassions every day.
faces” among our faculty and staff That is a wonderful promise.
than usual this year, and we are God knows what we will face each
grateful to the Lord for bringing day, and He gives us what we need
each of these individuals to SBA (or, each day, for that day. Aren’t you
for more than half fo them, back to glad that we do not have to de-
SBA). pend on our own insight and ability
Some change is more pleas- to know how to apportion out God’s
ant than other change, and some mercies for each day, wondering if
people handle change better than we can get by with less tomorrow
others. Often “change” and “new” because of a particular challenge
are synonymous, because something we face today? God gives us, each
that is new is usually something that day, just what we need, for each
is different from that which is old, day. And His mercies will never run
meaning change necessarily results. out; His compassion is part of His
But there is one incidence, at least, character, and His charcater never
in which that which is new is that changes.
which is also unchanging. Any idea Indeed, His faithfulness is great!
what that might be?
I am thinking of Lamentations In Him,
3:22-23, which reads, “The Lord’s
lovingkindnesses indeed never
cease, For His compassions never
fail. They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness” (NASB).
4 | The Crusader
New Faces
Afriend once told me that our lives are not
like roller coasters, a series of ups and
downs; but of circles, paths that circle around
and around as we learn and experience many
life lessons over and over again. For me, this
is true of my relationship with Sunshine Bible
Academy. I grew up in Pierre, SD and because
many family members have attended and
worked at Sunshine, my family would go to
many events. I remember watching a basketball
game when I was 10 years old and turning around and telling my mom I
really wanted to come to Sunshine.
While living and attending school at Sunshine, I had some amazing
women pour their lives and wisdom into me that ignited the strange idea
that it would be fun to come back and follow their example and be a
Dorm Counselor. After graduating from SBA in 2009, and taking a year
off to work, I studied at Grace University and majored in Secondary Ed-
ucation with a history endorsement. In 2014, I began teaching at a small
Christian School in Southeast Wisconsin. (Interestingly, this job came about
through connections of SBA’s past.) So in many ways, it is not very surpris-
ing that my life has circled around to be a part of the SBA community
again, as God has used SBA throughout my whole life to provide for me
spiritually and physically. I am excited to be back and serving Him and
sharing what I was so blessed to learn here with others.
My name is Lauren Haun and Brad and
Jolene Haun are my parents. I graduated
from SBA in 2016 and my sister Abby is a soph-
omore this year. I am excited to join the staff,
because my two years as a student here had
a huge impact on my life. As a student, I was
so encouraged by the staff and thrilled to be
welcomed into the Sunshine family. My time here
reawakened my passion and my faith came
alive in a whole new way. After graduating, I
realized that God had burdened my heart for children’s and youth minis-
try. Last year, I completed the one-year Bible program at Frontier School
of the Bible in LaGrange, Wyoming and felt God calling me back to
The Crusader | 5
serve at Sunshine. I have been so blessed by the students here! Seeing the
students’ passion for Christ and their eagerness to grow in their faith is an
incredible privilege. I am thrilled to be a part of their every-day lives as
a cook and as I get to help coach Oral Interp.
My favorite verse is Proverbs 16:9, “The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.” I am continuously awed by God’s sov-
ereignty and grace.
Who’s that new lady cookin’ in the kitchen?
I’m Stacie Koth, the wife of Chad (‘96)
and mother of Madie (4th grade) & Brenden
(2nd grade). I am passionate about making
delicious food and excited to serve the stu-
dents and staff this year. I am very blessed to
be able to work at SBA since I spent my entire
K-12 schooling here. Most of the people have
changed, but the mission and God’s love have
remained the same!
I’m Ben Lindvall and I began my work at SBA
in the spring of 2009. That fall I met Christa
(Hahn) who is now my wife. We had individually
been led to come work at SBA as dorm counsel-
ors to pour Christ’s love into the lives of the stu-
dents. We were married over Christmas break
of ’11 and the following spring followed God’s
direction to move to Minnesota. Sunshine has
always held a special place in our hearts and
throughout the six years we lived in Minnesota we remained open and
willing to following God wherever He would lead us. Over the past year
we started feeling the tug on our hearts to come back to SBA and we are
so thankful for the opportunity to be back here, investing in the lives of
students. I’m also really enjoying the chance to help coach football again.
A few of my favorite verses are from Psalm 119:9-11 “How can a
young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.
With my whole heart I seek You; let me not wander from Your command-
ments! I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against
6 | The Crusader
Alanna Poling was born and raised in Boone,
Iowa. She was homeschooled and went to
public school for her junior and senior year of
high school. For college Alanna went to Em-
maus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa, where
she received two majors, education and Biblical
She taught in her home town where she
enjoyed getting to know the local kids. Alanna
later took the leap and taught art in a Christian
school in Abaco, Bahamas. It was an exciting and new experience.
In her free time Alanna loves to garden and grow new and different
varieties of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Alanna’s forte in art is ceram-
ics and pottery. She also enjoys trying out new mediums and techniques
for art. One of her latest has been encaustic painting with wax.
She has been really enjoying teaching all her art classes here and is
excited to teach all the projects she has planned for the rest of the year.
Iam Travis Ransom, SBA’s new Bi-
ble teacher/Chaplain. I gave my
life to Christ at church camp when I
was about 10, and ever since then,
God has put me on a journey. While
studying at Hope College in Holland,
MI, God sent me to live in Argentina,
Mexico, and Jordan. Upon gradu-
ation, I lived and worked in South
Korea and then moved north to a small native village in Alaska.
Within seventeen days of arriving at Liberty University in Virginia for
seminary, I met my beautiful wife, Kristin. We were married a little over
six months later, and then a year and a half after that our son Elijah was
born. Kristin is now pregnant with our second child, Adora Anne, who is
due December 22.
(The Ransoms are pictured with Mr. Ransom’s grandmother).
The Crusader | 7
Tim Wallace is SBA’s new 7-12 English teach-
er. Tim was born in Atlanta, grew up in small,
southern communities and spent many summers
on the family farm in Douglas County, Georgia.
His father and grandfather were pastors and,
as a teen, Tim accepted Christ. He graduat-
ed from a Christian high school and attended
both Christian and secular colleges. He studied
abroad in France, Russia and the Czech Re-
public and traveled some in Europe and Asia.
He has undergraduate concentrations in Art,
Bible, English, French, History, Philosophy and Sociology and graduate
concentrations in American History, Ancient/Classical History, Comparative
World History and Military History. He has enjoyed teaching high school
and junior high classes in those fields and some Math and Science classes
He once taught in lower grades and has great respect and admi-
ration for elementary school teachers. All his teaching experience is in
Christian schools and he appreciates the kind of academic freedom that
allows him to teach traditional Judeo-Christian values. He explained, “I
attended public elementary schools and my grandmother, my parents
and my sister worked in public schools as teachers and administrators. I
have always felt called to Christian education, even before I really knew
what it was and cannot imagine trying to teach with the constraints public
school teachers deal with. I respect them a lot but sometimes I’ve got to
talk to my students about spiritual matters and the importance of a Chris-
tian worldview.”
Tim has a daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter in Louisiana, sis-
ters and mother in Georgia and extended family throughout the East. He
enjoys visits with them, travel, reading and experimenting with regional
cuisine but, as an English teacher, he spends most of his “free” time cor-
recting essay papers. As time permits, he plans on some local sightseeing.
The landscape around Miller, SD is some of the prettiest he has seen and
reminds him of places he knew while he was growing up. “The scenery is
beautiful, the people are great and the welcome I received was wonder-
ful. I’m very happy to be here at SBA.”
8 | The Crusader
SCosta Ricaavannah Bird, a current junior on all the children. Her team would
from Rockwall, Texas, had the go door to door and ask if the
opportunity to serve this past families needed anything or just
summer with the same organization wanted to talk and they would
with which Brittany Arkema (girls’ always end by praying with the
dorm supervisor, 2014-2018) went families. She said could see love
to Ireland in Summer 2017. Sa- and happiness in all the people
vannah spent one week in training she met. “They do not have what
in Minnesota
with Reign we have, but
Ministries as a they were
Royal Servant. very happy
She left from and welcom-
training camp ing to us,” she
to spend four said. “They
weeks in Cos- all wanted to
ta Rica with know the love
her team of that Jesus
twenty-three. Christ has for
them. It was
Savannah a very kind
got to spread village.”
the word
and love of The team
Jesus Christ got to visit a
by dancing, coffee bean
drama acts, farm and
puppet shows learned
and, of course, the coffee
playing soccer process. The
with the “Ticos” (which are the hikes she took
native Costa Ricans). “They called were so beautiful and high into the
us ‘gringos,’ Savannah said. “We mountains, she said it was almost as
would all take turns sharing our if she climbed into a cloud.
testimony after the soccer games.” Savannah came home from her
Mission trip saying, “I feel much
Savannah’s Spanish came in closer to God from this journey. I
handy conversing with the children. learned it’s not easy to show grace
The group went to the local church- to one another at times, but we do
es where they held VBS and loved it out of love.”
The Crusader | 9
TPuerto Ricohis summer I had the oppor- Hannah Appel (‘19)
tunity to go on a missions trip
to Puerto Rico. On this trip away. The five of us went to get
everything started so when the
rest of the group came later, they
we did many unforgettable things. would have something to do.
Some activities we did included: The following three days were
building a house on the side of a spent at the job site rebuilding
mountain, serving a meal to resi- a house for a family whose home
dents living in apartment buildings, was destroyed in hurricane Maria.
and performing skits for them, as The house we were building was
well as for the church. There was on the side of a mountain that was
not much time for sight-seeing, but very steep. No one wanted to go
we did get to have fun swimming out on the edge with heavy steel
in the ocean, collecting sea shells, beams and begin the foundation
and swim-
of the house
ming under (except for
a waterfall. Willie and I).
Over all, it The construc-
was a pretty tion man in
amazing charge of
missions trip. the begin-
On ning of the
May twen- project,
ty-eighth, named Pabo,
nine students only spoke
from SBA, two staff members, and Spanish; and so many of us did not
three SBA alumni began the trip understand what he was telling us
to Puerto Rico. We were all willing to do. Somehow though, I could un-
and ready to spread the love of derstand most of what he was say-
God by doing whatever necessary, ing by his hand motions. Everyone
but none of us were quite pre- was convinced I knew how to speak
pared for what was required of Spanish, but it was not true. In truth,
us. The first day in Puerto Rico was two years of Spanish really did not
spent planning the next two weeks do much for me.
and eating amazing food. At night,
That first day building the
we slept in a small room with bunk foundation on the edge of a cliff,
beds piled three beds high. The with the chance of death, had to
next morning, five of us got up at be my favorite part of the whole
three forty-five and headed out to trip, but the entire trip was exhila-
the job site which was two hours rating. After working real hard
10 | The Crusader
each day in the hot sun, we would South Dakota and it all seemed
drive a little ways down the moun- like a dream.
tain and swim/bathe in a river. At
night we would sleep in an aban- This missions trip was a great
doned school while we shared experience for everyone. Not only
our air mattresses with all sorts of did we have a lot of fun, but we
creepy crawly things. got to see how God used us and
taught us many things. Lindsey
That Friday we drove the two Hettich, SBA’s star math teacher,
hours back to the Peal’s house (the said that she saw God growing
missionaries we were staying with) her in the realization that God can
and took some time to rest. On provide in situations that humans
Saturday we played basketball, cannot figure out. I am sure ev-
performed skits, and served a eryone on the trip saw this, more
meal to people living in apartment or less, as God provided for us
buildings. The next day we went multiple times a day. It was en-
to church, did our skits, and had joyable working on the house and
the opportunity to worship God in doing skits. It was also fun sightsee-
Spanish. Also, one of us from SBA ing and playing in the ocean. At
(Susan Wliken) gave a testimony the end of the trip though, the best
about how God had revealed His part was seeing God’s care and
goodness to her on this trip. The His love for us. These experiences
service was also in Spanish, but it are all ones that any of us would
was preached from the heart. Af- be ready to do again.
ter church we did VBS with the kids
and then played games with them Opposite, L to R: Dryeann Schuelke,
afterward. Once all the kids left, Hannah Appel, Victoria Paul, Rianna
we had a pool party and a restful Banik, Willie Anderson, Susan Wilken,
evening. The following day was our Tony Campbell, Faith Owens, Travis
one free day where we got to go Hass, Allison Deal, Jace Burma, Lindsey
to the beach, eat at a steak house, Hettich,
and swim under a waterfall. This Cassie
day flew by quickly and before Beck-
we knew it we were back at the with, Rich
work site hauling bags of cement Richer.
and passing cinder blocks. We Right:
had gotten about two and a half Hannah
walls up before our time came to Appel
an end. We prayed with the family and
who was going to live in the house, Susan
packed our bags and headed out. Wilken,
Within ten hours we were back in with Tra-
vis Hass.
The Crusader | 11
Rodeo Teamhat a great season of Joanne Young
rodeo we had this sum- Teigan Clark, a rising junior,
competed in saddle bronc riding,
Wmer! We had five com- bareback riding, calf roping, and
peting students representing SBA. team roping at regionals. He qual-
The rodeo season started out with ified for state in all of his events.
a few practice rodeos and then He finished third in the state for
moved into the regional rodeos the bareback riding and qualified for
first two weekend of June where the National Team; however, he
participants compete in order to was unable to compete at Nation-
qualify for the state rodeo. We als due to a broken arm suffered
had three members qualify for the when he got hung up on his horse
state on his final
compe- ride. I was
tition there to see
the last this and I am
week very thank-
of June ful that only
where his arm was
they all broken.
placed Iver
in the Paul, a rising
top 15 junior, com-
in the peted in high
state school rodeo
out of 504 contestants. At the state for the first time in saddle bronc.
competition, one student qualified He did well for his first season and
for the National Team. Here’s a is excited about next year.
recap of our team this season: Colton Ward, a rising senior,
Cassidy Clark, who graduated also was competing for his first time
in 2018, competed in breakaway in high school rodeo, and competed
roping, goat tying, barrel racing, in saddle bronc and steer wrestling
team roping, and pole bending at at regionals and qualified for state
regionals. She qualified for state in both of his events. He completed
competition in breakaway roping, his year with an 8th place state
goat tying, team roping, and pole finish in saddle bronc.
bending. She finished 7th in the Marty Cruz Hebb, a rising
state for breakaway and 12th in sophomore, also competing in his
goats. first high school rodeos, competed
12 | The Crusader
at regionals in team roping
and bull riding. He had some
wins and losses at regionals
but came up short to advance
to state competition.
These youth put much time
and effort towards the sport
of rodeo! I am very proud of
their hard work and pleased
at how they showed Christ’s
love to others while in the
arena and at the rodeos.
While at the state compe-
tition, Cassidy, Teigan, and
Colton volunteered to help
others experience the fun
of rodeo at the Special
Needs Rodeo. We also saw
great leadership
skills displayed as Cassi-
dy and Teigan served as
arena directors.
Many great mem-
ories were made
and much was
learned through-
out this great year
of high school
rodeo. Thank you
all for your sup-
port and encour-
agement of our
students and their
rodeo endeavors.
Opposite: Teigan Clark in saddle bronc. This page, from top: Cassidy Clark in pole
bending; Colton Ward in steer wrestling; the rodeo team, (L to R) of Marty Hebb,
Colton Ward, Cassidy Clark, Teigan Clark and Iver Paul.
The Crusader | 13
Spirit Weekhat student does not were announced after the compe-
titions. SBA faculty and staff voted
like a week set aside to throughout the week on which stu-
Wcelebrate school spirit
and have fun--including dressing up dents they thought had best exem-
creatively every day? As is always plified each day’s theme. For overall
the case, Spirit Week 2018 brought best-dressed among student council
members it was Willie Anderson
a lot of creativity to SBA in the
(‘19) and for facul-
form of attire for the
ty/staff (selected by
week’s dress-up days.
the student council)
The student council se-
it was Miss Lindsey
lected Nerd Day, Twin
Hettich, Miss Ashley
Day, Role Model Day,
Ritenour and Mrs.
Superhero/Villain Day
Stacey Rickard. Cait-
and School Spirit Day
lyn McNatt (‘21) and
as this year’s themes,
Bethany Konechne
and students and
(‘20) tied as winners
faculty/staff alike
for Nerd Day. Twin
had fun dressing up
Day winners were
actually triplets--
On Wednesday
the Davis brothers,
the Ministry Team
Grady (‘19), Gar-
presented during
rett (‘20) and Gage
chapel, after which
(‘21), in their T-rex
the traditional Burning
suits. The winner for
of the S took place.
Role Model Day was
The classes took turns
Travis Hass (‘19) who
singing cheers but the
proved to be quite
highlight, of course,
a doppleganger for
was the “chicken song”
Pastor Andrew Elliott,
by Mr. Pedersen.
the youth pastor at
Thursday after-
Community Church of
noon featured the
St. Lawrence. Siblings
Spirit Week pep rally.
Talix (‘20) and Jaxon (‘20) Babb
Coaches for the three fall sports
took turns providing updates on their tied for Superhero Day, dressed as
seasons and then a number of com- Thor and Loki.
The junior class won best class
petitions were held, including picking
up M&Ms with straws, jumping rope poster and float for the parade on
Friday, earning them Blizzards from
and more.
The winners of the dress up days Dairy Queen.
14 | The Crusader
Opposite: Top - Ben Deal lights the “S”; bottom - Zach Mertz uses a straw to pick up
M&Ms. This page, L to R: Top - Stacey Rickard, Willie Anderson and Beth Konechne
on Nerd Day; Middle - the Davis brothers; Travis Hass; Bottom - Lindsey Hettich,
Ashley Ritenour, Sifan Habte and Luna Habte; Talix and Jaxon Babb.
The Crusader | 15
Friday, September 28, threat- king and queen. Joshua Hofman and
ened to be a chilly day, with Renee Seaman, the king of queen
temperatures hovering around from 2017, were on hand to crown
40 degrees early on. By the after- the winners. The high school students
noon, however, the sun was shinging, elected Willie Anderson and Victoria
the sky was blue, and it was a beau- Paul runners-up (bottom photo) and
tiful day for a football game! There Travis Hass and Autumn Hoffman
were a few
other things king and
that happened queen (top
before the photo).
game, though.
At 11:00 nation was
a.m. Student followed by
Body Presi- a parade
dent Willie around the
Anderson (‘19) teardrop. The
welcomed royalty led
everyone to the way, fol-
Coronation lowed by the
2018. Su- seniors, juniors,
perintendent sophomores
Jason Watson and freshmen,
introduced a dumptruck
each of the with alums,
thirteen candi- and then the
dates for the Class of 1988,
crowns, after which held
which an octet their thirtieth
of juniors sang class reunion
the Homecom- to coincide
ing Song. with Home-
Mr. Watson then offered a short After lunch, it was time for the
devotional challenge to the seniors Crusaders to take on the Northwest-
and the audience, encouraging all ern Area Wildcats in football. The
to make Jesus the King of their lives. pep band, including a few alums
Mrs. Heidi Seaman, the Student who joined them, got the crowd ex-
Council advisor, then announced the cited even before the kickoff. The
16 | The Crusader
Crusaders won the game 27-12 be- was being award to Jason (‘91) and
hind a strong rushing Ja Lynn (Lettellier,
combination of Teigan ‘89) Burma. A time of
Clark (‘20) and Joel sharing and reflec-
Underwood (‘22), who tion from six alums
combined for 290 followed, with Lindy
yards rushing and four (Hauert, ‘78) Dwyer
touchdowns. and Elizabeth (Goetz,
‘78) Lindvall (middle
The day contin- photo) talking about
ued with a banquet dorm life, Kevin Clegg
in the east gym, with (‘77) and Charles
the theme “A Trip Kruse (‘77) sharing
Down Memory Lane.” about co-curricular
Hass and Hoffman activities, and Terrie
delivered their King (Seaman, ’70) Beasley
and Queen speeches, (bottom photo) and
including a special Ted Seaman describ-
thanks from Hass to ing the impact SBA
the Class of 1988, has had on their lives.
which was the class of An SBA faculty/
his late father, Dustin staff ensemble then
Hass. The SBA choir sang “Surely the Pres-
sang two numbers, ence of the Lord is in
and then Jason Burma This Place.” SBA music
presented the Distin- director Kevin Waller
guished Alumni plaque selected this song
for 2015 to Tom since it was written in
Seaman (‘75), who the 1970s, and the
had not been present class of the ‘70s held
to receive it then but a joint reunion around
was in attendance this Homecoming, as well.
year, and the plaque Several individuals re-
for 2018 to Bryan marked that this song
and Peggy (Banik) was their favorite part
Minnich, both of the of the entire evening.
Class of 1975 (top If you would like
photo). Benita Engle to see more pictures
then took the mic and of the week’s festivi-
announced that the ties be sure to check
Distinguished Alumni out the SBA Facebook
plaque for 2017, page!
which had not been
awarded last year, The Crusader | 17
Boys’ Dorm Nears Completiont has been a long “row to hoe” since building started last November
but in God’s timing the new Boy’s Dormitory is nearly finished! We are
Iso very grateful for your prayers and financial support for the project.
Sixteen male students will make up the first residents of the new dorm and
after years of waiting they are anxious to move in.
The hanging of dry wall is now complete so the rooms have really
taken shape and there is little imagination required to visualize the fin-
ished product. The next step involves blowing insulation above the ceilings
and spraying texture on to the interior walls and ceilings. After the texture
is applied the final painting will begin which should take one week. Once
the paint has dried, laminate flooring will be laid down in all dorm rooms
and hallways. Final touches to the plumbing, fire suppression and electri-
cal systems will be needed before occupation; the new beds and furniture
are already at the school but need to be moved in and set up in each of
the 16 rooms. There are 32 sets of furniture at this point.
After the doors are hung, the construction process for the boy’s dorm
will be complete. Kitchen appliances have been purchased for the three
staff apartments in the building and they are excited to make the move.
Avery Hall (2nd grade and staff child) shared, “I’m looking forward
to moving into my new apartment and having more space.” His mother,
Megan Hall (Lower Elementary Teacher) said, “I’m looking forward to
being able to make this new space a home and decorating to make it
‘our Home’ and not just a house that we live in. I’m also looking forward
to a bigger space and if I’m completely honest, so excited for my walk-in
We are so very grateful for your prayers and contributions to the
project. If you would like to see firsthand how impressive the new building
is, we invite you to contact the school so a tour can be arranged.
We would like to keep the construction process rolling with the addi-
tion of the girls’ dorm and a new dining hall and commons area. Progress
on these structures will depend a great deal on investment funding that
many of you have helped us with. If you would be willing to pray about
investing in Sunshine Bible Academy by giving to this building project,
please contact Ashley Ritenour at [email protected] or 605-853-
3071 ext. 226.
Paul Beckwith
Board Member & Building Committee Member
18 | The Crusader
Alumni Music Opportunity
Attention Alumni: For the spring concert this year of “Coming Home,” you
are invited to come and join the current students for a selection. If this is
something you are interested in, please contact SBA music director Kevin
Waller, either through the school’s phone number (605-853-3071) or his
email address ([email protected]), by January 1, 2019. This is so
the groups at SBA can be prepared and instrumentation and balance can
be determined in advance. In your communication, please mention which
group (or both) you will be participating in, as well as what instrument or
voice part you will be performing with. The band will perform “A Festival
of Hymns” arranged by Scott Stanton, and directed by Kevin Waller. The
choir will perform “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” by Peter Lutkin, and
directed by Cheryl Kosakowski.
The groups will each rehearse together the night of the concert,
(shortly) before the concert, and people in the
area are welcome to join the groups from
March until the concert during their regular
practice. Please let Mr. Waller know ahead
of time so chairs can be set accordingly.
Practices are usually at these times: Choir
is Tuesday and Thursday from 12:55-
1:50, and Band is Wednesday and
Friday from 12:55-1:50.
Due to copyright laws,
members of the choir that
want the music ahead of time
will need to purchase music
(Mr. Waller can make a big
order and mail or email the
copies to you), and the band
may or may not need to pur-
chase a copy (that will be
determined on numbers) of
people involved. As more infor-
mation comes, that will be
communicated. Any questions
should be directed to
Mr. Waller.
The Crusader | 19
Crusader Athletics
Cross Country team. L to R: Garrett Van Zee, Travis Hass, Everett Paul, Gage Davis,
Jimmy Burma, Taylor VanHeuvelen, Coach Greg Pedersen. Not pictured: Jace Bur-
ma, Jade Burma.
Football team. L to R (standing): Coach Jamie McClain, Coach Jason Burma, Dylan
Hass, Teigan Clark, Titus Deal, Jaxon Babb, Garrett Davis, Iver Paul, Ross Engle, Joel
Underwood, Jade Burma, Zach Mertz, Bradley Hunter, EJ Big Eagle, Cole Beals,
Everett Paul, Ricky Bartlett, Coach Ben Lindvall. L to R (kneeling): Willie Anderson,
Jace Burma, Ben Deal.
20 | The Crusader
JV Volleyball team. L to R (standing): Liza Konechne, Aja Paul, Evelyn Jones, Winnie
Red Bird, Sydney Triebwasser, Kate Roghair, Jakki Burma, Abby Haun, Taylor Mi-
chaelis, Dryeann Schuelke, Tierney Connell. L to R (kneeling/sitting): Naomi Roghair,
Shelby Thompson, Becca Hofman, Savannah Bird, Trinn Connell.
Varisty Volleyball team. L to R: Lindsey Wilken, Shariah Brockel, Liza Konechne, Nao-
mi Roghair, Hannah Appel, Abby Haun, Dori Brockel, Victoria Paul, Maria Roghair,
Taylor Michaelis, Aja Paul, Bethany Konechne, Rianna Banik.
The Lady Crusaders are coached by Stacey Rickard and Lindsey Hettich.
The Crusader | 21
SBA Foundationur second quarter, April David Paul
through June, was very pro-
Oductive for the SBA Foun-
dation. We added three new family
endowments, bringing to ten the
endowment total. As these families
have come forward with their interest
in establishing an endowment (the
gift that keeps on giving), they have
questions. The questions vary according to how closely they are connected
to the SBA Foundation, which generally makes them a little more knowl-
edgeable of the process. And then there is the problem of to whom the
investigating parties should ask their questions. There are a couple of us
directors who are the poor ones to ask. So to remedy this narrow passage
of knowledge, Mark Stiegelmeier formulated the endowment startup pro-
cedure document you now see on the adjacent page.
Now with the paperwork all done, what we would really like to hear
is your story of why its on your heart to start a family endowment to give
ongoing support in the years to come for Sunshine Bible Academy to
teach God’s truth also to tomorrow’s youth.
We, the directors of the SBA Foundation, look forward to hearing
from you.
22 | The Crusader
SBA Foundation Endowment Startup Procedures
Thank you for your interest in establishing an Endowment to give long term support
to Sunshine Bible Academy (SBA). Your gift will help fund SBA for years to come as
God continues to bless the School. May you also be blessed for your generosity!
Please respond to the following questions:
Full name: _________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City, State and Zip Code: _____________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Home phone: _______________________________________________
Cell Phone: ________________________________________________
1. Desired name or title of the Endowment.
2. Your desire as to how the proceeds from the Endowment are to be distributed
such as Tuition Assistance to Students, General Support of SBA, Student Schol-
arship or any other area of the school you desire the proceeds to go. Please
contact the SBA Superintendent at 605-853-3071 to establish the criteria.
3. Your check made out to “Sunshine Bible Academy Foundation.” Minimum invest-
ment to establish an Endowment is $10,000.00. There is no upper limit. If you
are unable to start with the full $10,000.00 investment, smaller amounts may be
given and added to reach the initial Endowment establishment minimum.
4. You or anyone else may add funds to the Endowment any time in the future.
Checks should be made to “Sunshine Bible Academy Foundation.”
Please send your check along with a completed copy of this letter addressing the
items above to:
Mark Foster, SBA Foundation Treasurer
625 N Oneida Ave
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 280-7450
[email protected]
Mark can be called any time between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00PM or
e-mailed any time.
The Crusader | 23
Corner Ashley Ritenour
Building sustainable relationships
Ifor the mission of SBA
recently met with an alumna who shared her
fond memories of the SBA Gospel Team trav-
eling all over South Dakota and surrounding
states, decades ago, to share the concept of Sunshine Bible Academy with
multiple church congregations. Our converstation reminded me of how
truly unique a non-denominational Christian boarding school is in today’s
culture, especially when we share it with people who have not personally
experienced SBA.
Many parents and alumni have often shared that the value of Chris-
tian curriculum, education, and the relationship-aspect of SBA is well worth
the sacrifice. Sunshine Bible Academy has provided the catalyst for build-
ing lifelong connections, helping students learn how to live with and serve
others, and the opportunity for students to make good choices. Sunshine
also has staff members who have become incredible mentors and defend-
ers for many students, broadening their support system after the students
depart Sunshine. This tangible impact of relationships is a very special
part of SBA!
I would like to thank all of our supporters who are helping Sunshine
Bible Academy provide these unique aspects. SBA is not only offering
accredited Christian education and boarding in a safe environment where
students, families and supporters become part of the SBA family, but mo-
tivating supporters and especially alumni, young and older, to give to SBA
because they believe in the ministry here and are helping others experi-
ence it for themselves.
Thank you for your heart for the ministry of Sunshine. Feel free to
email me or call if you would like to learn about the areas you could help
SBA: [email protected] or 605-853-3071.
1 Peter 4:9 “As each man has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as
good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (ESV)
On October 21 the Ministry Team will be at Lincoln Hills Bible Church in
Sioux Falls at 10:30 a.m. and at The Lighthouse Fellowship in Corsica at 6:00
24 | The Crusader
Gift Given By In Memory of
Given to General Fund
Tom & Judy Brady Dwayne Snell
Tom & Judy Brady Eli Walter
Stanley Grain Rosie Seaman
Amos & Celia Wipf Rosie Seaman
John & Becky Paul Ruth Rosenau
Lillian Flatmoe Ruth Rosenau
Sonnie Shirley Kudrna Lloyd Paulson
Charity Stahl Keaton Bussell
Tim & Clik Stahl Keaton Bussell
Gaylen & Benita Engle Keaton Bussell
Tal & Beth Seaman Keaton Bussell
Rev. Dale Ras Dwayne Snell
Jim & Marjorie Letellier Lynsey Nold
Rich & Millie Richer Lynsey Nold
Rich & Millie Richer Charles Hawkins
Jess & Mary Harkins Ruth Rosenau
Jess & Mary Harkins James Clark
Jan Brockel Ben Grenz
Jan Brockel Gordie Ryckman
Mavis Clark James Clark
Dorcas Awolola David Awolola
Joyce Chord Family Joyce Chord
Given to Building Fund
Shirley Whitney Roger Forest
Shirley Whitney Joyce (Forest) Bauer
Lillian Flatmoe Ruth Rosenau
Rich and Millie Richer Harlin Hettich
Lindsey Hettich Harlin Hettich
Anonymous Pledge Pat & Liz Stout
Given to SBA Foundation
Don & Kathy Hunt Harlin Hettich
Craig & Lori Brockel Harlin Hettich
Daniel & Deanna Bartkowski OC & Lizzie Campbell
David & Janet Paul Roger Paul
The Crusader | 25
SBA Family News
Tyson Brockel (‘09) married Christina Alexis Lane (‘15) is engaged to Kyle
Franco on June 23 in Sioux Falls, SD. Stengel.
Tyson serves as Worship Leader at Em-
brace Church - Tea (SD) Campus. HOMEGOING
Phyllis Jones, wife of former SBA ad-
Brady Brockel (‘13) married Kamber ministrator Jack Jones, passed away on
Hossle on July 7. The couple lives in August 28. She was 81.
Sioux Falls, SD.
Harlin Hettich went home to be with the
Grace Pedersen (‘07) married Stephen Lord on September 9. He was a former
May on July 7. The couple now resides member of the school board and was,
in Lawrence, KS, where Grace is working in 2004, inducted into the SBA Hall of
with The Navigators at the University of
Kansas. Fame with his wife Ardella. He was 87.
Nathan Yost (‘13) married Jennifer Bach REUNION
on July 28.
The class of 1998 celebrated their
20th class reunion in the Black Hills on
Preston (PJ) Burma (‘10) was united in July 20-22. In addition to doing a bar-
marriage to Taylor McCance on August becue and brunch over the weekend
8 along Loon Lake by Soldotna, Alaska. at homes of classmates in the area,
The couple will reside in Gregory, SD. the class also spent time at Hills Alive.
Those in attendance were - Left to right
Jake Moreland (‘11) married Chelsea in the back row: Chad Davis, Jessica
Price on August 25 in Spearfish, SD. The (Karinen) Mertz, Timmy Mickelson, Matt
couple resides in Spearfish, where Jake Smith, Tara Koth and Mandi (Letellier)
works for Triangle D Cabinetry and Mill- VanDusseldorp. Left to right in the front
work. row: Jennie (Maynard) James, Heather
(Walker) Babb, Frances (Fortune) Davis,
BIRTHS and Katie (Child) Pascoe.
Ethan (‘10) & Mariah McClain wel-
comed Clara Grace on August 8. She
checked in at 7.7 lbs, 19.5 inches long.
Clara joined her brother, Everett, who
turns 3 in December.
Brandy (Young, ‘06) and Josh Pardee
welcomed Kyza Joelle on September
7, weighing 9 lbs 6 ozs, 21 inches long.
Clara joins Joins two brothers, Teigen,
5, and Rueger, 3.
26 | The Crusader
Upcoming events...
OCT State Cross Country
20 Sioux Falls
OCT All-State Choir and Orchestra
27 Rapid City
OCT BEST Robotics Game Day
27 Brookings - SDSU
NOV Servant Days
7-9 and Senior Trip (3-9)
NOV SBA Day of Prayer
19-23 Thanksgiving Break
DEC SBA Auction
DEC Christmas Concert - 7:15 p.m.
DEC Basketball vs Faulkton
DEC Semester Exams
DEC Christmas Break Begins
JAN School Resumes
7 Third Quarter Begins
The Crusader | 27
400 Sunshine Drive | Miller SD 57362 US Postage
Address Service Requested.
Madison,SD For more information:
Permit No. 32 www.sunshinebible.org | 605.853.3071