2019 Hurricane Guide
Table of Contents I
Greetings to the Owners and Residents III
Review your Hurricane Policy, V
Take Inventory of your Home and VI
Hurricane Bus Evacuation Points
Hurricane Season Informative Chart
Iconbrickell Building Preparation
Preparation for a Hurricane and
Special Needs Evacuation Centers
Pets and Hurricane Supplies List
Red Cross Evacuation Center Locations,
Important Contact Numbers and
Hospitals open in the event of a Hurricane
NOTE: There is an Atlantic Basin Hurricane Tracking Chart in the center of this
guide for you to utilize in tracking storms
Dear Iconbrickell Residents,
We are pleased to present to you the 2019 hurricane guide. The purpose of this guide is
to assist you in preparation during the hurricane season and assist you prior to, during and after
in the event of a hurricane.
Please be reminded that in the event of a hurricane, all furniture, plants, and other
items that are on your balconies be picked up and placed inside your units. The high winds of
hurricanes have been known to push items into the sliding glass doors and/or windows and
even picked up and tossed out of the balconies entirely turning them into large and very
dangerous projectiles. Please remove all the items from your balconies in preparation of a
storm for your own safety as well as that of your neighbors.
If you plan on being absent during hurricane season we ask that you please designate a
responsible firm or individual to care for your unit should it require preparation. In addition, we
would like to remind of the importance of locking and securing the sliding glass door and any
operable windows to avoid water damage to your interior unit and/or common area in the
event of a storm.
The protocol for safeguarding the residents and building components is set into motion once a
hurricane watch is issued. In the event of a storm, the Association’s staff time will be dedicated
to securing the community’s mechanical systems and common areas before the arrival of the
Please see enclosed iconbrickell hurricane preparedness guide that contains important
information on the steps or measures the Associations will take as a named storm progresses
and how that affects you as a resident.
• Any resident who has not yet left a set of emergency keys to his/her unit with the
Association should now do so. Per the condominium documents, Management must
have EMERGENCY keys to each unit.
• Please make sure the office has your most updated contact information (cell phones,
emails, emergency contacts). In case you have special needs or elderly persons residing
in the unit alone, please notify the office immediately, so we can plan accordingly in
case of the evacuation order.
Current Storm Information - National Weather Service: www.weather.gov
National Hurricane Center: www.nhc.noaa.gov
American Red Cross: www.redcross.org
FEMA: www.fema.gov
Audio Podcasts: www.nhc.noaa.gov/audio/index.shtml
Twitter: @NHC_Atlantic
Miami – Dade County: http://www.miamidade.gov/hurricane/
If you would like to receive more information, please contact the Management Office.
Tower One Management: 786-220-7701 Ext. 2
Tower Two Management: 786-220-6880 Ext.3
Review Your Insurance Policy
In order to begin preparations, we ask all residents to check their insurance policies
for the following:
➢ Do I have replacement value coverage on all property including contents?
➢ What is the deductible?
➢ Does the policy cover relocation or temporary housing?
➢ Does the policy contain loss assessment coverage?
➢ Make copies of all of your policies
To see homeowner insurance policies which are available to you which align with
the Association coverage please contact the USI agents bellow.
Commercial Lines Account Manager Senior Vice President
USI Insurance Services LLC USI Insurance Services
2601 S. Bayshore Drive Suite 1600 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ste. 600, Ft.
Coconut Grove, FL 33133 Lauderdale, FL 33328
954-607-4053 | f: 310-362-8258 | (305) 528-1202 Cell; (954) 607-4022 Direct;
[email protected] | www.usi.com Email: [email protected]: www.usi.com
We encourage tenants to take out rental insurance policy to ensure your interest
are covered as well. An easy first step is to contact your auto insurance carrier for
a quote on renters’ insurance policy.
Take Inventory of your Home
Take an inventory of your valuable items so you can give to the insurance
adjusters or disaster assistance agencies. Photographs are the best way for your
adjuster to make an assessment of what you have lost due to a storm. Take
pictures and make copies of them. Keep a set for yourself. Store the pictures in a
water tight container so they are not damaged by water intrusion. Make sure you
focus on your most valuable belongings for example: electronics, furniture,
books, and appliances, etc… anything of monetary value or sentimental value that
you see needs to be photographed.
Hurricane Bus Evacuation Points
Please be advised that Miami-Dade Transit will activate specific Emergency
Evacuation Bus Pick-Up Sites by zone. Brickell Key is considered zone B. The pickup
site nearest to Brickell Key is located at Stanley Axlrod Utd Towers, 1809 Brickell
Avenue. Please go to www.miamidade.gov, or contact Miami-Dade 3-1-1 for
more info.
Hurricane season begins June 1st and continues through November 30th. Please
note that Iconbrickell condominium is located in a VE Flood Zone. In the event of a
hurricane warning the office of emergency management will call for an immediate
evacuation order. All unit owners and residents will be required to evacuate the
building. The following is an informative chart we have prepared for your review
and quick reference:
Hurricane Watch – This is posted when there is a threat of a hurricane striking the
area within a 24 hour to 36hour period.
Hurricane Warning – This is posted when a hurricane is expected to strike within a
24hour period.
Category Wind Speed Tide
Two 74-95 MPH Winds High – Minimal
Three Damage
Four 96-110 MPH Winds 6-8 Feet
111-130 MPH Moderate
Five Winds 9-12 Feet
131-155 MPH
Winds Storm Tide
13-18 Feet
155 MPH Winds Storm Tide
and Above Sever Damage
Over 18 Feet
Storm Tide
In the event an evacuation order is placed, we recommend for all unit owners and
residents in the building to evacuate the building. Please remember that the higher
the floor, the stronger winds you will receive.
Regarding Portable Generators
Please note that portable generators are not allowed in the condominium, in the
residential units or on the premises. This is due to the fumes it expels and the
hazardous combustible it uses.
Please note that after the official order is issued, no one is supposed to stay home
in a mandatory evacuation area; therefore, all planning is conducted to safe keep
our facilities and comfort is not a priority.
In 2017, the iconbrickell hurricane action plan proved to be the right course of
action, as permanent damage to key equipment was avoided. In the event of a
mandatory Evacuation Order, the following procedures apply:
Storm Monitoring/Notices:
➢ Monitoring of the storm – The Management Team will monitor the storm
closely to review its progress. Kindly note that mass emails were the most
efficient form of communication with our iconbrickell community last year
(2017); however, if the internet, cell phone signal and landlines go away for all
of us, we will send email updates as soon as those become available. Depending
on the service provider, some residents and employees may be out of cell phone
signal for several hours.
➢ Advisory Notice – Upon receipt of the latest forecast and updates on the named
storm, an advisory notice will be sent via e-mail. The notice will include detailed
information in reference to the current location of the storm and relevant
building procedures during the storm. Resident alert calls (voice telephone
automated system) may also be done to all unit owners and residents, repeating
the information on the advisory notices. This alert will only be sent to US
domestic telephone numbers and depends on the availability of the service
Building Systems:
The Board of Directors, along with our Management Team and service providers,
have placed into effect the following procedures for all building systems:
➢ Building Entrance Doors – In order to secure the property, once the evacuation
order has been issued, the lobby sliding doors will be locked and shuttered.
Kindly remember that the building emergency exits (ground floor) will never
be locked and you can access them through the staircases, there will always
be a way out of the building through the ground floor. If you decide to leave,
please note that in the event of a power outage, the doors will not open from
the outside. In addition, if you decide to venture out of the building and leave
the door ajar with a sandbag or another obstacle, this may cause flooding and
damage to the property which may be a liability for the person responsible for
this action.
➢ Domestic and condenser Water Pumps –Once the winds reach a sustained
speed of 45MPH, and all of our staff must evacuate the building, the domestic
water pumps will be shut down to avoid permanent damage, in 2017, this
proved to be the right course of action as the pressure coming from the City
main line dropped below 30 psi. If we had let the pumps running, they most
likely would have burn; leaving the property without water supply for
potentially many days.
➢ Elevators – Once the staff leaves the property due to mandatory evacuation,
the elevators will be shut down. Kindly remember that there would not be any
emergency service like fire rescue to attend to an entrapment and management
will not risk those residents that stay at their own risk, to get stuck inside an
elevator for several hours.
➢ Generator: Once the power is out, the emergency generator will turn on. The
generator will power emergency lighting, and the entire fire safety system
(sprinklers) complying with fire department regulations. The emergency
generator does not provide power to your individual unit. Please note that
management does not disconnect power, if you lose power in your unit, is
because of a power outage. If there should be a circumstance where we would
be without power in the building for more than three days, we will make all
attempts possible to refuel the generator. Should there be an instance where
the Diesel fuel is unavailable and the generator shuts down, the building will be
evacuated by the authorities as we will not have fire rescue systems available
which is a code violation.
➢ Garage Access: Gates to upper and lower garage will be shut and locked as the
last step the staff takes to secure the property before leaving when a mandatory
evacuation is ordered by Miami Dade County. This step is in place to secure the
residents’ vehicles and property from unauthorized persons. Once gates are
closed and locked, no vehicle will be able to exit or enter the garages. Gates will
reopen within 8 hours of the authorities lifting the evacuation order.
Employees and persons remaining during the storm:
Should a mandatory evacuation order be issued, the following instructions will
apply. These instructions will be determined based on the severity of the storm
due to safety reasons and conditions following all authority requirements.
➢ Building Personnel:
Once a mandatory evacuation order has been issued, and the wind reaches
45MPH (sustained) all management and building personnel, including security
personnel will leave the property. Prior to the evacuation order, the entire
property will be left prepared (systems backed up, unit owner logs kept on file,
etc). We ask that you please understand that our staff will be busy securing
the building and all systems. Please make arrangements to have someone,
other than the management staff, assist you to prepare your own unit
(especially if you are an international unit owner).
➢ Valet Services: Valet Services will cease once the Hurricane Warning has been
issued. If you plan to leave a vehicle on site, please park only your primary
vehicle in your assigned space according to normal procedure. Valet will
relocate all vehicles on the ground to the upper floors, and all resident
registered vehicles will be accommodated.
Recovery Process:
➢ Once the storm is over and the mandatory evacuation has been lifted by the
authorities, all employees will return to the property to assess all damages, if
any, and begin to restore the property to its original conditions.
Resident Preparation for a Hurricane
The onsite staff will be concentrating on securing all of the common areas including
all building equipment. Priority will be given to those unit owners and residents
with special needs. Management will concentrate on ensuring all unit owners and
residents clear their balconies. Once a hurricane watch is issued we ask all unit
owners and residents to proceed with the following:
➢ Remove everything from your balconies.
➢ Secure all windows and sliding glass doors.
➢ Place towels around windowsills in case of water intrusion.
We will be in constant communication with all our unit owners and residents in the
event of a storm. Management has a hurricane plan all employees to follow.
Special Needs Evacuation Centers
People requiring assistance with daily activities, people with disabilities or
with medical equipment that depends on electricity should pre-register for
services at a Special Needs Evacuation Center as soon as possible. The
program can provide shelter and transportation for the homebound, but
may not be able to assist those who fail to register in advance. For an
application -- available in English, Spanish or Creole -- contact the Miami-
Dade County Office of Emergency Management at 305-513-7700.Persons
on the registry will be assigned to one of the Special Needs Evacuation
Centers listed below.
▪ Jose Marti Middle 5701 W 24th Ave Hialeah, FL
▪ Ruben Dario Middle 350 NW 97th Ave Sweetwater, FL
▪ Miami Edison Sr. 6161 NW 5th Court Miami, FL
▪ McMillan Middle 13100 SW 59th St. Miami, FL
▪ Highland Oaks Middle 2375 NE 203rd St. N. Miami, FL
▪ Lawton Chiles Middle 8190 NW 197th St. Miami, FL
Important Contact Numbers
Emergency Evacuation Assistance: (305) 513-7700
FPL: (800) 468-8243
Bellsouth: (800) 757-6500 or 611
TECO/ Peoples Gas: (877) 832-6747
Miami Dade OEM: (305) 468-5400
Federal Emergency Management Agency: (800) 621-3362
American Red Cross: (305) 644-1200
Miami Dade Building Code Compliance: (305) 375-2901
Miami Dade Consumer Services: (305) 375-3677
Florida Office of Insurance Regulation: 850-413-3140
Miami Dade Animal Care: (305) 884-1101
Humane Society: (305) 696-0800 or (305) 749-1817
Miami Dade Police Department Non-Emergencies (305) 476-5423
Miami Dade Answer Center: 3-1-1 or (305) 468-5900
South Florida Weather Forecast Office: (305) 229-4550
Elder Helpline/Alliance for Aging: (305)670-4357
Hospitals open in the event of a Hurricane
Mercy Hospital 3663 S. Miami Avenue (305) 854-4400
Coral Gables Hospital 3100 Douglas Road (305) 445-8461
Cedars Medical Center 1400 NW 12th Ave (305) 325-5511
Miami Children’s Hospital 3100 SW 62nd Avenue (305) 666-6511