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This is the very first issue of Beads Magazine. Featuring KZN woman that are resilient, hardworking and driven.

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Published by Beads Magazine, 2020-09-07 16:32:31

Beads Magazine | Vol 1

This is the very first issue of Beads Magazine. Featuring KZN woman that are resilient, hardworking and driven.

Keywords: KZN Women,1KZNTV,Leaders,Beads Magazine ,Nqobile Xulu Nene

Diversely Connected MAGAZINE
the art of thinking independently together
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2 August 2016


I read somewhere a long time ago that you cannot y into
ying; you rst need to sit, crawl, walk, run and then y. This
has been the journey to this moment. It gives me great
pleasure to present to you Beads Magazine, a baby born and bred
to aunt and showcase the amazing, hardworking men and
women of KwaZulu Natal - the valley of the heavens.

I have had the pleasure to meet a number of inspiring men and
women of our region, people worthy of bracing covers of
magazines and they do what they do not for fame but for the
passion and love, that's the spirit I would like your magazine to
promote. I say your magazine because it really isn't for the people
who contribute, but it's for the people who read and get inspired.

My greatest pleasure is that I am presenting Beads at a month
dedicated to women. Yes I am bias like that, lol. Our cover issue
“the beauty of the country lies in the diversity of its women” is
exactly how I feel. A house with an empowered woman will
forever ourish. This issue is for the mothers, the sisters, the
aunties turned CEO's, entrepreneurs, managers and home
makers. You are all worthy of being celebrated and put on
pedestals sometimes for the mere fact that every time someone is
having a not so great a day including yourself, you have to women
up and brush their backs and say all will be ne. I am encouraging
you my sisters to invest in yourselves, because no matter what
they tell you, the transformation of our country lies in our hands,
which is too much a responsibility to take lightly.

I would like to thank my All Might God, because every time a
vision appeared I promised He would get the honor. Thank you to
our issue sponsors none of this would have been possible without
your condence and faith in us.

Allow me to leave with the words of Wilma Rudolph “Never
underestimate the power of dreams and the inuence of the
human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for

greatness lives within each of us”. Nqobile

Nqobile Nene

Founding Editor &
Director of GX Marketing

Associate Editor: Nonto Zulu

Features Editor/ Khanyi Mdluli
Content Producer:


Fashion & Beauty: Sthabile Mchunu

Designers: Thubelihle Hlela

Thabani Hlela

Photography: Nix Photography


Marketing Ntokozo Mbambo

Events Sabelo Zikalala

Production / Bongani Nene

Beads is owned and published by

Gxabhashe Trading Enterprise cc t/a


Subscription & Information: +27(0) 35 797 3081 Fax: 086 5111177 Advertising Enquiries: [email protected] Editorial Enquiries: [email protected]
Competitions, Events & Workshop Enquiries: [email protected] Circulation & Distribution Enquiries: [email protected]


Nonto Zulu Khanyi Mdluli Ntokozo Mbambo Nomvula Gumede
(Associate Editor), ( Content Producer) (Advertising & Marketing Intern) (Administration),

Thabani Hlela Thubelihle Hlela Sthabile Mzimela Sabelo Zikalala
(Graphic Designer) (Graphic Designer) (Fashion and Beauty (Events & Promotions

Co-ordinator) Co-ordinator)

Contributors Beads


Nixography is a Richards Bay based studio. All Nixo photographs are created Our key to success is in creating a relationship
with an artistic eye. The studio has been responsible for capturing some of with you, our readers. We would like to be a
KZN most memorable people and events including Miss Zululand. It’s their part of your life. Meet our vibrant, dynamic,
cutting edge technics that transforms ideas to dream and visions. creative and dedicated team of young people
working tirelessly to bring you the highest- quality content publication. Our mission is to
tap into all the corners of KwaZulu Natal.
A modern African shopping experience for the discerning buyer. They are ready to receive your suggestions,
Afrokulcha products are made in Africa by Africans. Afrokulcha provides comments and phone calls.
an online shopping experience and has a range of original African
inspired fashion and accessories. They stock products from West Africa We love working with different contributors, if
across East Africa to Southern Africa giving African fashion lovers an you feel you have something to contribute,
opportunity to enjoy a wide range of stock in a secure environment. feel free to talk to us through many
communication platforms available to you.
Ÿ We would love to here your suggestions,
Ÿ positive criticism, and some love.
Can't wait to see the rst issue of Beads
Magazine.. Halala to one of the ladies I respect
so much in Zululand Nqobile Xulu Nene
#BeadsMagazine #BecauseKZNGirlsRock

Pamela Mkhize, via Facebook

August 2016 4


Logo Design
100 Business cards
Electronic Letterhead
Electronic Invoice
Electronic Quotation
10 Business Profiles
Domain Registration

2 page website
1 Pull-Up Banner


Richards Bay

Tel: +27 (0) 35 797 3081,
[email protected]


The beauty of the country lies in the

DIVof iEts wRoSmITenY
"The day will come when men will recognize
woman as his peer, not only at the reside, but in
councils of the nation. Then, and not until then,
will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal
union between the sexes that shall result in the
highest development of the race."
—Susan B. Anthony

August 2016 6

OuFr ocus

is to promote opportunities
to support, connect and grow
women in business through
lobbying, mentoring,
networking, strategic alliances

Makhosi Mthiyane

BWA - Zululand Chairperson,

Photography by Nixo Graphy Productions
Make-Up by: Kgotso #MakeUpByKgotso

7 August 2016

A It is by the grace of God that I am still standing Memorable Quotes From
and in business. If I had not believed in the African Women In Power
business woman in her own right, Makhosi has power higher and bigger than I, the every day
been a member of Ingqapheli Security since and night stress of the business would have Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is
inception and a CEO for the last 8 years. killed me long time ago. Understanding that I globally-recognized for
Ingqapheli is a security services company based am a steward and not the master helped her role in stabilizing
in Richards Bay - North Coast, KZN. alleviate the worries I used to have. There were Liberia as the country's
times where I was convinced that it was over president shortly after
It has been a beautiful journey for me, it has but God came through for me and my business. civil war. In an excerpt
been awesome and it has been worse. I do my best, I make the best decisions I can and from her book, This
Nevertheless it has created the woman I am leave the rest up to Him. I have learnt to fail Child Will Be Great:
today. I am fearless and as the years go by I forward as John Maxwell will say, I do not Memoir of a
have learnt to relax, I now know that it is not a personalise my failures and I learn from them Remarkable
sprint but a marathon. I have learnt that my and that helps me not to repeat the previous Life by Africa's First
journey requires endurance and not speed and mistake as I move forward. Woman President,
it is Ok to walk or run on my lane, my speed. Nobel Peace Prize
I am a mother to girls, I hope they learn to take winning author offers
I feel very much honoured to be leading the care of themselves, that nobody owes them inspiring words to
phenomenal businesswoman of Zululand, to anything and they are responsible for their rising leaders.
be part of growth and development of women. upkeep, who ever come into their lives is there
BWA (Business Women’s Association) was to support and share life with them. I have “The size of your dreams
established to promote opportunities to taught them to live life, fear God, love people must always exceed your
support, connect and grow women in business and have compassion for others. current capacity to
through lobbying, mentoring, networking, achieve them. If your
strategic alliances, developing and recognising Even though the South African Rand is dreams do not scare you,
excellence in women. It is about giving back to struggling and some women still want to get they are not big enough.”
the community that has supported me in into business, my advice to them would be,
different ways in my journey. I would have everybody has her own journey and blessings. I
succeeded if my term ends and I have - advise them to go for it, give it their best. In
together with my team - created chapters of every season, good or bad some business are
BWA in all corners of Zululand including the folding and some are ourishing, so one would
rural areas and make the Zululand region the ever know until they try.
biggest branch in history. Zululand is poverty
stricken with high rate of unemployment and it The Rand is not the only challenge we are
saddens me to see our youth sitting at home facing, racism is another one. It is not something
and frustrated. Women are known of nurturing to be taken lightly; it is a cancer that is eating our
their own, and as the majority of the beautiful societies and country. My opinion is
population, the more women in business the that there should be dialogues on this issue and
more jobs will be created and our youth would women as teachers and the thread that holds
also be inspired to follow suite. families and societies together, should teach and
lead those dialogues for the sake of the next
My mother Khanyisile Mkhwanazi inspired me generation. We need to ght against
to go into business. Uneducated and stereotyping and aspire to learn more about
unemployed since I can remember, she was a each other, where have we been and what has
very independent and enterprising woman. happened and where do we want to go in the
She taught herself to make children's clothing future. Lastly understanding that we cannot live
and we would sell or barter them for maze without each other is key.
meal and beans with the farm workers. She was
also a vegetable hawker and as her children we Family is very important to me. Spending time
were much involved in the selling. That is with them helps me unwind. We are a crazy
where I learnt that you have to be able to do bunch who likes doing things together whether
something and get paid without being it is picnic, shopping or sitting around at home
employed by any one. and ghting over TV remote control. We laugh
and tease each other a lot. I also enjoy reading,
travelling and spending time by the beach.
Support is very important in business. My family
is my support, but my biggest support is my
God whom I take as my rst business partner.
My other support structure is my business
partners who support and trust me. I read a lot
of business books and attend seminars of our
industry and others that might benet us and
also belonging to structures like BWA helps a

August 2016 8


doesn’t define me

Slindile Mpanza

Producer, Researcher &
Presenter of “I Worship” on


Famously known by her fans and friends as
Slie, she has been a Producer, Presenter
and Researcher of a Gospel Show on
1KZNTV for more than 6 years. She has
become one of the recognised faces in the
region and has had the platform and
opportunity to rub shoulders with some of
South Africa's biggest Gospel talent.
Growing up from the rural area didn't faze
her, her “go-getter” personality is the
reason behind her growing career and
bright future.

Designer: Zinathi
Photography by Nixo Graphy Productions
Make-Up by: Sthabile Mzimela

9 August 2016

I enjoy my job with all the perks that come These may seem like little events to some, “What electrifies me as a
with it. It gives me the opportune moment but for a girl in the middle of the bundus it presenter is the fact that I
to connect with great phenomenal people was huge. I loved pushing myself to do reach out and connect to
from Media and the Entertainment things that nobody had ever thought of. I thousands even millions of
Industry. believed in being a Pioneer, Trendsetter, people”
more on starting something that nishing off
I'm a perfectionist, I don't start doing from where others left off, it was difcult to I've been religiously doing that since the
something if I know I'm not going to put my aspire to be something different from what beginning of this year. I don’t count when,
entire focus and attention to, I believe the other think you should do and be, because how, where and why I give, I spot a need, I
professionalism I have, has enabled me to you grow up being exposed to a few act - whether I know you or not that's
master the art of putting aside my feelings professional careers so everyone around beside the point. I just spoke to some good
and do my work, I have grown and you would encourage you to follow suit Samaritans (business people) to extend
developed greatly my listening and because they are scared of the possibility of their hands in assisting me further my
communication skills. failure and waste of time and money sponsorships because I'm targeting schools
because it doesn't seem guaranteed. in my neighbourhood especially the ones I
Growing up from the rural village in Hlabisa went to, I'm passionate about this, even if
I've always been a different child, the one What electries me as a presenter is the fact nobody comes forth to assist and partner
who was never content and satised by the that I reach out and connect to thousands with me in this, I'd continue doing it on my
"Ordinary, Usual way of doing things" I even millions of people, I get to share my own, after all God placed it in my heart.
guess I've always been a Queen of breaking spiritual gifts with the world, meeting
the norm without even realizing it. My mind different personalities with their characters, Career wise, I See myself growing on
always refused to be accustomed to that also grows me and improves me as an television. When I compare myself now
"normality". I grew up in the rural place, individual. and when I rst started, I'm more condent,
went to public schools and was never strong willed and know my way around
exposed to anything except for what was Personally I think KwaZulu Natal presents things now.
already in front of me, never been to big enough opportunity for growth. Though
cities or bump into any celebrities. The not much but sometimes opportunities I recognise my growth through the
celebrities I'd ever known were those in reach people that are either not ready or response I get from people across the
front of me every day, my school teachers people who will take them for granted. country and beyond. I once hosted a
and my mom who was working as a senior gentleman from Ghana, when his show
staff nurse in the nearby public hospital, but I have lot of business interests, a lot that I'm aired he had already left the country, I
I've always had this edge, this hunger to working on currently, I love exploring and thought there was no point in trying to
stand out, to be different so much so that I tread on the grounds that many people are inform him because I knew it wasn't
hardly had friends when growing up afraid of treading on. I get bored and possible for him to watch from his country,
because I feared that I'd be conned and frustrated if I'm not challenged, I'm a very to my surprise he called me and told me
forced to be someone and something I'm ambitious and creative person, I get that he received a number of messages
not, just to t in the circle, so I'd hang out ooded with a lot of business ideas but I from his people from Ghana saying they've
with anyone who was willing to hang out believe in rstly doing a thorough research watched the show. I hosted a Jo'burg based
with me that time and I didn't nd that around it and communicate with other Zimbabwean Native Gospel Artist he also
strange. business minded individuals and learn more had a friend in the UK who was watching
about it before I launch into it. online. I receive countless complimentary
I never felt lonely or bored of being by messages and lot of invites from Gospel
myself, so when my school or community I have a soft spot for young people stars all across the country requesting to
was hosting beauty pageants, there would especially girls. I usually get invited to come to the show I'm hosting "I Worship".
be items in between so I decided to do address and motivate in Schools, Churches 1KZN TV has grown its reach so much that
something unusual and I'm proud that I and in Youth Conferences. There is a I sometimes receive requests from
initiated something called "OLINGISA". I project I did (and still hope it to continues) Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho, Zimbabwe
remember I registered my name among with "Sis Ribs" Rebecca Malope in schools etc. From people that are loyal viewers and
those who would be performing and I uniform giveaway in KZN, I also did it in tune in every Sunday to watch. I give honor
spoke to the Dj, I sang along to a Babyface Bloemfontein with other Gospel singers. I to God for all that is happening in my life
song and the crowd went crazy I became a also used to work with Mroza Buthelezi because He gave me and trusting me with
little superstar at school and I became from uKhozi FM, she'd invite me to Women the opportunity, the ability and the gift.
popular even with teachers. Conferences at her church to motivate and
encourage each other as women on issues
I remember again at Ukhozi FM there used pertaining to us also on how to conduct
to be a Saturday evening one hour show ourselves as respectable women in the
called "Ngidlalele" (song request) I loved the society. Back in my neighbourhood there
show and wouldn't miss it, one day I wrote are few teenage girls I'm sponsoring with
a postcard and posted it requesting a song toiletries, cosmetics and sometimes
by Randy Crawford called - Why, my clothing, but I'm that person who doesn't let
postcard was read live on air and I had the left hand knows what the right hand
visited my aunt that time, it was during did/does, so every month end I cut out a
school holidays I didn't listen to the show certain amount from my salary and do that
that Saturday, so when I came back kids in project.
the neighborhood came to me screaming
we heard your name on air I was very

August 2016 10


full-time motherhood
was my empowerment

Pam Govender

PaFrut-llT-iTmime eEMntroetphreern,eur

Photography by Nixo Graphy Productions

11 August 2016

Pam Govender has been the advocate for women's There are nights that I have to stay awake because she is so ill and
rights for as long as she can remember. The first my husband will stay awake to help me and still go to work the next
time I met Pam was through her organisation day. There are times when we are so exhausted, it would be the
Reaching Out, and I believe a lot of other women in early hours of the morning and we would just look at each other and
Zululand know her from this because she has touch burst out laughing because laughing is just so much better than
the lives of that many women. It's her warmth that getting angry with each other because we are tired. I do have a live
draws you to her. A combination of warm and in helper; she helps me with Rhyah Sai during the day. Our families
strong is a rare combination that only a few possess. live in Durban and we don't get to see them often however they
Her positive outlook to life makes one want to be support us emotionally and help with nancial needs from time to
around her. As she laughs, she describes herself as a time. . Our friends in Richards Bay are a great source of support. If
little crazy and little weird because that's what you Rhyah is not well they will come over to fetch my son so that he is
have to be to walk in her shoes. Modestly she thinks not just stuck at home while hubby and I do hospital runs. Our
there is really nothing much to her and describes support system consists of our helper, handful of amazing friends
herself as an everyday person. and my daughters paediatrician who makes himself available
anytime should my daughter become ill. I am thankful and greatly
Pam is a loving mother to her son and daughter. Her appreciate everyone that supports us including her Facebook family,
daughter Rhyah was born with special needs. Like for the prayers, words of encouragement, motivation and help with
her mother she is stubborn and refuse to let life get fundraisers.
better of her but to live everyday like its golden.
To me the best thing about being a mother is having to experience
My family is my world. I am in no competition with any those priceless moments. To be able to just put your arms around
one. I like pushing myself, I don't believe in limits. I love your child and feeling them feel safe, comforted and loved. To have
keeping busy and my children ensure that area is a bond with your child that no other can duplicate.
covered. I love challenges. I am not one that waits for things to
change or am afraid to venture in the path unknown; I am quite To develop oneself you need to do what makes you happy, follow
comfortable digging a path for others to follow or trying to effect your passion. That has been one of my mantras. I am happy with
change where I can. myself when I can make a difference in the life of someone else. I
believe making a difference in the world around you is what denes
I have made choices in the best interest of both my children, I have you and your purpose. I am not one to wait for things to change I will
an 8 year old son as well. I was the founder and managing Director go out and try even if I have to stand alone to effect change. In each
of a NPO, I was very passionate about my job and loved every bit of of these experiences I grow and learn. In life we must be open to
it but I stepped down two years ago because my daughter was not constant learning which leads to continuous personal development
progressing well. We spent weeks at a time in hospital both in and growth.
Richards and Durban. My son who was in grade one at the time
almost had a nervous breakdown. His world as he knew it changed As a full time mum you need time to relax and recharge and I
the moment his sister was born. I did not make any sacrices in recharge by spending the day out with my family at the beach - yes
leaving what I was doing because my daughter came rst but I ,on days that my daughter is well we do things regular families do. I
would say my son makes sacrices daily. I realised that I had given also enjoy updating my daughters page, creating material for her
enough service to the community and my family needed me now, fundraising and awareness campaigns .Since having my daughter,
so when I announced my resignation at the organizations Gala my perspective in life has changed , I have learnt to look at the
evening I was totally at peace with it. Over time my social circle positive side of everything , I look for the blessing in challenges and
grew very small, it is at times like these you see who your real truly believe our mind set inuences our environment . I have come
friends are. My priorities have changed. I am in love with being a full to realise that my mind set has an impact on my children, especially
time mum. I love being able to attend Cricket practice, sit with my my daughter. We have a very strong bond so I try to stay positive. It
son after school, chatting about his day and being able to help him is difcult to always stay positive so I allow myself on difcult days to
with his homework. vent, have a good cry and then pick myself up and move on. I do go
out occasionally for coffee or lunch, with friends. My son and I have
My daughter amazes me every day at how hard she works at trying dates which are such great fun and always put me in a great mood
to walk and eat orally. It is such a privilege for me to be able to be because he is just the happiest little chap. My husband and I still “date
there to support her, help her and comfort her on those days when “. We don't really get date nights but we do little things for each
she is having seizures or not able to handle the pain of stomach other that let the other know that they are loved and appreciated.
spasms. So in essence I have not made any sacrices I have made
choices that allow me to be a hands on mom which has benetted To women who chose to be home makers instead of being pressed
both my children tremendously and gives me great satisfaction. into the corporate and business world, my advise would be follow
your heart. Be at peace with your decision. Being a home maker
I don't think I would be able to manage my daughter's situation if I did does not mean you don't work. Being a home maker is a 24 /7 job.
not have an amazing husband like mine. Suren and I have been You can be a home maker and still make an impact on society, so
married for 14 years. Having a special needs child tests individuals don't look at being a homemaker as being someone less, it is in fact a
on every level and it does the same to marriages. I am so blessed to very powerful position.
have such an understanding, supportive, loving, hardworking “You may not control all of the events that happens to you but you
husband that is hands on with taking care of my daughter as well. can decide not to be reduced by them “ Maya Angelou, these are
words I live by.

August 2016 12

Special Offer

Summer Before

MAKEUP 20% off Every
MUST-HAVES Tuesday on all
Facial Treatments
Summer is upon us, if the cold we’ve had this past winter
has anything on us, we need to expect to feel we are Contact Us
closer to the sun. But it's easy to keep your cool and look Empangeni –inside Ejimini gym
beautiful with the right beauty products to beat summer's
heat. Here are some of our tried-and-true favorites. (6 Ukula Road)
Whether you're looking for the perfect new lipstick, Linda @ 0710157675
foundation or blush, we've got your best options. [email protected]

Make-up Artist: Kgotso Prepare your skin for summer
Kgotso is a Richards Bay based Make-Up Artist. He is respected
and sort after by celebrities and individuals through out
KwaZulu Natal for his creative eyes and professional air.
He is also works at 1KZN TV showcasing his talent



Designer: Afrokulcha
Photography: NixoGraphy Productions
Make-Up by: Sthabile Mzimela
Model: Zama Shandu
1KZN TV News Reader


Designer: Zinathi Fashion
Photography: NixoGraphy Productions
Make-Up by: Sthabile Mzimela


Designer: Zinathi Fashion
Photography: NixoGraphy Productions
Make-Up by: Sthabile Mzimela


Designer: Zinathi Fashions
Photography by NixoGraphy Productions
Make-Up by: Sthabile Mzimela


It aworld(WO)men’s
Women are showing super strength. Gone are
the days of a big belly, no shoes in the kitchen
women. If women of the 1900 were to have
a glimpse of women today they would be confused.
Today's women's instincts are kicking overdrive. There is
no industry without women presence. The sentence
“women can never……” has no end anymore. Hey,
women can even chose to marry other women these
days, yes I went there. Roman Payne, a novelist known
for his poetic language described a woman as free in her
wildness, "she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She
knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or
customs. 'Time' for her isn't something to ght against.
Her life ows clean, with passion, like fresh water.” he

If you don't think this is a fact, look at Thuli Madonsela.
She has ercely held the position of Public Protector like
a queen that she is. She has held her own and made
some, men in particular, uneasy. Look at Nkosazana
Dlamini - Zuma, she chose to leave her marriage to
now President Jacob Zuma, and still took one of the
most powerful seats in Africa as the Chairperson of the
African Union, proving that much as women love and
need their men, they can take world stages on their
own. There are countless women in South Africa and
KwaZulu Natal taking charge.

At an early age girls were given dolls because that's
about the main thing they needed to do... have children.
There are jobs that were meant to be for men, there
were seats only men could take, that was long time ago.
Here are some extraordinary women in elds
commonly known as men's.

19 August 2016 19


Zonke Cebekhulu Qaphile Putsoane is the chairperson of Better known to her colleagues as
UNTU NEC Member ICORA FM board, a provincial board “Sweetheart” at the Richards Bay taxi
member of National community radio rank, Nyembe is a driver by passion, she
Zonke is currently serving as the National forum, and now a NEC member of has been driving since the year 2000.
Executive Councillor for UNTU (largest NCRF. Qaphi is also a director at Her driving calling started in
trade union at Transnet), and also been Mabongo investments and a mother. Pietermaritzburg as a cab driver where
recently appointed as the National she got red because reversing was
Fulltime Trade Union Representative for She acknowledges that her journey as apparently not her mastered skill. The
UNTU. Her role as the EXCO member ICORA FM chairperson has taught her a “practice makes perfect” saying worked
is to manage and take decisions of the lot and has also strengthened her for Nyembe as she used a friend's car to
union, with her other fellow EXCO leadership skills. brush up on her skill, and this bared fruits
members. Her role as the NFTUR is to when she got another job as a taxi driver
represent the union Nationally in the She studied project management and in Richards Bay, KZN North Coast.
Transnet Bargaining Council. then registered her business (Mabongo
investments) which deals with marketing She has been driving local taxis for 2
The following are other committees she strategies and business consultant, event years, from eNseleni to Richards Bay and
is serving on: Social Justice committee at coordinating and communications. She eNseleni to eMpangeni. Moving around
FEDUSA; Rail Chamber committee at also studied hair dressing and worked as the rank with her, you get to see her in
TETA; KZN Provincial AIDS Council- a professional hairdresser, she later action, and the nickname “Sweethearts”
representing FEDUSA as the Civil opened her own saloon. is always on colleague's lips as in
Society committee member. passengers. She says she got the
She says working in the industry 'sweetheart' nickname at the rank
dominated by men you just need to be because of her good heart and her never
on top of your game and understand anding jokes.
your strength, master your work. “I don't
want to lie it does intimidate to get inside “Working with taxi drivers and managers
a boardroom full of men, but I just say to was not difcult for me as I have been
myself they are equally made just like me. selling food at the rank for a long time.
I mean one cannot quit school or feel Even though you get to be challenged at
challenged just because there's more times by colleagues who get smart with
boys in your class than girls”. you just because you are a woman and
they will want to take over. I also get
passengers who undermine me just
because I am a woman to an extent that
some have a mentality that they would
not be safe in a taxi driven by a woman”
said Nyembe

“Sweetheart” loves her daily job, beside
the passion she has for driving, it's also
the fact that it is very easy to get a job as a
taxi driver, you get paid weekly and
although it's not a glamorous job, one is
able to cover living expenses to an

Qaphile Putsoane Jabu Nyembe
ICORA FM Board Taxi Driver


August 2016 20

ransformation is
evident in the way

TSouth Africans

are approaching business.

By Nqobile Nene

21 August 2016

Business Beauty

The scary recent nding is that according to the Said Minister Lindiwe Zulu at the Small Business
latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Development Dept Budget Vote 2015/16 in
report, South Africans have lost interest in May.
starting their own businesses. Since 2013 there
has been a 30% drop in the number of people It seems most of the systems and the roles
starting small businesses. In a country that played by different stakeholders in developing
continuously promotes entrepreneurship, this is small businesses has positive results as the failure
not a good sign. However for those choosing to rate for established businesses has dropped in
embrace the challenge that comes with great the last year, the Global Entrepreneur Monitor's
rewards, the transformation can be realized. (GEM) 2014 global report reveals. There are
signs that things are improving, with South
Small, medium and micro-sized enterprises Africa's discontinuance rate having fallen from
(SMMEs) in the grocery retail sector are reaping 4.9% in 2013 to 3.89% last year. This is only
the rewards of big investments by dominant slightly above its 2009 level, but still higher than
players in the industry, such as Massmart and its 2005 level of 2.9%. But it's still below the
Pick n Pay. Pick n Pay spent more than R40bn on discontinuance rates of other efciency driven
South African suppliers, with 94% of its fresh- economies (which averaged at 4.5%, up from
food products procured from local suppliers. 4.2%). Financier Business Partners' managing
The company's spend on SMMEs quadrupled in director Nazeem Martin says the decline in the
2015 and expenditure on broad-based black bad debt levels conrm the ndings in the GEM
economic empowerment businesses rose report.
more than 39.2% to R33bn, with a particular
focus on women-owned businesses.

It used to be impossible for small businesses to “It used to be impossible Save water, Save a life
penetrate the big retail shops but it seems for small businesses to
systems are now favouring the transformation of penetrate the big retail
procument processes. Businesses interested in
supplying Spar can now liaise directly with one of shops but it seems
the supermarket chain's nationwide franchised systems are now
stores instead of having to go through the
company's the head ofce. As part of its My Spar favouring the
initiative, the company allows franchisees to sell transformation of
products that meet the demands of the procument processes”
communities they operate in.

Even though there are still some challenges
facing small businesses, such as the fact that small
businesses and co-operatives nd it difcult to
ourish in underdeveloped areas such as
townships and rural communities due to lack of
adequate investments in infrastructure and lack
of appropriate policies to protect informal

“The department will expedite the
implementation of the National Informal
Business Upliftment Strategy (NIBUS), which
seeks to create an enabling legal and regulatory
environment; provide nance and non-nancial
support; promote intergovernmental relations
to deliver to the sector; encourage the role of
private sector and support of informal trader
organizations. In partnership with the
Wholesale and Retail SETA, we shall upscale the
Informal Traders Upliftment Project (ITUP)
where currently we are piloting the support of
1000 informal traders with skills and
infrastructure nationally.”

August 2016


How are South Africans Ponzi schemes are not new in South Africa, in
still falling for fact there is one starting right now as you read
this, and after reading all the clues and warning
Ponzi Schemes? about them, you are probably going to be
By Nqobile Nene smoothed talked into joining, not for free, you
are going to be lured into investing your hard
earned money with a promise for quick cash
or “great rewards”… Sounds familiar?

There have been many famous Ponzi schemes
throughout history, and especially in recent years. These
fraudulent investments have affected everyone, from
the poor elderly to rich and famous alike. The most
disturbing thing about the Ponzi schemes in recent years
is that they are carried out by some incredibly brilliant
person, who knows that their plans aren't sustainable.

Like most things, it all started in America. He wasn’t the
rst but his name is still in association, Charles Ponzi was
the man who started it all. In the 1920's, Ponzi promised
investors a whopping 50% return in 45 days, or 100%
in 90 days on of all things, international postal coupons,
which he never actually purchased. He earned $15
million and became a millionaire in only six months.
When Ponzi was caught one year later, investors
received a mere $5 million back. He was charged with
86 counts of mail fraud and sentenced to 5 years. During
his time in federal prison, he was prosecuted again in
Massachusetts, but Ponzi claimed double jeopardy and
his case went to the Supreme Court. He was then
sentenced to seven to nine years in state prison. After
Ponzi was released, he launched another scheme,
where he sold real estate that was literally underwater.
Not surprisingly, the namesake schemer was jailed yet
again, and ultimately died penniless in Brazil, working as
a translator.

In South Africa we have had our non-ending fair share of
these home wrecking schemes leaving families penniless
and children without food and people swimming in

There is a difference between a Ponzi scheme and a
Pyramid scheme, but in both Ponzi schemes and
pyramid schemes, existing investors are compensated
by the contributions of new investors. Ponzi scheme
participants believe they are earning returns from their
investment, while pyramid scheme participants are
aware that they are earning money by recruiting new

23 August 2016


In light of the confusing MMM debacle, here Now with these schemes so regular, you You might be one of those who are too
trusting and are - maybe - even really
are some of the famous Ponzi Schemes in would think people would learn, but they desparate for cash that you will take or join
anything. It helps to be alert, here are some
South Africa. don't, so why are Ponzi schemes so effective? of the signs it's a Ponzi scheme:

1.The 'Vliegtuigie' game (Little airplane game) Here are some reasons: 1. Promises of high returns in a short time
– see how far your money can y (away from period. High and fast returns may suggest
you). Ÿ Most people are unsophisticated that commissions are being paid out of
investors - They don't have the ability to money from new recruits.
The “Vliegtuigie” game engulfed the Western understand nances and investing. And 2. Easy money or passive income. Be wary if
Cape of South Africa. In monetary value many simply don't want to know how to. you are offered compensation in exchange
nobody knows how much money changed for little work, such as recruiting others and
hands or who actually controlled it and Ÿ High rates of return are always attractive - placing advertisements.
benetted most from it, but it certainly had a Most Ponzi schemes (at least in the initial 3. Buy-in required. Be careful if you are
large impact on social events for many phases) offer substantially higher rates of required to pay a buy-in to participate in the
months. It entailed inviting people to house return than another investment available. programme.
parties to “build” an airplane. To become a These rates are always going to attract 4. Complex commission structure. Be
airline captain and win money you had to people; even the wary. concerned unless commissions are based
convince people to buy parts of the airplane on products or services that you or your
and become passengers. Passengers had to Ÿ Most Ponzi schemers are personable recruits sell to people outside the
convince friend to do the same. Once you people - A great deal of investing is selling programme.
have convinced enough friends to join in, you yourself as well as selling your investment. 5. Emphasis on recruiting. If a programme
received a large sum of money taken from the If you have "sold" yourself to people, focuses on recruiting others to join the
passenger fees. Large airplanes was drawn on almost without exception you have sold programme for a fee, it is likely a pyramid
sketch pads or even overhead projectors to your investment scheme, whatever it is. scheme.
keep tabs on progress and payouts. 6. Don't be fooled by the claims it's not a
Ÿ The investing public has a short memory - pyramid scheme because you don't have to
2.The Sushi King – from prison to eating sushi Although every year at least 4-5 major spend a lot of money up front.
off semi-naked woman Ponzi schemes are uncovered and 7. Be careful if you have to qualify for certain
reported in the media, people seem to levels of bonuses, which require various
From humble beginnings in the Kutlwanong forget about them by the end of that year, levels of product purchases and other
township of Odendaalsrus in the Free State, if not by the end of that month. People associated costs.
Kenny Kunene, studied at Vista University to simply do not remember how others 8. Vague business models. Steer clear of
become a teacher. While teaching he started were defrauded in similar manners, thus investment schemes that are based on
running a Ponzi scheme with over 2000 allowing themselves to be similarly vague investment models, or models which
investors, which led to his arrest, trial, victimized do not make sense.
conviction and six year imprisonment at the 9. More participants. Avoid investment
Grootvlei Prison in Bloemfontein. It is during Ÿ Many people involved in early stages of a schemes that rely on you bringing in more
this time that he met his future business Ponzi scheme know what is occurring, but participants in order to generate a return.
partner, bank robber Gayton McKenzie. won't tell later investors - One of the least This is a classic trait of both Pyramid and
spoken about and least pleasant aspects of Ponzi schemes.
3.Travel Ventures International (TVI) many Ponzi frauds is that early investors 10. Too good to be true. If it is too good to
often know ( or strongly suspect) that they be true, it usually is.
Investors were 'taken for R86m ride' by are involved in a scam, but they don't
Musgrave businesswoman Nonhlanhla bother to inform later investors. Why? A) There is no need for everyone to make the
Hadebe. In essence, it is alleged, that she had They are making solid returns for a while same mistake, lets learn more, read more,
three schemes. One was TVI through which B) They want to get their money out be alert and maybe even be stingy with our
“worthless” electronic travel vouchers were before it collapses. If they warned later money, we work hard for it, its not just for us
marketed for R2 700 each. Then there was investors ( whose money comprises the but its for our generations as well.
Legend Venture which, for between R5 000 majority of their "returns") about their
and R35 000, offered membership in suspicions, they also would lose money.
“worthless companies to be listed on the
stock exchange”. The third was Club Wealth Ÿ Most people are trusting, even when it
Wheels “marketed under the guise of an comes to money and investing - Most
Indian-based discount club for motor vehicle people simply don't (or won't) believe that
enthusiasts” which, for an annual fee of R2 they will be defrauded. They trust that
500, offered discounts of US$150 (R1 500) to either the person who they have met and
$225 on new cars “none of which appear to who has involved them in the scheme will
be available in South Africa”. Essentially all "take care of them". Or that "government"
required the recruitment of new members to will bail them out if their investment turns
get money back. out be a fraud. Similar to # 1; but not the

August 2016 24


GREATNESS, 2015 proved to be an amazing year for the young
HUMILITY & Christian poet. Nokwethemba Mchunu who
COMPASSION grew up in uMlazi Township in Durban. From
launching a Youth Network; to being part of Joyous
INSPIRES EVERYTHING Celebration 20 and scooping the Most Inuential
SHE IS AND WILL BE Woman award, Nokwe - as her friends and fans
call her - has the ultimate goal to make a positive
By: Pamela Mkhize difference in the lives of young people in South
Africa and ultimately the world. Nokwethemba
describes herself as focused, compassionate,
creative and a funny person “People close to me
say I'm funny” she chuckles.

25 August 2016

This year I believe there's so It's by God's Grace that I am able to juggle my 9-5 job, clothing line,
much more that I can do as an youth network and Joyous. I won't lie, it gets extremely
artist in the industry and I have overwhelming and busy times but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta
some great people that are do. My ultimate aim is to end up doing what I love full time. For now
assisting me in exploring those life's demands that I do all simultaneously.
This year I believe there's so much more that I can do as an artist in
I was introduced to gospel poetry at University in 2009. I've always the industry and I have some great people that are assisting me in
admired the gift of writing that other poets possessed. Poetry was exploring those avenues. I'm Believing God for the success of all that
never something I knew I could do until the year 2009. Prior to that I I am working on. Everybody will just have to wait and see.
just enjoyed listening to other poets render their poetry pieces, I As cliché as it may sound Jesus is in all honesty my ultimate role
never really wanted to do it myself because I never knew the gift of model, we all ought to strive to be more and more like him….
writing was there within me. However out there in the world I do not have one individual person
The poetry piece I was able to write by God's Grace is titled “Who is that is my ultimate role model. I admire different traits in different
the greatest”. One of my favorite pieces as its aim was to celebrate people. But in a nutshell any individual that was able to stay true to
men and women who excelled in their respective elds, people we their passion , make their mark one earth , change the lives of others
classify as legends, it also highlights that there is always and will always positively while on earth and left a lasting legacy is a role model to me.
be a debate as to who is the greatest man that has ever walked on The likes of Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Dr Myles Munroe
earth. However in the end the poem crowns Jesus as being the and many more. Also young people in our generation that are
ultimate legend. There truly is nobody and will never be anybody like making a positive difference in their respective elds are an
Jesus and the world needs to know that, Jesus is the greatest. The inspiration.
poem is Evangelical cross Praise cross motivational.
The Most Inuential Woman Award in 2015 was a true testimony of
Being part of Joyous Celebration 20 was absolutely amazing, sharing God's Grace. I was so humbled that somebody or individuals out
the same stage with South Africa's and Africa's Gospel legends whom there think that I am inuential enough to even win an award for
I grew up listening to and admiring is an experience I will cherish for being inuential. I always used to say of all the awards that I could ever
the rest of my life. possibly win as an artist I would love to be awarded for things that are
a reection of the inner me as opposed to anything that has to do with
I am inspired by greatness, humility and compassion. Wherever I see my physical. I want to be known for changing lives, having
these 3 qualities demonstrated I am inspired to be a better person compassion, showing love, bringing hope to the lives of others. So
and to step up in my eld of calling. Greatness is what we all aspire to that award was conrmation that I'm moving in the right direction.
be but one can never be great in life if they lack humility and
compassion. My advice to young ladies is to rst and foremost always know that
they are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. They
I was inspired to start the Youth Network because I've always been a are beautiful the way they are- light skinned, dark skinned, short, tall,
great believer that our gifts are not for us but for the Glory of God and skinny, voluptuous, they are simply beautiful just the way God made
for the betterment of the lives of others. We are not on this earth to them. There is a God that loves them UNCONDITIONALLY and
get rich and store up riches for ourselves, to be popular, liked, well that a genuine, real relationship with him is more important than
esteemed, admired, only to die and leave all of that behind. other relationship they can ever have with anybody else on this earth.
Greatness may come with all of that but I truly believe that the So God rst and all else secondary. They should focus, not be afraid
essence of life is “we are blessed to be a blessing.” Success to me and to dream big and know that no matter how shameful their
who we really are as people is tied up in how we treat those that can background or mistakes, they have a purpose to fulll and are
do nothing for us. We are here on this earth to make a difference destined for greatness.
primarily in Gods Kingdom (build churches, win souls to Gods
kingdom) and to be a blessing to those less fortunate than ourselves.

We have to use our skills, resources, time, money, platforms given, Stay connected with Nokwethemba Mchunu on social media
or the proceeds that come from that to make a difference in society. I Facebook: Nokwethemba Mchunu_Poet
wanted to make a difference in the lives of young people and those Instagram: nokwethembamchunu
less fortunate and I knew I couldn't do it on my own but needed the
assistance of other young people that were hungry for their own

August 2016 26

Beads Subscription Form 2016
Diversely Connected MAGAZINE
[email protected]

Once Annual Fee: R180

27 August 2016


FNB ECR Women`s Breakfast

Venue: I C C Durban,
Fri 12 Aug16 - 7:30

As one of the most anticipated dates on the KZN
business calendar, this year`s FNB Business Womens
Breakfast with East Coast Radio will feature four of
South Africa`s foremost thought-leaders and
trendsetters. Join Google Boss Stafford Masie, Vusi
Thembakwyo of Dragons` Den SA fame,Ndalo Media
CEO - Khanyi Dhlomo and Yolande Steyn from FNB
on a morning of key strategic insights and learnings.
Presented by FNB Business, the breakfast brings
together KZN`s business elite.

Ub40 South African Tour

Durban Botanic Gardens,
Thu 10 Nov 16 9:00 Pmselect
Britain`s biggest reggae band of all time, UB40,
will be performing classic hits and gems from
their seminal albums` Labour Of Love Parts I
and II. Two of the band`s most successful and
dening albums, "Labour Of Love Parts I + II"
between them include eight UK Top 20 Singles,
including "Red, Red Wine", "Kingston Town" and
"The Way You Do The Things You Do. Durban
Botanic Gardens, Juventus Field - Durban
Botanic Gardensselect

Shall We Dance - Durban

09 Sep 16 - 17 Sep 16
Playhouse Opera Theatre

The annual showcase started in 1991 - Shall We
Dance is probably the longest annual
production in Durban. It is presented by The
Playhouse Company in association with the
South African Dance Teachers Association.
Produced and directed by Neville Letard and
Caryl Cusens.

on our Facebook page and add #WhatsHappeningKZN 28

August 2016



Top Model 2016

Sené Kirton

Whoever thought modelling was just about long legs
and fake smiles had not met Sené Kirton.

Well long legs she denitely has, but the smile is so
real. This striking 20 year old beauty started modelling
at the age of 9 in 2005 and in the same year she won
Little Miss Zululand 2005. After admiring her outside
looks you have to admire her inner beauty. Sené is
also a Grade RR teacher and is in her second year
studying towards her Degree in Foundation Phase
Education. Being a hard worker that she is, she is also
a branch manager for Trelique Modelling and
Promotions Agency. Like all beautiful models, she has
a life outside of the pose striking industry. Sené enjoys
shing, reading, exercising and spending time with my
friends and family.

My passion is children. I am part of the Amangwe
Village charity organisations where I donate food,
toys and my time and I will gladly work with them
in future fundraisings events and initiatives. Children
are our future and giving them the love and care
they deserve, whether it is for my kids in my class
or the less fortunate, makes me happy and they
inspire me daily to be a better person.

Being crowned Zululand Top Model was one of my
greatest accomplishments because it's a prestigious
title. I am excited to use this title in any future work
that I do in the modelling industry.

My family is my greatest support. They've stood
behind me through the best and the worst times
and they always have my back. I'm lucky to have
such a supportive family.

My advice to young girls wanting to get into the
industry would be always stay true to who you are
because beauty shines brighter from the inside. Stay
humble and you will be blessed abundantly. A
beautiful heart can take you a long way.

29 August 2016


HWappy omen’s
Month 2016

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