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Published by Beads Magazine, 2022-04-26 02:58:19

BLAN Group Business Profile

Blan Group Business Profile



Regus Richards Bay, 4th Floor, Penny
Lane Road, Lakeview Terraces,
Richards Bay
+27 (0) 68 088 0958
+27 (0) 86 511 1177
+27 (0) 69 322 1042
[email protected]


We interlink services for our client's convenience

The ability to be with our clients from inception to succession is what makes us the best
partner. It's not just that we are a black female-owned company that makes us the
company to note, but it is also the fact that the companies under the group are all
strategically aligned for the growth of our clients. From inception, Aiyana Business Center
will help you register your company and be compliant. When the company is operational
it needs to be marketed, that is where our Lunele Marketing division assists you to be
seen and be chosen by the market. To market you we need to use media for a greater
reach, which is where our Thamani Media division is active.
We know that running a business has a lot of elements. What we say is, do what
you do best and let us take care of the rest.

Our companies



this is us

With our Founding member Nqobile Nene's leading to Business Improvement through
fifteen years of business experience, consulting, people, process and
including success and failures, we believe we operational assessments, benchmarking
are the right company to support businesses and resource provisioning through Quality
and entrepreneurs navigate the ever- Outsourcing.
changing business field. Aiyana Business
Consultants (ABC) was founded to support We carefully select our consultants in
organizations to be significantly more order to offer our customers foremost
efficient, effective, and financially profitable. quality of expertise together with
extensive experience in the industry
We provide best practices business practices. Our consultants have
optimization solutions to implement address substantial track record of executing
process, technology, and organizational major consulting assignments involving
improvements. Aiyana facilitates, enhanced organization-wide deployment, multi
competitiveness through multi-faceted geography, and on the advisory mode for
interventions continuous process improvement

our vis
ion our mission

To be recognized as a key provider of Is to provide organizations with realistic and
strategic consulting for the development and executable recommendations to help them
execution of growth strategies across major make the best decisions for the successful
South African economies. To become a growth of their organization business
recognized South African specialist in our
sectors of expertise.


BLAN Group (Pty) Ltd trading as Aiyana Business Consultants is registered through CIPC
with registration number 2019/249137/07. It is a Level 1 BBBEE contributor with 100% black
woman-owned ownership. Those registration details changed in 2019, the company
started operating on 06/02/2006.

Almost everything worthwhile carries with
it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a
new business, whether it’s leaving home,
whether it’s getting married, or whether it’s

flying in space.”

what we do

company formation

Starting a company can be a tedious task. We'd like
to believe this service takes off on the entrepreneur's
plate. We assist you with all the necessary
registrations and compliance documents. This

Pty Registration
Tax Registration and pin
Cental Supply Database (CSD)
Company Prole
Shareholder's certificate
Logo Design

small business compliance

Our services ensure that small businesses comply with
South African legal issues. Namely:

Registering your business
Getting Your Tax Number
Understanding Labour Law
Complying with Health & Safety Regulations
Understanding consumer protection Laws
Protection of Personal Information

business plans & profile

This service is to assist businesses with creating a
blueprint of their business. Understanding their market
and also how to penetrate the targeted market. It also
assists with the development of bankable business
proposals giving the true picture of the intention.

Success is not final; failure is
not fatal: it is the courage to

continue that counts.”

what we do

business consulting funding facilitation

This service assist in guiding businesses in the very If you were to ask a business owner what their
changing business landscape and also assist biggest challenge was, most would say
businesses navigate the plan and objectives they finance. Because with finance everything else
have created for their businesses. All sessions are can fall into place. This country has many
custom created and are as informative as possible funding opportunities that are not used
and concluded with action plans. because either people do not know where to
look or don't know how to request. So we
marketing strategy assist businesses throughout their funding
We work to understand our client's business and
also understand their marketing goals and business linkages
challenges and then create a thorough strategy to & acess to markets
achieve those goals and overcome the challenges.
Our strategy includes a to-do-list they can follow We make it our responsibility to scout the
themselves or they can just outsource their whole market for our clients, ensuring that we have
marketing to us the service or product that is needed by the
market. We then link businesses with the
tender facilitation & market or with suppliers to make the supply
notices chain work for all parties

For most, tender documents are easy to get but tender facilitation
difcult to send back. We assist businesses with
their tender document completion and pricing that For most, tender documents are easy to get
gives them an opportunity for the award. We also but difcult to send back. We assist
understand that business owners are busy people. businesses with their tender document
The last thing they need is to page through pages completion and pricing that gives them an
or spend time clicking searching for available opportunity for the award.
tenders. Therefore we assist them with sending
them notices of tenders in their sectors, so they mentorship & coaching
can continue their businesses.
Every year in South Africa, an average of
small business 587,000 new small businesses are born. The
financial management bad news is only half survived five years. And
by the time you get to 10 years, that number is
Our responsibility is to assist businesses to be cut to one-third. But, there are ways to
able to manage their business finances, using increase your odds of survival. Working with a
basic skills in accounting, reporting, and mentor has proven to be an indicator of
finance and costing. To read and understand success because a mentor's support and
business financial documentation so they are motivation can be invaluable, mentors offer
able to ask bookkeepers the right questions to accountability for entrepreneurs, and working
keep business on track. with a mentor widens an
entrepreneur's network.

“Your reputation is more Regus Richards Bay, 4th Floor, Penny
important than your Lane Road, Lakeview Terraces,
paycheck, and your Richards Bay
+27 (0) 68 088 0958
integrity is worth more
than your career.” +27 (0) 86 511 1177

+27 (0) 69 322 1042

[email protected]



this is us

BLAN Group (Pty) Ltd trading as OUR vision
Lunele Marketing formally known as
GX Marketing is a Richards Bay is on adding value and delivering results for
based company that specialises in clients whether through sophisticated
promoting local and national integrated marketing and PR campaigns; a
brands that have a goal to expand specific design project or creating a high impact
their reach to the entire African website and related digital promotion work
Continent and beyond. We want to be the company that is influential in
the facilitation of information to the African
We specialize in coordinating fast middle-class communities by using our existing
and wide facilitation flow of platforms to reach markets targeted by our
information to the urban, semi-rural clients.
and rural communities of South To create strategies that include an opportunity
Africa. The business also specializes for our clients to receive measurable response
in design, coordinating and and analysis while using our experience to drive
implementation of organizational influential campaigns to put our clients in the
marketing, communication and face of the market
advertising strategies for To assist bring about transformation for the
businesses, projects, programs, and better to organizations with regards to the
people. image value of the organization

Founded in 2006, Lunele has been OUR legalities
successful in producing materials
ready for use through mediums BLAN Group (Pty) Ltd trading as Lunele Marketing
such as press and magazines, is registered through CIPC with registration number
exhibitions, signage, the 2019/249137/07. It is a Level 1 BBBEE contributor
internet, email, events and public with 100% black woman ownership. Though
relations. registration details changed in 2019, the company
started operating on 06/02/2006.

Doing business without marketing
is like winking at a girl in the dark.
You know what you are doing, but
nobody else does.

- Steuart Henderson Britt

You can never go wrong
by investing in

communities and the
human beings within


— Pam Moore

wewhat do

Is your marketing strategy falling apart? Do you even actually
have one? Are you not recognizable amongst your peers? Are you

invisible? Have your sales funnel stopped producing leads?

If your answer to any of the above is yes, know that you're not alone and we have a solution. Small
companies, in particular, have a challenge balancing an act of providing a product/service while
marketing it. This is a skills challenge as it is a time and finance challenge. At Lunele we allow your
company to outsource your marketing to us. Our role is to promote your business and make your vision
come alive.

We assist in promoting the face of your company, coordinating and producing all materials
representing the business. It is our job to reach out to prospects, customers, investors, and/or the
community while creating an overarching image that represents your company in a positive light. The
upside of this service is that we work on a pre-defined budget that you are comfortable with. In
essence, we act as your marketing department.. Some of the services we offer include::

Defining and managing your Creating content providing
brand. search engine optimization for
your website.
This involves defining who you are,
what you stand for, what you say Your website is often the rst (and
about yourself, what you do and how possibly the only) place people go for
your company acts. This, in turn, information about you. We will be
defines the experience you want responsible for keeping Web content
your customers and partners to have current, while also working to ensure
when they interact with you. your site comes up quickly when
someone searches for your type of
Conducting campaign business.
management for
marketing initiatives Monitoring and managing
social media.
Marketing pro-actively identfiies the
products and services to focus on We will contribute to, manage and
over the course of your sales cycle, maintain your social media pages
and then produces materials and while we carefully watch what's
communications that get the word being posted about you online.
Producing internal
Producing marketing and communications
promotional materials.
Your employees need to understand
We will create the materials that your company, its values, its goals
describe and promote your core and its priorities. We are responsible
products and/or services. And make for employee communications
sure it is kept up-to date as those through an inhouse newsletter.
products and services evolve.

wewhat do

Media liaison services Conducting customer and
market research.
When your company is cited in the
media, our member will acts as Research helps you dene target
spokesperson for your company, or markets and opportunities and helps
guides executives in how to you understand how your products
respond to media queries. and services are perceived.

creative strategy traditional
Great creative gets your Innovators in their own right,
message across, persuades our strategic team is big on Media selection is pivotal on
your target market to learning and sharing the the success of your
change their behaviour, and latest developments from campaigns. Lunele
leaves them feeling inspired. around the globe. approaches media strategy,
This is the aim of every piece buying, and placement
of communication the They use these insights and holistically, to make sure
Lunele creative team then work with you to everything runs practically
produces. intimately understand your and efficiently.
business and take into
Whether it’s a ‘big bang’ TV consideration your Our team of media natives
campaign, corporate identity, objectives, market, budget has contacts in every
catchy radio spot, social and media, to create a channel and knows just how
media campaign, or unique blueprint to sell your and where to make it
brochure, our creative team product. happen for your brand.
is ready to understand your
business and connect with
your ideal audience.

wewhat do

B2B Solutions Digital media Social

Inbound marketing is a IFrom strategizing on how to We create a visual story for
philosophy that focuses on reach your conversion and your brand that fits your
attracting and nurturing engagement objectives, to aesthetic and maximises
leads into customers. planning how your campaign share ability. Our services
By creating helpful content will roll out, and negotiating include:
that is useful and engaging, the best deals with media
your brand becomes a owners or mobile platforms. Social Networking
resourceful magnet for Social Media Buys
potential customers and Our digital team is always on Community Platform
makes it easy for them to the pulse of latest trends Management
find your goods or services. and has all the tricks to Content Create
amplify your content to the Drive ROI Via Social
Our team of experts can help right audiences. Campaigns
you develop strategies that Maximize Follower
guarantee an improved Growth & Engagement
closing ratio. Analytics
Live Event Coverage

Production Activations & A brand is no
events longer what we
Production is the vital link tell the consumer
between great ideas and Original, creative and it is—it's what
execution. They make the seamlessly run events, consumers tell
ads work whether it’s radio, expos and experiences help each other it is."
print, brand activation, point to amplify your brand – it’s
of sale, or anything else you also Penquin’s specialty. — Scott Cook
might require. From conceptual design,
planning and organising, to
Lunele’s Production the actual event, our team
department produces has over two decades of
impeccable quality work, experience in activation and
within reasonable time- event marketing and will
frames, and within your bring your brand to life.

wewhat do

Paper Printing Vinyl Printing

Business Cards Canvasses
Flyers Car Door Magnets
Complementary Slips Wall Decals
Letterheads Car Wraps
Post Cards Pull Up Banners
Posters Flags
Presentation Folders Chromadeck Signs
Pens Corporate Gifts
Wall Decals Pens
NCRS Books Lanyards




SOME OF OUR clients


Richards Bay
4th Floor, Penny Lane Road,

Lakeview Terraces,
Richards Bay

Tel: +27 (0) 69 322 1042
Fax: +27 (0) 86 511 1177
Cell: +27 (0) 81 729 9023
[email protected]

Rates &


Schedules 2022



Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

about us

hamani Digital Media is a paramount source of
formation for mainly the black community in small
wns. Understanding that small towns have a lot of
ontent that filters through and is not covered by original
edia, we have taken it upon ourselves to provide
formation that is targeted at specific communities.
ur vision is to be the information hub for the
ommunities we serve. While journalism is at the heart of
hat we do, our goal is to inform our readers and provide
olutions in their daily lives and business dealings
rough a portfolio of features that target various needs
nd communities. We plan not only to inform but to also
ducate, create a platform for dialogue, and also to

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:



Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

advertising overview

gital has made it easier for you to achieve marketing
oals and objectives. Thamani Digital Media through its
etwork will help you connect with audiencesthrough;
ach, engagement and conversation.
onnect with audiences consuming Thamani content on
eir device of choice, waiting for your brand to connect
nd engage while using our digital suite of services for
nd-to-end solutions.

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:

our editor

Business Finance

In understanding that businesses drive Personal or business finance articles ar
the economy, Our publications keep featured to ensure readers make sound
readers informed with the latest in the financial decision. We ensure we teach
business arena locally, provincially, at the level of the community we are
nationally and globally. We profile publishing to. Not all our readers are
movers and shakers in a bid to already financially established therefor
celebrate leadership and what our content is on how to make money,
influences the business world. save it and give back.

Religion News

We collaborate church leaders in We publish daily news on
distributing news to congregants. community activities and other
We also have weekly "word" information of public interest. We
features to revive people and inspire source the news from reliable
moral regeneration sources in different sectors of the

Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

rial pillars

Lifestyle Schools

re Each town has something that makes it We feature schools and report all
d unique. It is important that we turn the the good and the unfortunate. We
h community members to be the celebrate educators and pupils
alike. We give opportunity to
advocates of the town. This is done by department of Education to use
keeping them informed enough to talk our platform as platform to share
re about their town favorable. news and developments


We showcase community social
scenes, events and people involved
n the industry. This good for the
community and for business with
the local economy.

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:

demographics -

@Ulundi_Online @UlundiOnline

Age Location | Top Cities

15 - 52 uLundi: 28.2%
Durban: 20.9%
Gender Pietermaritzburg: 4.1%
Nongoma: 3.5%
52% Female | 48% Male Johannesburg; 2.9%


Black: 98% | Indian: 1% | Content Geograp
White: 1% | Other: 0%
Ulundi is situated in the northern pa
Province within the Zululand District
central Zululand. It is rich in cultural
experiences. It covers 3 250km². The
Agriculture, commercial, retail

Distribution &

This is an online publication that is d
publication is aimed at being the so
Keeping them informed, inspired, an
journalism, we aim to inform, educa
of uLundi, from young to old. Giving
promote their businesses and grow

Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

- uLundi Online


The following

Subscriptions: 3100
Facebook Followers: 9 315
Instagram Followers: 300
Twitter Followers: 120

phical Coverage

art of the KwaZulu-Natal
t. It is the power hub of
l, historical, and wildlife
e Main Economic Sectors are

& Circulation

dominated by Facebook. The
ource of community news.
nd alert. Through high-quality
ate and develop the community
g businesses a platform to
w the local economy.

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:

demographics -

@EshoweO @EshoweO @e

Age Location | Top Cities

15 - 52 Eshowe: 46.2%
Durban: 20.8%
Gender Richards Bay: 15%

58.4% Female | 41.6% Male Melmoth: 9%
Mandini; 7%

Black: 78% | Indian: 10% |
White: 11% | Other: 1% Content Geograp

Eshowe is the main town under the
Online covers content from the who
Indian Ocean and has a coastline of
population distribution in the munic
relatively high population densities
densities in rural areas. The municip
areas, and 14 tribal authorities exist
Eshowe is of great historical signific
Cetshwayo, who was king of the Zu
of 1879.

Distribution &

This is an online publication that is d
publication is aimed at being the so
Keeping them informed, inspired, an
journalism, we aim to inform, educa
under uMlalazi Municipality, from yo
a platform to promote their busines

Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

- eShowe Online


The following

Subscriptions: 4200
Facebook Followers: 7 200
Instagram Followers: 368
Twitter Followers: 120

phical Coverage

uMlalazi Municipality. Eshowe
ole municipality. It borders on the
f approximately 17km. The
cipal area is characterized by
within urban nodes and low
pal area is dominated by tribal
within the area. The town of
cance in that it is the birthplace of
ulus during the Anglo-Zulu War

& Circulation

dominated by Facebook. The
ource of community news.
nd alert. Through high-quality
ate and develop the community
oung to old. Giving businesses
sses and grow the local

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:

demographics -

@NkandlaO @nkandlao @n

Age Location | Top Cities

15 - 52 Nkandla: 62%
Eshowe: 20%
Gender Durban: 10%
Babanango: 1.3%
53.8% Female | 46.2% Male Greytown: 6.7%

Race Content Geograp

Black: 99% | Indian: 0.7% | Nkandla has a claim to be the ‘cradl
White: 0.3% | Other: 0% Malandela to Shaka, to Dingane and
at the center stage of the Zulu natio
wealth of undisturbed forests that b
Nkandla Town offers the full array o
smaller scale compared to the majo
it is in 1 828km², The main economic

Distribution &

This is an online publication that is d
publication is aimed at being the so
Keeping them informed, inspired, an
journalism, we aim to inform, educa
of Nkandla Municipality, from young
platform to promote their businesse

Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

Nkandla Online


The following

Subscriptions: 1320
Facebook Followers: 9 700
Instagram Followers: 150
Twitter Followers: 109

phical Coverage

le' of Zulu history. From
d Cetshwayo, Nkandla has been
on's history. The area has a
boast mostly indigenous species.
of urban development, albeit at a
ority of towns in KwaZulu-Natal.
c sectors are retail, agriculture


dominated by Facebook. The
ource of community news.
nd alert. Through high-quality
ate and develop the community
g to old. Giving businesses a
es and grow the local

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:

demographics -

@vryheid_online @vryheid_online

Age Location | Top Cities

15 - 52 Vryheid: 42%
Durban: 13%
Gender Newcastle: 20%
eDumbe: 16%
64.1% Female | 35.9% Male
Ulundi: 9%
Content Geograp
Black: 66% | Indian: 15% |
White: 18% | Other: 1% Vryheid Online covers the whole of
municipal boundaries cover these to
Esigodini, Gluckstadt, Hlobane, Kan
Louwsburg, Ngobeni, Ngome, Sche
Swart Umfolozi, Thakazele, and Zun
main economic sectors include who
manufacturing, finance, general go
forestry, transport, storage and com
social services.

Distribution &

This is an online publication that is d
publication is aimed at being the so
Keeping them informed, inspired, an
journalism, we aim to inform, educa
of Abaqulusi Municipality, from youn
platform to promote their businesse

Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

- Vryheid Online


The following

Subscriptions: 4910
Facebook Followers: 8 400
Instagram Followers: 720
Twitter Followers: 220

phical Coverage

AbaQulusi Municipality. The
owns: Alpha, Calvert, Emondlo,
ndaspunt, Lenjanedrif,
eepersnek, Steilrand, Stilwater,
ngwini, in its 4 314km² land. Its
olesale and retail trade,
overnment, agriculture and
mmunication, community and


dominated by Facebook. The
ource of community news.
nd alert. Through high-quality
ate and develop the community

ng to old. Giving businesses a
es and grow the local

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:


Website Advertising

Specification Price

Leaderboard R 500 per week
Side Advert R 350 / week
R 500
Full Advertorial R 190 Annually
Business Directory

Social media Advertising

Size Price

FB Cover R 350 / week
R 100 / post
FB Post R 100 / post
R 350
Insta Post
R 250 / feature
PR Profile


Advertising | Editorial |
Call: 081 462 1212 | Email: advertisin

sing rates

Events | Competitions | Media Partnerships
[email protected] | Visit:

Contact Us

081 462 1212
[email protected]
57 Osborn Roard, Eshowe, KZ

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