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Published by Carter Minsker, 2019-03-25 14:12:22




By: Carter Minsker 


Table of Contents 
Page 1………..…………………..…………..….………...Table of Contents  
Page 2………………………………...………..…………………...…...Glossary 
Page 3…………..…………………….……….…Description of Basketball 
Page 4……………………………………...……..Playing is Fun (Pictures) 
Page 5……………………………………………………..Basketball is Simple 
Page 6…….……………………………………………….The Basics 
Page 7….…………………………..…...Difference From Other Sports 
Page 8………………….…………….Showing Comparisons (Pictures) 
Page 9….…………….………...…...Causes and Effects in 
Page 10………….…….Causes and Effects in Basketball 
Page 11……………………………...……………...Problems In Basketball 
Page 12……………………………………….…………...Solutions 
Page 13……………………………………….…………………..Autobiography  



Basketball​- A game played between two teams of five 
players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through 
a netted hoop fixed above each end of the court. 
Comparison​-T​ he act or instance of comparing. 
Foul​- A ​foul​ is an infraction of the rules more serious than a 
violation. Most fouls occur as a result of illegal personal 
contact with an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behavior. 


Solution-​ Me​ ans of solving a problem or dealing with a 
difficult situation. 
Biography​-An account of someone's life written by someone 




The game of b​ asketball​ as it is known today was created 
by Dr. James Naismith in December 1891. Basketball is a 
simple sport that has been played by professional and minor 
league people for over 100 years now. This is an easy game 
consisting an orange ball and ten players. The game is 
played by each team with five people on the court going back 
and forth passing to each other until they try to score a point 
or basket as some people call. You score a point by shooting 
the ball into an eleven foot high hoop with a rim and net 
hanging off of it and if you make it in you score 2-3 points 
depending where you shoot from. In the minor leagues you 
have four quarters and each quarter has ten minutes each 
which means the game last a total of forty minutes and wich 
ever team had the most points at the end would win. In the 
professional league it is basically the same thing except each 

quarter has fifteen minutes. In the game they also have fouls 
just like other sports. When you foul someone or make a 
foul ​on the court you get to shoots from the foul line and if 
you make it your team scores one point. 



Basketball is simple, this is one of the top five easiest 
sports according to Americans. This is also one of the top 
five easiest sports to learn according to Americans. Since 
this is so easy to lean, that means you could be taught easily 
accept it is a hard sport to master. First, when learning you 
want to learn how to dribble, you can learn how how dribble 
just by sitting in a seat and practicing. Then, once you can 
do it after sitting then you have to do it while walking, then 
do it running. Once you feel comfortable doing that then 
you can move on to the next step. After that, you want to 
learn how to shoot, you can learn how to do this by starting 

to shoot up close and slowly move back until your 
comfortable with shooting. Finally, you want to learn how to 
steal the ball from other players, you also want to learn what 
the fouls are in the game so that you are not fouling the 
whole game. After you have learned everything then you can 
start to learn some of the little stuff that may help you in the 
game, but these are the three main steps in learning the 
rules in basketball and learning how to play. Then when you 
get really good with basketball then you can start to play 
with your friends to try and get better and see how the game 
works with other people. 


​ Basketball is completely different from other 
sports. How is this different? This is different 
because basketball is one of the safest sports in 
the U.S. This is the safest sport because it has 
reported the least amount of injuries out of any 
sport. This sport is also an indoor sport witch 
only 25% of sports are indoor, the majority of 
them are outside. The sport of basketball is also 
a two team sport with five players on each team 
and most other sports have eleven or nine 
people. Yet that they have all there differences 
they also have stuff in common. They have 
thing in common like a bunch of other sports 
have fouls just like basketball, and almost every 
sport is played by two teams. Some sports can 
also relate to basketball by being played inside 
but not many are. 


This picture above is a picture of a basketball court and the 
pictures below are picture of other sports fields and courts 
and you can obviously see the difference between them. 


In the game of basketball there are many cause 
and effect events. Some like the simple stuff 
like shooting a basketball the cause is it’s being 
shot and the effect is that you score a point if 
you make it in the basket. But there for there 
are also bigger causes and effects like when 
someone gets hurt, a team wins a game, and 
when your dribbling the ball. In basketball 
there’s not a lot of main cause and effects or 
anything big. All the cause and effects in 
basketball are pretty small. 


This picture above is the most common cause 
and effect ever used in basketball. This is a 
picture of someone dribbling a ball this is the 
most common because you use this the entire 



​ In basketball there are not many problems 
just like there are not that many cause and 
effects problems. Yet there are some. A lot of 
them are really small but there are a couple that 
are big. Some of the littlest ones happen when 
the ball gets stolen from you team then you 
have to get it back to keep them from scoring. 
But the also have major problems like when 
someone gets injured and have to go to the 
hospital. Then the solution would be for the 
player to get better and be ok. Like I said before 
though there are not many problem and 
solutions in basketball but this picture below 
shows and relates to some problems and 
solutions​ in basketball. 




My name is Carter Minsker and I am 12 years old and I go 
to school at East Pennsboro Middle School and I am in sixth 

​grade.​ I have 2 pets and they are both cats, a boy and a girl. 

One is named Gizzy and the other is named Smokey. My 
favorite thing to do is play sports like speed skating, 
baseball, and basketball. I also love to make money and get 
good grades. When I have free time I play outside with my 
friends and in the summer we ride bikes all day and in the 
winter we play inside or out in the snow! Also in the summer 
my family goes to Hershey Park a lot because we have season 
passes and I am a jolly rancher witch means I can ride and 
ride in the park. These are my favorite things to do and 
some thing about me. 

Carter D. Minsker 

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