Message from Mr Blaney Issue 2
July 2018
Executive Headteacher
well as he moves to one of our other trust
And so we come to the end of what has schools for the next academic year.
been another very busy year here at Royal
Docks. I would like to this opportunity to This is also exciting as it give me great pleas-
thank you for your continued support that ure to welcome new colleagues to the school
ensures high standards for all your sons and including: Ms Taze Deputy Head and maths
daughters. As well as converting to academy teacher; Mr Brown, Ms McGoldrick and Ms
status and joining BMAT, there have been Shams in English; Mr Watkins and Ms Gavin
many highlights this year and I am delighted in humanities; Mr Salloum joining languages;
that the pupils have the opportunity to take Ms Cotelli who will teach PE and dance; Ms
part in a wide variety of extended learning Cameron joining science; Mr Allen who will
opportunities outside of the classroom. As teach maths. These new appointments will
well as providing an excellent education, I continue to strengthen teaching at the
want the pupils at Royal Docks Academy to academy and ensure an outstanding
have as many wonderful experiences as education for your children.
possible that they can take with them and
remember, well into the future. Just to remind you that we launch our new
curriculum in September. The start of the
As ever at this time of year, some staff move school day remains the same. Pupils will
on and I am sure you will join me in register with their form tutor at 8.30 a.m.
congratulating Mr Dallimore on his every morning and although the school day
retirement after almost forty years of service officially ends at 3.00 p.m. everyday, (There
to teaching young people and fifteen of will be afterschool activities, revision and
those spent here at Royal Docks. We also homework sessions that will run until 5.00
say farewell to Ms Wilcox, Ms Sillani and Ms p.m. A full programme will be published in
Mc Dermott from English, Mr Asare and Ms September.
Chima-Uchechi from maths, Ms Baum and
Ms Turle from humanities, Ms Essien from School reopens at 8.30am on Tuesday 4th
science and Mr Nichols from PE. A special September 2018 for all pupils.
word of thanks to Mr Ross. We wish him
I wish you all the best for a safe and relaxing
summer holiday.
FRONT PAGE: MESSAGE FROM Mr Blaney, Executive Headteacher
Pg4: Citizenship News
Pg 4: Pupils Visit to THE Real Estate
Pg 5: English Department News
Pg 6-7: Mathematics Department News
Pg 8 - 9: Design & Technology News
Pg 10: Drama Department News
Pg 11: Watch this space! Drama Casting Call.
Pg 12: Music Department News
Pg 12: History Department Visit to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
Pg :13 - 16 History Department Summer Challenge ‘Pull Out’ Booklet
Pg 17: Science News
Pg 17: Year 10 & 11 Journey to London
Pg 18: Modern Foreign Languages Department News
Pg 19: Community Languages News from Mr Russell
Pg 20: Royal Docks Academy, Going Back to Basics!
Pg 21: Year 11 News
Pg 22 - 23: Year 10 News
Pg 24 –25: Year 9 News
Pg 25: Resourced Provision News
Pg 26: Changes to the Royal Docks Academy Catering Services
Pg 27: Parent Pay Information…….and much more
Year 8 pupils acted out a motoring offence trial in
their Citizenship lessons, as part of their education on
crime and punishment. Pupils learnt about the
structure of the court and case proceedings, before
taking on the roles of defendant, prosecutor, judge,
jury and witness. Jermaine Mitchell, who played the
clerk, said: “My role was to make sure the court was
settled, that the jury members were okay and to help
the judge. I have learnt that a court is not what I
expected and that there are a lot of different roles
involved.” Drequawn Waite added “Being the judge
was an important job. I had to make sure everything in
the court was done right.”
School Diversity Week Mr McGoldrick & Miss Tinsley
The school celebrated school diversity week which aims to
make our schools places where everyone, LGBT & straight,
can be themselves. To reflect the diversity of RDA KS3 pupils
created an identity flag and we used these to create
classroom diversity flags by stitching the individual flags
together. Some examples of the flags are shown here.
Year 10 Citizenship pupils promoted school diversity week
through encouraging pupils and staff to wear ribbons and
badges across the school.
Diversity fact: Did you know in RDA we have 61 different first languages spoken by pupils?
Have a lovely summer holiday!
What better way to learn about business than to spend time
with a worldwide real estate investment company.
Year 9 pupils from Royal Docks Academy, visited THE Real Estate to get industry insights and to take on business
challenges. The group of 30 pupils were asked to create a business plan to develop a piece of real estate into a
retail outlet.
Ms Clarke, director of performing arts, said: “Pupils had the opportunity to consider all aspects of their business
adventure, including location, target customers, marketing and finance. Pupils rose to the challenge. They were
truly excellent ambassadors for the school and presented their ideas competently and with passion. The associ-
ates of THE Real Estate were thoroughly impressed by their ideas and presentation skills.”
What an exciting last riences, which includes: early morning, after school
and lunchtime revision sessions, help with home-
term, and indeed year, work, and a quiet place to read for any pupil who
wants to avail themselves of this opportunity. Our
Department News this has been for the school library is also a great place to be at break and
English Department at lunchtimes as pupils have access to our well-read Li-
brarian Kay who offers advice on both reading for
Royal Docks Academy! Topping the list is Ms. Bor- pleasure and academic research on texts we are cur-
rently studying.
land, the Head of English, giving birth to a bounc-
As you may be aware the key to unlocking your child’s
ing baby boy. We wish her well. We also had Ms. potential in English is Literacy. In the next academic
year all pupils in Years 7-9 will be set a Literacy based
McDemott and Mr. Gruppetta take pupils to meet homework in addition to one linked to the work that
they are studying. We ask that you ensure that you
the author Neil Zetter, who provided the stimulus supervise the completion of this as it is essential to
your child making outstanding progress at school. In
for our pupils to write their own inspiring poetry. addition, we would like to set your child a Royal
Docks Academy holiday reading challenge. They
The English Team also took all Year 11 pupils to see should try and read at least 4 books from the list be-
low. If they read all, a mammoth challenge but not
the play Blood Brothers and we hope to replicate impossible one, they will get a reward on answering
pertinent questions about the book of course. So, go
that this year. What better way is there to learn on and encourage your child to take the challenge!
than to see the characters you have studied come KS4 Reading Challenge
A Monster Calls- Patrick Ness
to life on stage? This effort by staff to plan these
Lovely Bones-Alice Seabold
educational trips is much appreciated.
Life of Pi-Jann Martel
The English Department remains committed to en-
suring that pupils at the school have the best The Kite Runner-Khalid Hosseini
skilled staff and maintain the highest standards of
learning and teaching. To provide your child with a White Teeth –Zadie Smith
well-rounded education we have a number of
events planned to enhance their educational expe- Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austen
KS3 Reading Challenge Purple Hibiscus-Chimamanda N.Adiche
The Hobbit-J.R.R Tolkien
The Twilight Series-Stephanie Meyer
A Christmas Carol-Charles Dickens
Ugly-Constance Briscoe
War Horse-Michael Morpurgo
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
The Book Thief-M.Zusak
Refugee Boy-B. Zephaniah
Noughts and Crosses-Malorie Blackman
Little Women –Louisa M. Alcott
After the Fire-Will Hill
Avid readers can also look for good reads in Finally, we are sad to see three members of
the Carnegie Shortlist. staff move on to new pastures. They are: Ms
5 Sillani, Ms. Wilcox and Ms.
McDermott. We wish them well in their new
schools. We are equally delighted to wel-
come Mr. Brown , who takes up the post as
Director of English, as well as Ms Shams and
Ms McGoldrick who are also joining
our department
The English Team wishes everyone a
happy, relaxing and thoroughly
enjoyable summer holiday.
This past academic year 2017 – 2018 saw us celebrating many successes in the department by
our pupils. Pupils on the whole have worked very hard in their lessons and we are confident
that they will continue this journey in the new academic year.
Here are some of the successes:
UK Junior and Intermediate Mathematical Challenge
In total we had 33 pupils who were successful of
which 12 were pupils from years 7 – 8 and 21 pupils
from years 9 - 11.
Congratulations again to you all for showing that you
are among the brightest mathematicians in your age
group in the country.
Year 7 Year 10
Kulthum Omar (Silver Award and best in year 7), Chloe Andy Vong (Silver Award and best in year 10), Ray-
Collins (Silver), Jessica Bright (Bronze), mond Hoang (Silver), Mohammed Rahman (Silver),
Gracie Miller (Bronze), Dylan Moore (Bronze) and Petru Macrineanu (Bronze), Billy Munro (Bronze),
Oana Dinca (Bronze). Mya Pinnock (Bronze) and Malali Khan (Bronze).
Year 8 Year 11
Andrei Macrineanu (Silver Award and best in year 8), Tobi Ibrahim (Gold Award and joint best in school),
Chinaza Jideonwoedun (Silver), Milot Dvorani (Gold Award and joint best in school),
Darral Boye-Moses (Silver), Jordan Moore (Silver),
Hazel McLeod (Silver), Jiscar Kelekele (Bronze), Alex Mahraz Abdullah (Silver), Yulin Zhou (Silver), Harry
Foley (Bronze) and Rafia Chowdhury (Bronze). Bruns (Bronze), Hussain Gondal (Bronze), Mahim
Chowdhury (Bronze) and Chanelle Callison (Bronze).
Year 9
Well done to Milot and Tobi who progressed to the
Shaeann Mcleod (Silver Award and best in year 9), Eri- European Maths challenge level and did themselves
ca Dumitru (Bronze), Gemma Benjamin (Bronze) and proud.
Risha Talokder (Bronze).
Year 11 Master classes at New Vic College In School Support
The maths Department was very proud of the behav- Good luck to our Year 11 pupils whom in most cases
iour and attitude to learning of these 50 pupils who made productive use of the revision sessions offered
attended the Mathematics master classes at New Vic to in the mornings (before lessons), lunch time, after
college. The pupils focussed on the grades 8 and 9 school, during the support/intervention lessons and
topics in order to have a better understanding of tuition sessions (thank you Mr Mills). Well done to
these topics at the GCSE level and to be introduced to those of you who attended Saturday classes and a big
the demand and rigor of the topics which will be thank you to Mrs Mittal, Mrs Hall, Mrs Ahmed, Mr
needed for those who were thinking of studying math- Hopgood and Mr Carter for giving up their time to
ematics at the A-level. help you.
Years 7 -10 Please remember to always have your equipment
ready for your lessons. These are calculator,
Well done to all pupils on the positive attitude you mathematics set, glue stick, pens and pencils.
have been demonstrating in your lessons. Please
ensure that you continue to revise at home during the The Maths Department and pupils would like to say
summer holidays. Remember to continue to revise farewell and a HUGH thanks to Mr Asare for his time
during this period. Below are a list of the websites that with us in the Dept. Mr Asare has been part of this
will help you. team since September 2009 and will be greatly
missed by all. All the best for the future as you
Years 7 -8 please remember that you are to complete embark on the next stage of your teaching career.
tasks on Hegarty maths. The other websites are addi-
tional resources. Years 9 -10 must explore all websites Hope you all have a happy summer break.
and revise the topics not fully mastered.
Mrs Mittal
Mathematical websites:,,, Head of Mathematics,
You don’t need a makeover when Ms. Thorne has a pencil in her hand!
As part of developing her refined technical skills, Ms. Thorne from the Art Department was challenged
with producing pencil tonal portraits of staff from the Maths Department “Didn’t she do well!”
The Design & Technology Department would really
like to congratulate all Yr 11 Graphics, Textiles, RMT
and Hospitality pupils for their hard work in
ensuring their practical aspects were of the highest
possible standard this year. Projects included:
Child’s Educational Toy, Themed Storage Unit,
Architectural Lamp, Film Promotion &
Advertising, Board Games, Band Promotion,
Scale Model Scalextric building, High-street
fashion for children, Recycled / re-invented
textile products
Some pupils have already
expressed an interest in working
towards a career in design /
fashion / catering industries and
we wish them all well with their
future careers!
Miss Harper, Mr Ahmed, Mr Ross, Miss Kitouni
Year 11 Drama pupils have been working collabo-
ratively with Year 12 Performing Arts pupils from the
local college. NewVic College offered Royal Docks
Academy pupils the opportunity to practically en-
gage with the professional equipment to realise their
artistically creative ideas. They opportunity to devel-
op their technical theatre skills. They experimented
with sound design, lighting design and set design.
Royal Docks pupils relished the opportunity to work
with older pupils and they benefited from their input.
We hope that this is just the beginning of future
collaborations with NewVic to come.
Well done Year 11
Year 11 Drama Pupils faced their fears and attended a
trip to see The Woman In Black. This notorious horror has
had audiences screaming in their seats for many years.
Our Year 11 Drama pupils watched the performance in
preparation for their final examination. They were
required to watch a live performance and be prepared
to answer questions on costume, lighting, staging and
performance skills in the exam. The Year11 Drama pupils
thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were well
equipped to sit their final exam.
Year 10 Drama pupils have been preparing for their first GCSE Performance which will count towards 40% of their
final mark. They have been working in groups and devising a piece of theatre based on a stimulus which was sent
by the exam board and in a particular style. The pupils have tackled some challenging topics including equal rights
for women, immigration, justice, youth crime and bulimia. They have approached these topics with maturity and
produced performances which are thought provoking and informative. The pupils should be proud of their work. We
wish them success in their imminent examination. Well done Year 10.
During this term within the music department at Royal Docks
Academy, we have seen a lot of progress with our pupils
across the years. Our year 7 pupils embarked on their final
module based around singing, which taught them the differ-
ent techniques to hold a note and how to sing to their best
ability. This module has had such an impact in our school
that it gave birth to the Royal Docks Academy Choir which
includes pupils from year 7 to year 10. The choir managed
to put on a marvellous show for the new year 6 pupils, who
will be joining us in September. The year 6 pupils were joined with parents, teachers and governors who all enjoyed the
performance. The choir is currently gearing up for their next performance which should take place in the rotunda,
alongside a few solo performances, this one is definitely not to be missed!
In July, 100 Year 10 historians and drama pupils visited the Globe theatre by the banks of the Thames in Southwark.
The visit was arranged to compliment the Historical Environment unit of the GCSE course and to give year 10 drama
pupils a flavour of how Elizabethan theatre worked.
The Year 10s were given a guided tour around Shakespeare’s Globe and learned about how it would have looked and
worked in Shakespeare’s time. They had an opportunity to see how this area of London, known as Bankside would
have looked and how it would have reflected the different aspects of Elizabethan society. We also got to see some
modern actors rehearsing on stage while we sat in the stands or stood in the pit as Elizabethan groundlings would
Our pupils were impeccably behaved and were a credit to the school, and were congratulated on their mature attitude
by our guides.
Name: _____________________________ Form : ________ History Teacher: ____________________________
Use your holiday to explore the
history of London
Science News
A group of 12 RDA pupils spent an afternoon at New Vic -
Newham Sixth form college on June 20th, attending a Medi-
cal Careers day. Current medical students talked to them
about how to apply for Medical School and what to expect
when they were there. Pupils were then treated to 3 ses-
sions with medical students and doctors, including CPR,
Anatomy and Medical Ethics. Organisers were impressed by
the pupils' questioning skills and ability to coherently articu-
late their ideas and opinions. No doubt, some of the top sur-
geons and consultants in the future will be the product of the
To close the academic year, the Science department took almost 120 pupils to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic
Park on Thursday 5th July. Our pupils were able to immerse themselves in the latest virtual reality, artificial in-
telligence and augmented reality experiences. The opportunity enabled some of our pupils, who would other-
wise not have been able to visit such an event and place, to view the world around them in a different way. It
was a delightful experience for both staff and pupils. Thank you to the Science team and Mr Coe for their sup-
port and Ms Essien for organising the event.
Year 10 & 11 Journey to London
Ms Cabey A number of pupils in year 10 & 11 were
given the task to make their way to London
visiting a number of sites ensuring that the
pupils who were in a wheelchair had step
free access on the DLR and underground
The Journey began at Prince Regent
Lane and they made their way through
Green Park to Buckingham Palace. Though
they didn’t get an invite to see the Queen,
much to their delight we managed to get
there on time to witness The Changing of the
From there, they made their way through
St James’ Park to Trafalgar Square, with a
slight diversion to McDonalds where they placed
their orders independently. Having their lunch
here I think for many of them was the highlight
of the day. Whilst at Trafalgar Square, the pu-
pils were reminded that money is not everything
and that it is important to help others - which
was demonstrated throughout the trip.
Many of the pupils took turns to push and care for
those in wheelchairs which was amazing, One stu-
dent, Serghei went over and above. After, the pu-
pils made their way to Westminster station to have
a quick glance at Downing street and stopped for
one more picture with one of the Queen’s Guard.
Modern Foreign Languages News
Community Languages
As we bid a fond farewell to Year 11 pupils after their exams, we celebrate the GCSE qualifications which
many of them achieved last year in their home language.
Well done to all on their community languages GCSEs and hope that these successes sit alongside many
others from this summer’s exams.
Our annual programme of entering pupils for home language GCSE exams will see even more entries next
year as Y9 and Y10 pupils will take ‘early’ home language GCSEs.
Surname Forename Mr Russell
ZHOU Yulin
Community Languages Coordinator
Home Language
Chinese (Mandarin)
MENDES Maiva French
KINDELL Athena French
MUSHTAQ Umar German
CHOWDHURY Mahim Italian
HOSSAIN Adnan Italian
ARAPI Sabrina Italian
IGNATESCU Monalisa Italian
MATUBBER Shahadat Italian
MEHMOOD Laibah Shahid Italian
DWORNIK Nikola Polish
DYMITER Amdzej Polish
PEREIRA FERNANDES Adriana Portuguese
PEREIRA ZAMORA Vanessa Portuguese
XAVIER DA SILVA Veronica Portuguese
BARROS DAVID Daniel Portuguese
LOPES FERREIRA Dori Portuguese
VAZ Eduino Portuguese
DUBINA Alexandr Russian
MENDES Maiva Spanish
PEREZ GUILLEN Braian Spanish
AHMED Iftikhar Bengali
ADNAN Osiur Rahman Bengali
HOSSAIN Adnan Bengali
MEHMOOD Laibah Shahid Panjabi
SILEIKA Dominykas Russian
KAMBUROV Rumen-Iliev Turkish
MEHMOOD Laibah Shahid
MASOOD Mohammad Urdu
Royal Docks Academy is going back to basics They can be frightened of getting caught on a word
to give pupils’ reading skills a boost. they do not know and that results in a lack of
confidence to read and a fear they may get laughed
Royal Docks Academy, is making reading a part of at. That fear is even greater when reading in a
everyday life for pupils to encourage passion, as well whole class setting when they can get embarrassed
as improving skills and confidence. Teaching assis- and become inaudible. Their reading then becomes
tant Ms Osborne has launched a series of mini read- disjointed.
ing sessions to help pupils with dyslexia or those
needing more practise. “I am already seeing engagement, knowledge and
confidence grow; pupils are asking to take their
From September, the whole school will begin read- turn in reading and they are proud of what they
ing books aloud together with their form groups to can do and the general knowledge they are gain-
gain experience and confidence in oracy. The idea is ing”.
to utilise the teaching methods which are a success
in primary schools, to keep the momentum going. From September, whole form groups will have
copies of the same book, with pupils and teachers
Ms Osborne said: “Primary schools are very good at taking it in turns to read aloud.
getting children to read above their expected read-
ing age. But, secondary age children historically Ms Osborne said: “When we learn vocabulary, we
read less often and below their expected levels. are hearing it from other people. There is nothing
Reading is not a hard skill, but if you miss it life wrong with teachers reading to pupils at secondary
becomes very hard very quickly. school. People listen to audiobooks and podcasts, it
is no different and is enjoyable.
In the small reading groups, we read novels, so
pupils like the stories and want to know what is The premise is that we all take a turn in reading. In
happening next. I encourage them to talk to each tutor groups, there will be that trust and so the
other about the story and we do recaps. They are hope is it will feel like a smaller reading group.
used to watching ‘what happened last time’ at the They will not be analysing the text, so the idea is
start of TV programmes, so we do that with our they will read together and that will inspire an
reading. interest in the story. They should be reading four
times a week and this will provide a lovely start to
If pupils come across a word they do not know, they their day.
are encouraged to keep going; we do not interrupt.
Year 11 News
Congratulations to the year 11 pupils listed below for completing the Microsoft computer course, offered to pupils
seeking an additional qualification. Pupils came into school after the official year 11 leaving date and completed the
course over 7 days, we now await the results of the course, and wish you the very best of luck.
4th Sept Please find below the year 11 revision timetable to start in
8th Sept September, pupils will be expected to attend all sessions
15th Sept
22nd Sept without exception.
29th Sept
6th Oct
13th Oct
20th Oct
Half term
3rd Nov
10th Nov
17th Nov
24th Nov
1st Dec
8th Dec
Year 10 News
On Friday 6th July, 180 graduate employees
from Deutsche Bank were welcomed into
school to work with year 10 and a selection of
year 9 pupils. As a school, we understand the
importance of giving young people the skills,
knowledge and confidence to be able to stand
out in an increasingly competitive world.
On Boss Day, each pupil worked with a gradu-
ate volunteer on a one to one basis throughout
the morning session. They completed a range
of activities in order to help prepare the pupils
for further education and the world of work.
They discussed money management, their
strengths and weaknesses, future goals and
aspirations and interview techniques. Pupils
then enjoyed a special lunch and once refu-
elled they returned to their mentors for the
second half of the day which was dedicated to
a mock interview and individual feedback.
Feedback from pupils showed
how successful the day had
On the day, the year group
were invited to attend school
in business attire and many arrived at
school looking like they were ready to
walk into an interview for a top job or a
place at a competitive Sixth Form. By the
end of the day they had new skills and
knowledge to match their smart appear-
The Senior Prefect Team Achievement
Earlier this term the Senior Leadership Team and Ms On Friday 13th July we look forward to celebrating
Turle had the pleasure of interviewing and deciding the successes of the past year. More pupils in year
on Royal Docks Academy’s new Senior Prefect Team. 10 than ever before have achieved certificates and
Pupils were asked to complete a detailed application recognition from their teachers for their consistent,
form to explain why they were well suited to the excellent effort in class. I know that the hard work
role of a prefect. All areas of an applicant’s school of year 10 pupils will continue as they journey into
record was looked into including their punctuality, year 11. It has been a fantastic year for year 10 and
attendance, behaviour and progress in their lessons. many pupils are well on their way to achieving high-
After an intense round of interviews a team of thir- ly in their GCSE examinations at the end of year 11.
teen pupils was assembled. Well done Year 10!
The new Senior Prefect Team have already taken on All About History – Word Search!
some of their new responsibilities around the school
including the supervision of lunch time homework
club, pupil mentoring and leading assemblies. The
Senior Prefect Team will work closely with Mr
Blaney to offer pupil insight into how to continue to
improve the school.
Post- 16 Education Evening
On Tuesday 10th July year 10 pupils, along with
their parents/ carers attended a post- 16 infor-
mation evening at Royal Docks Academy. Pupils
had the opportunity to speak to colleges and sixth
forms about the courses which are on offer to
them once they complete their GCSE exams in
year 11. Year 10 pupils will begin their applications
to colleges and sixth forms at the start of year 11
so we are working hard to ensure that pupils and
their parents/ carers are well prepared.
Year 9 News
This year has been a very challenging and very rewarding I am very proud of the Year 9 group, and I believe that,
one for Year 9s. Our pupils have chosen their GCSE Options when we start afresh in Year 10, we will be the most suc-
and we are delighted that so many of them have got their cessful, motivated and supportive group of peers this
top four choices. Year 9 pupils have continued to make ex- school has known. We have the ability and the resilience
cellent progress in their studies, and I am especially pleased to exceed our academic targets, and we have the integri-
with the effort and dedication they have shown this Term in ty and the kindness to have a positive impact on our
all their subjects, including those that they did not opt to school every day.
study at KS4. There has been a significant improvement in
the behaviour of the Year Group; in fact, the number of re- So, Year 9, have a great summer. Stay safe, get your uni-
ferrals (negative behaviour points) that Year 9 have re- form early (!) and come back with even more determina-
ceived has reduced by 36% year-on-year. Alongside this, the tion to show us what you can achieve! I look forward to
number of achievement points has increased by almost welcoming you back to school as the new Year 10s in
340%! This is a fantastic statistic and I am so pleased that September.
this Year Group is being rewarded for the great things they
do. Well done to Theresa Bukenya in 9T for maintaining a
perfect Pastoral record (no referrals, 100% attendance
Year 9 have taken part in a number of activities and oppor- and 100% punctuality) for the whole year!
tunities, including visits to Citibank, working on a careers
programme with ELBA and a visit to Morgan Stanley.
We are also very proud of these Year 9 pupils that have The following pupils have maintained an outstanding
received no referrals this academic year – very well done: punctuality record – not one late mark:
Well done to the following pupils for attending
every day this academic year!
The achievement points top twenty pupils for this year are:
keep it
Pupils in the resourced provision were invited by The Lady
Taverners charity to a Fun Day at Chessington World of Adven-
ture Resort Park on Tuesday 5th June 2018. (All expenses paid
for by the charity.) The school supported the trip and ensured all
pupils attended the fun event. It was indeed a day packed with
fun filled moments - every pupil had something fun and exciting
to do. The photos speaks for themselves.
This term in cookery, N26 pupils has been making various healthy smoothies. These smoothies were colour themed some of
which are purple smoothie, red smoothie and yellow smoothie.
All pupils engaged well in lessons and enjoyed drinking afterwards.
A major overhaul of catering services at a Royal and pupils use a card to pay for their food and school trips. The
Docks Academy will bring benefits to children and system is used in schools to avoid issues around young people
parents. carrying cash, as well as protecting the identity of children enti-
tled to free school meals among their peers.
Royal Docks Academy became a part of BMAT in January, with a
raft of improvements brought in to raise standards and boost Mrs Dawson said: “The change of layout and cashless system
student numbers. The latest project will see a complete trans- will make everything run far quicker. it is quite a big project we
formation of the way pupils are fed during the school day, as are undertaking and will become a flagship for the area.”
well as changes to payment systems. Catering contractor Juni-
per has been working with the school all year to come up with a
new style of menu to give pupils more freedom and responsibil-
ity for their meals.
Over the half-term break, the school dining areas underwent a
revamp, with new signage and queuing systems installed. The
changes will see Royal Docks lead the way in the area as the
caterers are keen to expand their work into other schools in
Newham. Business manager Mrs Dawson said: “It was time to
give catering at Royal Docks a refresh as it had become quite
restrictive and pupils did not have much freedom when it came
to choosing what they ate and when. “We are giving pupils
more responsibility and treating them in a more adult way,
while parents will be able to monitor their child’s spending and
eating habits online.”
Hospitality pupils will get an opportunity to take part in catering
challenges with the caterers, while taster days and healthy
eating sessions will also be introduced. Juniper is funding extra
fridge units, so more food ranges can be introduced, and pupils
will be able to access anything from cooked meals to paninis,
“grab and go” pasta pots and £1 snacks.
In July, the school went cashless, introducing the Parent Pay
system where parents load their child’s account up with money
Any pupil having to take To All Pupils,
medication during school hours, Parents and
must hand it in to Medical, in its
original packaging with a Carers
completed Medication Agreement From
form which must be signed and The Royal
completed by their parent/carer, at Docks
the beginning of the day. Academy,
enjoy your
If the medication is prescribed by the GP a note summer break.
should also be put in their planner stating what time
of day the student needs to go to medical in order to
take the medication.
No pupil is allowed to carry medication in their
pockets or in their bag except Inhalers or Auto
injectors (EpiPen/Emerade for Anaphylaxis).
The “only” over the counter medication authorised
by the school without a prescription is Paracetamol
which must be in its original packaging. All other
medication must be prescribed by a GP.