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Royal Docks Academy Newsletter April 2019 final

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Published by mpaul, 2019-04-05 09:15:45

Royal Docks Academy Newsletter April 2019 final

Royal Docks Academy Newsletter April 2019 final

Message from Mr Blaney Issue 3
April 2019
Executive Headteacher
March. It was a very successful event and parents were keen
Dear Parents, Carers and Families to find out what will be happening to their sons and daughters
over the next few years. I do encourage all of you to attend
It is hard to believe that we come to the end of another very these very important meetings.
busy term. Our pupils and staff continue to take advantage of
all of the opportunities and challenges that have been provid- It has been great to see so many pupils gave up their lunch
ed and I hope you enjoy reading about some of them included break to attend careers guidance events – our recent event
this, our end of term newsletter. was hosted by the army and 70 pupils attended and were in-
formed about all the opportunities of further education and
The new term began with all year groups participating in edu- training that can be achieved and chances of touring the
cational visits over the term. In January Year 8 and 9 visited world.
Richard House Trust, a local charity for children with life lim-
iting and life threatening medical conditions and Year 9 went Year 11 pupils have been working really hard towards their
on a science trip to the Observatory in London. In February GCSEs next term and it has been wonderful to see them study-
Year 7 and 8 pupils attended a residential trip to Aberdovey in ing after school and on Saturday mornings. I would like to
Wales. In February, History trips included a Year 7 trip and thank staff for giving up their time to support these pupils to
guided tour of the Tower of London and a Year 8 trip to the achieve to the best of their potential. I would also like to thank
Maritime Museum in Greenwich. In March Year 11 went to parents and carers for the support they give their child at
the Theatre to see a performance of “Woman in Black” to sup- home and we wish them all the very best for their upcoming
port their GCSE studies, all years attended the Big Bang event exams.
in Birmingham as part of science week and Year 8 and 9
attended a residential trip to Italy. These trips are very im- I am also delighted to share with you some fantastic news we
portant in supporting pupils’ studies and enriching their curric- have had this year, for the first year in many years we have a
ulum and I am sure you will join me in thanking staff who gave full in-take for September 2019. This is a great testimony to
up their personal time to attend the two residential trips. how the reputation of the school continues to improve in the
local community, to the fantastic work done to build relations
On Friday 8th February we celebrated Harry Potter Night in with our primary feeders and also our successful GCSE results
the Royal Docks Academy Library. Twenty pupils and library from August 2018. I would like to thank parents for your sup-
staff watched the first two Harry Potter films. The library had port to make sure that we are now becoming a school of
been transformed by Ms Osborne and Mrs Taylor our librari- choice in Newham.
an, into a version of the Great Hall. Candles suspended from
the ceiling illuminated a feast in the best traditions of Hog- I’m sure you will join me in wishing Mr McGoldrick good luck in
warts. The evening was such a success that 3 more film nights his new position at Bow School. Mr McGoldrick has worked at
are planned to complete the series of books. the school for 8 years as a Citizenship teacher.

We were very lucky to secure tickets to see the musical Hamil- I look forward to welcoming back all of our pupils for the sum-
ton at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London. On 2nd April 30 mer term which begins on Tuesday 23rd April 2019 at 8.30am.
pupils from Year 8, 9 and 10 who have achieved outstanding This will be week B on the timetable.
progress and behaviour this year watched this stunning show
and took part in a question and answer session with members I will take this opportunity inform you of a change to the pub-
of the cast. It really was a special treat and I was delighted at lished end of year date. To enable staff training, pupils will
the engagement, attitude and behaviour of the pupils who now finish the academic year on Friday 12th July 2019 at 3pm.
were thrilled to be there. The new school year starts on Wednesday 4th September
98% of parents of Year 8 pupils attended an Option Evening in
Thank you for your continued support, I hope you enjoy read-
ing all about our busy term and I wish you all a happy Easter.

Kind regards
John Blaney
Executive Head Teacher

FRONT PAGE: MESSAGE FROM Mr Blaney, Executive Headteacher
Pg4 - 7: Royal Docks Academy Bay of Naples Tour 2019
Pg 8: History Visit to The Tower of London & The National Maritime Museum
Pg 9: Nurture Group Garden project 2019
Pg 10 Citizenship Department looks at Brexit
Pg 11: Modern Foreign Language News
Pg 12: GCSE Design and Technology News
Pg 13: Art News on Surrealism
Pg 14: English Department News & GCSE information
Pg 15 - 26: Science Department Science week ‘pull out’ Magazine
Pg 27: Drama Trip News
Pg 28 - 29: PMLD Rowing Competition and Shakespeare Studies
Pg - 30 -31: Maths Department News
Pg 32 - 33: Richard House Fund Raising in Operations Events and Food Technology
Pg 34: Dance Department project & GCSE News
Pg 34 - 35: Year 7 to 8 Netball News/ RDA Pupils Respond to Emergency
Pg: 36 Year 7 Outward bound Trip
Pg: 37 - 39 Head of Year Attendance and Punctuality News



More photos overleaf




Year 7 Visit to the Tower of London February 2019

Year 7 historians visited the Tower of London in February to
attend a workshop called ‘Applying History at the Tower of Lon-
don’. As well as touring around the castle and imagining what it
would have been like in the Middle Ages and Tudor times, the pu-
pils were able to handle objects from the past to investigate all the
different functions the Tower has had throughout the years. Its
main function was as castle, obviously, but it has also been a
home, a prison, a site of execution, a safe for the Crown Jewels,
the place where money was made and even a zoo. Our pupils
were able to look at lots of primary evidence and historical arte-
facts with the aim of examining the different roles the Tower had
and also deciding whether or not o trust the evidence they were

The year 7s really did the school proud. Their behaviour was excel-
lent and the organisers praised them for their fantastic contribu-
tions to the discussions

Year 8 visit to the National Maritime Museum: From ‘Trade to Empire’ im-
workshop February 2019

Year 8 historians were also out and about in London this
February learning about aspects of the British Empire at
the National Maritime museum in Greenwich. Their task
was to use the museum Galleries to examine the role of
the East India Company in the 18 and 19th Centuries to
work out how the activities of a small trading company
based in London led to Britain’s army taking control of
large swathes of Asia and creating the British Empire.

Our pupils looked at lots of artefacts from the museum
vaults to work out what life was like in India before the
East India Company arrived and the positive and negative
pact its activities had on the Indian economy, politics and
cultural life. They also used the artefacts and ships’ logs
to work out how contact and trade with India had a mas-
sive impact on the British way of life. Architecture, cloth-
ing and food were just some areas of British life that were
changed by contact with India

Lots of fantastic and insightful comments were made during the workshop which
showed our pupils at their best. Again, the organisers had nothing but praise for the
hard work and excellent behaviour the year 8s showed.



Year 7 Art Nurture group “Garden project” 2019

The year 7 Art nurture group launched their
garden project with ASDAN on the 13th of

March. The idea is to create a garden made of
flowers, scented plants and trees with a fountain

designed by the pupils. This is an ongoing
project that will hopefully be finished sometime

this year and the beginning of 2020.
The garden will be constructed on our school
ground where a 2000 years Old yew tree was

found by builders in 1999
(parts of this tree is in the London Museum now!).
The year 7 Art Nurture group would be studying
landscape design looking at the Palais de Versailles

as well as Italian renaissance gardens for
inspiration. The garden will also have modern
design aspects as well as recycled materials added

to it with a solar panel.

The whole project is an “Homage”
to our ancient YEW tree.

Ms Kitouni, Mr Coe, Ms McGoldrick, Mr Maize




Pupils in Year 8, 9 & Year 11 classes have been looking at how
BREXIT has tested the UK system of representative democracy.
This has coincided with these classes studying Democracy at
Work in the UK. Our classes have been aware of the count-
down to March 29th and beyond as and the situation has
changed day by day.

Year 9 & Year 11 classes have now used BREXIT as their ‘news
presentation’ topic several times.

All citizenship classes will continue to looking at how BREXIT
will affect our everyday lives and what it could mean for the
UK and Europe in the future.

Views & opinions at options evening

At options evening pupils were asked to show how they felt
about some of the issues we have been discussing in Citizen-
ship classes this term. A selection of these are shown below.

It’s great to express your views and opinions and be able to
justify them!


Mr Russell – Head of Faculty

Each year we run a programme of community languages GCSE exam entries. Literate native speakers of these
languages are entered for a full GCSE which provides an extra qualification, in addition to their core and option

subjects. Below is a list of languages which are offered by exam boards.
We love to celebrate and embrace the linguistic and cultural diversity of our pupils and we are proud of our pu-
pils’ success. In 2018 community language exams, pupils achieved 63% A*/A grades, 100% A*-C grades and 100%

9-7 grades for the new numerical exams (In French, Spanish and German).
This year we have 68 community languages GCSE entries from Years 9, 10 and 11.

Language Exam A Google Classroom area has been set up for community languages
Board which offers a section for each language containing practice exam pa-
Arabic pers and advice on speaking exam preparation. Speaking exam times will
Bengali Edexcel also be published here.
Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) AQA Each exam consists of four components: Speaking, Listening, Reading,
French AQA Writing; each paper is weighted 25%.
German AQA Here are the exam board links:
Greek AQA AQA:
Italian OCR Edexcel:
Japanese AQA OCR:
Modern Hebrew Edexcel
Panjabi AQA
Persian AQA
Polish Edexcel
Portuguese AQA
Russian OCR
Spanish AQA
Turkish OCR
Urdu AQA



GCSE Design and Technology (9-1)

Design and Technology offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for learners to identify and solve real
problems by designing and making products or systems. Through studying GCSE Design and Technology,
learners will be prepared to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world; and
be aware of, and learn from, wider influences on design and technology, including historical, social/cultural,
environmental and economic factors.
Pupils can also learn to be creative, innovative and apply iterative design processes to meet the demands of
consumers. If you choose Design and Technology as a GCSE you will learn aspects of Resistant materials,
Graphics, Textiles and Systems & Control throughout Year 10 to create a product / series of products and a
portfolio to meet a design brief. This project can encompass one OR a range of materials from the areas of
RMT, Textiles, Graphics and Systems & Control. You will then specialise your subject knowledge in either
Graphic Design OR Resistant Materials in order to complete the final written exam.

If your future career interests lie with Graphic Design,
Resistant Materials or Textiles, this could be the subject for you!


Year 10 – Developing ideas by ART
investigating Surrealism
Pupils in Fine Art GCSE year 10, have used a sus-
tained time to explore, investigate and consolidate
skills reflecting a highly developed ability. Pupils
refined their work having analysed and exploited
the qualities of the selected media. They were able
to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of
their chosen media which resulted in more astute

Pupils clearly demonstrated a clear understanding
of visual language. They experimented with dilu-
tion, blending and mixing of colour to demonstrate
process and technique, as well as creating contrasts
and detail textures.

Year 8 – Charlotte Caron
inspired animal drawings

Pupils across year 8 applied a new approach to drawing by
investigating a sgraffitto technique which was linked into
looking at creating textural marks on the surface. The focus
of the drawing were animals because of connection with
Charlotte Caron’s work.

Sgraffito is a word derived from the
Italian word ‘graffiare’ to scratch. Oil
pastel is a useful medium to experi-
ment with this technique and also a
great way to draw with unconventional
tools, using anything from a plastic
comb or cocktail stick , to flexible pal-
ette knife or even a paper clip!

We began by rubbing in a base layer of
pastel, covering the support well and
then applying a second darker layer.
We then used various etching tools to
scratch into the pastel revealing the
lower layer. A more subtle result can be obtained by apply-
ing one layer of pastel and scratching or scraping back to
13 the paper. More precise marks can be made by rubbing one
layer of pastel over dried acrylic paint.

News from the English Team PIXL Conference at the Troxy Theatre this month.
We looked at the valuable skill of visualising texts
at Royal Docks Academy as we read them as a means of holding them in
one’s memory. Our pupils have learnt a invaluable
We take reading seriously at RDA! We recognise that skill to help them with their understanding of a
is the key to success. One of the ways in which we text, and with their comprehension skills.
are demonstrating our commitment to ensuring that
our pupils cultivate vital literacy skills is by shadow- When we return from the Easter holidays our Year
ing the Carnegie Awards. This year Ms. McGoldrick, 11s will be sitting their final GCSE exams. This is a
Ms. Osborne and our Librarian, Ms Taylor, will be culmination of several years of hard work, and we
running reading groups where selected pupils will be are keen to see our pupils excel in this and reap
invited to read the books on the shortlist, and use the rewards of their efforts by achieving to the
this as a stimulus for exciting discussions about the best of their ability. An effective way to ensure this
range of topics canvassed in these texts. Topics this success is, amongst other things, by pupils follow-
year range from the ‘suffragettes to slam poet, ing the revision timetables that they were encour-
tribesman to basketball players and in settings as aged to draw up. Pupils are encouraged to revise
varied as Coney Island, the East End slums of 1920s in small chunks, and in different manners, for ex-
London, an Indian forest and a remote mountain vil- ample writing flashcards one day and doing prac-
lage in the Philippines.’ Female voices are also fea- tice tests the next will help avoid the last minute
tured strongly in this year’s selection of books. rush where the likelihood of information sticking in
the memory is significantly reduced. Also, avoiding
The books that have been shortlisted this distractions, such as those arising from the use of
year are the following: social media, is vital in the coming month. Good
luck with your revision Year 11!

1. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo (Electric Monkey) Revising however is not a skill that should be only
2. Rebound by Kwame Alexander, illustrated by Dawud practised by our GCSE pupils. It is an essential ele-
ment for academic success and all pupils in all year
Anyabwile (Andersen Press) groups should be revising regularly, and this be-
3. The House with Chicken Legs by Sophie Anderson, comes imperative especially before mid-term tests
and exams.
illustrated by Elisa Paganelli (Usborne Books)
4. Bone Talk by Candy Gourlay (David Fickling Books) We wish everyone a happy Easter,
5. A Skinful of Shadows by Frances Hardinge (Macmillan happy holidays and happy reading!

Children's Books)
6. Things A Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls

(Andersen Press)
7. Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds, illustrated by

Chris Priestley (Faber & Faber)
8. The Land of Neverendings by Kate Saunders (Faber &

Fab )

We challenge all our pupils to read at two titles on
this list during the Easter holidays. At the champion
level, pupils can read all the titles. Now that’s quite a
feat if one can do that!

As part of our commitment to raising attainment lev-
els we took 20 of our Year 11 pupils to the English















Year 9 Drama pupils attended a trip to Leyton Sixth Form College to see an original devised piece called ‘No Human is
Illegal’ This was a hard hitting play which covered challenging topics surrounding immigration. This was an excellent op-
portunity for our pupils to see an example of Documentary Theatre in action and as a result, some of our pupils have
decided to create their own devised performance for their exam in the style of Documentary Theatre. The teacher at
Leyton Sixth Form College was so impressed with the questions and responses from our pupils in the workshop that she
invited three of our pupils to be officially interview giving their evaluation of the performance as part of their advertise-
ment for this play. Our pupils are to be congratulated.

Year 11 Woman in Black Year 11 drama Pupils have reached a critical point in their studies. As part of the GCSE exam,

they will need to answer questions about a live performance that they have seen. In February they were taken on a trip to
see the famous west end production called ‘Woman in Black’ This scary horror stimulated their imaginations and has given
them ample opportunity to be able to excel in there exam when they write their answer to this question. There were other
schools in this matinee performance, but I was very proud when the usher commented on the excellent behaviour of our
pupils. Well done Year 11 and best of luck in your forth coming exam.

Last term, KS4 Drama pupils where given the opportunity to attend a trip to
the local theatre to see the world famous Physical Theatre Company called
Frantic Assembly. This term we were delighted to welcome Serena Robins to
our school to run a Frantic Assembly Physical Theatre Workshop for our KS4
drama pupils. Serena is the Educational Liaison at Stratford East Theatre and
her expertise in Physical Theatre is second to none. Our pupils participated in
the workshop and rose to the challenge of professional Physical Theatre as
presented by Serena. I am proud of their effort and attainment. Well done.



Four pupils from the Re-
sourced Provision took part
in Secondary indoor rowing
competition held on the 8th
of February 2019. Chelsea,
Muneeb, Abu and Cooper
attend local Regatta Centre
as part of their PE and regu-
larly practice rowing every
Thursday. Their training paid off and they gained valuable places in a
fierce competition of up to 15 competitors in their categories. Chel-
sea Mainu competed in the Year 9 girls category and came second rowing 266 metres in 2 minutes. Abu
Sidique rowed in the Years 8 boys group and came third with 368 metres in 2 minutes. Cooper Steeds won an
amazing second place competing against group of 15 Year 11 boys. He worked very hard and managed to
keep his position throughout the race. He rowed 413 metres over 2 minutes, and overcome his best of 360,
which he usually does in training. Muneeb Hussain has also represented the school and finished in fourth
place with 350 metres over 2 minutes. Well done to all pupils!


SHAKESPEARE FOR ALL thusiastic and reported that they enjoyed the play a lot
and were surprised at the innovative way in which Shake-
In the Autumn Term as part of their Creative Arts curriculum speare was approached. We, teachers, were also pleased
all pupils in the resourced provision studied the Tempest by to see that even after a long break our pupil proved that
William Shakespeare. they could remember the plot and characters, and could
act it out again without any rehearsals. Well done all, you
Firstly we started with learning of the plot of the play and rock!
about the main characters, Prospero, Miranda, Ferdinand
and Caliban. As the term progressed, and pupils discovered If you haven’t seen the Tempest done by us, please, let us
more about the main characters, they were encouraged to know and we will be more than happy to show it again.
choose, which role they liked most for acting.

The play was approached from a multi-sensory angle to al-
low all pupils, including those with profound and multiple
difficulties to take part. We used call and response to facili-
tate individual monologues. All pupils used their bodies and
voices to create the storm, with two main big scenes record-
ed, the storm on the sea and the storm on the land using
props made by and operated by pupils.

The effort put in by pupils resulted in several events to
which a wide audience was invited. Pupils led an interactive
workshop for their year 8 mainstream peers from Royal
Docks Academy, then presented the play on stage in front of
parents and pupils during Christmas concert. However
when pupils returned back after Christmas holidays, they
have not forgotten about Shakespeare and wanted the
Tempest again. We have invited a group of pupils from the
Burnt Mill Academy to come and watch. They were very en-


Mathematics Department
UK Intermediate Mathematical Challenge 2019

11 pupils from years 9 - 11 have done the school and themselves proud on this
year’s UK Intermediate Challenge, a very difficult paper. Congratulations to the
following pupils who showed that they are among the brightest mathematicians in
their age group in the country.

Years 9 and 10

Denisa Vlad Sabie (Bronze and best in year 9), Shaeann Mcleod (Silver Award and best in year 10), Mateusz Kopec
(Bronze), Gemma Benjamin (Bronze), Younes Taqafi (Bronze) and.

Year 11

Petru Macrineanu (Gold Award and best in
the year and best in the school), Billy Munro
(Bronze), Mohammed Rahman (Bronze), Laura
Chayka (Bronze), Andy Vong (Silver), and Eliza-
bet Ciochina (Silver).

GOOD LUCK to Petru who has progressed to
the next level which is the European Maths

Year 11 Master classes at New Vic College

The maths Department was very proud of the behaviour and attitude to learning of the pupils who attended
the Mathematics master classes at New Vic college. The pupils focused on the grades 8 and 9 topics in order

to have a better understanding of these topics at the GCSE level and to be introduced to the demand and
rigor of the topics which will be needed for those who are thinking of
studying mathematics at the A-level.


Strive for Five Mathematics Parents were informed on how to as- more challenging schemes of
Conference sist the pupils on using the waves and works, we would like to say well
therapies, reminding them to use the done to our pupils on the positive
On the 23rd March the Maths Depart- revision guides / target books, web- attitude you have been demon-
ment (Mrs Ahmed, Mr Allen and Mr sites, making a home study plan and strating in your lessons.
Ramchurn) took 30 pupils to the ‘Strive attending the Saturdays and half-term We would like to acknowledge the
for Five’ mathematics conference. The revision sessions. following pupils selected by their
aim was to assist our pupils target for The parents who attended were very teachers for making good progress
grade 5 to be more confident in tackling grateful for the support we have been or have shown improvement in
the more challenging questions now giving the pupils on their journey of their attitude towards the subject.
becoming commonplace in these exami- achieving grade 5 and above.
nations. Year 7
The pupils have reported back that they Coming Event Andrea Disha-Xhetani, Joyce Wam-
found the conference very useful and There will be a workshop held on ba, Moses Puccinelli, Nayma Lathi-
will be using the resources given to Tuesday 9th April by the PET XI group fur, Caitlin Hoskins, Mahin Fakir,
them. during the Easter break from 9:00 a.m Niah Carnegie, Mohamed Moham-
to 3:00 p.m. The aim again is to give ud, Nicolas Tandazo, Shona Taylor,
Year 11 extra to our targeted pupils. Your Veselina Zarkova, Anastasia Osiac,
All pupils should be revising for their teacher will inform you if needed to Phoenix Leader-law, Brandon Tan-
final examinations in May/June 2019. attend this session. do and Yago Laguna Martin.
PPE2 has been completed and the re-
sults given to you. Ensure that you use Useful Mathematical websites which Year 8
the waves given to you by your teachers will help you: Brittany Waite, Kevin Fantevi,
which show how you have performed Christian Leknikaj, Amalia Ciobanu
on each paper and areas where im- Almas, Alexandra Desrobitu, Anita
provements are required. The topics Stoyanova, Ashley Correia, Eamila
that you will need to improve on will Eani, Bianca Ferreira, Chloe Harri-
form the starting point for your revision. son, Laura Humienna, Robert Mali-
Your teacher will be giving you extra novskij, Jessica Bright, Samson
work to close these gaps in the form of Key Stage 3 Years 7-8 Bukenya, Kuthum Omar and Chloe
therapies. As we continue to focus on ensuring Collins.
that our years 7 and 8 are more
Target books, revision guides and past equipped for the rigour of the new
examination papers have been given to GCSE examinations based on the
you all by your teachers and/or the
Head of the Department. Here are some of the pupils with their teachers, Mr Allen and Mr Ramchurn

Please make productive use of the revi- Please ensure that
sion sessions offered to you in the lunch you continue to
time (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) and revise at home.
after school (on Mondays and Wednes- Remember to
days). During the support and interven- continue to use
tion lessons ensure that you are making Hegarty Maths to
full use of the opportunities given to aid your revision.
you by the maths department. Satur- Please remember
days and half-term revision classes are to always have
from 9 a.m to 12 p.m are on for all pu- your equipment
pils on designated dates (please see ready for your
time-tables given to you by Mr Da- lessons.
vison). These are
Parent Evening: mathematics set,
The teachers met with parents to dis- pens and pencils.
cuss matters arising from PPE2 on
Thursday, 28th of March. This was with 31
the view of stating concerns and dis-
cussing how we the maths department
and the parents could give support for
the upcoming examinations in May/

Dear staff at…….

The Events Operation course pupils, at the Royal Docks Academy, has decided to raise funds to help
support activities available for the young people who attend Richard House Hospice. A number of pupils

here asked to send a letter to let you know that we care about the children in your care and why they
have raised the money for them. These are some of the children’s input below.

We’re a mixed group of year 9 and 10 studying Events op- and make memories with the children and their families.
eration and we would like to thank you for the job you do Brooke F (Year 10)
with the children who attends Richard House Hospice. We
done this event with you in mind and we believe that The reason why I would like to donate the money we
young lives should not be cut short, especially with an ill- raised from our event to Richard House is because these
ness. So we hope the money will help them to be involved children are ill and in your care. I would like to give them
in more activities and help to continue with their care and a chance to live their life happily in your care. I hope they
give them some more comforts. Mariana F (Year 10) can use this money towards a day out and they could
have some fun. Ossola D (Year 10)
We organised a valentine event for charity. We were given
£100 from the school to run the event. We planned every- I am a year 10 pupil at the Royal Docks School and I was
thing; prepared and cooked the food from scratch, we one of the pupils who helped organise and plan our event
served food to the pupils, decorated the hall, sold raffle for a charity. I am really happy that we could offer some
tickets and served food to the teachers. The planning and help to make a number of children comfortable. We wish
the day of the event was really hard work but we made it. you all the best life and happiness. We want to let you all
We earned £211.13 from the event and now we are giving know how happy we are for you to receive the money.
it all to your company. Please use the money where you Alexandro D (Year 10)
feel is best. Seam B (Year 9)
I too am one of the pupil who participated in the event.
We decided to do this event to raise money for a charity of We are so grateful that we could help children through
our choice, we decided to choose Richard House Hospice our hard work of setting up and doing an event. We are
because of the children’s conditions. The money we donate so grateful and thankful that we could participate in this
should go towards toys or medical equipment, but if the project for the children. We’re very happy knowing that
hospice wants to spend it on other things that’s ok. I do someone will benefit from what we have done. Catherine
hope the children understand and get to enjoy the money B (Year 10)
we’ve raised. Shen B (Year 9)
As a group we chose Richard House Hospice because we
We highly appreciate that the money we earned is going think the money raised will help to buy new equipment
to this children’s hospice. We worked very hard and we for the children and we want them to be happy and enjoy
now know what it is like to do a day work, we made a lot it to the fullest. I hope this helps them to forget about any
of effort to raise this money for the children. The amount problems or complications that they could be going
we raised was way above our goal. We are all happy for through. Joice B (Year 10)
the children and wish them the best life. I hope they enjoy
every moment they have. Sara M (Year 9) I would like to donate the money we raised as a group to
Richard House Hospice because I would like the children
I would like to donate the money we raised as a group, to there to enjoy the rest of their time there. We would like
your establishment because I would like the children there the children to have amazing days. Blake M
to enjoy the rest of their time they have to live and to
make sure that they are having fun. We raised the money The reason why I want to give the money to the Chil-
through our cooking event and would like the children to dren’s Hospice is to give the children the opportunity to
have an amazing day out using this money. live their lives. We raised the money from the event and
Blake (Year 10) would like to give all the money raised to the terminally ill
children, so they can enjoy a day out. Demika K
I wanted the money to go to Richard House because of the
good care they offer children with serious conditions. I like We raised the money for Richard House because we want
the fact that they also care for their families also. You all to contribute to buying equipment for the ill children. All
do so much for the children. I would like the money to help the money raised was sent to you to help in any way pos-
buy new equipment, or to help them go out for the day sible. Demie H

Miss Laville, Operations Events and Food Technology



Dance Club News:

Royal Docks Academy are taking part in an exciting
new Dance project which will be taking place later
this year. The Dance Network Association are putting
together a massive dance performance: 1 Day, 100
schools and 1000 Dancers. All performing at various
Sporting Events in preparation for the ‘WORLD CUP
FEVER' as we celebrate the World Cups of Cricket and
Netball in England as our chosen theme. Rehearsals
start after the Easter Holidays, it will be an exciting
new opportunity for all to take part in.

GCSE Dance:
This term, GCSE Dance explored Traditional Dances
from around the world, with Dances from Romania,
Spain and Columbia. The girls worked hard to re-
search their chosen traditional Dances (many taking
inspiration from their own cultures and back-
grounds). To choreograph and teach to the rest of the
class their Traditional Dance and make it into a per-
formance. It was great to learn and see a range of
different Dances from around the world coming to-
gether in an East London school gym

The Year 9 football team recorded a fine 3-1 win against Eastlea School last week. Docks scored early in the first
half, Freddy Cottis tucking away a rebound from a Reece Hicks strike. Docks further extended their lead when Em-
manuel Osabuohien found the net from close range. Docks’ third goal came from a good move down the right re-
sulting in Dayshaun Lebarga finishing well. Mentions should go to Youssef Bouhaltite who held the defence together
well, Dionisio Evora with a composed debut performance, Archie Moseley for his excellent handling and Reece Hicks,
who controlled the game from central midfield

The team face Oasis Academy at home in their next Newham cup Fixture, Well done Year 9!

Full team list, Archie Moseley, Emmanuel Osabuohien, Dionisio Evora, Rio Hicks, Archie Moseley, Dayshaun Lebarga,
Freddy Cottis, Telmo Leaito, Emmanuel Arosomade, Marc Dacristiforu, Jiscar Kelekele, Hakim Hadja, Jayden Elliston,
Orlando Antonio, Joshua Ayeni.

YEAR 9 Netball News

Year 9 Netball team has developed and gone from
strength to strength throughout the season. Each
week the girls come to training dedicated and mo-
tivated to improving their performance and play-
ing as a team in the Year 9 Netball League. The
girls started their season well by winning their first
game and have continued to grow and develop as
a team throughout the year. Massive well done to
the girls as they have worked extremely hard!
They play their final game of the year next Tues-
day- Good Luck!


The girls’ netball teams have gone from strength to strength throughout the season,
showing improvements in each and every game.

Year 7 girls, in the past month have drawn three games, and narrowly lost two by one point.
The girls have finally found their rhythm, and are really enjoying playing.

Year 8 girls, in the past month drew two matches, and lost one. They have improved
enormously, and I cannot wait to see how well they will play next year.
Mrs. Newman
PE teacher and Netball Coach

Royal Docks Academy pupils quickly
respond to emergency

On the 2nd April after school a member of the public
collapsed outside our school gate, and our Year 11

pupils went to his aid.
They called the ambulance, sent a pupil to
reception for additional help. and Mya Pinnock

placed him in the recovery position
whilst they waited.

Excellent response from our pupils.


Year 7 News
It has been another successful term for year 7’s.
Their commitment to learning and progress are
evident in most of their endeavours. To further
develop pupils’ skills and abilities outside of the
classroom, this term has seen successful trips to
the Tower of London, Science Expo in Birming-
ham and Outward Bounds, Aberdovey, Wales. To
enrich pupils’ knowledge of history, year 7s visit-
ed the Tower of London.

The VISION: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Learning Outcomes
 Increased awareness of own skills and abilities
 Improved confidence and self-belief in own abilities
 Improved ability to listen and communicate effectively with others
 Improved awareness and concern for the natural environment
 Increase resilience and determination
After a successful week at Outward Bounds, some pupils won a
summer scholarship worth £585 for their resilience, determination,
effective communication and team work among others. Congratula-
tions to: Nicoleta Raducanu 7E and Dillon Macdonald 7A.


Year 8 News Pupils with 100% attendance
It has been an important term for Year 8 as they have
been selecting their GCSE options. I am very proud of
the attitude and maturity they have displayed when
selecting options and discussing choices with staff. The
parent support has been fantastic and it made options
evening a huge success.

Year 8 are still maintaining a high standard of punctu-
ality and attendance and have the highest attendance
as a year group in the whole school. Uniform is being
worn correctly and they look smart and take pride in
their appearance.

They have enjoyed many trips and events this term
including Outward Bounds, The Tower of London, Italy
and The Charter House. Our pupils have been extreme-
ly lucky to have had such amazing opportunities and
have learnt many new skills from these trips. The be-
haviour of most was exemplary and I want to maintain
this mature approach to school and trips.

Pupils with 100% punctuality:


More HOY news overleaf

Pupils with highest achievement points:

Year 9 News dren about this period of history. I am certain the pupils
will be enthralled by her story.
Building on their success of the autumn term, year 9 con-
tinue to make steady progress. I am genuinely pleased to Although it is a legal requirement to learn about the holo-
see a positive improvement in behaviour, attitude and ma- caust, it is my belief that pupils will be hugely enriched by
turity. the experience and by having the unique experience of
meeting a person such as Ruth. This in turn should prompt
Year 9’s have been involved in several extra curriculum ac- them to enquire further into the topic.
tivities this term including a sponsored charity 5km run,
rowing and many sporting events. At the time of writing, I am also really pleased that 10 year 9s have been selected,
some year 9s are in Naples. As part of their Geography alongside other year groups to see the West End Musical
GCSE they are studying the local area and reportedly hav- Hamilton. This is a very popular and successful show about
ing a very enjoyable time of it. the life of the American Founding Father Alexander Hamil-
ton. The pupils attending the show are the ones who have
We are privileged to announce that a holocaust survivor shown themselves to be exemplary in their behaviour, atti-
will be meeting specifically with the year group at the end tude , attendance and punctuality. It is our ambition to see
of next week. She will be talking to them about her first- more year 9s involved in reward trips that are currently
hand experience of persecution at the hands of the Nazis being planned for the summer term.
during World War 2. Ruth is 85 and full of character. She
works for the Holocaust Education Trust, a registered chari-
ty whose mission is to educate all secondary school chil-

Year 10 News Top 10 achievement points This has been a successful Term for Year 10. Our attendance

has improved overall; we have received a fantastically high

number of achievement points, and we have consistently

had the fewest detentions week-on-week of all the Year

Groups. I am so proud of Year 10 and the young adults they

are becoming. Every day, they demonstrate their maturity,

their passion to learn and their kindness towards each oth-

er. We have been complimented on a number of occasions

by other members of staff, as they have been impressed

with the Year 10 pupils, and I am always pleased to share

these positive comments with the pupils. I am proud of

them and I am proud to be their Head of Year.

We have recently completed our PPE2 examinations, and

whilst some pupils may have been disappointed with the

grade they received, I know that they have the ability and

the motivation to keep improving. At home, they should be

revising every night, on top of their homework. The exami-

nations in Year 11 are terminal examinations, meaning that

they are tested on everything they have learnt in the two years right at the end of their time with us. All of this information must be

firmly in their long-term memories, and at their fingertips as soon as they open the examination paper. This means regular repetition,

revisiting topics and using retrieval practice to self-test. Little and often is a much better recipe to success than one big, binge right

before the examination, so plan the time you have carefully to help you achieve your best. May I take this opportunity to wish you

and your families a very happy Easter Holiday/Spring Break; I look forward to seeing you all for our final Term of Year 10.


Pupils with 100% attendance
Pupils with 100% punctuality to school:

Pupils who have not received any Referrals:


To all pupils, parents and
carers from

Royal Docks Academy

enjoy your Easter break

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