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The Brain Trust Planner Master Planner 2015-16 100515A

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The Brain Trust Planner Master Planner 2015-16 100515A

The Brain Trust Planner Master Planner 2015-16 100515A

My Career Goals for This Year:

Write each goal in the This goal This goal This goal is This goal is Those closest to This goal This goal I commit to
present tense as if it were reflects what reflects my realistic given consistent with me will support challenges enhances my finishing this
I want to do. strengths. my priorities. my core values. this goal. me. life / career.
already accomplished. goal. by:

Goal: Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No or n/a Yes or No Yes or No Date:

I will know that I have achieved this when:

Goal: Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No or n/a Yes or No Yes or No Date:

I will know that I have achieved this when:

Goal: Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No or n/a Yes or No Yes or No Date:

I will know that I have achieved this when:

Goal: Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No or n/a Yes or No Yes or No Date:

I will know that I have achieved this when:

Goal: Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No or n/a Yes or No Yes or No Date:

I will know that I have achieved this when:

Goal: Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No or n/a Yes or No Yes or No Date:

I will know that I have achieved this when: 45

One Bite at a Time

When starting to work on a goal, it seem to be overwhelming, like trying to eat an
elephant at one sitting. The only way to successfully eat an elephant is one bite at a
time. This means taking small steps over a period time. If you need to, use this free
form space to break “your elephant” of a goal into manageable bite size chunks.


One Bite at a Time


My Space to Plan - “Big Picture to Milestones”

Getting fast results means taking time to plan. Use this worksheet to break one of your goals into monthly milestones and
to determine what task or action needs to be done each month to accomplish the big picture goal.

Example. My big picture goal is to have a conversations with my Spanish speaking neighbors in their
language leading to a better relationship.

My big picture goal:

Month Milestones I did it!

(Enter the name of (Use this space to briefly detail the steps needed to accomplish your big picture goals. Yes or No
the month) Tip: Keep the focus and the action on what produces results. ) Yes or No
Yes or No
February Sign-up for a conversational Spanish class at the community college. Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No


My Space to Plan - “Big Picture to Milestones”

My big picture goal:

Month Milestones I did it!

(Enter the name of (Use this space to briefly detail the steps needed to accomplish your big picture goals. Yes or No
the month) Tip: Keep the focus and the action on what produces results. ) Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No


My Space to Plan
Turning Milestones and Goals into Action

Once you have an understanding of your goals, break them down to actionable steps so that you can measure your progress. Use the below
chart as an example.

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Attend and complete 2 x month continuing education courses Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No 6 Yes or No

Tools: Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

laptop, printer, ink money, info on available courses, support time to take course. space to focus on
from spouse materials. focus

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:


My Space to Plan

Turning Milestones and Goals into Action

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:


My Space to Plan

Turning Milestones and Goals into Action

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:

Action Step: Frequency/ Specific Object: This step This step This step Challenge I did it!
Tools: Measurement aligns with aligns with my aligns with level
my career my values. (1-10)
goals. goals.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Resources (Ex. people, money, info): Challenges:


Free Flowing Doodles, Thoughts and Ideas


My Space to Plan My Year

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016

1 Fr 1 Mo 1 Tu 1 Fr 1 Su 1 We
2 Th
2 Sa 2 Tu 2 We 2 Sa 2 Mo 3 Fr
4 Sa
3 Su 3 We 3 Th 3 Su 3 Tu 5 Su
6 Mo
4 Mo 4 Th 4 Fr 4 Mo 4 We 7 Tu
8 We
5 Tu 5 Fr 5 Sa 5 Tu 5 Th 9 Th
10 Fr
6 We 6 Sa 6 Su 6 We 6 Fr 11 Sa
12 Su
7 Th 7 Su 7 Mo 7 Th 7 Sa 13 Mo
14 Tu
8 Fr 8 Mo 8 Tu 8 Fr 8 Su 15 We
16 Th
9 Sa 9 Tu 9 We 9 Sa 9 Mo 17 Fr
18 Sa
10 Su 10 We 10 Th 10 Su 10 Tu 19 Su
20 Mo
11 Mo 11 Th 11 Fr 11 Mo 11 We 21 Tu
22 We
12 Tu 12 Fr 12 Sa 12 Tu 12 Th 23 Th

13 We 13 Sa 13 Su 13 We 13 Fr

14 Th 14 Su 14 Mo 14 Th 14 Sa

15 Fr 15 Mo 15 Tu 15 Fr 15 Su

16 Sa 16 Tu 16 We 16 Sa 16 Mo

17 Su 17 We 17 Th 17 Su 17 Tu

18 Mo 18 Th 18 Fr 18 Mo 18 We

19 Tu 19 Fr 19 Sa 19 Tu 19 Th

20 We 20 Sa 20 Su 20 We 20 Fr

21 Th 21 Su 21 Mo 21 Th 21 Sa

22 Fr 22 Mo 22 Tu 22 Fr 22 Su

23 Sa 23 Tu 23 We 23 Sa 23 Mo


Use the anno-planner to visualize your entire year at a glance. Input deadlines, vacations, due dates or travel plans and get an

overview of your year. Use the monthly and weekly schedules to break the overview into manageable chucks. Put action steps
that you want to accomplish in the month or in a season on the calendar. Inputting information like this, will help to keep you
on track without the need for constant rescheduling.

June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December2016

1 We 1 Fr 1 Mo 1 Th 1 Sa 1 Tu 1 Th

2 Th 2 Sa 2 Tu 2 Fr 2 Su 2 We 2 Fr

3 Fr 3 Su 3 We 3 Sa 3 Mo 3 Th 3 Sa

4 Sa 4 Mo 4 Th 4 Su 4 Tu 4 Fr 4 Su

5 Su 5 Tu 5 Fr 5 Mo 5 We 5 Sa 5 Mo

6 Mo 6 We 6 Sa 6 Tu 6 Th 6 Su 6 Tu

7 Tu 7 Th 7 Su 7 We 7 Fr 7 Mo 7 We

8 We 8 Fr 8 Mo 8 Th 8 Sa 8 Tu 8 Th

9 Th 9 Sa 9 Tu 9 Fr 9 Su 9 We 9 Fr

10 Fr 10 Su 10 We 10 Sa 10 Mo 10 Th 10 Sa

11 Sa 11 Mo 11 Th 11 Su 11 Tu 11 Fr 11 Su

12 Su 12 Tu 12 Fr 12 Mo 12 We 12 Sa 12 Mo

13 Mo 13 We 13 Sa 13 Tu 13 Th 13 Su 13 Tu

14 Tu 14 Th 14 Su 14 We 14 Fr 14 Mo 14 We

15 We 15 Fr 15 Mo 15 Th 15 Sa 15 Tu 15 Th

16 Th 16 Sa 16 Tu 16 Fr 16 Su 16 We 16 Fr

17 Fr 17 Su 17 We 17 Sa 17 Mo 17 Th 17 Sa

18 Sa 18 Mo 18 Th 18 Su 18 Tu 18 Fr 18 Su

19 Su 19 Tu 19 Fr 19 Mo 19 We 19 Sa 19 Mo

20 Mo 20 We 20 Sa 20 Tu 20 Th 20 Su 20 Tu

21 Tu 21 Th 21 Su 21 We 21 Fr 21 Mo 21 We

22 We 22 Fr 22 Mo 22 Th 22 Sa 22 Tu 22 Th

23 Th 23 Sa 23 Tu 23 Fr 23 Su 23 We 23 Fr


My Space to Plan

Planning Gantt Chart


Weeks:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Milestone or Action


Use this grid to plan and fine-tune a timeline for accomplishing goals. Write down all of the steps that you need to
complete your goal. Think about how long each step will take. Staggering your steps will help you to be more
efficient and not get overwhelmed. Make sure you don’t do too many things at one time. Color in the squares to
mark anticipated due dates. Laying out your goals will help you to determine which steps are dependent upon one

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Section Four:



Section Four-Grow

We all encounter obstacles and barriers that may be holding us back from getting what we want.
Section Four - Grow contain tools that you can use to help you to keep yourself accountable and
ultimately transform and grow into your best self. Identify and overcome challenges and obstacles.
Keep track of passwords. If you don’t have your cell phone handy, or the person you have just met
at a networking function doesn't have their business cards, don't worry. You can use the contact
information pages when you don't have another way of recording names, phone numbers and email
addresses until you can save them on to you phone. In addition, these pages can be used to quickly
access the contact information of your doctors, your favorite plumber or the take-out restaurant.
There is plenty of free space to take notes and record thoughts.

 Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles
 Accountability Check-in
 Free Thought and Note Pages
Upon completing the tools in this section, you will have a structure to keep you accountable and
Tip: Identify and work with an accountability partner, someone who will hold you accountable to do
what you say that you will do.


My Space to Grow

Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles

Negative thoughts can serve as our own worst enemy and lead us to believe that we can not achieve our
goals even before we begin them. One of the best ways to defeat a negative thought is to face it head on.
Use the grid below to acknowledge, overcome and/or reframe your thoughts. Challenge yourself to think
outside of your own situation to focus on what you want to create.

My negative thoughts Ask yourself several If I determine the thought If I determine the thought
times if this thought is is true, I can overcome it is NOT true, I can re-

true. by…(include resources, frame it into a positive
people). (strength) statement.

I am so stupid, I am not I learn differently than

smart. Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No others. I can focus my
efforts to learn in ways
that best suit me.

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No


Accountability Check-in

Dream: Rewriting your big picture goals regularly will help you to ingrain them into your subconscious mind.

My big picture goal(s): Example - is to have a conversations with my Spanish speaking neighbors in their
language leading to a better relationship.

Plan: Small steps can lead to big accomplishments.

Action Steps: Frequency The object of my action is: This step Challenge
aligns with level of step Priority I did it!
my values. (1-10)

Sign -up 1 Conversational Spanish Class at the Yes or No 4 A B C Yes or No
Attend 16 weeks Community College
Yes or No 8 A B C Yes or No
Conversational Spanish Class

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Grow: My challenges can serve as touch points to help me grow into my best self.

My challenges are: This My plan to learn from my I can get support to overcome
me. challenges is: my challenges from:

Feeling as if I am not smart enough to learn a Yes or No To find a study partner My best friend
new language.

Yes or No

Yes or No

Best practices, better practices or other promising discoveries and tips:

Using YouTube videos and close caption on TV to learn a different language.

My excellence in action and other praiseworthy accomplishments:

Yesterday, I spoke Spanish to Mr. Jorge, owner of the hardware store.

I’ll get to this later:

Purchasing a Spanish language tutorial.


Accountability Check-in

Dream: Rewriting your big picture goals regularly will help you to ingrain them into your subconscious mind.
My big picture goal(s):

Plan: Small steps can lead to big accomplishments.

Action Steps: Frequency The object of my action is: This step Challenge
aligns with level of step Priority I did it!
my values. (1-10)

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Grow: My challenges can serve as touch points to help me grow into my best self.

My challenges are: This My plan to learn from my I can get support to overcome
me. challenges is: my challenges from:

Yes or No

Yes or No

Yes or No

Best, better practices or other promising discoveries and tips:

My excellence in action and other praiseworthy accomplishments:
I’ll get to this later:


Accountability Check-in

Dream: Rewriting your big picture goals regularly will help you to ingrain them into your subconscious mind.
My big picture goal(s):

Plan: Small steps can lead to big accomplishments.

Action Steps: Frequency The object of my action is: This step Challenge
aligns with level of step Priority I did it!
my values. (1-10)

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Grow: My challenges can serve as touch points to help me grow into my best self.

My challenges are: This My plan to learn from my I can get support to overcome
me. challenges is: my challenges from:

Yes or No

Yes or No

Yes or No

Best, better practices or other promising discoveries and tips:

My excellence in action and other praiseworthy accomplishments:
I’ll get to this later:


Accountability Check-in

Dream: Rewriting your big picture goals regularly will help you to ingrain them into your subconscious mind.
My big picture goal(s):

Plan: Small steps can lead to big accomplishments.

Action Steps: Frequency The object of my action is: This step Challenge
aligns with level of step Priority I did it!
my values. (1-10)

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Yes or No A B C Yes or No

Grow: My challenges can serve as touch points to help me grow into my best self.

My challenges are: This My plan to learn from my I can get support to overcome
me. challenges is: my challenges from:

Yes or No

Yes or No

Yes or No

Best, better practices or other promising discoveries and tips:

My excellence in action and other praiseworthy accomplishments:
I’ll get to this later:


Draw your inner critic! What does it say to you? If your inner critic were a
person, how would it look?


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Notes, Thoughts and Reflections:


Section Five:

Monthly Calendars


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

28 29 30 1


12 13 14 15

19 20 21 22

26 27 28 29

Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 74

Friday Saturday Sunday October
23 4

9 10 11

16 17 18

23 24 25

30 31 1


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

9 10 11 12
16 17 18 19
23 24 25 26
30 1 2 3
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 76

Friday Saturday Sunday November

13 14 15

20 21 22

27 28 29



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

30 1 2 3
7 8 9 10
14 15 16 17
21 22 23 24
28 29 30 31
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 78

Friday Saturday Sunday December

11 12 13

18 19 20

25 26 27



My New Year

This year will be special and will provide me with my dreams. My new year looks like...


My New Year


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

28 29 30 31
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 82

Friday Saturday Sunday January

8 9 10

15 16 17

22 23 24

29 30 31


©Sterling M. Fulton, A Space to Plan, LLC.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

8 9 10 11
15 15 16 17
21 22 23 24
28 29 1 2
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 84

Friday Saturday Sunday February

12 13 14

18 19 20

25 26 27



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

29 1 2 3
7 8 9 10
14 15 16 17
21 22 23 24
28 29 30 31
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 86

Friday Saturday Sunday March

11 12 13

18 19 20

25 26 27



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

28 29 30 31
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 88

Friday Saturday Sunday April

8 9 10

15 16 17

22 23 24

29 30 1


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

9 10 11 12
16 17 18 19
23 24 25 26
30 31 1 2
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 90

Friday Saturday Sunday May

13 14 15

20 21 22

27 28 29



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

30 31 1 2
13 14 15 16
20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 92

Friday Saturday Sunday June

10 11 12

17 18 19

24 25 26



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

27 28 29 30
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28
Use this space to write positive thoughts and affirmations:

Each month, make time for yourself to refresh and grow. Use “My Plan to Refresh and Grow” to help guide you. 94

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