Emilio Hernandez
My mom woke up one day about to give birth to me so she
called my aunt. My aunt drove my mom to the hospital. When
we got there they gave my mom anestesia and 4 hours later I
was born in Mexico,guadalajara in April 21 2006 at 3:25.
Event 1
An important Experience that shaped who I am was when I got on my first
roller coaster. The roller coaster that I got on was really fast and would go up
and down and take really sharp turns that i didn’t like. So I closed my eyes
most of the ride. This shaped me into hating roller coasters and I never got on
a roller coaster again
Event 2
An important life event that shaped who I am was when my dad bought me a
puppy. The puppy was a chihuahua and he was a good dog. This shaped me
into being more responsible because I had to take care of the dog like
feeding, walking ,and cleaning him.
Event 3
An important life experience that shaped who I am today was when I started
Playing video games. This shaped me into liking and playing video games
sometimes because it's something I can always do when I am bored. I can
also talk to my friends while playing video games which made me more
interested in playing video games and it also makes it more fun to play with
About the Author
Emilio Hernández was born in Mexico guadalajara in April 21 2006. He likes
to play video games with his friends in his spare time. He lives in Carson with
his family and was a sister. And he wants to become an engineer when he
grows up.