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Published by ZOOM MEDIA, 2019-10-15 18:41:37

EBB-CEA BB Photo Samples Aug 2019

EBB-CEA BB Photo Samples Aug 2019


FRONT OF ACCEPTABLE: Show full front of the house, top to bottom, side to side, nearly filling the full frame.

UNACCEPTABLE: These photos are taken too close to the house and not showing the front of the house.

SIDE OF ACCEPTABLE: Whenever possible, photos should show full length of right/left side of house from roofline to
HOUSE foundation, showing vents. (For two story houses, it may not be possible to get roofline and foundation in picture).

UNACCEPTABLE: These photos are taken from the wrong angle of the house and not showing the full side of the house.

CRAWL ACCEPTABLE: Photo of crawl
SPACE space access that provides scale of
ACCESS opening (e.g., tape measure).



CRAWL ACCEPTABLE: BEFORE RETROFIT photos show a wood-framed house with a less than 4-foot cripple wall
SPACE that requires bracing and bolting.

ACCEPTABLE: AFTER RETROFIT photos show the plywood or OSB sheathing around the perimeter of the
foundation (bracing) and the metal foundation plates (bolting) around the perimeter of the foundation.
ACCEPTABLE: BEFORE RETROFIT photos show a wood-framed house that sits directly on the foundation and
requires a bolt-only retrofit.
ACCEPTABLE: AFTER RETROFIT photos show the metal foundation plates (bolting) around the perimeter of the

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