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Published by ZOOM MEDIA, 2019-08-13 15:37:43

EBB FEMA Contractors Checklist Aug 2019

EBB FEMA Contractors Checklist Aug 2019

House Retrofit Inspection Checklist

Homeowner Name(s) Date
Homeowner Address
Homeowner Phone
EBB Application Number

1. Is the foundation one of the following? (Please check one that applies.)
______ Slab on grade foundation (Does not qualify for EBB.)
______ Cripple wall foundation (Qualifies for EBB with a brace and bolt retrofit.) Go to question 2.
______ Stem wall foundation (Qualifies for EBB bolt-only retrofit.) Go to question 3.

2. If house has cripple walls, how tall are they?

K Up to 4 feet. (Qualifies using Chapter A3, Standard Plan Set A or LA City Standard Plan Set #1.)
K Some taller than 4 feet. (Qualifies only with an engineered design.)

3. Has retrofit work been completed previously? K Yes (Previous work will not be reimbursed.) K No

4. Has retrofit work been done previously, K Yes (Qualifies to complete the K No
but is not complete or fully in compliance
with Chapter A3, Standard Plan Set A or retrofit, however, tear-out expenses
LA City Standard Plan Set #1? are not eligible for reimbursement.)

5. Will homeowner authorize you to upload required information and documents to (Please answer each question with a Yes or No.)

Pre-retrofit Documentation: Post-retrofit Documentation:

______ Building permit (must be ______ 3 photos of the crawl space showing the completed retrofit work
solely for the Chapter A3 around the perimeter of the foundation
retrofit and may not
include other work on ______ 2 photos of strapped and braced water heater (tankless water
the premises) heater does not require strapping but must be installed per
manufacturer instructions and photos must be provided)
______ Input permit number
and details and upload ______ 1 photo of access to crawl space including something to show scale
permit ______ 5 photos of house exterior taken after retrofit and date stamped
______ Final building inspection sign-off (must reference in accordance
______ Upload plans
______ 3 photos showing the with Chapter A3, Standard Plan Set A, LA City Standard Plan Set #1
or an engineered design)
continuous perimeter ______ Contractor invoice must include: invoice date; business name;
foundation (crawl space) address; phone number; contractor license number; cost breakdown
______ 5 photos of the exterior (list of materials and overall cost; cost of labor per hour; # of hours
of the house—each worked; overhead, profit; and taxes), a brief description of the
with a date stamp. See work completed including date(s) work performed, whether invoice
Program Rules for has been partially or fully paid, and if the incentive payment will go
details. to the homeowner or contractor.

Thank you for participating in EBB. Your work makes a difference.


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