fact that he’s an alien, it’s no different than the fact that I happen to
be a human. It’s just a body. My soul is also both male and female
and I feel myself as both a man and a woman sometimes. I’m
definitely all woman, but the first time I felt myself as a man, it was
astonishing. The sensation only lasted for a brief moment before I
returned to the sensation of being a woman again. Anymore, this
happens so regularly, I notice it, but it doesn’t affect me or shock
me. But I have lived so many lifetimes there is a balance between
both sexes in me, so I may be a female this time, but it’s really no
different than me happening to be a male, or Horseman happening to
be a horseman instead of a human. You see, these are just factors,
but they are factors for reasons. It’s a giant riddle, but all factors
equate to a grand purpose for all things and for a grand goal for our
souls to accomplish here on Earth. But I will get to all of that, I will
get to the goal of my soul group. I will get to the part of who I am as a
soul and what I’m doing here. I will also get to the part about alien
interaction with Earth, but first I want to tell you some more about
Horseman, the alien I have recently discovered. And in case you don’t
feel like reading my previous entries, I will tell you briefly about him, if
only to get you up to speed.
So I was recently visited by a new alien, one who I feel so close to as I
do with Avery. This alien was very tall, easily 8 feet tall, and I could
see his face was very much in the shape of a horse, but his body was
very clearly like a standing man, but curvier in some ways. He
definitely had a sort of mane and I am now aware he has a tail. I still
can’t see his feet or hands, but he insists he has feet and hands like a
man. His skin is white with some brown spots, like a painted
horse. It’s odd, but I have been thinking about his skin color and
concluding that I must be wrong on this, but it seems that these spots
would be much like freckles on humans today. So a painted
horseman is a horseman with freckles (wow that sounds so funny!). I
will tell you something else really quick, something that I didn’t
mention before. After Horseman introduced himself to me, I saw a
female horsewoman. She was a creamier white color with very light
brown spots. I keep thinking she had a white tail and white mane
which makes her so very beautiful. Their forms really are very
beautiful looking. The horse animal is a beautiful animal, so it makes
sense that a horse that is a standing man is also very beautiful. I will
tell you one more tiny little part of this too, because I also met a
praying mantis during this exchange with Horseman and then the
very brief moment I met a Horsewoman. I just want to tell you that
because I think mentioning these tiny details are also important. I
haven’t been able to stop thinking about that praying mantis who has
yet to fully introduce himself. I swear, aliens can hear everything in
the universe, and sometimes they interject themselves into your mind
speak, and either you can acknowledge them or ignore them. It’s not
rude, but it is a weird thing for me. I would have no reason to
acknowledge that praying mantis, I was definitely intrigued by this
Horseman who had introduced himself. I want to tell you some other
aspects about Horseman that I have not yet told you. I want to tell
you about his ‘personality’ so to speak. He doesn’t exactly have
one. He is as quiet as the silence, but he is also so beyond what
conversation means. He has no need to be inquisitive, ask questions,
or try to get more feedback. Horseman doesn’t exactly analyze
either. He is complete understanding. He is so fully aware, he only
absorbs information and has a full perspective and understanding of it
to such a degree, he only has answers. But his answers are also
choice words that create responses within my DNA. He speaks a
language that my body needs. That’s the only way I can describe
it. He has since changed me in unimaginable ways, and I think he’s
probably said 50 words to me, total. Definitely less than 100. I’ve had
approximately 7 visits with Horseman, but they’ve all been primarily
energy exchanges. I don’t always find speaking to be an ideal form of
communication. So instead I like to just share how my heart feels. So
I speak to horseman by sharing feelings from my heart. I don’t have
to use words, my heart speaks the words for me. He shares feelings
from his heart too. So we exchange energy sensations. But I have
spoken many words to Horseman too, and he is always delayed in his
response, so I wonder if I’m just imagining things or is there really a
Horseman standing there ignoring me? But then he says something
and suddenly I’m altered by his very brief response. The thing is
though, this Horseman is far more than he appears. I can feel my
heart beating within his chest as I know his heart beats within my
own chest, as though both of our hearts are the same, which is where
we come to the part where I have learned exactly who Horseman
is. But I will get to that. I want to tell you a few other things first,
because his name is no longer Horseman. It’s important that I tell you
his name is Emerald. I’ll tell you why. Obviously I’m human, so I
have a natural need to know someone’s name so I can identify them. I
didn’t feel right calling him Horseman either, so I asked him his
name. I asked him his name several times over a few different
interactions and a few days, and he didn’t answer me each time until
finally, he tells me that ‘he has many names.’ I hate that response, it’s
annoying. So I told him I will call him a name of my own choosing (see
how he is choosing to work my mind into truly understanding our
connection? Him giving me a name would make this far too easy on
me, it’s better for me to name him so I understand myself as well has
his soul self, but moving along). So I stared at Horseman, and the
longer I stared into his eyes and face, which was so much like a horse,
I started to feel so warm in my heart and I could see a very clear green
glow and sparkling green color and all I could think about was
emeralds. I didn’t want to call him Emerald because that’s like a pet
name and although he looked like a horse, he was not an animal. He
asked me what Emerald meant to me, and I told him that it is an
energy that I love, and it has meaning that is so real to me, so intense
and so much a part of me, I can’t deny my love for it. I told him that if
I were to call him Emerald, his name would possess this same
meaning of love. This seemed to be agreeable. I did try to change his
name to Stone, since that seems like a man’s name and it would still
be in the same vicinity of Emerald, only because an emerald is a
stone, but Stone clearly doesn’t possess the same energy and meaning
as Emerald so I have been unable to change his name, the horseman
will now and forever be called Emerald.
So Emerald has visited me many times now. I had suspected he
would only visit me the one time and then be gone. That hasn’t been
the case, in fact, I feel like I can’t disconnect or separate from him, nor
would I want to. It would be the same as disconnecting or separating
from Avery, it would be like taking my own soul and disposing of it,
irradiating it, destroying it entirely. It would be a painful sensation, a
very disagreeable sensation, not something I could possibly do. And
this isn’t just my side of the story, the same holds true for Emerald
toward me, as it does with Avery toward me. I have learned a great
deal about soul connections from meeting Emerald, and about my
own soul and about Avery, and about my soul group and our purpose.
His presence in my life is a sign that I am walking on a new path, that
I truly am a different person now and ready for new things. In fact, I
was visited by new guides this morning, but I will get to that. So I was
contemplating Emeralds soul. I have been particularly surprised by
how close I feel to him, how familiar he is to me. It’s a familiarity that
can only be described as a soul that I have fallen in love with 10,000
times and have shared a million Earth years of lives with and my
heart has never stopped beating in his chest as his has never stopped
beating in my own. I’ve been in contemplation of this, in
contemplation of how this could be. How I could feel that for way for a
form that is so entirely different from my own. I have thought a great
deal about Avery in all of this as well, and thought about his meaning
to me, which is so very similar. In fact, in contemplating Emerald and
Avery, I couldn’t help but see Emerald in Avery and Avery in Emerald,
and going a step further, I couldn’t help but see myself in Avery and in
Emerald as well. It’s as if we were all a reflection of each other, but it
seemed we all possessed different souls. I felt confident that Emerald
was from my soul group and that he and Avery and I were all different
souls with similar goals and we are finding each other now. I thought
all of this and felt very sincere about these feelings, as I always try to
sense whether something feels right or not and then I have to go with
what feels right, it’s all I can do. So I went with this, until yesterday
morning when Avery visited me. I could hear his voice very clearly. He
told me that Emerald is another form of himself and that the
horsewoman I saw was another form of myself. He told me that we
existed in these forms together, and we were of the highest order. As
amazing as this news is, it was also very crippling news for my
brain. I was overwhelmed by the reality that Emerald was Avery all
along, and no wonder he would tell me he has many names, because
one of them is Avery for crying out loud. When my brain started to go
into freak out mode, I heard Avery tell me to not be ashamed of
myself. I do have a real sensitivity to being wrong, because I try so
very hard to sense the truth all the time and to trust my heart. I felt
very low yesterday about this, until yesterday afternoon, when I
realized something. I realized that, despite the fact that Avery and
Emerald are the same, Emerald still exists in some place and in some
time, and Emerald still visited me and is still visiting me. That
Emerald is still a part of all of this, a part of this purpose, and him
introducing himself to me is still a part of all of this purpose. The fact
that I could see how I loved Emerald the same as Avery shows that I
was onto something from the get-go, it was just too hard for my
human brain to believe they were the same.
I want you to know something very important now. I want you to
know that I will be continuing to make connections with Emerald and
continuing to make connections with Avery, because it is important
that we learn how to work together to share information with
Earth. This wasn’t important to me before Emerald. Having Avery in
my life was satisfying enough, I really didn’t care about that fact that
Avery is indeed a profound and amazing being that could help our
planet a great deal, that wasn’t so important to me. I’m not the same
me though, and since Emerald has shown up and since I’ve found this
dual connection, and since I have altered my perspective without
knowing how this has happened, I have now found it incredibly
important that I start standing tall and becoming one with my
purpose. It seems clear to me now that I am here for a reason, and I
can feel that reason is to funnel information and energy, and DNA
changes from higher realms onto this planet. That would be the same
as Emerald has done for me, but Avery has also done this for
me. Avery is complete and utter patience and unwavering/undying
love and complete trust and faith in what I can become just by him
sharing his loving energy with me. It has taken seven years to get to
this point, and a lot of hard changes, but here I am and I’m ready to
move forward in this new self of mine and start fulfilling my purpose
here, and to not hold back on the truth. I have also since sent a
message into the universe to call upon my soul group to connect with
me now. There is more out there than Avery and Emerald. There is
an entire fleet of my soul family that is interacting with Earth right
now and will be interacting with me, I feel this is so true, and I can
feel them so close to me already, but not the introduction I’ve had with
Avery and Emerald. I also want to mention something else that is
important. I want to mention that there is no such thing as time or
space that separates me from which souls and beings I can work with
to help Earth. Clearly I’m able to connect with Emerald and Avery and
I feel they are connected with this plane of existence, but there are
different variations of time. I do know that it’s true that I have
connected with previous versions of myself. Myself from other
lifetimes when I inhabited bodies that were profound and amazing in
what they could do and what they could understand about the
universe. I do know that it is true that I can work with any being from
any planet from any time and place in all universes. I can even work
with previous versions of myself as well as my own profound and
amazing soul, whom I already work with through my attunement
videos, as just one small example. There is nothing stopping me from
connecting with the highest caliber vibrations in the universe and
bringing those vibrations here to Earth to help us all transition into
something so much greater than this.
So after saying all of that, I will mention one more thing about my new
spirit guides. Since I’ve recognized myself as a new person, and since
Emerald has shown up, I have since been visited by an array of new
guides. Many animal guides, but not just animal, but animal to
alien. I have seen a deer with giant antlers, a hawk, an alligator, a
wolf, and a bear. But the praying mantis is still glimmering in the
background with very little voice. This doesn’t surprise me, only
because a Praying Mantis is very clam and patient in its ways. I will
understand this more in time. But I say animal to alien because, it’s
odd, but I’m almost certain behind each one of these animals is a
‘man’ form of itself. And I feel that me knowing the various species of
‘man’ forms in the universe is important for me. This is all very, very
new information, with very little contemplation or connection with a
full and rounded understanding of it. But for now, I will just say
these new guides are certainly animal guides, and part of the need for
me to have many animal guides is for each animals specific and
natural gift. For instance, I need a wolf who is loyal and
protective. It’s strange, but the bear makes me think of warmth, like a
bear rug or a big blanket, and I need warmth when I feel low or
down. Then too, I need to see the bigger picture, so I need a hawk to
help me see. I have always had a strange relationship with reptiles
and when I saw the alligator, all I could think about was an alien
version of its animal form. I saw a man with the face of an alligator
and skin like an alligator, but not an alligator, a ‘man’ alligator. This
form is entirely non-threatening, but entirely important for me to have
this connection and understanding with all species. I also have a very
sincere relationship with nature and having many animal guides will
help me with my connection with the natural world. I also saw a
woman like bright white light, but in the form of a woman, and she
was wearing a very intense and glimmering blue gown. She reminded
me of the spirit that visited Pinocchio and transformed him into a real
boy. This is an important clue for me and her purpose for me. I’ve
also seen her several times in my mind, now that I think about it, but
not in the very intense blue dress. The color blue is also becoming a
very important color for me. I’ve heard this being said to me several
times in my mind, that I need to connect with blue, drape the color
blue around me, bathe in the color blue, become the color blue, that
my body needs this.
Unfortunately, I do have to stop there. There is so much more to say,
but I am out of time for saying it. Hopefully I can get back to writing
again soon!
It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything for my website. I’m
coming to terms with the reality that I just don’t have time. I have to
be realistic with the fact that I do have a full-time job, and I do have
three kids, and I do have a house to maintain. I’ve also been in the
clouds over the last few months, just revisiting memories, reorganizing
myself, and coming to terms with an identity shift. I can tell you a
great deal about the energy that is hitting this planet right now, and
it’s not just me that is experiencing this energy, it’s everyone. The
reason I know this is affecting everyone isn’t because I heard it
through the grapevine, because I haven’t. In fact, I socialize with
plant life far more than I socialize with the outside world. The reason I
know others are in the same experience right now is because we are
all bonded by our blood. My blood is connected with your blood, and
is connected with the blood of our species, and is connected with the
Earth and stars and living beings throughout the universe. But
scaling back down to our planet, what I’ve been enduring is also being
endured across the globe. I happen to be particularly sensitive to it
which helps me have a voice and bring direction to others who need it.
There is definitely an ultimate shift happening. On 11/18, I had
moments where I was in an altered state, completely unrelated to my
human form. I was entirely in spirit and there was no real reason for
why this happened, but it did. For about 5 minutes, I came into a
moment of complete balance and understanding about who and what
I am and about the nature of the Earth right now and about my own
personal reality. I wanted very badly to share a message about the
Earth here on my website on 11/18, but I just wasn’t able too, but I’m
attempting to do it now because it’s important. This altered state of
being helped me see with clarity, an enormous amount of positive
energy that is connecting with Earth right now. It’s happening under
the rug, and is being inspired by living beings on and off this planet
(human and alien beings). It’s also the nature of what was always
meant to be at this point in our existence, but there are living beings
inspiring additional positive energy, and I’m talking a lot of
energy. Furthermore, there are humans on this planet awakening to
their soul-self right now, and these souls are going to start
reconnecting with each other. There truly is an ultimate awakening
taking place. There is an ultimate awakening taking place among
seemingly normal, ordinary human beings, with extraordinary souls,
what I call ‘super souls’; humans who have no connection with one
other, but will find each other, and this regrouping is important, and
it’s the nature of the energy right now.
There are a lot of groups out there talking about awakening, but the
truly awakened ‘super souls’ will never come out and gather a group of
souls to become their followers (please know that). Humans with
super souls are more apt to stay clear of human interaction and work
directly with the Earth or with those who are of similar likeness or
directly with the universe or directly with the spirit world. These
awakened ones are the quiet ones that are doing a great deal of service
on this planet without anybody knowing it. I feel it’s extremely
important that I say this. I think so many see the Earth in its current
state of being and feel like it’s a helpless cause, and feel the Earth will
not bounce back from this and human beings are not changing. Trust
me, this feeling makes sense, but the Earth is not going to
degradation. As hard as it is to believe, the Earth is definitely not
going to degradation. You have to trust in the quiet ones that are
rebalancing and re-harmonizing the planet right under our noses (and
again, this is happening both on and off the planet). It is important
that you know about these super souls who are awakening, as well as
in the enormous amounts of positive energy hitting the planet. It’s
important because human beings need hope and a reason to trust in a
brighter future for the Earth and all humanity. This is coming for us
and human beings trusting in a brighter future will only inspire a
greater deal of positive energy shifts on our planet. Us humans
believing in a brighter future, will create a brighter future.
I also want to tell you that something ancient is returning to the
present day. I feel a very strong connection with Atlantian energy and
that it is shifting back to the present again. My connection with
Atlantis is a connection with ancient rituals and sharing energy in
profound and glorious ways, and it goes back further than that, but I
do feel a very strong pull with Atlantis. This is huge. It’s as if a
moment in time that just abruptly stopped, is picking back up where
it left off. These memories from Atlantis are returning here and we will
walk in those ancient footsteps again.
So within those minutes when I was in an altered state of being, I saw
my own connection with others across the planet, others that I
suddenly knew and I knew I had to reconnect with; people that I have
never met but that my soul is bonded with. I saw my identity in
various forms that my soul has taken and I saw that purpose
returning to me in my life. It’s not as if I didn’t know this about
myself already, but I didn’t know it to such a degree that I became my
ultimate self for a brief moment in time. It was completely
unimaginable, the experience. This same experience will continue to
happen with me until it is me on a daily basis. It will help me bring
truth to this planet, of that I can tell you. The Earth and all who live
here need to hear the truth because it is a complete pile of muck here,
garbage that fills our heads whether we know it or not. It’s why I have
to reconnect with nature to clear it. It is very hard for our human
bodies to be connected with light and truth in a world that vibrates on
a very low level and instigates extremely disgusting thoughts and
ideas. But all of this is changing, of that I can tell you, whole
heartedly. As a species, it’s as if we came to an ultimate point of self-
destruction, only to become self-realized. This is the same path I
walked myself. I walked myself through a path of complete self-
destruction, as the only means to become completely self-realized.
But moving along, because I want to tell you a little bit about how I
have been revisiting my old self and how this is clearing and releasing
pent up negative energy, and its essential this happens to transition
into a new self (it’s the only way I can describe it). So, over the last
several months, I have noticed myself reconnecting with memories of
who I was several years ago, particularly 7 years ago. The person I
was at the tail end of college, when I was in a severe and miserable
point in my life. Music I haven’t heard in years is instigating this as
well as pictures that have somehow found their way back to me. I am
rekindling who I once was. I am healing the past so to speak. I am
acknowledging myself, loving myself, and letting go of negative
energies and old habits. It’s become exceedingly important for me to
recognize myself in a higher manner, recognizing myself as an
ultimate and divine feminine creation. I’ve noticed myself not listening
to the same music I used to, in fact, I’m surprised by this. I’m more
frequently listening to extremely positive upbeat music that keeps my
vibration high instead of listening to heavy metal music which I have
always preferred. I have also started taking vitamins, as I’ve become
extremely focused on healing my body and giving it nourishment that
it hasn’t had in so many years. I’ve been cooking dinner more often
than just getting pizza for instance. Another odd change in me, I
absolutely cannot digest physical or sexual violence on TV, it makes
me cry and feel absolutely horrible inside. It makes me want to vomit.
I primarily only watch cartoon shows with my kids anymore because I
can’t watch regular TV. I never was one to watch much TV in the first
place, but I have to at least mention this. And I know, these are
extremely mild examples, but these small changes are making a huge
impact on my vibration and expression in the universe and they can
make a huge impact on yours.
So, let’s go from mild examples to extreme examples of change. A very
big step for me is to see myself as a beautiful person who deserves to
be loved. At one time I was so filled with self-hatred and feelings of
rejection that I just continued to hurt myself through other means,
like negative thoughts, alcohol, music, and heaps of other ways. I saw
the world through spiteful eyes. I didn’t see loving people here, I saw
people who are egotistical and selfish. I have since let go of all of
that. I actually am embracing myself as a beautiful person who
deserves to be loved and lives in a world where people do love each
other, and I actually do believe this now in my heart. Being able to
believe that and see that is huge for me and has completely altered my
experience of life. That has been the biggest and hardest point to get
to and it’s been essential for me, and the only possible way I would be
allowed to transition into my ultimate self. I’m telling you this
because we all have these little things that are holding us back from a
grand transition, and putting love of self and love of others first and
believing in this in your heart is the key to us all becoming
enlightened beings.
But there is more to it than this, and this is important. It’s about
seeing yourself as a divine feminine or masculine being, and
completely aligning with your feminine or masculine vibration. Which
there is an ultimate expression for both sexes and it’s odd, but being
in balance with both female and male energies is even more key to
becoming an ultimate feminine or masculine expression. It’s very
difficult to explain how you do that. Either way, I have to tell you
this. It’s about the steps I’ve taken to become a divine
expression. You see, the person I was 7 years ago and the person I
am today are completely different, unrecognizably different, and not
just because I’m 7 years old. For instance, I’ve always had short hair
my whole life. For approximately 12 years, I’ve always died my hair
black, and I had my nose pierced, and I was completely self-
destructive. Now I don’t dye my hair, I’ve taken out my earrings and
nose piercing, and I’m growing my hair long. I choose to be my most
natural expression because that is a divine feminine expression. It’s
not covered in makeup and fake hair colors and jewelry, it’s entirely
the expression I was intended to have by nature, by the Earth, by
creation. I can’t even stand looking at the person I was because that
person is not me at all. I don’t know why, but in choosing to grow my
hair long, I am altering my feminine vibration. It’s very weird, but I’ve
noticed that having short hair vibrates me away from being aligned
with an ultimate feminine expression. It’s very weird and maybe that’s
only me, but I have to have long hair now, it’s part of this identity that
is a completely different person that I am transitioning into, a highest
vibration of my natural self.
That is all I can share for now, but I will share more on a few things
I’ve been up to, because I also think it’s important that humanity
knows about these things. I say that now, but who knows what time I
will have. The reality is, whether I am sharing on my website or not, it
is the way it’s meant to be right now, so if I don’t get to sharing it, it
wasn’t meant to be shared. This lull in sharing information that I’ve
been in over the past many months is entirely meant to be. So that is
all for now!
I quickly want to mention something, something very important for all
to know right now. I have recently mentioned about the energy right
now, but I do want to indicate the availability of information and truth
that we humans can connect with right now on this energy
surge. Everything is literally happening, right now (in case you didn’t
catch that). I never know how long these moments of clarity will last,
so you really need to lasso the moment while you have it; whatever
you can do to keep your vibration high is the ultimate goal, and will
help you make real and genuine connections that you are entirely able
to make, right now. This open doorway is meant to be, and is
important and worthwhile and you need to pursue it.
I will tell you now about my personal clarity which has been
astonishing. The astonishment comes in the feeling that only genuine
clarity can give you. I always had a hunch about this, but it means a
great deal more when you can experience and feel the truth itself. It’s
the feeling of enlightenment. It’s not just having a hunch, it’s a full
knowing, in all its entirety, and without question or reason to
So yesterday I was visited by a soul friend, another Avery in the
universe, but this was not Avery, nor did he look human. I called him
Horseman because he was a man, but had a face like a horse and
even was colored like a painted horse, white with brown spots (I’m
serious). He stood 8 feet tall, easily. I couldn’t determine his hands or
feet as I was imaging they must be hooves, when I heard him clearly
say that he had hands and feet like a man. I was a little surprised
because he actually spoke to me and acknowledged my thought. That
still seems odd to me, only because he really did remind me of a horse
that stood upright like a man and had a body like a man, but I have to
go with what I get. I was trying to determine whether he was a spirit
or an alien, but I felt certain he was a real living person in the
universe. I wasn’t familiar with him, as in, I wasn’t sure if he could be
trusted or not, but he certainly didn’t give off a threatening sensation
or disagreeable feeling, so I went with it. There is nothing else I could
really do but go with it, it was an opportunity for enlightenment, an
open door. The more I reject and resist, the more I’m standing still on
a road paved forward. It didn’t take long before I came into a genuine
connection and realization that I knew this Horse Man. That I knew
him so well I actually felt like I missed him and even cried about it. I
felt so much clarity from this. I truly did reconnect with another close
soul friend, a friend so close to me as Avery. This connection helped
me realize there were many of my soul friends in the universe. This
wasn’t just some mental note, but I could actually feel their hearts
beating across the stars. And these aren’t just souls that I’ve lived a
life here and there with, but real, genuine souls that I am closest with
and are from my soul group. Souls that make sense to my soul
because we come from the same projection of energy, and we’ve lived
many, many lifetimes together and have developed very deep
connections. And the number wouldn’t be like a billion heart beats, it
would be like a handful of heart beats of super, extraordinarily close
connections. I really can’t define a number, but it’s not a substantial
number is the only way I can describe it. It felt like 25 pairs, male
and female. Souls are neither male nor female, but in physical form,
it felt like they inhabited 50 bodies, and equaled 25 pairs, 25 males
and 25 females. It sounds weird, but that is the best way I can
describe it. So this reconnection and realization that I’d gotten from
Horseman is a very big deal to me. For someone who’s felt abandoned
on Earth with nobody here to help me make sense of this place, to
now be visited by another soul I recognized, it is has been an
unimaginable feeling of relief and joy for me.
There is so much more to this experience than just meeting an old
friend. It was a realization about what is taking place off the planet
and how that is interacting with Earth. It only reiterates what I
became aware of on the 18th, that souls are regrouping and coming
together for a common goal and that goal is right here and now, to
help in this grand transition taking place here on Earth. I could see
my place in all of this and Avery’s place, and then the place of my soul
friends or soul mates, because they are all my soul mates. My soul
group is definitely here, if not on the planet exactly, definitely
interacting with this planet. I also felt very confident that this
wouldn’t be the only soul mate I would be coming across, but that
others were finding me too, if they hadn’t found me already, but that
is the nature of this energy right now. It’s about finding each other
and pursuing our goals with one another. The goal for all of our souls
here on Earth, for me and for you, our goals are to help in the
transition, the awakening of human consciousness, the raising of our
vibration, a whole new awareness of who and what we are in the
universe. All of our souls are here with different purposes related to
that. The purpose of my soul and my own soul group is becoming
clearer now, more than ever. Again, it’s not as if I didn’t always have a
feeling about my purpose, but the world kept convincing me that I had
no purpose but to be alone, invisible, and if not invisible, completely
misunderstood and rejected. I could only conclude I was meant to live
a life of misery, for reasons unknown and the only comfort I had was
to tell myself that it was only a lifetime, that not all lifetimes were
going to be amazing and happy. In the midst of these mental words,
my heart, would always tell me those words were not the truth and
that I only had to be patient and I would see one day, exactly why I am
here and why I had to endure all of that pain to get to this place of
clarity. If there is anything I can be certain of, if there is anything I
can share that I believe in, without a doubt, it’s the reality that this
day of ‘awakening’ is definitely here.
I’m going to continue to tell you more, because it’s a very odd point in
time for me, being able to acknowledge that this seriously important
moment on Earth is actually here. I have rolled my eyes at all the
uproar over the super awakening of mankind. I can’t stand
bandwagons, it’s like every other cardboard creation here, just another
slogan. It’s not as if I didn’t recognize this truth, this point in Earth
history, but I wasn’t going to get all excited over it, because the
universe certainly had awakened me, and of all the years and years
and years I’ve connected with the universe, and shared love in the
universe, and shared my dreams with the universe, the universe was
not even whispering back the notion that anything was going to
change for me. All I could do was connect with my heart and trust,
despite my misery and desperation for the end of my life, I had to trust
that the universe heard me and that my dreams were going to come
true, because the energy I used to craft those dreams was real and
was from my beating and all loving heart and the universe can’t deny
me that…but it certainly felt like it was. So I had to trust my heart,
not trust in a slogan, but trust in my heart. Deep down I believed in a
better world, but I couldn’t feel it, experience it, or see it, I could only
trust in it. I now can feel it, experience it, and see it. When I put this
commentary on my website, this isn’t something I will look back at, 6
months down the road and say, I’m not so sure about that. I feel very
confident in this, so confident in what I am sharing, it is without
question and will be without question tomorrow and months forward.
Now I will tell you a little bit more. This is personal, and I don’t like
getting too personal with my weird reality, but there is something
important to this. It’s about the aliens that are helping this planet
and more about the old me and some about the new me. So I will tell
you, if there is one thing you can know about the old me, I was not a
supporter of aliens coming to this planet to help us. In fact, I was
annoyed by human beings who would automatically surrender and
give up on creating a more beautiful world for themselves; severely
annoyed that humanity had given up and was now going to just rely
on super beings from another planet to help us. I was annoyed
because I believed in humanity and I believe that we have the power
and ability to be super in this universe, just by choosing to love and
help each other. I was also very disagreeable with the thought of
human beings stretching out our hands for alien assistance only
because I felt very strongly, that in this disgusting, low level world, the
only aliens that would want to help us are manipulators, the same
ones who are only here to keep us imprisoned, if only by lying to us
further and making us believe they are helping us when they are only
imprisoning us. Yes, for those two reasons I was very against the idea
of asking for alien help, because I wanted human beings to realize we
can help ourselves, and because I was concerned about who these
alien helpers would be that would be rescuing us from our ignorant
selves. I had to tell you this because I’m going to tell you something
else now, something I know without a doubt and I’m completely
supportive of. I can tell you, without a doubt, that there are legions of
loving alien beings that are helping us right now. I can tell you this
because I’ve seen it and felt it. The new me can definitely tell you that
I feel completely safe, confident, and overjoyed that alien beings are
helping us. After saying that, please, still be strong and believe in
yourself. Let’s not just throw in the towel, lets actually try and do this
thing together. We humans are strong too and when we use our
hearts along with the hearts of benevolent alien beings, only
monumental and beautiful changes can take place. But I needed to
make sure I mentioned that, because within these legions of super
compassionate, loving, healing, amazing, benevolent alien beings, are
my closest soul mates who I trust completely. This is the most
genuine truth I can tell you, and truth that I have discovered through
keeping my mind and awareness revolving at a higher consciousness,
and this is truth that you too can discover, you only have to try to
engage in activities that keep you in a positive realm. It’s the only way
to true enlightenment, is by basking in the light and not resorting to
darkness, as in, getting down and out, giving up on dreams, feeling
frustrated with life, getting hammered because it helps you heal with
the pains of life. Whatever you do, try very hard to avoid these
things. You will find it comes with a very blessed gift of enlightenment
and nothing can compare to that!
There is so much more I want to share with you, and seeing as I’m on
a roll, I’m hoping I can share it with you, very, very soon (tomorrow,
fingers crossed!).