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Published by , 2017-03-02 02:24:36



Department of MCA

5RT01CA Mobile Computing
Question Bank


Part – A

1. Define SAMA.
2. Define CDMA.
3. What are the several versions in CSMA?
4. What is meant by non-persistent CSMA?
5. What is meant by p-persistent CSMA?
6. What is SDMA?
7. What is FDD?
8. What are the 2 sub layers in DLC?
9. What is EY-NMPA?
10. What do you mean by Polling?
Part – B
1. Explain different TDMA schemes in detail.
2. Account on CDMA Scheme.
3. Explain broadcast systems in detail.
4. Explain in detail about different types of multiplexing
5. Explain in detail about different types of modulations.
6. Explain in detail about signal Propagation and Antennas.


Part – A
1. What are the four types of handover available in GSM?
2. What is TETRA?
3. What are the categories of Mobile services?
4. What are the services provided by supplementary services?
5. What are types of Handover?
6. What is meant by GPRS?
7. What are subsystems in GSM system?
8. What are the information in SIM?
9. Define Normal Burst?
10. What are the logical channels in GSM?
11. What is the function of Medium Access Control Layer?
12. What is meant by GEO?
13. what are the advantages of GEO?
14. What is Handover?
15. What are the registers maintained by the gateway of satellite?

16. Applications of Satellite ?
17. What are the applications in satellites?
18. What are the advantages of LEO?
19. Define the inclination angle and perigee.
20. Define the elevation angle and footprint.
21. Define Header core.
22. What is MSC?
23. What is FIC?
24. What are the different types of disk?
25. What are the goals of DVB?
26. Name some of the formats supported by MOT?.
27. Give structure MOT object.
28. What are different interleaving and repetition schemes applied by

DAB to objects and segments?
29. What are the advantages of DAB?
30. What is object repetition?
31. What is EIT?
32. What are the service information sent by DVB?
33. What are the advantages of DVB?
34. what is meant by beacon?
35. What is Active scanning?
36. What is Passive Scanning?
Part – B
1. Explain satellite systems in detail.
2. Write notes on UMTS and IMT – 2000
3. Explain GSM systems in detail.
4. Explain in detail about GPRS.
5. Explain in detail about DECT and TETRA.
6. Give a detail note on DAB - DVB.
7. Explain the various satellite orbit and the parameters associated


Part – A
1. what is the primary goal of IEE 802.11?
2. what is meant by SIFS?
3. What are Advantages of wireless LAN?
4. What are Design Goals of Wireless LAN?
5. What are the three Low Power States provided by Bluetooth?
6. What is SCO?
7. What are the three phases in EY-NPMA?
8. What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared?
9. What are the system integration functions of MAC management?
10. What do you meant by roaming?.
11. What is mobile routing?

12. What are the functions which support service and connection control?
13. What are the examples for service scenarios identified in WATM ?
14. What is BRAN?
15. What are the different network types of BRAN?
16. What is the main problem for WATM during handover?
17. What are the different segments in ATM end-to-end connection?
18. What is anchor point?
19. What are different types of handover?
20. What is mobile terminal and wireless terminal?
Part – B
1. Explain IEEE802.11 standard for WLANS in detail.
2. Write notes on WATM services and Functions.
3. Write notes on WATM handover.
4. Write notes on location management, addressing and access point control

5. Account on BLUETOOTH in detail
6. Give a detail note on HYPERLAN.


Part – A
1. What is generic routing encapsulation?
2. Define COA.
3. What is meant by Transparency?
4. What is Generic Routing encapsulation?
5. What is Binding Request?
6. What are the possibilities for the location of care-of-address (COA)?
7. What are the requirements for the development of mobile IP standard?
8. What is COA?
9. What is Dynamic source Routing?
10. Why is need of routing?
11. Define Mobile node:
12. What is Encapsulation and Decapsulation?
13. what are the two functions of the transport layer in the internet?
14. what is called the exponential growth of the congestion window?

Part – B
1. Explain mobile IP in detail.
2. Give a detailed account of mobile ad-hoc networks.
3. Explain in detail about DHCP
4. Explain the routing algorithm DSDV.
5. Explain the routing algorithm DSR.
6. Give a detailed account of Alternative Metrics.


Part – A
1. Advantages of I-TCP:
2. Disadvantages of I-TCP:
3. Define Slow Start?
4. How does data transmission takes place?
5. What is mean by Slow Start?
6. What is mean by SCPS-TP?
7. What are Advantage and Disadvantage of MobileTCP?
8. What is Fast retransmit?
9. What is fast retransmit?
10. What is fast recovery?
11. What is HTTP?
12. What is image scaling?
13. What is WAP?
14. What is WMLBrowser?
15. Define Damping
16. Define Dynamic source routing.
17. Define WAP

Part – B
1. Write notes on traditional TCP.
2. Write notes on wireless TCP.
3. Write notes on WDP and WTLS.
4. Write notes on wireless transaction protocol..
5. Write notes on wireless sessions protocol.
6. Give a detailed account of classical TCP improvements.
7. Explain in detail about WAP.

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