Welcome to our page! and the service of Trichology
treatments for challenging hair and
My name is April Kearney I am the
owner/operator of BllinG Salon Spa scalp issues.
& Retail which was established June We would also like to introduce you
2006. BllinG stands for “Blessed life to our newest Team Member Niki
Mak. Niki provides Ayurveda services
living in God” of Facials, hair loss treatments, back
We offer many specialties, but what we treatments and many other options
are most known for is the quality and for a healthier option to your beau-
nurturing care that we provide to our ty. As the owner of BllinG, I received
clients which cultivates an atmosphere formal training over the years through
for healthy hair, skin transformations the IAT, Pravana, Avalon, and Doterra,
and growth from the inside out! With just to name a few. We also host classes
24+ years of experience our areas of to educate our community on wholis-
expertise range from the latest fashion tic wellness and every area of hair
color techniques, trendy cuts, all facets scalp and skin beauty from the inside
of natural hair, make up artistry with out. You can view our service list, get
custom blending, customized essential more information on what Ayurveda
oil blending, healthy transition styles, is, request an appointment, and view
our class schedules by visiting our site
Ayurveda Therapies, at www.bllingsalon.com Someone will
be in contact with you within 12 to 24
The BllinG team is made up
of Trichologist hair care, color
and natural hair specialty artist
April Kearney (24 yrs.); Weave
and extension specialist Teena
Atkins (15 yrs); Total hair ser-
vice specialist Pamela Wilson
(25+ yrs); Makeup Artist Linda
Nicole (10+ yrs); Braid spe-
cialist Lorie Johnson (30+ yrs);
and Ayurveda specialist Niki
Mak (25+ yrs).
Michelle Moore is an innovative artist that has been gifted to display her creativity through her work . Her love
for hair surpasses that of her 30 years of experience; which has brought her to the forefront of countless hair
shows, guest appearances, and a judge.
While remaining a confident supporter of her colleagues Michelle remains at a place of gratefulness, and is always
ready to take hair to the next level of EXCELLENCE!
Michelle's jazzy pixie cuts and breath-taking hair extensions are just a few of her "You Are Beautiful" displays of
creativity that allow her love for hair to illuminate the beauty of her clients (Tuesday-Saturday 9a-5p.)
iffany Nicole is a gifted image consultant and creative stylist with a passion for healthy living
and beauty. Originally, a self-proclaimed “kitchen-tician,” Tiffany’s natural talents and intu-
itive relationship with hair, fashion and beauty has been evolving. With her keen ability to
relate to her clients on an individual level, she consistently connects with the unique essence
of each client, and collaborates with them to create a look that displays their unique person-
al style and personality inside and out. Tiffany Nicole is a detail-oriented stylist, specializing
in natural hair, protective styling, healthy straightening and custom Indique hair extensions
services. Understanding that “healthy hair is best” regardless of texture, length and color,
she is committed to helping her clients establish a stylish look and educating them to devel-
op maintenance routines that embraces healthy hair care options. As the owner operator Of
TNL...Salon. Spa. Studio. Tiffany Nicole is a visionary who continuously brings fresh perspec-
tive, positive energy, creativity, and unparalleled style to the natural hair beauty experience.
Raised in Altadena, CA., Tiffany Nicole currently resides in Texas with her husband Chris
and 3 beautiful children: Justice-19, Christian-16, Lyric Nicole-13 and the family dog “Blue.”
Marlin Paulino is a bubbly, com-
passionate, kind, and free spirited wom-
an. She was born in the Dominican Re-
public home of the “famous Dominican
Blowouts.” She grew up in Anchorage,
Alaska and currently resides in Austin,
In 1998 she found a passion for hair
and become a stylist. She is a talented
hairstylist and loves to hear her clients
positive feedback and see the smile on
their faces. Her repeat clients often re-
turn telling her about the compliments
from loved ones and strangers on the
street. She specializes in straightening
hair, custom cuts and making the hair
Marlin lives life to the fullest. She is a
life coach, teaches a boot camp and she
is a motivational speaker. Marlin is the
mother of three lovely boys and enjoys
spending time playing with them during
her time off.
“We cannot call ourselves Queens if we
allow jesters to rule how we think...”
~ Amber Rowe
Amber Rowe is an author, speaker, educator and licensed hand and foot therapist with over 17 years
of experience in the beauty industry. Her objective in the industry is to educate, strengthen and support
new beauty professionals while providing safe, sanitary services to her clientele. She has extensive train-
ing in a variety of modalities which include Reflexology, Ayurveda and Balinese foot massage, just to
name a few. Amber’s passion for education began when she recognized a decline in the practice of profes-
sionalism of new beauty professionals in our country. Her mission is to help students cultivate their great-
ness, eradicate unprofessionalism and preserve the future of the beauty industry one student at a time.
Social media
The “all around girl” is what they call her. Danie Pearl is
an Austin, TX native with a strong background in music,
dance, and art. She grew up in a Hip-Hop infused culture
that evolved her into the exhilaration of power that she is
today. From carport dreams and dance routines to packed
out performances Danie Pearl is making her mark in the
entertainment industry. She excels beyond her boundar-
ies when it comes to her artistic style and creativity. She
is also a dynamically defined dance choreographer and
is greatly influenced by 90’s music. Danie Pearl is antici-
pating the release of her first “official” body of work in
late 2016 entitled “The Cardinal.” You can hear her sin-
gle, “Searching for your love,” on sound cloud at https://
They call her Ebonie. She is a true Austinite with a vivacious
and boisterous personality. She's a dancer and model that leaves
sparkles and bits of soul at every runway she rips. As a model,
she plans on empowering women to embrace their glamorous
self. She attends Prairie View A&M where she studies bio-med-
ical engineering with hopes of creating innovations that will
change the face of medicine. Ebonie also dances. As a dancer
22 she connects to her roots through movement.
ree G is an electric vocal power-
house sure to command every stage
she graces! With a capacious back-
ground in music and poetry, daz-
zling various crowds across the US,
including the Virgin Islands, she’s
opened for national recording art-
ists: Ledisi, Mario, Will Downing
and renowned poet Nikki Giovanni.
Her magnetic style and vocal gym-
nastics is what makes Tree G special
for an array of public, private, cor-
porate, theatrical and festival events.
As the “Romance of Austin,” Tree
G’s platform is geared toward mend-
ing healthy relationships through her
art of expression on/off-stage – per-
mitting listeners to love themselves
and show compassion to others.
After graduating from law school, Ms. J retired from federal service to return to Houston Texas to prepare for the 2016
Texas Bar Exam, where she decided to launch the first of her dream of business ownership. In November 2015, Ms. J
formally began to operate Le J’s Hairwagon as a retailer for 100% Virgin Human Hair Bundles and Closures for men
and women. While living and working in various countries and states since 2000, Le J’s Hairwagon, began as a wheeled
backpack business, selling 100% Virgin Human Hair Bundles and Closures to family, friends and clients. Ms. J oper-
ates Le J’s Hairwagon as a boutique style, consultant and an attentive hair product provider concerned with “Quality.”
It’s not just the 100% Virgin Human Hair Product, it’s the way a client should be treated and listened to when making
such an investment. The only item sold at Le J’s Hairwagon is: 100% Virgin Human Hair Bundles and Closures.
At Le J’s, hair is the only
topic of discussion. Here, a
client can discuss the right
texture, the right length and
leave with matched product
and the assurance that their
purchase is a 100% Virgin
Human Hair Bundles and/
or Closures. ‘When Quali-
ty Matters’, come to ‘Where
Quality Matters’, for 100%
Virgin Human Hair Bun-
dles and Closures of: Peru-
vian, Mongolian, Malaysian,
Brazilian, Burmese, Russian
Blonde, and Indian textures
with styles of body wave,
straight, deep wave, and/or
kinky curly.
www.lejhair wagon.com
Hailing from Chicago, IL, D Mau-
rice is a musician of extraordi-
nary talent and skill. He has been
steadily making his mark in the
entertainment world, by rees-
tablishing the standard by which
performers should live – making
quality music and art that expos-
es the inner soul for all to see. It
isn’t an easy task, but one that
D Maurice sees as the ultimate
challenge in today’s music scene.
D Maurice’s career began many
years ago as a 10-year-old, per-
forming his first solo in church.
He performed in countless plays,
movies and commercials as a teen-
ager, growing up in Harvey, IL.
Currently, you can see D Maurice
performing on stage with singer/
songwriter Eric Roberson, as well
as with his own group, Duocity. D
Maurice’s passion for music and
artistic expression can be heard
on his debut solo album, ‘Mosaic’,
which is out now. You can find it at
all digital outlets, including iTunes,
Amazon, GooglePlay and others.
Singer/Musician Claudia Melton Claudia perfected her interests
is riding on the crest of new in- and musical talents with ad-
ternational acclaim for her latest vanced jazz studies at the Univer-
work, One Hour, a track that pairs sity of North Texas, one of the na-
her unique vocal melodies with tion’s finest comprehensive music
the style of Dallas hip-hop sensa- schools, where she earned a B.A.
tion Big J of Clever Monkeys and
the production of Irish jazz hip- degree in vocal performance.
hop producer G Frequency. With Claudia has sung alongside a
an Irish producer, a Texan singer, plethora of talented artists, in-
and its release exclusively in Ja- cluding Grammy Award-win-
pan, the 2008 song speaks to the ner Norah Jones, Boyz II Men,
global appeal of Claudia’s sultry, Erykah Badu, Emily King, Dave
soulful singing style. Furthering Hollister, RL of Next, Anthony
her worldwide reputation, Clau- David, N’Dambi, Case, Choklate,
dia performed with international Wayna, Jaguar Wright, Chris-
artist, Knagui, in Europe in 2008 topher Williams, Carl Thomas,
and 2009, a critically acclaimed Rahsaan Patterson, Liv Warfield,
production of Women of God. and more. In the Dallas/Ft. Worth
She was lead musician for The Area, where she currently resides,
John F. Kennedy Center Imagina- Claudia is one of the most popu-
tion Celebration Tour “Harlem”. lar performers & back-up singers
She is currently the vocalist for
nationally praised Dallas Observ- in the state.
er Music Award Nominated jazz/ In addition to her widely respect-
soul/hip-hop group, The Gritz ed career as an emerging new
Band, and the keyboardist for vocal talent, Claudia is a music
Dallas’s newest dance band Mo- educator. In 2008, Claudia was se-
tion. Claudia is now the Produc- lected by the International House
er/Host for the Hottest Singer/ of Blues Foundation as a master
Songwriter Showcase at House of teacher and narrator to imple-
Blues Dallas, which benefits the ment the Blues School House
non-profit International House curriculum for 5th-12th grade
of Blues Foundation http://www. students in Dallas public schools.
Claudia’s current project is her
ihobf.org first solo album, which will high-
Born in Corpus Christi, Texas light her skillful vocal talent, all
to a family of vital influencers of in which were influenced by jazz,
South Texas music, Claudia began soul, and some of the hippest mu-
playing violin at the age of four, sic today. Parallel to her debut is
piano at eight, and saxophone at a duo release with her co-host,
11. Heavily influenced by jazz, her DMo!, back-up singer for Eric
father, Claude Melton, was a for-
mer President of
the Texas Jazz Festival.
Ever since I could remember I en-
joyed creating things. Whether it was
painting the sunset, designing custom
shoes or grooming someone’s hair.
I have always loved using my hands
and imagination to make something
cool. As owner and founder of Give
God Glory Brand; I spend everyday
of my life creating art in some form
and using my gifts for God’s glory.
I established the GGG brand in 2007
as a student athlete at Abilene Chris-
tian University. After what looked like
a sabotaged future full of mistakes
and bad choices, I decided to reded-
icate my life to God and made a deal
with God Himself. If He would give
me another chance to continue school
and continue to play football then I
would use all of my gifts for His glory.
since then GGG Brand has expand-
ed into different areas of influence and
business, simply using the gifts God has
given me.
My first venture was GGGINK, a faith
based tattoo company. Using my gift
of art and drawing, I am able to cre-
ate lifelong pieces of art on people’s
bodies. our motto, “Glorious Homes,”
As a Christian influenced company I
choose not to do dark imagery or art-
work that does not align with the be-
liefs and vision for the GGG Brand.
Over a hundred people have the GGG
logo tattooed and support of the brand
continues to grow as the message spreads.
Believers worldwide are also seen rep-
resenting the GGG logo through my
fashion line GGG Clothing. I figured
what better way to spread the mission
of God’s glory than through a wearable
statement. Founded in 2013 the ecom-
merce presence at www.gggbrand.com
has been a platform for believers nation-
wide to proudly represent their faith in
God. From dozens of NFL athletes, to
Olympians, to your everyday believer,
many people have continued to spread
the message that God deserves all of
the glory. Recently my wife and I have
created GGG Real Estate with Glori-
ous Living” allowing our brand to have
a greater influence in the Dallas com-
munity and to help families overcome
poverty and build generational wealth
through ownership. We have been af-
forded the opportunity to teach others
about the principles of stewardship,
saving, financial discipline, and invest-
ing. Many people are being blessed and
we are excited about the greater level of
influence we’ve been given. 2017 looks
very promising and exciting. With so
many visions to bring to life there will
definitely be lots of work to be done. I
look forward to creating new art, new
ventures and building new purposeful
relationships as I continue walking by
faith. I look forward to growing men-
tally, physically and spiritually. I have
personally learned that the more wis-
dom you obtain, the more creative you
become. By being in the best physi-
cal shape possible you feel better and
strong enough to attain any goal set. I
have learned that creating comes natu-
ral, turning your creativity into business
takes hard work and effort, and both take
consistency to be successful. The most
important thing that I have ever realized
through my experience and journey is
that anything is possible when you keep
God first. Literally anything. God Bless.