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Buy Wise February 2020 Specials-Events-Training

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Published by The Prince of Parts, 2020-01-27 21:46:37

Buy Wise February 2020 Specials-Events-Training

Buy Wise February 2020 Specials-Events-Training

Technical Training Makes You A Better Technician

Our Spring Season Seminars are All Set!
Check Us Out….Our Spring Training Events Will Bring Your

Business Into The Black!

March 18th & 19th…Real World Automotive Computer Diagnostics
April 22nd ...How to Use Your Lab Scope for Diagnostics
April 23rd ...Active Vehicle Safety
May 20th...Advanced Body, Security and Chassis Systems

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April 23rd ...Active Vehicle Safety

This seminar provides the professional technician with a perspective on how to properly service today’s
braking and steering systems
on vehicles equipped with ADAS (Advanced Driver Assist Systems). The foundation of these systems is
based on the ABS/VSC (antilock
brakes and Vehicle Stability Control) system. We will briefly discuss system operation of the ABS/VSC
systems to set the ground
work for deeper discussions on ADAS. Diagnostic procedures on ABS/VSC system components will be
explored. Electric Power
steering systems will be introduced and their contribution to the ADAS systems will be explained. Proper
service and calibration
procedures will be presented for Steering Angle Sen-
sors, accelerometers and YAW sensors. Several Active
Safety systems and their
operational strategies will be outlined. In addition,
safety system alignment resets will be discussed for
Adaptive Cruise Control,
Forward Collision Warning and Lane Departure Warn-
After completing this seminar, the student will have the
knowledge to:
• Understand ABS/VSC operational strategies
• Properly inspect, test and calibrate components with-
in the electronic brake and vehicle stability systems
• Evaluate scan tool data and fault codes

• Discuss several active safety systems on current pro-
duction vehicles

• Understand the function and calibration needs of re-
lated sensors within several vehicle safety systems

Starter System Tech Tips

For Every 2 Denso Starter /
Alternators Purchased In
February, We’ll Give You
Back $10..No Kidding!

Test Alternators Before You Replace Them

Many times an alternator is not working properly because of poor electrical con-
nections in the charging circuit. If the alternator isn’t putting out enough current
to keep up with the electrical loads that are placed upon it, or the charging volt-
age is low, don’t automatically assume the starter or alternator is bad and needs
to be replaced (unless you’re bench testing the unit out of the vehicle). Loose or
corroded connections on the back of the unit can increase resistance and restrict the current flowing
through the circuit. The same goes for broken or frayed wires inside a connector or the alternator wir-
ing harness. The connectors and wires may appear to be OK visually, but unless they are actually tested
there is no way to know if they’re clean, tight, undamaged and making good electrical contact. If the
wires and connectors are not checked, you may replace the alternator only to discover the new unit
you just installed is “no good.” Now you get to replace it again, and that can be a lot of lost time and
labor on vehicles where the alternator is buried under a lot of other stuff.

Recommended Tests

Every alternator supplier we’ve ever talked to about this issue says the same thing: Most of the alterna-
tors that are returned under warranty have nothing wrong with them whatsoever. The alternator isn’t
charging the battery because of other problems on the vehicle like bad wiring connections, bad bat-
tery cables, a bad battery or a bad PCM. So save yourself the embarrassment and hassle of a comeback
and test the alternator wiring connectors and wiring harness.

You can do this by using your voltmeter to run “voltage drop” checks across the connections when the
engine is running. To perform a voltage drop test, set the voltmeter on the 2-volt scale and touch the
positive and negative test leads on opposite sides of a connection. If there is resistance in the connec-
tion, some of the voltage will try to bypass the resistance by flowing through the voltmeter. A reading
of more than 0.2 volts means trouble. Ideally, the voltage drop across any connection should be zero
or less than 0.1 volts.

Poor ground connections are an often-overlooked cause of low charging output and alternator failure.
Check for voltage drops at the positive and negative battery cable connections, the alternator BAT+
power connection and the engine ground strap(s). Voltage drops on the negative side can cause over-
charging. Voltage drops on the positive side of the charging circuit can cause undercharging.

Another approach for reducing comebacks and unnecessary warranty returns is to ask your parts sup-
plier to bench test your customer’s old alternator, and to bench test the new alternator before you in-
stall it. If the old alternator passes the tests, the problem is obviously not the alternator, and you’ve
missed something. It’s time to get out your voltmeter and check for voltage drop in the battery and
charging circuit.

When a new alternator is installed, check the battery voltage and use a battery charger to bring the
battery up to full charge before you return the vehicle to your customer. Also, start the engine and use
your DVOM to check the charging output of the alternator. Don’t assume everything is working OK
just because you bolted in a new alternator.



For Every 2 Remy Starter /
Alternators Purchased In
February, We’ll Give You

Back $10..No Kidding!

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