Whether it’s Your Car-Your Da- Parts is on top of the challenges buyers stating that you (the inde-
ta, Chrysler’s resistance to allow that will haunt us heading into pendent repair facility) can fix
us access to repair the vehicle. the new decade! As we have those vehicles without voiding
Reflasing, Reprogramming, turned the page on 2019, and into that new car warranty. No more
ADAS, New Jersey Inspection 2020 for just a few weeks now, we scare tactics or threats. It’s all
Certifications or just plain being learning of a revamped NJ In- because we have a strong voice in
up on the very latest in auto part spection license procedure, and Trenton and Washington!
innovations, you can be sure that the requirement of New Car Deal-
the Team at Buy Wise Auto er to send out notices to new car Then when it comes to auto
parts, oh boy, do we have a lot of
new things going on! We have
added a complete new line of
Brake Rotors (nothing went out,
just more). A grey coated corro-
sion resistant finish to the hat
and edge, and priced like you
need it to be to sell more brake
jobs! We’ve expanded our Radia-
tor Coverage and our Strut As-
sembly coverage to make sure we
Never Say No! Look to Buy Wise
Auto Parts as Your Business
Partner for 2020!
Taking care of your customers ment system powered by Delphi,
with National Warranties, Road- Service Writer training and mar-
side Assistance, and Car Rental keting programs, it make the value
Programs are just the beginning a bargain in itself. What tops it all
when it comes to the 2020 Buy is our exclusive Buy Wise Parts
Wise Service Center Program. The Perks Program, with rebates back
DRIV Shop Solution Program, to you as high as 5% based on your
The Motorcraft PSN Program purchases! A full presentation is
with Ford Rebates, further pushes available from any of our Sales
the benefits. With a Shop manage- Professionals! Ask Us!
Training * Shop Management * Technology * Legislation
N.J. Law Requires Warranty What is Your Car– think car owners should be able to con-
Rights Notification trol who has access to their car’s data.
Your Data? Do you agree? Stand with Americans
Jan. 15, 2020—On Thursday, Jan. 9, nationwide who believe car data
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Drivers are unwittingly should belong to car owners. Sign up
signed into law Senate Bill 1712, generating a revenue stream for car for our newsletter to stay informed on
which will require vehicle manufac- manufacturers every time we get how you can demand control and en-
turers to send a notice to consumers behind the wheel. We generate vast sure you have a choice.
within 90 days of a new car lease or amounts of data from driver behav-
purchase of their warranty rights ior to GPS location that could be https://yourcaryourdata.org/join-the-
under the federal Magnuson-Moss sold to third parties or used to sell movement/
Warranty Act (MMWA). The bill drivers additional services. When
passed both chambers of the New used responsibly, our car data can BUY WISE ANNOUNCES
Jersey Legislature with broad bipar- generate personalized services ca- LOCATION NO.7—SUMMIT
tisan support. The bill passed the tered to our needs and improve Buy Wise is announcing the addition
Senate (31-0) and passed the Assem- products. But we want to be the ul- of our 7th location, formerly Quality
bly (74-0), showing the overwhelm- timate decision-makers when it Automotive Parts, located in Summit,
ing support for this consumer notifi- comes to what data is collected from NJ. With that same friendly service
cation in the car buying process. us and who that data is shared from the staff that always served you,
“This is another positive step toward with. The data collected from our look for more great things to come in
educating consumers nationwide on cars is valuable. It can allow a driv- the coming weeks! No.7 has been in the
their warranty rights and their abil- er’s trusted neighborhood mechanic making for some time as Buy Wise
ity to get their car serviced at the to remotely diagnose our car trouble looks to improve our distribution foot-
facility of their choice,” said Tom and have a repair part ready and print in New Jersey. The addition
Tucker, director, state government waiting, which can save time and brings the ability to further improve
affairs, Auto Care Association. “We money. But car manufacturers are service and continue with the same
will continue to work in the legisla- creating a data monopoly that is set family type approach in the Summit
tive and regulatory arenas to pro- to decrease competition and increase and Central Jersey area! Look for a
mote the MMWA and what it means costs for consumers. Drivers demand February opening with expanded in-
for consumers.” our data benefits us. ventories and a robust plan for service
This is only the second bill requiring
consumer notification of MMWA 71% of Consumers Assume Car im-
rights to be passed in the country.
For those that are unaware, Buy Owners Already Have Access to Car
Wise owner, Ryan Samuels heads a
NJ Delegation that fights for techni- Data. They’re Wrong.
cians rights while serving as Auto-
Care Associations vice president! Demand Access & Control
As of today, only auto manufac-
turers have direct access to car data.
Car owners don’t have full owner-
ship of their data, nor do they have
the ability to control how and where
it is sent. Nearly 9-in-10 consumers
TECH INFO TO EASE THE PAIN...Keeping your shop in the forefront of technology
requires a strong business partner with your success in mind. Making sure that you do
not turn away any any work is our priority! Sure we want to sell you auto parts, how-
ever, more importantly, we want to make you succeed with these concerns. Buy Wise
Auto Parts offers solutions that no other competitor comes close to matching!
With our commitment to Education and Service, we have made your success easier as
we have a service manager on the road to help with Reprogramming, with TPMS So-
lutions, with Diagnostic Scanner concerns, Technical Training in your shop and now,
the ADAS System.