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Published by ANDREW DE VERA, 2019-05-24 15:03:08





Dear Reader,

This collection includes multiple genres connecting to the word guilt,
revolving around the emotion entitled to it. The involvement of “Guilt” in our
daily lives. Guilt can be seen as a poison or even an antidote that spreads
through our morale. For me this word holds a lot of meaning, being I grew
up in a caring home and a family who I can share a bond with. Along with it
are the emotions permanently attached to your mind and heart, thinking of
it as a chain. You can think of it as a harmful or bad thing, but that chain is
what keeps you in the lines of remorse, however this remorse/guilt trait is
not something you're born with. As life begins your influenced by the ones
around you, imagine a blank canvas this will represent your lifetime.
Children are of course born with different circumstances, however for this
example i’m explaining the meaning behind are life portraits. As we grow
up there are the challenges and hardship we must encounter those
representing colors thrown at the canvas, not yet stained but can be dyed
any color at any time depending on the situation. What i’ve learned from
reading the book “Night” was that the main character had once had faith in
his life and that began to deteriorate in time giving my example factual
meaning. The general message about my topic word is the influence of
guilt in our life.

Created Genre 1: ​Blackout Poem

Title:​ “Opposed”
The passage revolved around people being tormented and torn away at. It
didn't show the perspective of someone feeling the emotion of guilt but
someone who was opposed by the feeling of it. This blackout poem shows
the eyes of someone breaking someones heart and dissipating the feelings
along with it.

“Everyone’s eyes, tears, distress, procession defeated, lives beaten, faded
portraits. No longer a summer sun”

Created Genre 2: A​ rtwork

Scales of Justice shown in the picture depicts the weight of guilt it has on
people. Picture weights being stacked upon each other as someone tries to
lift it up, everyone has guilt it's the matter if you can with hold the struggle
of it before it collapses on top of you. I created this picture to represent the
scale of balance between all emotions against guilt.

Genre 1: A​ rtwork

The picture below displays a shadow figure lingering behind a
person. Being the shadow resembles the deep emotion that this
person carries, a perspective of the dark figure overtaking the person
can be seen as harmful or a burden, holding the person in place. But
that's not necessarily bad, majority of people feel guilt, that just
means you have empathy for others. Taken into consideration, this
picture can also show the regret or feeling of failure, thinking that “I
should’ve done better” or “It's entirely my fault”. Although at times this
may feel darkening, this proves the amount of kind emotion a person
has unlike someone who couldn’t sympathise for anyone. Overall the
feeling of guilt provides the idea of improvement as a human being,
not a burden to stop your movement.

Genre 2: ​Poem

I chose this poem because it's very accurate when describing the
feelings of guilt. Your at hold and no longer can move until you fix the
mistakes or improve from where you are at currently. You can't connect the
dots moving forward, you can only make the connections from the past to
forge a pathway to success.

Genre 3: ​Song

The perception of guilt towers over the consciousness of the mind.
Guilt being portrayed as chains interlocking you to one moment where you
feel a certain void. That certain void would be the regret or cause located in
your mind. In one part of the song it says “When the walls come tumbling
in, Though we may deserve it, It will be worth it”. The perspective of which
a person has coped with the consequence of guilt and can move on.

Artist: Depeche Mode And when our worlds 
They fall apart 
You wear guilt  When the​ w​ alls​ come​ ​tumbling​ in 
Like​ ​shackles​ on your feet  Though we may​ ​deserve​ it 
Like a halo in reverse  It will be​ ​worth​ it 
I can feel  Bring your chains 
The​ ​discomfort​ in your seat  Your lips of tragedy 
And in your head it's worse  And fall into my arms 
There's a pain  And when our worlds 
A​ f​ amine​ in your heart  They fall apart 
An​ ​aching​ to be free  When the​ w​ alls​ come​ ​tumbling​ in 
  Though we may​ d​ eserve​ it 
Can't you see  It will be​ ​worth​ it.  
All love's luxuries   
Are here for you an me 

Passages from Night

Page 16.​ The Jewish police force felt remorse for the people since they
knew them. Hearing the cracking in their voices expresses the regret they
feel and providing them water was all they can do.

Page 107.​ German officers of the camp had not fed the prisoners who were
sick, knowing it would’ve been a waste of rations. Instead the sick were
starved and brought to the crematory with no notice. This shows the lack of
thought they had for the prisoners not even acknowledging families in

Page 6. ​Moishe and other jewish people had been taken away from their
homes, and as soon as some of them had returned, they had told them this
horrific reality of what's going to happen. Guilt took course as they were
taken away into camps ignoring the stories had led them deeper in the hole
they were dug in.

Page 111. E​ lie had thought about taking his father’s rations but couldn’t
bare the thought to. He felt guilt because of the attachment he had with him
but knowing he was not gonna survive much longer due to his dysterny.

Page 110. E​ liezer’s father could no longer work in his sick condition, so
they brought him to the doctor to have medicine given however they said to
Ellie there was nothing they could do and neither can he. Having the feeling
of hopelessness fills with the fire of guilt.

About the Author

My name is Andrew De Vera, I was born in Vancouver, Washington.
Growing up beside 2 brothers who I admire the most due to their success
academically and careerly. It's not the career that had me intrigued but the
process in which people get there, I truly do believe in the fact that one’s
desire can accomplish a certain goal. That’s what gave me the piercing
view in life from my brothers passion, taken note in which he took risks in
life I wouldn’t have thought of, took time but he succeeded in doing what he
loves. Nor can I say this is the way with everyone, but it's nice to keep in
mind the passion that works aside you in life.
Keeping in mind of passion, i’m yet to consider my future life choices such
as college even career. Seeking for lines in front of me when they’re behind
me, there’s very few struggles I encounter in life, but the most prominent
one would be my career choice.



Song:​ “Depeche Mode.” ​Depeche Mode​, ​

Poem​: Huh, Duh, et al. “A Troubled Mind.” ​,​ 22 Sept.
2008, ​

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