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Published by Laurie, 2018-11-21 10:50:22

November 2018

November 2018

December 2018

Inspire Newsletter of the Central United Methodist Church
The Advent of Hopeful Habits

We give thanks for the many I have a confession to make. I get a little snarky when people start putting up
ministries around our church. Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. It always feels too early. This year,
though, our family put up some of our outdoor ones a littler earlier because
of the nice weather. Some of my friends have done the same thing or have
remarked of getting into the Christmas spirit or longing for it more than usual.

Why is that? What is this longing for Christmas spirit about? Even more, what
do people mean by Christmas spirit? Why do we long for it so much not just in
December, but throughout the year?

For the Christian, I believe Christmas spirit can be summed up in one word:
hope. Of course, there are other words, familiar words, like love, joy and
peace. But hope is one of the prevailing symbols of this season.

Hope is what one of my seminary friends was looking for when he recently
wrote, “I’m usually an Advent purist, but we all need a little joy and hope this
year. So, bring out the trees and put up the lights because Jesus needs to get
himself here as soon as possible.”

The seasons of Advent and Christmas are seasons of hope. Advent comes first,
and is a time of expectation, of waiting and preparing for Christmas. A time
to look for signes of hope. The Hebrew people experienced a lot of waiting
in exile. They had been cut off from their homeland, community, and place
of worship. Time and time again God, through the prophets, said “hold on…
things will get better.”

Maybe that’s what people are looking for — something to tell them that things
will be better. Maybe Christmas does that or at the very least whisks people
away to some magical place of “candy canes and silver lanes aglow” so that
they forget their realities?

During Advent in the church, we return to traditions and rituals that comfort us.
Rituals like lighting the Advent candle, singing O Come, O Come Emmanuel,
or hearing the story of Gabriel’s visit to Mary. We sing of God’s redeeming
love…of eternal and lasting peace…of deep, abiding joy in the Spirit,…and of
hope. A hope wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.

Our theme for the coming season is The Gift of God’s Presence. When the He-
brew people were in exile, God never left them. In our loneliest times of grief
and despair, God doesn’t leave us. When things look bleak and we are in the
darkest night of the soul, God’s presence is a gift to us.

Rev. Stephanie has written a very helpful piece in this issue about how to cele-
brate Advent as families. I encourage you to read through this and find some-
thing that might help you practice hopeful habits each day during the season. I
like the term “hopeful habits.” Perhaps a prayer during Advent could be “God,
help me to cultivate hopeful habits.” It’s often through our own hopeful habits
that others can experience life. So, bring out the trees and put up the lights
because we all need a little Christmas…hope.



Ministry Spotlight

THE VOLUNTEER MINISTRY CENTER (“VMC”) will Meet our new Director of
again have its Holiday Store, where “neighbors” can Children and Youth ~
redeem points earned in community service work to Rev. Stephanie Parrott
“buy” gifts for family members. Especially desired are Stephanie began serving
baby dolls, new sports balls and equipment, craft sets, Central in November, 2018.
and other toys. Adult items such as fragrance sets, small She grew up in
kitchen appliances, and tool sets are also needed. Any Knoxville, and is a graduate
NEW item, appropriate for gift giving, will be accepted. of Farragut High School and
There is a donation box in the church office. the University of Tennessee.
She has worked as an RN
CENTRAL LIGHTS will meet on Tuesday, December 4th for 30 years, 25 years of
at 10:30 am. Tommy Spencer will present a program of which was at East Tennessee
seasonal music. Lunch will be served at 12:00 for $6.00 Children’s Hospital in pediatric critical care and endo-
a person. crinology. She graduated from Iliff School of Theology
with a Master of Divinity in 2017. Stephanie is a commis-
CENTRAL UMW will have its November/December sioned deacon in the Holston Conference and served
meeting on Saturday, December 1st at 11:30 am at most recently as the Associate Director of the Wesley
Puleo’s on Merchants Drive. Please notify Patty Parham Foundation at the University of Tennessee.
if you will be able to attend. 865-216-4924 She is passionate about discipleship and faith
formation. She has spent most of her life working with
IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUTH & FAMILIES infants, children and young adults.
Youth met Sunday night and we have decided to move She met her husband, Crit Parrott, at the Wesley
our evening meeting times to 4:30-6pm on Sundays.  Foundation at UTK where his father was serving as
We have planned out activities through the end of the pastor. They have been married 30 years and have four
year!  children: Ashley, and triplets Kristin, Alex, and Ben.
11/25 - No youth due to Thanksgiving break
12/2 – put together health kits for UMCOR.  OUR FLOWER GUILD will be decorating for the season.
12/9 – we are going together to the Knoxville Nativity If you would like to contribute to the decorations in
Pageant at 3:30pm – meet at the church at 2:30pm. memory or honor of someone, there will be an insert in
12/16 – we are making cookies to take to nurses and the bulletin on Sunday.    All Donations received will go
first responders who have to work over Christmas. Deliv- toward the cost of the seasonal flowers and greenery.
ery date/time TBD. The deadline for donations is Sunday, December 9th. 
1/25-27 – Resurrection. Forms will be available soon to
  The church will celebrate Christmas with the Beta
Class at the annual Christmas Party, Tuesday, December
THE CHRISTMAS STORY 11th at 6:00 pm. This is the highlight of the year for
As told by Children and Youth many of our class members, as well as others from the
This year, our children’s and youth’s annual telling of community who join in the celebration. This party al-
the Christmas story is being moved to Sunday morning ways comes together through the generosity of Central
worship on December 16th. The choir will be backing UMC members and friends. A gift list has been posted
us up this year and we are excited about performing for on the Sign Up Central board as well as a list of needed
the whole church body as we once again retell the story food items. Please come to the festivities!
of Christmas. Any children and youth who would like to
participate need to stay after church on December 9th
for pizza, role assignments and rehearsal. Then, on Sun-
day the 16th, they will need to be at church no later than
10am to get on their costume and get ready to perform.
Please note: There will not be an Advent event this year.


Youth & Children’s News

Celebrating Advent as a Family
The spiritual health of our children is just as vital as their physical, mental or
emotional health. God breathed each of us into life, making each of us spiritual
creatures with souls that seek out their creator. Children naturally are filled with
wonder and awe. This is very evident around holidays. Christmas is filled a sense
of mystery and celebration! The season of Advent is the perfect time to live out our
faith with our children.

Tradition and rituals are part of spiritual practice. I would encourage each family to
create or purchase a family advent wreath for your table. Personalize it and do not
be afraid to be creative! Each night light the candles. Tell a story of faith or read a
Christmas book. As the candles are lit each night, remind them what our theme is
for this week – Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. Let everyone share their thoughts or a story. Pray together to close.

Advent Activities:
Over Thanksgiving, create a paper garland with 24 names of people in your family or in your circle of friends. Each night
during advent, during the lighting of the candles, take time to offer a prayer for that person. Maybe make a card to send
to them to let them know how special they are to your family. Let older children and teens help plan or let them take turns
leading it some nights. Let them get creative on how to engage the others in reflecting each night.

Attend a nativity event. On Dec 8-10, the Knoxville Nativity Pageant is held in the coliseum downtown and is free - http:// After an event, take time to sit down as a family that evening and let each child talk through
their experience with you. Help guide them through the story again and ask questions that leaving them wondering – “I
wonder what it would have been like to see and hear angels up in the sky?”

For our very youngest, find or create a nativity set they can play with. Each night, tell the story and add a few lines intro-
ducing new characters to play with. Put it in a box with sand in it, like the desert that Mary and Joseph walked through.
Get it out only during our “special advent time” each night. Little ones learn through repetitive listening and manipula-
tives. Ask questions, let them recreate the story, play in the sand. End your time with a simple prayer and let them blow
out the candles.

Take your nightly advent lighting outside. The dark outdoors creates wonder with the candles flickering. Talk about how
Mary and Joseph might have felt camping out on their way to Bethlehem. Would Joseph have had to make a fire, was did
they talk about, were there other people around, did God have angels watching over them and keeping them safe, just
like he does for us?

Outreach to others is an important way we live out our faith in front of our children.
- Visit one of the shut-ins from our church. Bake cookies, make cards, sing carols.
- Sponsor a family or shop for the angel tree
- Older children and youth can get involved with Empty Stocking Fund to hand out toys and food baskets.
- Make treats and deliver them to your neighbors – teaching the commandment of Jesus to Love our neighbors!

Children’s Ministry
 This week, children’s church moved to a more worship-focused time.  We discussed what is worship and why we do cer-
tain things during worship.  We set up an altar and talked about how Jesus knows us by name and wants us to know him
better. We learned to pray for each other (intercessory prayer).  

We also had long talks about how we behave in God’s house.  As we brought in the light of Christ to our altar, we dis-
cussed that God’s Spirit is here with us when we gather together.  This means we need to speak and act with respect while
we are here.   

Confirmation 2019
We will be having confirmation classes during the SS hour starting January 13.  If you have a child in 6th grade or older
who has not been confirmed, please send an email to [email protected] so she can make sure they are in-
cluded.  Participation is expected, so students need to be here most Sundays.  A day long retreat will be held on April 27 in
preparation for the confirmation service.


Church Leadership for 2019

Our yearly charge conference was held at Central on Monday, November 19. During INSPIRE is published by
the meeting, the Nominations and Leadership Development team presented their
report, and the 2019 leaders were approved. I would ask you to put this list in a place Central United
where you will see it regularly and pray for our leadership and they help lead and Methodist Church
guide our church. If you would like a copy of this year’s charge conference reports,
please contact Laurie and we can send those to you digitally or print a copy for you. 201 Third Avenue,
Knoxville, TN 37917-7286
The Leadership Council
Chairperson Don Loy
Our Vision: Making Christ
Pastor Rev. Jimmy Sherrod known by extending hospitality,
serving the community, and
Lay Representative to Annual Conference Penney Helms embracing all.

Lay Leader (meets with S/PRC) Emalie Dockery Our Staff

Treasurer (meets with Finance) Kathy Gant Rev. Jimmy Sherrod
Secretary Laurie Cullen 865-805-5373
[email protected]
Trustee Representatives S/PRC Representatives Laurie Cullen
Elizabeth Thomas (chair) Caleb Corwin (chair) Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Jabette Carlson Judy Dooley Rev. Stephanie Parrott
Director of Children & Youth
Bob Whetsel Ann Sartwell [email protected]
Lauren Gangaware
Finance Representatives Children’s Ministry Assistant
Mark Walker (chair) [email protected]
Susie Smith George Hayden
Cameron Puckett Music Director
[email protected]
Ministry Area Co-Leaders Charles Parham
Organist/Building Coordinator
Praising Melynda Whetsel Learning Bill Dockery [email protected]
Carolyn Cottrell
Sue Renfro TBD Pianist
[email protected]
Caring Melanie Gangaware Sharing Ann Sartwell Perry Starkey
Food Services
TBD [email protected]
Jeff Criswell
Embracing Ken Gregory Tim Gangaware Custodian
Sherry Dunham Serving [email protected]
Miranda Reseigh Doug Johnson
Facilities Manager
Children and Youth Jabette Carlson [email protected]
Emily Corwin

Nominations and Leadership Development Committee
Pastor Jimmy Sherrod (chair)

Lay Leader Emalie Dockery

Willeen Akers

Suzanne Bailey

Archie Ellis


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