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Published by Becky Berg, 2020-01-22 09:10:00

Emergency Services Trauma Flow Sheet

Ed trauma flow sheet

Emergency Services Trauma Flow Sheet Example

Hospital Logo Patient Sticker

Date: Patient Arrival Time:

‰ N/A Pre-Hospital Treatment

‰ Transporting Ambulance_____________________________________________________________________________________

‰ O2 @ ______L/min/ ‰ IV: Needle size______________ ‰ Backboard

‰ NC ‰ NRB ‰ Ambu ‰ LR ‰ _________________ ‰ Long ‰ Short ‰ Ked

‰ Airway ‰ Medications ________________ ‰ Scoop

‰ Oral ‰ Nasal ‰ Other _____________________________ ‰ Bilateral Head Supports

‰ ET tube # _____ @ _____cm ‰ C-Collar on: Yes____ No ____ ‰ Splint on _________________

‰ Ice on __________________

‰ CPR started @ (time)______________ ‰ Dressing ________________

‰ Other __________________

Date of Injury: ___________________ Time of Injury: __________ Pre-hospital trauma team alert notification:
‰ Yes ‰ No

Hospital Trauma Team Activation Yes____ No____ Time of Trauma Team Activation: _______________

Trauma Team Members Type of Vehicle

Team members notified: Time Called Time Arrived ‰ Car ‰ Pedestrian
‰ Nurses x _________________
‰ Physician / CNP / PA ‰ Truck ‰ ATV
‰ Lab
‰ X-ray ‰ Motorcycle ‰ Boat
‰ Other ____________________
‰ Bicycle

‰ Other_____________________________________

Mechanism of Injury Restraint Devices

‰ Speed of vehicle ________ MPH ‰ Rollover ‰ Lap belt ‰ Airbag deployed

‰ Number of vehicles ‰ Ejected ‰ Shoulder belt ‰ Helmet

1 2 3 >3 ‰ Rearend ‰ Car seat ‰ Unrestrained

‰ Steering wheel deformity ‰T-Bone

‰ Starred windshield ‰ Head on

Fall Penetrating Blunt Thermal Other
‰ Fell from: ‰ GSW ‰ Assault ‰ Burn ‰ Hanging
‰ Heat exposure ‰ Near drowning
‰ Stabbing ‰ Crush
‰ Cold exposure ‰ Animal related
Height____________ ft. ‰ Other ‰ Other

Emergency Services Trauma Flow Sheet Example

Initial Assessment

‰ Suctioning
‰ Patent ‰ Bag Mask Glasgow Coma Score Initial Disch
‰ O2 __________________ L. ______
‰ Oral Airway Comments Eye Opening
‰ Nasal Airway ______
‰ ET ________________ _____________________________________ Spontaneously 4
‰ Trach ______
‰ Crico To Speech (Shout) 3 ______

To Pain 2 ______

No Response 1

BREATHING Verbal Response

Spontaneous Respiratory Effort Oriented (Coos, Babbles) 5

RL ‰ Normal ‰ Agonal Confused 4

Lung sounds ‰ Shallow ‰ Nasal flaring (Consolable, Cry)

Clear ‰ Stridor ‰ Tachypnea Inappropriate Words 3

Rales ‰ Dyspnea ‰ Grunting (Persistent Cries, Screams)

Rhonchi/Wheezes ‰ Retracting ‰ Absent Incomprehensible 2
Words (Grunts, Restless)
Decreased ‰ Intercostal ‰ Paradoxical 1 ______
No Responses
Absent ‰ Substernal ‰ Cough Motor 6
Smoker ‰ Yes Obeys (Spontaneous) 5
‰ No ‰ Unk Localized Pain 4
Withdrawal to Pain 3
CIRCULATION Flexion to Pain
Capillary Refill: ‰ None ‰ Delayed (> 2 sec) ‰ Normal (< 2 sec)
Pulses Present:
Palpated Pulse ‰ Carotid ‰ Femoral ‰ Radial ‰ Pedal
Heart tones
‰ Regular ‰ Irregular
Jugular Vein Distension
‰ Audible ‰ Absent
Skin Color ‰ No ‰ Yes Extension to Pain 2
No Response to Pain 1 ______
‰ Controlled ‰ Uncontrolled ‰ NA

‰ Pink ‰ Dusky

‰ Pallor ‰ Cyanotic Total GCS Score ______

‰ Flushed ‰ Mottled

Allergies Area of Injury

: Fc = Closed
Tetanus: ________ LMP:_________ Wt: ___________ Fd = Dislocation
Fo = Open Fracture
Procedures L = Laceration

Time Procedure Results

ET Tube _____ Combitube ____ Size ______________________

Secured @ ______________cm

FiO2 ___________________ %

Central Line/ IV Size ____________________ Fr

Site _______________________

Warming Measures Solution___________________

‰ Fluids
‰ Mechanical

‰ Bair Hugger
‰ Blankets

NG Tube Size _____________________


Foley / Quick Cath Size ____________________ A = Abrasion OW = Open
Color____________________ B = Burns
C = Crepitus P = Paralysis
Neck immobilization CMS: D = Deformity S = Edema

C-Collar Applied: ___________ Before___________________ Ta = Total
__________________________ After ____________________ Na = Near
Splinting _________________ Location:__________________ E = Ecchymosis

Emergency Services Trauma Flow Sheet Example

Secondary Assessment

Head/Scalp Eyes Mouth Ears
‰ Intact ‰ Rash ‰ Raccoon eyes ‰ Intact ‰ No drainage
‰ EOMS follows ‰ Teeth
‰ Laceration ‰ Burns ‰ Visual Acuity OD ____/____ ‰ Missing teeth ‰ Drainage
‰ Dentures intact
‰ Abrasions ‰ Pain OS ____/____ ‰ Comments_________ ‰ Right ‰ Left

‰ Bruising ‰ Battle ‰ Clear ‰ Clear

Signs ‰ Blood ‰ Clear

Neck Chest Heart Sounds

‰ Intact ‰ C-Collar ‰ Symmetrical ‰ Chest Pain ‰ Present
‰ Swelling ‰ Pain ‰ Asymmetrical Location_______________ ‰ Distant
‰ Trachea midline ‰ Paradoxical movement Time of onset ___________ ‰ Absent
‰ Trachea deviated
‰ Sub-q emphysema Location _____________ Activity @ onset ________
‰ Difficulty swallowing ‰ Crepitus ‰ Flail chest
‰ Other _________________

Abdomen / Pelvis / GU

‰ Soft Abdomen ‰ Last Intake: Bowel Sounds Pelvis
‰ Nontender Food ________________ ‰ Intact
‰ Tender ‰ Distended Liquid _______________ ‰ Present ‰ Pain ______________________
‰ Comments: ‰ Rigid ‰ Absent
‰ Hyperactive ____________________________
‰ Hypoactive ‰ Blood at meatus ____________
‰ Blood at rectum ____________
‰ Instability _________________

Posterior Extremities
‰ Intact
‰ Deformity ‰ Intact
‰ Pain ‰ Fracture
‰ Comments _________________________________________ ‰ Pain
‰ Deformity
____________________________________________________ ‰ Comments _________________________________________

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Pupil Reaction Pain Scale Comments

Time Tem P R BP SaO2 O2 S-slow U-unequal 0-10
p L/min B-brisk D-dilated Pain
F-fixed = - Equal
Scale Type
C-closed by swelling

/ Right Left












Medications Given

Medication Dose Route Time Given Initials

Emergency Services Trauma Flow Sheet Example

Source Input Total Source Output Total
IV Fluids Prior to Arrival ED Urine Prior to Arrival ED
Chest Tube

Fresh Frozen Plasma

Personal Belongings
‰ Clothes
‰ Purse
‰ Wallet
‰ Jewelry ____________________________________________________________________
‰ Given to:
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Relationship __________________________________________________________________
Nursing Staff __________________________________________________________________

Nurse Notes:

RN Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________


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