Legendary Artifacts Because of the book's ordinary appearance, it is possible
for the characters to obtain it from someone who does not
The Book with No End know its true value. It is equally possible that the characters
might have no idea of what they have. This process of
Wonderous Item (requires attunment by a wizard) discovery, either by accident or as a result of the plots and
The Book with No End is a modest-sized tome with covers schemes of others seeking the book, constitutes an adventure
bound in the hide of a hatchling blu dragon and hinged in in itself. Discovering and deciphering the riddle of the book
gold. A golden clasp seals the volume and illuminated sigils may also be part of a greater adventure. In this case, there is
emblazon the front and back. The pages are made of thick a greater threat to the player characters (and the world)—
parchment, smooth and uniform, and each is edged with gold possibly the appearance of an even greater and evil artifact in
leaf. Despite its curious name, the book has exactly 100 the wrong hands. The Book then becomes a desperate but
pages, weighing about eight pounds. All told, the book is a useful means of defeating the foe.
notably mundane-looking artifact.
Once the Book has served its purpose, it is best removed
The Book with No End was created by a wizard of little from the campaign. Wise player characters may do this on
note or reputation known anymore only as Magus. No direct their own; otherwise, it may have to be stolen, or worse still,
records of this wizard, his ambitions, or the means by which the curse triggered. Of course, at least one player character
he created the book exist, but several sages who have spent will have to die to save the others in this case.
time in the study of this item agree that, based on the
properties of the tome, Magus was striving to make a device All the powers found in the Book with No End, whether
of some considerable power—no doubt for world domination constant or invoked, are found on specific pages therein. The
or a similar unattainable goal. book has only 100 pages (far shorter than the infinity its title
implies) and is normally found with 2d20 pages containing
Whatever the ambitions of this Magus, his wizardly skills active spells and with 1d20 pages containing drawings of the
were not up to the task. There is little doubt that he created books previous owners. Reading any page is only possible
an item of considerable power, but his workmanship was with the use of a read magic spell, with one spell needed per
flawed. Tales say that in his greed for power he rushed his page. Reading a page to learn its contents requires 8 hours
work, taking shortcuts where time and patience would have study time. A suggested listing of pages and powers is given
been better rewarded. Blind to his own mistakes, Magus below. The DM can freely rearrange or alter these pages. As
managed to create a device that consequently devastated the player characters read pages, it is their responsibility to track
entire countryside the first time he attempted to use it. page numbers for later use.
Instead of granting him the power and mastery he desired,
The Book with No End pushed the already unstable wizard
over the brink of sanity.
Since Magus's day, the book has appeared several times,
sometimes with beneficial effect and sometimes to the utter
woe of all who find it. It supposedly provided the power
needed for the wizard Vorst Dircson to overthrow the hated
Lich-King of the North. It was also supposed to be the cause
of the madness that seized the wizard-scholars at the College
of Fire in Halverston (a madness that ended in the explosion
of that academy and the devastation of Halverston's port). It is
clear from these and other incidents that the book is intended
for wizards and even they must handle it at their own peril.
The current whereabouts of the book are unknown.
Deceitful rogues have been known to pass fake copies onto
gullible wizards. This is really much simpler than it sounds,
since normal detections and magical checks are known to fail
on items of artifact power.
Campaign Use
The Book with No End is an acceptable item for player
characters to find and use, although prolonged use risks the
death of the entire adventuring party. Because most if its
effects last only as long as a PC has the book, it is possible
for it to be introduced and removed with little longterm
damage to a campaign.
Abilities Possible Abilities Page
Constant. Wizards in possession of the book have all their Return
spell potencies increased by 1.5 times (range, duration, area d?? Ability
of effect, and damage). In addition, the Wizard is under the
effect of an Enhance ability spell any time the they are 01 Conjure Elemental 1/long
touching the book. rest
Invoked. The invoked powers can only be used when the 02 Shapechange 1/week
wizard opens the book to the correct page and reads it aloud.
A read magic spell is not necessary for this second reading. 03 True Seeing 1/short
Curse. PCs of classes other than wizard suffer 5dlO points
of electrical damage (Constitution save DC 18 for half 04 Power Word Stun 1/long
damage) upon opening the book. The user also risks artifact rest
possession with each page read.
05 Power Word Kill 1/week
Those possessed seek to lead in all things and eventually to
rule absolutely. 06 Identify 1/long
Every time an invoked power of the book is used, roll 1d20.
A roll of 1 triggers a monstrous devastation as the animus of 07 Permenant +1 to all Saving Throws remains
the book drains lOdlO points of damage from every creature blank
within 300 feet (no save). An owner that is killed by this drain
becomes a picture on one of the book's blank pages. 08 Permenant Advantage on Initiative remains
Tricking the Book
This book is meant for a wizard to make use of it and as such 09 Gain the Paladin "Lay on Hands" Ability remains
its power calls out to those who make use of magic through blank
study and wrote learning. For this purpose, any Arcane caster
who uses Intelligence as thier primary casting ability is 10 Slow 3/long
considered "a wizard". rest
Other arcane casters, or clerics of the arcana domain, can 11 Web 5/long
attempt to attune to the book as well. To do so, they must rest
spend a short rest attuning as normal, then must make an
arcana check (DC=15 plus 1 for each portrait within the 12 Spider Climb 5/long
book) in order to fathom out the wizardly method of the book. rest
Once attuned, when using invoked abilities, these non-
Intelligence based casters trigger an animus on a roll of 1 or 13 Transport via plants 1/short
2. rest
Ways to Destroy the Book 14 Speak with dead at will if
When all the books blank pages are filled with images of touching
its owners, its power is lost and it becomes a normal, non- artifact
magical book.
The spirits of those trapped by the book must be freed.
or 15 Transform the user into an undead creature. 1/long
Each page must be incinerated in the fiery breath of a red The user retains all original hit points and rest
dragon. abilities and gains the immunities of an
undead creature. In addition, the user is not
affected by gasses or poisons that would
harm a living being. The condition, lasts 1d6
The Hellfire Gauntlet
Armor (gauntlet), legendary (requires attunement by a AWAKENED
character with a Constitution score of at least 18) When a character awakens the Hellfire Gauntlet, apply the
following changes to the item's traits:
Crafted from metal formed in a world far from this one. • The amount of fire damage delt increases to 3d4.
Protective spikes protrude out from behind the wearer's • The knock back effect applies to huge and smaller creatures
knuckles. A detailed sculpture of an unknown creature forms
most of the gauntlet's shape. An ever burning fire stems from The user gains access to the fireball spell The spell is cast
this sculpture and rises up to the elbow of whoever wears the at its base level Wisdom is used for calculating their hit
gauntlet. bonus. This spell can be used a number of times per long
rest equal to the character's wisdom modifier.
If one who meets the requirements of the gauntlet bears it. By spending an action, one of the following effects activate.
they gain a myriad of new abilities. Multiple effects can be active at once.
• Their strength score increases by 2 • The user smashes their weapon into the ground creating a
• All melee weapon attacks they make deal an additional 2D4 devastating shock wave of force and fire. All creatures
within 20 feet of the user must make Dexterity saving
fire damage. throws or take 4d6 force damage, 4d6 fire damage, and be
• Any target, of large or smaller size, successfully damaged by knocked prone, or half as much damage on a save and not
knocked prone. The DC for this effect is equal to 8+
a melee attack must make a Strength saving throw or be proficiency bonus + user's strength modifier. This ability
pushed back 5 feet. The DC for this save is equal to 8+ can be used a number of times equal to the users strength
proficiency bonus + user's strength modifier. modifier per long rest.
• The user's unarmed strikes deal 1d8 damage and they are
considered proficient with unnamed strikes. • An aura of fire washes over you for 1 minute. Any creature
• The user gains access to the firebolt cantrip (use creature's that damages you with a melee weapon or spell attack
level to determine damage Wisdom is used for calculating takes 3d6 fire damage. Grappled targets take 3d6 fire
the hit bonus for firebolt. damage at the beginning of each of their turns while they
By spending an action, the following effect activates: are grappled. This ability can be used once per long rest.
• The user smashes their weapon into the ground, creating a
devastating shock wave of force and fire. All creatures
within 20 feet of the user must make Dexterity saving
throws or take 2d6 force damage, 2d6 fire damage, and be
knocked prone, or half as much damage on a save and not
knocked prone. The DC for this effect is equal to 8+
proficiency bonus + user's strength modifier. This ability
can be used a number of times equal to the users strength
modifier per long rest.
The Rod of 7 Parts In addition, any time a major power is invoked there is a
5% chance all pieces will teleport away as described above,
(the Rod of Law) except at 7 times the distance. When this happens all effects
caused by the rod immediately cease.
Wonderous Item, legendary
The Rod of Law
The Rod of Seven Parts, when whole, is a 5-foot-long pole Further, once the 7 parts have been reformed, it is possible to
which was once known as the Rod of Law. The command re-concecrate the Rod to the high gods of law, reforging it into
words for each piece are "Ruat," "Caelum," "Fiat," "Justitia," the Rod of Law. To do so requires knowledge of the proper
"Ecce," "Lex," and "Rex," which collectively make up a Latin rituals through an Arcana check (DC=40) as well as a history
phrase that translates into "Though heaven fall, let justice be check (DC=40). The rod must then be taken to the place it
done. Behold! Law is king." was broken and a ritual conducted, a process taking 7 hours
per day for 7 days. At the climax of this ritual, the Rod of 7
The Rods Parts Recast Parts will be re-forged into the Rod of Law.
Segment Effect The Rod of Law
4" tip Cure wounds 1 per day While wielding the Rod of Law, you possess magic resistance
and all enemies within 20 feet of you must save vs spell or
5" segment Slow, 49 rounds 1 per day flee in panic. You also gain an Aura of Conquest, as if you
were a Paladin with the Oath of Conquest of a level equal to
6" segment haste, 49 rounds 1 per day your own level. Extraplanar servants of law (such as formians,
modrons, inevitables, etc) will respond to your spoken words
8" segment gust of wind, 30 feet by 600 feet 5 per day as if they were commands issued to a dominated creature.
Mortal servants of law (such as clerics or paladins of lawful
10" segment true seeing, 49 rounds 1 per day dieties) are not affected as strongly, but will still be heavily
inclined to trust your words and follow your commands,
12" segment hold monster, 49 rounds 1 per day requiring a insight check (DC=30) to resist that enforced
trust. Additionally, while weilding the rod, you are able to
15" segment heal 1 per day listen to a statement and know innately the lawfulness (or
unlawfulness) of the statement. This ability does not intuit
For spells or effects which can be cast at multiple levels, right or wrong, meerly legal or illegal, and is based in the
the spell is considered to be cast at a spell level equal to the divine law as set down by the ancient creators of the rod.
number of parts you possess, or at the minimum level
required to cast the spell, whichever is higher.
Holding Multiple Parts Recast
at will
Segment Effect always on
2 parts fly 2 per day
3 parts magic resistance 2 per day
4 parts control winds 1 per day
5 parts polymorph 1 per day
6 parts wind walk at will
7 parts restoration
7 parts all enemies in 20' must save
vs spell or flee in panic
The Rods Curse
The item, as most artifacts, comes with a curse. Having three
or more pieces makes you unwilling to part with the item(s)
(DC=15+1 per piece to resist), and each day you possess the
pieces they attempt to dominate your alignment to utmost
lawfulness (DC=18+2 per piece to resist).
Rejoining the Rod
It is difficult to bring two pieces together without the proper
precautions. An arcana check (DC=30) and 8 hours
meditation and study are required to know and conduct the
proper rituals to bring two pieces to joining. Failing to do so
will cause the pieces to teleport 1d100 miles into a random
direction when pieces are brought together.
The Rod of Law also possesses 49 charges, which can be The Rod of Many Shards
used to fuel the below abilities.
(the Rod of Chaos)
Rod of Law
Wonderous Item, legendary
Charges Ability
The Rod of Many Shards, when whole, is a 5-foot-long pole
0 fly which was once known as the Rod of Chaos. The shattered
rod consists of 9 primary pieces along with almost countless
1 cure wounds fragments.
2 gust of wind The command words for each primary piece are shown in
the table below, which collectively make up a R'lyehian
3 haste, slow phrase that translates into "In his house at R'lyeh, dead
Cthulhu waits dreaming."
4 polymorph
The Rods Primary Shards Recast
5 control winds, geas, greater restoration, hold 1 per
monster Segment Effect day
ph Dark Compulsion 1 per
6 heal, true seeing, wind walk day
'nglui Summon the Traveller 1 per
7 Mordenkainen's Sword, sequester, teleport day
mglw Sanity Leech at will
8 control weather Once
'nafh The Place of Dead Roads
9 gate of law, wish Cthulhu The Stars Align Always
R'lyeh Allows the bearer to speak, read and on
The rod of law recovers charges in groups of 7 every day at
dawn. Additionally, the Rod of Law often possesses other understand R'lyehian. Confers 3 per
unique abilities which may become apparent over time. disadvantage on all sanity saves. day
wgah Feeblemind
For example, the Rod begins with 49 charges. You cast fly, 1 per
cure wounds, and heal from the Rod of Law, using a total of 'nagl True Seeing, 49 rounds day
10 charges. At the following dawn, the Rod regains 7
charges, back up to 46 charges. fthagn Sharing the Secret Always
You then cast wish, and polymorph, 11 charges, bringing
the rod down to 35 charges. The following dawn the rod For spells or effects which can be cast at multiple levels,
regains 14 charges, up to 49. the spell is considered to be cast at a spell level equal to the
number of parts you possess, or at the minimum level
Gate of Law required to cast the spell, whichever is higher.
9th-level conjuration Shards of Chaos
Casting Time: 1 action Shards of Chaos are the tiny, numberless flecks of broken
Range: 60 feet wood which once formed the staff along with the Primary
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp) shards. Each shard is classified as either a Least, a Lesser, or
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute a Greater shard. Least shards have only 1 charge. Lesser
You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied space you can see shards have 1d3 charges, and Greater shards have 1d6
within range to a precise location on a different plane of
existence. The portal is a hexagonal opening, which you can The spell each shard contains is randomly determined by
make 7 to 21 feet in diameter. You can orient the portal in rolling on the Shards of Chaos table located at the end of this
any direction you choose. The portal lasts for the duration. entry.
The portal has a front and a back on each plane where it
appears. Travel through the portal is possible only by
moving through its front. Anything that does so is instantly
transported to the other plane, appearing in the unoccupied
space nearest to the portal. Deities and other planar rulers
can prevent portals created by this spell from opening in
their presence or anywhere within their domains.
When you cast this spell, you can speak the name of a specific
lawful creature (a pseudonym, title, or nickname doesn’t
work) or a type of lawful extraplanar creature (such as "a
Kolyarut Inevitable"). If that creature is on a plane other than
the one you are on, the portal opens in the named creature’s
immediate vicinity and draws the creature through it to the
nearest unoccupied space on your side of the portal. You
gain no special power over the creature, and it is free to act
as the DM deems appropriate. It might leave, attack you, or
help you.
Holding a Piece of Chaos Holding Multiple Parts
When you attune to one of the 9 Primary shards, you become If you possess multiple pieces of the Rod of Many Shards, roll
affected by Chaos on a deep and meaningful level as the 1d200 a number of times equal to the number listed in the
realisation of the vastness of things you do not understand following chart. Reference the resul on the Shards of Chaos
seeps into the core of your being. You gain a new ability table (below). You gain the ability to cast the rolled ability 1d3
score, "Sanity". This ability score an the knowledge gained in times per long rest.
the process become a part of you, and remain with you even if
you later give up or lose the fragment of the Rod. Segment Effect
2 parts Roll 3 times
Sanity 3 parts Roll 4 times
4 parts Roll 5 times
You gain an additional Ability Score, Sanity. Your Sanity score 5 parts Roll 7 times
starts out as per the formula below. 6 parts Roll 9 times
7 parts Roll 12 times
12 + 2d6 - Int Mod - Wis Mod 7 parts Roll 15 times
From time to time you may be asked to make a Sanity check 8 parts Roll 19 times
or save. A Sanity check or save is made in the same way any
standard ability check or save is made. Sanity cannot be The Rod's Curse
increased when leveling up. Additions or Subtractions to your The item, as most artifacts, comes with a curse. Having three
sanity score can be awarded at DM discretion. or more pieces makes you unwilling to part with the item(s)
(DC=15+1 per piece to resist), and each day you possess the
pieces they attempt to dominate your alignment to utmost
chaotic (DC=18+2 per piece to resist).
Rejoining the Rod
It is difficult to bring two pieces together without the proper
precautions. An arcana check (DC=30) and 8 hours
meditation and study are required to know and conduct the
proper rituals to bring two pieces to joining. Failing to do so
will cause the pieces to teleport 1d100 miles into a random
direction when pieces are brought together.
The arcana check DC is reduced by 1 for each 10 splinters
of chaos you lay circled around the joining area during the
In addition, any time a major power is invoked there is a
5% chance all pieces will teleport away as described above,
except at 7 times the distance. When this happens all effects
caused by the rod immediately cease.
The Rod of Chaos
Further, once the 9 parts have been reformed, it is possible to
re-concecrate the Rod to the high gods of Chaos, reforging it
into the Rod of Chaos. To do so requires knowledge of the
proper rituals through an Arcana check (DC=40) as well as a
sanity save (DC=25). The rod must then be taken to the place
it was broken and a ritual conducted, a process taking 1d12
hours per day for 1d12 days. At the climax of this ritual, the
Rod of Many Shards will be re-forged into the Rod of Chaos.
The Rod of Chaos After casting any spell from the Rod of Chaos, roll a sanity
save (DC=19). On a failed save you must choose to a) lose 1
While wielding the Rod of Chaos, you possess magic (or 1d4 if you used more than 5 charges) point(s) of Sanity
resistance and all enemies within 20 feet of you must save vs (permanently) or The Rod loses 10x the charges the ability
Sanity or become insane for 1d12 rounds. You also gain an would normally cost. If this would drain more charges than
Aura of Treachery, as if you were a Paladin with the Oath of the Rod possesses, you become permanently insane and the
Treachery of a level equal to your own level. Extraplanar rod statters to the far reaches.
servants of chaos (such as illithids,..., etc) will respond to
your spoken words as if they were commands issued to a The rod of chaos recovers charges 3d4 every day at dawn.
dominated creature. Mortal servants of chaos (such as clerics Additionally, the Rod of Chaos often possesses other
of chaotic dieties) are not affected as strongly, but will still be unique abilities which may become apparent over time.
heavily inclined to trust your words and follow your
commands, requiring a insight check (DC=30) to resist that Gate of Chaos
enforced trust.
9th-level conjuration
Additionally, while weilding the rod, you are able to listen to Casting Time: 1 action
a statement and know innately the best way to use the Range: 60 feet
statement to further chaos. Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The Rod of Chaos also possesses ((1d6 x 10) + 1d6) You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied space you can see
charges, which can be used to fuel the below abilities.
within range to a precise location on a different plane of
Rod of Chaos existence. The portal is a swirling, writhing tear, which you
can make up to 31 feet in diameter. You can orient the
Charges Ability portal in any direction you choose. The portal lasts for the
0 any Lunamancy Cantrip duration. The portal has a front and a back on each plane
1 any Lunamancy 1st level spell where it appears. Travel through the portal is possible only
2 any Lunamancy 2nd level spell, any Cantrip from by moving through its front. Anything that does so is
the Wizard spell list instantly transported to the other plane, appearing in the
3 any Lunamancy 3rd level spell, any 1st level spell unoccupied space nearest to the portal. Deities and other
from the Wizard spell list planar rulers can prevent portals created by this spell from
4 any Lunamancy 4th level spell, any 2nd level spell opening in their presence or anywhere within their domains.
from the Wizard spell list When you cast this spell, you can speak the name of a specific
5 any Lunamancy 5th level spell, any 3rd level spell chaotic creature (a pseudonym, title, or nickname doesn’t
from the Wizard spell list work) or a type of chaotic extraplanar creature (such as "a
6 any Lunamancy 6th level spell, any 4th level spell gibbering mouther"). If that creature is on a plane other than
from the Wizard spell list the one you are on, the portal opens in the named creature’s
7 any Lunamancy 7th level spell, any 5th level spell immediate vicinity and draws the creature through it to the
from the Wizard spell list nearest unoccupied space on your side of the portal.
8 any Lunamancy 8th level spell, any 6th level spell You gain no special power over the creature, and it is free to
from the Wizard spell list act as the DM deems appropriate. It might leave, attack you,
9 any Lunamancy 9th level spell, any 7th level spell or help you.
from the Wizard spell list
10 any 8th level spell from the Wizard spell list, Gate Shards of Chaos
of Chaos Least shards have only 1 charge. Lesser shards have 1d3
11 any 9th level spell from the Wizard spell list charges, and Greater shards have 1d6 charges.
To determine which spell a shard contains, roll on the
Shards of Chaos table.
For Least Shards roll 1d100
For Lesser Shards roll 1d200
For Greater Shards roll 1d230
Shards of Chaos Shards of Chaos (cont.)
1d220 Effect 1d220 Effect
1 The Place of Dead Roads 36 Comprehend Languages
2 Blood of my Blood 37 Detect Magic
3 Sharing the Secret 38 Disguise Self
4 Sanity Leech 39 Expeditious Retreat
5 Summon the Traveller 40 False Life
6 Tear the Living Flesh 41 Feather Fall
7 Grasp into Darkness 42 Find Familiar
8 Tendrils of the Broken Mind 43 Fog Cloud
9 The Darkness Feasts 44 Grease
10 The Minds Mansion 45 Identify
11 Sharing the Secret 46 Illusory Script
12 Dark Compulsion 47 Jump
13 Nightmare 48 Longstrider
14 The Stars Align 49 Mage Armor
15 Acid Splash 50 Magic Missile
16 Blade Ward 51 Protection from Evil and Good
17 Chill Touch 52 Ray of Sickness
18 Dancing Lights 53 Shield
19 Fire Bolt 54 Silent Image
20 Friends 55 Sleep
21 Light 56 Tasha's Hideous Laughter
22 Mage Hand 57 Tenser's Floating Disk
23 Mending 58 Thunderwave
24 Message 59 Unseen Servant
25 Minor Illusion 60 Witch Bolt
26 Poison Spray 61 Alter Self
27 Prestidigitation 62 Arcane Lock
28 Ray of Frost 63 Blindness/Deafness
29 Shocking Grasp 64 Blur
30 True Strike 65 Cloud of Daggers
31 Alarm 66 Continual Flame
32 Burning Hands 67 Crown of Madness
33 Charm Person 68 Darkness
34 Chromatic Orb 69 Darkvision
35 Color Spray 70 Detect Thoughts
71 Enlarge/Reduce
58 72 Flaming Sphere
73 Gentle Repose
74 Gust of Wind
75 Hold Person
76 Invisibility
77 Knock
78 Levitate
79 Locate Object
Shards of Chaos (cont.) Shards of Chaos (cont.)
1d230 Effect 1d220 Effect
80 Magic Mouth 122 Vampiric Touch
81 Magic Weapon 123 Water Breathing
82 Melf's Acid Arrow 124 Arcane Eye
83 Mirror Image 125 Banishment
84 Misty Step 126 Blight
85 Nystul's Magic Aura 127 Confusion
86 Phantasmal Force 128 Conjure Minor Elementals
87 Ray of Enfeeblement 129 Control Water
88 Rope Trick 130 Dimension Door
89 Scorching Ray 131 Evard's Black Tentacles
90 See Invisibility 132 Fabricate
91 Shatter 133 Fire Shield
92 Spider Climb 134 Greater Invisibility
93 Suggestion 135 Hallucinatory Terrain
94 Web 136 Ice Storm
95 Animate Dead 137 Leomund's Secret Chest
96 Bestow Curse 138 Locate Creature
97 Blink 139 Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
98 Clairvoyance 140 Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
99 Counterspell 141 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
100 Dispel Magic 142 Phantasmal Killer
101 Fear 143 Polymorph
102 Feign Death 144 Stone Shape
103 Fireball 145 Stoneskin
104 Fly 146 Wall of Fire
105 Gaseous Form 147 Animate Objects
106 Glyph of Warding 148 Bigby's Hand
107 Haste 149 Cloudkill
108 Hypnotic Pattern 150 Cone of Cold
109 Leomund's Tiny Hut 151 Conjure Elemental
110 Lightning Bolt 152 Contact Other Plane
111 Magic Circle 153 Creation
112 Major Image 154 Dominate Person
113 Nondetection 155 Dream
114 Phantom Steed 156 Geas
115 Protection from Energy 157 Hold Monster
116 Remove Curse 158 Legend Lore
117 Sending 159 Mislead
118 Sleet Storm 160 Modify Memory
119 Slow 161 Passwall
120 Stinking Cloud 162 Planar Binding
121 Tongues 163 Rary's Telepathic Bond
Shards of Chaos (cont.)
1d220 Effect Shards of Chaos (cont.)
164 Scrying
165 Seeming 1d220 Effect
166 Telekinesis 207 Clone
167 Teleportation Circle 208 Control Weather
168 Wall of Force 209 Demiplane
169 Wall of Stone 210 Dominate Monster
170 Arcane Gate 211 Feeblemind
171 Chain Lightning 212 Incendiary Cloud
172 Circle of Death 213 Maze
173 Contingency 214 Mind Blank
174 Create Undead 215 Power Word Stun
175 Disintegrate 216 Sunburst
176 Drawmij's Instant Summons 217 Telepathy
177 Eyebite 218 Astral Projection
178 Flesh to Stone 219 Foresight
179 Globe of Invulnerability 220 Gate
180 Guards and Wards 221 Imprisonment
181 Magic Jar 222 Meteor Swarm
182 Mass Suggestion 223 Power Word Kill
183 Move Earth 224 Prismatic Wall
184 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere 225 Shapechange
185 Otto's Irresistible Dance 226 Time Stop
186 Programmed Illusion 227 True Polymorph
187 Sunbeam 228 Weird
188 True Seeing 229 Wish
189 Wall of Ice 230 Roll 1d3 times and shard contains all spells rolled
190 Delayed Blast Fireball
191 Etherealness
192 Finger of Death
193 Forcecage
194 Mirage Arcane
195 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
196 Mordenkainen's Sword
197 Plane Shift
198 Prismatic Spray
199 Project Image
200 Reverse Gravity
201 Sequester
202 Simulacrum
203 Symbol
204 Teleport
205 Antimagic Field
206 Antipathy/Sympathy
The Sword of the Stars
The Sword of the Stars is said to have once hailed from Krynnspace, though it is unclear if this is where the item was first created.
Legend has it that the blade was brought into life by the breath of Gilean himself, at the behest of Paladine. The legend also
states that a dwarf was instructed to deliver the sword to a Knight of the Order of the Rose, but instead stole the blade away, and
eventually made his way offworld with it aboard a gnomish moonship and then further, and eventually out of Krynnspace all
The blade was then said to have vanished for hundreds of years, until it eventually surfaced on the Rock of Bral, and was sold in
a very exclusive magic auction for a price reported to have been enough to buy a fleet of ships.
After the auction the blade disappeared for another 300 years, until less than a decade ago it was seen on the hip of a
spelljammer captain and collector. The collector vanished only weeks later, supposedly on a quest to find and tame the legendary
Spelljammer itself.
Sword of the Stars
Weapon (Greatsword), legendary (must choose to attune itself
to you)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage roles made with
The Sword of the Stars and the sword deals 3d8 radiant
damage in place of the standard longswords damage. It also
has the following additional properties.
Protected From Identification. The Sword of the Stars
can control how much he allows an Identification spell to
discover. In most cases, Identification will reveal The Sword
of the Stars to be a +3 Radiant Longsword, unless he chooses
to reveal more.
Protected from Legend Lore. Legend Lore will often
reveal much of the history of a great item. In the case of The
Sword of the Stars however, the time of it's creation predates
legends. While Legend Lore may reveal some of the more
recent exploits of heroes carrying the blade, Legend Lore is
useless in determining the origin of this ancient blade.
Sentience. The Sword of the Stars is a sentient lawful
neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 35, a Wisdom of 25,
and a Charisma of 20. It has hearing, darkvision, and true
sight out to a range of 1000 feet. It can choose to confer
these abilities to its wielder if it wishes.
The weapon can speak, read, and understand any language
and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice
is high pitched and often a bit grating.
Personality. The Sword of the Stars speaks with an often
frustrating superiority, often worsened by the fact that is often
well aware that it is much more intelligent than its wielder.
The Sword of the Stars demands that his bearer uphold a
standard of law and a search for knowledge, and will punish
deviations from these causes, depending on their severity.
Secrets. The Sword of the Stars has hidden powers and
talents, which may become apparent over time.
Pop Culture Items Blade of Ascalon
Aodh Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
Requirement: Level 15.
Weapon (Battleaxe), Legendary You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this razor-sharp magic weapon, dealing a total of 5D8
this magic weapon. slashing damage.
★ The battle axe known as Aodh is well known in ancient As long as you remain attuned, you gain Resistance to
Psychic Damage as well as Advantage on INT, WIS, &
legends, some of which claim it burns with the blood of the CHA saving throws.
first demon it slew. No creature, entity, deity or being is immune to damage from
★ Others purport that its fiery nature is due to the volcanic the blade of Ascalon.
aurum used in its construction. Whatever the reason, the Once you have attuned to the Blade of Ascalon, you can't be
flames surrounding Aodh’s blade deal an additional +3 Fire disarmed of it unless you reach 0 hit points. If it is on the
Damage. same plane of existence, you can summon it to you as a
bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to
Ammo-Belt of Teleportation your hand.
As an action while wielding Ascalon, you can manifest the
Wondrous Item (belt), legendary (required attunement by mythical Armour of Ascalon across your body. The armour
someone insane) increases your AC by 2 (to a minimum of 16) and protects
you from the effects of any curse, or aging, while worn. You
Once made by a drunken wizard who desired to create a can manifest both sword and armour while transformed,
method to avoid conflict or escape deadly situations (and and the sword and armour both scale to your current size.
child support), the "Ammo-Belt of Teleportation" grants the ★ You have been deemed worthy to wield the creator of the
user, whether a magic-user or not, the ability to travel far Matrix Core's previous creation, the infamous sword,
distances and even other planes of existence. Ascalon. Make sure not to annoy Azmuth too much. He
WILL take it back.
The belt is made of silver, with a golden leather strap and on
the center of the ring is a ruby gem embedded in it. The
belt gently hums with energy while not equipped. While
you are attuned to this belt, you may use one of it's 20
charges to cast the teleportation circle spell on yourself
without needing material components, it instead draws
magical sigils on the ground.
With two charges, you may instead cast the teleport spell. By
using three charges, you can cast the plane shift spell to
travel across other planes. The ring regains 1d20 charges
at dawn.
Armor of the Bat Knight
Armor, legendary (requires attunement)
You have a +3 bonus to AC while wearing this set of plate
In addition, the armor is made of mithril; it does not impose a
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and does not
have a Strength requirement.
Finally, the armor has resistance against cold and fire
Blade of Grass
Weapon (shortsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
This strange weapon is seemingly made of steel, but looks
and feels like a large amount of grass in the shape of a
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon, as well as a +3 bonus to spell attacks
and spell save DC.
On your turn, you can use the Blade of Grass to cast the spell
'Vine Whip' at 5th level as a bonus action. Ouside of
combat, you can choose to hide away the Blade of Grass
and have it reshape itself into a bracer or wrist brace.
Cursed. This sword is cursed and possessed by a vengeful
spirit. When you attune to this magic item, you become
cursed until the curse is broken with a remove curse spell Helmet of the Bat Knight
or similar magic. You can’t voluntarily end your attunement
to the item unless the curse is broken first. Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
As long as you remain cursed, you are incapable of parting While wearing this helm, you have truesight out to a range of
with the sword, try as you might. While attuned to this
weapon, if you attempt to discard the Blade of Grass, it will 60 ft.
be wrapped around your wrist the next time you awaken If you already have truesight, wearing the helmet increases
from a short or long rest, trying to keep itself on your
person at all times. its range by 60 feet.
Additionally, you are immune to psychic damage and have
Bracers of the Bat Knight
advantage on saving throws against being charmed and
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) frightened.
While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if
you using no shield.
Weapon (Dwarven Battleaxe), Very Rare
Fan’Harel's Tooth You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Wondrous Item (Necklace), Legendary this magic weapon, also dealing maximum damage if you
You gain a +3 bonus to Dexterity Checks made to detect and make an attack roll against is a plant-related enemy or an
object made of wood.
disarm traps and locks. ★ It's a little rusty, but DAMN, is it good against dryads and
If the wearer fails a check to overcome a lock or trap while firewood alike!
★ You may feel uneasy carrying this thing whenever you
wearing the Tooth, the charm no longer provides the bonus travel through a forest.
against that obstacle, but the bonus granted against other
traps and locks rises to +4, continuing to improve by +1
after each such failure, but resetting to +3 after a
successful check.
★ Said to be a tooth from the mouth of the minor elven god
Fan’Harel, this simple charm provides some of the Dread
Wolf’s fickle cunning when worn on a necklace.
Glasses of Nerdicon
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
These magical glasses allow the wearer to become super
smart, but there can be unintended consequences. While
wearing these glasses you gain the following benefits:
• Your intelligence score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
• You have advantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence
saving throws
Whenever you use the glasses you must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or take a level of short-term madness
on a failed save. If the wearer succeeds on the saving
throw, they do not need to make a save against madness
again for the next 24 hours.
Meteor Sword Quincy's Healing Potions
Weapon (Greatsword), Very Rare Potion, Common
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Quincy's Healing Potions are chaotic, known to either cure
this magic weapon. massive wounds instantly or barely heal a papercut.
When you attack an object with this magic sword and hit, You regain 1D4 X 1D6 Hit Points when you drink this
maximize your weapon damage dice against the target. magical and fruity red potion.
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on Whatever its potency, the potion’s red liquid glimmers when
the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing agitated. Drinking or administering a potion takes an
damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off action.
one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss
determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, Scarlet, the Golden Sword of Battle
you lop off a portion of its body instead.
In addition, you can speak a command word to cause the Weapon (longsword), Uncommon
blade to shed bright emerald light in a 10-foot radius and This is simply a regular sword that has been heavily used, in
dim light for an additional 10 feet. Speaking the command
word again or sheathing the sword puts out the light. combat or otherwise.
★ Forged from strange metal found in a meteorite, this Frankly, it's a mess. The blade is dented, chipped, and dirty.
perfectly balanced greatsword is light enough to be wielded
by even the most inexperienced warrior, but it truly shines Its guard is black as night, with some worn leather grip-
in the hands of a master. straps, and a red gemstone in the pommel.
★ Those who wield the Meteor Sword can't help but feel... Most people would just get rid of it, but maybe this sword has
super! a nice hilt, or sentimental value.
Whatever the reason, because the weapon is so unstable, the
Oak Branch entire thing has a 10% chance of breaking completely on a
hit, rendering the weapon shattered (or on a natural roll of
Weapon (Quarterstaff), Legendary 1 or 2, whichever the DM prefers).
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with In this state, unless repaired or replaced, Scarlet can only
inflict half damage on a successul attack roll.
this magic weapon.
This quarterstaff is very Versatile and can also function as an
Arcane Focus (Wizard Staff).
It allows a mage who holds it the option to add +1 Damage to
spells they cast using the Oak Branch as an Arcane Focus.
★ Said to have been harvested from an ancient treant in the
Brecilian Forest, this quarterstaff feels warm to the touch
and gives its wielder the sense that it’s alive, ever shifting
and moving beneath the fingers.
Precision-Geared Recurve
Magic Item, Weapon (Heavy Crossbow), Very Rare
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon, as well as dealing an additional 1D10
Piercing Damage. The range of this rare device has been
extended to 100/225 feet.
This weapon possesses the Finesse property.
★ This sylvanwood crossbow is the pinnacle of dwarven
engineering. Its gears have been crafted with such
precision that it is possible to cock the bow using very little
effort, requiring only a minor action.
★ This ease of use does not sacrifice power, as the recurve is
capable of hurtling a bolt well beyond the range of standard
Kee-Oth's Blade
Weapon (greatsword), Very rare
Forged from demonic ichor, and crafted to resemble a Celtic
cross, this blood red sword possesses a sliver of intellect, &
sings with delight as you slaughter its former kin.
This massive Greatsword somehow possesses both the
Heavy and Versatile Properties.
When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, On your
turn, you can use Kee-Oth's blade to cast the spell 'Fire
Bolt' at 5th level as a bonus action.
Once this property of the sword has been used, it can’t be
used again until you complete a long rest.
Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)
When you attack an object with this magic sword and hit,
maximize your weapon damage dice against the target.
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on
the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing
damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off
one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss
determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever,
you lop off a portion of its body instead.
In addition, you can speak the sword's command word to
cause the blade to shed bright blood-red light in a 10-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Speaking the
command word again or sheathing the sword puts out the
When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the
target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. In addition, while
you hold the sword, you have resistance to Radiant
When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all
nonmagical light sources within 30 feet of you. This
property can be used no more than once per hour.
★ Neither grim nor valorous, great villains & great heroes
alike have wielded it so that it holds allegiance to neither.
Only great power to be used by the Great.
Evolving Items Item Tiers
Whenever an item evolves into a new tier, it gains a number
This section allows you to create a custom magic item which of special properties. You can only choose a property once.
evolves with the character. The items are divided in five tiers,
and each one of the tiers determines the number of Tier 1
properties and the rarity of them, as shown in the table below.
Common items without any special property (for armor
Character Level Item State Properties' Rarity and weapons, use the same stats from the Player's
1st-4th Tier 1 Common
5th-8th Tier 2 Uncommon Tier 2
9th-12th Tier 3 Rare You can add two uncommon special properties to the
13th-16th Tier 4 Very Rare
Tier 3
17th-20th Tier 5 Legendary
You can upgrade the uncommon special properties to rare
The character level determines the recommended levels a special properties.
character should have to gain access to a specific tier. For
example, a 3rd level character should have a Tier 1 item, Tier 4
while a 9th level character should have a Tier 3 item. If you
give the magic item at higher levels, consider to give it The item gains an extra uncommon special property.
evolved to the adequate tier to fit the character level. You can upgrade one rare special property to a very rare
special property.
Evolving Items and Characters Tier 5
When creating an item that will evolve with a You can upgrade one uncommon special property to a
specific character, make sure you give something rare special property.
the character is the only one able to use it, such as You can upgrade one rare special property to a very rare
adding a class prerequisite for attuning to the item. special property.
You can also link it with the character's story and You can upgrade one very rare special property to a
important events, like being the weapon his father Legendary property.
used when he was an adventurer. The following table resumes the properties progression
through each tier.
Properties Rarity per Tier
Evolving Requirements Tier Property 1 Property 2 Property 3
To evolve an item to a tier, the character must be at least at -
the minimum level required for each tier to evolve the item. Tier 1 - - -
For example, a 7th level character cannot evolve his or her -
magic item to tier 3 until reaching 9th level. Tier 2 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
Additionally, even if a character has level to evolve the item Tier 3 Rare Rare
to the next tier, it's up to the DM to determine an additional
task or a triggering event to allow the item to evolve. This Tier 4 Very Rare Rare
requirement gives a bit of background to the item, and also
allows the DM to create some special quests to discover the Tier 5 Legendary Very Rare
item hidden features. Here're some simple requirements you
can use: Taking and Replacing Properties
The character must slay a number of creatures with the Since this rules are based on evolving the weapon properties
weapon. instead of changing them to other, I don't recommend
The item must be placed on the altar found in the top of replacing one property with another at higher tiers, but it's up
an abandoned wizard tower. to you if you want to do so. For example, replacing the
The character must gain a deity's favor. Damage II property with the Vampiric III property when
The character must defeat an old enemy of the weapon evolving to tier 4.
The item evolves after saving a group of innocents from A reason for replacing properties could be related with the
the claws of a tyrant. item background story or a very particular event, such as
The character must execute a light (or dark) ritual. discovering that the item contains the soul of an evil creature,
The item evolves when the character makes a big sacrifice replacing the "good-aligned" properties when the soul is
for a personal cause. awakened, like replacing the Light I property to a Damage I
property (necrotic) for a weapon.
Alternatively, you can avoid taking one property at the
beginning rarity, and then take a rarer property at higher
tiers. For example, when creating an armor, you only choose
the Ability Increase I property and left the second property
empty at tier 2. Then, when the armor evolves to tier 3, you
upgrade the Ability Increase to II and you also pick the Armor
I for the second property.
Special Properties: General
Property Description Rarity Special Properties: Armor and Shields
Increase an Ability Score to 16 Uncommon Property Description Rare
Increase I Armor I +1 AC
Increase an Ability Score to 18 Rare Armor II +2 AC Very Rare
Increase II Armor III +3 AC Legendary
Increase an Ability Score to 20 Very Rare Defense I Damage that you take from
Increase III one damage type is reduced
by 3 (minimum 1)
Increase an Ability Score to 22 Legendary
Increase IV
Awareness +2 bonus on initiative rolls Uncommon Defense II Gain resistance against
Very Rare
Compass As an action you learn which Uncommon one damage type
way is north Defense III Gain immunity against
one damage type
Delver You know the item's depth Uncommon
Illusion below the surface and the
direction to the nearest path Special Properties: Weapons
leading upward
Property Description Rarity
You can alter the item's Uncommon Weapon I +1 on attacks and damage rolls Uncommon
appearance in minor ways, like
the material or color of the Weapon II +2 on attacks and damage rolls Rare
Weapon III +3 on attacks and damage rolls Very Rare
Language You can speak and understand Uncommon
a specific language while Damage I Weapon deals an
attuned extra 1d6 damage
Light I The item shed bright light in a Uncommon Damage II Weapon deals an
10-foot radius and dim light for extra 2d6 damage
an additional 10 feet
Damage III Weapon deals an
Very Rare
extra 3d6 damage
Light II The item shed bright light in a Rare
40-foot radius and dim light for
an additional 40 feet Damage IV Weapon deals an
extra 4d6 damage
Light III The item shed bright light in a Very Rare Slayer I +2d6 damage against a
80-foot radius and dim light for specific creature type
an additional 80 feet
Slayer II +3d6 damage against a
Spell I You can cast a spell at 3rd level Uncommon specific creature type
once per rest (DC 11)
Returning Weapon has the thrown
Spell II You can cast a spell at 6th level Rare property (20/60) and it flies
once per rest (DC 13)
to your hand after attacking
Spell III You can cast a spell at 8th level Very Rare Vampiric I On a critical hit, you
once per rest (DC 15) regain 1 hitpoint
Spell IV You can cast a spell at 9th level Legendary Vampiric II On a critical hit, you regain
once per rest (DC 17) hitpoints equal to half the
damage dealt (minimum 1)
Sentinel I The item glows faintly when a Uncommon
creature of a specific type is Vampiric III On a hit, you regain
Very Rare
near (120 feet or less) hitpoints equal to half the
damage dealt (minimum 1)
Sentinel II The item glows faintly when a Rare
creature of a specific type is
near (240 feet or less)
Temperate You suffer no harm in Uncommon
temperatures as cold as -20
degrees Fahrenheit or as warm
as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Unbreakable This item can't be broken. Uncommon
Special means must be used to
destroy it.
Special Properties: Staffs and Wands Evolving Weapon Example
Property Description Rarity Aeris (Tier 1)
Staffs and (1 charge = one spell level)
Wands Weapon (longsword), common
Same stats as the longsword found in the Player's Handbook
Charges I The item has 3 charges (DC 11). Uncommon
It regains 1d3 expended Aeris (Tier 2)
charges daily at dawn
Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)
Charges II The item has 5 charges (DC 13). Rare When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
It regains 1d4 expended following changes to the item's traits:
charges daily at dawn
You gain a +1 on attack and damage rolls made with this
Charges III The item has 7 charges (DC 15). Very Rare weapon. Additionally, when you hit with an attack using
It regains 1d6 expended this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 lightning
charges daily at dawn damage.
Charges IV The item has 9 charges (DC 17). Legendary Aeris (Tier 3)
It regains 1d6+2 expended
charges daily at dawn Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
Triggering Event Example following changes to the item's traits:
A 3rd level character is rewarded with Aeris, a longsword
used by his family for generations to defend the city against Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to a +2
evil. The lightning damage dealt by attacks with this weapon
increases to 1d6.
Since he is a 3rd level character, the weapon is at tier 1, so
it's just a basic longsword with a nice name and a Aeris (Tier 4)
background history (for now).
The character continues its adventures using the Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)
longsword, and after some adventures he reaches level 5. In When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
this moment, his father tells him that the longsword has following changes to the item's traits:
special abilities, and the character needs to prove himself
worthy to unleash those abilities. For this, he must destroy an The lightning damage dealt by attacks with this weapon
old air elemental that attacked the city years ago. increases to 1d8.
In this case, the character have the first requirement As an action, you can cast the Call Lightning spell at 3rd
completed (reach level 5 to evolve the weapon to tier 2), level (DC 11). After using this ability, you need to finish a
but the weapon will not evolve until the character kills the short or long rest.
air elemental mentioned by his father.
After reaching 6th level, the character decides to enter the Aeris, Soul of the Wind (Tier 5)
elemental lair and fight with the creature, and at the moment
he destroys the elemental, the essence of the creature is Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
drained by the longsword, and with that the weapon evolves When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
to tier 2, giving the weapon a +1 to attack and damage and an following changes to the item's traits:
extra +1d4 lightning damage on a hit.
Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to a +3
The lightning damage dealt by attacks with this weapon
increases to 1d10.
As an action, you can now cast the Chain Lightning spell
at 6th level (DC 13). Alternatively, you can cast the Call
Lightning spell at 6th level (DC 13). After using this ability,
you need to finish a short or long rest.
Appendix: Collection of Usable Objectssable objects can add depth and flavor to
combat and open up interesting strategies.
However, the PHB rules on usable objects
become obsolete quite quickly due to a lack of
effectiveness on higher levels.
U Listed below are usable objects that are
repriced and rebalanced in order to make
them viable and scaling, so that they may be used effectively
in higher level adventures.
The crafting cost of every object is half of the purchase cost
Smoke Grenade
As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet
One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a
cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in an
area, as detailed in the table below. If there is no wind, the
smoke disperses after 1 minute.
A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the
smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per
hour) disperses it in 1 round.
and represents the cost of the materials used in the crafting. Quality Area Purchase cost
The necessary tools as well as the time needed to craft these Cheap 10 ft. rad. 10 gp
objects are determined by the DM and should vary based on Standard 15 ft. rad. 20 gp
the object's quality rating.
Excellent 20 ft. rad. 40 gp
If you are looking to use these objects even more effectively,
consider taking the Lobber feat presented in Chapter 1: Holy Water
Character Options for your character. It gives them proficiency
with all of the usable objects in this Appendix. As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a
creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet,
Alchemist's Fire shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack
against a target creature. If the target is a fiend or undead, it
This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an takes radiant damage as detailed in the table below.
action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on
impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object. On Quality Damage Purchase cost
a hit, the target takes fire damage at the start of each of its
turns as detailed in the table below. A creature can end this Cheap 2d6 20 gp
damage by using its action to make a Dexterity check to
extinguish the flames. Standard 3d6 40 gp
Excellent 4d6 80 gp
Quality DC Damage Purchase cost Caltrops
Cheap 10 1d4 gp 10 gp
Standard 15 2d4 gp 30 gp As an action, you can spread a single bag of caltrops to cover
Excellent 20 4d4 gp 60 gp a 5-foot-square area. Any creature that enters the area must
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take
Flask of Acid piercing damage as detailed in the table below. Until the
creature regains at least a number of hit points it has lost
As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a through the effect of the Caltrops, its walking speed is
creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 30 feet, reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at
shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.
against a creature or object. On a hit, the target takes acid
damage as detailed in the table below. Quality Damage Area Purchase cost
Cheap 1 5 ft. sq. 1 gp
Standard 3 10 ft. sq. 15 gp
Quality Damage Purchase cost Excellent 6 15 ft. sq. 30 gp
Cheap 2d6 gp 10 gp
Standard 3d6 gp 30 gp
Excellent 4d6 gp 60 gp
Hunting Trap Flask of Oil
When you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw- As an action, you can splash the oil in this flask onto a
toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet,
pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target
chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven creature or object. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the
into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate must target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take piercing damage minute), the target takes additional fire damage from the
as detailed in the table below and stop moving. Thereafter, burning oil as detailed in the table below. You can also pour a
until the creature breaks free of the trap, its movement is flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area,
limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A provided that the surface is level. If lit, the oil burns for 2
creature can use its action to make a Strength check, freeing rounds and deals fire damage to any creature that enters the
itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Each area or ends its turn in the area. A creature can take this
failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature. damage only once per turn.
Quality Damage Dex/Str DC Purchase cost Quality Damage Purchase cost
Cheap 1d4 13 10 gp
Cheap 5 20 gp
Standard 3d4 17 30 gp
Excellent 6d4 21 60 gp Standard 10 40 gp
Excellent 15 80 gp
Ball Bearings
As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their This is playtest material
pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A
creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a Be sure to discuss the purchase costs of the objects
Dexterity saving throw as detailed in the table below or fall presented here with your DM to see if they are feasable in the
prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed campaign you're playing.
doesn’t need to make the save.
If you're a DM and you feel like an object costs too little or
Quality DC Purchase cost too much, feel free to change the prices as you see fit.
Cheap 10 1 gp
Similarly, the damage numbers and save DCs listed here are
Standard 15 15 gp not fully playtested yet, and might be too high or too low, so
Excellent 20 30 gp feel free to adjust as necessary.
Current version: 5th Draft
Created by Shamelesshero502
Item descriptions are taken directly from the PHB,
p. 148-153.