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Published by johnnyrider1144, 2022-09-14 13:01:05

(DnD 5E) Anime into D&D - Pack 1!

Anime into D&D - Pack 1!

Keywords: DnD,D&D,Blaine Simple

ANIME INTO D&D: Homebrew Pack 1!

a Ring of Fake Confidence, a Giant Toad, and some cat girls!

The following homebrew pack contains fan-made materials shared with my patrons meant for private use.
All image rights belong to the artist(s) of the work.
Thank you.

Anime Into D&D | by Blaine Simple

(DM Version)
Ring of Bravery
(Uncommon)hese rings were popular with young folk for a

time. The joke was that they could give you the
courage to talk to other people, specifically
your love interests.

T Oddly enough, many people had no idea the
ring was fake, and actively believed in these
"magical" properties.
The large gem on the ring glows to heat and usually
activates when the wearer is anxious.

(Passive) Confidence Boost

The wearer of this ring has advantage on charisma checks
made against a target of whatever race and gender they're
most attracted to.

(Passive) Placebo Effect:

Any creature that finds out the ring has no magical properties
can no longer gain the 'Confidence Boost' effect from it. The
ring also has no value to individuals that know this.

Ring of Bravery
(Uncommon)small piece of parchment found with this item

describes it as a 'Love Enhancing Ring'. With it,
you can talk to your crush with confidence!
When the ring's gem glows, it means the

Apowers are at their peak.

(Passive) Confidence Boost

The wearer of this ring has advantage on charisma checks
made against a target of whatever race and gender they're
most attracted to.

Art from Dark Souls 3: Dusk Crown Ring

Giant Toad Actions

Stupidly Huge beast, neutral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Armor Class 12 target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target
Hit Points 80(8d12 + 8) is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the
Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. target is restrained, and the frog can't bite another
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (0) 3 (-4) Swallow. The toad makes one bite attack against a Small
or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack hits, the
Skills Stealth + 4, Perception + 2 target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. The
Vulnerabilities Damage from metal weapons swallowed target is blinded and restrained, it has total
Senses Darkvision 30 ft., Passive Perception 10 cover against attacks and other effects outside the
Languages -- toad, and it takes 7 (3d4) acid damage at the start of
Challenge 2 (450 XP) each of the toad's turns. The toad can have only one
target swallowed at a time. If the toad dies, a swallowed
Amphibious. The toad can breathe air and water. creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape
Standing Leap. The toad's long jump is up to 25 feet from the corpse using 5 feet of movement, exiting
and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a prone.
running start. Tongue. The toad targets one Medium or smaller
Magic Resistance. The toad has advantage on saving creature that it can see within 20 feet of it. The target
throws against spells and other magical effects. must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a failed
save, the target is pulled into an unoccupied space
within 5 feet of the toad, and the toad can make a bite
attack against it as a bonus action.

Lorehese gigantic toads are an invasive species However, physical interaction with a toad reveals their skin
created by a failed lab experiment on strength and flesh to be incredibly fragile, making them easy to
enhancer potions. The DNA of the toads had dispatch with well-built weaponry.
been altered, giving them enough strength to
Giant toads often attack farm animals and live in wide open
Tescape their confines and breed in the wild. plains due to their size and weaknesses. During dry and
Their newfound size and strength makes them winter seasons they tend to stay underground, making them a
hard to get rid of, and their magically threat every other season.
enhanced bodies are resistant to spells.
Anime Referenced | Kono SubaSrhasuhkiuifSuekkuawi noi!

Kemonomimi (The Animal Girl Race)iterally meaning "animal ears", Kemonomimi
are human-like characters with animal traits.
Ears and tails are the most common
diversifiers from humans, Because of this,

lkemonomimis can easily be mistaken for
Nekomimi (Cat Girls / Boys)
These are humans with cat characteristics. Cute, lovable, and

humans due to their similar appearance and Ability Score Increase
naming patterns. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score
increases by 1.

Catgirls and catboys are the most common subrace, although Cat's Charisma
rabbitgirls and doggirls, also exist.
Nekomimis get through life with the generosity of people
Age around them.

Kemonomimi mature fast both physically and emotionally, Non-hostile shopkeepers are always friendly towards you,
reaching young adulthood at age 10. They live to be around and you can always get a discount off any item you purchase
80 years old. equal to your charisma score. For example, a 20 in your
charisma would get you 20% off.

Alignment Feline Sleep

Kemonomimi tend toward chaotic alignments due to their you gain inspiration points for resting longer than required. If
lackadaisical attitudes. However, Kemonomimi who spend a short rest lasts 2 hours or if a long rest lasts 12 hours, you
ample time with other races tend to pick up their ways of gain an inspiration point.
thinking, changing their alignment to be similar to the people
around them. You can only gain inspiration from short rests once per
long rest. Inspiration points can also still be gained the
Size typical way if your DM allows.

Your size is Medium. Most kemonomimis tend to be the same
weight as humans


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color
in darkness, only shades of gray.


As an action you can attempt to act cute, helpless, or non-
threatening. By doing this you can cast the sanctuary spell
on yourself using your charisma as the spellcasting modifier.
This spell does not count as 'magic' when determining if it
can be dispelled, nullified, or countered.

Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you
finish a short or long rest.


You can speak, read, and write Common.


Although seemingly cosmetic, kemonomimi can vary
drastically in type. The 3 major subraces are cats, rabbits,
and dogs.

Art by Blaine Silver

Kemonomimi Race

Usagimimi (Rabbit Girls / Boys)
These are humans with rabbit characteristics. They're highly
perceptive with a set of strong legs.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score
increases by 1.

360 degree sight

Although completely unnoticeable, your eyes can refract
images and allow you to see in any direction without moving
your head. You also have advantage on any perception roll
made with sight.


Your jump distance is tripled when determining how far you
can go.

Inumimi (Dog Girls / Boys)
These are humans with dog characteristics. They have an
impeccable sense of smell and direction.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score
increases by 1.


You can accurately follow tracks up to 300 hours old and
up to 130 miles away. You also have advantage on any
perception roll made with smell.


When you take the dash action on your turn, you
can also attempt to grapple as a bonus action.

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