Welcome to P3/4!
Welcome back to Blacklands Primary after a long and sunny summer holiday, I hope you are
all ready for a year of challenge, new experiences and new friendships.
I am Mr Graham and I will be the primary 3/4 teacher this year. Creating a positive learning
environment for the pupils to explore a range of subjects, and allow them to grow their brains
will be my key focus throughout the year.
We will be learning about a number of different topics this year including light and dark. Many
of our topics will be chooses by our pupils and cover areas that they would like to learn about in
more depth.
Everyone will be encouraged to work together, play together and expand his or her knowledge
across the curriculum. I am very excited to teach the class and get to know our children more and
have a great year.
Please find below some useful information to help you and your child be ready and prepared for
Due to current restrictions, we will be doing a lot of outdoor learning including PE.
We are being flexible with our PE days and pupils should be dressed following the
new school guidelines and previous communications to parents in order to allow this
fluidity. Our children enjoy being out in all weathers and we look to encourage this
throughout the year. Jewellery should be minimised and non-removable jewellery
must be covered by plasters or micropore tape.
Please ensure all uniform items are labelled especially jumpers to allow their owners
to be found should they go missing.
We encourage the provision of drinking water during the class day however, we are
unable to provide drinking water at the moment so we ask if children can be provided
with adequate amounts to last them.
I would like to thank and remind everyone about the staggered start and end times to
the school day. This has worked well and has allowed a more settled start to our day.
We would like to thank all of our parents and carers for supporting the school and pupils
during this unusual start to the year and following the guidelines to keep all of our pupils,
families and staff safe.
I look forward to working with you all throughout the year and celebrating the children’s
success together.
Mr Graham