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Published by gw11laudersusan, 2020-11-30 05:33:36

November 2020

November 2020



30th November 2020

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Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parent/Carer

As we approach the end of term 3, this newsletter is
mainly informing you of arrangements for December. It is
different from usual, however, all the staff at Blacklands
will make Christmas as special as it can be for all our

As always, thank you for your support in these challenging
times. Unfortunately, the Covid situation is not improving,
so we are continuing to follow strict protocols in school.
Our staggered start/finish continues, along with our
handwashing routines. Children will still have a playground
per class and sit with their class at lunchtime. The
windows are open to allow for good ventilation, however we
have extra heaters in the classes and check in with
children to check they are warm enough. Children can
bring an extra jumper to school in
case they need it.

In Partnership,

Susan Lauder

Message from the Office

Dear Parent/Carer

As always, can I remind all parent/carers to please
call the office if your child/ren will be absent from
school. Following up on absence each day takes up a
significant amount of office time.

If any member of your household has had a Covid
test, the whole household must isolate until you
receive a negative result. A reminder that if
anyone receives a positive result, they must let the
school know immediately. Mrs Lauder can be
emailed on [email protected] when the
school office is not manned.

An Xpressions/text will be sent out in the next
week to allow you to choose the Christmas school
dinner your child would like. If you
don’t have our Xpressions app and
would like to get it, please contact
me in the office.

Best regards,

Kerry Smith

A reminder, that P1-3 children are entitled to free
school meals and parent/carers of P4-7 children who
do not have free school meals should pay for meals
through ParentPay.

This is the latest menu. Please discuss choices with
your child/ren.

Every Friday in December, the children can come
to school wearing their Christmas jumper or
Christmas accessories … or something red or green.
We are going to support Ayrshire Cancer Support
on their Christmas jumper day on Friday 11th
December – asking for a small donation if you wish,
on this day. A reminder message will be sent from
the office nearer the time.

We have decided to have a ‘PJ day’ on Thursday 17th
December. This is instead of a party in the hall. The
children can come to school, dressed in their PJs, a
onesie or casual clothes. It will be a whole day of fun!

Class teachers will plan this day with the children.
There will be a movie, an online pantomime, hot
chocolate and goodies… amongst other things!

We have also very kindly been gifted a selection box
from our fabulous Parent Council for each child in our
school and EY class.

Our Christmas School Dinner will be on Friday 11th
December. You will receive an Xpressions or text from
the office, asking you to confirm your child/ren’s
choices. This enables the kitchen staff to be well
prepared. It is always a popular day for a school


As Christmas is approaching, we know this can be a
stressful time of year. In the past, we have had
support from the Salvation Army and other charities,
however we know that not all of these charities have
been able to collect toys this year with the current
If we are offered any support, we would like to offer
this to people who need it most. If you think this
would help you, please complete the forms survey,
which goes directly to Mrs Lauder. This will be sent to
you today, by Xpressions/text or email.

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