Dates for your diary!
Mon 24th Tempest Photos - Individual and Families
Thurs 27th Discussion Dinner 5.30-6.45pm
Fri 30th Open Afternoon 2.15-3pm
Thurs 5th P7 to Vikingar
Mon 9th - Fri Learning Conversations 1
Mon 16th - P6 to Millport
Wed 18th
Fri 20th In-service Staff only
Mon 23rd In-service Staff only
Mon 7th P7 to Maritime Museum
Fri 11th Friday Funday Fundraiser
Mon 14th - Fri School Holiday
Thurs 7th Discussion Dinner 5.30-6.45pm
Fri 15th Holiday
Mon 18th Holiday
Mon 21st Flu Immunisation
Fri 22nd Day of Dance P7 at The Portal
Tues 3rd P6 to Bubblegum and Fluff
Fri 6th Wear Christmas jumpers
Tues 10th P1-3 Nativity in school 6pm
Wed 11th P1-3 Nativity in school 2pm
Thurs 12th P4-7 Show in school 7pm
Fri 13th Wear Christmas jumpers
P4-7 Show in school 2pm
Mon 16th P1 and P2 party (PM)
Tues 17th Early Years Class party
P1-7 to Pantomime at Palace Theatre,
Wed 18th P3/4 and P4/5 party (PM)
Thurs 19th P5/6 and P7 party (PM)
Fri 20th Wear Christmas jumpers
9.30am Christmas Service at Kilwinning Abbey
Early Years Class to ‘The McDougalls’ at
Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine
School closes 2.30pm
Mon 6th Pupils Return
Mon 13th - Fri Learning Conversation 2
Fri 7th School Holiday
Mon 10th School Holiday
Tues 11th Inservice Staff only
Thu 27th Discussion Dinner 5.30-6.45pm
Mon 24th Fairtrade Fortnight
Mon 23rd - Learning Conversation 3
Fri 27th
Wed 1st Daffodil Tea Fundraiser in school (PM)
Thurs 2nd Easter Service Kilwinning Abbey 9.30am
School Closes 2.30pm
Fri 3rd In-service Staff only
Mon 6th - Fri School Holiday
Mon 20th Pupils Return
Mon 4th School Holiday
Thurs 7th New P1 Parent Induction 9.30am
Mon 11th - Fri STEM Week in School
Thurs 14th New P1 Induction 9.15-10.15am
Mon 18th-Fri Health Week- Daily Mile launch at KSC
22nd Digital Learning Week
Thurs 21st Day Outdoors at Eglinton Park
Mon 25th School Holiday
Tues 26th In-service Staff only
Thurs 28th New P1 ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ 1.30-2.30pm
Tues 2nd Sports Day (PM)
Thurs 4th New P1 Induction 1.30-2.30pm
Fri 7th Sports day (RESERVE)
Tues 9th New P1 Induction 9.15-10.15am
Thurs 11th P7 at Leavers’ Trip Colour-splash
Fri 12th-Sun 14th P7s at Dalguise Residential
Tue 16th P1-P7 Summer Trip
Thurs 18th P7/S1 Induction 1 at Kilwinning Ac.
New P1 Taster Lunch
Fri 19th P7/S1 Induction 2 at Kilwinning Ac.
Class Bump Up (PM)
Reports Out
Wed 24th P1-7 Summer Concert 10.30am & 6.30pm
Thurs 25th Early Years Class Celebration
Fri 26th Summer Service/P7 Celebration at Abbey
Church 9.30am
School closes 1pm