Headteacher Bulletin #9 (29.10.21)
Dear Parent/Carer
A Halloween themed week in school always
increases excitement! It has been lovely to see
so many boys and girls dressed up and ready
for some Friday fun today.
Unfortunately, we had to postpone our planned
Inverclyde trip. This has been rescheduled for
the 30th November, so we have everything
crossed that this goes to plan. We have also
had a number of staff absent across the
school. We do our best every day to ensure
there is minimal impact to our daily routines.
We are lucky this session to have Miss
Hamilton as a Covid Recovery teacher. She is
working with groups in classes to identify any
gaps from our blended learning period, but she
is also able to cover classes when teaching
staff are off.
Next week is ‘Dyslexia Awareness’ week and we
will be celebrating this with our children. As
you will be aware, we have a number of
children with dyslexia in our school, and this is
a great opportunity to help them feel valued
and better understood, and also for their
peers to have a better understanding of what
it means to be dyslexic. Mrs Wilde has
ordered ‘Ellie’s blue ribbons’ for children and
staff to show solidarity with dyslexic children
and adults.
Can I please ask that any absences are
reported to our school office – by phone
(552626) or xpressions. I can be emailed,
however, do not always pick up emails after
9am as can be in meetings or classes. SeeSaw
should not be used for this purpose as class
teachers are busy with the children and do
not always see these messages. SeeSaw is a
fabulous platform for sharing learning … and
we would really like to keep it for this
We have new lunchtime clubs starting next
week along with an after school club for P3/4.
These will be supported by sports leaders
from Kilwinning Academy.
Can I please ask again that you ensure your
child/ren come to school with a
warmer/waterproof jacket? This week there
have been several older children with no
jackets and the weather has not been kind to
us! Next Thursday is ‘Outdoor Classroom’ day
and we may be spending even more time than
usual outdoors.
As always, if you have any questions, queries
or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me:
[email protected].
In Partnership,
Susan Lauder