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Published by gw11laudersusan, 2022-02-09 09:49:50

Transition Calendar 2021-2022 Parents

Transition Calendar 2021-2022 Parents

Kilwinning Academy

Transition Programme
2021 - 2022

January Time Item Note

Transition Grid template issued to Cluster Primary Schools. Transition Grids are completed by Cluster Primaries for all P7 pupils. As

10th Grids completed by primary staff and give Kilwinning Academy much information should be included as possible. There will be a chance

staff relevant information on young people. to add further information later in the year.

12th 7:00 PM Virtual Parents' Evening Overview of transition plans. Launch of KA Welcome website. Meet some
17th 1.30-2.15, 2.15-3.00 of our Faculty Head's and find out about their subject area.
21st 09.15-10.00
21st 10.15-11.00 Visit to P7 class – Abbey PS Jen Miller DHT will visit each class with Elaine Connor (AIW)
21st 11.15-12.00
21st 1.15-2.00, 2.00-2.45 Visit to P7 class – Blacklands PS Jen Miller DHT will visit each class with Elaine Connor (AIW)

Visit to P7 class – Corsehill PS Jen Miller DHT will visit each class with Elaine Connor (AIW)

Visit to P7 class – Pennyburn PS Jen Miller DHT will visit each class with Elaine Connor (AIW)

W eek Various Visit to P7 class – Whitehirst Park PS Jen Miller DHT will visit each class with Elaine Connor (AIW)
24th Transition programme delivered in primary to P7 classes by Abbey PS - Mondays 24th Jan, 31st Jan, 7th, 21st Feb.
Elaine Connor (AIW) for a period of 4 weeks Blacklands PS -Tuesdays 25th Jan, 1st, 8th, 22nd Feb.
26th 7:00 PM Corsehill PS - Wednesdays 26th Jan,2nd, 9th, 16th Feb.
Virtual Parents' Evening Pennyburn PS - Thursdays 27th Jan, 3rd, 10th, 17th Feb.
Whitehirst Park PS- Fridays 28th Jan, 4th, 18th, 25th Feb.

Meet the other Faculty Head's and find out about their subject area.

February Time Item Note

4th Transition Grid completion and return. Canteen, Active Schools, Uniform, TT, Family Learning Team etc

16th 7.00pm Virtual Parents' Evening
W eeks
beginning Various Transition programme delivered in primary to P7 classes by
7th and 21st Elaine Connor (AIW) for a period of 4 weeks
Various Dates Various Elaine Connor (AIW) will visit pupils joining from out with the
Kilwinning Cluster in their schools.

March Time Item

17th 7.00pm Virtual Parents' Evening Supports in Kilwinning Academy - Area Inclusion Workers, PC Watters,
Various Social Subjects Transition Activity - International Day of The Zone, Barnardo's, Family Learning Team
W eek 9.15am-2.45pm Happiness
beginning P7 Enhanced Transition Visit Day One Social Subjects Staff from Kilwinning Academy will visit P7 classes and
16th deliver an activity during the date/time specified.
Transition Walk and Talk
24th P7 Pupils identified for Enhanced Transition will attend Kilwinning
Academy. A letter with further information will be issued to families
28th 9.15am involved.

Facilitated in partnership with Family Learning Team. Evan Maley and Jen
Miller will meet parents and walk around McGavin - opportunity for
parents to ask any questions they may have.

April Time Item Note

W eek Music Transition Activity Kilwinning Academy Music staff will issue a task to all cluster primaries
beginning Art and Technical Transition Activity which should be completed over the next couple of weeks. Taks should
19th be returned to staff and will form a recorded transition event across the
W eek
beginning Mrs Aitken, Faculty Head will send a video to introduce herself and her
25th Faculty. Pupils will be issued with a task which should be completed in
class and an end product sent to KA. This project will tie in to tasks
covered in S1.

May Time Item Note

W eek Final S1 class list issued to Cluster Headteachers. Pupils should know their house group and will be able to meet their PT
beginning 6th PTs Pastoral Visits to schools. Pastoral and ask any questions they may have.
PTs Pastoral Visits to schools. Pupils should know their house group and will be able to meet their PT
12th Various STEM Transition Event Pastoral and ask any questions they may have.
P7 Virtual Assembly on Teams
13th Various P7 Transition Handover - Teams meeting with cluster P7 Science staff from Kilwinning Academy. Activity will take place outside.
18th-20th Various Out with cluster - Handover phone calls. Meet Head of House and Mr Swan.
P7 Enhanced Transition Visit Day two
20th 11.45am Discussion around each young person. Discussion to take place with PT
Languages and Literacy Transition Event Support and P7 teacher/PT/DHT/HT depending on school set up.
18th-20th Time TBC.
Health and Wellbeing Transition Activity PT Support contacts each school to collect information on each pupil.
23rd Time TBC.
Virtual Parents' Evening P7 Pupils identified for Enhanced Transition will attend Kilwinning
23rd 9.15am-2.45pm Academy. A letter with further information will be issued to families
25th/26th Various P7 Enhanced Transition parent/carer telephone calls. involved.
P7 classes to attend Kilwinning Academy (remaining in bubbles if
26th 9.30am-12.30pm necessary) and will take part in activities delivered by KA Languages and
Literacy staff.
26th 7.00pm All classes to attend 9.30am - 12.30pm. Classes will be kept in bubbles if
this is still required at the time.
beginning Meet the Principal Teachers of Pastoral Support and Principal Teacher of
30th Learning Support.

PT Support calls parents/carers of all P7 Enhanced Transition Pupils to
offer reassurance/gather further information.

June Time Item Note

Faculty Head Languages and Literacy and Faculty Head Maths

and Music to meet with cluster staff to discuss literacy and Date and time TBC.

numeracy levels.

7th 7.00pm Virtual Parents' Evening Final check in - any questions answered!
13th 1.30pm
16th/17th All day P7 Quiz All P7 pupils will take part either in person or virtually depending on Covid

P7 Visits All pupils - mitigations allowing.

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