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Published by gw11laudersusan, 2019-08-26 09:12:01

August 2019 newsletter

August 2019 newsletter



August 2019/No13

Remember click to download and swipe to read our digital

Head Teacher’s Message


Welcome back to session 2019-20. It has been a busy few
days and we really enjoyed welcoming everyone back last

Clubs will be starting very soon…letters will be in school
bags. We are hosting a ‘Discussion Dinner’ next week - more
information later in the newsletter...and we have an open
afternoon next week too.

Read on to find class information and more details about our
year ahead. Please continue to check your child’s Pupil
Planner for more information as well as our School App. If
you do not have this please speak to Mrs Smith in the office.

All parent/carers are very welcome to our ‘Morning Meeting’
which takes place each Monday (or a Tuesday if it is a
Monday holiday) at 9.05am. This lasts about 10minutes and
goes over the week ahead in school.
You are welcome to stay for a coffee
or tea afterwards if you have time.

In partnership,

Susan Lauder
Head Teacher

Message from the Office

 r Parent/Carers

Welcome back!

It is a really busy time of year in the school office.Thank you
to the many families who have returned the many forms we
have issued. If you have not returned these please do ASAP.
These forms are annual and previous forms are shredded
and therefore cannot be used. This means your child will not
be in any pictures, be able to go on local visits or trips and,
more importantly we may not have up to date contact details
for you in case of emergencies.

A reminder, that the office hours are 8.30am-4.00pm
Monday to Thursday and 8.30-3.30pm on a Friday. The
phone will not be answered outwit these times.

Kind regards
Mrs Smith


Last session we started a morning meeting. This is held every
Monday at 9.05am (unless there is a holiday Monday and we
hold on a Tuesday) and last approximately 10 minutes.
The aim of this meeting is to keep all children and staff updated
with what is happening in the school that week.
We would like to open this meeting to parents and carers this
session. If you are free, you are very welcome to come along
and hear what is happening. We will have tea/coffee afterwards
when a member of the management team will be available for a
We look forward to meeting some of you then!


As a school, we have decided there will be NO formal
homework this session. Staff spend a lot of time preparing
a variety of activities for children and a lot of time chasing
this being handed in! We also acknowledge that formal
homework can place a lot of stress on families.

We hope that the time spent completing homework can be
spent at clubs, playing outside or being involved in helping
with jobs around the house.

Children will be encouraged to read and some will bring
reading books home. More details will follow about a whole
school reading challenge. We will also be working in
partnership with the Family Learning Team on some other
family challenges.


Topic: The Year Ahead at
Blacklands Primary!

Join us for dinner with your child then…

Meet some of our staff

Learn about our positive behaviour strategies

Find our about ‘Nurture at Blacklands’

Learn about clubs planned and give your input

Guest speaker from ‘CAMHS’

There are activities provided for children after
your meal.

We are really keen to have as many families
along as possible!



In line with the legislation, Food Information Regulation
2014, Facilities Management are making changes in the
way that specific dietary and medical diet requests are
processed and will require your assistance with this.

A parent/carer of a child with a special dietary request
should discuss their needs with Mrs Lauder or Mrs
Gibson, They will be given the form below and this
should be completed and returned. If the request is
related to a medical need, the form must be signed by a
medical professional such as the GP, Consultant or
Dietician. Once completed the form should be passed to
the school.


Our ‘Breakfast Bounce’ was very successful last
session and we would like to extend the
invitation to this to all children in our school.
This is FREE for all families. All children are
welcome and can come one day in the week or
every day! The choice is yours!

8.20-8.40 - Breakfast
8.40-9.00 - Activities and games
** P1-3 children must ALL be signed in by a

parent/carer on arrival. **

On a Monday, parent/carers are welcome to
attend with their children, eat breakfast, chat
to staff and stay for our Morning Meeting if
you wish.

Primary 1
Miss Pursley

Parent and Carer Newsletter

Welcome to Primary 1 at Blacklands Primary School! My
name is Miss Pursley and I will be your first point of
contact for any queries you may have regarding your
child’s learning experience. We have had a fantastic
first week at school. Children are already becoming
familiar with the routines and expectations of primary 1!
Dates for the diary
Families were issued a letter about the Discussion dinner
arranged for Thursday 29th of August and we also have
an Open Afternoon in the diary on Friday 30th. It would
be lovely to see as many families that are able attend.
Break time is only 15 minutes long; please keep this in
mind when helping your child choose their snack. We are
a health promoting school and encourage children to
make healthy choices. It is important they have some
time to play during the break too.

Furthermore, as we are a health promoting school we
strongly recommend children are provided with a water
bottle. Children place these in the classroom in the
morning and have access to them throughout the day,
freely. Please note that this is for water only. Juice is
allowed during lunch and break in the playground but can
be very sticky if it spills in the classroom.
According to our new school homework policy, there will
be no formal homework issued. However, there will be
plenty of opportunities to engage in family learning.
More information to follow!
We have gym on a Wednesday morning and Thursday
afternoon. Thank you to those of you who have already
provided gym kit with names. J
Reminder: No jewellery to be worn on gym days please.
If your child has piercings, please remove their earrings
before coming to school, as we are not allowed to take
them out for them.
Miss Pursley

Primary 2
Mrs Weeks

Parent and Carer Newsletter
I am delighted to be working with your child in P2 this
year. I look forward to developing a positive relationship
with you as this is the best way for your child to feel
supported in their learning.

Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday. If your child wears
earrings, please ensure that these are removed on gym
days, or if that is not possible, please cover them with
plasters or micropore tape. Your child should always have
a gym kit in school, consisting of shorts, t-shirt and gym
shoes. This will be sent home at the end of each term to
be washed and shoe sizes checked. It would also be
extremely helpful if you could ensure that all school
clothing is clearly labelled to help identify any lost items.

We have agreed, as a whole school initiative, not to issue
formal homework this year. However, there will be
opportunities for family homework challenges and other
tasks throughout the year.

Please provide your child with a labelled water bottle to
enable your child to have access to fresh drinking water
throughout the day. As juice isn’t allowed in the
classroom could you please ensure your child brings only
water to drink.

I am looking forward to meeting you at either our
Discusssion Dinner on 29th August or our Open Afternoon
on Friday 30th August.  Please note that the first
Learning Conversation to discuss your child’s progress will
be on Thursday 12th September.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact me about
any matters concerning your child and I will return your
call or arrange a meeting if required.
Kind Regards
Mrs T Weeks

Primary 3/4
Ms Kelso  

Welcome back after a lovely summer holiday and we
hope you are all ready for the new school year ahead. 
Please find below some useful information to help your
child be ready and prepared for school.
* Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday.  For

safety, if your child wears earrings please ensure
these are either removed on gym days or covered
with plasters or micropore tape.  Your child should
always have a gym kit in school, consisting of
shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes.  This will be sent
home at the end of each term to be washed and to
allow for shoe sizes to be checked.   It would also
be extremely helpful if you could ensure that all
school clothing is clearly labelled to help identify
any lost items.

* I will be in class on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday and Mrs Taylor will be teaching the
class on a Tuesday.

* We are changing the way we do homework this year,
and there will be no formal homework.  However,
there will be lots of opportunities for family learning
– more information to follow!,  Children will still be
encouraged to take reading books and school library
books home to enjoy.

* We do like the children to have access to fresh

drinking water during the day so please provide your
child with a labelled water bottle.  We don’t allow
juice in the classroom so please ensure your child
comes with water to drink.


I very much look forward to meeting you at our open
afternoon on Friday 30th August from 2.15 onwards. 
Our first learning conversations are also coming up
soon, week beginning 9th September.  

Kind Regards

Ms Kelso

P3/4 Class Teacher


Welcome back to another exciting school year at
Blacklands Primary.  We hope that you had a lovely
summer holiday.  We have enjoyed getting to know our
new class and can see that all our boys and girls are
ready to try their very best in Primary 4/5. Please find
below some useful information to help your child be
ready and prepared for school.
* Our P.E. days are Monday and Thursday.  For safety,

if your child wears earrings please ensure these are
either removed on gym days or covered with plasters
or micropore tape.  Your child should always have a
gym kit in school, consisting of shorts, t-shirt and
gym shoes.  This will be sent home at the end of
each term to be washed and to allow for shoe sizes
to be checked.   It would also be extremely helpful
if you could ensure that all school clothing is clearly
labelled to help identify any lost items.

* Mrs McKenzie will be in class on a Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday and Mrs Burns will be teaching the
class for the remainder of the week.

* We have agreed not to issue formal homework this
year.  However, there will be lots of opportunities for
family engagement in learning throughout the year-
more information will follow.


* We do like the children to have access to fresh
drinking water during the day so please provide your
child with a labelled water bottle.  We don’t allow
juice in the classroom so please ensure your child
comes with water to drink.


* We are looking forward to meeting you at our open
afternoon on Friday 30th August. Please note that our
first learning conversation to discuss your child’s
progress will be on Thursday 12th September. In the
meantime, however, if you need to contact us please
call the school office and we will get in touch as soon
as possible.


Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Burns

Primary 5/6
Mr Graham

Welcome back after a sunny summer holiday and I hope
you are all ready for a year of challenge, new
experiences and new friendships.
I am Mr Graham and I will be the Primary 5/6 teacher
this year. Creating a positive learning environment for
the pupils to explore a range of subjects, and allow them
to grow their brains will be my motivation throughout the
year. Please find below some useful information to help
you and your child be ready and prepared for school.
*  Our P.E. days are Wednesday and Friday. Children

should always have a gym kit with them, consisting of
shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes. A storage box is
available in class and it is recommended that kits are
kept in this. Kit will be sent home at the end of each
term to be washed and to allow for shoe sizes to be
checked. Please ensure that all school clothing is
clearly labelled to help identify any lost items. For
safety, if your child wears earrings please ensure
these are either removed on gym days or covered
with plasters or micropore tap and all other jewellery
must be removed.

*  Following discussions with all staff within the school,
we have agreed not to issue formal homework this
year, however, in Primary 5/6 we want to encourage
the children to take responsibility for their own
learning.  Any class work not completed in school will
be sent home. Please ensure that this is completed
and returned to school by the following day. Family
learning opportunities will be plentiful throughout the
year. More information to come.


*  We do like the children to have access to fresh
drinking water during the day so please provide your
child with a labelled water bottle.  We don’t allow
juice in the classroom so please ensure your child
comes with water to drink.


*  We are looking forward to meeting you at our open
afternoon on Friday 30th August. Please note that our
first learning conversation to discuss your child’s
progress will be on Thursday 12th September. In the
meantime, however, if you need to contact us please
call the school office and we will get in touch as soon
as possible.

Mr  Graham

Primary 7
MrMs rMscTKaiyeloarnd

Welcome back after a lovely summer holiday and we hope
you are all ready for the new school year ahead.  Please
find below some useful information to help your child be
ready and prepared for school.
* Our P.E. days are Monday and Tuesday.  For safety, if

your child wears earrings please ensure these are
either removed on gym days or covered with plasters
or micropore tape.  Your child should always have a
gym kit in school, consisting of shorts, t-shirt and gym
shoes.  This will be sent home at the end of each term
to be washed and to allow for shoe sizes to be
checked.   It would also be extremely helpful if you
could ensure that all school clothing is clearly labelled
to help identify any lost items.

* Mrs McKie will be in class on a Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday and Mrs Taylor will be teaching the class
for the remainder of the week.

* We have agreed not to issue formal homework this
year, however, in Primary 7 we want to encourage the
children to take responsibility for their own learning. 

Any class work not completed in school will be sent
home. Please ensure that this is completed and
returned to school by the following day.


* We do like the children to have access to fresh
drinking water during the day so please provide your
child with a labelled water bottle.  We don’t allow
juice in the classroom so please ensure your child
comes with water to drink.


* We are looking forward to meeting you at our open
afternoon on Friday 30th August. Please note that our
first learning conversation to discuss your child’s
progress will be on Thursday 12th September. In the
meantime, however, if you need to contact us please
call the school office and we will get in touch as soon
as possible.


Mrs McKie and Mrs Taylor


Dates for your diary!


Mon 24th Tempest Photos - Individual and Families

Thurs 27th Discussion Dinner 5.30-6.45pm

Fri 30th Open Afternoon 2.15-3pm


Thurs 5th P7 to Vikingar

Mon 9th - Fri Learning Conversations 1

Mon 16th - P6 to Millport
Wed 18th

Fri 20th In-service Staff only

Mon 23rd In-service Staff only


Mon 7th P7 to Maritime Museum

Fri 11th Friday Funday Fundraiser

Mon 14th - Fri School Holiday


Thurs 7th Discussion Dinner 5.30-6.45pm

Fri 15th Holiday

Mon 18th Holiday

Mon 21st Flu Immunisation

Fri 22nd Day of Dance P7 at The Portal


Tues 3rd P6 to Bubblegum and Fluff

Fri 6th Wear Christmas jumpers

Tues 10th P1-3 Nativity in school 6pm

Wed 11th P1-3 Nativity in school 2pm

Thurs 12th P4-7 Show in school 7pm

Fri 13th Wear Christmas jumpers
P4-7 Show in school 2pm

Mon 16th P1 and P2 party (PM)

Tues 17th Early Years Class party
P1-7 to Pantomime at Palace Theatre,

Wed 18th P3/4 and P4/5 party (PM)

Thurs 19th P5/6 and P7 party (PM)

Fri 20th Wear Christmas jumpers
9.30am Christmas Service at Kilwinning Abbey
Early Years Class to ‘The McDougalls’ at
Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine
School closes 2.30pm


Mon 6th Pupils Return

Mon 13th - Fri Learning Conversation 2


Fri 7th School Holiday

Mon 10th School Holiday

Tues 11th Inservice Staff only

Thu 27th Discussion Dinner 5.30-6.45pm

Mon 24th Fairtrade Fortnight


Mon 23rd - Learning Conversation 3
Fri 27th


Wed 1st Daffodil Tea Fundraiser in school (PM)

Thurs 2nd Easter Service Kilwinning Abbey 9.30am
School Closes 2.30pm

Fri 3rd In-service Staff only

Mon 6th - Fri School Holiday

Mon 20th Pupils Return


Mon 4th School Holiday

Thurs 7th New P1 Parent Induction 9.30am

Mon 11th - Fri STEM Week in School

Thurs 14th New P1 Induction 9.15-10.15am

Mon 18th-Fri Health Week- Daily Mile launch at KSC

22nd Digital Learning Week

Thurs 21st Day Outdoors at Eglinton Park

Mon 25th School Holiday

Tues 26th In-service Staff only

Thurs 28th New P1 ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ 1.30-2.30pm


Tues 2nd Sports Day (PM)

Thurs 4th New P1 Induction 1.30-2.30pm

Fri 7th Sports day (RESERVE)

Tues 9th New P1 Induction 9.15-10.15am

Thurs 11th P7 at Leavers’ Trip Colour-splash
Fri 12th-Sun 14th P7s at Dalguise Residential

Tue 16th P1-P7 Summer Trip

Thurs 18th P7/S1 Induction 1 at Kilwinning Ac.
New P1 Taster Lunch

Fri 19th P7/S1 Induction 2 at Kilwinning Ac.
Class Bump Up (PM)
Reports Out

Wed 24th P1-7 Summer Concert 10.30am & 6.30pm

Thurs 25th Early Years Class Celebration

Fri 26th Summer Service/P7 Celebration at Abbey
Church 9.30am
School closes 1pm

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