Sons of Brahmaputra
The Brave Rhinos of Assam Regiment
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
Assam Regiment || CONTENT ||
Rhino Charge Foreword 3
Asam Vikram, Unique Valour Sons of Brahmaputra - The Brave Rhinos of North East 4
World War II 5
Pre Independence Years 6
Post Independence Years
United Nations 8
Seven North Eastern Sisters 8
The Charm 10
Facts 11
Down the Memory Lane 12
Remembrance 13
Acknowledgements 14
Assam Regiment Brig Sudhir Kumar Jha
Rhino Charge YSM
Lt Gen Subrata Saha || FOREWORD ||
YSM,VSM** Col of Regiment An Indian soldier’s trust & faith in his motherland knows no bounds. He doesn’t have to give
it a second thought what shall become of his mortals if he attained martyrdom on the front
|| Message || preserving & safeguarding its honour as he is always assured that he would be placed back in her
lap comfortably.
This has been a proud moment when I represent the Regiment towards the completion Like the air, water, sky, earth & fire, he leaves behind his trails for inspiring generations to come.
of its glorious 75 years. His legacy of martyrdom, sagas of his warrior heritage lay sprinkled on the crusty pages of history.
Year after year, we shall bear the torch of responsibility,leadership and excellence. We With every rustle of the era, his memory is invoked.
will achieve,relish and still improvise on our accomplishments as a fraternity, family Assam Regimental Centre has been instrumental in the hand-picked training and grooming of
and an organisation. Rhinos have a heritage to talk of which makes it all the more its cadres. The ‘Sons of Brahmaputra’-the Brave Rhinos have emerged victorious in the testing
incredible responsibility to deliver par expectations. I am sure, we will always be on situations and have left their mark & sagas of glory & valour impressed upon the pages of history.
the path leading from the front. Mother Earth is never going to be short of her sons ready to sacrifice their lives in her service.
My heartiest congratulations to Assam Regimental Centre, Officers , Veterans and All Assam Regiment has its credentials, its sons & their sacrifices to speak highly of and every Rhino
Ranks on this occasion. with his indomitable spirit is committed.
Tagra Raho, Stay Strong! Rhino Charge shall always be unbeatable.
On this glorious milestone of completing 75 years of service and valour I am proud of the legacy
Jai Hind and I am sure this would be carried forward complying with the highest traditions of Indian Army-
Service Before Self.
Tagra Raho, Stay Strong!
Jai Hind
Assam Regiment “The battle of Kohima will go down as one of the greatest battles in history.”
Rhino Charge (Lord Mountbatten, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in South Asia)
II. Sons of Brahmaputra-the Brave Rhinos of North East III. WORLD WAR II - ASSAM Regiment
Brave ‘Sons of Brahmaputra’ are safeguarding the Indian soil against Insurgency, Cross country Terrorism, Physical calamities and In 1944, when the invasion of India by Japan was imminent, the was grim. Supplies were cut off and the letter ordering their
tending to crucial International Boundary we share with China, Myanmar & Bangladesh. Regiment was moved to Jessami and Kharasom to delay the withdrawal to Kohima had fallen into the hands of the enemy.
The Indomitable spirit of a Rhino and his unflinching resolve has its roots in stronghold traditions it has been brought up with. ‘Tagra advance of the 31 Japanese Division.
Raho’ is his signature spirit and attitude towards challenges. ‘Rhino Grin’ has its charm that emanates from his carefree, brave, Finally, at about 2200 hours, Maj John Corlette was able to
spirited north east warrior traits and marshal genes. In its very first Operation, the Regiment won 71 gallantry awards get through to the lines with a message to withdraw at 0300
“You will have to wait, you will have to train yourselves before you are ready to take your place in the order of battle, in addition to winning six Battle Honours including Jessami, hours on 01 April 1944. Fighting continued relentlessly and as
but when the day comes the eyes of all Assam will be on you, and I do not doubt that your steadfastness, your bravery, Kohima, Aradura, Toungoo, Kyaukmyaung and Mawlaik and the the situation deteriorated, it became apparent that it would not
your skill and your endurance will be such as few will equal and none will surpass”. Theatre Honour Burma. be possible to carry out an organised withdrawal. Therefore,
sections were ordered to move out individually after nightfall.
Sir Robert Reid Jessami The only chance of survival now lay in small independent
Governor of Assam groups. As dusk fell in Jessami and the surrounding jungles on
On 23 March 1944, Japanese movements were reported South 01 April 1944, the withdrawal began. The command post was
15 June 1941 and East of Jessami. Lt Col Brown, CO 1 ASSAM ordered a finally evacuated around midnight.
These were the sentiments on the raising of the First Battalion of Assam Regiment. high alert. On 28 March 1944, at 0855 hours, the Battalion met
Assam Regiment has touched today that proud moment where it has its actions speaking for it. 24 battalion strong, 15 regular units the enemy heads on. 20 Japanese soldiers marched down the Kharasom
along with three Rashtriya Rifles units and three infantry battalions of the Territorial Army serving, Assam Regiment is the pride of Kharasom track and were approaching the Battalion’s barbed
Indian Army. wire fencing. Maj JE Askew’s Company Bren gun opened fire 1 ASSAM’s ‘A’ Company at Kharasom was guarding the axis to
The Regiment has extensively participated in different wars, held various operational areas of responsibility in the country and and most of the Japanese were killed. Thereafter, the Japanese Kohima and was ordered to fight to the last man and the last
has also been a part of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) in Sri Lanka and UN Peace Keeping Forces in Cambodia,Congo attacked only at night. round. The company was later reinforced by a platoon from
& Lebanon. It has won seven battle honours, three theatre honours, six exclusive unit citations and several gallantry awards in its ‘D’ Company. On 27 March 1944, a large number of Japanese
unparalleled career span. Time after time, the Japanese attacked, only to meet with were seen approaching the command post along the Ukhrul
Rhinos have glorious Sports Achievements too. stubborn resistance from our men. Three days in row, the track. The Platoons held fire until the Japanese were very
Japanese continued their pressure against Jessami. The close to the defences. Then, all soldiers opened fire, making
Sir Robert Reid, Governor of Assam delivering Raising Address battalion held on, even though they were cut off from any form it a very expensive encounter for the Japanese. During the
of communication with the rear Headquarters. The situation
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
next three days, the company faced continuous attacks, which Kohima GPT Ridge and Jail Hill, the garrison suffered heavy casualties Bungalow Sector with composite troops of 1 ASSAM and
were repulsed with heavy losses to the aggressors. While the with 3 Officers killed, 4 wounded and 75 Other Ranks killed Assam Rifles and a company of West Kent relieved and took
company stood firm against the onslaught, it proved costly for By 04 April 1944, 1 ASSAM at Kohima was deployed in three and 100 wounded. Estimated Japanese casualties were about over the Hospital Spur sector vacated by Major Calistan. Major
them too. By then, few men were left to withstand another segments: 150 killed and wounded. Calistan and his company held on to DC Bungalow Sector till
attack. To make matters worse, on 31 March 1944, Japanese the end of the siege.
reinforcements were reported approaching Kharasom. Realising (a) Jail Hill – 80 troops from A, D and Headquarter Companies The garrison was now concentrated at Summerhouse Hill,
that the company was in critical condition with few men, low on under the command of Major RH Lowe, with Lt Brown, Kuki Piquet and FSD Ridge. Their position was quite confused With the failure of a link up and reinforcement by 161 Indian
ammunition, rations and water, Captain Young, the Company Corlette & Elwell as Company Commanders; Lt Col and desperate as the communications with the Headquarters Infantry Brigade, by 16 April 1944, the situation was critical.
Commander, decided to withdraw the company to save it from Brown in location with his Battalion Headquarters were all disrupted. To make matters worse, the area had a The garrison had endured much and troops of 1 ASSAM were in
annihilation. However, he stayed behind in compliance with his heavy concentration of non combatants, with inadequately dire straits, having fought almost daily battles immediately after
orders to fight to the last man and last round. Captain Young (b) 53 IGH Spur - B & C Companies under the command of prepared and fortified positions to fight the enemy. Attempts by the two major battles of Jessami and Kharasom. By 18 April
then destroyed all remaining stores and took his position in Major AI Calistan with Major Askew 161 Indian Infantry Brigade to reinforce Kohima did not succeed, 1944, the long awaited 161 Indian Infantry Brigade attack finally
one of the bunkers. He continued to fire at and throwing hand with the exception of one company of 4 Rajput managing to broke through and by mid day the link up with the garrison
grenades at the hordes of Japanese troops closing in on him. (c) GPT Ridge – Platoon of D Company under Lt Peter Steyn break through, garrison was completely surrounded by the was established. The tired and dirty men of 1 ASSAM cheerfully
The Japanese concentrated their heavy machine gun fire on his Japanese. hailed the relieving troops, knowing with pride that they were
position until Captain Young was finally silenced. On 4 April 1944, Naga Scouts reported the advance of a now the heroes of the bloody battles of Jessami, Kharasom and
Japanese Battalion from the direction of Zakhama. At midnight, Japanese attacks and bombardment continued throughout the Kohima.
In recognition of the Battalion’s valour, 1 ASSAM was conferred the Japanese launched their first attack on Aradura Spur week that followed. On 14 April 1944, the perimeter defences
with the Battle Honour “Jessami”, the first Battle Honour of southwest of GPT Ridge. Enemy pressure increased from were reorganized wherein Major Calistan took over the DC
the Regiment. 05 April onwards. The enemy then launched an attack on Jail
Hill. The siege of Kohima continued and Japanese forces kept
attacking the features time and again against the major fighting
force in the Kohima garrison by that time left with depleted
strength of about only two companies. During the fighting at
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
Within six months of its raising, the Regiment was ordered 1947 – 1962
to move to Digboi to defend the oil fields. In early 1942,
it moved to Ledo and was involved in reconnoitring the During this period, the major events were
alignment for the famous Stilwell Road. 3 ASSAM participation in 1947/48 Jammu
& Kashmir (J & K) Operations, the raising
V. POST INDEPENDENCE YEARS of 4 ASSAM and 119 Infantry Battalion
15 August 1947 TA–and 4 ASSAM’s deployment for
Operations during 1962 Sino India Skirmish.
India’s Independence on 15 August, 1947 was marked in Shillong by a ceremonial
parade which included contingents from 1 and 3 ASSAM. Independence brought 1963 - 1970
about the handing over of command of the Regiment by British to Indian Officers.
An all out effort was made to analyse and
resolve issues that had led to the 1962
defeat and to ensure that it was never
repeated. The Indian Army experienced
rapid expansion, reorganisation and re-
equipment. Military strategy was charted
to quell the Insurgency in Nagaland,
Mizoram and Manipur.
1972 - 1990
Shortly after 1971, the expansion of the
Army restarted, with the ASSAM Regiment
raising seven regular battalions during the
period from 1972 to 1990. The period of
1978 onwards marked a spurt of Pakistan
and China supported Insurgency in the
NER, Punjab.
The Regiment participated in Operation
BLUE STAR in 1984, where the Punjab
Insurgency was targeted, and later in
Operation PAWAN, assisting Sri Lanka in
suppressing the LTTE Insurgency.
1990 - 2002
The Regiment celebrated Golden Jubilee
and Colour Presentation, 1 ASSAM
participated in United Nations Operations
in Cambodia, CI operations were
conducted by ASSAM Battalions in the
NER, Raising of 35 and 42 Rashtriya Rifles
Battalions, Operations conducted in J & K
prior to, during and after Kargil,Operation
Parakram and routine peacetime
Operations too followed.
The Regiment had a total of 10 Units raised.
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
BATTLE Battle Honour 1947-48 Assam Regiment - A Historical Timeline
HONOURS Kohima - 1942-45 For the rst time in history a Regiment of the Indian Army has been raised in Assam and has been given the name “Assam
Jessami - 1944 Regiment” .We wish the nucleus of the Regiment good luck in the name of the province of Assam. Grand as it is to carry on
02 Distinguished Service Order (DSO) Mawlaik - 1944-1945 Chhamb 1971 glorious tradition, it is even grander to make them. Opportunity lies before you so to conduct yourself, whether in
01 Distinguished Conduct Medal cantonments or in the eld, that future generations will recount with awe and with pride the deeds that brought renown
Kyaukmyaung - 1945 BATTLE to the Assam Regiment in the ercest struggle the world has ever seen.
03 Indian Distinguished Service Medal (IDSM) Toungoo - 1945
Ardura - 1942-45 HONOURS Sir Robert Neil Reid, KCSI, KCIE
Governor of Assam addressing the troops on the Raising
Chhamb - 1971
08 Military Cross (MC) Honours & Awards THEATRE Burma -1942-45 See on Map 1971 ASSAM 5 ASSAM 1
08 Military Medal (MM) J&K - 1947-48 See on Map 5 ASSAM Regimental 1963 ARUNACHAL
(Pre-Independence) HONOURS J&K - 1971
03 Order of the British Empire (OBE) Centre SCOUTS
1943 15 ASSAM 166 Infantry 2010
1987 Battalion (TA)
02 Order of the British India Second Class Re raising ur Presenta 10 ASSAM 14 ASSAM ur Presenta ur Presenta
20 Jangi Inam 2 ASSAM 1981 1985 ASSAM
1963 1976 9 ASSAM 12 ASSAM 1991 2005 2016
35 RR
1942 1945 Colo
16 Assam
59 RR 2010
Honours & Awards 119 TA 4 ASSAM 6 ASSAM 2
08 Certi cate of Gallantry 1 ASSAM ASSAM 1960 1964 42 RR 134 Infantry ARUNACHAL
30 Mention in Despatches (Post-Independence) 1941 1949 2001 Battalion (TA)
01 Ashok Chakra ASSAM 2013
02 Mahavir Chakra 2007
05 Vir Chakra Roorkee 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
08 Kirti Chakra
Assam Regiment in United Nations Roorkee Tezpur Shilllong Tamulpur Rangapahar Umroi Missamari 7 ASSAM 165 Infantry 17 ASSAM
19 Shaurya Chakra 1976 Battalion (TA) 2011
02 Padma Shri 1978 2005
Raisings & Colour Presentation 135 Infantry
08 AVSM Ceremonies Battalion (TA)
10 YSM Ecological ASSAM
26 VSM 2007
UNIFIL “The main weight of the enemy advance fell on the Battalion of Assam Regiment in the rst battle of its career. Missamari BATTLE
Fighting in its own country, it put up a magni cent resistance, held doggedly to one position after another against
2004-05 overwhelming odds, and in spite of heavy casualties, its companies although separated never lost cohesion. The Rangapahar BATTLE BATTLE HONOURS
Lebanon delay the Assam Regiment imposed on the 31st Japanese Division at the stage was invaluable.”
Field Marshal Viscount WJ Slim, KG, GCB, GCMG, GCMO, GBE, DSO, MC
UNTAC in his book ‘Defeat into Victory’ Tezpur
C11o9Am9Sb2So-A9dM3ia Ardura (1942-45)
Kohima (1942-45)
Umroi Shilllong
Jessami (1944)
(1987-90) IPKF, HONOURS
CEYLONE Mawlaik(1944-1945)
4 ASSAM & 7
ASSAM BATTLE Kyaukmyaung(1945)
Two Battalions were HONOURS
part of the Indian
Peace Keeping Forces
in Sri Lanka in 1988.
1966 1991 2001 2016 BURM A
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Toungoo(1945)
Celebrations at Assam Regiment
The Regiment has extensively participated in tackling IS issues and conducting war time operations and exercises.
Klemta Arunachal Pradesh (2012-14)
Operational Responsibilities at
Bum La Sector
Shelter-1 ASSAM
Rhinos in Action during CA Demo in East Sikkim- 2009 SHBO Training by Rhinos at
Air Force Station, Jammu- 2006
1992-93, 1 ASSAM UNTAC - CO with Advance
Party for Air Recce of Sector 5 East
Op FALCON Honing the Combat Skills ‘Sudarshan Shakti’ Nov 2011
Every Moment,Every Second
Stringent Training Exercises Op Rakshak (Poonch)
J&K 1993-1995
The Ibex Warriors are anyday ready for Col JS Bawa, Maj AS Harga, Op ‘PARAKRAM’ (2004) Op FALCON Arunachal Pradesh (2009)
operations in High Altitude Areas of RALP 2 Lt MC Tamang & Others Jubilation after demining Training Ex in progress
during Manwal Training near
of Bn AOR
Jammu in 1996
CO with the Men after
Op Kaziranga Strike (2003)
2 ASSAM Battalion became the An adhoc company under Op RAKSHAK- Gaon Bura with Rhino Post (Ring Contour) Sino - India Border Arunachal Op RHINO - I The Battalion was “Twice” posted at
first Battalion of Indian Army to Maj IS Cheema occupied ‘D’ Company and the recovered Pradesh (2012) - The Bn Siachen on Field duties
establish indelible foot prints in Bara Village after 18 km of
war like stores established an air maintenance
Left Wing Extremism (LWE) Approach March on post at Andra La Omkar in
affected areas in the vicinity of 18 December, 1971
Narainpur Manoeuvre Ranges addition to a large no of LRPs
(NMR), Chhattisgarh in 2011 and construction of PDs
in Op area
OpeARrshsaiantmiooRnCeghCiamAregCnetTUS LILY, 1971
It was in 1971 when the Pakistan Army enforced military rule in East Pakistan when internally it rose against it for curtailing civil Operation MEGHDOOT, 1984
political rights. About 10 million refugees fled to India. East Pakistan rose up against West Pakistan and Pakistan Army.
The people of East Pakistan appealed to India for help. India declared war against Pakistan formally on 03 December 1971, after The Regiment has its several Units deployed on the highest battlefield in the world, defending Siachen against Pakistan, China. Over
Pakistani aircraft attacked Indian airbases and infrastructure and their Army launched an offensive against India. At that stage, the the years, Battalions have been patrolling the most difficult mountainous terrains:
Regiment had 2 and 5 ASSAM deployed in J & K, 3 & 4 ASSAM in Punjab in the Western theatre, while 6 ASSAM, the ASSAM
REGIMENTAL CENTRE & 119 TA deployed in the East. Year Area of Domination Battalion
The unmatchable Battles at Chhamb, Fazilka, Uri, Balurghat/Hilli Sector of East Pakistan, Dawki Sector were the Regiment’s
contribution to the overall victory of Indian Army. 5 ASSAM lost 5 Officers and 19 ORs in this battle and was awarded the Battle 1984 Saltoro Ridge 5 ASSAM
Honour of Chhamb for its heroism and valour. 6 ASSAM had its glory etched when it got Instrument of Surrender signed by Pakistan.
119 TA Infantry Battalion along with Assam Regimental Centre were the first to enter Dacca.
Operation BLUE STAR, 1984
1985 Zoji La, to facilitate the movement of troops 2 ASSAM
1986 Saltoro Ridge 3 ASSAM
1992-94 HAA East,Shyok Valley 14 ASSAM
Late 1997- Late Oct 98 Saltoro Ridge 15 ASSAM
Late 1999-Mid 2000 Saltoro Range 4 ASSAM
Mid 2003-05 Sub Sector Haneefuddin 14 ASSAM
Jul 2012-Sep 2014. Sub Sector Haneefuddin 1 ASSAM
1 ASSAM, 6 ASSAM, 8 ASSAM and 10 ASSAM commenced with attacks/raids on Gurudwaras and camps of the Sikh militants led
by Bhindranwale, who had holed himself up in the Golden temple.
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
Assam Regiment has been time to time aiding United Nations on the peace keeping missions.
Cambodia (UNTAC)
1 ASSAM– June 1992 to March 1993
Sumdorong Chu Crises, Op Falcon 1986 Cambodia, with a population of about 9 million, was involved in a civil war between four rival factions in which more than a million
Cambodians had lost their lives since the French withdrawal from its colony in 1953. The UN brokered a peace Agreement
The Regiment very diplomatically tackled China. 7, 10 and 12 ASSAM have been instrumental in getting China back off, when between the factions. Supervised by UN (UNTAC), steps were to be taken to bring peace to the region, starting with a cease
Chinese troops were detected occupying a seasonal Indian Intelligence Bureau post at Wangdung ,South of Thag La. War would fire. Sequentially phased was disarming and demobilisation, national elections, the installation of a Government, assistance to the
have been evident if the diplomatic and military strategy of 12 ASSAM had not prevailed. Government in functioning, and the final withdrawal.
The Battalion verified the withdrawal of foreign forces, supervised the ceasefire, cantonised, disarmed and demobilised the factions,
Operation AVERT, 1987-88 it too instituted a weapons control programme to ensure disarmament and assisted in mine clearing besides investigating and acting
3 and 14 ASSAM participated in the Border Sealing Operations on special request from Punjab Police to contain infiltration and anti on complaints, assisting in the repatriation of refugees and carrying out civic actions.
national activities on International Border.
Operation VIJAY, 1999
Assam Regiment troops both on the LC and on the Grid in J & K faced extensive and heavy fighting. 1 ASSAM was deployed in
Machhal Sector in 2000-01, 9 ASSAM at Kupwara from 2000-02, 7 ASSAM at Tangdhar from 1998 -2000, 15 ASSAM at Gandharbal
and then Uri from 1998 - 99, 35 RR at Badgam Sector, 42 RR initially at Chowkibal/Trehgam and then in Tral Sectors for the entire
period, 119 TA at Badamibagh for protection of the 15 Corps HQ and road opening duties. These Units were to a execution of
Counter Insurgency, Counter Terrorism operations and the clearing up of the area by 2001.
Operation PARAKRAM, 2001-02
Following attacks by terrorists on the J&K Assembly in Srinagar on 01 October 2001 and on the Indian Parliament at New
Delhi on 13 December 2001, the Indian Armed Forces were mobilised and were concentrated in the West to strike at
Pakistan. 3, 4, 6 and 7 ASSAM were part of this mobilisation.
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
Lebanon (UNIFIL)
15 ASSAM-June 2004 to December 2005
The Battalion was deployed as INDBATT-VII in South Lebanon
at Northern border of UNIFIL and took over the operational
responsibility on 15 December 2004. The Area of Responsibility
of the Battalion covered 340 sq km consisting of 20 UN positions
including nine along the Blue Line. In recognition of exemplary
performance of peacekeeping task, the Unit became the first Indian
Infantry Battalion Group as part of INDBATT to be conferred
Congo (MONUC) Proud Moment
10 ASSAM - 01 January to
30 December, 2008
The Battalion was entrusted with the onerous task of strengthening the fragile peace process as also providing populace protection
within its Area of Responsibility spanning little over 44,000 sq km.
Assam is a beautiful and ethnic state that consists of plains of the all sides. The serene settings are breeding ground for graceful
Brahmaputra valley, Cachar Hills and borders with Bangladesh classical dance traditions, intricate art forms, sumptuous cuisine
and is sprawled lazily along the length of the Brahmaputra and the sport of Polo. Manipur sits pretty amid rolling hills along
valley. A hospitable population, a cuisine with its own distinctive India’s border with Myanmar.
aromas and flavours, a vibrant artistic heritage marked by exotic
dance forms, and a string of elegant Hindu temples top its list Meghalaya, ‘the abode of clouds’ in Sanskrit is a sister state to
of innumerable attractions, picturesque golden-green vista of the northeast of Assam and Bangladesh to its southwest. It is
jigsaw-like rice fields and manicured tea estates, framed in the well endowed with natural resources.
distance by the blue mountains of Arunachal in the north and
the highlands of Meghalaya and Nagaland to the south. The state’s population predominantly comprises the Jaintia,
Khasi and Garo tribes, who live in the eastern, central and
Nagaland, the uncontested ‘Wild East’ of India lies astride the western parts respectively.
Patkai and Naga hill ranges of the Eastern Hills. It is a place of
primeval beauty with its dazzling hills and valleys. Of course, Mizoram lies with Manipur and Assam to its north, Tripura
Nagaland today is a shadow of its once savage self, and much of and Bangladesh to its west, Myanmar to its east Ethnically,
the south of the state is fairly developed. In the north, however, the majority of the local population shares similarities with
you still stand a good chance of meeting tribesmen in exotic communities in neighbouring Southeast Asian countries such as
attire who continue to live a lifestyle. Myanmar (Burma), and the predominant religion is Christianity.
Manipur is a beautiful valley and in many ways similar to Kashmir Tripura is a state rich in History & Archaeology which thrives
and sits astride the Patkai, Naga and Manipur hill ranges. About on its handful of royal palaces and temples, diversity of cultural
75% of the state is hilly with the hills surrounding the valley on streams & faiths, handicrafts, traditional art & music. Its flora
and fauna, biodiversity and flushing meadows always cast a
magnetic spell on visitors and tourists.
Assam Regiment
Rhino Charge
Arunachal Pradesh, India’s wildest and least explored state Sikkim is a strong preserve of Tibetan Buddhism and its public VIII. RHINO CHARM
rises abruptly from the Assam plains as a mass of densely aesthetics are executed in shades of ritualistic vermilion, gold,
forested, and impossibly steep hills, which eventually top off blue and green. Lighter Side of the Regiment
as snow-capped peaks along the Tibetan border. It is home to (Off Records)*
26 indigenous tribes, and perhaps the last sanctuary for India’s Assam Regiment- Recruiting Areas President’s Lunch during the Colour Presentation, 1976 (The Combined narrative of Col Amar Sen’s account and that of organisers)
natural and anthropological heritage
Junior Commissioned Officers and men of the Regiment are Even our large dining room with its 30 ft long table was not sufficient for all guests to be seated at one time. Lunch was therefore,
Sikkim is arguably among the loveliest destinations in India. recruited from India’s NER (the erstwhile undivided Assam), in two phases with “Family” in Phase II. For such a large formal lunch, new mess staff had to be rounded up and trained. We had to
The plunging Rhododendron clad mountain valleys in the consisting of the states of Assam, Arunachal, Nagaland, turn to the pool of recruits as everyone else was involved in the parade.This, in turn, created its own problems as boys were quite
north, West Sikkim’s atmospheric Buddhist monasteries, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and Sikkim. unfamiliar with mess procedures and etiquette. Twenty grinning little gods of destruction* had to be licked into shape for a service
monumental religious statues in South Sikkim, and friendly The initial draft of the Regiment was drawn from Undivided team to attend the table for President’s luncheon. Content with one mess tin to hold a meal, the logic of a five course lunch was
urban centres in the east complemented with stunning views Assam, consisting of Ahoms, Nagas, Mizos, Kukis, Garos, puzzling to them.
of Khangchendzonga, the world’s third-highest mountain Manipuris and other tribes. Later, the tribes of Arunachal
(8598m), are visible from almost any viewpoint in the state. Pradesh, domiciled Gorkhas of Assam and Sikkimese were Available officers were press-ganged into becoming ‘dummies’ for mess rehearsals. To remove a soup plate from the left, some of
drawn into the folds. the shorter Rhinos understandably had to embrace the dummies which they probably thought was part of the procedure. Some
‘waiters’ mistook the meaning of the positions of knives and forks on the plates and there was a tug of war between the gently
persuading dummy and the determined ‘sathi’.
Such are the little joys a Rhino inhales, the tough discipline with the toast of a ready smile makes him incredibly dear.
*Col Amar Sen’s phrase, remembered when binocular lenses clouded with fungus or radio aerials snapped for no apparent reason.
Assam Regiment Class Composition
Assam Regiment X. MEMORIES
Rhino Charge
1. Major Ayub Khan (Later Field Marshal & President of Pakistan): Major Mohammed Ayub Khan from The Punjab Regiment was
posted as Second in Command. Later, during Operations in Burma, after the tragic death of Lt Col Brown by a Japanese sniper’s
bullet in Zigon. Ayub Khan took over command of the Battalion till arrival of Lt Col EHM Parsons on 27 Feb 1944.
2. Brig T Sailo, First Commanding Officer 4 ASSAM: “Late Brig Thenphunga Sailo was the first Army officer from Mizoram who
served two terms as Chief Minister of Mizoram. He was a recipient of Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM) for distinguished service
and was also honoured with Padma Shree in 1999 for his humanitarian work after retirement and Mizo Award for his lifetime
3. Assam Regiment has served with distinction in different wars and in various operational areas of the country in its six decades of
martial history.
4. It was a part of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) in Sri Lanka and of UN Peace Keeping Forces (UNPKF) in Cambodia,
Congo and Lebanon.
5. It has won seven Battle Honours, three Theatre Honours, six exclusive Unit Citations and several gallantry awards.
6. Assam Regiment Contingent was adjudged the “Best Marching Contingent” in the Army Day and Republic Day Celebrations,
“Late Brig Thenphunga Salio was the first Army officer from Mizoram and served two terms as Chief Minister of Mizoram.
He was a recipient of Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM) for distinguished service. He was also honoured with Padma Shree
in 199 for his humanitarian work after retirement and Mizo Award for his lifetime achievements.”
Rhino Charge
Assam Regiment War Memorial The inspiration comes from within and the willingness for betterment. Assam Regimental Centre is
committed to inspire generations. On the occasion of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Assam Regiment, a
When greed sups with the devil legacy is taken forward. Gratitude is reserved for our veterans, officers and every individual who inspired
And principles are shed this possibility.
When power is corrupted
Brig Sudhir Kumar Jha, YSM
And truth stands on its head Commandant, Assam Regimental Centre
When fear pervades the confused mind
And fools are easy led
When reason is a prisoner
The bell tolls for the dead.
Tom Walker