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Published by 1028-11-haziq, 2022-10-16 09:53:38

E-Book Haziq T1S1.02

E-Book Haziq T1S1.02




No. I/D : 041231080441
Turn Number :
Program : PPISMP
Take : JUN 2022
Unit : PAI 1.02
Lecturer’s Name : MRS. RAJA ZAIDA BINTI
Date Of Submit : 16 OCTOBER 2022


I acknowledge that this continuous assessment is my own work except for quotations

and summaries for each of which I cite the source.

Student’s Signature :_HAZIQ_______ Date : 16/10/2022


Mark Mark
Signature Signature
Stamps Stamps
Date Date

I confirm that I have read and understood the feedback given by the lecturer.

Student’s Signature: HAZIQ Date: 16/10/2022


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe. From Allah all the
blessings that are on this earth, Allah is the most generous and merciful god. Grateful to
God, for giving me the blessing of good health, the blessing of time, and guidance for me to
complete this writing perfectly.

On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to
the lecturer who has guided me a lot, Mrs. Raja Zaida Binti Raja Ahmad Kamar. She has
given me a lot of guidance related to this writing and never gets tired of answering my
questions whether during the lecture or outside of lectures.

Next, a million thanks to both parents whom I love and respect forever. They are
both people who have always been the backbone in helping me complete this writing. Thank
you for always providing motivation, support, and encouragement during the completion of
this writing.

Don't forget to say thank you to my comrades who have shared a lot of knowledge
and information in preparing this writing.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all parties who have helped me
complete this writing directly or indirectly. May God reward you all for your kindness.

The things that bring me the greatest happiness

What is happiness? When things are going well, happiness is a state of mind and an
emotion that is expressed. It is how we feel after purchasing our first vehicle, moving into a
new home, or graduating with the highest GPA. Joy should be distinguished from happiness.
Happiness depends on life events and joy is a continual state of mind. We are unable to put
happiness into words, instead, we can only sense it when someone smiles. Similar to this,
being happy is a sign or indicator of a good and wealthy life. Happiness is incredibly easy to
feel but challenging to put into words. Moreover, no one can take your happiness away
because it originates from within. For me, there are several things that bring happiness to my


First is family. Family is defined in various ways in the dictionary. A basic social
group in society is described as "composed of one or more parents and their children" in one
description. Although this definition is a fine place to start, it does not include many
contemporary family structures, such as childless couples, friends who are family, or many
more variations of the family unit. "Two or more persons who share aims and values, have
long-term commitments to one another, and frequently reside in the same dwelling" is a
different definition. The word "family" has various definitions today, all of which are good and
worthy of celebration. For me, having a family is the most important thing that brings me
happiness. It is because spending time with them gives me a lot of benefits. One of them is
reducing stress. My mind and body can benefit from a break from the pressures of work

deadlines and obligations when I spend time with my family. I can
feel re-energized and ready to take on the world after spending
quality time with my family. It is a productive method for lowering
stress and enhancing mental well-being. Also, spending time with
family improves my academic performance. Children from happy
homes are frequently better able to focus and perform well in
school. Parents can assist kids with their academic tasks and
learning when they spend time with their families. For me,
spending time with family allows me to develop my communication
and problem-solving skills as well as my self-confidence. These can significantly contribute
to personality development and support academic success.

Next, the thing that brings me happiness is sports. I love sport very much. Sport
means a contest or activity that requires physical effort and ability to be played or performed
in accordance with rules, and is done for fun or as a job. Nowadays, the sport has become
popular among people, especially teenagers. Teenagers often spend their leisure time
playing sports including me. I always play football or handball with my friends in the evening.
That makes me happy because sports built discipline. This discipline could be tactical,
mental, or physical. Any sport needs discipline if you want to improve. Any sport would be
difficult to succeed at without self-control. The player can attain their greatest potential and
accomplish their goals with discipline. For example, in sports, I would be expected to follow
instructions, obey coaches' commands, and accept their decisions when participating in
sports. In sports, good discipline is valued because poor discipline carries penalties. I can


gain a crucial life skill that would benefit me in both my job and personal life by listening to
the coach and peers. Other than that, sports teach me sportsmanship. In the majority of your
endeavors in life, there will be a victor and a loser. I can develop sportsmanship through
sports. Instead of feeling totally dejected after a loss, I learn how to accept and deal with it. I
learn via sports that it's acceptable to lose sometimes. It's crucial to get back up and try

Third, the thing that brings me happiness is food. Food is a material that is mostly
made up of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fat and is used by organisms to
fuel their growth and important operations. In other words, food means something that

sustains life by being consumed by humans,
animals, or plants. There are many types of
food in this world according to country and
culture. For example, Malay food is totally
different from American food. Malay food
contains carbohydrates like rice or noodle.
Different from American food which contains
carbohydrates like bread and more protein
source like meat. Food makes me happy and
helps me to forget my problem and relax my mind from pressure. When I was in depression,
I usually take a break and eat dark chocolate. I had bad moods at times. I frequently
experience anxiety, sadness, depression, and other negative emotions. Magnesium, a
necessary mineral believed to reduce stress and elevate mood, is abundant in dark


chocolate. The stress hormone cortisol is suppressed by magnesium. I need magnesium in
my diet, but few foods do. Because of this, I eat dark chocolate, which contains magnesium.
A 2019 study discovered that eating dark chocolate was linked to a lower chance of
developing depression symptoms. Beyond the sugar rush, a 2020 study also indicated that
people’s brain performance was enhanced by chocolate.

To sum up, happiness is very important in our life. It is something that cannot get
although we have a lot of money. People will say money is the key to happiness but the truth
is we can get expensive food, gadget, and big house with money but not happiness. Howard
Hughes once said money can’t buy happiness. The richest people on earth would be the
happiest people in the world if money could buy happiness. However, we observe a different
image of the wealthy, who are depressed, afraid, agitated, and afflicted with many issues.
That shows us that happiness is something that you can’t buy. All of the things that I have
mentioned above bring me happiness in my life. Family, sports, and food all of this make my
life better and peace.


Alysa Hullett. (2022, March 23). Feel-Good Fare: 15 Foods That Make You Happy. Greatist.

Harini Natarajan. (2022, September 28). 10 Incredible Benefits Of Spending Time With
Family. Stylecraze.

Harsh Mahaseth. (2016, October 4). 5 Benefits Of Sports For Kids. Novak Djokovic

J.K. Garcia. (2021, February 2). Personal Essay Example About Happiness: What
Happiness Means To Me. PrivateWriting.

Prasanna. (2020, June 2). Happiness Essay | Essay On Happiness For Students And
Children In English. AplusTopper.

Unknown. (2022, May 23). 5 Proven Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate. Diet & Nutrition.



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