scentsational start program
Summary of Home Office Touch Points
with New Consultants
Day 1 Welcome to Scentsy
Meet your Consultant Support Team
Day 2 Launch your business! First Things First checklist.
Day 3 Link to PDF
Your Scentsy Starter Kit is on the way!
Introduction to your Workstation Have you checked out your Workstation yet?
As you wait for your Starter Kit to arrive, we want to clue you in on a couple of things you can start doing NOW for your
business. It pays to get ahead of the game!
1. Visit your Workstation: Log in and take a look around. This is where you’ll place and track orders, set up parties, track
your sales and income, get information on Scentsy news and events, manage your contacts and more!
2. First Things First: Once you log in to your Workstation, you’ll see a “First Things First” tracker on the homepage. It
includes a checklist of all the things you need to do to officially launch your business. Set a goal to get these done within
your first 10 days!
Have questions? Just click on the Consultant Support tab. We’re here for you!
The Scentsy Home Office Team
Within the first You’re invited to a new-Consultant webinar! Visit the Training Center for the recorded webinar
two weeks of
Day 5 Make the most of your Starter Kit
Day 9
A message from Heidi Thompson, President
You’ve been with us for a little more than a week. How does it feel? I hope you’re excited and having an amazing time. But I
also hope you have at least a few butterflies in your stomach.
At Scentsy, we know butterflies are a good thing! This is one of my favorite quotes:
“Don’t expect to be comfortable when you are growing, or to grow when you are comfortable.”
It took courage to launch your Scentsy business. You had to dare to be uncomfortable. That in itself is such a triumph! There
will be days when little doubts creep into the back of your mind. They come to all of us, those moments when we feel like
giving in.
Instead, think about this quote, as I so often do. Remember the courage it took for you to abandon your comfort zone and
chase a dream. Remember your Scentsy goal and all your reasons for joining.
Most of all, I hope you’ll reach out to a fellow Consultant — your Sponsor, your upline Director, a friend. We all need
encouragement from time to time. Don’t be afraid to get out there and find it!
I am so grateful you took the leap and joined our Scentsy family. Now embrace those butterflies and have some fun!
Lots of love,
Day 17 Learn from Scentsy leaders!
Day 24
We asked some of our top leaders what they wish they knew when they first joined as a Scentsy Consultant.
Learn from Scentsy leaders!
We asked some of our top leaders what they wish they knew when they first joined as a Scentsy Consultant.
Day 40 A message from Orville Thompson, CEO
Here you are, a little more than a month into your Scentsy journey. At this point, it can be easy to get caught up in what’s to
come — a bigger paycheck, a larger team, a better title, success.
I’d like to give you a piece of advice: Focus on where you are today, without losing sight of tomorrow.
I encourage you to grow, but with patience. Whether you have already begun to see some success with Scentsy or are still
finding your way, resources like the Training Center and our incentive and awards programs are here to help you build your
business on solid ground.
I have witnessed unbelievable personal and professional growth among our Consultants. Their stories are unique, but the
moral is the same: Hard work, commitment and gratitude will transform you into the BEST you.
You are here for a purpose that only you can fulfill. Let go of any negative thinking or self-doubt. Surround yourself with
people who believe in you and want you to succeed. Help others along the way.
Go all in with Scentsy.
Let yourself grow.
Day 47 Learn from Scentsy leaders!
Day 50
We asked some of our top leaders what they wish they knew when they first joined as a Scentsy Consultant.
A message from Chuck Thompson, Chief Culture Officer
Whether or not you joined Scentsy to find friendship, you will find it.
This business is about relationships — with your Sponsor, with your downline, with your customers and Hosts. The more energy
you pour into those relationships, the more successful you’ll be. But there’s one relationship that will impact your life and
business more than you can imagine.
Have you found your Scentsy buddy yet?
When you have passion, you can achieve amazing things. You can fly with the dedication and commitment and desire in your
heart. But you can really soar when someone has your back and is there to support your goal.
I encourage you to find your Scentsy buddy. Maybe it’s your Sponsor, or a dear friend you sponsor yourself. Maybe it’s another
new Consultant you meet at your first Scentsy event.
When you do connect, here’s the very best part: You’ll get to give back all the love, support and encouragement you get.
All the best,
Day 57 Learn from Scentsy leaders!
Day 67
Day 70 We asked some of our top leaders what they wish they knew when they first joined as a Scentsy Consultant.
Learn from Scentsy leaders!
We asked some of our top leaders what they wish they knew when they first joined as a Scentsy Consultant.
A message from Heidi Thompson and a survey
At Scentsy, we consider Consultants “new” during their first 70 days. That’s why you’ve been hearing from us so much! We
want to be sure you have everything you need as you get started.
Today is Day 70, which means you are no longer a “new” Consultant! You’re still going to hear from us plenty, but our hope is
that you now have the tools and know-how you need to take your Scentsy business to the next level.
So, what now?
• Keep learning. I want you to have a complete understanding of the resources and support available to you along
your Scentsy journey. Set a goal to spend time in the Training Center each day and master your Workstation. Reach
out to your Sponsor and other Consultants who have been where you are. Don’t recreate the wheel if one has
already been built for you!
• Attend a Scentsy event. You will not believe how inspiring it is to be surrounded by Scentsy Spirit! Whether it’s a
team meeting or an event put on by the home office, do whatever you can to connect with your Scentsy family and
feel the love.
• Complete our New Consultant Satisfaction Survey. It won’t take long, and it will help ensure we offer the very best
support to the next round of new Consultants — including the ones you’re sponsoring now!
You may not be a brand-new Consultant anymore, but that doesn’t mean we’re not still here for you. When you need support
or encouragement or an answer, please don’t hesitate to call us.
At the beginning of your Scentsy journey, I shared one of my favorite quotes with you:
“Don’t expect to be comfortable when you are growing, or to grow when you are comfortable.”
As you move into the next phase with Scentsy, that’s just about the best advice I can offer you: Stay uncomfortable.
We believe in you!
Lots of love,