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Published by Gracie Hivner, 2019-03-25 10:18:54

Field Hockey

Field Hockey

Field Hockey

By: Hivner, Gracie E

Table of Contents

Pg.1 Cover
Pg.2 Table of contents
Pg.3 Glossary
Pg.4 Descriptive
Pg.5 Descriptive picture
Pg.6 Sequence
Pg.7 Sequence picture
Pg.8 Compare/ contrast
Pg.9 compare/ contrast picture
Pg.10 Cause/ effect
Pg.11 Cause/effect picture
Pg. 12 problem/solution
Pg.13 Problem/solution picture
Pg. 14 Autobiography

G​ lossary

Backhand- Position in corner where players go to the
other side of the Field.

Corner- Place where player can shoot/ make a goal.Event
when a foul occurs in the corner.

Dribble- When you tap consistently or carry the ball at
least a yard.

Flyer- Position during corner where the player sprints as
fast as he/she can.

Post- Position during corner where player guards the
corner of the goal. Sides of the cage.

Trail- Position during corner when the player follows the

What The Field Looks Like


​There are 11 lines on the field. There are two on
each side of the field. They are called the end lines. There
are two lines on each side of the field that connect the two
endpoints that are called the sidelines. About 16 yards
from the end lines are the first corner.This is the area
where you can shoot the ball. About 4 yards out is the
broken circle or the 20 yard mark. This is where you
defend the ball coming in the circle or where you get ready
to shoot. 5 years out from the broken is the 25 line, this
line marks half of your side. 30 yards out from that is the
halfline. The halfline is where you start the ball when your
beginning the game or when someone gets a goalie.

​How to drive a ball

​ sequence

T​ here are multiple steps to drive a ball. The first

step to it is getting the ball in place. In order to get the ball
in place you get you ball right in front of you then take one
step southwest. Once you have the ball in place you need
to position your hands. You bring your left hand down a
inch then move your right hand up about an inch away
from your left hand. Next how you want to hit the ball. With
your left leg take a step forward. Then while taking your
step forward bring your stick up to your hip. Once your
about to finish your step bring your stick forward and hit
the ball. Finally after you hit the ball you want to bring your
stick about 5 inches off the ground and in the direction you
want the ball to go.

The difference between a Goalie and a
Field Player

​ There are similarities and differences
to goalies and field players. For example
their sticks. They both hold their stick in the
left hand but the goalies sticks are curved
and swivel and the normal sticks are
straight with a small curve on the end. Also
during a corner both the Goalie and 3 field
players are in the goal. Goalies don't go out
of the circle but field players do go out.
Finally the equipments. Field players only
play with a stick mouth guard uniform shin
guards long socks and cleats. Goalies have
to hear lots of padding even more padding.

How to defend a corner

​ When there is a foul in the corner you
have a corner. If you need to defend a
corner you will have four positions.
Backhand flyer post and trail. When they
insert the ball the flyer runs and tries to get
the ball. If the ball gets through the flyer
they go to the trail. If it gets past the trail the
goalie will take care of it.

How to defend a free hit

D​ uring a game you will most definitely
come across a free hit. Someone on your
team committed a foul but now you need to
make sure the ball doesn't get to the other
team. So to defend the corner you will
make a wall. You will have your three
forwards in front of the ball, behind the
three forwards you will have two mids and
behind them will be the defence.


The author of this book is named Gracie
Hivner. She is 12 and was born december
13th 2006. She loves playing field hockey.
Her favorite song writer is Alec Benjamin.
Gracie has brown hair, brown eyes and
brown freckles. Gracie lives with her mom,
dad, sister dog and cat. Gracies dream in
life is to be the first woman picked for the
United states uniformed ​ ​special services.

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