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Published by xiiaowen0616, 2022-03-10 06:03:31

final magazine

final magazine


There is no sincerer love than the love of food.

How to make latte art

What should
you know

about caffeine?


What we find
most impressive

is that you can
actually drink
these designs
when they’re




The World’s Most Amazing

Latte Art

N o food trend has tak- We found some artists who
en our breath away do this professionally and
quite like latte art. The some who do it for fun — but
foamy, intricate, and edible they’re are all crazy talented
designs made by highly skilled at turning coffee into beautiful
barista-slash-artists are among works of art. While one trend
the best things on Instagram, we’ve seen lately is coffee
posted by happy customers in shops using special latte print-
cafes across the world as well ers to create designs such as
as by those who create them. Ryan Gosling’s face atop a
We’re captivated by these tal- steaming mug, for the purpos-
ented coffee slingers who have es of this gallery we have kept
crafted cups of coffee into it old-school and just selected
everything from reproductions art that was hand-created, not
of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” computer-generated.
to lifelike 3D latte bears, cats,
and more.

These amazing creations are
mostly made with steamed
milk passed through espresso
in patterns and shapes, but
some artists have taken it to
the next level, using food col-
oring and even glitter to make
their designs stand out. We
combed through photos from
cafes, restaurants, Instagram,
and even coffee competitions
to find what we consider to be
the most amazing latte art from
all over the world.


5 Things

to Know About

(Yes, There’s Latte Art in 3D!)

Recently I had my own chance to try my hand at doing latte art. Let’s

put it this way: it’s not at all easy. Good baristas might make it look

simple, but after making something that looked more like a deformed

blowfish, I have a newfound respect for cute hearts in milk foam.


I f you’re a lover of Milk is made up of play. The barista pours Who started latte art?
coffee drinks with fat, sugar and proteins. so as to get the milk in Although milk and cof-
milk, then it’s safe When you steam the first, and then finish with fee have been consumed
to assume that at some milk, the fat breaks the foam, in order to together in Europe for
point you’ve been hand- down and the sugars create the design. centuries, legend has
ed a cup, looked at the break down as well, into it that David Schomer
formation made by the smaller, simpler sugars, There are latte art started the US latte art
combination of coffee which actually make the championships. craze in the mid 1980s.
and milk and thought to milk taste sweeter. Oh yes, there are a few However, a guy in Italy
yourself, “how did they different ones, includ- named Luigi Lupi was
do that?” Then comes the question ing a national US and a doing the same thing
Here are a few facts of pouring milk into the world version. This year around the same time.
about latte art that just espresso, which is where a guy named Christian Whoever did the latte
might make you respect the physics come into Ullrich from Germany art first, there’s no
that cup even more. was the winner, with his denying that Schomer
You can go to a designer latte art being a became an expert on it,
Latte art is all about latte art training! turtle. he even wrote a book
the science of milk. If you’re interest- about it.
You can’t make latte art ed, here’s a great And there’s even 3D
by pouring in regular slideshow of the latte art. 5
milk to coffee, now can step-by-step process A barista by the name of
you? No, the reason that to make latte art. Kazuki Yamamoto (you
you can make shapes Obviously you’ll can follow him and his
in coffee has to do with need access to an latte art designs on Twit-
science. To make what’s espresso machine, ter) made the internet
known as “microfoam,” and a lot of time go crazy last year with
which is what’s poured and patience. Of his 3D designs of cats,
into your cup, baristas course, you can giraffes, even a Snoopy.
add steam to the milk always go the latte Proof that if you have
and rapidly heat it, there- art school route; the time and the creativ-
by altering the physical many cafes around ity, you really can do
characteristics of the the world offer latte anything.
milk, in scientific terms art courses.
called “denaturing.”

how to do LATTE
ART – a beginner’s

Once your textured steamed milk is ready, theor coffee lovers, your regular fix is one offirst and finishes with the foam in order to create the
those things that you look forward to every design.
Cnext step is pouring it into your cup of espresso,
F morning, evening, or any other time of day. • Other mistakes people make when mak-
ing coffee art
And with so many parameters affecting how much
you get to enjoy your coffee, many people consider * Besides adding regular milk to regular coffee,
making a good shot of espresso an art in itself.If there are a few other mistakes that beginners make
you like your coffee with milk, you must have come when pouring latte art, like:
across a different kind of art: latte art – the fascinat- * Pouring the milk too slowly: This causes the milk
ing patterns made in the foam topping your espresso to separate in the pitcher, resulting in less-aerated
drink. Ever wondered how to make latte art in your milk pouring into the beverage and more-aerated
own kitchen? milk remaining in the pitcher. This not only makes
pouring latte art difficult, but also gives you an un-
Baristas claim that there are two key ingredients for der-aerated beverage.
making a great cup of latte: a fresh shot of espres- * Lifting the pitcher away from the beverage surface
so with an adequate amount of crema and properly when pouring: When you raise the pitcher away
textured steamed milk. from the surface of the beverage, it causes the milk
The reason why you can’t make latte by simply to dive into the crema rather than resting on top of
adding regular milk to coffee has to do with both the crema to form your art.
science and physics. * Keeping the spout of the pitcher too close to the
beverage surface: This has the opposite effect, as the
To make the ‘microfoam’ that is poured into your milk tends to skim the surface of the beverage, so it
cup, baristas usually add steam to milk and then rap- doesn’t create a pattern.
idly heat it. This scientific process is called “dena- * So, now that you know the key aspects of pouring
turing” as it caused the physical properties of milk to make good latte art (height, position, flow) you
to be altered. can try to pour your own cup.
Milk is essentially composed of sugar, fat, and
proteins. When it is steamed, the fat and the sugars • How to make latte art. There are three
in the milk break down into smaller, simpler sugars basic phases of making latte art:
that make the milk sweeter.

1. Making the perfect foam
2. Pulling your espresso

which involves some physics. The barista pours 3. Pouring the milk

the steamed milk in such a way that the milk drains



I’m A Barista From
Korea Who Creates
Art On Coffee

I wanted to find amazing and delicate new

flavor of coffee so I developed Cremart. And

now, many people likes my Cremart. I hope

here I’ll find some more people who will enjoy


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