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American English File 1 Workbook ( PDFDrive )

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Published by habib9977, 2020-11-12 00:52:35

American English File 1 Workbook ( PDFDrive )

American English File 1 Workbook ( PDFDrive )



Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson



Christina Latham-Koenig OXFORD
Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson

PaulSeligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of
English File 1 and English File 2

Contents 43 A At the National Portrait Gallery
45 B Chelsea girls
4 A My name's Hannah, not Anna
6 B Att over the world e47 A night to remember

e8 Open your books, please 49

10 50 A A murder story
52 8 A house with a history
11 A A writer's room
e54 A night in a haunted hotel
13 B Stars and Stripes
56 A What tate yesterday
e15 After 300 feet, turn left 58 B White gold

17 A Things Ilove about the US e60 Quiz night
19 B Work and play
62 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH At a restaurant
e21 Meeting online
63 A The mast dangerous road ...
23 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH At a caffee shop 65 B CouchSurf around the world!

24 A 15 she his wife or his sister? e67 What's going to happen?

26 B what a lifel 69 A First impressions
71 B What do you want to do?
e28 Shortlife, long life?
e73 Men, women, and the Internet
30 A Are you the next American Idol?
32 B Lave your neighbors 75

e34 Sun and the City 76 A Books and movies
78 8 I've never been there!
36 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH In a clothing st ore
e80 The American English File questionnaire
37 A Reading in English
39 B Times we lave 82 LlSTENING

e41 Musie is ehanging their (ives


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... ..-:1

Choose "AUDIO BANK."

My name's Bond. James Bond.
lan Fleming, British writer

1 GRAMMAR verb be [±J, subject pronouns 2 VOCABULARY days of the week,
numbers 0-20, greetings
a Complete caJumn 1 with rhe words in rhe box. Then
wr ite rhe contractions in column 2. a Put rhe letters in order to make days of the week.
Remember to start with a CAP ITA L LETTER.
she are they is 1 are is are

1 ARSAYDUT Saturda)!
1 Full form 15 2 Contraction 3 HR DYTUSA
Lam are , l'm 5 DFARYI
you 2 7 EUASDTY
,he ' b Conrinue rhe series.
it B 1 five , six, seven , óglu llllte. teu
we 10 u 2 six, eight, ten ,
you 12 3 twenty, nineteen ,
" 4 five , seven, nine,

b Complete rh e sentences w irh be. Use a contracrion.

fu four. 2 _____ srudenrs. 3 _ _ _ _ in room 2. 4 _ _ _ _ T hu rsday.

5 _ _ _ _ in atax i. 6 _____ tou ri sts. 7 _ _ _ _ in room 3 17. 8 Heli o. _____ in my

e Complete rhe dialogues. e Underline rhe st ressed syllable in these words.

1 A Hi,Emily. TbJs is Daniel. 1 sandlwich
2 telnnis
B HelIo, Daniel. to _ _ _ _ you. 3 eighlteen
4 thirlteen
2 A Hi, I'm Paulo. 's your _ _ _7 5 baslketlball
B Louise. 6 goodlbye
A? 7 elmail
B Louise! 8 Inlterlnet
9 comlpulter
3 A Hi, Yoshi. are you? 10 holtel

B I'm fine, thanks. And ? 6«mmd Lisren and check. Then listen again

A Very well, thank you . and repear rhe words.

4 A What's your phone ? 4 L1STENING
B It's 718-555-0123.
S1'Pl"!'l!itti11l·¡¡::m!!·1) Lisren ro rhree conversations.
d Complete rhe words wirh a, e, i, 0, or u.
C hoose a, b, or c.
~ S L L y .Q. J1...
1 Sarah's phone number is...
2 S__ y_ _ _ll Fr_ d_ : l a 917-555-6942.
b 917-555-6542.
~ N _ , " _ [ Fr_ d_ y. S_ t_ rd_ y! e 917-555-6524.

--y--'14 S_ rry S__ 2 The cJass on Thursday is in ..
---i._ ll S_ t_ rd_ y. a room two.
(sSY-, b room three.
e room five.
6 G__dbY:)
3 A cheese sandwich and a coffee cost.. .
3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word a five dollars and twenry cenrs.
stress b four doJlars and twenty cents.
e five dollars and ten cenrs.
a \Vrire rhe words in rh e chart.
meet fine six am ten eight three nice in
thanks day twelve very Learn these words and phrases.

j~ ~ ~ "~ ~ bye Ibau
fine Ifam l
ld.e! goodbye Igud'bau
helio I ha'lool
fish tree cat egg train bike hi I harl
sor ry /'s oril
thank you /'Sregk yul
thanks IS"'gksl
very well /'vEri \Vdl
How are you? Ihao ar yul
Nice ro meer you. /' naIs td 'mit yul

",,!¡mmb Listen and check. Then listen again and

repear rhe words.

How can you govern a country
which has 246 varieties of cheese?

1 GRAMMAR verb be [1J and El 2 VOCABULARV the world, numbers 21- 100

a Complete S's semences. a C omplete th e senren ces wirh a cou nrry or a nationality.
1 Luz is from Perl!o She's Peruvialt.
1 A Seoul is in China. 2 Bratwurst is German . Ir's from Germatry
3 Aki is from Japan. He's
B lt isu't in China. ¡t's in South Korea. 4 My friend s are ¡ran ian. They're from
S Maria is fram Mexica. She's
2 A Lady Gaga is British . 6 Kia cars are Sourh Korea n. They're from
B ________________ American.
7 Paella is from Spain. lr's
3 A He's Mexican. 8 We're T hai. \Ve're from
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Peruv ian. 9 She's fro m the United States. She's

4 A Istanbul and Ankara are in Greece. 10 They're Brazilian. They're [ram
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Turkey.
b Complete the dialogues with a continent.
5 A We're in room 219.
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ room 309. 1 A Where's Spain?

6 A Parmesan is from France. B It's in
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Italy.
2 A Where's Japan?
7 A You're Brazilian.
B _______________ Argentinian. B It's in

8 A Enrique Iglesias is American. 3 A Where's Brazil?
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spanish.
B It's in
b Order rhe word s ro make quesrions.
4 A Where's Canada?
your I 's I name I W hat B It's in

_\V~h~a~t'~sy~ol~lr~twla~tn"~e -------------? e C omplete the compass.

2 she I Where I 's I from

-----------------_? d Write the numbers
in words.
3 America I from I (hey I Somh I Are

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? 1 27 tweutv-seven
2 33
4 five I room I \Ve I in I Are 3 40

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? 4 48

5 vacation I you I Are I on S 56
6 62
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? 7 74

6 from I he I Vietnam I Is 8 85

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? 9 99
l a 100
e Match these an swers ro rh e qu est io ns in b.

a Yes, he is. O
b No, I'm no[. O
e She's from ltaly. O
d No, \Ve aren't. O
e Yes, rhey are. O
f M ichael. III


a ~irC@> the syllable wirh IJ/ in rhese words. J',.,mmListen and complete rhe dialogues.

1 A~rilca 1 A Are you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7
2 ehilna B No, I'm Turkish. I'm from Istanbul.
3 Ge~mal ny
4 Irelland 2 A Where are yau from?
5 Eurlope B We're _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" We're from
6 Bralzil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" We're on vacatian in South America.
7 Ilt ally
8 Jalpan 3 A Where's he from? 15 he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7

b :lIj.!¡mm Listen and check. Then listen B No, he isn't . He's . He's from Cancún.

again and repear rhe words. 4 A Mmm, delicious . 15 it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7
B No, it isn't. It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
e ~th ewo rdwithadi fferent sound.

~ 1 Chine se English French USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
ch ess 2 Turkish Russian Vietname se
JN Learn these words and phrases.
3 Span ish Japanese Argentinian
sh ow er fl ag Ifla:g l
lang uage 1'Ia~IJgWld3/
'~, Excuse me. .. /Ik'skyuz mil
l'm fr om ... /'a1m from /
jazz A11 over the \Vor\d. 1:)\ 'ouvdr i);) wdrld l
l'm na t sure. /arm not Jur!
W here are you from? /wer ar yu 'rrom!

d $C!im m Listen and check. Then listen

again and repear rhe \Vords.

4 READING This is Vino He's 19 and This is Moira. She's an This is Carlos. He's Mexican.
he's a student. Vin is English teacher and she's He's from Monterrey, an
Read abollt rhree people: Chinese. He's from 28. Moira is Canadian. important city in the North
Yin, Mo ira , and Ca rlo s. Shanghai, a big city in She's from Vancouver, a of Mexico. Carlos is 25 and
Ma rk rhe sentences T (rrue) the east of China. city in the west of Canada. he's a receptionist in a hotel.
or F (false).

1 Moira is a teacher. L

2 Ca rlos is a sruden t.
3 Moira is twenry-eight.
4 Yin is a reacher.
5 Yin is from Asia.
6 Carlos is nineteen.
7 Yin is twenty-eighr.
8 Moira is American.

Anyone who stops Learning is oLd,

whether at twenty or eighty.

1 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives: my, 2 INSTRUCTIONS IN YOUR BOOK

your, etc. Match che words ro the pictures.

a Complete rh e cha n. " complete W f put an)( D
g cover che cexc D
Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives b underline D h number D
I c match D D
, d circle D check D
, e ask you r parmer D cross out
he CAR 2
her - ---, ,~:::::;~
, its
we ,"

b Comp lete rhe senre nces \Virh a possessive adjective. 3

1 Her name's Teresa. e

2 _______ name's Edward.

3 We're $wdents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teacher's na me

is Matr.

4 1'111 Brazilian. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ family is fro111

Sao Paulo. 6

5 Ir 's a Chinese restaurant. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name

is Merry City.

6 A What's phone llumber?

B My ce ll phone number' !t's 917-555-0156.

7 They're Canadian . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ias( name's Baker.

e Order rhe words ro make questions. o
1 first / her / What's / name 7 ..
A Wbat's ber tirst name ? S.-lR--I-P--T-- ,,

B Sandra. rOH X

2 teacher / Where / from / your / 's ~N

A7 wH

B The United States. JI

3 he I student / 15 I a 9 [2]

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____7

B No, he isn't.

4 yau / old / How / are

A _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___7

B I'm35.

5 name / last / speU / do / How / yau / your


B C-O-O-M-B-S.

3 VOCABULARV classroom language e ~~th e lereer \V irh a di ffercm vowel soun d.

a Co m plete che sentences. cp

1 Close (h e door. tree di ~

2 L._ _ _ _ _ and repeat. trai n e boot egg bike
3 O_ _ _ _ _ your books, please. H P Q F y
4 W_____ m palrs. G M
SA [he qucstion .

6 T off yaur cell phone.

7 L ar (he boa rd . d ,-,14A1» Li sten and check. T hen listen aga in and

8 G to page 94. , re pear rhe letters.

b O rder rhe words to make sentences. 5 LlSTENING

1 don', / 1/ know Jf,!,QHGJ Listen ro che dialogue at a hotel receprion

I don't kltQw. desk. Co mplete che fo rm o

2 do / How / it / yOl! / spell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _?

3 do u'e11/ und ers tand

4 you / t hat / ca n / please / repeat / Sorry, Country

5 in I Engli sh I Excuse I what's I me, I "vacacio nes" City/State

6 rc mcmber / 1/ ca n't Address

4 PRONUNCIATION loul, lul, lar/; Zipcode
the alphabet
Email address
a ~~th e wo rd wirh a d ifferent vowel sou nd .
Phone number
~ know don't nort h
Cell ¡:>hone numbe
dE two south you
Learn these words and phrases.
boot address j:;,'drEsl
age lerd31
~ Argentinian start vocabulary zip code j'z lp koudl
<@<@ receptio nist Irr'SEpJ;)nIstl
car sr udenr j'studnt/
¡a st name /'la:st nelm/
~ go cla se do fi rsr name j'fdrst neml/
ce H phone ¡'sEl foonl
phone phone number /'fovn llAmbJrl
How o ld are yo u? I hau 'ould Qf yul
mmmb -<, Li ste n and check. Then li sten agai n al I'm 22. faJm twenti 'tul

repear rh e word s. ,-.m3m lifif) FILE 1

Arriving in London


Co mpl ete rhe word s. a Match rh e hotels ro the peo ple. Wrire the numbers
in rhe boxes.
1 rhe elevatQr 4 r_ _ _ __
1 Antonia and James want ro have a relaxing weekend .
2 as,_ _ _ _ _ fOom 5 thef_____ fl_ _ __
3 ad_____ room 2 Mr. Edward s wanrs ro have a t\Vo-day meetin g
wirh managers fr om or her US offices.

3 The Scon family wants te go ro Boston and visit
rhe ciry.


Complete rh e conversa tio n \Vith phrases in (he box.

Can yau sign here, please? I have-a reservaban Sheraton
Just a secand... Thank yau That's right
One Audubon Road
A Good even ing, sir. Conference center
Wakefield, MA 01880 Restaurant
B Hello. 1 1 llave a reservation . My name's Carl Zimmerman. Wi -fi connection
12 miles from Logan
A Can you spell that, please?
B Z-I-M-M-E-R-M-A-N.

A Thank yau. For three nights?
B Yes. 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

A Can I have your passport, please?

B3 Here yau are.
A Thank yau. 4 Thank yau.

Here's your key. It's room 403, on the fourt h floar. The

elevator is ayer there. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Zimmerman.

B '------- 22 suites, 96 luxu ry rooms
Room service
3 first-class restaurants
Complete rhe mi ssing words in rhe dialogue. Beautiful views of Boston

2.5 miles from central Boston

1 A Who is t his?
B ThL is David Barnsley.

2 A Where are yau from? yau?
B I'm from Bostan. What a for bed.

3 A Sorry.
B No pr

4 A Hello? Hotel Marlowe 236 family-friendly rooms
Children stay for free
B 15 th Tom? 25 Edwin H, Land Wi-fi connection

5 A Are you on vacation? Boulevard Fitness center
B No. I'm here on b
Ca mbridg e, MA 02141 Free morning coffee and tea

6 A 15 10:30 OK for you? 2.1 miles from the central Bastan
B That's p
b Underline fi ve words or phrases you don'r know.
7 A Would you like another drink? Use your dicrionary ro look up rheir meaning and
B No thank5. 1t'5 t

1 VOCABULARY things My favorite things in life

Complete (he crossword . don't cost any maney.
Clues across-+
C lu es clown '"


• ,

2 GRAMMAR a / an, plurals; this / that / e Complete the sentences with tltis, that. these. or tltose.
these / those
1 Tluu's a French newspaper.
a Write /t's + a! an or Tltey 're.
2 _______ watch
1 les a change purse. is American.
2 They're pens.
3 dictionary. 3 _______ aremy
4 _______ umbrella. headphones!
5 _______ stamps.
6 _ _ _ _ _~ keys. 4 _-----,_ _ _ _ book
7 _______ lDcard. is good.
8 _______ penciL
5 _______ are
b Write each word in ¡ts plu ra l form in rhe correct colurnn. yaur keys.

pencil city coin ticket nationality watch window
address sandwich country class dictionary

-s -es ~ ie s
COlltS cities

d Co mplete rh e cha rt. 4 REAOING

Singular Plural Read the text and label the pictures.
man women
children The top five things
person in people's bags

e Complete t he semences with a word from the charr in d. Keys are at the top of the list. They can be house keys.
car keys. or office keys. Next are pens, to write down na mes,
1 Her mather is a very nice persan numbers,and email addresses. Number three on the list is
a package of tissues.These can be white or different co lors.
2 My English teacher is a . Hi s name's like pink or yellow. Next is medicine. for example aspirin for
abad head. Receipts are number five on the list. These are
William. small pieces of paper from stores.

3 1have r\Vo _ _ _ _o My first _ _ _ _ I S SIX medicine

years old.

4 Many Ameri can drink caffee.

S Nor rhar resrroom , Mr. D avis! Ir's for
_ _ _ _, not _____

3 PRONUNCIATION final-s and -es; th

a ~th e \Vord thar end s in hz/o
,---- -

b ~! jt!t!! m Li sten and check. T hen li sren again and 45
• repeat rh e \Vord s.
c ~~the \Vord \Vith a differe nt sound.
,!.t49m Listen ro four pea pie talking about things
~, 1 that they thanks
mother 8- they have in rhe ir bags. Which person ... ?

& 2 thing thirty these 1 has a book in his I her bag that helps him I her spea k

thumb to peo ple
2 ha s somethin g to listen to music
~, 3 three this the 3 changes bags every day
4 ha s a comp uter in his I her bag
& 4 Thursday those thirteen
Learn these words and phrases.
lamp /hemp/
r 00111 /rum l
near Init/
messy l' mEsi/
\Vhat's this in English? /wats Ó¡S In '1l)ghSI

51' j1jtiImd Listen and check. Then listen again and

repear the words.

Not me rely a nation, but a nation of nations.
Lyndon B Johnson, American president

1 GRAMMAR adjectives b Com plete rhe cross\Vo rd . \Vr ire rh e op pos ite adjectives.

a ~~th e correct \Vords. ,-----

1 T hey're jeans blue Iblue jeans. 'F A S T , ,
2 Ir'5 a nice day I day nice.
3 My sisters are very taH ! very taUs .
4 T hat's a car fase I fase caro
S T hese are goods photos I good photos. - ¡-- ¡--
6 T hose booes are realIy cheap I realIy cheaps.
7 lt's a big house I house higo l'rr- , ¡-- ¡-- r¡¡¡-
8 Her children aren'tvery olds Ivery oId. ¡-- ¡-- ¡--

b O rder ch e words ro make sentences. , ¡-- u I
I ¡--
1 blue 1T his 1is 1a 1pen

T his is a bluepen "

2 ex pensive I an fT har's I watch

3 very 1My I long 1hair 1is -
4 [ ieh I very I is I \Yoman IT hat

5 boots 1really 1Your 1dirty 1are -
6 city 1T his 1a 1dan gerous 1is
7 very 1book 1good 1T hat 1isn't 1a Clues across -+ C lues d ow n~
8 big 1ha use 1very 1is 1His
2 slow 12 cold 1 dan gerous 7 small

4 cheap 13 we ak 3 easy 9 new

8 rieh 14 clean 5 far 10 ri ght

11 bad 6 full 13 rall

e Match the pi ctures to t he sentences. \Vr ite the letter in t he box.

2 VOCABULARY colors,
adjectives, modifiers:

very / really

a W rite rhe colo r5.

_ w1 blue + yello\V = eell

2 bl ack + whire o

3 red + yeLlow o

4 whire + red o

5 red + green o

1 She's rhin , wit h long hair. lID O4 She's young, \Virh blond hair.
2 He's ta l! , \Vith short lu ir. O O5 He's short, \Vith dark hai r.
3 He's old , and good- O
6 She's far , and she's O
lo o k i n g. beauti ful.

d Look at the info rm atio n and write sen tences with is 4 REAOING
very (adjective) iSlt't very (adjective), or (adjective).
Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).
Age Rob Neil Jim 1 The \Valk ofFame is in the UK.
15 65 85 2 It's a short st reet.
Height 6 feet, 5 feet, 5 feet, 3 Every year there are more stars.
5 inches 2inches 9 inches 4 The stars are for famous acrors.
Weight 300 pounds 250 pounds 121 pounds S M ichael Jackson ha s more rh an one srar.
6 Only real people ca n have a star.
Age (old{young)
1 Rob is very yollrtBlisn't very old. Hollywood is an area of Los Angeles in California in the USo The
2 Neil tidd. Walk of Fame is in the center of the area on Hollywood Boulevard
and Vine is over 1.2 miles long, and has more than 2,400
3 Jim ______________ stars. There are more than 20 new stars every year.
The stars are in five different types: movies, TV, music, radio,
Height (taH {short) and theater. Sorne famous people have more than one star, for
4 Rob ________________________ example, Michael Jackson. He has two stars: one as a solo artist,
5 Neil ________________________ and one as a member of the Jackson Five. But the Walk of Fame
isn't only for real people. Mickey Mouse has a star and more
6 Jim _______________________ recently, Shrek.

Weight (fat {thin) 5 L1STENING

7 Rob ________________________ "",B;m Listen ro ove speakers describing celebrities

8 Neil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ with Hollywood sta rs. Which speaker describes ... ?
9 Jim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ A a short sin ger \Vith blond or brown hair
B an old Amer ican actor wirh dark eyes
3 PRONUNCIATION long and short
vowel sounds e a tall, good-Iook ing man \V ilh bro\Vn eyes

a Make phrases with an adjective and a noun with the D an actor and musician wirh blue eyes
E a Brirish woman w ith green eyes
same vowel sou nd. Write the phrases in the chart. Use
al an with singu lar nouns. USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES

Adjectives long big stop Learn these words and phrases.
blue dean good jeans shoes song
Nouns actor I'rektdrl
book city watch actress I'rektrdsl
eyes lalzl
i c::O1 a /2iB Ót;}! 4 hair IhErl
musician Imyu'zlJnl
fish saw politician l,pald'tIJnl
spo rtsman /'sp:Jrtsmdnl
~2 ~b 5 sportswoman l'spJrts, wumdnl
tree bull singer I'Sll)drl
about (50) I,' bautl
d!r',s.]! 3 6 famous l 'fem1dsl
W hat color is it? Iwat 'kAl dr IZ Itl
d ock boot

"Sl';m mb Listen and check. Then listen again and

repeat th e word s.

Don't worry, be happy.

Bobby McFerrin, American musician

1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let's 2 VOCABULARY feelings

a Co mpl ete rhe sentences \V irh a verb in the box. Write a sentence fro m rhe box.

Use a r±J or a El im perative.

be clase come drink park slow speak turn worry l'm angr-y. I'm bared. l'm cald o I'm happy.
l'm hato I'm hungry. l'm sad . l'm stressed.
I'm tired . I'm thirsty. I'm worried.

1 The city is dangerous ar night. Please b< careful. I My friend is lare.
2 It 's 37° F.
2 Ir 's cold in heteo Please rhe w ind ow. 3 It 's my birrhday! I'mallB'Y'
4 My mother is in the hospita l.
3 Ir isn't a probJem. Please abour it. 5 It 's rime for dinner.
6 I don'r kno\V what ro do.
4 T hi s is an Engli sh class . Please Span ish . 7 It 's 100° F.
8 I[,s very lare.
5 T heir house is on rh is srreet. Please clown. 9 My hu sband is very far away.

6 c n ! We're late! 10 rwa nt water.

7 T hi s is a bus stop. Please h eteo II 1have a lot of work.

8 rhar water - it's ditty.

9 T hi s music is terrible. Please ir off.

b Match rhe senten ces ro rhe pic ru res.

A Let's park here. o Let's cross the road here. 3 PRONUNCIATION understanding

B-l:etls-go home. E Let's go te a hotel. connected speech
F Let's turn on the air conditioning.
e Let's eat lunch there. a Practice saying the sentences.

, ,, Look ar rhose children .
2 Turn off the T Y.
.' ',.,, ~

3 Let's ask that man o

4 Don't open (he w ind ow.

5 Let's ear at home.

6 Sit on this chaie.

S",(:t !mb Listen and check. Then listen

again and repeat the sentences.

c Complete rhe chan with rhe words in the box. 5 LlSTENING

angry fat happy have hungry matter Monday one ,! n;m Listen to the dialogues and choose
sad ugly does young
a, b, or c.
Where are (hey?
rn~ a ar an airporr
ca! up b ar home
e in a restaurant
ªllgr;l1 2 \Vhere are they?
a in a horel
.:t,.mmd Lisren and check. Then listen again and repear b inaear
e in a resraurant
(he \Vords. 3 \Vhere are (hey?
a in aplane
4 READING b in a hotel
e In acar
a Read rhe anide abollr rips for a long car trip. Match rhe 4 \Vhere are they?
a in a resraurant
headings ro rhe paragraphs. b ar horne
e III a car
Have fun! Is your car ready? Plan your trip. 5 Where are they?
Make sure everything is in the caro Keep awake! a in a hotel
b at an airport
• A Plafl;l1our trip. e ar horne
Look at a map before you go. Think about the time you need
to arrive at your destination and places where perhaps there USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
is a lot of traffie.
Learn these words and phrases.
o B __________________________________________
jacket I'd3rekotl
Accidents sometimes happen because cars are in bad pants /prents/
condition. Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels. sign Isam l
Take the car to the garage if necessary. skirr /sbrtl
uniform /'yun~.fJrm/
o e __________________________________________ grear (opposite terrible) /grelt/
left (appasi'e right) Ilcft!
Put your bags and everything you want to take with you park (verb) Iparkl
in the hall the night before. Don't forget essential documents stop /stop/
like passports or ID cards, and of course your driver's license. trip /tnp/
wirh /wISI
o D __________________________________________ Be quiet! /bi 'kwal~tl
Don't worry. /'dount 'wACil
Being tired is very dangerous for drivers. If you are tired, stop Slow down. /sloo 'daoo/
at a service station. Have a coffee or sleep for 15 minutes. turn on (opposite turn off) /' t~rn an/
In the car, open the windows and turn the radio on.

o E __________________________________________

Children are often difficult during long trips. Take games, for
example, computer games or word games, and iPods to listen
to music. And don't forget things to eat and drink.

b Underline five words yOll don't kno\V. Use yOllr dicrionary
ro look up rheir mea ning and pronunciarion.

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is
blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.

James F. Dent, American humorist and political cartoonist

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases 6 Kim _______ fastfood.

Co mpl ete rhe verb phrases. 7 Kim _______ ¡eans.

8 Ryan housework.

animals dinner economlCS homework German e Complete rhe sentences.
glasses a new car a newspaper sorry an umbrella
1 don'tplay (not play) tennis.
1 cook dilmer 2 They (uor go) ro [he movies.
2 srudy 3 She
3 speak 4 Her fac her (have) two ch ildren.
4 read S Ir (nor work) in an office.
5 ,ay 6 We
6 wear 7 My friend (ra in) a lor.
7 do 8 My frien ds (live) in a big aparrlllenr.
8 like 9 YOll (nat speak) English.
9 want (srudy) at Tufts University.
10 take (not do) yOl![ homework.

2 GRAMMAR simple present I±l and El 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds,
third person -s
a ~the correct words.
a Say rh e words. Is rhe vowel sound the same or different?
I A lor of American peorle has IGpets.
Wrire S (rhe ,ame) or O (differenr).
2 Ir don't rain I doesn't rain a lar in my country.
1 say take ~
3 You live ¡ lives in a beautiful house. 2 do go
3 drink live [Q]
4 The suo shine I shines a lor in Souther n Ca lifornia. 4 want ha ve
5 My father don't cook I doesn't cook. 5 give drive D
6 My brorher don't wear I doesn't wear glasses. 6 call walk D
7 Americans don't cat I doesn't cat fast foad every day. 7 read ear D
8 \Ve need I needs a ncw compurcr. 8 fee! \vear D
9 My Canadian friend make I makes good coffee. 9 play watch D
10 J don'r do I doesn't do houscwork. 10 buy like D
b Loa k at rhe chatt and complete rhe sentences. D

b 8,t!.t4Am Listen and check. Then listen again and

repear the words.

eat fast food Ryan Kim e @rheword which ends in hz/.
wear Jeans
drink water ,/ X 1 ¡ikes works c[a"ñCej)
do housework
play the guit ar X ,/ 2 lives drinks watc h es
,/ 3 drives finishes plays
,/ X

4 uses takes speaks

1 Ryan ,ar ~ fasr food. S studies li sten s kisses

2 Ryan ¡ea ns. 6 changes gives wears

3 Ryan and Kim water. d ,!,143m Listen and check. Then lisre n again and

4 Kim housework. repear rhe words.

5 Ryanand Kim the guitar.


", •.w:ma Read the texto Match the headings (A-D) ro the paragraphs. Listen ro the three speakers talking about

A Enjoy your dinner. Britain. Answer rhe quesrions \Virh H (Hannah),
B Shopping on the street
JL (Lina), or (Julianna).

e Traveling is so easy!

D We can find that for yau.

Things Hannah, Korea Una, Brazil Julianna, the US

II0ue about Who.. .? D
South Korea 1 doesn't like rh e food D
2 likes earing food from many different eountries D
Carly Hamilton is American, but she lives 3 likes rhe armosphere at work D
in Seoul, South Korea. Here are some 4 likes rhe parks D
things she loves about living there. S thinks rhe traffie is terrible D
6 rh inks rhar people are nice ro foreigners
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
In South Korea. the customer is really important. When
you walk into a sto re, the salespeople greet you with Learn these words and phrases.
a smile and say, "Helio." As you shop, lhey ask you if
you need help. If yau can't find something you want, love /lAV/
lhe salespeople lry lo find il for you. They wa nl you lo rain Irell1 /
be happy. buy (apposite sell ) Iball
ca ll Ibl/
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ chan ge ItJelnd31
feel Ifil/
Ilove restaurants that se rve South Korean's so need /n id/
pay Ipell
delicious. The servers grill the meat, and then they cut prefer /pn'f:;.r/

it for youl They also serve banchan-little side dishes of

vegetables. The servers are very busy in South Korean

restaurants. They don't talk as much as servers in the
US, but they make sure that you have a great meal!

3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

There are so many places to shop in South Korea! Peop[e
sell things like clothes and jewe[ry on the street. There
are shopping booths in the subway stations, too! When [
take the subway to work, I often buy a pretty bracelet or

4~==~__~~~~~necklace because they're so cheap. [t's really nice!

The tran sportation
system is great here!
It's easy to get around
because there are signs,
and a [ot of them are in
Engli sh! You can use your
ce l[ phone on the subway
here, too. You can't do
that in the US!

b Guess rhe mean in g of rhe highlighred \Vords. Check in
your dicrionary.

1 VOCABULARY jobs Ilike to work: it fascinates me.
I can sit and look at it for hours.
a Co mpl ete th e crossword .
C lu es across -+ C lues d ow n~

b Com plete the job descri pt ion s wi th a ve rb from the Iist. e \Vrite -cr Of -oro

work earn spea k drive have work travel wear 1 soccer pl 4 hairdress
2 m a na~ 5 doC[__
1 "1 1 wQrk inside and outside during the day or at night. 3 teac ~ 6 lawy__
l' _______ a car and sometimes J walk along t he street.
1don't 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a lot of money. 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a uniform." d Complete rhe sentences w irh these words.

a an at for in retired unemployed

2 ~I work in an office with a computer, or outside with ot her people. 1 He studies eeonomics at 5ehoo1.
1; _______ French and Spanish and J sometimes
to dif f erent count ries. 1don't wear a uniformo 2 My brorher is ________ engmeer.
I ' for a newspaper."
3 We work ________ an Amer ican


3 "1 wear a uniform and 1work with other people.1 B _ _ _ _ _ _ a 4 Idon'thaveajob. I'm ________

college degree, but I don't 9 a lot of money. 5 Paola is receptioni sr.

I work during the day or at night, but I don't work outside. 6 My gra ndparents are 75. T hey're

I " _______ in a hospital."

7 T hey work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a Eaerory.

e M atch the description s ro a jobo

a jour nalist D a nurse D Da poliee offieer

e Co mplete rh e word s. e ~~five more words w ith /:Jr/ and w rire t hem

. in the chart.

1 jacket 2sh_ _ __ 3 t_ _ __ airport @ engineer Europe far here nurse

journalist service short sure thirsty t ired

I ~ I earll
bird -

." ,mmd Listen and check. Then listen

again and repeat the words.

4 sk._ _ __ 5 t _ _ __ 6 p,_ _ __ 4 L1STENING

2 GRAMMAR simple present C!J a ~,jttilm Listen ro a contesta nt on a qui z
8i show and cQrcl$) hi s jobo
a Complete th e questions with Do or Does.
administrative assistant dentist flig ht attendant
1 DQ you work in an office? lawyer nurse receptionist veterinarian

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your parenrs spea k fore ign lang lla ges? "mmb Co mplete [he questions with the
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your sister drive?
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you have a college deg ree? JI. verbs in the box. T hen li sten aga in and check.
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your mor her work?
6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ James rravel a lor? earn have make speak trave l wear work
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your farher earn a lar of money?
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they \Vear a lIniform? Do y oll make things?
9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ann walk ro work? 2 a college degree?
10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you \Vork on the weekend? 3 foreign Ianguages?
4 a uniEor m?
b Complete rhe quesrions w irh does, do, is, or are. Then match 5 fo r your work?

the quesrions ro the answers. 6 a lor oE money?
7 wirh orher people?
1 W har dQes she do? [f] a He's an actor.
3 Dthey do? b In a restau rant - she's a waitress.
4 What Learn these words and phrases.
Dhe an arch iree r? e Shc:'~ tt dé'lCWI.
degree /d .'gri/
Dyou do? d No, they're lawyers. jacket /'d3rebtl
panrs Iprents/
5 they police D e f'm a hairstyli st. skirt Isbrtl
comforrable /' kAmft~bl/
officers? foreign (Ianguages) /' fJr~nl
ea rn money I~rn 'mAnil
6 Where Dshework? f No, he's an engin eer. It depends. lIt d.'pmdz/

D7 g They're pilots.
she a sr ud ent?

8 Whar Dhe do? h No, she's a teacher.


a U nde rlin e the stressed syllabl e.

1 arlchiltect 5 jourlnallist 9 relcepltionlist

2 denltist 6 moldel 10 solidier

3 enlgilneer 7 mulsilcian

4 tealcher 8 pillot

J15I,mmb Listen and check. T hen listen again and

repeat rhe word s.

It's relaxing to go out with my ex-wife
because she aLready knows I'm an ¡dicto

1 GRAMMAR word order in questions 2 VOCABULARY question words

a Order rhe words ro make quesrions. Complete rhe quesrions wirh rhe questions words in
the box.
1 heavy I like 1yOl! 1metal 1Do
How How many What What kind When
~D~o~y~o~II~¡'~·k&e~h&eKa~vy~lwn~elitalil_____________________? Where Which Who Why

2 the 1do 1on 1do 1W hat 1weekend 1yOl! 1 A How do you go to work?
----------------------------------_? B By car.

3 kind 1W hat 1do 1books 1read 1you 1of 2 A ___________ car do you drive?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? B A Toyota.
3 A ____________ do you work?
4 dri nk I \Vant I anorher I you I Do
B In a factory.
5 a 1Are 1flight 1you 1attend ant 4 A ____________ do you go to the gym?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? B On Tuesdays and Thursdays.

6 live 1Where 1do 1Seattle 1you 1in 5A do you prefer, the movies or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? the theater?

7 is I favorire I W ho I writer I your B The theater, t think.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? 6A of music do you [ike?

8 old 1How 1you 1are B Popo

----------------------------------_? 7A CDs do you have?

9 iPad / have / you / an / Do B About a hundred.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _? 8A is your favorite singer?

10 your 1good l is1salad B Rihanna.
9 A ____________ do you like her?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _?
B Because she has a great voice.
b Marrin and Berh are new friends. They go for a coffee.
Comp lete rhe quesrions. 3 PRONUNCIATION question wo rds;

M So, Beth, 1 where doyou live ? sentence stress

B South of Denver. ln a big apartment. a Match rh e question words 1- 7 ro the words with the
M 2 with your parents? same sou nd s a- g.
B No, Ilive with my sister. 3 _______________ any
1 w hy D a you
brothers and sisters? 2 which D
M I have a sister. She's 23. 3 who D b but
4 whar D e rhere
B 4 a student? S how D
6 when D d O1y
M No, she warks. She's a salesperson. 7 where D
B What about you? s______________ work? e ten
f rieh
M In a hotel. g now
B ' ______________ your job?
M Yes, I do. llave it!

b .,'!Ú:ttl$ Listen a nd check. Then listen aga in and

rep ear the words.

e Underline the stressed \Vord s. bRead the artide again. Match the headin gs
A- D ro the paragraphs 1- 4.
1 A What do you do?
2 B I'm a doctor. A No secrets 0 11 Facebook
3 A Where do you work?
4 B I work in a hospital. B Popularity is dangerous

,!tm; md Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat e Too "lUcI, i"Follllatiotl
o What does he really feel?
. the semences.
61!ú«;ma Max and Jessica m eet in a
a Read theartide. IsFacebookgood foryourlovelife? _ _ _ __ ~ nt for dinner. Li ste n to the
res taur a

conve rsation. Are th ey a good match ? _ __

Love on Facebook b ,,'!iaU» Listen again and mark the L

Is Facebook good for your love life? sentences T (true) or F (false).
Read on to find the answer.
Ma x and Jessica meet in a Japane se
1[("] restauranr.
2 They have rhe same jobo
You don't want to see your ex-boyfriend when your relationship 3 T hey \York for rhe same airline.
finishes. And you reaUy don't want to know about his new girlfriend. 4 They like the same movie s.
But Facebook tells you everything, including how happy he is with 5 Jessica lives near the movie thearer.
his new girlfriend. 6 Max \Vants to go to the movie s
next Sunday.
Your boyfriend doesn't write on your "wall" one day. You're worried.
Does ;t mean he doesn't Like you? Another day, he sends you ten Learn these words and phrases.
messages. You feel stressed. Does he like you too much?
l110vies /' muviz/
30 T V shows /' tivi Souz/
Me too. /mi tul
Your friends know you have a new boyfriend because you change your meet a partner /mit ;;l 'partn;}r/
status from "single" to "in a relationship." The problem is they know Really? /' rilil
when it finishes too, because you change it back to "single" again. Who's your favorite (actor)? Ihuz y~r 'ferv;}r;}tl
How interesting! Ihao 'mlr;}stll)/
40 \Vhar ab out you? Iwat ';}baut yul

You get a lot of messages from boys, but this isn't good fer your IIf1E". FILE 3
relationship. When your boyfriend sees you writing to so many other
boys, he feels worried. And that can mean the beginning of the end.

At a coffee shop

1 VOCABULARY Telling the time 4 READING

Wri te che t im es. a Read ab our some coffee shops in Seacde, Washi ngeon .
In which shop can you ... ?
~'1:'" ~3.,910 '!11 .'11 1 cele bra re a friend's birthd ay
2 pay nothin g ro hear music
3 3 get you r coffee veey guickly
' 8 4 ,. , 4 buy th ings for your house
5 lea r n abo ue di ffere nt ki nd s of coffee
:.. '( 6 5 / '
This caffee shop serves sorne of the best coffee in Seattle. It
1 lt's tWQ 2 34 also se 115 books and pa int ings-you can shop and drink coffee
tILirO'. at the sa me time! Not interested in shopping? Sit at atab le and
use the wi -fi connection.
' ~O. ~111i~~
llJ VlCTROLA COFFEE ANO ART 41115th Avenue East
9I 3',\
A big caffee sh op w it h a lot of space and beautifu l art on the
' -1. 6 5 . ~4/. wall s. There is free live mus ic t wo or three times a week. Th e
barist as are friendly and t he coff ee is great. So is th e carrot
5678 cake.

2 BUYING A COFFEE liI TRABANT COFFEE ANO CHAl 1309 Northeast 45th Street

Order rhe dialogue. Trabant Coffee and Chai is open every day for breakfast,
brun ch, snacks, lu nch, and dinner. AII the food is homemad .
[TI A Can 1help you? and vegan food is available, too . This coffee shop also gives
classes about coffee.
D B No thanks. How much is that?
D A Anything else? mC&P COFFEE COMPANY 5612 California Avenue
D B Thanks.
D A $3.65. Thank yau. And your change. Southwest
D B Sorry, how much?
D A Regular or large? A husband and wi f e ru n this caffee shop. It is in a beautiful,
old house. lt's a very ca lm and relaxing place, and the coffee is
[I] B YesoCan 1have a latte, please? delicious. You can have a party or meeting in t his coff ee shop.

D A That's $3.65, please. GIl ZEITGEIST 171 South Jackson Street
D B To take away.
D A To have here or to go? Th is coffee shop is popular because it serves great coffee. The
D B Large, please. friendly baristas can make drinks very fast. And they don't make
mistakes. Zei t geist is also a fun place t o be with fr iends. There's a
3 SOCIAL ENGLlSH PHRASES lot of space and many comfortable chairs.

Com plere th e sentences w irh rhe word s in che box. b G uess rhe mea nin g of rhe hign ligFirea foo d words.
C heck che mea nin g and pro nunciar ion in your d ictio na ry.
a seat first time to drink to you we are

1 Here we are . T his is che office.

2 Is chi s your in Brazil?

3 Wo uld you li ke somedúng _ _ _ _ _ _ _1

4 Talk latero

5 Take _ _ _ _ __

A celebrity is a person who works hard aU his Life to beco me well-known,
then wears dark gLasses to avoid being recognized.

1 VOCABULARY family 2 GRAMMAR Whose...?, possessive 's

a Complete rhe charro a Ord er rhe words ro make sentences.

1 gralldmother grandfather 1 in I work I father's I my / store I I
uncle 1work in mv {arher's store
daughter , 2 Japanese I hu sband's I My! car l is
brother 3 girlfriend's I is I His I Argentinian I m other

, 4 Sa ndra's I Do / know' you I brorher

nephew --------------------------------------------_?

• 5 Iive I wife's I \Virh I parents I my I We

6 of I money I ea m , I friend I son's I a I Their I lot

7 dangerous l isI ¡ob I Adam',


8 uniform I very I Rosa's I ugly I is

b Add an apostrophe (') in the correct place in these sentences.

b Comp lete rhe senre nces. 1 Ca rlos is my brorher's friendo
2 Thar is my parenrs caro
I My father's brorher is my linde 3 I think rhi s is rhar womans peno
2 My sister's daugh ter is my 4 They drink coffee in rhe teachers room.
3 My mather 's sis rer is my 5 Do you know Barbaras sisrer?
4 My farher's mother is my 6 My grandparenrs house is in Ca nad a.
5 My aunt's dau ghter is my 7 James wife is Brazilian.
6 My brorher's son is rny
e Look at rhe 's in these sentences. Write a lener in rh e box:

A = possessive, B = ¡s.

I Kate's sister is a lawyer. [3J 5 T heir uncle's a pilor. O

2 His mother's very short. rn:J O6 Jim 's children \Vear glasses.
O3 My cousin's car is very big.
D7 My brorher's \Vife plays the piano.
D4 Oue grandfarher's 70 roday.
8 Her name's C hri stina. O

d Complete the sentences \Vith whose or who's.

1 WhQse is rhar bag?
2 Who 's rhe woman in rhe red dress?
3 umbrella is rhis?
4 her boyfriend?
5 rhe man with rhe su nglasses?
6 _ _ _ _ are those keys?
7 _ _ _ _ your English reacher?
8 ____ headphones are rhose?

3 PRONUNCIATION the letter o; 's 5 LlSTENING

a Match rhe sentences 1- 4 ro rhe sounds a- d. $',tijA Listen ro Jessie showing photos ro her friendo

rnO a How many photos does she show? Then listen aga in.
Wrire T (rrue) or F (fa lse).

1 Those phones are old. 1 Je ssie's sister ha s a so n. .E
2 Je ssie's sister is short.
up 3 Jessie's sisrer plays ba sketball.
4 Th e beach in rhe photo is in Ca nada.
2 Who do you ch oose? ~O b S Jessie wen t to a mu s ic festival \V irh h er sister.
phone 6 Ro sie has blond hair.
7 Rosie sees her boyfriend a11 the time.
O3 Their son comes every Manday. c ',m S Pete is Jessie's boss.

4 That blond model is a doctor. O d di USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES
Learn these words and phrases.
,,¡mmb Listen and check. Then listen again and
boyfri end !b:Jlfrend!
repear rh e words. celebrity /sa'h;brati!
ex-husband !eks 'hAzband!
,,¡mme Listen ro rhe sentences. Then listen gi rlfriend /'garlfn;nd!
polirician !pala'tIJn!
again and repear. be interes ted in !bi 'mtrastad!
private li fe /'pralV;,"lt lalf!
That's Mark's niece. They're Kate's pa rents. che ocher (person) loi 'Aoar!

2 He's Sandra's husband. She's Andy's cousin.

/IZ/3 1'111 C race's boyfr iend . Are you Charles's \Vife?


a Read th e anid e a nd co mplete th e Se ntence.
Mason is Kim Kardashian 's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

A Celebrity Family daughters, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney, and a son, babies named Mason and Penelope.
Rob. Kris and Robert were diyorced in 1990. In Kim married basketball player Kris
he Kardashian fami ly is one of 1991, Kris married a famous sports star, Bruce Humphries in 2011, but t hey were
the very famous celebrity )enner. Bruce had two sons, Brody and Brandon. diyorced by t he end of the year.
Then he had two daughters with Kris, Kendall
families in the USo Kim Kardashian and Kylie. Glossary

is probably the most famous of them. Kim's sister Kh loe married basketball player married =past tense of marry
Kim's mother is Kris. Her father is Lamar Odom. Kim's other sister, Kourtney, has
was = past of is
Robert. Together, they had three (d~l'Orc~) t ) were = past of are
rr-¡( } (di"fO/'ted) had =past of have
~ ) )Brody

bRe ad th e anid e aga in a nd complete t he nam es in the fa mily tree.

Three o'clock is always too late or too early
for anything you want to do.

1 GRAMMAR prepositions of time (at, in, 2 VOCABULARY everyday activities
on) and place (at, in, to)
a ~rhe acrion rhar you usually do firsr.
a Write che words in rh e correct colum n. 1 getup /~ ke~

March December 6th 6;-30 the winter Monday night 2 get dressed I cake a shower
the afternoon noon Saturdayevening 1984 3 have lunch I have breakfast
breakfast August 21st 4 go ro \York I scart work
5 go ha me I ger home
in on at 6 make dinner I go shopping
M {jf.(Ü Df?c.e.mb.e.r. 6. rl~ b Complete rhe texr wirh have, [Jo, or [jet.

b (~FC"0the correct preposition. A 5TUDENT'5 LlFE
15 EA5Y - OR 15 IT?
0 11 1take a shower on I at rhe morning.
Many people think that students have a very easy life.
2 They go on holiday in I on I at August. We ask two, Elena and Yejoon, about their typical day.
3 My s ister s tudies economics at I in I to college.
4 My brother goes to bed in I 00 I at midnight. ELENA RAMOS, from Sao Paulo in Brazil
5 Do yau \York at I in I to a hosp ital?
6 We have Eng lish classes in I on ! atTuesd ays "11 Bº to a college in Texas in the US, so

and T hursdays. 1don't live at home. Every day, 12_ _ __

7 The children have lunch at I in I to school. up at 7:30 and 1take a shower.
8 T ina works in I on Iat rhe weekend.
9 Jack goes at I in I to rhe gym afrer \Vork. 1don't have time for breakfast, but 1
10 Ir 's very ha r in I on I at rhe surnmer.
3_ _ _ _ coffee in a cafe befare classes
e Complete rh e text \Virh rh e correct prepositions.
start. 14 lun ch at school, and then

15 to my afternoon classes. 16 shopping

on rny way hom e, so 17 horne late.

I do sorne housework and study in the evening, and then

"My name is Tyler Benson and l ' lo bed at 11:30. I'm very tired at night!"

1work 1 an offlce in New York

Cily. During lhe week, 1 gel up YEJOON KIM, is from Seoul, South Korea

' _ _ _ six-thirty. 1go 3_ _ _ work " 19_ _ _ _ to Seoul National University,

by train, but 4___ Fridays 1drive so Ilive at home. My mother wakes me up

my car so 1can visit my mother s_ _ every morning and we 10_ _ __

the afternoon. 1start work breakfast together. Then, 111_ _ __

' ___ quarter to nine and 1have lunch 7 work. dressed.1 11 to schoo l by bus.

' ___ the summer, 1 work different hours beca use 113_ _ _ _ to classes in the rnorning and

' ___ June 15th, we change to the summer timetable. then 114 horne for lun ch . My rnother is a good coo k

It's very hot in New York City 10_ _ _ August, so most and we 15 lun ch together. In the afternoon, 1st udy

people go on vacation. for an hour or two and then 1watch TV. I take a bath after

dinner. I'm relaxed when 116 to bed."

c Match rhe words ro make phrases. e:r",q;mb Listen again. N u mber the activities in the

1 have O a work order Mark does them.
O b emails
2 ga O e dressed []] Mark starrs work at 7 p.m.
3 check O d to sehaol
O e breakfast O He goes to bed.
4 da O He goes to the gym.
5 get O He goes home.
O He ha s a hamburger or a pi zza.
3 PRONUNCIATION linking and sentence O He watches TV or checks hi s email s.
stress O He getsup.
O He has breakfast.
a Mark rhe connected \Vords in each sentence. O He sleeps for eight hours.
O He has dinner.
Yo u gec upvlate. O He finishes work.
2 1take a shower. O He takes a shower.

3 We check email s. USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES

4 He has a coffee. Learn these words and phrases.
customers I' kAst;nnarzl
S She goes horne ea rly. everyone l'EvriwAo l
everything I'Evri911J/
,.mm6 They have lunch ar \Vork. menu /' mwy ul
bu sy I'blZi/
b Li ste n and check. Then listen agaio and ready /' rEdil
a couple a f (haurs) 1, 'kApl ovl
' repear rh e sentences. Try to connec[ words. go back Igoo 'b;ekl
prepare foad IpnpET 'fud/
""mme Listen and underline rhe srressed words. enj oy IIn'd3::>r/
Co py rhe ~thm.

1 1\Vake up ar six.

3 1go to \York by bus.

4 1do rhe housework.
5 1have a pizza foc dinner.

6 Lgo to bed ar midni ght.

,,5Dimmd Listen again and repear rhe semences.

Copy rhe rhythm.


a ~! ¡m m Listen ro an interview wirh Ma rk.

~ Answer rhe questions.

1 What doe s he do?
2 D oes he like hi s job?
3 When does he work?

The man who works and is not bored is never old.
Pablo Casa/s, Spanish cellist

1 GRAMMAR position of adverbs and SI see my grandparents. (every weekend )
6 Ellie drin ks coffee. (three times a day)
expressions of frequency 7 T'm hun gry. (al\Vays)
8 We srudy English. (rw ice a wee k)
a Complete rh e YOIl column in rhe charro T hen complete
rhe sentences \Virh a verb and an ad verb of frequenc y.

always ,f,/./,f,f

usuaUy ,f,f,/./

often ,f,f,f

sometimes ,f,f

hardlyever ,f 2 VOCABULARY adverbs and expressions

never Matt of frequency

sleep for eight hours ,f,f,/./ ,f,f,f a A nswe r rh e qu escions.
be relaxed IZ
play sports or ,f,f
1 many minutes
eat healthy food ,f,f,f ,f 2 many months year?
be sic k ,f,/./,f,f
Matr IIsually sleeJlS.- for eight hOllrs. 4 mi,"" s"eond,;,il a minute? ~=======~
2 He relaxed.
3 He sports or exercises. 5 We';Ksin a month?
4 He healthy faod. 6
5 He sick. 7 in June?
8 How m~~y,:r:.eeks in ayear?
6 Becky for eighr hours.
7 She rela xe d. b C omple te rh e sente nces \Virh o ne or (wo words.
8 She sports and exercises.
9 She healthy faod. Leo goes ro rhe gym all wee kand on weekend s.
iO She sick.

11 for eight hours. Leo goes ro the gym every day .
12 relaxed.
sporrs and exe rcises. 2 Tomo usually takes a vacar ion in the summer and winter.
13 healthy faad.
s ic k. Tomo usually ta kes a vacation a year.
14 r
3 We usually see one new film a month.
We go ro rhe mov ie theater a month.

4 Adele doesn't do any homework at al1.

b Write rhe adverb of frequency in rhe correer place in Adele does homework.
rhe sentence.
5 They have Engli sh classes on M ondays, \Vednesdays,
1 Pilors sleep in horel s. (ofren) and Fridays.
Filots oftensleep. in hQtels
They have En gli sh classes a week.
2 T he children walk [O school. (every day)
rhe childrw wa lk to school every day . 6 My mocher goes ro che hair salon once a week, on a Friday.

3 Mike rid es his mororcycle ro work. (somerimes) My mocher goes to rhe hair salon Friday.

7 Sofia walks to work once a year.

Sofia ever walk s tú work.

4 My sister is late. (never) 8 1always buy a new pair of sun glasses in th e summer.

1buy a new pair of sunglasses s u m m e r.

3 PRONUNCIATION the leUer h bRead the interview again. Write T (true) or F (false).

a Match rhe words ro rheir pronunciarion. In which word 1 Esther thinks her day is normal. L
2 She doesn't like her jobo
is rhe h nor pronoun ced? _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 She sometimes start s work at 10 o'eJock.
4 She thinks her job is difficult.
I half 0 a /llIrl 5 She often sees friends after work.
2 high b /'au'drl 6 She lives with one of her children.
3 how D e Ihaú 7 She never does housework.
4 hour D d I' horil 8 She has two children.
5 hardly D e lltteft
6 here D f I' ha:pil e Underline five words yo u don't know. Use your
7 hurry D g I' hardlil dicrionary ro look up their meaning and pronunciation.
8 happy D h Ihau!

b .:I,' !¡n;m Listen and check. Then listen again 5 L1STENING

and repear rh e words. '-'149ma Listen to a radio program about being
JIl healthy. Who does the doctor say is healthy: Marge,
Robbie, or Marge and Robbi e?
a Read rhe intervi ew.
Whar is surprising ,-,m3mb Listen again. Write T (rrue) or F (false).
abour Esther Armstrong?

I Robbie doesn't think he's healthy. L
2 Marge hardly ever eats fast food.
Inlerview with 3 Marge always ha s breakfasr.
4 Marge often goes to the gym.
Esther Armstrong, 94 5 Marge goes to bed late.
6 Robbie sometimes has brea kfas[.
Interviewer How do you spend your day, Esther? 7 Robbie plays soccer three times a week.
8 Robbie sleeps foc six hours every night.
Esther My day 1S very normal , really. 1 get up, 1 get
dressed, 1 have breakfast. Then 1 go to work.

Interviewer What do you do?

Esther I'm an accountant.

Interviewer Why do you still work, Esther? USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES

Esther lo have an interest. Also, my job is very Learn these words and phrases.
exciting. hours l'au':!Jrzl
minutes /' mJn':!Jt sl
Interviewer What time do you start work? second s /'sebndzl
teenager /' tinCId3':!Jr/
Esther 1start between 9 and 10 every day and 1finish hea lrhy (opposi'e unhealrhy) I' hel9il
at 4 o'clock. It isn't very stressfuL, reaLly. normall y l'n;Jrm ':!Jli /
relax /n'lreksl
Interviewer What do you usually do after work, Esther? be in él hurry /bi m ':!J 'h':!Jri/
sociallife /'soüfllalf/
Esther 190 out for dinner with friends two or three spend time /spwd 'taJml
times a week, and we 90 to the movies or the
theater, or to the ballet. 1",m3m 11+'1>.. FILE 4

Interviewer Do you live alone?

Esther Yes, 1do. 1 have quite a big apartment and
someone helps me with the housework for four
hours a week. 1 do everything else myself.

Interviewer Do you have children, Esther?

Esther Yes, 1do. Both of my daughters live here in
New York. One daughter works nearby, and
she comes and has lunch with me. And 1work
with the other daughter, so we eat together
two or three times a week, too. I'm very, very
happy with my life.


l ...- ..... an accountant = a person whose job it is to make lists of

aU the money that people or businesses receive and pay

In the future everyone wilL be famous

for fifteen minutes.

1 GRAMMAR can / can't e Match sentences 1- 6 ro a- f.

a Wrire a sentence fOf each pi cture \Virh can! can't. l Can yau help me \Virh rny homework? 1 [f]

They can', sillfJ_____________ 2 Can yau give me my gla sses? I D

2 3 Can ya u caH my mom? 1 D

4 Can yau spea k more slowly? 1 D

5 Can yau make dinner fOf 8:30? 1 D

D6 Can yau teH me your name again? 1

a can'e come befare rhen.
b can'e see.
e C<Ili' t do it.
d can'e find rny ceH phone.
e ca n'e understand yo u.
f can 'e remember ir.

d Write a sem en ce \Viril can or call't for each picture.


4 1 You cancross now. 21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 110W.


b Write a question wirh yOIl fOf each piceu re. Then
write yOllr answer: Yes, I can . or No, I can't.

l Can you smfJ , Youranswer
2 you

3 you ? 3 Dr. Atkins 4 \Ve
4 you ? hefe!
you no\\'.

5 you ?

2 VOCABULARV verb phrases b W rite rh e word s in rhe chart.

a Co mplete rhe crossword \V irh rhe correct verb o are bad can card far fat
have pa rk stamp start
oC lues across ~
[§J ~ bad
eat are



e m'I4im Lisren and check. T hen lisren
I ragam. and repear rhe word s.

C lu es cl own ~ 4 LlSTENING

b Co mplete rh e sentences. ",'Mim Lisren tú rhe dialogues and

buy f ind hear help look for play ru n talk ch oose a, b, or c.

1 He can'r find a uy parking spaces. There are a lor of car5. 1 W hen ca n they go ro rhe sw imming pool?
a On Saturday l11 ornin g.
2 J ofren _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chess \V irh rny nephew. He's very good . b 0 11 Sat urday afternoon.
c On Sund ay afcernoo n.
3 Pl ease me. 1ca n't open rhe doot.
2 W here can rhe man park?
4 1 mas eof rny c10rhes from Za ra. a O urside the hospital.
b O urside the restaurant.
S 1\Vallt to in rh e Boston Ma rath o n chi s year. e O utside the movie theater.

6 Hi , rhis is Pa ul. Ca n you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me? 3 When can she help her broth er?
a This morning.
7 1don'cunderstand chis.l need ro _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tothe teacher. b T his aftern oon.
c T h is evening.
8 W here a re my keys? C an yOl! them?
4 W hy can'r rhey send rhe posrca rd ?
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a They don't have a peno
b T hey don't have the address.
",.mma Listen and repear rhe sem ences. Stress c T hey don't have a stamp.
rh e b old word s.
5 W hy ca n't [hey go in ?
A C an you speak Ger man ? a He can't open th e door.
B Yes, 1can . b He can hear hi s boss.
2 1can't find rhe keys. c He can 't find hi s keys.
3 S he can sing.
4 Where can 1buy a newspaper? USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES
5 A C an your fathef cook?
B N o, he ca n 't. Learn these words and phrases.
6 My sister can't swim.
audience /';1di;ms!
concerts I' kans~rt sl
ent rance l'Entr~nsl
judges I'd3Ad3IZ/
late (oppos ite early) IleItl
ner vous /'n~rv~sl
él hit record I~ hIt 'rEbrdl
parking lot /'parkll) lotl
G ood luck! Igud 'IAkl
l['s yOllr tllrn now. IIts 'y~r t~rn naul

HeLl ¡s oth er people.
Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases 2 GRAMMAR present continuous

Co mpl ete che tex r with these verbs in the a Order che words ro ma ke se ntences.
sim ple presento
sis ter's / My / exams / for / st udyi ng / her.
argue cry talk have
have My sister's studyiufJfor her exa ms

2 w it h / stay ing / week / her / friend s / th is / are / Sa rah's

3 tonight / party / We / a / aren'r / having

4 l'lll / Clip / coffee / d r in ki ng / a / the / of / kitchen / in

5 for I looking /job 1is 1a 1Marco 1W hy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1

6 because 1aren', 1They 1jogging 1today 1cold 1i,'s 1too

7 com puter / Are I using / you Ithe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1

8 soccer l is1park 1Ada m 1playing 1in I ,he

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1

b Com plete rhe d ia logue.

A What 1 areyoll doinfJ , (you / do) Andy?

B 2 (1/ ma ke) the cof fee. Why?

A 1can hear a noise. It's people's voices .

B 1know. That's t he couple upstairs.

My neighbors are very noisy. A young couple A3 (they / argue)?
a baby and a dog live upstairs. They aren't happy
together. so they I shout all the time. Their dog B No, ~ ________ (they / not shout).lt's the TV. They're very
____ wh en they aren't at horne, and their
baby 3 ____ when tbey are. An aJd cauple old, so they can't hear it. s________ (they / watch) a movie.
lives downstairs. They can't hear, so they
always 4 ____ the TV on very loud. They A Oh. What 's that music? 15 it a part y?
____ loudly because the TV is loud, and
they 6 _ _ _ _ a 10t about which sho\Vs B It's the boy next door. 5 (he / not have) a party!
to watch. Sorne students live next door. They all
____ musical instruments and they aren't 7 (he / listen) to music. He li kes heavy meta l.
very good! Every n ighí. they 8 _ _ _ _ noisy
parties and 9 ____ very laud music. 1 want A Your apartment is very noisy, Andy.
a n ew apartment or sorne new neighbors!
B I know. 8 (1 / look for) a new one!

e Look at rhe pictu re on page 33. Wha t are rh e people doing?
Complere 1- 9 wirh a verb or verb phrase in rhe presenr conrinuous.

1 The wom an 's talkiltB OH her cellp-w¡,"'ol-t""e'.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
2 Thecouple ____________________________________

3 The child ren _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 T he wOlllan
5 The baby
6 T he dog
7 The boy

8 T he girl

_ _~ ~¿'¿'---<4 ......._ _

• ..--.. "7 tI ~"vl .........


.:If5I'¡mma Listen and repear rhe \Vords. ,.,SlfI.t44m Listen ro four speakers talking abour

probl em s with rheir neigh bo rs. Match rhe spea kers ro rhe

problems. T here are two problems you don'r need lO use.

argui ng bark ing crying having DSpeaker 1 A They argue a lot.
playing shouti ng studying talking DSpea ker 2
DSpeaker 3 B Their dogs bark.
si nger DSpeaker 4
e They have noisy parties.
b ~)~thewo rdwith /l)/ ineachpair.
D They have rhe TV 011 ver)' loud.

1~ dance E Th eir baby cties.

2 pink brown F They play musica l instr uments.

4 aunt unde Learn these words and phrascs.
5 drink
find furniture l' f~rnltJd r/
neighbors I'nerb<1rz!
6 Franee England nOlse !n:>lz/
7 young noisy I'n:>lzi/
blond strict /stnkt/

8 think wan t upstairs (opposit e down stairs) /Ap'stErz!
now /nau/
",,,tmme Listen and check. T hen listen again complain /bm'plem!
apartmem building /<1'portm<1nt brldll]l
and repea r rh e words. washin g machine /' waSIIJ m;1Sin!

I'm leaving because the weather is too good.
I hate Londan when it's not raining.

1 GRAMMAR simple present or present 2 VOCABULARY the weather and seasons
a Wr ite rh e seasons in rh e correct order.
a ~ th e correct formo
¡yjnter , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 A What are you doing here?
b Complete the senten ces with words in the box. W har 's
B I'm on vacation. I sightsee /ct€Sightse~. the weather like?

2 A Can yau talk? doudy cold foggy hot raining snowing sunny windy
B No. I have dinner / I'm having dinner right naw.
1 Ir's hot 2 Ir 's
3 A Where do they usually go / are they usually going
on vacation?

B To Florida.

4 A How often does you r husband go abroad?
B He travels / He's traveling to Asia four times ayear.

5 A What does your friend do / is your friend doing?
B She's a travel guide.

6 A Do you work / Are you working this week?
B No. I'm on vacation.

7 A What time does the museum dose?
B It closes / It's c10sing at 6 p.m., Ithink.

8 A Ooes it rain / 15 it raining today?
B No. It's hot and sunny.

b Complete rh e sentences. Use the simple present o r 3 Ir's 4 Ir 's
presenr continuous.

1 My parents dQ/t't like. (not like) their hote l.

2 T hey (a rgue) abotlt money aH the time.

3 I'm 18 now, so I (Iearn) ro drive . My farher
(reac h) me.

4 W hen you usually (go) to the gy m?

5 My brother (go out) almost every night.

6 The sun (nor shine) roday. Ir 's quite cold.

7 you (use) your cOl11puter right

now? 1 (want) ro check somethin g on 5 lr's 6 Ir 's

the Internet.

8 My sister (Iove) ice skating but she

(Ilot do) it very oft en .

71t" _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 1t's _ _ _ _ _ _.

3 PRONUNCIATION places in New York City DENVER

a Underline rhe stressed syllable. - = = =1 WHEN IT'S RAlNlNCi

1 Rolckelfeiller Cenlt er The Molly Brown House Museum is a big,
2 Yanlkee Staldilum beautiful house on 1340 Pennsylvania
3 Elllis Islland Avenue in the center of Denver. Molly Brown
4 St Palt rick's Caltheldral is world famous because she was on the
S Grand Cenltral Terlmilnal Titanic. You can take a tour of Molly's house.
6 the Brooiklyn Bridge You can see interesting exhibitions, including
clothes and other items from her trip on the
7 the Staltue of Lilberit y Titantic.lf the sun comes out. you can walk in
Molly's yard or sit in her gardens.
8 Walshinglton Square Park
2 WHEN THE SUN lS SHININCi Go to Red Rocks Park
,,"'irnmb Listen and check. Then listen again
Red Rocks Park is a mountain park in
and repear rhe words. southwest Denver with excellent views of
the city. The park gets its name from big
4 READING red rocks that are special to this area. The
rocks are over 290 million years old. You can ¡:,~~,
Read rhe guidebook extraer abour things to do in walk around the park and take pictures of
Denver. Write T (true) or F (false). famous rocks like Creation Rock, Ship Rock,
or Stage Rack. Or, you can go to a concert
1 The MoLly Brown House Museum is outside rhe ciry. E and listen to bandslike U2 and Coldplay. The
theater can seat almost 10,000 people.
2 Molly Brown is famous because she is an actress.
3 You can see eJarhes from one ofMolly's ttips. 3 WHEN IT'S COLD Go to Glennwooa Hot Springs
4 You can see rhe city very well from Red Rocks Park.
5 You can use a camera in rhe park. Glennwood Hot Springs is a hotel with an
6 The theater at Red Rocks Park is very sma l!. outdoor pool that's open all isnl in
7 Glenmvood Hot Springs is in rhe cemer ofDenver. _ Devner, but it's nearby in the Rocky Mountains.
8 One pool is big. The hotel has two pools. One is a small pool.
9 The water is different in rhe summer The other pool is 405 feet long! The water in
the big pool is always 90° F, even in January! If
and rhe winter. you don't like to swim in the cald, visit the spa
or enjoy lunch at the restaurant.
Listen to rh e descriptions of places
to visit in Victoria, British Columbia and write the Learn these words and phrases.
number of the tour.
building /'bIldll)!
W hich tour do yOtl need to rake if you want to ... ? guidebook /'gaJdbuk/
monument /' many:m1;;!ot/
A see sorne old Asian art O parks Iparksl
statue /'stretJu!
B learn abour insects O enormous !T'nJrm;;¡s!
fasci nating /'fres;;!neltll) /
C see some animals and play sports O wonderful !'wAnd;;¡rfl/
including hn'kludll)/
D listen to music ITl o pen-a ir swimming pool IOÜPdI1 er 'SWlI1l1l) pul!

E have a drink a nd rake a swim O ",144m litif" FILE 5

F see a place thar is famous because D
ofa movie D
G see a lor ofbooks
H learn abour a famous Canadian

1 VOCABULARY clothes In a clothing store

Write rhe wo rds. 5 4 READING
ª1 ojack~t 7 a Read rhe artid e. Match rhe questions A- O to paragraphs 1- 4.
2 A What can yOl! do rhere? [TI
DB Ho\V do yOl! ger [hefe?
4 e O\Vhere can you eat (here?
OO Whar t im e does ir open?


Complete (he missing words in the dialogue.

A Can I l h~ yo u? Shopping in the US
B Yeso What 2 S~_ _ _ is this T-shirt?
One of the best pIaces ta shop in the US these days is at the Fashion
A It's a medium. What size do yau need? Island mall in Newport Beach, California- this open-air shopping
B I need a 3 l.~_ _ _. mall is the nicest of its kind in California.

A Here yau 4a_ _ __ O Customers at Fashion Island can buy fashion, food, home. and

B Thanks . Where can I try it on? beauty products from more than 150 different stores. There are three
huge department stores and a large supermarket. It has a seven-
A The 5f rooms are over there. screen movie theater, four hotels, and a view of the Pacific Ocean.
B 6Th
you. f l Fashion Island has more than 35 different restaurants and food

A How is it? bars. There are take-out restaurants and sit-down restaurants,
including Hawaiian food and a bakery that sells vegan desserts and
B It's fine. How 1m is it? salads. Many of the restaurants stay open after the stores close.

A It's $15.99. 11 Most of the stores in the shopping mall open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

3 SOCIAL ENGLlSH during the week, and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday. The opening
hours on Sunday are from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The restaurants close
Match rhe word s ro make Social English phrases. around midnight and the movie theater closes at 11 p.m.

1 It's so [4J a way! a Fashion Island has more than 6,000 parking spaces and three
2 R ight
3 Don't D b wrong? valet parking stations. You can get to this shopping mall by p ublic
4 Wait D e be silly! transportation, too. Fashion Island is only one-half mile from
D d rocl' the Pacific Coast Highway and about 5 minutes from John Wayne
s rhave to D e Eun! Airport.
D f now.
6 Have D g go. b G uess the mean ing of the highlighred \Vords. C heck the
7 W hat's D h a minute. m eani n g and pronun ciarion in your dicriona r y.
8 No

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.
Joseph Addison, British writer and politician

1 GRAMMAR object pronouns 2 VOCABULARY phone language

a Complere the charro Comple te rh e dialogues wirh these words.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns answer It's message
I ¡ me Press there this wrong

, you 1 A Hello. Is Marta there ?

he , B No, I'm sorry. She isn't.
she ,
2 A What number is this?
, it B _ _ _ _ _ 917-555-9832.

we " 3 A The phone's ringing. it, please?
B Can you
, you
4 A Hello, is this Sophie? is Grace.
they • B No, I'm sarry,

b Complere rhe sentences wirh objecr pronouns. 5 A Haw da I end this call?
B the red button.

1 My sisrer ha s a new friendo She's on vacarian

w ith lter right now. 6 A This is 714-555-3822.
B I'm very sorry. It's the _ _ _ _ _ _ number.
2 Canyou hear , or do 1need to shour?

3 T his book is veey exciring. I'm really enjoying 7 A I'm sarry, the manager is in a meeting.
B Oh. Can yau give him a _ _ _ _ _ _7
4 He works near hi s wife's office. He has lun ch w irh

every day.

5 Are you ar horne? Ca n 1call latee? 3 PRONUNCIATION lall, lil, and III

6 Alberto doesn'r live \V irh hi s parenrs, bur he ta lks ,,'B9ma Lisren and repear rhe senrences. S tress

ro once a week. , rhe bold words.

7 Excuse me, we have a problem. Can you help 1 Call me tonight.
2 C an you help us?
8 1ca n't find my bago Can you see ?, 3 Don't listen ro her.
9 T hese shoes are new. Do you like 4 See you latero
S 1 don't like rhem.
10 Where's C harlie? l want to ralk ro 6 Don't think about it.
7 Give it to him.
e Complete rhe rexr wirh rhese words.

he her her him him she them they

Lily is worried about her boyfriend, Jarnie. She calts

him every day, but he doesn't calt 2 _ __

When she wants to talk to Jarnie, l always says

he's busy. She waits for 4 after work, but he's

usualiy with sorne friends. Jarnie's friends don't like Lily,

and she doesn't like s . Lily says helto, but

ó _ _ _ _ won't loo k at her. Now she knows that Jarnie

doesn't love 7 _ _ _o But she's happy beca use she

knows that B can find a new boyfriend.

b cGirC@> th e\Vord\V ith a d iffe renr soun d. 5 LlSTENING

I 1 him live niee I4 these his ring $',fi.ff!m Listen to the phone conversation.

f ish f ish we leave it . C hoose a or b.
smile nieee buy
7 2 she this meet 75 W ho does Holly wa nr to ta lk to?

tree t r ee a 6eth b Em ily

~ 3 me I my ~6 2 \Vhere is Em ily?

bike bike a at home b out

3 \Vhere is Holly's bag?

a in Emily's ear b in Em ily's house

4 \V hat is Holly's phone number?

e .,r!irn(tD Listen an d check. T hen listen and repeat a 606-555 · 4923 b 606 ·555-9423

t he word s. 5 \V har does Be rh give Emily?

a the message b the ph one

4 REAOING 6 \V hich keys are in Holly's bag?

Read some more of Safly's PlrOlle and answer rh e questions. a her ca r keys b her aparr menr keys
1 W ho's Kath arin e? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 W hat does Louise suggest to Sally? 7 \Vho is Holly w ith?

3 Why doesn't Paul kno\V his phone nu mber? a a neighbor b a friend

4 W ho tel ls him what hi s l1umber is? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 \V here do Holly and Emily meet?

a at Holly's house b in aeafe


Sally ral ks to Claire and Lou ise. Learn these words and phrases.
" 1 have a message for Pau l - but who's Paul? Do you k now
voice /V:JIS/
a Pau l, Claire?" she asks. fall Ifol l
"No. Wha r's rhe message?" Clai re asks. ha ppening /' hrep;;¡l1ll)/
" It's h is sister Kathari ne's birthday, and she's having a rin g /nTJ/
smile /smarl/
party ton ight. Do you think it's a wrong nllmber?" give a message (to somebody) /gIV;) 'mEsld;y'
"Yes, 1 rhink ir is," Cla ire says . pick up I'plk Apl
" Hey, Sally!" Lou ise says. " Put o n your red sk irr and go press the burton /preS Od 'bAtn /
put dow n /'put daun/
to the party. Forget Andrew!" It's rhe wrong number. /¡ts O;) f:J1) 'IlAmbdr/
Paul ta lks to a fr iend at work.
Extraer from Oxford Bookworm s Libra ry St arrcr:
"T h is is Sally's phone - and Sally has my phone ." Sal/y's Phone by Christine Lindap © Oxford Un lversity Press 2008.
" But who is Sa 11 y?"
" I don't know," says Palll. Reproduced by Permission .
"Why don'r you cal1 he r?"
" What's my number?" Paul asks . " 1don't know my number." ISBN 978 -0 -19-423426 ·9
" \'V'hy !lot?"
"Beeause 1never ea ll my nllmber!"
Paul ealls his mother.
"Mo m, wha t's the number of my phone?"
" Why do yOll want your phone nllmber, Pau l?"
" Beeause Sa lly has my phone."
"Who's Sally?" his mother asks.
" 1don't know, bllt shc has my phonc, and I have hCf phonc."
" I don'r unde rstand."
" 1know," says Pau l. " Ir doesn't matte r. Do you have
111y nllmber?"
" He,.e it is. 0781 644834."
"T hanks, Mom ."

If we had no winter, the spring

would not be so pleasant.

1 GRAMMAR like + (verb + -ing) 2 VOCABULARY the date; ordinal numbers

a Wrice che verb + -ill(J form of che verbs in che box in che a Conr inue che series. D e cc. m b a
correct colu mn.
I September, October, Novc.mb r.r
buy come dra w find get have give run stop
swim take wait 2 May, June,
3 January, February,
verb +-ing e +-ing double consonant 4 spn ng, summer,
+-ing S first, secand,
I.wJ!.itrg 6 sixth, seventh,
7 eighteenth, ninereenth,

b Complete the chart.

1/1 2/14 7/4 10/31 5/-1

b Look at che chart and co mplete che sentences. Day Date You say...

©©;Iove May Day 51,1 MaJ!jirs.t
@ =don't mind
® ; don'! like New Year's Day
®®; hale

dance at parties ®® ©© US Independence Day
Valentine's Day
do housework © ®®
drive at night ® 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant clusters;
sit in cafés ©
swim in the ocean © saying the date
watch soccer ©

I William hates dallci /lB ar parries. a Underline the stressed syllable in the mulrisyllable words.
Amanda ar parties.
hou sework. I January 7 July
2 William hou sework.
Amanda ar night. 2 February 8 August
ar nighr.
3 William in cafés. 3 March 9 September
Amanda in cafés.
in che ocean. 4 April 10 October
4 William in che ocean.
Amanda soccer. S May II November
5 William 6 June 12 December
,l!,Bamb Listen and check. Then listen and
6 William
Amanda repear the words.

e l~~:!!Lilm:mm~~· Listen a nd repeat the dates. 5 LlSTENING

1 4/3 6 6/14 ,"'33ma Listen to four speakers talk abour
2 12 /26 7 2/ 1 their favorite times ofyear. Match the speakers ro
3 5 / 11 8 11 /7 the seasons.
4 1/5 9 10/22
5 3 / 18 10 7 f12 S pea ker 1 sprtng

Speaker 2 fal l

Speaker 3 winter

4 READING Speaker 4 su mmer

Read the anide about imponant dates in the US and find ,!,¡qamb Listen again. Match rhe speakers to

rhe answers te rhe questions. Write A , B, e, or D. the activiries they enjoy doing at thar time ofyear.

On which day or days... ? [Q] Speaker 1 O
1 do some people watch spons on TV? OSpea ker2
2 do people thinkabout aman who helped others O Speaker3 O
3 do people help rhe earth O OSpea ker4
4 do people go ro work
5 do people hear or read steries rhat aren't rrue DO a walking
6 do sorne people walk outside in big groups b planning
O e taking photos
O d rraveling


dateS Learn these words and phrases.

A Aprll Fool's Day is on April 1st. It isn't a national birrhday /' bdrOdeIl
aslee p Id'slipl
holiday, but it's a day when people play jokes on friends depress ing Id¡'pr€sIIJI
and family. Some good jokes are on the Internet, in the
newspapers, or on TV-for example, one year on the Internet, outside (opposite in side) laut's,udl
a compnay that se 115 glasses put an advertisement for dog
sunglasses on its website. Many people believed it was true. hate Ihen/
in a good mood 1m óJ gud 'mudl
B Earth Day isn't a national US holiday, but it is day the When's your birthday? IW€llZ ydr 'bóJrOdeu

US and the rest of the world thinks about the earth and how
to help it. People do things li ke clean up parks, ride their
bikes, or plant trees . The first Earth Day was in 1970.

e Martln Luther Klng, Jr. Day is a US national

ho liday. On the third Monday in January, Americans
remember Dr. King and his work helping Americans in the
19605. Most schools and some businesses close for the day.
There are also parades and talks to celebrate Dr. King.

D Thanksglvlng is a US national holiday on the fourth

Thursday of November. Atraditional Thanksgiving activity is
cooking a turkey and eating a big meal with family and friends.
After the mea!, many people watch American football on TV or
sit around the table and tell stories or play games.

Ah, music. A magic beyond alL we do herel
J.K. Rowling, British author

1 GRAMMAR review: be or do? 2 VOCABULARY muslc

a Complete rhe sentences \Virh the correct form a Complete the words.
of be or do_

1 What are yau listening ro? yau play?

2 Wh ich instrument

3 The singer Spa nish. She's


4 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buy CDs. AHmy musie is

on my ¡Podo

5 We watch in g a movie.

We're watching rhe news.

6 your fr iend like reggae?

7 W hich song ________ your brother

dow nload in g?

8 He ________ sing in a group. He's a

solo artist.

9 T hey go to concerrs

because rhey're roo expensive.

10 ________ you a member of a Can club?

b Rewrite rhe sentences as questions.

T hey li sten [O music online. ,
D QtltCJI-lütell tQ mus.i, Quliltf.
2 Bai sin gs karaoke.

3 She's singing in rhe shower. ,

4 That g uitar's ex pensive. ,

5 They go to a lor oE lllll sicals. ,

6 1'111 waiting in rhe right place. 1 Riha nna is a n R&B.singer from Barbados.
2 Kings of Leon is an American r________ band .
7 Kathy ¡ikes reggae.
? 3 Black Eyed Peas is a famous h_ _ _ _ _ __

8 YOll go dancing on rhe weekend. h group.
4 Iron Maiden is an Engli sh h,________
9 He listens to classical music w hen he's stressed.
? m bando

10 They're in an orchest ra . S John Lee Hooker is famous for b________ music.
6 Bach and Beerhoven are two German composers of
e m'_ _ _ _ _ _ __

7 Jennifer Lopei. is a popular singer ofL,________ mu slC.

8 Many r musicians are from Jamaica.

9 Jamie C ullum plays modern j________

b Co mplete rh e senrences with the words in 4 L1STENING
rh e box.
Li sten ro the dialogues and choose a, b, or c.
concert go dancing download fan club Raul thinks reggae is...
karaoke lyrics music channels online a loud.
b slow.
My frie nds and I ofren 80 dancit18 on a c great.
Sarurday nighr.
2 My sister loves Creen Day and she's a member 2 The people who sing on rhe woman 's favorire cn are...
oftheir _______.
3 new music onto my él a classiea l ehoir.
MP3 playe r almost every day. b a roek bando
4 Mychild renl ovewatchin g _ _ _ _ _ __ e aetors.
es pecially MTV. 3 \Vendy usually listens to musie...
5 When she's nsin g her laprop , she ofren li stens a online.
to music _______ b on CDs.
6 ¡like the song, but 1don't understand the e on the radio.
4 The seeond man really likes.. .
7 Many Japanese people love singi ng a Rihanna.
b Seyoneé.
8 Would yon like ro come to a _ _ _ _ _ __ e Ju srin Bieber.
roni ghr? 1have t\Vo rickets for M ichael Bublé S John ... the songo
a likes
3 PRONUNCIATION /y/ b doesn't mind
e hates
a ~~rhe word which doe sn'r h ave /y/.
Learn these words and phrases.
a band /;J b<end/
1 use beautiful umbrella conductor I bn'dAkt~r/
2 young journalist yetlow karaoke Ik<eri'oukiJ
3 nurse use music o rehest ra I':)rbstr~/
4 musician lunch usuatty sou ndtraek /'saundtr<ekl
5 January university awful /,:)fl/
summer fantastie If<en'ta:stlkl
be a fan (of.. .) Ibi a 'fren (av)1
,,'.@'i! mb Listen and check. T hen listen and Be a member (of. ..) /bi ~ 'mEmbdrl
dow nload lllusie /'daunloud 'myuzlkl
repeat rhe wo rd s. go dancin g Igoo 'd,en sll)/

~mm:m _¡tu' FILE 6

My life is a simple thing that would interest nobody.
It is a known fact that I was born, and that is all that is necessary.

1 GRAMMAR simple past of be: was / were

.........,." . "". Edilh Wh~"on
""",Cunom of,II~COUIl'ry

...... w""" ".,,,,,

a Com plece che semences wich was, tvere, waslt't, or werelt't. 7 Softa Vergara ! born ! Columbia?./

A Who's that ? ---------------------------------_?

B It's Edith Wharton. 8 Frank Sinatra I singer?./

A Why 1 \Vas she famous? ---------------------------------_?

B She 2 a writer. 9 J.R .R . Talk ien and CS. Lewis! painters? X

A ' _______ she Canadian? ---------------------------------_?

B No, she ~ _ _ _ _ __ 10 Michael Jackson ! born ! Britain? X

She 5 American. She 6 _ _ _ born ------------------------------_?

in New York City in 1862.

A And 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ she married?
B Yes,she s______

b Wrice qu escions and answe rs. e Complete the dialogu es with present or past forms of be.

Alexander Graham Bell ! sportsman? X 1 A What day ~ it taday?
Was Alexallder Graham BeUa sp-!Qo,r,-tLíSJ1m:JajU1L' _____?
No. he wasn't . B Manday. Yesterday tvas Sunday.

2 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Tay lor I actors?./ 2 A Hi. _______ your sister at home?

_~H~0e~r~e~Rui~clw,a"r~duB~,~,rat~o,~,~ail"ildLEOHli~zaw0be~tflh~r.~a9y~l0o rúaw~c t~o,,~,-_ ' B NO,she . She _ _ _ _ __

-Yeso thev tvere here this morning, but now she _______

3 Jorge Luis Borges! writer? ./ at work.

----------------------------------_? 3 A I can't find my keys. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ they?

4 T he Beatles! fram the US? X B I don't know. They on your desk

this morning.

5 Robert Frost ! politicial1? X

6 I.M . Pei ! composer? X

2 VOCABULARY word formation 4 LlSTENING

a Make professions fram rhese words. Use a or att. , •.wma Listen ro a radio program about the grea test Americans of

1 invent an inventor al! time. Nu mberthe people in theorder they come on the list.

2 write b ",149m Liste n aga in. Write T (true) or F (fa lse).

3 dance 1 Ben Fran klin was a young newspaper ow ner.
2 George Washin gron was born on February 12, 1732.
4 compase 3 He was 76 when he died.
4 Marri n Luther Kin g, Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929.
5 music 5 He was you ng w hen he died .
6 Abraha m Lincoln was a pa inter.
6 paint 7 He was 56 when he d ied .
8 T he greatest A mer ican of a ll time was a si nger.
7 business
8 aet
Learn these words a nd phrases.
9 sClence the (16th) cent uey lo, 'sentJoril
ki lled Ibldl
10 sail between (18 16a nd 1820) Ib,'twin l
be aga inst (someth ing) Ibi d'gEIlStl
b Underline [ he srressed syll ables, e.g. an inventor. be in lave (wic h someone) Ibi Il1 'IAvl

e Pracrice saying rhe \Vords in a.

d Comp lete rhe seme nces \V irh was! tvere a nd a

n OU Il f r o m a.

I Francis Dra ke wasasailor

2 Beer hoven and Mazart were compasers
3 James Dean
4 Gali leo
5 Freddie Mercury
6 T he Wrighr brorhers
7 F. Seott Fitzgerald
8 Howard Hughes
9 Degas and Tou louse-Laurrec

3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

~!imm Listen a nd repear rhe conversarion .

A Who was Aaran Capland?
B He was a composer.
A Was he British?
B No, he wasn't. He was American.
A When was he born?
B He was born in 1900.
A Were his parents composers?
B No, they weren't.

Girls just want to have fun.
Cyndi Lauper, American songwriter/singer

1 GRAMMAR simple past: regular verbs 8 time I work I did ! What I arrive I Luisa I yesterday I ar

a Compl ete rhe semences \Virh a regular verb in che simple A'

past, firsr in che affirmarive and rhen in rhe nega tive. B At ten o'c1ock.
e Complete rhe qu est io ns and answers.
book download listen miss play study watch work
1990 1997 1998 2001 2004 2007 2009
1 Yesterday 1 missed l1ly bus, but 1 didn't miss my
train. Whendid
it happen?
2 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to rhe news, but \Ve
_______ to the wearher. 1 when I the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge / apen

3 My parenrs _______ Freneh ar sehool, bur ~Wul~IC~"udliid~tlil,e~A~k~a~swh~i-~K~awi"k:y"QuB~rui"d8,,,~e 0"lP~e~,,~_ _ _ _?
It opened in 1998 .
rhey Spanish or Japanese.
2 when / Michael Jackson / die
4 My sister rhe movie \Virh me, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7
but she rhe soccer game. He died in _ __

5 T he secrerary a rabie fOf lunch , 3 when I Facebook / st art

but she _______ a taxi. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _7

6I sorne mu sic anta my Japtop, It started in _ __
but 1 any l11ovies.
4 when I Princess Diana / die
7 The sa lesperson last Saturday, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
hut she 0 11 S unday. She died in ____,

8 My brocher tennis ar sehoo l, 5 when I the first tourist / travel into space
but he basketba ll.
b Order rhe \Vords ro make questions.
It traveled into space in _ __
1 you / did / night / TV / What / on / last / wateh?
6 when I iPhones I first appear
A Whar did y oll watch Otl IV las! ni8Ulu,L-_____?
B [ wa tched rhe news. -------------------------------?

2 did / game / the / time / end / What They appeared in _ __
A ________________?
7 when I Tim 8erners-Lee I create the World Wide Web
B At six o'dock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7
He created it in _ __
3 your / presen" / birthday / like / you / Did
A _________________?

B Yes, I did. T hey \Vefe great!

4 did / eollege / YO Ut / in / brother / What / study
A ________________?

B Modern Lan guages.

5 parenrs I yaur I arrive ! late I Did

A _________________?

B No, rhey didn 'r. T hey \Vere early.

6 Brazil j yau r I in I friends I did I Where ¡ Iive

A ________________?

B Rio de Janeiro. ?

7 of / you / Did / at / th e / ery / m ov ie / end / the


B Yes , 1did. Ir \Vas very sad.

2 VOCABULARY past time expressions 5 L1STENING

~the correct answer. a Li sten to four speakers descr ibing bad
J charred wirh rny frie nd s foc an h our~ t nii§Y¡ rrips. How did rhey travel (e.g., by car, etc.)?
yesterday night.
2 My gi rlfrie nd finished co llege ago tWD years !
twa years ago.
,!.t:ttlmb Listen again and match the speakers 1- 4
3 T hey traveled abroad last month I the last manth.
4 Did yau ca l! me last morning I yesterday morning? tú the se ntences a- d.
5 Ir stopped raining two hours ago I twa ago hours.
6 My brorher worked in rhe city last July I the last July. Speaker I D
7 We watched rhar mov ie befare two weeks I Spea ker 2 D
Speaker 3 D
twa weeks ago. Speaker4 D

8 David booked rh e tickets yesterday afternoon I A A stra nge r helped me.
B SOllleone in llly falllily helped me.
last aftcrnoon. C 1starred my trip twice.
O I didn'r arrive ar my destination.
9 Steve \Vas born in 1990 I 00 1990.
10 1played golf the day yesterday before I

the day befare yesterday.


a Listen to rh e words. Underline rhe word Learn these words and phrases.
w here -ed is pronounced IId /.
GPS /d3i pi 'es/
I booked checked wa nred wa lked surpri sed /sJr'pralzd/
arrive /J'ralv/
2 painted arrived finished traveJed cry /krall
mi ss /mls/
3 asked wa ited looked sto pped rcxt /tEkst/
rravel /' tnevl/
4 called played chatted li srened cou ntry house /kAntri 'haus/

5 mi ssed warched coo ked srarted

6 followed decided lived relaxed

,!mmb Lisren again and repear rhe words.

4 READING Serbian tennis pLayer Bojana Javanovski
was only 19 when she played in the
a Read rhe artide and choose rhe best title. San Diego Open. However, she aLmost
missed the tournament. Her first match
1 The wro ng match was in Carlsbad, California, so her agent
2 T he wrong desrinarion booked a seat for her and gave her the ticket
3 The wrong player
to Carlsbad. It was a long trip because
bRead rhe anide again and answer
rhe quesrions. Bojana needed to take three different planes.
When she finally arrived in Carlsbad, she was surori,sed
How old was Bo jana when rhe to find that the airport was empty. 5he waited for 15 minutes
inciden[ happened? and then called Tournament Transportation. The problem was that Bojana
2 Where was rhe tennis túurnament? was in Carlsbad, New Mexico and the transportaban service was in Carlsl,adl.!
3 How did she rrave! tú Carl sbad ? California where the tournament was. So, Bojana stayed in New Mexico for
4 Where did Bojana rrave! tú first? the night and then traveled to Carlsbad, California the next morning. She
5 When did she arrive ar rhe tournamenr? arrived anLy 30 minutes befare the start of her match with the Italian player
6 Who did she play in her firsr match? Roberta Vinci. Unfortunately, the day finished badly for Bojana because
7 Did she win? lost the match 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. Afterthat, she just wanted to go home!

Never be the first to arrive at a party or the
last to go home, and never, ever be both.

1 GRAMMAR simple past: irregular verbs 2 VOCABULARY go, have, get

a Change rhe sentences from rhe prese nt to rhe pasto a ElOss out the incorrect ex pression.

We meet in a café. (last nighr) 1 CO to the beach out to a restaura nr a-bns
2 H AVE lunch a sandw ich for a walk a sister
We met in a café last lÚfjht. 3 GET dressed a good time up an email
4 GO [O bed acar away on vacacion
2 Mateo sees his friends after \Vork. (Ia st nighr) S HAVE breakfast a bike short hair 18 yea rs
6 GET shopping home a newspaper a taxi
3 Emily loses her keys. (yesterday)
b Complete the text \Virh \Vent, had, or gOl.
4 We don't have dinner ar hame. (la sr night)

5 They leave \Vork ar 5:30. (yesterday)

6 A¡ex doesn'r ger up early. (yesterday morning)

7 My friend feels sick. (yesterday)

8 Junko doesn't go out during rhe \Veek. (Ia sr week)

9 I don'r wear glasses. (yesterday)

10 Luciana ca n't come ro my parey. (la sr year)

b Complete rhe questions in rhe dialogue.

A Where 1 didYOllfjO last night? I t was my wife's birthday last Saturday,
so we 1 \Vent away for the weekend.
B I went to that new sushi restaurant in town. I booked a hotel on the Internet, and on

A2 good?

B Ves, it was great. Friday we 2 _ _ _ _ the train to the coast.
A Who 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w ith?
It was late when we arrived, so we just

B I went with my girlfriend. ____ a sandwich and • to bed.

A What 4 ? The next day, we 5 up early and

B I ware jeans and my new black shirt. 6 breakfast in the hotel. It was a

A What time 5 home?

B We got home at about midnight. beautiful day, so we 7 ____ to the beach.

A6 a taxi home? We took a swim in the morning, and in the

B Yeso We didn't want to drive. afternoon we 8 for a walk. In the

A Did 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good time? evening, we 9 dinner in an expensive

B Yes, we had a great time. The food was delicious! French restaurant. The food was delicious! The

A • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it expensive? next day was Sunday, so we 10 back

B Yes, it was . home again. The weekend was very short, but

we II _ _ _ _ a great time.

3 PRONUNCIATION irregular verbs, b '!.!4,m Listen again and answer rhe questio ns.

sentence stress Wh en \Vas ir?

a Look at rhe pairs of irregular ve rb s. D o [hey have rh e 2 Who \Vas Me li ssa \V irh ?

sa me vowel sound ? Write S (rh e same) o r D (differe nr). 3 Where \Vefe rh ey?

1 came had [I5] 4 W hen did she arrive in rhe ciry?
2 did fee!
3 taught D 5 \Vhere did rhey have a coEEee?
4 lose \Vor e D
5 met D 6 Did ch ey have a good t ime? W hy (n ar)?
6 knew s p o ke D
7 heard wene D 7 W hac did rhey have fo c dinner?
8 rook saw D
le ft D 8 \V ha t time did rhey ge t ha me?
b Wlittlm Listen and check. T hen listen and
Learn these words and phrases.
repea r rh e ir regular verbs.
goa l Igoul/
e Listen and repear rhe sentences. .G.Qpy moon Imunl
sca rf Is korfl
rhe rhythm. sc reen Is krin l
embarrassed /¡m'b<er~stl
A What did you do last night? memo rable l' mEm~rdb l l
B I went to t he movies. decid e Id¡'saldl
A Who did you go with? ca ke a sw im Itelk ~ 'swlml
B I went with a friendo kno\V (somebo dy) a liule Inou d 'lit ll
A Where did you go after t he movies?
B We went to a restaurant.

We didn't have an expensive mea!.
We didn't get home late.


",mma Listen ro an inte rview abo ur a

memo rable ni ghr. Wh at did Meliss a do ?

".t4Am titía FILE 7

Getting lost

1 VOCABULARY directions m.i 4 READING

Co mpl ete (he \Vords. a Read rhe in fo rm arion abour ge rrin g around in rhe USo

1 turn Iqr: 11 By bus

2 go str a - -• - ..... In the USo an economical way for
3 turn r rhe train station ".... " traveling long distances is by bus.
4 gop ~. ~ _.~,- The most important company is
5 00 rhe e 1 -• ,-- Greyhound, which has freQuent service
6 across f ,''''''''' - between big cities. Greyhound is also
7 ab
S at rhe tr a convenient way for traveling to smaller ciries and towns

that don't have other forms of transportation Uke trains or

airplanes. Traveling by bus is usually cheap if you buy your

ticket early and travel at times of the day that are not busy.


Comp lete rhe dia logue wirh rhese words. Many people trave l by car in the USo It can
exactly Excuse miss near say Sorry tetl way Where's be expensive, and there is often a lot of
traffic . However. traveling by car means
A 1 Excuse me, please. 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ the train statio n? that you can be independent and flexible.
Also. a car with three or more passengers
B ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _• I don't live here. can be cheaper than public transportation . You can go Quickly
from one city to the next on freeways. but small roads are often
A Excuse me. 15 the train station ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ here? more scenic and fun . Parking in big cities can be difficult and very
expensive. Some cities like Denver, Baltimore, and Philadelph ia
e The train station? It's near here, but I don't know have light raíl train systems. You can park outside the city in
a free parking lot and then take a Ught rail train downtown.
' ________ where . $orry.
By train
A Excuse me. Can yau 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me the
Trains are generally faster and more
7 to the train station, please? comfortable than buses for long distance
trave!. but they can be a lot more expensive.
O Yes, of cou rse. Go past the hotel. Then turn left at the There is only one train company that
operates train service in the USo and
traffie lights. [t's at the end of the street. that is Amtrak. Passengers can get information on timetables
and fares from the Amtrak website, which also has a way to buy
A Sorry, could yau ij that again, please? tickets. There are three types of tickets: coach class , business
class. and first class. Tickets are cheaper if you buy them early.
O Yes. Go past the hot el. Then tu rn left at the traffie lights

and ¡t's at the end of the street . You can't

' _______ it!

A Thank you.

bRead rhe informario n again. WrireT (rrue) or F (false) .

3 SOCIAL ENGLlSH 1 Taking a bu s is a slo\V way ro trave l.
2 The be sr rime ro rravel by bus is ar quier rimes,
Comp lere rhe senrences w irh rhe word s in rh e box. 3 There isn't much t raffic in rhe USo
4 You need ro pay fo r parking when yOllll se
could course meet nice Maybe there What would
lighr rail in Denver.
I What a view! 5 You can buy rickers from Amrrak.

2 Whar ________ youliketovisit? e Match rh e highlighred adjectives ro rheir meanings.

3 Whar is ro see? 1 bea uri ful
2 easy ro do
4 We go ro rhe art ga llery. 3 cheap
4 easy ro change somerhing
5 Would yOlllike ro for lu nc h? 5 happenin g often

6 T har's rea lly o f yo u.

7 a norher rime.
S Yes,of_______,

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