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Bryson Tiefenthaler - NTS Literature Response Journal - 4494938

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Published by Bryson Tiefenthaler, 2019-12-10 22:51:26

Number the Stars

Bryson Tiefenthaler - NTS Literature Response Journal - 4494938

Number the Stars

Reflection Journal

By: Bryson Tiefenthaler

Building Background

Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.

Background of this Story:
In some countries around the world the government is

called a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, one person or a small
group of people have complete control of the country. In many
cases the military enforces the control. If a person does not
follow the rules, they may be arrested, threatened, scared, or
tortured. The citizens of that country are not allowed to talk or
act against the dictatorship. A person can be rewarded if they
tell the dictatorship about other people who are against the

Interpretive Question: How does the dictatorship
system of government in the story affect Pedro, his
family, and the citizens it governs?

R Restate the Question (green) Mrs. Rodriguez’s Example
- Read the question or prompt In the book, The Composition,
- Underline keywords Pedro, his family, and their entire
- Rewrite the question as a community are negatively affected by
statement using your own words the dictatorship government. One
example from the text of the problems
A Answer the Question (green) that the dictatorship caused can be
- Answer the question found on page 8. Don Daniel was
*If there is more that one part of dragged down the street by two men
the question, make sure to answer who were “pointing machine guns at
ALL parts. him.” This clearly shows that the
dictatorship is treating the people in
C Cite Evidence (yellows) the community poorly by threatening
- Use evidence from the text to them with weapons. Pedro’s parents
support your answer. lived in fear that they would be caught
-Include both paraphrased going against the government. They
evidence and direct quotes had to turn their radio down very low
so that they wouldn’t be caught
Possible evidence starters: listening. Pedro’s mom was so scared
According to the text… that she “cried silently at the table.”
For example… This is further evidence that the
On page ___ it says… government was making the people
Further support can be found... live in fear and even their daily tasks
In the article/ chapter it states... are being impacted. Finally, Pedro
himself was negatively affected by the
E Explain (reds) government. He was put in the
- Explain how each piece of text position of having to lie on his
evidence supports your answer. composition so that his parents
wouldn’t be caught. The dictatorship
Possible explain starters: tried to turn children against their
This clearly shows that… own parents. Obviously, the
This means that… dictatorship created fear and
This further supports the idea that… hardships for everyone that Pedro was
close to in his life.
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

Building Background

World War II and
the Holocaust

Learning Target: I can provide a summary of the text that
includes the main ideas and key details, as well as other
important information.

Summary of the article:
The article “World War II and the Holocaust” he in

encouraged death
how Adolf Hitler set out to rule the world. He came into power
in of geus and began to suffer. Starting in 1941, Jewish
people were dying . In these camps over hitler died. He joined
forces with and . When bombed on, 1941, the United States
entered the war and fought against the powers until when the
war ended.

Building Background


Learning Target: I can explain the relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a
historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific
information in the text.

How have underground movements affected events

throughout history? Was the largest A war which
armed conflict in was between
Underground history. the nazis and
Railroad america.

Where Underground World
slaves Movements War II
when to
escape It is not a

Building Background

Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.

Background of this Story:
“For centuries, the Star of David was a symbol of Jewish

pride. But during World War II, Nazis used the Star to
segregate and terrorize the Jewish people. Except in
Denmark. When Nazi soldiers occupied his country, King
Christian X of Denmark committed himself to keeping all
Danes safe from harm. The bravery of the Danes and their
king has inspired many legends. The most enduring is the
legend of the yellow star, which symbolizes the loyalty and
fearless spirit of the king and his people.”

Source: Peachtree Publishers

Interpretive Question: How did King Christian X’s
response to the yellow Star order in the story
affect the citizens of Denmark?

R Restate the Question (green) Team Response:
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords yellow star, it affected the citizens when
- Rewrite the question as a all of the kingdom decided they would
statement using your own words defend their king in the fight for When
King Christian X wore the the Jews. The
A Answer the Question (green) reaction that the Nazis gave was they were
- Answer the question going to go into a shooting because when
*If there is more that one part of they took the flag down they were mad so
the question, make sure to answer that is when a nazi soldier walked in and
ALL parts. said they were going into a shooting.But,
the Danes were not going to take that.
C Cite Evidence (yellows) After the king began to wear the yellow
- Use evidence from the text to star, the Nazis could have shot him. But,
support your answer. the citizens wore it too, and thus, the
-Include both paraphrased kingdom were all Jews. The king
evidence and direct quotes christian X affected the kingdom he
made everybody Wear the yellow star.
Possible evidence starters: When the zazi soilder threatended the
According to the text… king when they took the flag down thy
For example… were offended. Also when the copenhagen
On page ___ it says… on the horse was coming down they new
Further support can be found... what they had to do. So then the whole
In the article/ chapter it states... town wear a yellow star. So then the geus
felt protected. The danes did that to
E Explain (reds) confuse the nazis and that they were not
- Explain how each piece of text geus.
evidence supports your answer.

Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…

S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

Number the


Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Chapter 1

How are the characters’ lives
different than ours?

R Restate the Question (green)
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a
statement using your own words

A Answer the Question (green) The characters lives are different from
- Answer the question ours in many ways. The first reason why
*If there is more that one part of the is maybe back then they had a piece of
question, make sure to answer ALL bread and had to share with the family.
parts. For us we get big meals and the
characters have different experiences
C Cite Evidence (yellows) than us. My 2nd reason the soldiers
- Use evidence from the text to back then used to spy and stop and give
support your answer. kids adults orders of what they are
-Include both paraphrased supposed to do. For us, we do not have
evidence and direct quotes spies spying on us. If we are in need are
soldiers will always help us and they
Possible evidence starters: would never give orders to kids. That
According to the text… may be from my experience that
For example… soldiers would not be spying on kids.
On page ___ it says… They should stay more safe of not
Further support can be found... running on the streets and stay away
In the article/ chapter it states... from guards.That from the text in
Copenhagen there were guards and the
E Explain (reds) girls kept running but they were not
- Explain how each piece of text listening to the guards. The guards
evidence supports your answer. were watching them from all of the
corners spying on the kids. That the kids
Possible explain starters: are in a safe place their parents should
This clearly shows that… be more concerned that all the people
This means that… are getting yelled at by the soilders. My
This further supports the idea that… final reason is when we get a bit more
freedom, people back then thought this
S Sum it Up (green) is just perfect the way that it was.
- Conclude your answer Though we need to appreciate what we
- Link back to the topic sentence have today.
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Chapter 2

How does this picture relate to the chapter?

● My Thoughts:

● (Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
● In the book and the photo they are talking to their soldiers.
● They are both in the story and photo talking about the war.

● The king and queen are talking about the people.

Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.

R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 3
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords “Now I think all of Denmark
- Rewrite the question as a must be the bodyguard for
statement using your own words the Jews as well.” What does

A Answer the Question (green) this mean?
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of Response:
the question, make sure to answer
ALL parts. This means that they have to protect the
jews from the Axis because they are
C Cite Evidence (yellows) being mean to others. The 1st reason
- Use evidence from the text to why is when they talk about how the
support your answer. jews have so many soldiers spying on
-Include both paraphrased the people so they felt scared. The 2nd
evidence and direct quotes reason is the jews are usually treated
badly by the Nazies while during the
Possible evidence starters: war. The 2nd reason is about being a
According to the text… bodyguard for the jews. They needed
For example… more help from the danes and in the
On page ___ it says… text they realized that people like Mrs.
Further support can be found... Hirsch disappeared. When the jews
In the article/ chapter it states... were getting attacked and needed help
from the danes before the Nazies could
E Explain (reds) capture them and make them suffer
- Explain how each piece of text from death or work. According to the
evidence supports your answer. text, Peter and others thought they were
tormenting them by closing down the
Possible explain starters: shops like Mrs. Hirsch shop. The
This clearly shows that… Nazies were closing down shops
This means that… everywhere during the war. The jews
This further supports the idea that… were in danger and they needed help
from other people.

S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.

Chapter 4

How does this picture relate to the chapter?

My Thoughts:

● (Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
● When they have to leave their parents and stay with her sister/sibling.

● Also when they accomplish their goal.
● They say goodbye to their parents with a sad ending.
● Of when They were forced by the army to move to different homes.

Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or
events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text.

Chapter 5

Compare and contrast the Danish Citizens and Nazis.
The first attribute has been chosen for you. Choose at

least two additional attributes to compare.

Danish Attributes Nazi Soldiers
Citizens Being


The danish people Feelings about the The nazis did not like
wanted to protect the Jewish people the jews they wanted
jews and help them. to bad things to them
they treated them
poorly with no

The danish citizens Feeling about king The nazis did not
admired king christian X treat him well they did
christian X.
not like what he did
The danishes respect Feeling about other and they did not
they do not barge in people's stuff.
someone's house agree about what he
and break all of their does.
stuff. They don't care
what they have it is In the text the Nazis
people business to went inside their
have what the want homes and tore up
their pictures they did
not agree with what
people had.

Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.

Chapter 6

How does this picture relate to the chapter?

● My Thoughts:

● (Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
● On page 53 in the text it says he remembers of fishing and cigarettes.
● What the cigarettes up there mean their secret message.
● There uncle always fished and he loved smoking cigarettes and he used them

for secrets.
● He loved what he did and he keeps his good days in his head just to

remember what a fun time he had.

Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Chapter 7-8
How does war change people?
R Why?

Restate the Question (green)
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a
statement using your own words

A Answer the Question (green) War can change many people in positive
- Answer the question and also negative ways. In the text
*If there is more that one part of chapter 7 page 60 it says shattered
the question, make sure to answer windows glass everywhere that just
ALL parts. means there is not a lot of places for
people to be safe from the war and the
C Cite Evidence (yellows) soldiers. In the war people like they are
- Use evidence from the text to jews so they are trying to hide from the
support your answer. Nazi soldiers because they are trying to
-Include both paraphrased harm them in many ways. In chapter 8
evidence and direct quotes page 72 there had been a death. One of
their great aunts died that they never
Possible evidence starters: knew about that much. The Nazies are
According to the text… starting to torture jews that everybody
For example… has been concerned about for many
On page ___ it says… years. In chapter 8 page 69 they relocate
Further support can be found... all of the farmers butter and feed all of it
In the article/ chapter it states... to the army. So the farmers are getting
treated as slaves to make them food for
E Explain (reds) the army and the farmers are not getting
- Explain how each piece of text time to eat and all the people are not
evidence supports your answer. getting food for there families. Clearly
war can affect people in many different
Possible explain starters: ways. They may be difficult and positive
This clearly shows that… ways.
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…

S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.

Chapter 9-10

Compare and contrast Mama and
Annemarie and how they faced the
challenges when the German soldiers

came to the “funeral.”

Mama Attributes Annemarie


The mama was more of the Brave Annemarie was more of the
talker the one that standed one that stood on her side
to help in situations with the
up to the nazi soldiers.

Mama in chapter 10 when How they dealt with the Annemarie was really mad
the soldiers were looking Nazi soldiers when they slapped the
around in her house they mom . She got the bible
slapped her and said we do Calmness
not care about your dead out and started reading it to
aunt . She is mad and sad her mother and she went
what the Nazi soldiers do to fast asleep.

other people like her. Annemarie has been trying
to keep safe trying to have
Mama maybe a little calm
but these past few chapters fun she is a little calmer
have been terrible times for because she might not
her she has been frustrated
understand what is
and sad trying to keep happening right now what
everyone safe so she has
been having a lot of stress. they are doing.

Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 11
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords When is telling the truth
- Rewrite the question as a important? When is not
statement using your own words
telling the truth important?
A Answer the Question (green)
- Answer the question Telling the truth is important when is
*If there is more that one part of not telling the truth important? When
the question, make sure to answer
ALL parts. in the story the soldiers are spying or
coming in the house and ask you a
C Cite Evidence (yellows)
- Use evidence from the text to question and you lie to the soldier you
support your answer. could go to prison. There are some bad
-Include both paraphrased situations in this book when they have
evidence and direct quotes to lie but that my not be the best way to
hide the truth. When they were trying to
Possible evidence starters: escape the soldiers started to realize that
According to the text…
For example… they were escaping. They started to
On page ___ it says… hunt but they were trying to go to
Further support can be found... Sweden to safety. Though, there is
In the article/ chapter it states...
going to be so many soldiers trying to
E Explain (reds) stop them when they are sailing. When
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer. they were trying to escape they were
getting searched and they were feeling
Possible explain starters: unsafe so they had to leave and get to
This clearly shows that…
This means that… safety. In chapter 11 there had been a
This further supports the idea that… guy to put something in their ship that

S Sum it Up (green) could have stopped them or caused
- Conclude your answer danger. Like we have been saying they
- Link back to the topic sentence are trying to stop them. The Nazis are
using different words are searching but now the Rozens are
trying to escape. In these past situations
Possible summary starters: telling the truth is not important. What
Clearly Definitely Certainly is important is keeping everyone safe
To sum up In fact Obviously
from the soldiers.

Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.

Chapter 12-13

How does this text relate to Number the stars and
particularly Annemarie in chapter 13?

My Thoughts:

(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
● When Annemarie’s mom was laying down with a hurt leg and could not

● She saved her mom but she had to hurry before one of the soldiers got

to her.
● This compares because in the book, The Man in the Red Bandana,

Anamarie saves someone just like the books main character saves
someone that they are thankful for.

Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 14-15
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords What is the author’s purpose of
- Rewrite the question as a including the story of Little
statement using your own words Red Riding Hood during
Annemarie’s run through the
A Answer the Question (green) forest?
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of Why is red riding hood brought up in
the question, make sure to answer the woods in this story. When Anamarie
ALL parts. was going along in the woods to her
uncle to give him his lunch to eat. They
C Cite Evidence (yellows) were similar just like in the story also
- Use evidence from the text to the dogs barking like the wolves
support your answer. howling. When the soldier came up to
-Include both paraphrased her to ask her what is in her lunch and
evidence and direct quotes they were trying to make sure she was
not hiding something. Also, in red
Possible evidence starters: riding hood two soldiers also came by to
According to the text… talk to her why but they did not check
For example… was her bag like in this book. They
On page ___ it says… compared that to red riding hood
Further support can be found... because they were in the woods just like
In the article/ chapter it states... in red riding hood but there were some
differences like instead of the grandpa
E Explain (reds) getting attacked in the book the
- Explain how each piece of text grandma got attacked by a wolf. They
evidence supports your answer. were comparing so they could get a
good story line to the book to remind
Possible explain starters: people of the story of Red Riding Hood.
This clearly shows that… They compared the two stories so that
This means that… you could understand the differences
This further supports the idea that… and similarities.

S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

Chapter 16-17 and
Why does the author include the
“Afterword?” Why is it important
to read the afterword, especially
in historical fiction books?
R Restate the Question (green)
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a

statement using your own words

A Answer the Question (green) Why is putting a afterword important in
- Answer the question a historical fiction? It is important so that
*If there is more that one part of they can tell details more that they
the question, make sure to answer missed in the book add stuff they forget
ALL parts. to add. That when they put all those
interesting facts and they forget to put
C Cite Evidence (yellows) details and facts about the book and
- Use evidence from the text to characters they forgot to add more about.
support your answer. They do it to give reasons of what
-Include both paraphrased happened in real life and what they have
evidence and direct quotes opinions in the book that are different.
When they have different examoles in
Possible evidence starters: the book they are using made up
According to the text… characters and in the afterward they are
For example… telling more about how they are not real
On page ___ it says… and that there are different charcteristics
Further support can be found... of the real people. When you are talking
In the article/ chapter it states... about the characters in the book the
afterward may give different examples of
E Explain (reds) the setting about different points of
- Explain how each piece of text views. In the book there are parts that I
evidence supports your answer. may not understand about the book and
in the afterword they give a better
Possible explain starters: understanding and definition of each
This clearly shows that… word. Afterword is a good way to put
This means that… more facts about the book and to explain
This further supports the idea that… it more clearly. I hope you enjoyed the
presentation of Number the Stars book.
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words

Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously

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