Mishloach Manot Catalog 2022
for orders contact Michael Smigel
+972 54 288 7104
"Party in a Box"
Black and white super fun box
bursting with snacks. Includes
Mike and Ikes, Caramel popcorn,
Twizzlers, Israeli chocolates,
sour sticks, chips and gum.
Perfect for Yeshiva and
Seminary students!!
60 USD
"Purim Happiness"
Round plastic sectional filled with an
assortment of colorful, fun candies
and chocolates.
Recommended for seminary and yeshiva
*available in 2 sizes
Medium- 60 USD
Large- 75 USD
"Best of Israel"
Rustic wooden box
filled with a
vintage can of
Pereg olive oil,
a jar of Pereg
honey, a petite
bottle of wine,
teas, chocolates,
and dried fruits.
155 USD
"Modern sleek"
Contains three
clear cubes
filled with Jelly
Beans, candy
pralines and a
petit bottle of
Israeli wine
85 USD
Containing "Luxury
Sparkling Boutique
Chocolates, Box"
Gourmet cookies,
roasted nuts, 135 USD
dried fruits and