District: Waajid Resilience and Coping Strategies | 41
District Type of Need Time period
Immediate Term
• Cash grants (unconditional or conditional)
• Emergency food aid (0-3 months)
• Agricultural inputs (seeds, equipment) Medium Term
(4-6 months)
Waajid • Cash grants (unconditional or conditional) Longer term
• Emergency food aid (7-12 months)
• Agricultural inputs (seeds, equipment)
Time period
• Cash grants (unconditional or conditional) Immediate Term
• Emergency food aid
• Drinking water (0-3 months)
Medium Term
Table 108: Waajid - Priority needs by district, type of assistance and time period (4-6 months)
Longer term
District: Wanla Weyn (7-12 months)
District Type of Need Time period
Immediate Term
Wanla Weyn • Cash grants (unconditional or conditional)
• Emergency food aid (0-3 months)
• Health services Medium Term
(4-6 months)
• Cash grants (unconditional or conditional) Longer term
• A new source of income (7-12 months)
• Agricultural inputs (seeds, equipment)
• Cash grants (unconditional or conditional)
• Emergency food aid
• Health services
Table 109: Wanla Weyn - Priority needs by district, type of assistance and time period
District: Xudur
District Type of Need
Xudur • Cash grants (unconditional or conditional)
• Emergency food aid
• Drinking water
• Cash grants (unconditional or conditional)
• Emergency food aid
• Drinking water
• Cash grants (unconditional or conditional)
• Emergency food aid
• Drinking water
Table 110: Xudur - Priority needs by district, type of assistance and time period
42 | Resilience and Coping Strategies context of discussing problems related to primary
livelihood streams derived mainly from agricultural
Priority Needs Focus Group Data activities and livestock rearing, respondents’ solutions
Respondents were asked in the Focus Group were firmly centred in their livelihood activities. The
Discussions to hypothesize solutions to their current possibility that in the enumeration of the quantitative
problems. These solutions can be interpreted as survey respondents were in some way prompted to
correlating closely with the respondents’ priority cite cash for work as a priority needs to be explored.
needs. It is interesting to note that when asked to
think about their problems in terms of solutions, cash The following two tables illustrate the respondents’
or cash for work did not emerge as a priority solution, solutions to agricultural and livestock rearing problems.
as it did in the quantitative enumeration, in a scenario
in which respondents were asked to enumerate their
priority needs. In the Focus Group Discussions in the
District Immediate Term Medium Term Longer Term
Afgoye (0-3 months) (4-6 months) (7-12 months)
Badhan • Distribution of agricultural • Training on good agricultural • Planting drought resistant
Baidoa inputs
Buur Hakaba practice crops
El Barde • Increase number of water • Rehabilitation of wells • Digging shallow wells
Eyl points
Iskushuban • Provision of water tanks
Las Canood • Provision of cash • Provision of cash • Restocking
Luuq • Rehabilitation of water points • Rehabilitation of water points
• Construction of wells and • Training on good agricultural • Provision and distribution of
irrigation canals practice agricultural inputs
• Provision and distribution of • Drilling of boreholes
agricultural inputs
• Provision and distribution of • Drilling of boreholes • Drilling of boreholes
agricultural inputs • Construction of dams
• Restocking • Provision of clean water • Training on good agricultural
• Digging of berkads practice
• Construction of water canals • Training on good agricultural • Construction of dams
to be used for irrigation practice
• NRM implementation • Digging of berkads • Reseeding of grazing land
• Rehabilitation of dams
• Digging of more water sources
• Restocking • Training on good agricultural • Practice rotational grazing
• Provision of water and practice
pasture for livestock
• Vaccination of livestock
• Provision and distribution of • Digging of dams • Proper marketing of produce
agricultural inputs
• Digging of berkads • Construction of more water • Construction of dams
• Water trucking points
• Cash for work • Digging of shallow wells and • Provision and distribution of
• Water harvesting berkads agricultural inputs (seeds)
• Provision and distribution of
agricultural inputs (seeds)
• Provision and distribution of • Training on good agricultural • Training on good agricultural
agricultural inputs practice practice
• Provision and distribution of
drought resistant cops
• Provision and distribution of • Practising crop rotation • Training on good agricultural
agricultural inputs practice
Table 111: Respondents’ perceptions of agricultural solutions over different time periods
Resilience and Coping Strategies | 43
District Immediate Term Medium Term Longer Term
Afgoye (0-3 months) (4-6 months) (7-12 months)
Badhan • Provision of veterinary drugs • Training of good animal • Establish livestock drug
Baidoa husbandry center
Buur Hakaba
• Planting drought resistant
Dangorayo grass
El Barde
Eyl • Provision of water tanks • Construction of water storage • Digging shallow wells
Jariiban points • Construction of dams
Las Canood
Luuq • Provision of cash • Construction of water points • Restocking
Rab Dhuure • Rehabilitation of water points
Waajid • Provision of fodder stock • Provision of fodder stock • Provision of grass seeds
• Provision of veterinary • Provision of veterinary • Provision of livestock drugs
services services
• Digging wells and berkads • Vaccinating livestock • Construction of storage
• Training on good animal facilities
husbandry • Drilling boreholes
• Restocking • Construction of berkads • Drilling boreholes
• Vaccination of livestock
• Training on good animal
• Water trucking • Restocking • Introduce rangeland
• Provision of fodder stock
• Construction of shallow wells management practice
• Provision of veterinary • Vaccination of livestock • Promote marketing strategies
• Construction of water points
• Water trucking • Training on good animal
• Vaccination of livestock husbandry
• Water trucking • Construction of shallow wells • Training on good animal
• Vaccination of livestock husbandry
• Training on good animal • Provision of adequate fodder • Restocking
husbandry storage facilities
• Vaccination of livestock
• Provision of fodder stock • Training community health • Training on good animal
• Provision of veterinary workers husbandry
services • Practising rotational grazing
• Practising crop rotation • Training on good animal • Provision of veterinary
husbandry services
• Water trucking • Training on good animal • Build more fodder storages
• Construction of more water
• Construction of shallow wells husbandry
• Provision of fodder stock • Restocking • Training on good animal
• Provision of vaccines to the • Adopting other livelihood husbandry
animals income sources
• Provision of agricultural inputs • Provision of veterinary
(seeds for planting grass) services
Wanla Weyn • Provision of fodder • Provision of adequate fodder • Construction of wells
Xudur storage facilities
• Water trucking • Training on good animal
• Food distribution • Livestock vaccination husbandry
• Construction of more water
Table 112: Respondents’ perceptions of livestock husbandry solutions over different time periods
44 |
For the most part, data from both the quantitative on priority needs, with cash grants and cash for work
and qualitative instruments was closely correlated ranking more highly in the quantitative enumeration
in response from survey participants. The summary than in the qualitative, what needs to be explored is
results table at the beginning of this report cites the whether this response could have been the result of
most prevalent responses elicited on several subjects. suggestion or prompting from enumerators. In any
case, the use of cash for work as a means to acquire
It is clear from the survey data that water sustainability agricultural inputs would be consistent with the
throughout the Jilal and other seasons remains a quantitative response.
priority as the lack of water and inadequate rainfall
influences performance in the main livelihood sources It is hoped that the findings from this survey could
cited; agriculture and crop production and livestock guide future project programming strategies
husbandry. Respondents in all districts cited high for improvements in livelihood productivity and
percentages of loss of livestock and fodder stock as enhancement of resilience of the population. The
well as decreases in crop production as repercussions survey data indicates that in general, the population is
of drought. Respondents’ consistently indicated that looking to improve their livelihood strategies and could
agricultural inputs (seeds, ploughs and other tools) make use of agricultural inputs and improvements
were a priority for the immediate term while training, to livestock husbandry techniques with a view to
veterinary services and in some cases, opportunities enhancing economic growth. Increases in economic
for diversification of income sources remained priority growth will in turn improve income levels and enhance
needs for the medium and longer term outlook. While resilience, thus making time to recover from the next
there was some inconsistency in the data from the shock shorter and will require less assistance from
quantitative survey and the focus group discussions outside sources.
| 45
46 |
Annex 1:
Qualitative Survey Instruments
FGD Guidance Note: Focus Group Discussion Instructions
Materials 5 Go to Excel spreadsheet ‘Livelihood Rapid Appraisal
• Flip charts FGD Qualitative Tool’ and ask questions in section
• Markers E, recording the information on your tablet or
• Sticky notes phone.
• Index cards
• Scissors 6 Carry out a discussion on solutions to the problems
• Beans, stones, buttons (at least 20 of 4 different arising from the Problem Prioritization and Analysis
types) exercise, using the ‘Solution Matrix Guidance Note’
and recording the information in Section F of the
‘Livelihood Rapid Appraisal FGD Qualitative Tool’
Excel spreadsheet.
Instructions Products from Focus Group Discussions
1 Livelihood and Natural Resource Map of community
1 Using the ‘Livelihood Rapid Appraisal FGD
Qualitative Tool’ Excel spreadsheet, record – flipchart page (A0) and photo image file
pertinent information in sections A & B, as
indicated, using your tablet and ODK. 2 Problem Tree - flipchart page (A0) and photo image
2 Carry out Livelihood Mapping exercise using
‘Livelihood Mapping Guidance Note’ to indicate 3 Problem Scoring Matrix - flipchart page (A0) and
the items that should appear on the finished map. photo image file
3 Go to Excel spreadsheet ‘Livelihood Rapid Appraisal 4 Solution Matrix - flipchart page (A0) and photo
FGD Qualitative Tool’ and ask questions in section image file
D, recording the information on your tablet or
phone. 5 Data recorded in database on questions from
Excel spreadsheet ‘Livelihood Rapid Appraisal FGD
4 Carry out Problem Tree Analysis, using the file Qualitative Tool’
indicated as ‘Problem Prioritization and Analysis
Guidance Note’.
Focus Group Discussion Questionnaire
Q no type name label
start start
end end Look up enumerator name
today today
deviceid deviceid Look up enumerator ID
select_one enum enum
Write down enumerator phone number
select_one enum_id enum_id Name of note taker
Name of map drewer
phonenumber phonenumber Hello, my name is $(enum). We are conducting a survey of the food security and the livelihood situation of
families living in the areas affected by drought. We would like to ask you some questions about your community
select_one yesno consent and yourself. The survey usually takes 30 minutes to complete.
Any information that you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shown to other people. This is
note declined_consent voluntary and you can choose not to answer any or all of the questions if you want. However, we hope that you
note projectnote will participate since your views are important. Do you agree to participate?
If the respondent has declined consent, please end the interview and delete the form.
PLEASE NOTE: This form is ONLY for Livelihoods Rapid Appraisal Focus Group Discussions
Continued on following page
select_one enum_id enum_id Look up enumerator ID
phonenumber phonenumber Write down enumerator phone number
Name of note taker Annex 1 | 47
select_one yesno consent Name of map drewer
Continued from previous page Hello, my name is $(enum). We are conducting a survey of the food security and the livelihood situation of
families living in the areas affected by drought. We would like to ask you some questions about your community
note declined_consent and yourself. The survey usually takes 30 minutes to complete.
Any information that you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shown to other people. This is
note projectnote voluntary and you can choose not to answer any or all of the questions if you want. However, we hope that you
will participate since your views are important. Do you agree to participate?
If the respondent has declined consent, please end the interview and delete the form.
PLEASE NOTE: This form is ONLY for Livelihoods Rapid Appraisal Focus Group Discussions
end group
B1 select_one state state Specify State
B2 text state_other Specify Region
B3 select_one region region Specify District
B4 text region_other Geo-reference of site of FGD
B5 select_one district district
B6 text district_other
B7 text village
B8 geopoint Geo_reference
end group
1 select_one target_group Target Group Type
target_group number_group Number of participants in the group
2 integer
end group
1 livelihood_source What are the main sources of livelihoods in the community (in of numbers of households in each)
2 integer crop_production_post_d If crop production before this drought was 00 , what is crop production now?
3 integer
4 integer average_household_lives What is the average number of livestock owned by a household?
5 integer tock
livestock_lost What percentage of livestock was lost in this community?
fodder_lost What percenage of fodder stock has been lost?
6 select_one food_availability Is sufficient food available in the markets?
How far away is the nearest market (distance in km)?
7 integer market_distance Do you have friends, neighbours or relatives who have had to leave the village because of the drought?
8 select_one yesno displaced
select_one reasons reasons_leave_home Why did they have to leave specifically?
leave home
1 text displaced_location Do you know where they are? If so, get the name and geographical location.
11 select_one yesno displaced_land_left Did they leave any land when they left the village?
12 text names_displaced What are their names?
13 integer names_displaced_phone What are their phone numbers?
begin group What are the main problems preventing year round water provision?
E1 Rank these problems in order of worst problem to least worst problem.
E2 What are the three main problems with pasture and gra ing land in your community?
E3 Rank these problems in order of worst problem to least worst problem.
E4 What are the three main problems preventing the community growing more crops, both for consumption and
for retail?
E5 Rank these problems in order of worst problem to least worst problem.
What are the three main problems affecting livestock in your community?
begin group F
1 What are the best solutions to the first water problem?
3 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
4 term ( - months)?
6 What are the best solutions to the second water problem?
8 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
11 What are the best solutions to the third water problem?
13 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
15 term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the first pasture problem?
end group
begin group Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the second pasture problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the third pasture problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the first agriculture problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)? Continued on following page
What are the best solutions to the second agriculture problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
6 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
7 term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the first pasture problem?
48 | Annex 1 8 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
1 What are the best solutions to the second pasture problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
11 term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the third pasture problem?
12 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
Co1n3tinued from previous page What are the best solutions to the first agriculture problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
14 term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the second agriculture problem?
15 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
end group F What are the best solutions to the third agriculture problem?
begin group Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
17 term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the first livestock problem?
18 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
1 What are the best solutions to the second livestock problem?
Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
2 term ( - months)?
What are the best solutions to the third livestock problem?
21 Which solutions should be implemented in the short term (0-3 months, medium term (3- months) and longer-
term ( - months)?
end group
Choices name label
list_name South West State Awdal
state Bakool
state Awdal Banaadir
Bakool Bari
region Banaadir Bay
region Bari Galguduud
region Bay Gedo
region Galguduud Hiiraan
region Gedo Jubbada Dhexe
region Hiiraan Jubbada Hoose
region Jubbada_Dhexe Mudug
region Jubbada_Hoose Nugaal
region Mudug Sanaag
region Nugaal Shabeellaha Dhexe
region Sanaag Shabeellaha Hoose
region Shabeellaha_Dhexe Sool
region Shabeellaha_Hoose Togdheer
region Sool Woqooyi Galbeed
region Togdheer Other
region Woqooyi_Galbeed
region Other El Barde
region Baidoa
region El_Barde Qansadhere
Baidoa Xudur
district Qansadhere Wajid
district Xudur Buur Hakaba
district Wajid Afgoye
district Buur_Hakaba Las Canood
district Afgoye Badhan
district Las_Canood Eyl
district Badhan Other
district Eyl
district Other es
district No
district yes Don t now
yesno don t_know Male
yesno emale
yesno male
female Women from a minority clan
malefemale minority_women Men from a minority clan
target_grou youth_female emale youth years Continued on following page
target_grou youth_male
target_grou Male youth years
target_grou agriculture_cro
agriculture_li estock cro s culti ation
li elihood_source sho kee er trader li estock rearing
li elihood_source job outside the illage owns a kiosk or a small sho or trades in goods
li elihood_source working outside the community and sending money home watchman office job etc
li elihood_source
district Badhan Badhan
district Eyl Eyl
district Other Other
yesno yes es Annex 1 | 49
yesno no No
yesno don t_know Don t now
malefemale male Male
malefemale female emale
Ctaorngteitn_ugerodufrom previous pamgienority_women Women from a minority clan
target_grou minority_men Men from a minority clan
target_grou youth_female emale youth years
target_grou youth_male Male youth years
li elihood_source agriculture_cro cro s culti ation
li elihood_source agriculture_li estock li estock rearing
li elihood_source sho kee er trader owns a kiosk or a small sho or trades in goods
li elihood_source job outside the illage working outside the community and sending money home watchman office job etc
li elihood_source daily labourer working on farms loading goods etc
food_a ailability lenty Lots of food a ailable
food_a ailability some Some food a ailable but not enough
food_a ailability none at all No food a ailable
drinking_water_source rotected_sources rotected wells hand um s s rings i ed water
drinking_water_source un rotected_sources un rotoected or surface water sources
drinking_water_source tankers water trucked in
drinking_water_source no_drinking_water_a ailable no drinking water a ailable
reasons_lea e_home take_li estock_other_gra ing Take li estock to other gra ing grounds
reasons_lea e_home
reasons_lea e_home rescue_li estock To rescue li estock
reasons_lea e_home
reasons_lea e_home fled_flooding led flooding
reasons_lea e_home
reasons_lea e_home house_destroyed House destroyed
reasons_lea e_home
insecurity_fear_conflict nsecurity or fear from conflict
reasons_lea e_home
loss_income_li elihood Loss of income or li elihood
reasons_lea e_home
seek_em loyment To seek em loyment
reasons_lea e_home
head_household_died Head of household died
reasons_lea e_home
not_enough_food_househol Household unable to find food
reasons_lea e_home d
not_enough_water_househo No water for domestic use
not_enough_food_li estock Not enough feed fodder asture for li estock
not_enough_water_li estock Not enough water for li estock
other Other
50 | Annex 1 Instructions for facilitators
Livelihood Mapping Guidance Note Starting the mapping exercise
• Introduce yourselves as the field team, and
Objective explain clearly the objectives of the mapping
To map the water sources, the land use patterns (grazing
lands, land used for crop production), human and livestock • Stress that the key focus of the mapping is
mobility, forests, and markets to understand better the the field team learning/understanding from
relationship between livelihoods and natural resources in the group.
the community.
• Let the group select a couple of members
How to facilitate a mapping exercise who will draw the map on the ground with
the consent of the group.
There are three key roles for the field team or facilitators:
Adding detail and information to the map
1 The mapping facilitator • Information and detail should be related to
The role of the mapping facilitator is to encourage the objectives of the exercise.
and enable the group to create or draw a map. This is
done through the clear explanation of the objectives of • Ask participants to identify one reference
why we are asking the group to draw a map and what point that is well known (school, mosque,
information the map should display. An important part market, etc.) and one natural direction
of the facilitator’s role is to ensure the involvement (east, west…).
of the whole group in the mapping process, rather
than the exercise being dominated by a few persons. • In reference to this, ask them to show major
Once the map has been drawn, the facilitator runs roads, then rivers or seasonal streams.
through the checklist of questions in order to gather
the required information • After this, include the major natural
resources in their area:
2 Map drawer/copier » All water points (wells, ponds, birkads,
With the permission of the group, and on the clear etc.), including those water points that
understanding that the group will be provided with a provide water even during the Jilal and
copy of the final map, the map drawer carefully details colour coded water points (those that
all the information that the group displays on the work in all seasons, about 60% of the
map. The drawn map needs to be as clear as possible. time and only about 25% of the time)
A clear legend referring to the various information » Grazing areas, including those that are
and symbols used on the map is essential. During the overgrazed and degraded and those
group analysis of the map the note taker records the that are still in good condition
questions of the facilitator and the answers given by » Major farming areas, covering which
the group. This information will form a basis for activity areas produce which crops in which
planning. season, which land produces good
yields, and which land is degraded or
3 The note taker nutrient-depleted
The note taker, again with the agreement of the » Human and livestock mobility and
group, takes detailed notes of the group’s discussions migration patterns
and responses to questions. The main information is » Private or communal enclosures
that generated by the checklist of questions, but it is » Major settlements
also important to record issues of debate and facts of » Bush encroached areas
interest that arise during the exercise. » Veterinary clinics
» Markets
Final tips
• After depciting all the resources, ask them
• The facilitator should be aware of the length of the to draw the boundary of their specific area.
exercise. If the exercise drags on too long and group
members lose interest or become distracted with other
things they need to do, stop the exercise and discuss
when it would be convenient for the group to carry on.
• Never force people to participate or complete an
exercise for the sake of finishing. Once the interest
has gone, the value of information is greatly devalued,
and we should not inconvenience participating
Annex 1 | 51
Problem Prioritisation and Analysis Problem Tree Analysis
Problem identification and analysis will be major The problem analysis is the phase in which the
activity source of data and information to enable the negative aspects of a given situation are identified,
strategic targeting of investments and programming establishing the cause and effect relationship between
in recovery activities. Understanding a problem is the the observed problems. The problems are placed in the
key to solving a problem. In order to understand a middle forming the ‘trunk’ of the tree, with the causes
problem, it is useful to analyse the problem in terms being the ‘roots’ and the effects being the ‘leaves
of cause and effect. In order to solve a problem, it is and branches’. Identification of problem causes and
necessary to take actions that address the causes of their effects in the community is the foundation for
the problem. subsequently identifying solutions to these problems.
Instructions for facilitators identified, after which a discussion could take place on why
that problem exists (cause). Equally the discussion may begin
The group should identify the three biggest problems in their with an identification of the problem, with cause and effect
community with respect to water, pasture, agriculture and following.
crops and draw a problem tree for all four. It may be that
some of the causes and effects are common across all sectors The group will then draw a problem tree using either of the
under analysis. If this is the case, it is not necessary to draw following two formats to graphically illustrate the analysis of
four problem trees but possible to combine more than one problems in the community.
sector in a tree.
The areas of focus for a discussion on problems are: water,
An example of a question to be asked is as follows: pasture, agriculture (crops) and livestock. As indicated
What would be the best scenario regarding the state of water previously this may involve the construction of a problem tree
resources in your community? for each focus area, however, depending on the linked nature
of the problem and its cause and effect, some areas of focus
An example of an answer might be: may be combined into one tree.
To have water available all year round for use by animals,
humans and crops within a distance that does not involve too Subsequent analysis of the remaining focal areas would start
much time spent collecting it. with similar questions:
What would be the best scenario regarding the state of pasture
The next question would now lead into the problem tree resources in the community?
What are the three main problems preventing the existing An example of an answer might be:
water resources being in this state now? That the community has adequate pasture in good condition
for their livestock all year round and has established a grazing
The group would then start to construct the problem tree, management system to make sure that this happens.
looking at all elements of the problem; this may begin with a
discussion on an effect, which would lead to a problem being
The following figure shows an example of a problem tree related to river pollution.
Catch and income of fishing High incidence of water Effects
families in decline borne diseases and
illnesses, particularly
Riverine ecosystem under
serious threat, including among poor families and
under 5s
declining fish stocks
High levels of solid waste River water quality is Problems
dumped into river deteriorating
Wastewater treated in
Most households and factories plants does not meet
discharge wastewater directly environmental standards
into the river
Polluters are not Population not aware Existing legal regulations 40% of households and Causes
controlled of the danger of waste are inadequate to prevent 20% of businesses not
connected to sewerage
Environment Protection dumping direct discharge of
Agency ineffective and wastewater network
No public information/
closely aligned with education programs Polution has been a low Inadequate levels of capital
industry interests available political priority investment and poor business
planning with Local Government
Figure 1: Problem Tree Example “river pollution”
52 | Annex 1
Figure 1: Problem Tree Example “‘sanitation’”
Purpose of Problem Prioritization Problem Scoring Score Annex 1 | 53
Problem prioritization or ranking by the community or Score
Focus Groups enables the development practitioners to
better target interventions to the needs of the community. WATER
The discussion on the problems in the community takes Problem 1
place initially during the Livelihood Mapping exercise and Problem 2
continues with the Problem Prioritization and ranking. Problem 3
Instructions for facilitators Problem 1
Problem 2
• The list of problems, in the Problem Tree Analysis, are Problem 3
set out in the left-hand column of the matrix. AGRICULTURE
Problem 1
• Each member of the community group is then given Problem 2
three scoring units, with which to score the problems Problem 3
(the units may be stones or beans or beads etc.). LIVESTOCK
Problem 1
• Explain that each group member should score his or Problem 2
her three priority problems. Problem 3
Table 55: Problem Scoring Matrix
• Once the scoring has taken place, it is a simple process
of adding the scores in order to calculate which
problems have been scored the highest, and therefore
prioritized by the community.
Solution Matrix Guidance Note Instructions for facilitators
A solution matrix poses potential ways of solving the problems The group will suggest solutions to the problems identified
identified in the problem tree. In this case the facilitator on the problem tree, taking into account cause and effect.
will open a discussion to enable the participants to suggest It is possible to have more than one solution to a problem,
solutions for each cause and effect outlined on the problem differentiated in terms of cost, feasibility, amount of time to
tree. It is likely that a problem will have more than one possible implement required and other factors. The group will think
solution, related to the various and or interrelated causes of about these solutions in terms of realizing objectives over
the problem, and different approaches and or technologies to the short, medium and long term.
be used to solve the problem.
Once solutions have been identified, they are listed in the
Solution Matrix matrix provided. This should be followed by a discussion on
the phased implementation of the solution.
Solution Short-term Medium term Longer term
(0-3 months) 3-6 months 6-12 months For example:
What needs to be done immediately to ensure there are
WATER enough water points strategically placed in the community
which function all year round?
Problem 1
A possible answer might be:
Problem 2 All water points in the community need to be identified
(this should have already been done on the livelihood map).
Problem 3 Those that are most strategic in terms of utility (domestic,
agricultural and livestock use) are identified. Reasons for
PASTURE lack of function are identified. Water points prioritized in
terms of smallest to largest repairs that need to be effected
Problem 1 to allow adequate function. What needs to be done to these
water points in terms of repairs is listed in terms of the
Problem 2 short-term, medium term and longer term.
Problem 3 The listing of what repairs or changes need to occur in order
to allow the resource to be rehabilitated over the short,
AGRICULTURE medium and longer term will lead to the development of
specific Cash for Work (CfW) projects that the community
Problem 1 can start undertaking. When providing solutions to the
problems, facilitators should keep this in mind and try to
Problem 2 tease these out of the group.
Problem 3
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Table 56: Solution Tree Table
54 |
Annex 2:
Quantitative Survey Instrument
Q no type name label
start start
end end Look up enumerator name
today today Look up enumerator ID
deviceid deviceid Write down enumerator phone number
select_one enum enum Hello, my name is $(enum). We are conducting a survey of the food security and the
select_one enum_id enum_id livelihood situation of families living in the areas affected by drought. We would like to
phonenumber phonenumber ask you some questions about your family. The survey usually takes 30 minutes to
select_one yesno consent complete.
Any information that you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will not be
note declined_consent shown to other people. This is voluntary and you can choose not to answer any or all
of the questions if you want. However, we hope that you will participate since your
note projectnote views are important. Do you agree to participate?
If the respondent has declined consent, please end the interview and delete the form.
end group PLEASE NOTE: This form is ONLY for Livelihoods Rapid Appraisal
B1 select_one state state Specify State
B2 text state_other Specify Region
B3 select_one region region Specify District
B4 text region_other Geo-reference of household
B5 select_one district district GENERAL RESPONDENT INFORMATION
What is the family name or surname of the respondent?
B6 text district_other What is the middle name of the respondent?
What is the first name of the respondent?
B7 text village Generated unique ID of the respondent (to be filled afterwards)
What is the gender of the respondent? (Do not ask, observe and note)
B8 geopoint Geo_reference How old is the respondent?
What is respondent s primary phone number?
end group What is the respondent s secondary phone number?
Are you the head of household?
begin group C What is the relationship between the respondent and the household head?
Specify relationship to household head
C1 text respondent_surname
C2 text respondent_middle_name What is the gender of the household head?
How old is the household head?
C3 text respondent_name What is the marital status of the household head?
What is the highest education level of the household head?
C4 ID unique_ID
What is the highest education level of the spouse of the household head?
C5 select_one malefemale gender
Is the household head living and eating in this household?
C6 integer age
C7 integer res_contacts
C8 integer res_contacts_
C select_one yesno HH_head
C1 select_one relation_to_hhead relation_to_hhead
C11 text relation_to_hh_other
end group
begin group D
1 select_one malefemale gender
2 integer age_hh
3 select_one marital_status marital_status
4 select_one education_level_hh education_level_hh
5 select_one education_level_spouse
6 select_one yesno hh_living_eating
Continued on following page
C1 select_one relation_to_hhead relation_to_hhead What is the relationship between the respondent and the household head?
C11 text relation_to_hh_other Specify relationship to household head
end group
begin group D HO SEHOLD COMPOSITION Annex 2 | 55
1 select_one malefemale gender What is the gender of the household head?
2 integer age_hh How old is the household head?
3 select_one marital_status marital_status What is the marital status of the household head?
4 select_one education_level_hh education_level_hh What is the highest education level of the household head?
Cont5inesuedeluedccatf_trioonnme_lepvrelv_isopuosuspeage education_level_spouse What is the highest education level of the spouse of the household head?
6 select_one yesno hh_living_eating Is the household head living and eating in this household?
7 integer no_people_living_eating Currently, how many persons are living and eating in this household (excluding
8 integer no_people_living_eating guests IDPs living in the household for less than 0 days)?
In last 3 months how many guests IDPs came to live and eat with you in this house?
end group
1 select_one ha ard ha ard Between 0 and now, excluding the current drought, which significant ha ards did
2 text ha ard_other you face?
Specify Ha ard
3 select_one yesno ha ard_affect_coping_droug Did any of these ha ards affect your ability to cope with the current drought?
4 select_one shock shock Between 0 and now, excluding the current drought, which significant shocks did
you face?
5 text shock_other Specify Shock
6 select_one yesno shock_affect_coping_drough Did any of these shocks affect your ability to cope with the current drought?
7 select_one significance_effect significance_effect Taking into account all the shocks mentioned in E , how much have they affected your
ability to recover from the current drought?
end group
1 select_one yesno leave_home Have you been forced to leave your home in the past year for any reason? If no, go to
2 integer times_leave_home If yes, how many times?
3 select_one reasons_leave_home If yes, why did you leave your home?
4 text leave_home_new_location If yes, where did you travel to (new location)?
5 select_one one time_at_new_location If yes, how long did you stay at new location?
6 select_one yesno leave_village Do you know anyone who has had to leave this village and is displaced? If no, go to
7 Text location_leave_village If yes, Where are they
8 select_one reasons_leave_village If yes, Why did they leave
text leave_home_new_village If yes, What are their names
1 integer one time_at_new_location If yes, What is their phone number?
11 select_one yesno drought_assistance Have you received any assistance in the last months to help with the effects of
drought? If no, go to G
12 select_multiple assistance_type_drought What type of assistance did you receive?
select_one yesno Ramadhan Did you receive these gifts during Ramadhan? For all types of assistance which are
13 Ramadhan gifts, stop questions and go to F 3. For all that are not Ramadhan gifts,
continue to next question (F ).
14 select_multiple assistance_source If yes to F , from whom did you receive assistance?
15 text assistance_from_other Specify from whom you received assistance
16 select_one rate_assist How would you rate this assistance in terms of helping your household food security
and livelihoods?
17 text why_assist If assistance type was little help , no help or made the situation worse , what was
the reason?
18 text reasons_assist Specify why assistance was not helpful
1 select_one cfw_effect cfw_effect How would you rate this assistance in terms of helping your household food security
and livelihoods?
2 select_one cfw_effect_reason cfw_effect_reason If assistance type was little help , no help or made the situation worse , what was
the reason?
21 text cfw_effect_reason_other
Specify why assistance was not helpful
22 select_one use_cfw use_cfw What did you use this cash for?
23 select_multiple support_others support_others Who are the people you support?
24 text support_others_other Specify people you support
25 integer number_support_others How many people do you support ?
26 select_one yesno part_cfw Are you part of a CfW scheme?
27 select_one yesno neighbour_remittance Do you know anyone, a neighbour or a friend who receives assistance in the form of
remittances from family members, friends, or clan? If no, go to F3
28 integer amount_remittance Approximately how much do you think they receive? (in Somali shillings)
2 select_one yesno remittance_shared Are these remittances shared by others outside the direct recipients (household) of
the remittance? If yes, then go next. If no, go to F3
3 select_one frequency_remittance How often do your neighbours or friends receive these remittances?
31 select_one yesno member_Ayuuto or Hagbad Are you a member of a Ayuuto or Hagbad? If no, go to G
32 select_one yesno assist_Ayuuto or Hagbad Did you receive assistance fromr the Ayuuto or Hagbad? If no, go to G
33 select_one assist_Ayuuto or assist_Ayuuto or How would you rate this assistance in terms of helping yCoournhtionuusedhooldnfofooldlosweciunrgitypage
Hagbad_effect Hagbad_effect and livelihoods?
34 select_one assist_Ayuuto or assist_Ayuuto or If assistance type was little help , no help or made the situation worse , what was
Hagbad_effect_reason Hagbad_effect_reason the reason?
text assist_Ayuuto or
35 Hagbad_effect_reason_other Specify why assistance was not helpful
26 select_one yesno part_cfw Are you part of a CfW scheme?
27 select_one yesno neighbour_remittance Do you know anyone, a neighbour or a friend who receives assistance in the form of
remittances from family members, friends, or clan? If no, go to F3
56 | Annex 2 28 integer amount_remittance Approximately how much do you think they receive? (in Somali shillings)
2 select_one yesno remittance_shared Are these remittances shared by others outside the direct recipients (household) of
the remittance? If yes, then go next. If no, go to F3
Con3tinfsureeeleqdcutef_rnoocnmye_rpermeivttiaonucsepage frequency_remittance
31 select_one yesno How often do your neighbours or friends receive these remittances?
member_Ayuuto or Hagbad Are you a member of a Ayuuto or Hagbad? If no, go to G
32 select_one yesno assist_Ayuuto or Hagbad Did you receive assistance fromr the Ayuuto or Hagbad? If no, go to G
33 select_one assist_Ayuuto or assist_Ayuuto or How would you rate this assistance in terms of helping your household food security
Hagbad_effect and livelihoods?
34 select_one assist_Ayuuto or assist_Ayuuto or If assistance type was little help , no help or made the situation worse , what was
Hagbad_effect_reason the reason?
text assist_Ayuuto or
Hagbad_effect_reason_other Specify why assistance was not helpful
own_land Do you own land? If no, go to G . If yes, continue to G .
begin group land_amount How much land do you own (in darap OR taap)?
land_cultivated_owned How much cultivatable land do you own (in darap OR taap)?
1 select_one yesno cultivate_land Do you normally cultivate land?
2 integer do_not_own_land If you do not own any piece of land, how do you get land for cultivation? (need to see
3 integer people a) rent land, b) Share cropping, etc.
4 select_one yesno How much land do you normally cultivate during the Hagaa (in darap OR taap)?
5 select_one_do_not_own_land How much land do you normally cultivate during the Gu (in darap OR taap)?
How much land do you normally cultivate during the Deyr (in darap OR taap)?
6 integer cultivate_Hagaa How much land do you normally cultivate during the ilal (in darap OR taap)?
7 integer cultivate_Gu What are the main crops you cultivate in the Hagga? (select 3 crops in order of priority
8 integer cultivate_Deyr )
cultivate_ ilal Specify main crop
integer main_crops_Hagaa What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop first in the Hagaa?
What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop second in the Hagaa?
1 select_multiple main_crops main_crops_Hagaa_other What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop third in the Hagaa?
main_crop_first What are the main crops you cultivate in the Gu? (select 3 crops in order of priority )
11 text main_crop_second Specify main crop
12 integer main_crop_third What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop first in the Gu?
13 integer main_crops_Gu What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop second in the Gu?
14 integer main_crops_Gu_other What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop third in the Gu?
15 select_multiple main_crops main_crop_first
16 text main_crop_second What are the main crops you cultivate in the Deyr? (select 3 crops in order of priority )
17 integer main_crop_third
18 integer main_crops_Deyr_other
1 integer
2 select_multiple main_crops
21 text main_crops_Deyr Specify main crop
22 integer main_crop_first What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop first in the Deyr?
23 integer main_crop_second What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop second in the Deyr?
24 integer main_crop_third What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop third in the Deyr?
25 select_multiple main_crops main_crops_ ilal What are the main crops you cultivate in the ilal? (select 3 crops in order of priority )
26 text main_crops_ ilal_other Specify main crop
27 integer main_crop_first What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop first in the ilal?
28 integer main_crop_second What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop second in the ilal?
2 integer main_crop_third What were your yields in kg Taab for main_crop third in the ilal?
3 integer main_crop_first What is the total harvest you would expect in a normal year for main_crop first in
kg Taab?
31 integer main_crop_second What is the total harvest you would expect in a normal year for main_crop third in
kg Taab?
32 integer main_crop_third What is the total harvest you would expect in a normal year for main_crop second in
kg Taab?
33 integer reason_how How would you want to be supported to recover from the drought that just ended in
your crop production activities?
34 select_one yesno livestock_own Do you normally keep livestock?
livestock_type_normal What type of livestock and numbers of that type do you normally keep?
35 select_multiple livestock_type livestock_type_now What type of livestock and numbers of that type do you have now?
livestock_type_predrought How many of each livestock type did you have before the drought?
36 select_multiple livestock_type change_livestock_numbers
Reason for change in number of livestock (if applicable). Death from drought or other
37 select_multiple livestock_type
38 select_one
3 select_one livestock_reason_camel What are the main reasons for keeping camels?
4 select_one livestock_reason livestock_reason_sheep What are the main reasons for keeping cattle?
livestock_reason_goat What are the main reasons for keeping sheep?
41 select_one livestock_reason livestock_reason_poultry What are the main reasons for keeping goats?
livestock_reason_other What are the main reasons for keeping poultry?
42 select_one livestock_reason sale_live_cash_reason Specify other reason
43 select_one livestock_reason number_water_sources
44 text primary_water
45 select_one water_use What was more specific reason for sale?
sale_live_cash_reason water_distance
46 integer water_collector How many water sources do you use over the year for household, agricultural and
secondary_water livestock purposes?
47 select_one water_source What is your household s primary source of water for household animal agricultural
irrigation uses during the most recent wet dry season?
48 select_one yesno Do you ever treat your water to make it safe for use (yes no)
4 integer
How long (in MIN TES) does it take to go to itnhcisowmaptoeur nsodCu,orrencectoi, nrgduete0wdmaoitnenur,tfeaonsl)ldocwoimnge page
back (include wait time)? (if water source is
5 select_one water_collector If water is NOT in your compound, who usually goes to fetch water for your household
? (Probe: is this person under years old? What sex?)
select_one water_source What is your household s secondary source of water for
43 select_one livestock_reason livestock_reason_poultry What are the main reasons for keeping poultry?
44 text livestock_reason_other Specify other reason
45 select_one sale_live_cash_reason What was more specific reason for sale?
Annex 2 | 57
46 integer number_water_sources How many water sources do you use over the year for household, agricultural and
livestock purposes?
47 select_one water_source primary_water What is your household s primary source of water for household animal agricultural
Con4t8insueeledctf_roonme ypersenvoious page water_use irrigation uses during the most recent wet dry season?
Do you ever treat your water to make it safe for use (yes no)
4 integer water_distance How long (in MIN TES) does it take to go to this water source, get water, and come
back (include wait time)? (if water source is in compound, record 0 minutes)
5 select_one water_collector water_collector If water is NOT in your compound, who usually goes to fetch water for your household
? (Probe: is this person under years old? What sex?)
select_one water_source secondary_water What is your household s secondary source of water for
51 household animal agricultural irrigation uses during the most recent wet dry
52 integer secondary_water_distance How long (in MIN TES) does it take to go to this water source, get water, and come
back (include wait time)? (if water source is in compound, record 0 minutes)
53 select_one water_source pri_source_hh_h 0_dry_s What is your household s PRIMARY source of water for household uses during the
most recent DRY season ( ilal)?
54 select_one water_source pri_source_hh_h 0_wet_s What is your household s PRIMARY source of water for household uses during the
most recent WET season ( )?
55 select_one water_source sec_source_hh_h 0_dry_s What is your household s SECONDARY source of water for household uses during the
most recent DRY season ( ilal)?
56 select_one water_source sec_source_hh_h 0_wet_s What is your household s SECONDARY source of water for household uses during the
most recent WET season (xx)?
57 select_one water_source pri_source_hh_h 0_dry_s What is your households PRIMARY source of water for your LIVESTOC and or
IRRIGATION during the most recent DRY season ( ilal)?
58 select_one water_source pri_source_hh_h 0_wet_s What is your households PRIMARY source of water for your LIVESTOC and or
IRRIGATION during the most recent WET season (xx)?
5 select_one yesno irrigation_agr_wet Does the household practice any form of irrigation, ie use any source of water for
6 select_one yesno irrigation_agr_dry AGRIC LT RE other than rainfall in the WET season?
Does the household practice any form of irrigation, ie use any source of water for
AGRIC LT RE other than rainfall in the DRY season?
61 select_one water_source pri_source_agri_dry What is your households PRIMARY source of water for your AGRIC LT RE and or
IRRIGATION during the most recent DRY season (xx)?
62 select_one water_source pri_source_agri_wet What is your households PRIMARY source of water for your AGRIC LT RE and or
IRRIGATION during the most recent WET season (xx)
63 text How would you want to be supported to recover from the drought that just ended in
water sources development activities for agriculture and drinking?
end group
1 select_multiple livelihood_type livelihood_type Did anyone in your household do any of the following before the drought or is
currenlty doing now?
2 select_one yesno change_livelihood_type Have you had to change your main livelihood activity during the drought? If no, go to
3 select_one change_livelihood_type_reas What was the reason for this?
change_livelihood_reason on
4 text change_livelihood_type_reas Specify reason for change
5 select_one yesno small_business Do you own a small business? If no, go to
6 select_one yesno small_business_assistance In the past months, have you received any kind of assistance for your small business?
If no, go to
select_one small_business_assistance_ty
7 small_business_assistance_type pe What type of assistance have you received for your small business?
8 select_one source_assistance source_assistance What was the source of the assistance you received?
text source_assistance_other Specify other source of assistance
income Estimate how much cash your household earned last month. (in Somali shillings)
1 integer spend_ag_inputs How much did you spend on agricultural inputs? (in Somali shillings)
11 integer spend_health How much did you spend on health? (in Somali shillings)
12 integer spend_food How much did you spend on food? (in Somali shillings)
13 integer spend_livestock How much did you spend on livestock? (in Somali shillings)
14 integer spend_education How much did you spend on education? (in Somali shillings)
15 integer spend_transportation How much did you spend on transportation, including fuel? (in Somali shillings)
16 integer spend_housing How much did you spend on housing - repairs, rent? (in Somali shillings)
17 integer spend_clothing How much did you spend on clothing or shoes? (in Somali shillings)
18 integer spend_water How much did you spend on water? (in Somali shillings)
1 integer spend_funerals How much did you spend on ceremonies or funerals? (in Somali shillings)
2 integer spend_debt How much did you spend on reimbursement of debts? (in Somali shillings)
21 integer spend_non_food How much did you spend on other non-food expenditures? (in Somali shillings)
22 integer spend_savings How much did you spend on savings? (in Somali shillings)
23 integer debt Do you have any debts (in kind or in cash) at the moment? If no, go to
24 select_one yesno debt_new Did you incur any new debts which are out of the ordinary in the last six months?
25 select_one yesno assistance_drought Have you received any assistance in the last months to help with the effects of
26 select_one yesno drought? If no, go to G
debt_source From where did you get the loan?
27 select_one debt_source debt_source_other Specify other source of loan.
28 text debt_reason What were the main reasons for debt (choose three)?
3 select_multiple debt_reason debt_reason_other Specify other reason for debt
31 text asset_type What type of assets and how many did you own before the drought and currently?
32 select_multiple asset_type other_important_asset Specify what other important assets were not mentioned.
33 text
Continued on following page
end group
begin group
decision_food Who makes decisions around type and amount of food consumed in the household?
1 select_one decision_food
2 select_one yesno ate_food_grains_sorg_pasta Has this household eaten any food made of grains (mai e, rice, bur (injera, sabayad,
integer rooti), sorghum, pasta, makaroni) in the past days?
25 assistance_drought Did you incur any new debts which are out of the ordinary in the last six months?
26 select_one yesno Have you received any assistance in the last months to help with the effects of
debt_source drought? If no, go to G
27 select_one debt_source debt_source_other From where did you get the loan?
debt_reason Specify other source of loan.
58 | Annex 2 28 text debt_reason_other What were the main reasons for debt (choose three)?
3 select_multiple debt_reason asset_type Specify other reason for debt
other_important_asset What type of assets and how many did you own before the drought and currently?
31 text Specify what other important assets were not mentioned.
32 select_multiple asset_type
Con3t3intuexetd from previous page
end group
begin group FOOD CONS MPTION
1 select_one decision_food decision_food Who makes decisions around type and amount of food consumed in the household?
2 select_one yesno ate_food_grains_sorg_pasta Has this household eaten any food made of grains (mai e, rice, bur (injera, sabayad,
rooti), sorghum, pasta, makaroni) in the past days?
3 integer days_ate_food_grains_sorg_ If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
4 select_one yesno ate_tubers Has this household eaten any kind of tuber (potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, or
other foods made from roots or tubers) in the past days?
5 integer days_ate_tubers If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
6 select_one yesno
ate_pulses Has this household eaten any pulses (beans, lentils, peas, cowpeas) in the past days?
7 integer days_ate_pulses If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
8 select_one yesno ate_veg Has this household eaten any vegetables in the past days?
days_ate_veg If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
integer ate_fruits Has this household eaten any fruits in the past days?
days_ate_fruits If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
1 select_one yesno ate_meat Has this household eaten any meat (camel, beef, goat, lamb, chicken or other poultry,
11 integer liver, other organ meats, fish) in the past days?
12 select_one yesno days_ate_meat If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
13 integer days_ate_eggs Has this household eaten any eggs in the past days?
ate_diaryprod If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
14 select_one yesno days_ate_diaryprod Has this household eaten any dairy products (milk, sour milk) in the past days?
15 integer ate_sugar_honey If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days
16 select_one yesno days_ate_sugar_honey Has this household eaten any sugar or honey in the past days?
17 integer ate_oil_fat If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
18 select_one yesno Has this household eaten any oil or fat (butter, ghee, camel hump, vegetable oil) in the
1 integer days_ate_oil_fat past days?
2 select_one yesno If YES, on how many days was that item eaten out of the past seven days?
21 integer
end group
What have you done to improve your situation since the drought of 0 ? (choose any
1 select_multiple 0 improvements_drought_ 0 or all options and rank)
improvements_drought_ 0 Specify what improvements have been made
2 text _other
How do you expect your situation will change over the next months?
3 select_one situation_change situation_change
hh_immediate_need Currently, what does your household need most? (choose 3 in order of need)
4 select_multiple
5 select_multiple hh_medium_need What will your household need most in the next to months? (choose 3 in order of
hh_medium_need hh_long_need need)
comm_immediate_need What will your household need most in the next to months? (choose 3 in order of
6 select_multiple hh_long_need need)
7 select_multiple What do you think your community currently needs most? (choose 3 in order of need)
select_multiple comm_medium_need What do you think your community currently needs most in the next to months?
8 comm_medium_need (choose 3 in order of need)
select_multiple comm_long_need What do you think your community currently needs most in the next to months?
1 select_one yesno reducedCSI (choose 3 in order of need)
rely_on_lessfood Have there been times in the past days when you did not have enough food or
select_one yesno enough money to buy food?
11 If there have been times in the past days when you did not have enough food or
enough money to buy food, has your household had to rely on less preferred or less
expensive food?
select_one yesno borrowfood_helpfrom_relati If there have been times in the past days when you did not have enough food or
ve enough money to buy food, has your household had to borrow food, or rely on help
from a relative?
select_one yesno limit_portion If there have been times in the past days when you did not have enough food or
enough money to buy food, has your household had to limit portion si e at
select_one yesno
14 mealtimes?
restrict_consmptn_byadult k If there have been times in the past days when you did not have enough food or
ids enough money to buy food, has your household had to restrict consumption by adults
in order for small children to eat?
select_one yesno reduce_number_meals_perd If there have been times in the past days when you did not have enough food or
ay enough money to buy food, has your household had to reduce number of meals eaten
16 select_one frequency
17 select_one frequency in a day?
18 select_one frequency
nofood_ever_pst30days In the past 30 days, how often was there no food to eat of any kind in your household
1 because of lack of resources to get food?
hh_sleep_hungry In the past 30 days, how often did you or any household member go to sleep at night
hungry because there was not enough food?
hh_go_wholeday_nofood In the past 30 days, how often did you or any household member go a whole day and
night without eating anything at all because there was not enough food?
Was this household able to share the food resources - Yes or NO, If yes, who did you
share the food with - uncle, neighbour etc. How often - a) daily, b) once a week c)
Once every weeks
end group
Survey choices Annex 2 | 59
Continued on following page
list_name name label
state Puntland
state South West State Awdal
state Somaliland Bakool
region Awdal Bari
region Bakool Bay
region Banaadir Galguduud
region Bari Gedo
region Bay Hiiraan
region Galguduud Jubbada Dhexe
region Gedo Jubbada Hoose
region Hiiraan Mudug
region Jubbada_Dhexe Nugaal
region Jubbada_Hoose Sanaag
region Mudug Shabeellaha Dhexe
region Nugaal Shabeellaha Hoose
region Sanaag Sool
region Shabeellaha_Dhexe Togdheer
region Shabeellaha_Hoose Woqooyi Galbeed
region Sool Other
region Togdheer
region Woqooyi_Galbeed El Barde
region Other Baidoa
district El_Barde Xudur
district Baidoa Wajid
district Qansadhere Buur Hakaba
district Xudur Afgoye
district Wajid Las Canood
district Buur_Hakaba Badhan
district Afgoye Eyl
district Las_Canood Other
district Badhan
district Eyl es
district Other No
Don t now
yesno yes
yesno no Team Leader
yesno don t_know Enumerator
enum egion Enumerator
han Muhammad ahid Baidoa Enumerator
ahra brahim Hassan Baidoa Enumerator
Baidoa Enumerator
Hindiya Sharif Mohamed Baidoa Team Leader
Abdullahi Sheikh Miiris Baidoa Enumerator
Abdidin Mohamud Ali Baidoa Enumerator
Mohamed Sh Mohamed Baidoa Enumerator
adumo Muktar Hassan Elbarde Enumerator
Elbarde Enumerator
ahma Bashir Elbarde Enumerator
Abdiri ack Sh Ali Elbarde Team Leader
Salatho Haji Elbarde Enumerator
Abduqadir Wacdi Ahmed Elbarde Enumerator
Sadam Nur Qani Elbarde Enumerator
Nasteho Hussein Abdi Wajid Enumerator
adumo Mohamed Ali Wajid Enumerator
Wajid Team Leader
ahma Bashir Wajid Enumerator
Abdikadir Mohamud Hussein Wajid Enumerator
akub Haji Mohamed Wajid Enumerator
Habiba Ali Mohamed Xudur
uti alamow Xudur
Ali Adan Abdi Xudur
ahma Bashir
Hassan Abdullahi Mohamud
Abdia i Abdirahman Mohamed
atuma Hussein Ali
60 | Annex 2
Continued from previous page name label
PXundtular nd Enumerator
list_name SXouudtuhr West State
sMtaotheamed Diyad Mohamed SXoumduarliland Enumerator
sAtbadteia i Mohamed Hussein Eyl
sLtualtTeakow Mohamed Enumerator
AEywl dal
ahma Bashir BEyalkool Team Leader
rJeagmioanMohamed BEyalri AEnwudmalerator
rNeagjiobnAhmed BEyaly BEnakuomoel rator
rkergaionn GEyallguduud BEnanuamaedriar tor
rMeguikohntar Abdirahman GBaeiddooa BEnaruimerator
rMegoiPoinC staff HBaiiirdaoaan BEnayumerator
rMegoiPoinC staff JBuabidboaada_Dhexe GEnaulgmudeurautdor
rLeibgaionnMohamed JBuabidboaada_Hoose GTeeadmo Leader
rmeguinoanahmed abdalla MBauidouag HEniiuramanerator
rBeilgaioSnaman brahim NAfuggoayail JEunbubmaderaaDtohrexe
rMegoihoanmed brahin adan SAafgnoayaig JEunbubmaderaaHtoorose
rHeogdioann Ali ssack SAhfgaobyeiellaha_Dhexe MEnuudmuegrator
reaghiomna mayow SAhfgaobyeiellaha_Hoose NTeuagmaaLleader
rSeaghiroonAhmed usuf SAofgool yi SEannuamaegrator
rOesgmioann Mohamed diris TAofgodyhieer SEhnaubmeeerlalathoar Dhexe
rOemgiaornOsman Omar WAfogoqyoioyi_Galbeed SEhnaubmeeerlalathoar Hoose
rXeagyiaoant uusuf Aadan OLatahseqroray Badhan SEonoulmerator
rSeagcidoino Musa Mohamed Las Anod TEongudmhereartor
rAebgdioiqnadir Mohamed Mohamud WEnouqmoeoryai tGoar lbeed
rAehgmioend Hussein EQla_nBsaarddehere OTetahmerLeader
Abdulkadir Ali Nur BOadiwdoeayne Team Leader
dAibstdruiclktadir Ali Nur XBuadkiur ETel aBmardLeeader
diiscttroicrtOnama WLuaujqid BTeaaidmoaLeader
diiscttroicrtOnama QTeaanmsaLdehaedreer
diiscttroicrtOnama Buur_Hakaba XTeuadmurLeader
dMisatrrticint Businge ANfagmoyee WTeaajmid Leader
Lahsa_nCManuohoadmmad ahid
district Buur Hakaba
deinsutrmic_t id ahra brahim Hassan
Hindiya Sharif Mohamed Afgoye
Abdullahi Sheikh Miiris Las Canood
Abdidin Mohamud Ali
Mohamed Sh Mohamed
adumo Muktar Hassan
ahma Bashir
Abdiri ack Sh Ali
Salatho Haji
Abduqadir Wacdi Ahmed
Sadam Nur Qani
Nasteho Hussein Abdi
adumo Mohamed Ali
Abdikadir Mohamud Hussein
akub Haji Mohamed
Habiba Ali Mohamed
uti alamow
Ali Adan Abdi
Hassan Abdullahi Mohamud
Abdia i Abdirahman Mohamed
atuma Hussein Ali
Mohamed Diyad Mohamed
Abdia i Mohamed Hussein
Lul Takow Mohamed
Jama Mohamed
Najib Ahmed
Mukhtar Abdirahman
MoPiC staff
Liban Mohamed
muna ahmed abdalla
Bila Saman brahim
Mohamed brahin adan
Hodan Ali ssack
Continued on following page
Annex 2 | 61
Continued from previous page name label
Puanhtmlaanmd ayow
list_name Soauhtrho WAhemsteSdtatuesuf Awdal
state SOosmmaalnilaMndohamed diris
state Omar Osman Omar Bakool
AXawydaaalt uusuf Aadan Banaadir
region BSackdoiool Musa Mohamed
region BAabndaiqaaddirir Mohamed Mohamud Bari
region BAahrmi ed Hussein
region BAabydulkadir Ali Nur Bay
region GiacltgourdOunuadma
region GMeadrotin Businge Galguduud
region Hiiraan Gedo
rmegailoefnemale Jmubalbeada_Dhexe
rmegailoefnemale Jfuembbaaleda_Hoose Hiiraan
region JMubableada Dhexe
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Mudug Juebmbaldea Hoose
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Nheuagda_alof_household
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Ssanoauasge Mudug
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Shaarebnetellaha_Dhexe NHuoguasaelhold Head
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Shaarebnetelilnahlaaw_Hoose Sanoauasge of Household Head
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Sborotlher SPhaarebneteollaf hHaoDusheehxoeld Head
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Tsoisgtedrheer SPhaarebnetelilnahlaawHofoHseousehold Head
reglaiotinon_to_hhead Wsoonqooyi_Galbeed SBorotlher of Household Head
relation_to_hhead Odathuegrhter TSoisgtdehr eoefrHousehold Head
Other WSoonqofoHyioGuaselbheoeld Head
district ODtahuegrhter of Household Head
dmisatrriitcatl_status El_Barde Other
dmisatrriitcatl_status Bmaaidrroiead
dmisatrriitcatl_status Qdianosraceddhere El Barde
dmisatrriitcatl_status Xwuidouwr ed BMaaidrroiaed
dmisatrriitcatl_status Wseajaidrated QDai nosracdehdere
district Buunumra_rHraiekdaba XWuidduorwed
deidsutrciaction_le el_hh WSeajaidrated
education_le el_hh Afgoye Bunumr aHrarikeadba
education_le el_hh Larsim_Caarynood
education_le el_hh secondary Afgoye
education_le el_hh first_degree LParsimCaarnyoSocdhool Di loma
education_le el_hh Secondary School Di loma
education_le el_hh ost graduate Bachelor s Degree or equi alent
ocational_college Master s Degree or Doctorate
none Certificate Di loma ocational Accreditation
Qur anic school No formal education
Qur anic School
education_le el_s rimary Primary School Di loma
education_le el_s secondary Secondary School Di loma
education_le el_s first_degree Bachelor s Degree or equi alent
education_le el_s Master s Degree or Doctorate
education_le el_s ost graduate Certificate Di loma ocational Accreditation
education_le el_s ocational_college No formal education
education_le el_hh none Qur anic School
Qur anic school
ha ard ri erine_floods i erine floods
ha ard flash_floods lash floods
ha ard conflict Conflict
ha ard none None
ha ard other Other
shock sickness_health_ex enditures Sickness or health ex enditures
shock death_household_member Death of household member
shock high_food_ rices High food rices
shock dis lacement Dis lacement
shock crime_theft_high_le els_insecurity Crime theft or high le els of insecurity
shock loss_em loyment Loss of em loyment
shock none None
shock other Other
significance_effect ery_significant ery significant
significance_effect somewhat_significant Somewhat significant
significance_effect not_affected_ ery_much Not affected ery much
significance_effect ery_little_no_effect
ery little or no effect
Continued on following page
62 | Annex 2
Continued from previous page name label
Ptauknet_lalindestock_other_gra ing_grounds Take li estock to other gra ing grounds
list_name SreosuctuheW_liesetsStotactke
srteaatseons_lea e_home Sfloemd_aflliolaondding To rescue li estock
srteaatseons_lea e_home house_destroyed
srteaatseons_lea e_home led flooding
reasons_lea e_home Ainwsedcaul rity_fear_conflict
Bloaskso_oinl come_li elihood House destroyed
regaisoonns_lea e_home Bseaenka_aedmir loyment
regaisoonns_lea e_home Bhaeraid_household_died Anwsedcaul rity or fear from conflict
regaisoonns_lea e_home Bhaigyh_food_ rices BLoasksoolf income or li elihood
regaisoonns_lea e_home Gotahlgeurduud BToansaeaedkirem loyment
regaisoonns_lea e_home BHaeraid of household died
regaisoonns_lea e_home Gedo Boayod rices
Hleisirsa_atnhan_one_month GOathlgeurduud
region Ju_btboa_da__mDohnetxhes
rteimgieo_nat_new_location Jmuobrbea_dtah_aHno_ofosuer_months Gedo
rteimgieo_nat_new_location HLeiisrsaathnan one month
rteimgieo_nat_new_location Mudug JubbamdoanDthes xe
NSoumgaaelP JMubobreadthaaHnofosuer months
region SBanCaiSag
raesgsiostnance_source Srehlaigbieoeulsla_hoarg_aDnhieaxteion Mudug
raesgsiostnance_source Schoambmeeulnlaithya_Hoose NSoumgaaelP
raesgsiostnance_source Sdooonl t_know SBanCaiSag
raesgsiostnance_source Toothgdehr eer ShealibgieoeullsaohragDanhiexaetion
raesgsiostnance_source SChoambmeeullnaihtya Hoose
raesgsiostnance_source Woqooyi_Galbeed SDooonl t know
Oetrhye_rhel ful TOotghdehreer
region somewhat_hel ful
raegg_iionn uts_dd_effect Woqooyi Galbeed
ag_in uts_dd_effect Elitl_tlBea_rhdeel Oethryerhel ful
Bnaoi_dhoeal Somewhat hel ful
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect Qmaandsea_dthheer_esituation_worse
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect ELiltBtlaerhdel
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect Xudur BNaoidhoeal
Wararijided_too_late QMaandseadthheerseituation worse
district Bmuaunri_Hualaktaebda_by_others
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect_reason Anofgto_yseufficient_in_quantity Xudur
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect_reason Lnaost__Crealneooandt_to_li elihood WArarijided too late
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect_reason other BWuausrmHankai bualated by others
daigs_trinictuts_dd_effect_reason AWfgaosyneot sufficient in quantity
ag_in uts_dd_effect_reason LWaassCnaontoroedle ant to my li elihood
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect ery_hel ful ery hel ful
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect somewhat_hel ful Somewhat hel ful
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect little_hel Little hel
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect no_hel No hel
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect made_the_situation_worse Made the situation worse
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason arri ed_too_late Arri ed too late
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason mani ulated_by_others Was mani ulated by others
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason not_sufficient_in_quantity Was not sufficient in quantity
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason not_rele ant_to_li elihood Was not rele ant to my li elihood
ag_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason other Other
l stk_in uts_dd_effect ery_hel ful ery hel ful
l stk_in uts_dd_effect somewhat_hel ful Somewhat hel ful
l stk_in uts_dd_effect little_hel Little hel
l stk_in uts_dd_effect no_hel No hel
l stk_in uts_dd_effect made_the_situation_worse Made the situation worse
l stk_in uts_dd_effect_reason arri ed_too_late Arri ed too late
l stk_in uts_dd_effect_reason mani ulated_by_others Was mani ulated by others
l stk_in uts_dd_effect_reason not_sufficient_in_quantity Was not sufficient in quantity
l stk_in uts_dd_effect_reason not_rele ant_to_li elihood Was not rele ant to my li elihood
l stk_in uts_dd_effect_reason other Other
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect ery_hel ful ery hel ful
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect somewhat_hel ful Somewhat hel ful
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect little_hel Little hel
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect no_hel No hel
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect made_the_situation_worse Made the situation worse
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason arri ed_too_late Arri ed too late
Continued on following page
Annex 2 | 63
Continued from previous page name label
Was mani ulated by others
list_name mPuanntilaunldated_by_others
sl tastke_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason Was not sufficient in quantity
sl tasttke_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason nSootu_tshuWffiecisetnStt_aitne_quantity
sl tasttke_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason Was not rele ant to my li elihood
l stk_in uts_ oucher_effect_reason nSootm_arelilleanadnt_to_li elihood
other Other
rfoegoido_naid_effect Awdal Awdal
rfoegoido_naid_effect Bearkyo_ohlel ful Bearkyohoel l ful
rfoegoido_naid_effect sBoamnaeawdhirat_hel ful SBoamnaeawdhirat hel ful
rfoegoido_naid_effect lBitatlrei _hel LBitatrlei hel
rfoegoido_naid_effect nBoa_yhel NBoayhel
mGaaldgeu_dtuhued_situation_worse MGaadlgeudthueudsituation worse
rfoegoido_naid_effect_reason Gedo Gedo
rfoegoido_naid_effect_reason aHririri aeadn_too_late AHririiraeadntoo late
rfoegoido_naid_effect_reason mJuabnbiaduala_tDedh_ebxey_others WJuabsbmadaaniDhuelaxteed by others
rfoegoido_naid_effect_reason nJuobt_bsaudfafi_cHieonot_sein_quantity WJuabsbnaodtasHufofoicsieent in quantity
rfoegoido_naid_effect_reason nMout_druegle ant_to_li elihood WMausdnuogt rele ant to my li elihood
oNtuhgearal ONtuhgearal
ruesgei_ocnfw Sanaag Sanaag
ruesgei_ocnfw bSohuabghete_llfaohoad_Dhexe BSohuagbheteflolaohdafDohr ehxise her own household
ruesgei_ocnfw Sahiadb_ewealltaehra_Hoose BSohuagbhetewllaahtearHfrooomsea water kiosk aid for a water truck etc
ruesgei_ocnfw Saoiodl_off_debt PSaoidoloff debt
ruesgei_ocnfw Tougrcdhhaeseer_ag_in uts PTuorgcdhhaeseerof agricultural in uts seeds fertili ers equi ment
ruesgei_ocnfw Wuorcqhoaosyei__lGi aelbsteoecdk_in uts PWurocqhoaosyeioGfalilbeesetdock in uts eterinary feed and fodder drugs
sOutheorrt_others SOutheorrt others
dsuistrioctrt_others fEalm_Bilayrde EalmBialyrdmeembers and relati es
dsuistrioctrt_others fBraieidnodas Braieidnodas
dsuistrioctrt_others nQeainghsabdohuersre NQeaignhsabdohuersre
dsuistrioctrt_others sXhuodukree ers SXhuodukree ers traders business eo le in the community
dsuistrioctrt_others oWthaejird OWthaejird
district Buur_Hakaba Buur Hakaba
dcfiswtr_iecftfect Aefgryo_yheel ful Aefrgyohyeel ful
dcfiswtr_iecftfect sLoams_eCwahnaoto_dhel ful SLoams Cewanhoaotdhel ful
cfw_effect little_hel Little hel
cfw_effect no_hel No hel
cfw_effect made_the_situation_worse Made the situation worse
cfw_effect_reason arri ed_too_late Arri ed too late
cfw_effect_reason mani ulated_by_others
cfw_effect_reason not_sufficient_in_quantity Was mani ulated by others
cfw_effect_reason not_rele ant_to_li elihood
cfw_effect_reason other Was not sufficient in quantity
Was not rele ant to my li elihood
assistance_ty e money_cash
assistance_ty e food
assistance_ty e loan of li estock
assistance_ty e credit at sho s food or cash credit
frequency_remittance once Once when crisis hit
frequency_remittance monthly Monthly amounts of money or in kind
frequency_remittance when_needed Whene er it is called u on remittance is sent
remittance_fam_effect ery_hel ful ery hel ful
remittance_fam_effect somewhat_hel ful Somewhat hel ful
remittance_fam_effect little_hel Little hel
remittance_fam_effect no_hel No hel
remittance_fam_effect made_the_situation_worse Made the situation worse
remittance_fam_effect_reason arri ed_too_late Arri ed too late
remittance_fam_effect_reason mani ulated_by_others Was mani ulated by others
remittance_fam_effect_reason not_sufficient_in_quantity Was not sufficient in quantity
remittance_fam_effect_reason not_rele ant_to_li elihood Was not rele ant to my li elihood
remittance_fam_effect_reason other Other
household_goods_effect ery_hel ful ery hel ful
household_goods_effect somewhat_hel ful Somewhat hel ful
household_goods_effect little_hel Little hel
Continued on following page
64 | Annex 2
Continued from previous page name label
nPou_nhtlealnd No hel
list_name mSoaudteh_Wthees_tsSittuaatetion_worse Made the situation worse
hstoautesehold_goods_effect Somaliland Arri ed too late
arri ed_too_late WAwads aml ani ulated by others
state WBaaksonool t sufficient in quantity
household_goods_effect_reason mAwandialulated_by_others WBaansanaodtirrele ant to my li elihood
nBoakt_osoul fficient_in_quantity OBathrier
hreoguiosenhold_goods_effect_reason nBoant_araedleir ant_to_li elihood Bay
hreoguiosenhold_goods_effect_reason oBtahrei r AGgarlgicuudltuuurdal such as GAP
hreoguiosenhold_goods_effect_reason LGieedsotock training including eterinary
hreoguiosenhold_goods_effect_reason Bay MHiairrakaenting of agricultural roducts li estock etc
aGgarligcuudltuuured NJubMbadinacDluhdeinxeg rotational gra ing
region lGi eedsotock Jubbada Hoose
trreagiinoing_ty e mHiairrakaenting Meuryduhgel ful
trreagiinoing_ty e rJeusbobuardcae__Dmhaenxaegement SNoumgaeawl hat hel ful
trreagiinoing_ty e LSiattnlaeahgel
trreagiinoing_ty e Jubbada_Hoose NShoahbeelellaha Dhexe
Meuryd_uhgel ful MShaadbeeethlleahsaituHaotoiosne worse
region sNoumgaeawlhat_hel ful Sool
trreagiinoinng_effect lSitatnlea_ahgel ATorrgidehdeetroo late
trreagiinoinng_effect nShoa_bheeel llaha_Dhexe WWaosqomoayniiGuallbateeeddby others
trreagiinoinng_effect mShaadbee_etlhlaeh_as_itHuoaotisoen_worse WOtahsenrot sufficient in quantity
trreagiinoinng_effect Was not rele ant to my li elihood
trreagiinoinng_effect Sool OEltBhearrde
aTorrgidehde_etroo_late Baidoa
region mWaonqioouylai_teGda_lbbeye_dothers MQaani seadhere
trreagiinoinng_effect_reason nOotht_esrufficient_in_quantity SXourdguhrum
trreagiinoinng_effect_reason not_rele ant_to_li elihood SWeasajimd e seeds
trreagiinoinng_effect_reason PBiugueroHn akeaabsa
training_effect_reason oElt_hBearrde Aifcgeoyeaddy
TLoabs aCcacnoood
tdriastinriicntg_effect_reason Baidoa Melon
mQaani seadhere Onion
district sXourdguhrum Other
mdisatirni_ctcro s sWeasajimd e
mdisatirni_ctcro s Biuguero_nH_akeaabsa Camels
mdisatirni_ctcro s rAicfgeo_yeaddy Cattle
mdisatirni_ctcro s tLoabs_aCccaonood Oxen
mdisatirni_ctcro s melon Donkeys
mdisatirni_ctcro s onion Shee
main_cro s Goats
main_cro s other Poultry
main_cro s Lack of shelter
Lack of fodder asture animal feed
li estock_ty e camel Cannot afford fodder or feed
li estock_ty e cattle Sold in distress for cash
li estock_ty e oxen Consumed by family
li estock_ty e donkeys
li estock_ty e shee Li estock ke t for consum tion by household
li estock_ty e goats or sale of li e animals for cash
li estock_ty e or tran ort of the family
oultry Other
change_li estock_numbers lack_shelter Li estock ke t for consum tion by household
change_li estock_numbers lack_feed or sale of li e animals for cash
change_li estock_numbers cannot_afford_feed or tran ort of the family
change_li estock_numbers sold_cash Other
change_li estock_numbers consumed
Li estock ke t for consum tion by household
li estock_reason_camel roduct_own_consum tion or sale of li e animals for cash
li estock_reason_camel sale_li e_cash or tran ort of the family
li estock_reason_camel trans ort Other
li estock_reason_camel other
Li estock ke t for consum tion by household
li estock_reason_cattle roduct_own_consum tion
li estock_reason_cattle sale_li e_cash Continued on following page
li estock_reason_cattle trans ort
li estock_reason_cattle other
li estock_reason_shee roduct_own_consum tion
li estock_reason_shee sale_li e_cash
li estock_reason_shee trans ort
li estock_reason_shee other
li estock_reason_goat roduct_own_consum tion
Annex 2 | 65
li estock_reason_goat sale_li e_cash or sale of li e animals for cash
li estock_reason_goat trans ort or tran ort of the family
li estock_reason_goat other Other
Continued from previous page roduct_own_consum tion Li estock ke t for consum tion by household
nsaalme_eli e_cash laobreslale of li e animals for cash
li estock_reason_ oultry Pstraualnent_slalinoedrt_cash or sale of li e animals for cash
lliiste_sntoacmke_reason_ oultry Sotrotahunetshr Woret st State or tran ort of the family
slliitaeetssettoocckk__rreeaassoonn__gooautltry Soothmearliland or tran ort of the family
slliitaeetssettoocckk__rreeaassoonn__gooautltry Other
slitaetsetock_reason_goat Other
rliegeisotnock_reason_ oultry Arwoddaulct_own_consum tion ALiwedsatlock ke t for consum tion by household
rliegeisotnock_reason_ oultry Bsaalkeo_olil e_cash Boakrosoale of li e animals for cash
rliegeisotnock_reason_ oultry Btraannasadoirrt Boanr atraadnir ort of the family
rliegeisotnock_reason_ oultry Boathrier BOatrhier
region Bay GAnaligmuadlus usodld for cash
GTheedoanimal was old or sick
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Gneaelgdu_dmuoundey HLaiicrkaaonf shelter
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Ganeidmoal_old_sick JLuabcbkaodfafoDdhdeexre asture animal feed
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Hlaicirka_asnhelter JCuabnbnaodtaaHffooordsefodder or feed
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Jlaucbkb_afdeea_dDhexe MSouudrcueg of li elihood for household
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Jcuabnbnaodt_aa_fHfoorods_efeed NAnuigmaals sold for cash
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Msouudrcueg_li elihood SATahdneualatangmimalael owaesrold yoerasrisck
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Nneuegda_almoney SALhadcaukblteofefelslmahhaealleteDorheexre years
rwseaagletieo_rnli_ceo_lcleacstho_rreason Saaandnuimaltaa_glm_oallde_sick SCLhahcailkbdeomef lfaloalehdaduenHrdoeorasseturyeeaarsnimal feed
rwseaagletieo_rnli_ceo_lcleacstho_rreason Salahdcaukbl_tes_ehfelelmaltheaarle_Dhexe SCCoahonilldnofet mafafolerdunfoddedrer oyrefaeresd
rwseaagletieo_rnli_ceo_lcleacstho_rreason Smlahcaaklbe_e_feecehlldailhda_Hoyoesaers TSogudrcheeeorf li elihood for household
rwseaagletieo_rnli_ceo_lcleacstho_rreason Sfceaomnonlaolet__cahffioldrd_feeydears WnoqroooteyicGteadlbseuerfdace water ri er ond
rseagleio_nli e_cash_reason Tsogudrchee_elri elihood OAHdtahureltersmtaraleinowaetrer eyaeratrhs an
AHdaur ltesfetmraainlewoateerr beyrkeaadrs
rweagtieorn_source Wunoqroooteyci_teGda_lbsuerefdace_water EClhnBiladrrodmteeacleteudnsderring years
rwweaagttieeorrn__csooullerccetor Ohadathruelter_smt_araleinwater_ an BCahnidldrooafetemctaeled uwnedller years
wwaatteerr__csooullerccetor ahdaur lte_sfte_mraainlewater_berkad QHaanndsaduhmere well
dwwiaasttreeirrc__tscooullerccetor Emuln_aBlerao_rtcdeheciltded_s yrienagrs XBuondreurhorotelected surface water ri er ond
dwwiaasttreeirrc__tscooullerccetor Bfueanmidaroolaete_cctheildd_wellyears WWHaaarjtiederst iroasinkwater earth an
dwiasttreirc_tsource Qhaanndsa_dhuemre_well BWHuaaurtreeHrscatakrrabionarwtaatnekrerberkad
wdwiaasttereirrc__tssoouurrccee bXuuondreurhorotelected_surface_water APufngbolriycoetteacteodr sstarnindg i e
wdwiaasttereirrc__tssoouurrccee wWhaaartjeiders_tk_iorasiknwater_ an LPainseCrdaonhteoocoutdseedhwoledllwater in com ound
wdwiaasttereirrc__tssoouurrccee WBhuaarutree_rsH_tc_aarkara_ibntaawnakteerr_berkad OHathnedr um well
wdwiaasttereirrc__tssoouurrccee Auunfgbolriyoce_tetacte_ds_tasnrdinig e
wdwiaasttereirrc__tssoouurrccee Luainse_rdCo_atehncootuoesdde_hwoeldll
wwaatteerr__ssoouurrccee ohtahnedr_ um _well
li elihood_ty e day_labour_farming_ lanting_har esting Day labour in farming during lantation or har esting
li elihood_ty e sell_cro s_li estock_ roduced_househol Sell cro s or li estock roduced by the household
li elihood_ty e
li elihood_ty e day_labour_construction Day labour in construction
li elihood_ty e
li elihood_ty e salary_go t_ ublic_sector ecei e a salary from a go ernment job or job in ublic sector
li elihood_ty e
li elihood_ty e re enue_trading Generate re enue from trading
li elihood_ty e
li elihood_ty e re enue_cottage_industry Generate re enue from business done by women handicrafts baskets etc
li elihood_ty e
li elihood_ty e rent ent of ri ate ro erty or land
change_li elihood_ty e_reason remittances_dias ora ecei e remittances from dias ora
change_li elihood_ty e_reason
change_li elihood_ty e_reason remittances_community ecei e remittances from community
change_li elihood_ty e_reason
loans_relati es ecei e loans from relati es or friends
small_business_assistance_ty e
small_business_assistance_ty e akat ecei e income su ort akat
small_business_assistance_ty e
small_business_assistance_ty e loans_money_lenders ecei e loans from money lenders
small_business_assistance_ty e
old_source_ceased Old source of li elihood ceased or was no longer a ailable
low_income_old_source Low income from old source
more_income_new_source More ex ected income in a new source
other Other
re _ rod_assets_tools e lacement of roducti e tools and assets
em loyment_cfw Short term em loyment o ortunities through Cash for Work
skills_training Skills training
micro_finance Access to micro finance instruments and restructuring of credit
assistance_ SLA Assistance from a illage Sa ings Loan Association
Continued on following page
66 | Annex 2
Continued from previous page name label
aPcufntland AC
list_name aSdoruath West State
stoautrece_assistance cSaorme aliland AD A
stoautrece_assistance coo i
stoautrece_assistance CA E
source_assistance dArwcdal
oBxafkaomol COOP
sreoguirocne_assistance wBaonrlada_diirsion
sreoguirocne_assistance cBeasri i DAwCdal
sreoguirocne_assistance cBwayw OBXakAooMl
sreoguirocne_assistance iGrcalguduud WBaonraldadirsion
sreoguirocne_assistance nGrecdo CBEaSri
sreoguirocne_assistance sHcii raan CBWayW
sreoguirocne_assistance SJuobmbraeda_Dhexe GaClguduud
sreoguirocne_assistance bJurcbibsada_Hoose NGeCdo
sreoguirocne_assistance gMouedrungment SHCiiraan
sreoguirocne_assistance uNnugaal SJuobmbaedPa Dhexe
sreoguirocne_assistance oSathnearag BJubCbiSada Hoose
sreoguirocne_assistance GMoudeurngment
sreoguirocne_assistance Shabeellaha_Dhexe NNugaagaelncies
sShhoabkeeeellaehra_Hoose OSathnearag
region lSaonodlowner
dreegbiot_nsource ToSgLAdheer Shabeellaha Dhexe
dreegbiot_nsource bWaonqkooyi_Galbeed SShhoabkeeeellaehra Hoose
dreegbiot_nsource NOGthOer LSaonodl owner
dreegbiot_nsource relati e_friend ToillgadgheeSear ings and Loan Association
dreegbiot_nsource BWaonqkooyi Galbeed
debt_source cEol_mBmarudneity_elder NOGthOer
oBtahideor a
ddeisbtrti_cstource elati e or a friend
ddeisbtrti_cstource Qansadhere
Xauyd_ufrood CEol mBamrduenity elders or community
district Waayj_idhealth_ex enses OBtahideora
ddeisbtrti_crteason Bauyu_rs_cHhaokoalb_acosts
ddeisbtrti_crteason Aafgyo_yaeg_in uts Qansadhere
ddeisbtrti_crteason Laasy__Cananimooald_feed TXoubduuyr food
ddeisbtrti_crteason ay_animals TWoajaidy for health ex enses
ddeisbtrti_crteason ay_rent_land TBouuaryHfaokrasbcahool fees or other education costs
debt_reason TAofgbouyyeagricultural in uts such as seeds fertili ers etc
debt_reason ay_clothes TLoasbCuaynaonoimd al feed or fodder
To buy animals
debt_reason ay_funeral To ay for rent or urchase of land
debt_reason ay_house_re air To buy clothes or shoes
debt_reason ay_dowry To ay for funerals or other ceremonies
debt_reason ay_tra el_ex ense To re air the house
debt_reason ay_re air_water_source To ay dowry
debt_reason ay_labour To co er tra el ex enses
debt_reason other To re air irrigation channels or water source related ex enses
debt_reason To hire labour
asset_ty e hoes Hoes
asset_ty e axe Axes
asset_ty e Plough and loughing tools
asset_ty e lough Tractor
asset_ty e tractor Motorbike
asset_ty e motorbike Bicycle
asset_ty e bicycle Car
asset_ty e car Hammer
asset_ty e hammer Sickle
asset_ty e sickle Pick axes
asset_ty e Tree stores abo e ground
asset_ty e ick_axe Granaries underground or bakaar
asset_ty e tree_store Saabs sack carriers
asset_ty e granary Grain sacks
asset_ty e saab Loading ro es maraag in metres
asset_ty e grain_sacks Traditional beehi es
asset_ty e loading_ro es Modern beehi es
asset_ty e trad_beehi e Honey extractors
asset_ty e mod_beehi e Bullock carts
asset_ty e honey_extractor Chicken coo s
asset_ty e bullock_cart
asset_ty e chicken_coo adio
asset_ty e radio Tele isions
t Cooking ots
cooking_ ot
Continued on following page
Annex 2 | 67
Continued from previous page name label
CD or ta e layer
list_name cPausnstelattned_cd_ layer Grinding stones
satsasteet_ty e Water jugs
satsasteet_ty e gSroiuntdhinWg_essttoSnteate Wall clocks
satsasteet_ty e wSoamtearl_iljaungd WAwridstawl atches
asset_ty e clock Baabkaodosl in your home
Baalnuaaabdleirornaments in S instead of numbers
raesgseiotn_ty e wAwrisdta_lwatch TBraardiitinal bed
raesgseiotn_ty e kBaabkaodol MBaoydern metal bed
raesgseiotn_ty e oBrannaamadeinrts MGaaltgturedsusueds
raesgseiotn_ty e tBraardi_bed TGaebdleos
raesgseiotn_ty e mBaoyd_bed Heiirroasaenne lam s
raesgseiotn_ty e mGaaltgturedsusud CJuhbabirasdoar Dbehnecxehes
raesgseiotn_ty e tGaebdleo AJunbimbaadl ahiHdeosooser skins
raesgseiotn_ty e kHeiirroasaenne_lam SMheuedtusg towels blankets
raesgseiotn_ty e cJuhbabiras_dbae_nDchheexse MNuogbailael hones
raesgseiotn_ty e aJunbimbaadl_ah_iHdeosose OSathneara_gim ortant
raesgseiotn_ty e bMeudd_ulignens Shabeellaha Dhexe
raesgseiotn_ty e cNeullg_aahl one HShoaubseeheollaldhaHeHaodosme ale
raesgseiotn_ty e oSathneara_gim ortant HSoooulsehold Head female
HToogudsheheoerld Head s ouse male
region Shabeellaha_Dhexe HWoouqsoehooyildGHalebaededs ouse female
rdeegciiosnion_food hShhaebadee_lmlaahlae_Hoose AOdtuhletrfemale who is not the household head or the s ouse of the household head
rdeegciiosnion_food hSohoeal d_female Adult male who is not the household head or the s ouse of the household head
rdeegciiosnion_food hTohgedahde_esr ouse_male EelmBaarldeechild under years
rdeegciiosnion_food hWhoeqaodo_ysi_oGuasleb_efeedmale MBaaildeocahild under years
rdeegciiosnion_food aOdtuhletr_female Qansadhere
decision_food adult_male Xeudauirred house
DWi aejirdsified income sources
ddiesctrisiciotn_food cEhl_ilBda_rfdeemale BBeucuarmHeakaambaember of a SLA
ddiesctrisiciotn_food cBhaiilddo_amale Aefgceoiyeed hel from relati es
Leas lCaacendooodr bought more roducti e assets
district Qansadhere Other
dimistrrioct ements_drought_ rXeudauirr_house Become worse
dimistrrioct ements_drought_ fWouanjidd_new_li elihood
dimistrrioct ements_drought_ jBouinuer_dH_ aSkaLAba emain the same
dimistrrioct ements_drought_ hAefgl o_yreelati es m ro e
dimistrrioct ements_drought_ rLeas_laCcaendo_obdought_ roducti e_assets Don t know
im ro ements_drought_ other
Cash grants unconditional or conditional
situation_change worsen Emergency food aid
Drinking water
situation_change remain_the_same Water for li estock and agriculture
Li estock eterinary ser ices
situation_change im ro e Li estock feed or fodder
Access to credit or loans
situation_change don t_know Human health ser ices
Agricultural in uts seeds equi ment
hh_immediate_need cash_grants A new source of income
hh_immediate_need food_aid
hh_immediate_need drinking_water e air to roads or other infrastructure
hh_immediate_need water_li estock_agriculture
hh_immediate_need animal_health_ser ices Cash grants unconditional or conditional
hh_immediate_need li estock_feed Emergency food aid
hh_immediate_need credit Drinking water
hh_immediate_need health_ser ices Water for li estock and agriculture
hh_immediate_need ag_in uts Li estock eterinary ser ices
hh_immediate_need job Li estock feed or fodder
hh_immediate_need re air_roads_infrastructure Access to credit or loans
Human health ser ices
hh_medium_need cash_grants Agricultural in uts seeds equi ment
hh_medium_need food_aid A new source of income
hh_medium_need drinking_water
hh_medium_need water_li estock_agriculture e air to roads or other infrastructure
hh_medium_need animal_health_ser ices
hh_medium_need li estock_feed Cash grants unconditional or conditional
hh_medium_need credit Emergency food aid
hh_medium_need health_ser ices Drinking water
hh_medium_need ag_in uts
hh_medium_need job
hh_medium_need re air_roads_infrastructure
hh_long_need cash_grants
hh_long_need food_aid
hh_long_need drinking_water
Continued on following page
68 | Annex 2
Continued from previous page name label
Pwuantetlra_nlid estock_agriculture Water for li estock and agriculture
list_name SaonuimthalW_heesat lSthta_tseer ices Li estock eterinary ser ices
shtha_telong_need Slioemsatoliclakn_dfeed Li estock feed or fodder
shtha_telong_need credit Access to credit or loans
shtha_telong_need Ahewadltahl _ser ices AHwumdaaln health ser ices
hh_long_need Baga_koinol uts BAagkroicoulltural in uts seeds equi ment
rhehg_iolonng_need Bjoabnaadir BAanneawadsior urce of income
rhehg_iolonng_need Breariair_roads_infrastructure Baeriair to roads or other infrastructure
rhehg_iolonng_need Bay Bay
rhehg_iolonng_need Gcaaslhgu_dgruaundts GCaslghugdruaundts unconditional or conditional
region Gfoeoddo_aid GEmedeorgency food aid
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Hdriirnakaing_water HDiriirnakainng water
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Jwuabtbeard_lai_eDshtoexcek_agriculture JWubabteardfaoDr lhieexsetock and agriculture
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Jaunbimbaadl_ah_eHaoltohs_eser ices JLui bebsatdoackHoeoteserinary ser ices
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Mli uedstuogck_feed MLi uedsutogck feed or fodder
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Ncruegdaital NAuccgeasasl to credit or loans
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Shaenaaltahg_ser ices SHaunmaagn health ser ices
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Sahga_bineeulltasha_Dhexe SAhgarbiceueltlluarhaal iDnhuextse seeds equi ment
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Sjohbabeellaha_Hoose SAhnaebweeslloauhraceHoof sinecome
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Sreooal ir_roads_infrastructure Soeolair to roads or other infrastructure
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Togdheer Togdheer
rceogmiomn_immediate_need Wcaoshq_ogoryai_nGtsalbeed WCaosqhogoryainGtsalbuenecdonditional or conditional
region Ofotohde_raid OEmtheerrgency food aid
rceogmiomn_medium_need drinking_water Drinking water
rceogmiomn_medium_need Ewl_atBearr_dlei estock_agriculture EWl aBtaerrdfeor li estock and agriculture
comm_medium_need Banaidmoaal_health_ser ices BLiaiedsotaock eterinary ser ices
dcoismtrmict_medium_need Qli aensstaodchk_efreeed QLianestaodchkefreeed or fodder
dcoismtrmict_medium_need Xcruedduitr XAucdceusrs to credit or loans
dcoismtrmict_medium_need Wheaajlitdh_ser ices WHuamjidan health ser ices
dcoismtrmict_medium_need Bagu_uirn_Huatksaba BAugurircuHlatukarablain uts seeds equi ment
dcoismtrmict_medium_need Ajofbgoye Afgnoeywesource of income
dcoismtrmict_medium_need Lreas_aCira_nroaods_infrastructure Laes Caairntooordoads or other infrastructure
dcoismtrmict_medium_need cash_grants Cash grants unconditional or conditional
food_aid Emergency food aid
comm_long_need drinking_water Drinking water
comm_long_need water_li estock_agriculture Water for li estock and agriculture
comm_long_need animal_health_ser ices Li estock eterinary ser ices
comm_long_need li estock_feed Li estock feed or fodder
comm_long_need credit Access to credit or loans
comm_long_need health_ser ices Human health ser ices
comm_long_need ag_in uts Agricultural in uts seeds equi ment
comm_long_need job A new source of income
comm_long_need re air_roads_infrastructure
comm_long_need e air to roads or other infrastructure
frequency once Once in the last days days
frequency twice Twice in the last days
frequency three_times Three times in the last days
frequency four_times our times in the last days
frequency more_than_four_times More than four times in the last
assistance_ty e_drought ag_in uts_dd Agricultural in uts through direct distribution
ag_in uts_ oucher Agricultural in uts through oucher
l stk_in uts_dd Li estock in uts through direct distribution
l stk_in uts_ oucher Li estock in uts through oucher
food_aid ood Aid
cash Cash
food_dist ood through general distribution
household_goods emittances from family friends neighbours
restocking ree household goods
training Li estock through restocking
do_not_own_land rent_land ent land from others
do_not_own_land share_land Share other s land and lant cro s
Continued on following page
Annex 2 | 69
Location choices
settlement region district settlement region district
Fulaaley lower_shabelle afgooye BFulaoa Bleaybay lower_shabelle afgooye
Duduble lower_shabelle afgooye BDuuldou Mbloeh'Ed Dhere lower_shabelle afgooye
Cadey-Dheere lower_shabelle afgooye BCualdoe My-Daahdeoewre lower_shabelle afgooye
Dharuurada lower_shabelle afgooye BDuhlaor uAuwr aEddain urow lower_shabelle afgooye
Cabdiile Buur Fuule lower_shabelle afgooye BCealbeddi iAlem Biunu Kra Flauaunle lower_shabelle afgooye
Cabdiile lower_shabelle afgooye BCualbod Kiiulelan lower_shabelle afgooye
Tortoorow lower_shabelle afgooye BTaonrt oGoarleoyw lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Wiin lower_shabelle afgooye Bulro D Wiisioinw lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Balley 2 lower_shabelle afgooye Bulo Beallaleley 2 lower_shabelle afgooye
Iidow Guudow lower_shabelle afgooye BIiudloow Ia Guhu Ddoolwet lower_shabelle afgooye
Alifleey lower_shabelle afgooye Aulifuleney lower_shabelle afgooye
Aliindi lower_shabelle afgooye BAulilion dBiashiir lower_shabelle afgooye
Ohuumey lower_shabelle afgooye Ouhmuubmis ey lower_shabelle afgooye
Afuu Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye IAufmuub iFsa Gaaleryre/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye
Deg Dhaaran lower_shabelle afgooye BDuelg iDdah aMaraanalin a lower_shabelle afgooye
Saabdoro lower_shabelle afgooye CSrauasbhd orogramme/Bulo Gajo lower_shabelle afgooye
Furuqley lower_shabelle afgooye BFuruuloq-lBeyarwaaqo lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Ahmed Ali lower_shabelle afgooye DBaurlou sAahlamaemd Ali lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Aw Abdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye MBualoo Aw Abdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye
Madeyta lower_shabelle afgooye BMaaladde-yAtamin lower_shabelle afgooye
Hawal Wari lower_shabelle afgooye BHualwo aGl aWloaleri lower_shabelle afgooye
Xaaji Mad lower_shabelle afgooye Xeayadji aMblaedy lower_shabelle afgooye
Qanyar Baroore lower_shabelle afgooye CQaaannyoaor lBeayroore lower_shabelle afgooye
Kalago'Ow lower_shabelle afgooye Kahlaogloe'Ow lower_shabelle afgooye
Marerawe Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye BMaaririererawe Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye
Bandege lower_shabelle afgooye Baqnedyelgee lower_shabelle afgooye
Iidow lower_shabelle afgooye TIiadwowa al lower_shabelle afgooye
Banaadir lower_shabelle afgooye Baunna Gaadrirre lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
Erileey lower_shabelle afgooye BEarinleneayan a Balow lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
War Qaboobe lower_shabelle afgooye BWaaloro Qwaboobe lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
Sabriye lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Hagi Ali Kulow lower_shabelle afgooye
Ibrahim Mad eey lower_shabelle afgooye uunaay lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Omorow Boreyle lower_shabelle afgooye Qod-Qodow lower_shabelle afgooye
Deg Maduusha lower_shabelle afgooye Kaysaney lower_shabelle afgooye
Dhista lower_shabelle afgooye Gumeysi Diid lower_shabelle afgooye
Bahar a lower_shabelle afgooye Shaan lower_shabelle afgooye
Awjeele lower_shabelle afgooye Galoole lower_shabelle afgooye
Jameelo Wiin lower_shabelle afgooye Bulo- aqle lower_shabelle afgooye
Bur Fuule lower_shabelle afgooye Kombareere lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Jadiid lower_shabelle afgooye lower_shabelle afgooye
Isaraganoy lower_shabelle afgooye o Airstri lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Ajuso lower_shabelle afgooye Fido-Muuse lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo er Aw Maganey lower_shabelle afgooye Doon adayga lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Aw Khalit Ambulo lower_shabelle afgooye Jamee o lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Adan Dha adow lower_shabelle afgooye Buulo-Caano lower_shabelle afgooye
Mallaay Kaale lower_shabelle afgooye Bulo Casi lower_shabelle afgooye
Deg Ali Dhaay lower_shabelle afgooye Ta siile lower_shabelle afgooye
Mooro Kubaar lower_shabelle afgooye Gololey lower_shabelle afgooye
Baadle lower_shabelle afgooye Casir-Maal lower_shabelle afgooye
Waraabo lower_shabelle afgooye Gabaanis lower_shabelle afgooye
Aw-Hayle lower_shabelle afgooye Calasoow lower_shabelle afgooye
Waanjeesha lower_shabelle afgooye Mala aroor lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Kadil lower_shabelle afgooye Gawanu lower_shabelle afgooye
Ay-Agaay lower_shabelle afgooye Is-Gaad lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo aliya lower_shabelle afgooye Xera-Jeere lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Edin Osman lower_shabelle afgooye Xero Jeeran lower_shabelle afgooye
Banan a Gusha lower_shabelle afgooye Busley lower_shabelle afgooye
Habarway lower_shabelle afgooye afo-Garre/Xaanshooleey lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulo Weyn lower_shabelle afgooye Kab an a lower_shabelle afgooye
Garsaale- aylaawe lower_shabelle afgooye Kabhan lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Doon lower_shabelle afgooye Buulo-Eelay lower_shabelle afgooye
Bu ow lower_shabelle afgooye
Jamee o-Jilyaale
70 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
SFaualara-Sleayare lower_shabelle afgooye CFaudlaaalleeyy lower_shabelle afgooye
Douodnubale lower_shabelle afgooye MDuodrou bMleararey lower_shabelle afgooye
DCaodoenyd-hDeheereere lower_shabelle afgooye BCualdoe By-aDhaaedere lower_shabelle afgooye
SDohoadruhuinrraedeab lower_shabelle afgooye GDahraarsu Buraanddaiiro lower_shabelle afgooye
KCaybsdainile yBuur Fuule lower_shabelle afgooye GCabradsi iWle eByunuer Fuule lower_shabelle afgooye
DCaiidbodwiile lower_shabelle afgooye MCaubdhiitlaear-Caliyow lower_shabelle afgooye
DToertboi orow lower_shabelle afgooye Tiobridtoao-Broawlow lower_shabelle afgooye
OBusmloa Wn iCineynte lower_shabelle afgooye Buulolo W Biainrwaaqo lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulolo B Dalhleayg a2 ow lower_shabelle afgooye Bulo XBanllsehyo 2ley lower_shabelle afgooye
CIiidfow Guudow lower_shabelle afgooye WIidaorwaa Gbuouodleow lower_shabelle afgooye
Aaliffole-Geyarre/Shamuuro lower_shabelle afgooye BAuliuflleoe-yGaras lower_shabelle afgooye
SAhlioinndgiole lower_shabelle afgooye TAiliisniidlei lower_shabelle afgooye
MOhouourom-Meyareerey lower_shabelle afgooye TOohbuaunmae-yBuundo lower_shabelle afgooye
FAafusuh Firaaley/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye BAafulduo Foasalaey/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye
Doeog nDhaaaran lower_shabelle afgooye BDaengd Dah Saaalaraanma lower_shabelle afgooye
BSaasibqdleoyr/oDuurey lower_shabelle afgooye BSaealebdduol roa ma lower_shabelle afgooye
BFuru Dqhleeyere lower_shabelle afgooye BFuasruraqlBeayladurahma lower_shabelle afgooye
MBualoa Alinh-meudu rAli lower_shabelle afgooye Baualosr Aahmed Ali lower_shabelle afgooye
DBurloq oAww Abdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye KBuullaon Atow Abdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye
XMaaluduesyhtian lower_shabelle afgooye KMualadnetyat aShan Cawo lower_shabelle afgooye
GHoadw aDlo Wofaarai r/God Caano lower_shabelle afgooye BHaaswraalJ Weyasrhian lower_shabelle afgooye
DXaarijiiq M Dahdeere lower_shabelle afgooye GXaeaejsi hMaand lower_shabelle afgooye
DQhaunmyaarl aByaroore lower_shabelle afgooye BQaalnoyoawr Baroore lower_shabelle afgooye
DKaiblai gCoa'rOawb lower_shabelle afgooye DKalnaigoa'Ow lower_shabelle afgooye
GMaafraeyrawe Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye WMalraemraowoey Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye
Bualnod Beageaad- lower_shabelle afgooye TBuaunldaedgae Walamooy lower_shabelle afgooye
BIiudloow Ba aad-2 lower_shabelle afgooye Iidow iibaan lower_shabelle afgooye
BBualnoa Madairmow Sh Osman lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee SBaabnuauandir lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
KEaribleheaynley lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee DEraimleeeyerale lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
AWbagra Qalaobwoobe lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee DWoaorn Qaaboobe lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
Xaanshooley lower_shabelle afgooye Doon a Weynow lower_shabelle afgooye
War Caanno lower_shabelle afgooye ural lower_shabelle afgooye
Cali-Xasan lower_shabelle afgooye Donyarow lower_shabelle afgooye
Durouf lower_shabelle afgooye lower_shabelle afgooye
Jowhar lower_shabelle afgooye ural lower_shabelle afgooye
Adale lower_shabelle afgooye ural lower_shabelle afgooye
Dar enley lower_shabelle afgooye arey lower_shabelle afgooye
Dhurweyle lower_shabelle afgooye Qoljiid lower_shabelle afgooye
Gashane lower_shabelle afgooye Ballad lower_shabelle afgooye
Kuunyo Gaydhay lower_shabelle afgooye Alifoow lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Hashi lower_shabelle afgooye Gal-Gube lower_shabelle afgooye
Galaangale/Itinlay lower_shabelle afgooye Shir ada Gumar lower_shabelle afgooye
Xaaji Xasan lower_shabelle afgooye Beledul ariim lower_shabelle afgooye
Banyaale lower_shabelle afgooye Bagdaad lower_shabelle afgooye
Xayesilow lower_shabelle afgooye As/A med Huu lower_shabelle afgooye
Garasley lower_shabelle afgooye Cosable lower_shabelle afgooye
Cadiga Boorow lower_shabelle afgooye Beledulamiin lower_shabelle afgooye
Kulanley lower_shabelle afgooye Buulo-Cabdiyow lower_shabelle afgooye
Xawaal Bareey lower_shabelle afgooye Misra Harar lower_shabelle afgooye
Bayahow lower_shabelle afgooye Xaraare lower_shabelle afgooye
Garash lower_shabelle afgooye Belet Kariin lower_shabelle afgooye
Doom adale lower_shabelle afgooye Geed Fagi lower_shabelle afgooye
lower_shabelle afgooye Geed-Faqay lower_shabelle afgooye
rimo endo lower_shabelle afgooye afagaale lower_shabelle afgooye
Moro Idow lower_shabelle afgooye Cadeyley lower_shabelle afgooye
Gurdaan lower_shabelle afgooye Warmooley lower_shabelle afgooye
Banaaney lower_shabelle afgooye Maguurto lower_shabelle afgooye
Waayeel Diinle lower_shabelle afgooye Bullalow lower_shabelle afgooye
Warmahan lower_shabelle afgooye Maguurto lower_shabelle afgooye
Garas Qaloo lower_shabelle afgooye ural lower_shabelle afgooye
alman lower_shabelle afgooye Gumarrey lower_shabelle afgooye
Digbooday lower_shabelle afgooye Magla lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulo-Daango Ka arrow
Annex 2 | 71
settlement region district settlement region district
Fuailmaaolegy lower_shabelle afgooye SFhuiliaahlaeayl lower_shabelle afgooye
BDuuldou Kbhlealif 2 lower_shabelle afgooye BDuuudluob-Slehii h Cilmi lower_shabelle afgooye
BCualdoe Ky-hDahlief ere lower_shabelle afgooye OCadtoeoyb-Dahr eAefgreooye lower_shabelle afgooye
BDehratrau Cuarali dHaaji lower_shabelle afgooye JDahranruurada lower_shabelle afgooye
MCaabddiinilea Buur Fuule lower_shabelle afgooye TCaajbadlaiiqle Buur Fuule lower_shabelle afgooye
MCaabdddiiliena lower_shabelle afgooye KCuarbadailiele lower_shabelle afgooye
Towrtfoiqo/roShwanta Bara o lower_shabelle afgooye BTuourtloo Kraorwas lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulolo W-Miinadiina lower_shabelle afgooye SBhuulo uWroiiwn lower_shabelle afgooye
Beurlota B Sahllierey J2iis lower_shabelle afgooye Buulolo B aallesqyi 2 lower_shabelle afgooye
SIiadboywo GWueuydnow lower_shabelle afgooye Iiidsow Guudow lower_shabelle afgooye
SAalibflbeieyyo lower_shabelle afgooye JAalmifleeyo-Sii h Bashiir lower_shabelle afgooye
SAhliiirndaida lower_shabelle afgooye DAalibinadnidoob lower_shabelle afgooye
BOuhrui-uWmeeyyne lower_shabelle afgooye Oahtui-uWmaeyyne lower_shabelle afgooye
TA/fSuaub Fyaoaley/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye Aafuqu-C Faaralfeayle/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye
IDigeaga Dbohaaran lower_shabelle afgooye ADqeagb Dleheayaran lower_shabelle afgooye
ISigaaabbdo2ro lower_shabelle afgooye JSaamabad-oBraolow lower_shabelle afgooye
SFaubruyoqley lower_shabelle afgooye MFuorourqdleiiynle lower_shabelle afgooye
Buuglo S aAnhgmueddle Ali lower_shabelle afgooye CBiuisloe- Auhgmoeodle Ali lower_shabelle afgooye
DBouolon A- wg aAabsdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye MBuolord Aiiwnl eAbdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye
Maard Geayltaangal lower_shabelle afgooye Moarddeiyntlae Main lower_shabelle afgooye
GHalwharl eWerairi lower_shabelle afgooye BHeaewratal WXaasrain Qaaid lower_shabelle afgooye
CXuamajia Mr-Baedere lower_shabelle afgooye Xaqaeji yMlead lower_shabelle afgooye
MQaangyuaurr tBoa-rBoaoarlegure lower_shabelle afgooye CQaabndyoawr B-Dairboiolere lower_shabelle afgooye
DKaoloang oA'Oww Suurre lower_shabelle afgooye Kiabloasgoom'Oaw lower_shabelle afgooye
BMuaurleor-aXwaaer tJoilaoly lower_shabelle afgooye DMaai rSearfafwi e Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye
DBhanajdaelogeh lower_shabelle afgooye SBaabnidide gAenole lower_shabelle afgooye
JIaidmobwaluul lower_shabelle afgooye KIiadloawweyne Kore lower_shabelle afgooye
BBearntaaa Sdhiregal a lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee BBuaunlaoa-dDiar arta lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
MErailleaegy-Karoor lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee Eirmileaeyyga meed lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
BWaallro wQaboobe lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee BWuasrlo Qwaboobe lloowweerr__sshhaabbeellllee aaffggooooyyee
Abbannaale lower_shabelle afgooye Bo oroow lower_shabelle afgooye
Aw Sa ad Aawow lower_shabelle afgooye Xaawo-Cabdi lower_shabelle afgooye
Iri Dole lower_shabelle afgooye afoole lower_shabelle afgooye
Aw Burdow lower_shabelle afgooye Jaama ada-Beeraha lower_shabelle afgooye
Awgooye lower_shabelle afgooye Carbis a lower_shabelle afgooye
Giali lower_shabelle afgooye Bisiqley lower_shabelle afgooye
Bulo Haji Maow lower_shabelle afgooye Garbis lower_shabelle afgooye
Aray Mooy lower_shabelle afgooye Hantiwadaaq lower_shabelle afgooye
Arrinmoog lower_shabelle afgooye aantabuur lower_shabelle afgooye
Berta Cabdi Kumiye lower_shabelle afgooye Waayo-Arag lower_shabelle afgooye
Dawa aale lower_shabelle afgooye Folyo2 lower_shabelle afgooye
Sabiid lower_shabelle afgooye Doon a 2 lower_shabelle afgooye
Caanoole lower_shabelle afgooye Wargod a lower_shabelle afgooye
Mayey lower_shabelle afgooye Mar adde lower_shabelle afgooye
Beerta Bisi rin lower_shabelle afgooye uug Xaluula lower_shabelle afgooye
Deefow lower_shabelle afgooye Kalaweyne Hoose lower_shabelle afgooye
Mareerey lower_shabelle afgooye Aual agot lower_shabelle afgooye
Gaalware lower_shabelle afgooye Wa aaladda Biyaha lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulo-Eelay lower_shabelle afgooye Siin a Dheer lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulo-Shiisho lower_shabelle afgooye Bannaaney lower_shabelle afgooye
Buulo-Folyo lower_shabelle afgooye Muuri lower_shabelle afgooye
Tollow lower_shabelle afgooye Idimon lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye/Hawo Ta o lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/Malable lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye/Mbagathi lower_shabelle afgooye Farah Awahes lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye lower_shabelle afgooye Deg eroy lower_shabelle afgooye
Sagaalaad lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/Horsed lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye/Baalguri lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/Caanoole lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye/Dhagahtur lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/O tober lower_shabelle afgooye
Baalgure lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/Waberi lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye/ aqeyle lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/Bulo Shitq lower_shabelle afgooye
Afgooye/Caytire lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle lower_shabelle afgooye
Balbaley lower_shabelle afgooye Aw Dheegle/Wadajir Malable lower_shabelle afgooye
72 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
AFuwla Dahleeyegle/O tober Malable lower_shabelle afgooye GFualraaasl eDyheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MDuedruab leone lower_shabelle afgooye Dubdiu Gblaes lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GCaodeaya-nDheere lower_shabelle afgooye Caudsleliy-Dheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
ADfhgaoriuurada lower_shabelle afgooye Dahrarrouwurada lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DCaebymdiiole D Bhueuerr eFuule lower_shabelle afgooye DCahbudrsiihlee eBlueur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
ACdabeyd iilueure lower_shabelle afgooye BCuabudloii lFearey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BTiorrot oBoirraohwa lower_shabelle afgooye DTohrotloooorlo/Kwormari lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Baullaon Wiin lower_shabelle afgooye DBuhluou Wr Biienlle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Buulolo B-Sahlleiiy h2-Ab ow lower_shabelle afgooye Buublo D Bhaullleey 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GIidaoraws wGeuyundeow lower_shabelle afgooye BIiidlioilw Guudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
CAalilfil-eQeayre lower_shabelle afgooye BAuliuflleoe Fyuur a lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAuliuinsdhi a/ o lower_shabelle afgooye IAdleiidnldoiw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GOahruausm-Heuyfey lower_shabelle afgooye BOohounuymaerey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAufuuulo F-Xaaulsesye/eBnu Gloa Aaibhoewyda lower_shabelle afgooye IAsfbuiiul Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
CDeeegl DSahlaiianrian lower_shabelle afgooye BDueugl oD hGaaadruand lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WSaaa bBdaoshroir Muudey lower_shabelle afgooye ABGHBIIBTQOGBSXMEQKBBBMBFHIsdiauauuuudrfaauuaauuegleaae-diaajaralouuulnnollllbwbeWneeaoeoogudrabjwdallloduigyegidoo e-ea qed GaiAAeBayoeMror-iyll ylodn /aoTSgGrewhiay'WtsHO rwahieuiwyalmBerio odqaaAwbaearoennirabr Jdiloftdeiaa looiAar rKloleiuwus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
MFuaraulqimle ySiid lower_shabelle afgooye EWeaqr Qaboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GBuoloob Aaham-Sehdi iAlhi a lower_shabelle afgooye Doon Warabi bay baidoa
SBhul o sAmwa Anbdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye Jafeey bay baidoa
DMaabdaebyta lower_shabelle afgooye
CHeaewbaiyl oWoaleri lower_shabelle afgooye Qasaalow bay baidoa
Xaamajbi rM ad Mer a lower_shabelle afgooye Is oriis bay baidoa
AQwanbyoaro Bwaroore lower_shabelle afgooye Dhariqo-Shei h Mad Aliyow bay baidoa
Kaimlaogow'Ow lower_shabelle afgooye Isduugdi bay baidoa
JMasalroeurawe Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye Xawal Hud bay baidoa
OBtahnedr ege lower_shabelle afgooye Buulo-Galoole/Bogon Gooy bay baidoa
Iiadfoawale lboawyer_shabelle abfagiodoyae Ideedley bay baidoa
MBaonhaoa dWireyn lboawyer_shabelle abfagiodooyae May oo Guuraaw bay baidoa
GEruilbeuedy Sagaar lboawyer_shabelle abfagiodooyae Moro Goloole bay baidoa
AWliayro Qwa Abloiyoobwe lboawyer_shabelle abfagiodooyae Kuus bay baidoa
Daanjer bay baidoa War murrow bay baidoa
Geboooy bay baidoa
Kurto bay baidoa Kob Edooy bay baidoa
Mad Hasan W bay baidoa Ba alle bay baidoa
Dhul-Same bay baidoa Gabaal bay baidoa
Arbasala W bay baidoa Mooro Buus bay baidoa
aan Garas bay baidoa Guunse bay baidoa
Ceel ahole W bay baidoa Shiidalow bay baidoa
Walaq bay baidoa Idinta bay baidoa
Tuubo/ owi- asro bay baidoa Buuray Shunle bay baidoa
Ceel Shiif W bay baidoa Baray-Baray bay baidoa
Ceel Koboqor W bay baidoa Isguulata bay baidoa
Adegow bay baidoa Ba ala bay baidoa
Oboy-Caasha bay baidoa Buulogaras bay baidoa
Bah-Waley bay baidoa Da anne bay baidoa
Alla Qabe bay baidoa Maadinlay bay baidoa
Cali Baadi bay baidoa Buulo Gudoow bay baidoa
Buulo Bilan/Humbowi bay baidoa aanti-Garas a bay baidoa
Dhalool W bay baidoa Buulo-Gaduud bay baidoa
War aqub W bay baidoa aqaay bay baidoa
Kaay Sanay bay baidoa Buulo Gaduud 2 bay baidoa
Mursal bay baidoa
Sa daad bay baidoa
Shaw i bay baidoa
Bagdaad bay baidoa
Qasale/Bilal Oomane bay baidoa
bay baidoa
oobay bay baidoa
Doorimar bay baidoa
Abag-Guduud bay baidoa
Caanole bay baidoa
Buulo usla bay baidoa
Buulo Ba aaro bay baidoa
Annex 2 | 73
settlement region district settlement region district
DFualbaaadleaybay lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BFulualaol eFyuur lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MDuadthuabnlele lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea SDeundiulobwle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BCuadueloy -FDiihdeoewre lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MCaidnedyh-iDgheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDuhualrou uGraaldoaole lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDahraorwuurada lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MCaabdiinilea yB Muuorg Fouwule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCuabudloii-lMe Baauluinr -FEueudlien lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
OCawbddhiieleerow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCuabudloii-lemurow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GToorotfo Aorboawaley lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Tobrbtuoro-rGoawduud lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GBuoloof WGuiidnuud lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea IBdueleod Wi iin lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
SBaunloil oBwalley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ABwuloa Bsaanlle My 2ad lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BIiudorgwa aGbuudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea AIidfaorw aGauqudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAuliuflleoe Hy olla lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea JAiilrifole Meyad Sheeg lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GAaliiansd Si agaare lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea QAlaiianqdii lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BOuhuuruemy ey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BOuhuuluom Jaedyiid lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
HAufudud Fi aGaalmeya/aBsulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea KAafuyou wFaaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDeedgi nDbheadaerayn lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ADye-g Doohbaaeryan lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BHBDHSSBBXBHSBIBMKQXHMBBFSEihaaauauoeaadraaauauhaaoaaiaarraaglaralournnbrlllerwnaamieoourdaebbaegbijwdalryengrioea qemleodi ela-AAateaMoir -yl ylarrSoeyd aBaGgrewhe'WoitahOl lrw-aineayamoBulrwDoa eedA-waaweadlDlehlrber ueJdiehodiu leeoiAad rerKllieir/uuesydabaall lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa HBBBWABBKGMGHEBSBMKMBFXIQBiouaeuuaiodrwaauuaaaoaaaiieiaaalaryralouunngrllllwmnia-oeoourdbetbldrjouwdallSeyegiiooeea oqeyiad awahuAAeyaMorQyly yllrobd aAQigor rehw'WtitaOt rwaaineyawaamBurio uadaAewarearnmelaribr nlJdinoedii loiAa rKlleiuus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
WWeadr aQ Habiroobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea QWaasra Qloawboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Shini-Maal bay baidoa bay baidoa
Biyi-Guur bay baidoa iibi Kileed/War Maalin bay baidoa
Anoloow bay baidoa Aawdiinle bay baidoa
Modooda bay baidoa Matuutow bay baidoa
War-Gaduud bay baidoa War Issaaq bay baidoa
Buula Shanta bay baidoa War- eroy bay baidoa
Hasli bay baidoa Buulo-Xaawa bay baidoa
Irrwar bay baidoa Mintaan a bay baidoa
Waraabow bay baidoa Ma aran bay baidoa
Ba ali bay baidoa Aroos Xaawa bay baidoa
Buulo Batuulo bay baidoa Buurfuule bay baidoa
Kulun a bay baidoa Goof-Maaday bay baidoa
Buulo Garas bay baidoa Mooshe bay baidoa
Tuba e bay baidoa Irinta arey bay baidoa
Dhariiqo bay baidoa Irinti Weyn bay baidoa
Galoolle bay baidoa Midow bay baidoa
Jabriil bay baidoa Masuubiye bay baidoa
Buulo So or bay baidoa Qurunlow-Asharaaf bay baidoa
Hereerra Jiifa bay baidoa Qeydari bay baidoa
Boor a bay baidoa Dhejiile-Masbadane bay baidoa
Mu ubo bay baidoa Baagay-Gaduudi bay baidoa
Goof-Mareere Weyn bay baidoa Iin uuri bay baidoa
Goof-Galool bay baidoa Kormari bay baidoa
Qahira Wiin bay baidoa Golol a bay baidoa
Goodalow bay baidoa Baagey Asharaaf bay baidoa
Dariigade Aw Shii h Ma amed bay baidoa Hariir a bay baidoa
El Gof bay baidoa Kidhi oy bay baidoa
Qudi-Qodeen bay baidoa Kashiidoow bay baidoa
Berdale/Waberi bay baidoa Qaahira- arey bay baidoa
Buulo Qidan bay baidoa Ba alla bay baidoa
Dhayaal bay baidoa War- murow bay baidoa
Toosiilow bay baidoa Ma aaneey/Waneey bay baidoa
Jiiro Gurey bay baidoa Sugi ari bay baidoa
74 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
HFuinlasahlieloyole lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea KFiudlai aoleyy lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDuuudluob Tleugeer lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDuuudluob-Ilrei- oog Wiine lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Caadsehya-D Fhaerteore lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCuadueloy--DDhhaeteoroe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
ADwhaleruurada lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ADwhaereusuBraudualo-Bogod lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
QCaobnddihileo Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea OCarobsdhiiile Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WCaabrd Diilieinle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCuabudloii-lQe urun lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KTaosrhtoiiodrdoiw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BTaoartnoyoarloi w lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BBuullloo WDhiinato lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BBuuulolo W Diianahir lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
OBuolroe Balley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ABmuloal Baalley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MIidaoawd aGnu uedeodwi lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea AIidboowor Ge uudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAuliuflleoe-ySalaama lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GAulifrluebeayy lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
JAirlioinwdi lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WAliainr dDiugsi lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BOuhuuluom-Aesyharaaf lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WOhaurguamraesyle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
IArif-uWu eFraailey/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAufuuulo F Iasaalqey/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GDaelge yD-hGaaalreayn lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea IDdeege dDahaaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DDBGCIIKBBKMBMHSKFEBBXQBMIrsiaauaeauuudraaiauaueaaaaraiaaabnaeralouuunnniadlllwonaraeooudrbjaalwadlllobioyegi-r ooea qeod arWaaDAAeoaaaMorgyl -ylofod/ aKgrennwhIlo 'WiatobAOe lrwaieuyamlBoero eawedbdAwsaae anyrleohurb/r 2eJdiwoBurdiyd logoiAa o/rwKlleDoiuhuaasto lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAWKTBGAABDHKBBFISBQMBEMXiooaueauudrdbwdaauuaaaeaaaiaaaoareralouunnmaiulllrwna-ieoorurdmbejbswgadllSbyiegiooea qebworde i aheAAelaaMorBiyl yelaorod ayWEegreewhn'Wtaa-lO lrwaiemiylyamBGer lo iadFoAwnaeahueeruwrebr -rudJdiroIidis/ir loriAaesT arKalloeyiuqwussiga lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
KWaarr aQraaboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GWoaorm Qoalbeoobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Deebli bay baidoa Berahnooy bay baidoa
igsoy bay baidoa aan Buule bay baidoa
Hinshiloole bay baidoa Geldheere bay baidoa
Buulo Tugeer bay baidoa Munaawir bay baidoa
Caasha Farto bay baidoa Dambal Calin bay baidoa
Awle bay baidoa Tugeere bay baidoa
Qondho bay baidoa Buulo Anjero bay baidoa
War Diinle bay baidoa Ir-Wer bay baidoa
Kashiiddi bay baidoa Buulo Shee h Mad Qaadi bay baidoa
Bullo Dhato bay baidoa Shal-Karsanoy bay baidoa
Oore bay baidoa Tiir a bay baidoa
Maadan eedi bay baidoa Geldda bay baidoa
Buulo-Salaama bay baidoa Kuullaw bay baidoa
Jirow bay baidoa Gasar bay baidoa
Buulo-Asharaaf bay baidoa Balow bay baidoa
Iri-Wer i bay baidoa Adey Garaar bay baidoa
Galey-Galey bay baidoa Abeesgarwaal bay baidoa
Dedbanley bay baidoa Iri-Wer a bay baidoa
Danoolow/Bow a bay baidoa Fanqal a bay baidoa
Buu a/Aburdoo bay baidoa Jidow bay baidoa
Gaal Weel bay baidoa Ay-Ingoodi bay baidoa
bay baidoa Buulo-Amino bay baidoa
aa oole 2 bay baidoa Ediin-Gaal Bele bay baidoa
Ceel-Doon bay baidoa Buulo-Bisiq bay baidoa
Iriroog arey bay baidoa Bilaan bay baidoa
Is iri bay baidoa Abees Eemid bay baidoa
Kabar a bay baidoa Kaayow bay baidoa
Buulo-Ibdow bay baidoa Waney bay baidoa
Buulo Kushug/Dhato bay baidoa Buulo Dhaaya bay baidoa
Kanaafi bay baidoa bay baidoa
Maaran a bay baidoa eydabaale bay baidoa
Kar ar a bay baidoa Dhayba bay baidoa
Deebli bay baidoa Buulo usuf/ owi-Biyoley bay baidoa
igsoy Toos-Weyne
Annex 2 | 75
settlement region district settlement region district
IFdudlaeaelde yWanle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BFualaaal-leyaagow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
TDauldiisusbale lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea KDuurdtubnle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BCuadsleeyy-/DEhmeedre Ibraan lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea FCialfdileya-Dheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDuhualrou uraardoay lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WDhaarr-uAushraodoa lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BCuabudloii lXea Bauwuor Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DCahbudbibilaey Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KCuarbtduimileaale lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ICsaba-diieleh lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BTaortaoleorow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BTuorutlooo- rouwu o lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GBuulmo uWroiiwn lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BBuuulolo W-Jiiirnoon/Jirinrin lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GBuaalol- BDaiildley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BBuulola Baablolewy 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MIidaolawb Guudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BIiedro wAu G Duuubdeonw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WAliafrle Teuygeeri lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAuliuflleoe Ay dow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
FAolioin Kdfieyle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MAlaiinddiini i/Mad Sheegow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MOhaur-uMmaerydoole lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BOuhuuluom Eedyeega lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAafuauh iFnai aley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAufuuulo F Gaauldeuy/uBdulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDueugl oD hSauagraawn lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DDueug rDohwaaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BHBFGBSGGBBBBXBFMMBQKBHIEBSiaiuauuauuaudraaaauuoaooaiaiaadbarlralouuuuunnwlllowlonoaeooaudreobrjwadllllldfyegiwiooootoera yqewd yaAAeaiM-ooryl yloeWd aXCGFSgrewha'yWtOa rwauiieuayamrBarno idolAwjjiareaaqunieowrbr aiuJdiowdiys loiAai rKlleiuus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa BAEDDBMWGHIWBMHEFBQBSIXBMKsiaeauuadrbaauaauheaogaaaaiiaaadasralounnbdyolilluwbnaleooqrnurdhbijanwdalauwboy engioea aqe iCd baAAuerGraroMory yl-ayl-aoGu d algnrehwA y'BaDWetdWOa rwgaieyaaamBsrreo osdAwaayhaeaeehoeslrbar yr aMJdyi/oBredinH laoeiAaa aarnKlilefnriluee urseillage lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
BWuaurl oQ-abbouorbe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Wuabre Qi aboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Gaal- arow bay baidoa Bedanbedey bay baidoa
Buulo uurow bay baidoa Biyoley bay baidoa
Baadi-Eddi bay baidoa War Aw Baarow/Madoha bay baidoa
owa Is u ogow bay baidoa Faratiyow bay baidoa
Buulo-Galole bay baidoa Durow bay baidoa
Daanjeri bay baidoa Dhujiilow bay baidoa
Baidoa/Bardaale/ aanta A bay baidoa Bonta Furoy bay baidoa
Baidoa/Horseed/ aanta Aa bay baidoa Madooda bay baidoa
Baidoa/Bardaale/ aanta A bay baidoa Fajiitoole bay baidoa
Baidoa/Bardaale/ aanta A bay baidoa Banmeegag bay baidoa
Baidoa/Bardaale/ aanta A bay baidoa Iilile bay baidoa
Garal-Duure bay baidoa Mada Maroodi bay baidoa
Baahan bay baidoa Alla Gabe bay baidoa
Wargarasle Mudumeed bay baidoa Jeelow bay baidoa
Wiinle bay baidoa Doboolow bay baidoa
bur-Waraabow/Beer-Aw-Maa bay baidoa oojar bay baidoa
Qasaalow bay baidoa Doora-Weri bay baidoa
Buulo- uusuf bay baidoa Diiga bay baidoa
Bolow a bay baidoa Odomow bay baidoa
Tirroon bay baidoa Madi-Sagaari bay baidoa
Waraabiyaage bay baidoa War a Waayi bay baidoa
Wabiyow bay baidoa Henqeri bay baidoa
Boon a bay baidoa Adoomow bay baidoa
Garas-God bay baidoa Gebley Boqol a bay baidoa
Aabara a bay baidoa Buri bay baidoa
Eddow-Maadow bay baidoa Faajar bay baidoa
Goduen bay baidoa Inasoogsatu bay baidoa
Kurtun bay baidoa Deygab bay baidoa
Abrano bay baidoa Gaal Madooba bay baidoa
Quuralow bay baidoa bay baidoa
Daaniya bay baidoa urow- arow bay baidoa
Habar Wanood bay baidoa Bar ale bay baidoa
Fool Feyle bay baidoa Bulo Haldid bay baidoa
Buulo Jadiid
76 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
AFuwla-Maleayadow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Faualajarle Byusul lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
QDaurdiumbeley lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDuuldou Bbalelamal lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KCasdheiyd-aDheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Caabdaeayt-aDnh eJierorew lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDuhualrou uFraajidra lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea HDahyadruaubraaleda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GCaobndreiihle Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCoabwdiaile Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
ACbabadg iDileheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ACbabadglieile lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DToorotmooaraorw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MToorotolmoraodw Wein/ dule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DBuuluob Wugiianas lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BBaullaon W Biainale lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GBuaalon Buaulgleley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea KBourloa rBalley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BIiodoowro wGuudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea TIiadgoawa lGuudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GAalifrlaese Dy here lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAuliuflleoe By ilaan lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAolibinedrireh lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAuliuinlodi Sabar lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
QOohmuuamriey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GOehbuau mGeebyah lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
HAafurruo Fwaaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea IAsfgueue dFaaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GDaelgo Dl haaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDueugl oD hTauagreaenr lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
IMQJBMAHAMEGBSFBBMHXQKMBIEBsiieauuadlrwwaaaauuoaaaaiuueiaadabdralounnillllblwna d-oeoolurdgbabijAeawedalTiyengieoeiam oqenad nya-gAAaeaaMor yyl yrAllsoFd aldXdgaerehwo'aWohtOa arwaiealaayamBwriwo aard dAawnaeaEoyenur br dwFJdiosdiia lhnoiAay o-rKlileiueursi/Qali lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa DWMSMSDATBGCBHMFIBMSEXBBBQKiuuauaauudrbaaauauuhoaaiiaiaabnuasralolunnilalllugwmnaaldeoonurdhbatnjewgdalsbyegiaoeeaa qeeoard itesaAAeauMorisyloyy eyylrawlodl aMgrehwod'WtwynO rwaieyamBwrlo o dlAwaHaeaiedrbr aJdidodir lioeiAa rKelleiurius lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
CWaashr uQraboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DWhaary Q-Dahbaoyobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Eedin Waraabow bay baidoa Geedey bay baidoa
Midhowey/Dudumay bay baidoa Eddayin/Mowlli bay baidoa
Buulo-Jinni bay baidoa
Jannal bay baidoa Dheriyow bay baidoa
Kaiin bay baidoa Gareeri Xassan Aden bay baidoa
Biyoley bay baidoa Bullo Bilan Barow bay baidoa
Adenwaraabow bay baidoa Bali-Bali bay baidoa
Hare bay baidoa Futug bay baidoa
Waday oma bay baidoa Korar bay baidoa
Banbusul bay baidoa Hariir Dheere bay baidoa
Haarri bay baidoa Mintano arey bay baidoa
Busul bay baidoa Bullo Aamon bay baidoa
Balmaadi bay baidoa Bullo Xasan Mad bay baidoa
Daarow bay baidoa Mintani bay baidoa
auel bay baidoa Ganta bay baidoa
Mareegi bay baidoa Ayroobely bay baidoa
Fiin a Ware bay baidoa Saydheelow bay baidoa
Godow bay baidoa Mintaan bay baidoa
Ban-Bara bay baidoa Baemada bay baidoa
Edow bay baidoa Godoboy bay baidoa
Fin a-Fuuri bay baidoa Mursal Borow bay baidoa
Drersin bay baidoa Golmalable bay baidoa
Futuug bay baidoa Buulo Matiili bay baidoa
Goof a bay baidoa Wariiri bay baidoa
Erjeegle bay baidoa Gaaloolow bay baidoa
Jiumdaale bay baidoa Galoolo Heer Huun bay baidoa
Magdaad bay baidoa Galoolow/Maadow Geedow bay baidoa
Kaban Jife bay baidoa Ordolo Wangel bay baidoa
Xabsa bay baidoa Doon a bay baidoa
owi-Gondoob bay baidoa Buulo Warabe bay baidoa
Buulo-Dulun bay baidoa Duluun a bay baidoa
Shiidlli bay baidoa Miudila bay baidoa
Bal-Mada bay baidoa bay baidoa
Shiidle Busul bay baidoa eydabale
Annex 2 | 77
settlement region district settlement region district
WFualar aGleayrasle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea SFaudlaaa Kleaybad lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KDuuldaunble lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GDaurdfuiiblele lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WCaadre yu-Duhbeleere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ECnajdeegye-nDheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KDohraar uMuararida lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GDuhmaruruorwada lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MCaabddoiidlea Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCuabudleii lGea Bruawur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MCaabsdeirilea lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCuabudloii lWe arta lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BTioyrotoleoyrow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BTuorutloeo Irsoawaq orow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WBualob iWyoiwin lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WBueloe lWaiain lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DBuolwoe Beallolewy 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BBuuulole B Sahlleeyi 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BIiudouwlo GMuaurdeorw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GIidooowf- MGuauredeorw erey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DAilgiftleoey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAuliuflleee Iys a Gona Ween lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
QAluiirnudnilow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAuliuinlodi Fuur a lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
AOfhauryuamgey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BOuhuuluom Meayd-Baadhil lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BAofuoulm Faaadluey/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BAufuuulo F-aXaalyedya/Br ulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
CDaelgiy Dohwaaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDueugl oD-hIraaaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BWBAWBGGBWGHEBIBMKQXHMBBFSiaauuuaudrsaaaauuaaooaaeaaiaaahalraloluunnwllllwlonmaoaeoorrudrmlrbajwdallefyu egibemojoea qeCd -aaaAAeyaaMFormCyeli hyluodd dayQgorewhal'WntaiaO romwaiueiilyramBar idoo dtdBdwArwaearaoeweaarbr rywJdiosnldieh loiAa irKlileriuus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa BIHCWWTGDGGBEFKHBBMBSBMIQXniuuaauudraaauuaiaooouaatiaaiaaaluralouuqnnaelllwfbornaaeoorrurdb tjgwnadlloelbCy- negiooeaa qeeBd aSaAAet waMor-alylaK ylyaeaoruWd aDTgrehwd'WltaOg ruwaieeuyamBadr o eadrKAwwaleaeseyaearbr yhenreJdioddieeeel loiiAari drKlleiauaus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
GWaarrm Qaagbaol obe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GWuabru Qdai boobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Buulo Gurbo bay baidoa Buulo Isma iil Ma allim bay baidoa
Buulo Mogaw bay baidoa Dugsiilow bay baidoa
Afar Irdood bay baidoa afaale bay baidoa
Ibrahim Meere bay baidoa Buulle Jadiid bay baidoa
Caasha Farta/Tu ow bay baidoa May-Qonsati bay baidoa
Buulo Kathil bay baidoa Goof-Addi bay baidoa
Dayal bay baidoa Buulo Diigow bay baidoa
Galama Ma alin Weyne bay baidoa Gorey bay baidoa
Buulo Garri bay baidoa Maroodile bay baidoa
Buulo Siidow bay baidoa Dabeylow bay baidoa
Waryerow- Wajel bay baidoa Danbar bay baidoa
Edin Madoobe bay baidoa bay baidoa
Matuuti bay baidoa asib bay baidoa
Cumarow bay baidoa anle bay baidoa
Gaal Somaal bay baidoa Goomaale bay baidoa
Buulo-Aduunyo bay baidoa Dambal bay baidoa
Qorontoole bay baidoa aqle bay baidoa
Caasha Gaabo bay baidoa Galweel bay baidoa
Wareeg bay baidoa Beer Guduud bay baidoa
Kobon Kaw Kaw bay baidoa Ceel Doon bay baidoa
Caasho Gaabo Hubeereed bay baidoa Deeleb bay baidoa
Irtoole bay baidoa Surweyn bay baidoa
bay baidoa Maanyafuul bay baidoa
ib isaar bay baidoa Jim adi Dhilmanyole bay baidoa
Sagaara-Gali bay baidoa Barow bay baidoa
bay baidoa Buulo Wa alim bay baidoa
usley bay baidoa Gorrog bay baidoa
uqoole bay baidoa Guronlow Haarbargalad bay baidoa
ageg bay baidoa Haarbar Galad bay baidoa
ama bay baidoa usoluso bay baidoa
olis e bay baidoa Buu oh bay baidoa
Ban-Chi Surta bay baidoa Gherrogh bay baidoa
Beer Shabeel bay baidoa Qurunlow eer Dumal bay baidoa
Hawanley Busley
78 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
HFuelbaeadleoyw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea EFlu Alaua leyegher lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
IDshuaduble lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GDeusdaurbeleeb lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MCaadsegya-aDleheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCaiddeoya-/DHhoeresreeed/ aanta Aa lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Dhuarsuunrdahduas lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MDhaayraufurlaada lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WCaabrdaibilael eB uuarr Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GCabradsii-lGe aBmuuawr Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WCaabrdiyiialela lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MCaabdai ilearey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
XTaosrntoao rouwsuf lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GToorrtdoaonrow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BBuuulolo W Biuind eey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ABsutluor Wiin lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MBuislog aBaalleley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea EBeullao Boaglley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
HIidaoluwle Guudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Iiudqoaw D Ghueuedroew lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KAolibfloeneyle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea CAalidfldeie Qy oqonay lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Aalininbduiule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GAaliimndairey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
AOrhuijuemdiey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea GOohluduhmowey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Adfugua sFhaaanley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea SAifnuquo Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WDeagt aDnhleaaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDueugl oD hGaoalrdahnow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MDAWWXMMAOGIBEBIBMSKQXFHMBlilaaudrrwaauaauhuenaoaaaaaeiaaealralonnllleewuanmwaenrdeoonudreebjwdaebymeyegieeaai qeag d eaAA-ebrasAeMoryyluiyyElieode aoygreowhrs'bWtrrO rwyieaieyoyamBiroo idAwwaneawerbr Jdiodi loiAa rKlleiuus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa GABBDMBBMHBMCEBFXMIHMBQSKBBiuaaauuuodrraaaauuhaeaaaaiiaaoariralouuhnniallldewndaraeoorurdobjuwrdallogiiayegioarooea sqerd sraAAe-laa Moraoiayl e ylDGod aSGgIrenhw'dW/ytbyO rwhaioaeyamHBurao iddeAowraaearaeugufr br wWiJdiloundio lloddiAa il WilrKlhnleeiuoauwdsaag/ aanta lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
JWiraar aQhaboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DWaanry Qaraboobe lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Samriyo bay baidoa Dhahiro bay baidoa
Kafangooy bay baidoa Saoow bay baidoa
Goof-Dhuubow bay baidoa
Wegeli bay baidoa Shagow bay baidoa
Aaqoosh bay baidoa Baidoa bay baidoa
Hobiyoow bay baidoa Oagaduud bay baidoa
Boqol a bay baidoa Baidoa/Horseed/ aanta Aa bay baidoa
Hagarow bay baidoa Baidoa/Horseed/ aanta Aa bay baidoa
Shew a bay baidoa Baidoa/Horseed/ aanta 2Aa bay baidoa
Danjere bay baidoa Baidoa/Horseed/ aanta Aa bay baidoa
Ayooley bay baidoa Baidoa/Isha/ aanta Aad bay baidoa
Habare bay baidoa Baidoa/Isha/ aanta Aad bay baidoa
Dugow-Dugow bay baidoa Baidoa/Isha/ aanta Aad bay baidoa
Iidlow Abow bay baidoa Baidoa/Isha/ aanta Aad bay baidoa
Barisoole bay baidoa Baidoa/Isha/ aanta 2Aad bay baidoa
Malaag bay baidoa Baidoa/Bardaale/ aanta A bay baidoa
Boddi Cadde bay baidoa Baidoa/Bardaale/ aanta 2A bay baidoa
Camal a bay baidoa Baidoa/Hawl Wadaag/ aanta bay baidoa
Eynabadow bay baidoa Baidoa/Hawl Wadaag/ aanta bay baidoa
bay baidoa Baidoa/Hawl Wadaag/ aanta bay baidoa
ebay bay baidoa Baidoa/Hawl Wadaag/ aanta bay baidoa
Garas-Goof bay baidoa Baidoa/Hawl Wadaag/ aanta bay baidoa
aan Dambal bay baidoa Ad bay baidoa
Shonqolow bay baidoa Salag bay baidoa
Balash bay baidoa Bur- orin bay baidoa
Goobroon bay baidoa Buur Halab bay baidoa
Buulo-Fur/Berdi Hidqoole bay baidoa Waraaley bay baidoa
Kisurooy bay baidoa afa bay baidoa
bay baidoa e ed bay baidoa
bur bay baidoa Goormay bay baidoa
Kobi Goodi bay baidoa Tinjiroow bay baidoa
Afhuug bay baidoa Gafayl bay baidoa
Caadey bay baidoa Mugdile bay baidoa
Salbu o Maalin Mad bay baidoa
Annex 2 | 79
settlement region district settlement region district
Fouwlaia Gleeyrjeele lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BFulualaol-eFyur lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GDurdtuimblaeley lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea SDhuadnutbalreale lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GCadloesyh-eDheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Cadaelya-Dheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GDohlaarauiurada lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WDhaarr-uCuardaodya lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GCaobmdmiilaer Beuyur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ACbabuduiilaer BXuauarj iF Fuiguolew lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BCuabudloii lCealiyow Mad Xasanow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BCarbadiaileay lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BTuorutlooo Groawduud lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BTuorloto Foiarodwa lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Bubloor Wuiinma lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BBuuulor WBaiiann lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MBuelod BCaelrlbeay 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Bauloii mBaolley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
AIidshoawg oGwuudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BIiudorgwu nGuudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GAulifwleeelya lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WAliafrleiieriy lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MAlaiinardi lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea KAaliyinuduigey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
DOahdujuemnaeiy lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea HOahyuauamdoey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
TAiffuouw Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea OAfwului Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MDeag uDuhdaoaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea KDaeagm Dihrea/aErmaned Xuseen lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WDDKIBADBGGABFEBIBMKQXHMBBSdioauuuudraaaauaauaahuhaaaaiaaarralmyouuunndulllawemnwaeoorudrobojwadllldanlyaegioooeai aqewl d laAAnreobasMMjorayl - iyliood aGogore-hwFaw'yWtO wrwaiealyuwalmBaureo oddAwarf/eanaeaooGrbr sJdiyogwdiain leoiAaw rKlleaiunus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBJSBMOBDGGBHEBBBFBIMXKQSMaiguaauouuudraaauuahoeoaafaiaaoayralouuuuonnalllbawodnaneooudrib-jwyadllllrtbfayegiDooooea qe-od -aAAeaonMorWGyal yalod aBDKgrewhy'WrtbaO rwaieuya/eam Buuro addOAwruaeeauuelueareblsro fnrJdiuoeddeieo ldoyiAayiy n-rKllSeiuhuasbelow 2 lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
KWuaurn Qyoa bOomobine lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DWhaurr Qshaebeonolboew lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Jinaay/Isnaar a bay baidoa Waraabali bay baidoa
Buulo Taa oy bay baidoa Tugeer bay baidoa
Hubur a bay baidoa Dhu uy bay baidoa
Hoodoy bay baidoa Maguurta bay baidoa
owiley bay baidoa Xasinow Aamin bay baidoa
Ooro bay baidoa Caliyow-Marayle bay baidoa
Dambale bay baidoa Kiinje bay baidoa
Gerer Weyn bay baidoa Abag Dheere bay baidoa
Gudero bay baidoa Mindiile Dumi bay baidoa
Miidaay bay baidoa Buulo-Bara o bay baidoa
Deg Gonay bay baidoa Ma iiney bay baidoa
Madina bay baidoa Dhirta bay baidoa
Borama bay baidoa Asa-Kaay bay baidoa
Jamee adi Habardooy bay baidoa Buulo Biyooley bay baidoa
awiilay bay baidoa Siidow bay baidoa
Baanyale Ban a bay baidoa Cali Irib bay baidoa
Baanyala Gool Galool bay baidoa Dereersin bay baidoa
Kunyo Warabe bay baidoa Buulo-Tarniil bay baidoa
bay baidoa Cabdi Garuun bay baidoa
unei bay baidoa Malalaaylle bay baidoa
Kuunyi bay baidoa Buulo Tugeerey bay baidoa
Dhamaji bay baidoa Tarash bay baidoa
Daynuunay bay baidoa Edey Beerey bay baidoa
Mooda-Mooda bay baidoa Horgobay bay baidoa
Garangarasle bay baidoa Goorisine bay baidoa
Warqadey bay baidoa Buluo- oobay bay baidoa
Galool Dheer bay baidoa Duurey bay baidoa
Sama ay Gadudi bay baidoa Diinle bay baidoa
Buulo Gaduude-Dhunte bay baidoa Xiyaad arey bay baidoa
Mayta bay baidoa War-Isaaq bay baidoa
Meyfah bay baidoa Jamee o Furid bay baidoa
Dusta bay baidoa Shabeelow bay baidoa
Eldhun bay baidoa Bulo Bilis ai bay baidoa
Buulo Jinaay
80 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
WFualaba Dleoyoro lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Fuoloabaaleyy Hule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDuuudluob Jlaedud lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BDuuudluob-Fleuur Xassan Buule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
XCagdaery-aDheere lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Coadbeay-DGhaedeurued lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KDuhda-rKuoubraleda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea Dohoabrueuyr Aadwasoomow/Wadajir lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MCaabdiinile yB Auuliyr oFwuu-Mle arayle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WCaabrdmiioled Buur Fuule lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BCuabudloii lGearas lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea ICdaebeddi-ilDehooble lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
WToarrt oJoinraoyw lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BTuorlotohoardoawmo lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
KBiudlhoi Woioiny lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea XBaubloa aWloii nBarbar lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
SBhualoa lB-Oaloledyo 2y lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DBuullou uBnatleley 2 lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
JIaidmowee Gou/udaoywdabayle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MIidaodwo oGyuudow lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
MAluifdledeuyle lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea IAdlaiflleeey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
GAuliiunlditii lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DAhliianrdqio lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Oihi uouymey lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea BOuhluou muerygab lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
HAafuaurl oFaKaolerym/Baurilo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea DAefubuw Feayanley/Bulo Aiheyda lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BDuesgl eDyhaaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea MDeagji iDdhi aaran lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
BKKBSBSXBMJBMEBIBMKQXHMBBFSiiaouooauuuuoudiraauauaaafaaiaaboarslralouuluonn-lllwnoaorneoourdDusbimjwdalllteyyegiwoooee aa qedid hAaAAeoaseMoroylia --ylhosde anDgrebhwHSr'WstwhO erw raie yoadmBaBraAo eaedAwaniearudlerroeblrn geeJdiorrdiiln ileoiAal eyrKlleyiuus lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa SGDSBCTKGSWBBFHQMSEIMBXKBBihuauuuaeaudraaauuaeaelaabiiaafararrerualounnaglrllmwnaameoogudrabmijlnw-adllgyergi--oeaoa aJqebd aGnAAyeMaagMoriityl-ndylneotd aogo reilhwFo'WtiDetuOra irwaiemyioamBdioro ityadAnwaleaofeeaerbr ogyrJdiodiawe loiAayn lrKlaleteiuoules lllllllllllllloooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr______________sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
MWaar aQlianb Aobosbheir lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea WWaabr eQliadbao/oSboermadari lobwayer_shabelle abfgaoidooyea
Buulo Goloolle bay baidoa Waa-Beled bay baidoa
Eeden Dheere bay baidoa Buulo Xuseen bay baidoa
Dib Dabiib bay baidoa
Mada-Hool bay baidoa Bogon Gooy bay baidoa
Guduudo Dhunte bay baidoa Caliyow-Muumin bay baidoa
Weel Harare bay baidoa bay baidoa
Buulo- ure/B/Garas bay baidoa eydabaaley bay baidoa
Buulo Kuusow bay baidoa Arydabaal Caliyow Muumin bay baidoa
Buulo Caliyow Aden bay baidoa Buulo Gardhale bay baidoa
Mad Ma alin bay baidoa Cusboole bay baidoa
Benlow are bay baidoa Erjeegle bay baidoa
Baanlow bay baidoa Murmur a bay baidoa
bay baidoa Qorriile bay baidoa
eydabaale bay baidoa War Gaduud bay baidoa
Aliyow Abu ar bay baidoa Dugsiilow bay baidoa
Ibrahim arow Burow bay baidoa Daauudow bay baidoa
Borgof bay baidoa Waabomte bay baidoa
Buulo- amo bay baidoa Ganber bay baidoa
Buulo- ama bay baidoa Gal Madowle bay baidoa
Buulo Gumur bay baidoa Baayale Sh Aden bay baidoa
Buulo-Tigoow bay baidoa Kuuji Waraabay bay baidoa
Buulo Gomar bay baidoa Gaal ooge bay baidoa
Qansa Sheb bay baidoa Baanyaale bay baidoa
ulaaye bay baidoa Baanyale Mubaara bay baidoa
Ba aley bay baidoa Maroodmadi bay baidoa
O olo bay baidoa Mogdiile bay baidoa
Buulo-Ciir bay baidoa Wariishi/Dhato bay baidoa
Qasaaley Ees-Mindile bay baidoa Jemee ada bay baidoa
Shee Mad murey bay baidoa Ma amuudow bay baidoa
Buulo Xussen Mad Iiman bay baidoa Golli bay baidoa
Buulo Gaasey bay baidoa owi-Buul bay baidoa
Buulo-Qadi-Suleyman bay baidoa Bulo Gasei bay baidoa
Habli Furey bay baidoa El Ille bay baidoa
Ceel Bay Haluul bay baidoa
Annex 2 | 81
settlement region district settlement region district
DFuhlualablaeaynta bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye BFuerlaaldelye bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Dauydduabbllee bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Diguedyu/bDleaanjeri bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ICrwadeery-aDheere bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye BCuaudre yD-hDihjiseere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BDohraarmuuerada bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye KDohraornuuorraedya/Ashagow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GCaoblodoiille Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye ACabodwiile Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KCoaobrdoiiwle bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye BCuaubrd iDilheajis bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KToortnoyoar oGwaduud bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye ATowr tMoorodwi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Bouwloi GWaidinuud bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Buulolo W Biuinllow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SBhuolow Blealley 2 bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye HBaurlog aBnatlale Eyn 2ow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KIiudnoywo gGouudow bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye AIidsaoaw-K Gauauydow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BAuliuflleoe Xyabiibo bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye XAaliwfleaeayl Dhere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GAalililnodwi bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye GAalililnodl iDheere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BOahruuhmadeloyw bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Oahquauamdie Wy aay bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
CAafuaush Feaaley/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Aafushuo Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KDaeagy Dsihnaeayran bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye HDaerge Deghoalai ran bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ASaleaebmdoi ro bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Shaoabwdoaro bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WFuarruiqislheiy/Madi-Wiini bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye DFuruuqalaeny i bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MBuoloro Aohdmi-Geada Alili bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Bauylod aAbhtmi ed Ali bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MBualdoi iAnwi Abdi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye SBaurlmo aAnw-D Ahbedei rKeuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
AMaamdienyetya/Kobon Koodi bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Mardeayata bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
CHeaewl aGl oWolari bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye Harwaar lG Wamaroi w bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BXuauajlio M Maadndero bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye IXidaawji MAdaodw bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
AQsaanliyna r aBraeryoore bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye BQuaunry-aMr iBdaorwoore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Kuarlagno'uOrwo bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye BKuaulalgoo-C'Oawdey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KMuarreurrai we Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye AMwa-rearawme Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Buarnedye Mgeannas bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye GBandneangea bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
OIidthoewr bloawy er_shabelle baafgidooaye MIidooowri-Sagaari bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KBaarnraeadir bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DBeang-aGaadriras bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BEuriuleloe ySubto bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MEridleoewy Aari bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KWuaurs lQeyaboobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MWaalrin Q-Caubsomobaen bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
bay buur_ha aba Weel- owiga/Hafow Ibrahim bay buur_ha aba
eer-Baare bay buur_ha aba Gaab-Kuule bay buur_ha aba
murow bay buur_ha aba Aanoy bay buur_ha aba
Erimow bay buur_ha aba Wanay i bay buur_ha aba
Gomorey bay buur_ha aba owiiley bay buur_ha aba
Gubti bay buur_ha aba Geba-Gebaga bay buur_ha aba
Batey bay buur_ha aba Buulo-Galooley bay buur_ha aba
Buulo Xasanow bay buur_ha aba Weel owi bay buur_ha aba
Kub adoy bay buur_ha aba Dooy-Gololey bay buur_ha aba
Farfanqoron bay buur_ha aba Abtugay bay buur_ha aba
Kuniyo bay buur_ha aba Buulo uurow bay buur_ha aba
Aw agay bay buur_ha aba Mad-Emed bay buur_ha aba
Wegelow Gaduudow bay buur_ha aba Gorgor bay buur_ha aba
Aw-Suurudow bay buur_ha aba Arbow-Doole bay buur_ha aba
Aayaroy bay buur_ha aba Qanreedi bay buur_ha aba
Gadudeyti/Awshibeel bay buur_ha aba Gol-Wiin bay buur_ha aba
Galbow bay buur_ha aba Moroogow bay buur_ha aba
Galboy bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Sama ay Eddi bay buur_ha aba ib asaar bay buur_ha aba
Qurinli bay buur_ha aba aab Iidow/Qalan-Qasha bay buur_ha aba
eeray Kuuley bay buur_ha aba Qabaale bay buur_ha aba
murow are bay buur_ha aba Waraabiley/Dha-Dhaab bay buur_ha aba
Tuugay bay buur_ha aba Sarmaanley bay buur_ha aba
Galooshi bay buur_ha aba Dharqa Baidoa bay buur_ha aba
Gamber bay buur_ha aba Qadiidli- arey bay buur_ha aba
Mintalamiin bay buur_ha aba Qadiidli-Wiin bay buur_ha aba
Dhaaysi-Gubidi bay buur_ha aba Curunlow bay buur_ha aba
Munyow bay buur_ha aba Shimbire bay buur_ha aba
Buulo Dhenforur bay buur_ha aba Bog Daadi bay buur_ha aba
Waamo Main illage bay buur_ha aba Dhumey bay buur_ha aba
Amar a bay buur_ha aba Orogdi bay buur_ha aba
Dooygodobey bay buur_ha aba umi bay buur_ha aba
Moori-Gawaan Ma anday
82 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
MFualagalaeyy Muusa bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MFuilsanaslqeayte bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MDuodroulbigleoy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Deuedguable bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MCaindteaya-Dl Ahmeeiirne bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SCuardueqyl-iDheere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GDehmarbueurrada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Duhuarauurada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MCaubudniiylea Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HCaobodioilye- Beueurr- AFuwu-lMe alin-Ebd bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KCoarbodoiiyle bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GCabald Giilueuris bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HToeretro Aowro wCise bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GTourutdooarow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SBuimlo aWiin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SBhualob eWeliein bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DBhualon Bfaarluleuyr /2Buulo Doon bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KBourlo yBalley 2 bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GIiduouwm bGauudow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HIidoowda Gyuudow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BAuliuflleoey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KAolirfeleyey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WAlaiinamdia bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HAeliienrd Ci aliyow Mamow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Oeheusumey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HOehru Auym Ceaysha bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Aefeusu Faaaley/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MAfaulua aFyaaaley/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KDiesugr Duhnaaran bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ADweg Deheanaorwan bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GSaalobodlorwo Wiin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HSaeaebr dAowro Madow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GFuarlouoql eDyheere Aw- wow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MFuirsuhqalaenyi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
IBdualaod Alohwm Meda Atalia ooy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MBualso- KAohomfueudr Ai li bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HBeuelor AMwa Aablidmi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba FBuullaoy Aaw Abdi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HMaardareyita bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Meaydeoyotatuurey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BHuauwloa-l MWaadr-iEbdiyow-Kulow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SHhauwuanl- WQaayrlii bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Xaaaamji bMuaudl bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KXuanajyio Moad bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HQearnay Mara Btaroore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HQeaenry Eaar qBiaroore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HKalaafgo'Ow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BKuallaagaow'Ofowqe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SMhaiirnesrhaawlie Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GMaaloreorla Dwhee eJirlael bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Buarnddheigjies arey/Daara-S bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KBuaunndyeoge bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MIidaodwow Burre bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BIiadnoywale arow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GBaonoaf adir bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Banyaaaldei-rWiine bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
IEsriilreiey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Eiriinleoewy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BWiyaoro Qleayboobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MWaahr aQmaubdoobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Eeyta bay buur_ha aba Buulo-Baloow bay buur_ha aba
Dhal-Badane bay buur_ha aba Shirfoole bay buur_ha aba
Buulo Doon a bay buur_ha aba Waagle bay buur_ha aba
Maay o Fuuri bay buur_ha aba Golool-Oomane bay buur_ha aba
Bur-Heybe Main illage bay buur_ha aba Madoweey bay buur_ha aba
Moonay bay buur_ha aba Asalin-Wiini bay buur_ha aba
Afarta aaq/Towfiq bay buur_ha aba Siigolay bay buur_ha aba
Jamee ada/Boholay bay buur_ha aba Aliyow Dooyow bay buur_ha aba
Buulo Mariin bay buur_ha aba Warabaale are bay buur_ha aba
Hondoliyow bay buur_ha aba Miriqlay bay buur_ha aba
Qawan a bay buur_ha aba Warabale bay buur_ha aba
Ashar/Xassan Daa' d bay buur_ha aba Qorantole bay buur_ha aba
Buulo Iman bay buur_ha aba Dooy-Gaab bay buur_ha aba
ug-Habar bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Kuunyada Boodh bay buur_ha aba aydabow bay buur_ha aba
Habey Gare bay buur_ha aba Cabdi reen bay buur_ha aba
Habar Gari bay buur_ha aba ufa bay buur_ha aba
bay buur_ha aba Abor o bay buur_ha aba
oobli-Shee h bay buur_ha aba Gagaoy bay buur_ha aba
Aw Jiloole bay buur_ha aba Baasmale bay buur_ha aba
Wagadoy bay buur_ha aba Xabaal-Aluundi bay buur_ha aba
Salam Maroodi bay buur_ha aba oowley bay buur_ha aba
Kunyi bay buur_ha aba owiidi bay buur_ha aba
Gediisoy bay buur_ha aba Baale bay buur_ha aba
Silaata bay buur_ha aba Godobey bay buur_ha aba
Gumbiyi bay buur_ha aba iimaale bay buur_ha aba
Casha Bir an bay buur_ha aba Galol-Tuuri bay buur_ha aba
Mada Barodi bay buur_ha aba Farta bay buur_ha aba
Awli bay buur_ha aba Caro bay buur_ha aba
Shiimo/Shiid Eddi bay buur_ha aba Abaqsaarre bay buur_ha aba
Dhanfarur/Shiidalow bay buur_ha aba Boon aay bay buur_ha aba
Mis iroon bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Mar Mar a aar a
Annex 2 | 83
settlement region district settlement region district
GFualaoaolleey Xasanaw Danyeer bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Fuayladaalbeya bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GDauldouobl-lTeuure bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SDhuadnu Hblaegar bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HCaodoegye-yDheere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GCadlgeaylo-Dwheere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
QDahraarnuuarada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MDhaarauauyr Eaddae bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
QCabradniilei Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MCaabhdaidileo yBuur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Caabsdwiilieni bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BCalbadaiwile bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Toqrotonotraow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GToarlotool-rOoowmani bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DBaualor oWwiin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DBouolog W aiirney bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DBeuglod aBa lley 2 bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Bugalor oBwalley 2 bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
QIidaorawn Gau-uKdoobwu Qoodi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba AIidwo wa rGouwu dMoawroodlyoow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Ayli-fDleoeoyye bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KAulirftleeyley bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WAlaiinrfdai bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Awlii-ndaiale bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
AOwhu Kuumuleayw bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba AOwhu uemroeoyw bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Aiffuoud oFaaley/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Aefueur- MFaaanletya/aBnulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HDeegr D Ishaaaaqran bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba EDbedgi yDohoawar Ganedow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ASawa bMdiosirgoey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DSauagbdduomroaale bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SFhuirduaqloleoyw bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SFauhruaq leeyn bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HBeuelor Ahwm Eeadd eAnli bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DBeurloe bAohsmhieled Ali bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Beubloo oAyw Abdi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GBualoo Al wO oAnbldei Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Maadroeyta bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KMuaudneyyata bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MHaowroa-lG Woalorlie bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KHeaewroalw W Daiirgi a bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MXaoaojir Mqoalodole bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KXiayaajai nMnaod bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WQaannyaaary Baroore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KQoarnoywa r2 BAaardoore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BKealeadgou'lO-Awamin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GKalrargiiod'aOw bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Moawrelirawe Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KMoabrae rQaawbeta Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Buaundaehge bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Barnydoeogle bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
XIiadnoywayi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba JIeidmowee ada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WBaenealabdisiirgle bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Buaunra aHdairaba/H/Wadag Town bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DErhiulene yDhufay bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba IEbroiloeteoy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BWuaurl oQ Habanoyoobwe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba AWwa r Qiinaobwoobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Hoosow bay buur_ha aba Daabale bay buur_ha aba
abit bay buur_ha aba Buur Ha aba/Waaberi bay buur_ha aba
Caliyow Maadow bay buur_ha aba Buulo Massib bay buur_ha aba
Kalaq bay buur_ha aba Buur Ha aba/Wadajir bay buur_ha aba
Qalanol bay buur_ha aba Buurey-Deerow bay buur_ha aba
May Fuurey bay buur_ha aba Buur Ha aba/Dubai bay buur_ha aba
Meene Karron bay buur_ha aba Sool bay buur_ha aba
Tin Saagara bay buur_ha aba Buur Ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Doyaleey bay buur_ha aba Masusoow bay buur_ha aba
Bua ay bay buur_ha aba Aw aay bay buur_ha aba
Mino Kuroon bay buur_ha aba Da arta bay buur_ha aba
Bara-Buule bay buur_ha aba eebey bay buur_ha aba
Korow Aad bay buur_ha aba Araay bay buur_ha aba
Gagso bay buur_ha aba Isneeb bay buur_ha aba
Sheebele bay buur_ha aba Ediin idoow bay buur_ha aba
bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
gaari bay buur_ha aba urweyne bay buur_ha aba
Galoole bay buur_ha aba Kuurow Aw i o bay buur_ha aba
Shiidlow Afar Shiidow bay buur_ha aba Krow bay buur_ha aba
Shiidlow bay buur_ha aba Maalim-Fooge bay buur_ha aba
Daweeda bay buur_ha aba Qardale bay buur_ha aba
Ma ruuf bay buur_ha aba Ban-Buraale bay buur_ha aba
Dudumiya bay buur_ha aba Aw-Basoow bay buur_ha aba
Goley bay buur_ha aba Aw-Ooyoow bay buur_ha aba
Gariiri bay buur_ha aba Da arre arey bay buur_ha aba
Jamee o Aaminey bay buur_ha aba Buulo Amiin bay buur_ha aba
Danaaley bay buur_ha aba Moq-Dor bay buur_ha aba
Galool Bure bay buur_ha aba Salmisga bay buur_ha aba
Wafdhey Weyn bay buur_ha aba Aw-Dhurow bay buur_ha aba
Aaminey bay buur_ha aba Idaadlow bay buur_ha aba
Aw Mayow bay buur_ha aba Tubaa a bay buur_ha aba
Fuud Saqaar bay buur_ha aba Dhiigdar bay buur_ha aba
Kiyaana Buulaal
84 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
Fauwlaiailleeyy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CFaumlaablueuyl Xaraar bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
JDaumdauablaedda Aw Shei h Cuma bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CDaumdubbuluel ebi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GCaude-Wy-Deyhneere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BCoadoelye-Dheere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ODrhoasrtuoulorada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ADlhiyaorwuu-Graedeale bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GCaubudbiailteii Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HCabgadriiolew Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ICgaebydsi ile bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba OCaobddiniile bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ATowr tHouomroowow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MToerhtoeoeryow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GBueblois Whaiianle bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MBuelhoe Wy iin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GBulgou Bmaallaelye 2 bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Baurloa Btlael leay r2ey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BIiuduorw K Guuulodwow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba AIidjinow Guudow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HAelifyldeaebyta bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CAalijfeleey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MAlaiinadlim Midan bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba FAuliuindd-Di oora bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SOhhauwugmaehy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Orhououwmey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Abfuau GFauarleeiy/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GAofuguo lFisaaley/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
XDuedgo Dwhaaran bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba JDaemge Dehaaran bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BSaualob dTuogroar bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba JSaamabadaoaroda Shei h Adan/B bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SFhuirluloqwley bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CFaubrudqi lGeuyrey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KBauylosa Anhnmayed Ali bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba JBimuloa Adham Dehde eAnli bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Buulolo A Two wAbsidilie Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba QBualrod hAow Abdi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GMaardireoyta bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba JMaraaddeay Btauur Kuulow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KHoarwoawl Wari bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BHealweda lA Wmaiirni bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GXaalojio Ml-Taudur bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CXiagaajlil eM Haodoley bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
KQoarnoywa rS Bhaiirdoaore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Qeaengyoar Baroore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Koablaogoog'Oobwta bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Koamlagaori'/OFwuur a bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Mbaaraerreawe Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DMhaarfearaadw Feu Juilrala bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
SBaamndaeagneley bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba IBr aWndeer g/eBuulo Jadiid bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WIidaotwariiriya bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BIiuduolwo Agoon bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HBuanbasaadyir bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ABrajneaga/Ddiarfaad bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BEarillaeaewy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba IEsrgioleoeyy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BWaar r aQdaleb oWoibine bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MWaanr sQuaubroobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
God a bay buur_ha aba Farale bay buur_ha aba
Abaawle 2 bay buur_ha aba Kunya Qorow bay buur_ha aba
Kurow bay buur_ha aba Gardo-Maale bay buur_ha aba
Kor- nbood bay buur_ha aba Bu aar Eber bay buur_ha aba
Krow Ay Dhuubay bay buur_ha aba Balow bay buur_ha aba
Abaawle bay buur_ha aba Darabqooy bay buur_ha aba
Galool ere bay buur_ha aba Galoollo bay buur_ha aba
Maa ay eele bay buur_ha aba Cadey Kuud a bay buur_ha aba
Moro-Thiley bay buur_ha aba Bulo Cugno bay buur_ha aba
Idaada bay buur_ha aba Mora Fara bay buur_ha aba
Daylaale bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Caliyow Cusman bay buur_ha aba uqiya bay buur_ha aba
Toor-Toorow bay buur_ha aba Kuun Shabeelle bay buur_ha aba
Cabdalla Shaaban bay buur_ha aba Dooyuru bay buur_ha aba
Kormari bay buur_ha aba Aw-Biri aan-Aliyoow bay buur_ha aba
Jamee o Cabdi-Guray bay buur_ha aba Harare bay buur_ha aba
owiiqa bay buur_ha aba Aboor oome bay buur_ha aba
Basmala bay buur_ha aba Madhawey bay buur_ha aba
Mansur/Jama adda bay buur_ha aba oma Balaaw bay buur_ha aba
Jembe ada bay buur_ha aba Ballow Shuungay bay buur_ha aba
Du aan a bay buur_ha aba Kunyo ooble bay buur_ha aba
Mataanyaha bay buur_ha aba Dhaayow bay buur_ha aba
Quunya Harraagow bay buur_ha aba Ambul bay buur_ha aba
Xaliimay bay buur_ha aba Kashite bay buur_ha aba
Danab Qoy bay buur_ha aba I irey Aw Subow bay buur_ha aba
Kunyabuurow bay buur_ha aba Bulo Hirso bay buur_ha aba
Dooye Shiidle bay buur_ha aba I iroy aafta bay buur_ha aba
Golwiin bay buur_ha aba Hagaray bay buur_ha aba
Bansoole bay buur_ha aba Shibelle bay buur_ha aba
Aw-Dhhubow bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
God a-Aw-Iidow bay buur_ha aba eebay bay buur_ha aba
Fiin a bay buur_ha aba Galool Buul bay buur_ha aba
Kuunyi Dheefle
Galool Alimow
Annex 2 | 85
settlement region district settlement region district
GFualaoawle Aymale bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BFuisliaga Aledyde bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Duuudbubale bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ADruodousbtolele bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ACabdaeayn-D haerere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BCandyeayr-iDheere bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
ADahbaaruanu rWadeayn bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BDuhualraulaurada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MCaabddijieil eM Bauduisr hFeuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MCaitbadaiinleti Buur Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WCaabrdaibilae Dadow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GCabradsigiloed Main illage bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GToertaono-Groewrow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KTuourtnoyoor-oBwurow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
WBualroa Wabioin Bedow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba KBuuulon yWoi-iHnarubow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
HBaubloe dBoalwley 2 bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba HBaurloe eBrai-lWleya j2eer bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GIidaorawa gGauruodwow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba AIidoaawn Gowuudow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DAolifwleaeayy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DAilrifibleqeuyuy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Aslihindai bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BAulirinadagi a bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BOahnubuemsleay bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MOhisuuomroeny bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
CAifguaula F Haaoloelye/eByulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CAafuli uS aFbaoalyey/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
MDeagd oDh aMaararonodi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SDaerga aDrh Gaoaorabno bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
CSeaaebl Mdoartoarro bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba WSaaarb Adaowro Kheero bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DFuhreueqnleay bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MFuardu qSlheayntaay bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Buluol Ahamreed Ali bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba XBauslosa Anhomw eKda tAitlie/Daroy bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GBuolo lA Dwh eAebrdei Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MBuisloa aArwi Abdi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BMealeddeuylt-aAamin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GMoaledye yWtaiine bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Hibaawyalel Wari bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GHoalweya l Waraeryi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GXaarbjii MDhaederi/Aw-Maari bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BXualaujil MWaiidn bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GQoawnyaanr Baroore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MQaanyaard Bi aroore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
DKaoloadgaoy'Ow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DKahleaegno 'AOww- oobow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BMeabreelroawwe Jilal bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DMhaereenra Awwe- EJibladli-Aliyow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
GBaonodybegire bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ABfaanadloege bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
BIiuduolwo-Guluf bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Iiadboewey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Buaunlaoa Bdiar aad bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DBoanoadadailre bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Earialeqey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba WEreileelbyisigle bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
JWamare Qe aaboobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba Waamr oQ Dabhoeeorbe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba
Moori-Boor bay buur_ha aba Dugule bay buur_ha aba
Sodori bay buur_ha aba Buulo Hassanow Mad bay buur_ha aba
Ailesho bay buur_ha aba Dhega Bulle bay buur_ha aba
eeshi/Sodoori bay buur_ha aba Huley bay buur_ha aba
Han Farow bay buur_ha aba Buulo Aw Iidow bay buur_ha aba
Galooley bay buur_ha aba Bulo Moh'Ed Edin Dhere bay buur_ha aba
Misnagata bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Shaamburow bay buur_ha aba iigley bay buur_ha aba
Hambawe bay buur_ha aba Maalama bay buur_ha aba
Buulo- er Aw-Foge bay buur_ha aba Marrerrey bay buur_ha aba
Ou Jesow bay buur_ha aba Dadbaa bay buur_ha aba
Waririya bay buur_ha aba Gomorshe bay buur_ha aba
Madow-Buure bay buur_ha aba Hilow ey bay buur_ha aba
Cugni Fara bay buur_ha aba Hilow ey-Wiin bay buur_ha aba
Mansur bay buur_ha aba Buulo-Gurbi bay buur_ha aba
Koranbod bay buur_ha aba Kuul-Ma alin bay buur_ha aba
Weel- awi bay buur_ha aba Tofiiq bay buur_ha aba
Barariya bay buur_ha aba Degi-Iriiley bay buur_ha aba
bay buur_ha aba Xagarow bay buur_ha aba
el Cobon bay buur_ha aba War Albab bay buur_ha aba
Dagardhere bay buur_ha aba Mi' Is aroon bay buur_ha aba
Waaf-Dhaay-Wiin bay buur_ha aba Garasley bay buur_ha aba
Fiil a bay buur_ha aba Mari-Adow bay buur_ha aba
Sur un bay buur_ha aba bay buur_ha aba
Aw-Mayow bay buur_ha aba amude bay buur_ha aba
Ma ay Eddi bay buur_ha aba Jaag ra bay buur_ha aba
Kodoloob bay buur_ha aba Shimbir Shiigshiig bay buur_ha aba
Balow ari bay buur_ha aba Garas Bule bay buur_ha aba
Balow Wiini bay buur_ha aba Burqod-Wiin bay buur_ha aba
Gelelow- arey bay buur_ha aba Gel-Geli/ owi-Kuus bay buur_ha aba
Gel-Gelow Wiin bay buur_ha aba Buulo Galooshi bay buur_ha aba
Degta bay buur_ha aba Buulo Caliyow Shee h bay buur_ha aba
Aminey Burgood
Caliyow uuqow
86 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
QFualaanl eGyashe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BFuaaladaileeyen lboaweoro_lshabelle afegeolo_byearde
Dusdbuibilele bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba CDeuedlu Cbalbeoq lboaweoro_lshabelle afegeolo_byearde
GCaedl-eGye-lDi Wheieinre bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BCandbeay-rDheere lboaweoro_lshabelle afegeolo_byearde
Dahaaqrluouwrada bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BDahaarriu-Wuriaindea/Gendiyeer lboaweoro_lshabelle afegeolo_byearde
BCuaubldoi iGlea Blououlr Fuule bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba OCathbedriile Buur Fuule lboaweoro_lshabelle afegeolo_byearde
Coawbdi-iGileaduud bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BCabaddii lWe eyn lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BTuourtloo-Groowloosha bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DToihrltiol orow lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
FBuullaoy Wleyiin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba MBuolora Wroiin lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
Buulolo B-Jaallieidy 2 bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ABruilsoim Boalley 2 lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
AIidadoawli -GWuuiindow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BIiadqobwa Gq uudow lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BAuliuflleoe-yFulay bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SAuliuflbeaenylaged lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
Aaliainbd-Iidow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba SAilniiunjdiiif lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
XOahguaurmey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba WOhaurguamdeuyud lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
WAfaurus hFaamleyo/wBulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GAofudub aFalaaylseyu/Btuumloa Ayiheyda lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BDaerg eDdhaaran bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BDaelgli Dhaaaran lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
ISsaabadshoirtoi bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ESyalabdoro lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
Feuerul qDlheayayow bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BFuedrueqyley lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
QBuluod Aighamed Ali bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba ABruilno Aahgma ed Ali lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
GBuarloa sA-Bwu Aubled/iA Kduaubsli-Oomin bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GBuarloa bA wHa Arbdi Kuus lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
GMaalodoely-tEaedin Mahad bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba QMualdueleyta lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BHuauwloa lC Wabadri yow Bore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DHhaiwgaanl Wle ari lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BXuauajlio M-Aawd usuf bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BXaaaarjib Ma aaddle lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BQuaunlyoa Gr aBraarsoore bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba IQlliagnyar Baroore lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BKuaulalgoo-E'Oebwin-Kabey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GKaoldaogbo 'AOdwdon lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BMuaurleor Gawaleo oJilleayl bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba QMoarryearaalwe e Jilal lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
DBhanodoemgaele bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba DBhanadneaagene lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
BIiudloawabul bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GIidaoalwa-Ood lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
GBaonloaoaldei rBar bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba GBaanalaaadoior dday lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
TEurirleaeryey bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba JEifrlieleey lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
AWf aErd Qaboobe bloawy er_shabelle baufguoro_yhea aba BWuaqr Qaboobe lnouwgeara_lshabelle aefyglooye
Alol amma Gad bay buur_ha aba Dhinowda nugaal eyl
Adeile bay buur_ha aba
bay buur_ha aba Baarweyn nugaal eyl
ar e hin bay buur_ha aba Jalam nugaal eyl
ar Girgirin bay buur_ha aba Bandunbuto nugaal eyl
el Doden bay buur_ha aba Gubato nugaal eyl
Other ba ool eel_barde Aftugweyne nugaal eyl
as en ba ool eel_barde aas Burre nugaal eyl
Ceel Tega ei ba ool eel_barde Dhooba-Canutug nugaal eyl
Ato ba ool eel_barde Kono o nugaal eyl
Ceel Dego Gos ba ool eel_barde Qar is nugaal eyl
Shimbiro ba ool eel_barde Hodol Dabab nugaal eyl
Far Fima ba ool eel_barde Maraya nugaal eyl
War Wiin ba ool eel_barde Dilin Mahato nugaal eyl
Figta ba ool eel_barde aa nugaal eyl
Kuusaw ba ool eel_barde Dhalinraqas nugaal eyl
Qura Joome ba ool eel_barde Gaba nugaal eyl
El-Magad ba ool eel_barde adega nugaal eyl
Duddum Har ba ool eel_barde God Cad nugaal eyl
Sal-Kudhooble ba ool eel_barde Dhaga laha nugaal eyl
Ahmed Korey ba ool eel_barde Kabaalwaq nugaal eyl
Abeesale ba ool eel_barde Il Maradi nugaal eyl
Sal ba ool eel_barde Diin udha nugaal eyl
ambar ba ool eel_barde Other nugaal eyl
Qumayaror ba ool eel_barde Jidbaale sool laas_ aanood
Ceel Abdalla ba ool eel_barde Kala sool laas_ aanood
Ceel Barde ba ool eel_barde Saha-Gebogebo sool laas_ aanood
Ceel Barde/Sayid a/ aanta ba ool eel_barde Tuulo Sama aab sool laas_ aanood
Ceel Barde/Xalane/ aanta ba ool eel_barde Adhi adeeye sool laas_ aanood
Hiirey ba ool eel_barde sool laas_ aanood
Ceel Ballei ba ool eel_barde armotiil sool laas_ aanood
awareeg/Qeyre Haboon ba ool eel_barde Canjiid sool laas_ aanood
Bur adey Elbarde Gambade sool laas_ aanood
aas Magugle
Annex 2 | 87
settlement region district settlement region district
GFualmaablaerye slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood CFouoladaelenyley sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
TDuudou baleq slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood CDauwdsuabnle sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
HCaigdloe-yF-iDqhi eere slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood DChadabeya-rD Dhaeloeroel sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
KDahla-rJueuerada slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood HDahyalrauaunrada sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
GCaobdd Qiialeb Booubuer Fuule slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood SCiabbedeiyilee Buur Fuule sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
Caaabsd Ciialeanood slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood HCaiilb Bduiirleaan sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
Taoarst oCoaraonwood/Far-Xas ule slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood BTuoratoaonrow sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
Baualso CWaaiinood/Howl-Wadaag slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood QBuayloa aWdi iSnamo sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
Baualso CBaaallneoyo 2d/Gol-Khatumo slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood ABlulaom Bdaullleliyle 2h sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
Iiadaosw C aGaunuodoodw/Wadajir slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood CIiadwowsa Gneuudow sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
DAalirflaeyemyadoobe slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood HAalibflaere yShiro sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
DAalili ndair slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood BAaliliin Bdui sle sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
BOuhqu-uXmaaery slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood KOahlauduhmaey sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
GAafuuan Fdaaarley/Bulo Aiheyda slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood WAfauau Fiyaealey/Bulo Aiheyda sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
BDoeog Damhaearan slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood KDaelga dD Hhaadraan sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
Saaaasbod-oCreoel-Berdaale slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood DSahaabhdaor ro sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
HFuarlhuaqllieyye slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood CFeuerul qale Qy oday sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
ABuulou lAehmed Ali slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood XBeurlaod Aaham/Medu uAdlial sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
KBaullao BAawyd Ahbdi Kuus slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood DBeublo B Auwn iAbdi Kuus sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
BMuaudlaelyta slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood OMtahdeer yta sloanwaearg_shabelle lafagsoqooyreay
DHanwal Wari slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood BHuauwloa lA Wbagri/Beledow bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
KXaraijni MGoardfood slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood BXuauajlio M Xaadwiyow bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
DQaabnay-aTra Baagroore slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood BQuaunlyoa Hr aBraereorore bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
Karlaing oD'aObwayl slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood Kayladgaob'oOw bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
FMaradrehridaiwne Jilal slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood BMuaurleor Qawureu Jnilal bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
SBaahnddheegeer slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood SBaannjdueugrey bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
QIidooriwiley slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood MIidaoawrey bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
Biarniqaoaddeiry slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood Buaunlaoa Odiorn Jirre bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
GErairleae y agu Dhal slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood Edrialeine yCaboba bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
FWalaere Qryaableoobe slowoler_shabelle lafagso_oyaeanood DWhaarr QGaubboeoybe bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere
Burowadal sool laas_ aanood Qariib bay qansa _dheere
Gara - aqu-Dhal sool laas_ aanood Buulo Adan Ibdow bay qansa _dheere
Sange Jabiye sool laas_ aanood Xawaal-Ma ay bay qansa _dheere
Buuro-Hadal sool laas_ aanood Ceel Abey bay qansa _dheere
Bi in sool laas_ aanood Bulo ar en bay qansa _dheere
Other sool laas_ aanood Horgoyta bay qansa _dheere
Dur-Duri sanaag laasqoray Qansa dheere bay qansa _dheere
Ceelaayo sanaag laasqoray Buulo Bisig/Jirey bay qansa _dheere
as Mihin sanaag laasqoray Qansa Dheere/Deg-Jinaay bay qansa _dheere
aas Moholin sanaag laasqoray Gansahdera bay qansa _dheere
aasqoray sanaag laasqoray Ismaa iil bay qansa _dheere
Mash-Caleed sanaag laasqoray Juqda bay qansa _dheere
l eed sanaag laasqoray Mow ubow bay qansa _dheere
Qora Jiif sanaag laasqoray Bulo Fur bay qansa _dheere
Xidid sanaag laasqoray Towsi- ibee bay qansa _dheere
Far aanood sanaag laasqoray Hareri Falaq bay qansa _dheere
Mush-Xaleed sanaag laasqoray Weel-Boor bay qansa _dheere
Badhan sanaag laasqoray Boor Boor bay qansa _dheere
Xabaasha-Waale sanaag laasqoray Qasaaley bay qansa _dheere
aas Xuluys sanaag laasqoray Dure Emed bay qansa _dheere
Xuliya sanaag laasqoray Buulo Shee h bay qansa _dheere
Geed a ifay sanaag laasqoray Buro Garas bay qansa _dheere
Sa -Qooqis sanaag laasqoray Buulo Dooday bay qansa _dheere
Duriduri sanaag laasqoray Bulo Ghedudo bay qansa _dheere
Marraje sanaag laasqoray Qansa Dheere/Garsoor bay qansa _dheere
Af rur sanaag laasqoray Qansa Dheere bay qansa _dheere
aad sanaag laasqoray Qansa Dheere/Busley bay qansa _dheere
aa o sanaag laasqoray Qansa Dheere/Wadijir bay qansa _dheere
Mindigle sanaag laasqoray abi Saab bay qansa _dheere
Xubeera sanaag laasqoray Maroodi bay qansa _dheere
Midigale sanaag laasqoray Daarta bay qansa _dheere
Daamo sanaag laasqoray Masiir a bay qansa _dheere
88 |
settlement region district settlement region district
DFulaanlteay bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere GFuellaiyaoley lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
MDuudrurbuleq/Buulo-Gaduud bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere MDuaddu-Fboleodey lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BCuaudleoy--GDahloeoerlee bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Ceaedle-yG-uDrheeere lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BDihriagrauyurada bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere HDohramruaurada lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BCuaubldoi iHlea Breueurre Fuule bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere DCaobnd Miileo gBiluleur Fuule lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BCuaubldoi iMle asaajid bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere ECla Fbidgioilwe lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
SThoartnotoa rMowundule bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere KTaowrtooorow lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
DBuulor aWy iin bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere SBuubloa iWiin lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
AByulou tBuasliley 2 bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere GBuabloa Ba-aDlleeyg s2oy lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
HIidaorewe rGi uJiurodoonw bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere GIidaoraws GMuauadmowow lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BAulilfllae eGyumar bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Aeliyfldeaebyle lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
KAolirinudnibod bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere WAliainjiddi lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BOehleudu mAmeyin bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere IDBMDTDGABFQXBSMDOHboauoiuauuhhuafeahaireauabwrauorllaaauwgnuooeudubajelsh btrysuioDa gqes od eayAAiiaaFMmla i mylhoy SlEreawhWatea raheyoayam Bgo KadyliAloaaelmeroeerbrraydilobdon/ oBiiAwr rKuoleiulwou As iheyda lllllllllllooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooorrrrrrrrrrr___________oooooooooosssssssssssllllllllllhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaafffffffffffwwwwwwwwwwgggggggggggoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyjjjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd
TAafaugu- MFaoaolegye/Bulo Aiheyda bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere IKdaelaegdo H'Oowosle lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
ADbeugu Drohwaa/rDaanarti bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere BMaaraerr Waweey nJilal lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
GSauambadrotrao-Shiid-Kuus bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere DBaungdsaemgeey lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
SFhuiriudq-Kleuyus bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere DIidhouwrey lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
Buulolo A Dhamaerd Ali bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere MBaandahaodwirey lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
Buffluor oAw Abdi Kuus bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere BEoriolereoyw lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BMuaudloe-yMtaundul bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere AWroaro Qs Eabboeor be lobwa eor_oslhabelle afwgoaoayjied
BHaanwaaald Wir ari bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere War ibo ba ool
HXaagjai rMeyad bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Ba aar are ba ool waajid
EQeadninya Mr Baamrouodre bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Tur o ba ool waajid
GKaoloadgeoy'Ow bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere War Cadoy ba ool waajid
Muabrearaarwa e Jilal bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Faajar Garoowe ba ool waajid
WBaenedl eDgien bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere War Bilile W ba ool waajid
EIiedsooww bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Ba aar Weyn ba ool waajid
WBaeneal aDdhireen Haran bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Jebel ba ool waajid
JEidriolewey bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Qadid ba ool waajid
XWaawra Qala Bbiolaonbe bloawy er_shabelle qaafgnosaoy_edheere Kulunjerer ba ool waajid
Buulo Bilaan bay qansa _dheere Gurabow ba ool waajid
Seynilow ba ool waajid
Jurow bay qansa _dheere El Alul ba ool waajid
El Dontole ba ool waajid
Dhuboi bay qansa _dheere aandhi ba ool waajid
Cara ase ba ool waajid
Mintaan Mayow bay qansa _dheere Etiyal ba ool waajid
Kor or ba ool waajid
Buulo Garas bay qansa _dheere Ceel Heji ba ool waajid
Sarman ba ool waajid
Tuulada Jamee a Bun-Beega bay qansa _dheere Other ba ool waajid
Mogadishu/Wadajir banadir waajid
Koban bay qansa _dheere Biyoley ba ool wadajir
Beer-Qoobey ba ool udur
Garas Man ey bay qansa _dheere Idin a/ edinle ba ool udur
Ku ay ba ool udur
Buulo Fuur/Ibdow Dhogooti bay qansa _dheere Daweelow ba ool udur
Kunya ba ool udur
Bulo Addoy bay qansa _dheere Dugsiilow ba ool udur
Jafey ba ool udur
Hasey bay qansa _dheere Goof/Kugey ba ool udur
Dina ba ool udur
Bulo a ma bay qansa _dheere Huddur Gaddud ba ool udur
Tuf a bay qansa _dheere
Gararta bay qansa _dheere
Hubay bay qansa _dheere
Sarta bay qansa _dheere
Miisra bay qansa _dheere
Ban eer bay qansa _dheere
uur aa bay qansa _dheere
Other bay qansa _dheere
Ceel-Jeedow ba ool waajid
Aleemow ba ool waajid
Shishibow ba ool waajid
Oor-Gaafin ba ool waajid
Eeltuumad ba ool waajid
Idannug ba ool waajid
Jiiray ba ool waajid
Sofi Chirrey ba ool waajid
Waajid ba ool waajid
Ceel- re ba ool waajid
Waajid/Howl-Wadaag ba ool waajid
Waajid/Horseed ba ool waajid
| 89
settlement region district settlement region district
EFtuilyaaalley lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer GFuuldaoalqeoyr lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
BDourdoudbole lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Daud Buibslseigle lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
ICdai dFeoyo-'DDheere lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer DCahduersyh-Deheenegr-eShibeel lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
ODrhoaorushuera/daduullow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer GDhearidueur aMdaoro Mererti lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
WCaabadgiidleo oBruur Fuule lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer TCeadbdiile Buur Fuule lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
HCaubdddiuilre Gaddud/Sigaloow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer ECiadbadriri lDeabobe lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
BTuorutlooo Mroawmayow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer XTaowrtaoaolrao wArundi lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
KBourlo oWr/iEinel Big lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer IBdueleod W Tiuinuri lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
BBuuulolo B Malluemy 2in lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer MBuoloro B Iadldleay 2 lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
HIidooowgi rGuudow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer MIidoorwo Guaundaoilew lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
KBBEMDGGAAOADSFBBMyauoaauuueaallfehoiiaunamrrrufillarygunooudlrubeagler uod iDa oqe oddraMdAAeFm l iylohoowbWeyeeawhtararuweayyamo daiybAlnereolb/ayedoGdn/ bBiAa eKulrieuloru As eihreoyyda lllllllllloooooooooobbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeooooooooorrrrrrrrrr__________ooooooooosssssssssslllllllllhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffgggggggggguuuuuuuuuoooooooooodddddddddoooooooooouuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr AGQGTDBDAAOSAFBBMiuaaeabuuhiolfleahjiiaaueanreifollagymunoorudlubearje droauadD qe gdaoiAAeWarF lmniylAhogloreyearhwetaeaa rbaeayamEao ydaayaAldyereaqrbaiyodldn/eu BiA Kuliulou As iheyda lllllllllloooooooooobbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeooooooooorrrrrrrrrr__________ooooooooosssssssssslllllllllhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffgggggggggguuuuuuuuuoooooooooodddddddddoooooooooouuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr
OHoawloanlt Woloaroiw lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer JHiiaraw-aGl aWabaari lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
GXaoaojjie M Wadanle lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer WXaaarjai Mabaadale lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
WQaansyiialar Baroore lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer XQiairneyyar Baroore lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
BKualualgoo F'Oajwir lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer HKaalsaagno 'SOuwubow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
DMoaorner aewreo yJi/lFaal jer lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer MMoarreor Gawabee Jyilal lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
OBarongdleegye lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer BBiasnigdleege lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
AIidlooowndilow/Dadaraadi lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer FIiadjoewr Boore lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
OBalonnadaodwir lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer IBliannaadir lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
GEreileede yBured lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer WErieleeroyw lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
DWoaorn Q Gaebloiyoobe lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer EWl aDra Qfaarbuorobe lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer
Haji Ali ba ool Doonfuul ba ool
ba ool udur Dhanfaruur ba ool udur
aferi udur udur
ba ool War Guuda ba ool
Moqor ba ool udur Geesiiloow ba ool udur
Abal ba ool udur Bibiyow ba ool udur
Eel Hej ba ool udur abyab ba ool udur
Totiyaas ba ool udur Tijeegta ba ool udur
Ceel Heri ba ool udur Il uul ba ool udur
Sarmaan ba ool udur Karaaway ba ool udur
Buulo Iri ba ool udur Dhiil ba ool udur
Qaramey ba ool udur Eel eheli ba ool udur
Galool ba ool udur Quraala ba ool udur
Bal Maade ba ool udur Ba aro ba ool udur
Jilibow erow ba ool udur Tubooy ba ool udur
Jilibow Wiinow ba ool udur Faara ba ool udur
Mubara ba ool udur Mada Waraaba/Buulo ibaan ba ool udur
Doygab ba ool udur Doo ba ool udur
Bar adle ba ool udur Hunyaley/ ugay Weene ba ool udur
Buur Gaboy ba ool udur Dudumaale ba ool udur
Barsi ba ool udur ba ool udur
ba ool udur eer Aw Mamud ba ool udur
er Aw Hussenow ba ool udur Shida Were ba ool udur
Faarjarley Wiila ba ool udur El Garas ba ool udur
Doondardiir ba ool udur Xudur/Buulo ba ool udur
ba ool udur Gadey ba ool udur
nramade ba ool udur Afgooye ba ool udur
Shaba a ba ool udur Is aashiti ba ool udur
ba ool udur Darbaas ba ool udur
un a Maadi ba ool udur ba ool udur
Eel Gethet ba ool udur umber Four ba ool udur
Buulo Jadid ba ool udur u u Guurow ba ool udur
Min Dhoobi ba ool udur Cusbo Eelo ba ool udur
Asturow ba ool udur Dhursheen ba ool udur
God Colow udur Xudur udur
Muqlayaryar Xudur/Dayura
Garas Wiine
War Shariif
90 | Annex 2
settlement region district settlement region district
XFuldauarle/Syhei h Aweys lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer KFeublaisahleoyle lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
XDuudduurb/lMe oora Gaabey lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer BDiluildeuble lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
MCaaddeay- DWheaerareabe lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer ECraeddey-Dheere lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
GDahabruaunreayda lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer MDhoararu Guararadsa lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
BCoabodraiinle/ GBuoumrr Feuyule lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer BCaalbodwiile Buur Fuule lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
ACbabadqi iBleeeday lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer DCoaobndi iOlersi/Godli lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
BTuorutlooo Fruorw lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer GToodrtloeorow lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
TBiujeloe gW Biiunul lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer DBouolon W Baiirne lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
WBualon eByalley 2 lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer OBtuhloe rBalley 2 lobwa eor_oslhabelle afguodouyre
FIiadloawn FGauauydow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Iidow Guudow lower_shabelle afgooye
MFIBBOGKAAMBOBFSDAsauuaauuuualflmfehaiifauiararuuifllrgdaunoo sudluabeyAlel loiudDoo qeeis dieAAealFrmwii y l/hronyIDeahwlBteboaraeaeyamh-o adwa/yAlyGuerrBoebgayarduwdsen/w uhBiAl ealeKuloyianul onJua Asdiihideyda lllllllllloooooooooobbbbbbbbbwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeooooooooorrrrrrrrrr__________ooooooooosssssssssslllllllllhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffgggggggggguuuuuuuuuoooooooooodddddddddoooooooooouuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr Alifleey lower_shabelle afgooye
SHaaawfia l oWoabrlie lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Aliindi lower_shabelle afgooye
AXabaajai rMeyad lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Ohuumey lower_shabelle afgooye
MQaanyaayr MBaurroooorwe /Suurow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Afuu Faaley/Bulo Aiheyda lower_shabelle afgooye
BKaanlaago'Ow lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Deg Dhaaran lower_shabelle afgooye
BMaanr-eBroaowne Jilal lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Saabdoro lower_shabelle afgooye
IBilaanydege lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Furuqley lower_shabelle afgooye
DIidiionwi/Morodir/ lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Bulo Ahmed Ali lower_shabelle afgooye
MBaonraoa Fduirur lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Bulo Aw Abdi Kuus lower_shabelle afgooye
KEirdilheieyoy lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Madeyta lower_shabelle afgooye
HWaarre eQra Dboaombieso/Buulo Ooman lobwaeor_oslhabelle afguodouyer Hawal Wari lower_shabelle afgooye
Irwer ba ool Xaaji Mad lower_shabelle afgooye
Damud ba ool udur Qanyar Baroore lower_shabelle afgooye
udur Kalago'Ow lower_shabelle afgooye
Gudale ba ool Marerawe Jilal lower_shabelle afgooye
Eed iyaal ba ool udur Bandege lower_shabelle afgooye
Haway aroy ba ool udur Iidow lower_shabelle afgooye
Gerfiile ba ool udur Banaadir lower_shabelle afgooye
Aburow Issa Mursal ba ool udur Erileey lower_shabelle afgooye
Agoow ba ool udur War Qaboobe lower_shabelle afgooye
Qoryleedey ba ool udur
Madi-Wegled ba ool udur
Abuurow Edin ba ool udur
Aroos Eber ba ool udur
Holis aa ba ool udur
Ban Maroole ba ool udur
Dedbanley ba ool udur
Shabelow ba ool udur
Gaanuugle ba ool udur
Abersale ba ool udur
May Qonsiti ba ool udur
Busley ba ool udur
Amal a/Gerer eroy ba ool udur
Dhaydhay ba ool udur
Buulow Hawo ba ool udur
Ceel a ba ool udur
Dhariigada aa ba ool udur
Banyale ba ool udur
Jirow ba ool udur
ow oyow ba ool udur
Oorey ba ool udur
Buulo Dhato ba ool udur
Dhay Dhate er Aw Mamud ba ool udur
Deg Deg/Gareero Ween ba ool udur
Ciyow Koyow ba ool udur