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Published by Psarakis Energy Center, 2019-10-29 07:43:08




LG Electronics Distributed by

Copyright © 2019 LG Electronics. All rights reserved.


214 - 235
020 - 091 092 - 145 146 - 151 152 - 161 162 - 213





002 003



2017 ~

2013 · Dual Sensing Control LG Air Conditioning Academy LG Energy Lab in Europe European Air Conditioning
· Ultimate Inverter Distribution Center
· Eurovent Certification Compressor LG has set up 20 official air condition-
2008 2010 · Active Refrigerant · One Unified Platform ing academies in Europe, teaching much Committed to meet all requirements LG’s European Air Conditioning Distribu-
Control Heat pump & Heat needed skills to thousands of current regarding energy efficiency and environ- tion Center is located in Oosterhout, the
· Ø7.0 Wide louver · High Pressure Oil Return · Variable Heat Exchanger recovery industry professionals including install- mental demands, LG has invested in its Netherlands. Supplying and delivering
· LGDC Inverter · Vapor Injection Circuit · Ocean Black Fin ers, consultants, designers, sales staff own testing facility named the LG Energy products all over Europe, this distribution
· Continuous Heating · Smart Load Control and service technicians. The academy Lab. LG Energy Lab is an innovative site hub has contributed to smooth and rapid
· Smart Oil Return program is being used to share expertise dedicated to commercial and residential delivery, direct shipping for smaller orders
2006 · Vapor Injection and educate these HVAC experts by products for heating, ventilation and the and delivery tailored to air conditioners.
(Advanced) providing a cutting-edge technical ex- latest energy efficient air conditioning The hub tries to manage inventory ef-
· Heat Recovery perience with the newest and most ad- solutions. Also as a showcase, LG Ener- ficiency by taking advantage of LG EU’s
· Ø7.0 Corrugate vanced technologies and equipments. gy Lab is equipped with complete mon- established inventory pool.
· Fuzzy Algorithm Moreover, as LG’s entire product range itoring and control systems. The perfor-
· AC Inverter is installed on site, professionals can be mance of all products will be tracked and
· R410A trained in a realistic way that offers them analyzed by a team of Research and De-
the chance to experience the latest prod- velopment engineers based in France and
ucts first-hand. Korea, ensuring efficiency and reliability
during the whole product lifecycle.

From the moment when LG introduced Korea’s first residential Moreover, Multi V’s wide range of VRF line-up satisfies various Air Conditioning Academy
air conditioner in 1968, the company has continuously types and sizes of buildings; MULTI V S is the VRF with side Europe Energy Lab
enhanced its technological innovation and credibility. As a discharge, designed for small to mid-sized building and MULTI European Distribution Center
result of sustained improvement, LG VRF launched the first V WATER is the water-cooled VRF solution with variable water
generation of MULTI V in 2006 and achieved significant flow controlling technology.
development. With world’s top class compressor and
innovative technology competency applied on every part, In 2017, the time has arrived for the ultimate VRF system,
cycle and controlling solutions, it has evolved to be one of the MULTI V 5. This generation has fully improved its technological
world’s most efficient and reliable VRF solutions. potential with ever powerful and reliable yet economical
LG’s Ultimate Inverter Compressor, Ocean Black Fin with
Following the first and second generations with Inverter the most effective corrosion resistance performance and
technology and non-ozone depleting refrigerant, MULTI V III has biomimetics technology-applied, enlarged fans. At the same
advanced its efficiency with diverse cutting-edge technologies time, the Dual Sensing Control offers users the most pleasant
such as HiPORTM that directly returns oil to compressor and environment while minimizing the unnecessary energy loss
Vapor Injection that allows double compression by adding with system that senses both the temperature and humidity to
mid-pressure refrigerant. The innovative technologies of efficiently manage cooling, heating and part load operations.
4th generation Multi V secured MULTI V brand with product
leadership based on efficient system. For example, Smart Load With MULTI V 5 that has been solely designed for the ultimate
Control that controls operational load according to external efficiency, performance, flexibility, comfort and control, we are
temperature. The other technology is optimized to manage highly confident to bring the ultimate pleasant air experience.
refrigerant and heat exchange for cooling or heating.

004 005

WHY LG MULTI V 01 Draft Energy Estimation

LATS Energy program is a draft energy estimation program, self-developed by LG.
From planning to service & maintenance and then to de-construction, an architectural project goes through many stages from This program helps estimate the draft energy usage and analyzes the life cycle
the beginning to the end of its lifecycle. Along those stages, various engineering tools are applied to solve the diverse issues cost of LG VRF models during the early stage of a project.
happening in each stage, with the most optimal solution possible. Given the usage of such tools, buildings are effectively
designed, built, supervised, and maintained throughout their lifecycle. 02 Building Energy Modeling
Dedicated to provide the best HVAC engineering support, LG Electronics Air-Solution Business Unit offers several engineering
tools and solutions focused on HVAC, during the overall lifecycle of a building, related to the three categories: I. Draft Energy eQuest, EnergyPro, Trace700 and More
Estimation & Energy Modeling, II. Model Selection & Design, and III. Installation Environment Simulation. Among them, the These are certified commercial programs which assess the HVAC system efficiency
LATS* Program series has been developed to offer the best tool for LG HVAC systems, providing our customers a faster, easier, and building’s annual energy saving for building standard or certification like LEED.
and a more accurate way in everyday duties of Model-selection, Draft Energy Estimation & Designing, and many more. LG HQ supports these programs for the project stages of Design Development and
Construction Design wherein the overall designing is finished.
* LATS : LG Air-conditioner Technical Solution
03 Model Selection
Energy Estimation Model Selection Installation LATS HVAC is an integrated model selection program of LG HVAC products, enabling
& Energy Modeling & Design Environment an accurate and quick selection on the best model suitable to each sites. In addition
Simulation to model selection, faster estimation on refrigerant piping diameter and additional
refrigerant is possible, along with auto printing of reports.
01 Planning LATS
02 Schematic Design ENERGY 04 Design

HVAC LATS CAD enables faster and more accurate 2D design of LG HVAC products.
It also enables modules for quotation and installation review that minimize
03 Design Development Energy LATS CAD inherent problems appearing during installation.
04 Construction Design Modeling LATS REVIT
* AutoCAD program is required.
LATS REVIT is developed to make 3D design of LG HVAC products.
* AutoCAD Revit program is required.
05 Environment Simulation
05 Construction
CFD Analysis
06 Service & Maintenance LGMV CFD Analysis is applied in areas of estimating: indoor airflow and temperature
distribution while operating VRF products, outdoor airflow distribution, and noise
level. By running a simulation before construction, engineers estimate possible
issues and find optimal solutions of malfunction that could occur after construction.

06 Service & Maintenance

LGMV offers real-time Multi V cycle monitoring. During start-up, it’s possible to
check whether it is normal operation or not. Also it helps to find causes of errors
and solve the problem faster.

006 007

WHY LG MULTI V Benefits for


Benefits for Versatile Solutions
- Air-cooled, Water-cooled, Heating, and Air Handing
Building owners
Unit interlocking solutions
Efficient Management & Cost Reduction
- Fault Detection Diagnosis enables easy maintenance Professional Designing Support
- Requires no extra manpower for regular - LATS(LG Air-conditioner Technical Solution) for

maintenance draft energy estimation, model selection, HVAC
- With diverse control systems, maintenance cost is design and 3D designing
- CFD Analysis to ensure suitable solutions and
minimized prevent malfunctions
Reliability Guaranteed in Every Aspect - Energy simulation offered to find the optimal
- Ultimate Inverter Compressor developed and solution

manufactured in Korea Optimized Comfort in HVAC Design
- Corrosion resistant Ocean Black Fin for harsh - Flexible and Longer piping length facilitates

conditions operation HVAC designing process
- Smart Oil management (Auto Oil Balancing and - Meets any type of customer requirements of

Active Oil return) decreases compressor damage diverse environment, design conditions, and
Customized Comfort and Solution building applications
- Compatible option between Heat pump and Heat
Benefits for
recovery system is possible
Benefits for
Cost Saving Operation
Developers / Construction companies - High efficiency is assured in all line up
- Maximum 31% of cost saved through Multi V 5
Green Solutions
- Helps scoring LEED/BREAEM points Smart Load Control*
- Renewable energy solution provided through
Comfortable Cooling & Heating
geothermal application - Smart Load Control maximizes indoor comfort level
Maximizing Space Utilization - Dual sensing offers pleasant and comfortable
- Large Capacity in compact size enhances space
cooling and heating environment
utilization - Duration time of Continuous Heating is 11%

Smart Building Solutions longer than previous model**
- Easy interlocking with Building Management
Convenient Functions
System - Low-noise operation provides a pleasant
- Wi-fi control available for anytime anywhere
(via mobile app. “LG SmartThinQ”)
- Energy management and control according to * Dual Smart Load Control ESEER based, below 50% humidity, model ARUM260LTE5
** LG internal test result
usage and planning is possible with LG’s centralized
control solution 009




Office Supporting efficiency with flexibility Residential Home is where your comfort is

High Rise Office Building Small to Medium sized Office Building Condominium & Apartments Single Family House & Villa

• MULTI V WATER IV • High Static Duct • Variable water flow • MULTI V 5 / S • 4 Way CST • PDI • MULTI V S HR • 1/2 Way CST • MULTI V S • Therma V • ESS & PV Solar
• DX AHU • PDI control kit
• Hydro Kit • 3rd party controller RTU gateway

MULTI V series vitalizes the workspace with fresh air at all time, combined with its various indoor selection. The intelligent Remarkably compact size and high static pressure of MULTI V S enables optimal space solution, providing comfort to every
control solutions add comfort to the space. space through individual zone control and hot water solution.

Commercial Maximize business, minimize costs Hospitality Meeting diverse needs in every aspect

Shopping Mall Retail QSR

• MULTI V 5 • DX AHU • MULTI V M • Convertible • MULTI V M • Hydro Kit • MULTI V 5 • DX AHU • Hydro Kit • Low Static Duct • Remote control • Refrigerant leak detector
• ERV • ERV • 4 Way CST
The diverse applications that can be applied to MULTI V 5 helps bring just the right solution to a sophisticated hotel business.
The highly efficient, energy saving MULTI V 5 and MULTI V M reduces operation costs, and provides comfort that suits any
purpose and any space, helping to invest the extra space and expense to your business.

* CST : Cassette * PDI : Power Distribution Indicator * ESS : Energy Storage System * PV : Photovoltaics

010 011



Hot Water Solution Refrigerant Leak Detection Solution Energy Management Solution Interlocking Solution
by Using ACS IO Module
Cost of hot water can be reduced with heat pump system, which is Real time refrigerant leak detection is needed for a safe environment. Since HVAC systems use a significant portion of any building’s total
highly efficient compared to a boiler system. The Hydro kit can be When the refrigerant concentration exceeds 6,000ppm for 5 seconds amount of energy, the energy saving functions of a controller can make a It is costly to introduce a BMS system to control multiple devices or
connected to Multi V 5, and hot water temperatures up to 80℃ can the indoor unit will stop operation and can also give an alarm using a big difference. The energy navigation function enables you to set target systems in a small building. With the ACS IO module, various IO contact
be provided. Also energy saving can be increased when Hydro kit is buzzer or a light with the dry contact (option). The central controller values for energy consumption over a certain period of time. In addition, points (DI, DO, UI, AO) can be interlocked and integrated , while control
combined with Multi V 5 Heat Recovery. can also display an error signal. to achieve that value, the administrator can set the energy saving logic is possible from the LG central controller. This enables an efficient
in 7 steps and predict the expected usage relative to the target value. management of lighting, pumps and other devices in the building in
Indoor Unit * When the solution for refrigerant leak detection is required, contact LG and discuss the requirement. Active self-management enables energy savings through out the building. conjunction with the HVAC system.

ROOM Buzzer Alarm Saving Engineering Cost

Cooling Multi V 5 Card Key 70% Pump Lighting Fan Sensor Strengthen
Outdoor Unit Maintenance Efficiency
I/O Module IDU Operation
Ratio Control
HR Unit Compressor Capacity IDU Operation
Control Level
ACS IO Module

Multi V 5 Ball Valve
Outdoor Unit (field supply)

Refrigerant Remote Target AC Smart (ACP)
Detector Controller Forecasting

Hydro Kit Heating Hot Water ※ Regulation : EN378, BREEAM, ASHRAE Std. 15 & 34

Power Consumption Distribution Solution Interlocking Solution Using Dry Contact

Air Handling Unit (AHU) Solution In case of shared power consumption in a building, a solution to 3rd party thermostats can be used to control LG air conditioners in a
room by using a multi point dry contact. The dry contact enables basic
AHU is a suitable solution for cooling and heating in large space. distribute the power consumption amount per tenant might be control of air conditioners as well as making it possible to report the
With an LG AHU Comm. Kit (for both return air / supply air control) status and any errors impacting the indoor unit.
connected to the DX coil of the AHU, LG VRF system can be applied to necessary. Electricity charges can be billed to each tenant by using
deliver conditioned air. The Standard III remote control has a DO port. With this DO port, it
output from the LG Power Distributor Indicator (PDI). An administrator Integration Solution with BMS is possible to interlock the indoor unit with 3rd party devices such as
Multi V 5 lighting, a fan, or a radiator, based on things like operation mode or
Outdoor Unit is able to check the power usage for each space and date as needed. If There are many BMS protocols used for the control of buildings’ various current temperature.
systems such as HVAC, lighting, power and security. LG has a wide
the PDI is used in conjunction with an LG central controller, the results range of gateway products for different protocols such as BACnet, The indoor unit can be interlocked with various types of input such as
Modbus, and LonWorks. In addition, LG gateways include Stand-alone card key-tag, door sensor, human detection sensor etc. so that the air
can be exported to Excel. B Office central control capability to act as a back-up controller of the BMS if conditioner is automatically operated. In addition, the dry contact
needed. option settings enable operation of air conditioner to maintain proper
WHM 20 kWh temperature when the occupant is absent. This solution makes sure
(Watt Meter) Small - Medium size building Medium - Large size building that the room does not overheat or become too cold when unoccupied
C Office so that energy cost can be saved.
IDU ~64 : ACP LonWorks
Pulse Signal A Office 30 kWh D Office
30 kWh 20 kWh

Power PDI
100 kWh

Total Control on Any Device IDU 16~64 : Modbus RTU IDU ~128 : AC Smart 5
(BACnet IP/Modbus TCP)
EEV Signal In order to manage multiple spaces and multiple buildings, the
administrators should be able to control systems from wherever they IDU ~256 : ACP 5
Communication EEV Kit Indoor Unit are. The LG central controller can be controlled from any web browser (BACnet IP/Modbus TCP)
Kit that supports HTML5. Now through the implementation of HTML5,
the interface will look great and perform well on any of your devices.

BMS Protocol BMS System

Ref. pipe (Liquid)
Ref. pipe (Gas)


Management office Library Main administration building
PC Tablet Mobile

012 013



Type Features Appearance 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Unit : HP
●●● 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 .... 96
• Dual sensing control
• Large capacity ODU (Up to 26HP) ●●●● ●●●
• Continuous Heating ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
MULTI V 5 • Ocean black fin heat exchanger
• Ability to function as HP or HR ●●●●●●●●●●●●
• Flexible installation with ●●●●●●

heat recovery unit and large capacity
• For large space, high rise building and

individual control building


MULTI V S • Space saving ● ○● ○●
• Flexible design applications

- Slim, Light, and Broad range
(4 ~ 12HP)

- Large number of connectable
indoor units (Up to 20 Units)

• For Small / Medium building



MULTI V M • High flexibility of installation ●
• Quiet operation
• Various indoor unit combinations &

Long distance between modules

●● ● ●

• High efficiency system regardless

external conditions

MULTI V • Indoor installation ●● ●● ●● ● ●
WATER IV • Low noise operation (No fan)
Heat Pump / • For Water sourced system, High rise ●● ●● ● ●
Recovery building and Aesthetic building
• Simultaneous cooling and heating
• Minimized energy cost by water

sourced heat recovery system

• For individual control building

●● ●● ● ●

MULTI V • Compact size ○
WATER S • Light weight
• For Residential and Commercial


● 380V, 3Ø ○ 220V, 1Ø

014 015



kW 1.5 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.5 5.6 6.2 7.1 8.2 9.0 10.6 12.3 14.1 15.8 22.4 28.0 Occupied / Model Refrigerant Thermo Thermo Static Pressure 1 Point Filter Sign Auto
Unoccupied Information Leakage On / Off On / Off 11 Step Control External (Remaining Rerstart
Type Btu/h 5k 7k 9k 12k 15k 18k 21k 24k 28k 30k 36k 42k 48k 54k 76k 96k Energy 2 Set Scheduling Group Test Run Test Run Monitoring Auto Detection Range Range (Only for Ceiling Function Wi-Fi
Monitoring Point Control (Cooling) (Heating) Addressing Setting Setting Input Time) Disable / Ready
●●● Function (Cooling) (Heating) Concealed (On / Off Enable
Duct Type) Control)

Artcool Gallery ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●

4th generation

Wall Artcool Mirror ●●●●●● ● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●


Standard ●●●●●● ● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●

4 Way Cassette ●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●
(570 x 570)

4 Way Cassette ●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●
(840 x 840)

4th generation

Ceiling 4 Way Cassette High Sensible ●●●●● ●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●

Mounted (840 x 840)


2 Way Cassette ●● ● ● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●

1 Way Cassette ●●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●

Mid / ●●●●● ●● ●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
High Statics ●●●

4th generation

Ceiling Low Statics ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●


High Sensible ●●●●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

4th generation ● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
Fresh Air Intake Units ●●

4th generation ●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
Ceiling & Floor Convertible Unit ● ●●

4th generation ●●●● ● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
Ceiling Suspended Unit ●●●●●
●●●●● ●
4th generation ● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

Floor Standing Unit ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
4th generation with Case

Standing Floor Standing Unit ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
Unit without Case

Low Temperature ● ●●●●●●●● ● ●●

4th generation ● ●●●●●● ● ● ●●

High Temperature

4th generation with Humidifier ● ●● ●● ●● ●●●
Energy ● ●●
Recovery ●● ●● ●●●
with DX Coil without Humidifier

1) If 4th generation indoor units are connected to MULTI V WATER S, several funtions are not available.
2) If 4th generation indoor units are combined to 2nd generation indoor units, several funtions are not available.

More detailed information, refer to the "MULTI V Indoor units Compatibility Table"

016 017



Wired Remote Controller Wireless Remote Display Gateway Facility Integrator Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit AHU Kit
Controller AC Ez ACP 5 ACP Lonworks Control Accessory Communication Kit
Standard Simple PDI Dry Contact
(Power Distribution Indicator)
Standard III (White) Group Control Wire IO Module
(Input / Output Module)

PREMTB100 PQRCVCL0QW PQWRHQ0FDB PQCSZ250S0 PACP5A000 PLNWKB000 Premium (8 port) Simple Dry Contact PZCWRCG3 For MULTI V 5 Return/Room Air control
(Indoor Unit ~32) (Indoor Unit ~256) (Indoor Unit ~64) PQNUD1S40 PDRYCB000 PVDSMN000 PAHCMR000
Wi-Fi Controller
Standard III (Black) LG Wi-Fi Modem AC Ez Touch AC Manager 5 Modbus RTU Gateway Standard (2 port) Remote Temperature Sensor Variable Water Flow
PPWRDB000 Control kit

ACS IO Module
(Input / Output Module)

PREMTBB10 PQRCVCL0Q For Indoor Unit PACEZA000 PACM5A000 PMBUSB00A PEXPMB000 Dry Contact for Thermostat PQRSTA0 For MULTI V WATER IV Discharge Air control
PWFMDD200 (Indoor Unit ~64) (Indoor Unit ~8,192) KNX Gateway Chiller Option Kit PDRYCB300 PWFCKN000 PAHCMS000

Standard II (White) AC Smart 5 Low Profile Remote Low Ambient Kit Control kit
Temperature Button Sensor

(Simple for Hotel) (Indoor Unit ~128) LG-AC-KNX8 (For Setback) Zone Controller PRVC2 PRCKD41E (~ 8 ODUs)
Standard II (Black) EEV Kit
PI-485 (Electronic Expansion Valve)

Cool / Heat Selector

PREMTBB01 PQRCHCA0Q For Indoor Unit (ERV) PEXPM300 For Modbus 4 Zones by PRDSBM PRLK048A0 (~ 10HP)
Premium (Simple for Hotel) PHNFP14A0 NEW UO PDRYCB500 thermostat ABZCA PRLK096A0 (~ 20HP)

(Thermal Expansion Valve)

PREMTA000 PEXPM200 PATX13A0E (8 ~ 16HP)
PREMTA000B PATX25A0E (28 ~ 36 HP)
PATX35A0E (38 ~ 46 HP)
PATX50A0E (48 ~ 56 HP)


Note 019
1. AC Smart 5 & ACP 5 provides BACnet IP / Modbus TCP
2. KNX Gateway is provided by INTESIS







Dual Sensing SLC (Smart Load Control) Energy Saving by Dual
(Temperature & Humidity) Sensing Control
Enhanced energy saving & increased indoor Comfort

- Air cooled VRF Heat Pump & Heat Recovery Cooling loads vary according to both temperature and humidity. Case study MULTI V 5
- 22.4kW ~ 268.8kW (Cooling capacity based) With Dual sensing SLC, the proper amount of work can be exerted
- 3Φ, 380 ~ 415V, 50 ~ 60Hz to meet the load not only depending on current temperature, but Weather characteristics of Warsaw, Poland
- Top discharge outdoor unit also on humidity. As a result, less capacity will be needed at the same
- Ability to function as Heat Pump or Heat Recovery temperature when humidity is lower. The portion of cooling operation hours at low humidity condition (below
50% RH) is big. The cooling load of this condition is less than the load at
It influences the VRF system main processor’s decision on where to standard (50 ~ 70% RH) or high (over 70% RH) humidity condition even in
set the system’s target high or low system pressure values. the same outdoor air temperature. MULTI V 5 raises the evaporating Temp.
up at low load (low humidity) condition to enable energy saving and prevent
1,000m Smart Load Control monitors two inputs over-cooling which can happen when the system is controlled only by using
outdoor air Temp.
TOTAL PIPING LENGTH 1) Outdoor ambient dry bulb temperature
225m 2) Outdoor ambient relative humidity (when enabled) Warsaw weather in Summer

Longest Piping Length Dual Sensing Cooling Indoor Units - adjusts target low pressure 90%
Partial Defrost 80%
Raises the target low pressure value as cooling load falls and/or ambient temperature falls. 70% High Humidity
Lowers the target low pressure value as cooling load rises and/or ambient temperature rises. 60% 70% ~ 100%
110m Heating Indoor Units - adjusts target high pressure Relative Humidity 40% Mid Humidity SLC Dual
30% 50% ~ 70% Sensing
Height Difference Lowers the target high pressure as heating load falls and/or ambient temperature rises.
between ODU ~ IDU Raises the target high pressure as heating load rises and/or ambient temperature falls. Low Humidity SLC
0% ~ 50%
What are the benefits?

Enhanced energy savings 20%

- Cooling Mode 23°C 25°C 27°C 29°C 31°C 33°C 35°C
By raising the target low pressure during off-peak cooling operation, the
compressor lift is reduced. This slows compressor’s speed which leads to a Source : Outdoor Air Temperature
decrease in compressor’s power consumption.

- Heating Mode Time Portion of Relative Humidity in Summer
By lowering the target high pressure during off-peak heating operation, the (Warsaw, Poland)
compressor lift is reduced. This slows compressor’s speed which leads to a
Switchable Heat Pump and decrease in compressor’s power consumption. RH (%) Portion
Heat Recovery 70% ~ 100% 8%
Increased indoor comfort 50% ~ 70% 45%
Type 47%
Changeover 0% ~ 50%

40m Smart Load Control uses one (or two) sensors to measure changing outdoor Energy Consumption in Cooling Season
weather conditions and prepares the VRF system for operation under the
Height Difference revised weather conditions before the changed conditions have a chance to When we compared the energy consumption between SLC (Outdoor air
between IDU ~ IDU impact indoor comfort. Temp. sensing only) and Dual sensing SLC (Outdoor air Temp. and humidity
sensing), Dual sensing SLC control can save 6% more energy compared to
Cooling load according to Cooling load according to SLC. So dual sensing control is more efficient than SLC.
temperature change humidity change

Cooling Load EER
Cooling Load
MULTI V 5 Dual Sensing SLC 9.2 9.4 9.4
25°C 30°C 35°C Temperature 40% 60% 80% Relative 8.1 7.9
Humidity 6.9
Latent heat load Sensible heat load * constant indoor temp. condition 6.0

Cooling Load Previous Cooling Capacity
External Load
For low temperature, Adjusting capacity Internal Load
lower load and to meet load
Temperature & Humidity
capacity are required Actually 31°C ~ 29 ~ 31°C 27 ~ 29°C 25 ~ 27°C 23 ~ 25°C
Required High Temperature
Outdoor Air Temperature
Capacity * This energy simulation was performed in LG internally based on 16HP model.

Evaporation Temperature Power Consumption in Cooling Season
Low Humidity
Features & Benefits Key Applications Lower load and Yearly Power Input (kWh) - ODU
capacity need SLC
• Ultimate energy saving with Dual Sensing Control • High rise up to 110M building higher evaporation OAT MV4 (Fixed) MV5 SLC MV5 Dual SLC
• Certified corrosion resistance for heat exchanger • Large commercial office and shopping mall temperature High Humidity 31 ~ 17 15 13
• Heat pump and heat recovery are interchangeable with one platform • Individually and simultaneous operation at premium hotel 73 62
• Includes low noise operation mode • Capable of replacing large chiller facilities Outdoor 29 ~ 31 91 136 124
Standard Temperature (°C) 170 165
(Non SLC) 27 ~ 29 183 110 109

Low Temperature 503 (100%) 474 (94%)

Efficiency 25 ~ 27 243 6% more energy saving
Low Humidity compared to SLC
23 ~ 25 155

SLC Total 690 (137%)

Higher evaporation High Humidity
temperature results
in higher efficiency Standard Outdoor
(Non SLC) Temperature (°C)

Low Temperature High Temperature

022 023


Comfort Cooling Intelligent Defrost Variable Path Heat Exchanger Active Refrigerant Control
Increased indoor comfort & enhanced operating efficiency Increased heating run-hours Optimized system efficiency & continuous heating Stable operation & sustaining most efficient operation

IDU is operating in a season when its load is less than the design MULTI V has provided an intelligent defrost algorithm and settings MULTI V 5 outdoor units are manufactured with horizontally split The accumulator in the outdoor unit has a storage tank mounted
load, the comfort cooling algorithm controls the indoor unit’s coil based on current outdoor ambient temperature. With the addition ODU coil consisting of two independent circuit sections. Each half of inside known as the receiver tank. The receiver tank is equipped
superheat, thus raising the discharged air temperature as the space of the outdoor air humidity sensor, MULTI V 5 Intelligent Defrost just the coil is independently controlled. with inlet and outlet valves that are electronically opened and
temperature is approaching set point. MULTI V 5’s comfort control got smarter. closed. Refrigerant is being passed between the accumulator
algorithm monitors the outdoor air temperature and humidity This split coil feature makes it possible for MULTI V 5 to provide and the receiver tank on a continuous basis. MULTI V 5 active
conditions. When changing weather conditions are deteriorating MULTI V 5 computes the current ambient air dew point temperature continuous heating during defrost. The split coil and valve refrigerant control algorithm goal is to minimize the amount of
and there is a high potential the indoor unit’s load will remain stable - the temperature at which frost will form on the outdoor unit coil arrangement also makes it possible for the MULTI V 5 to change refrigerant in circulation. The lower the volume in circulation the
or may increase, comfort cooling delays or abandons raising the in winter operation. MULTI V 5 makes continuous adjustments to the flow path of refrigerant through one of the two coils only, or lower the cost to move it around the system and the higher the
target superheat as the room temperature approaches set-point. the refrigeration cycle operating parameters to keep the outdoor coil through both coils in either a series or parallel arrangement. Based stability of the refrigeration cycle. It accomplishes this by constantly
When changing weather conditions are favorable to raising target surface temperature above actual dew point which can be calculated on system pressures, ambient temperature conditions, and mode of monitoring the system operating pressures and temperatures and
superheat, target superheat is moderated. by using dry bulb Temp. and relative humidity. When the refrigeration operation, the system controller may modify the selected path at a variety of other vital control metrics of the refrigeration cycle.
cycle operating parameters can be adjusted no further without any time. When the cycle is out of balance, an adjustment in the amount of
What are the benefits? sacrificing heating comfort, further adjustment is stopped and frost is circulating refrigerant occurs.
allowed to build on the the coil, therefore activating defrost. What are the benefits?
Increased indoor comfort What are the benefits?
What are the benefits? Optimizes system efficiency regardless of operating modes as ambient weather
If comfort cooling is turned off, and the temperature of the leaving air is not conditions change. Widens the ambient temperature range at which stable operation occurs.
raised, when the fan speed is reduced to low speed, there is a potential that The Intelligent Defrost algorithm increases the VRF system’s heating run-hours Customizes the used area of the outdoor unit’s heat exchange surface. Sustains most efficient system operation regardless of outdoor weather
occupants located directly under a cassette IDU or supply air registers could and reduces the number of defrost cycles required to maintain optimum conditions, operating mode, or building load.
feel cold air falling on them resulting in a lower overall comfort experience. heating performance irrelevant of the mode and method of defrost selected. Low ambient cooling and / or light building load
With comfort cooling turned on, the discharged air temperature is controlled. • Half active
When the IDU controller reduces the fan speed, the potential for cold air falling • Lower idle Cooling Heating Part Load
on occupants located under the cassette IDU or supply air registers is reduced.
Full load cooling Amount of refrigerant
Enhanced operating efficiency • Upper & lower active in receiver
• Series circuited
Raising superheat reduces refrigerant volume flowing through the coil. As Conventional • High velocity refrigerant flow
flow decreases, demand on the compressor decreases and the compressor Defrost
speed will be reduced, thus saving energy. Heating - all conditions
Frost • Upper & lower active
Previous Model accumulation begins • Parallel circuited
• Low velocity refrigerant flow
Surface (°C) Heating

Repeated on & off Comfort &
Continuous Cooling

Dew Frost accumulation
Point (°C)

Cooling Mode Fan Mode Cooling Mode

* Indoor unit set up available with Standard III Remote Controller Cooling Non-receiver tank
Fixed refrigerant amount
Control optimized Refrigerant amount
Maximized efficiency

Preventing cold draft & repeated turn On / Offs Series Half Active Parallel
Improved Indoor Comfort
Indoor temp.
Continuous Heating Fixed refrigerant type
Heating performance
LG Intelligent Defrost /
Not cool Smart Heating Frost Heating
zone accumulation begins
Coil efficiency 3%
Surface (°C) Additional Time
Spent Heating Part load
On Heating supply On
efficiency 10%

Comfort Dew
zone Point (°C)


Too cool Increased heating operation time per day : Up to 17% Effect of partial defrost Time Active Refrigerant Control Cooling
zone • LG Internal Test result, Non-Partial defrost efficiency
• Test condition (MULTI V 5 vs MULTI V IV, 22HP)
Previous Model Time - Outdoor : 2/1℃ , Indoor : 20/15℃ Refrigerant quantity (kg)
- Humidity : 83%, Dew Point : -0.5℃

024 025


HiPORTM Sub-cooling & Vapor Injection Ocean Black Fin Biomimetic Fan

Maximized reliability & efficiency of compressor Increased heating performance Improved durability Maximized performance

HiPOR™ is an LG trademark that stands for High Pressure Oil Return. MULTI V 5 is equipped with advanced sub-cooler and vapor injection The black coating with enhanced epoxy resin is applied on the heat MULTI V 5 outdoor units fans have been upgraded. The moire pattern MULTI V 5
It consists of an oil separator, oil drain line between the separator and the control system. The sub-cooler algorithm sub-cools liquid refrigerant exchanger for strong protection from various corrosive external from external texture of clam shells has been applied on fans to create
compressor. HiPOR™ technology enables oil to return directly into the just enough so that it can travel to the farthest IDU in the system conditions such as salt contamination and air pollution. Moreover, the range difference that results in reduction of noise level. At the
compressor, instead of returning through the refrigerant suction pipe. operating in cooling mode without changing state. During low the hydrophilic film keeps water from accumulating on the heat same time, unlike the fans installed in previous products that generate
This does not waste energy when oil flows between the separator ambient operation down to -25°C (heating mode), the sub-cooler exchanger’s fin, minimizing moisture buildup and eventually making separation of flow due to absence of tubercles, the bumpy back design
and the compressor. Because the operating pressure in the chamber provides medium temperature refrigerant gas to the compressor’s it even more corrosion resistant. inspired by the bumps on the humpback whale’s flipper is applied as the
containing the oil sump of the compressor and the pressure in the oil vapor injection system. When injected into the compression LG Corrosion Resistance solution passed ISO 21207 accelerated tubercles on the back side of the fans, increasing wind power by reducing
separator are nearly equal, there is no loss in compressor efficiency. chamber, system mass flow increases which stabilizes the system’s corrosion test conducted by an independent test organization flacking. In addition to the biomimetic technology-based fans, extended
suction pressure. In all cases the vapor injection increases the and the result has been certified by prestigious global certification shroud of MULTI V 5 allows more high static pressure and helps fans
What are the benefits? HiPOR™ compressors cycle efficiency and reduces operating cost. organization, UL (Underwriters Laboratories). to blow higher air volume for efficient operation. With wider air guide,
discharged air current is stabilized and noise level is reduced.
Maximizes reliability and efficiency of the compressor Compressor 1 Refrigerant What are the benefits? What are the benefits?
Non HiPOR™ What are the benefits?
3 Provides stable refrigeration cycle operation over a wide range of outdoor This improvement in durability prolongs the product’s lifespan and lowers both
Efficiency Increase 4 ambient operating conditions. the operational and maintenance costs. Based on the biomimetic technology, the fans of MULTI V 5 increased air
Up to 33% Increases compressor efficiency when compared to systems without vapor flow rate by 10% in comparison to previous model and reduced its power
2 injection technology. consumption up to 20% when compared with the fan blade design on
MULTI V IV. This eventually results in maximized performance with large capacity.
5 Oil Technology Mechanism

Non HiPOR™ HiPOR™ High-pressure

Low pressure High pressure Oil Low pressure High pressure Oil Low-pressure
refrigerant Comprressor refrigerant Separator refrigerant Comprressor refrigerant Separator

123 4 1234

5 Energy loss in suction gas No energy loss in suction gas 5 Humpback
Whale Desigan
• LG Internal Test result,

• Test condition - 15Hz Rating Condition : TC = 37.9C˚, Te : 7.2℃ Clam Shell
Smart Oil Management Mid-pressure
(Vapor injection port)
Energy saving, enhanced heating & increased compressor reliability
High temp
MULTI V 5 performs oil return when needed under normal operating discharge IDU (heating)
conditions. An oil level sensor is provided in every LG VRF compressor. EEV
If the sensor indicates the compressor oil level is low, the main system MID-stage Injection * Tested by Method B
processor is notified that an oil return cycle is necessary. Oil balancing Low temp SC (Test condition: Salt contaminated condition +
cycle occurs every hour and does not hinder system performance. suction HEX severe industrial / traffic environment (NO2 / SO2))
It balances the oil level deposit between both compressors in multi-
compressor frames. Older VRF technology protects compressors from
oil loss based on timed oil return logic because there was no way to
know if the oil level in any one compressor was low. LG’s unique oil level
measuring sensor actively monitors the oil level in each compressor.

What are the benefits? Hydrophilic film (Water flow)

Energy savings compared with other systems. Fewer oil return cycles eliminates ODU Coil THe Hydrophilic coating minimizes moisture
unnecessary energy consumption. buildup on the fin.
Increases system heating run-time during winter operation. Epoxy resin (Corrosion resistant)
Increases compressor reliability.
The Black coating provides strong protection
Heating Performance Smart Oil Return from corrosion. Air flow rate Power consumption
m3/min W
Aluminum fin
320 1,500 20%
Performance Comparison Condition of salt spray test
Heating performance 10% 1,200
Heating Heating Heating
290 Previous Fan Design
Oil Oil Temperature 35°C * Comparison based on air volume of 290m3/min
Oil Previous Model
Non heating Non heating Non-Vapor Injection * Comparison based on 20HP model 027
Time Oil
27% Mist of 5% NaCl (mass fraction) solution
Timed oil return logic (Non-oil Sensor)
Oil Level Sensor

Increased heating operation time per day Auto Oil Balancing Up to Condition of gas exposure test
: Up to 12% -25℃
Oil Level Sensor Gas Volume Fraction
• LG Internal Test result, Temp. Relative
• Test condition Humidity NO2 SO2
- without oil level sensor :
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 7 11 15
every 8 hour oil recovery operation
- with oil level sensor : Outdoor temp.(°C) 25°C 95% 10 x 10-6 5 x 10-6

non oil recovery operation * Improved heating performance by 27%
* Comparison tested on 10HP model



One Unified Model Flexible Installation with Low-Noise Operation Simple Test Run via LGMV
Large Capacity Outdoor Units MULTI V 5
Heat pump / Heat recovery with one platform For noise sensitive environment Increased overall efficiency in installation
More flexible design potential & Space saving
LG MULTI V 5 satisfies users’ various needs with just one platform. Unlike the previous model which enables Low-Noise Operation To make sure that the product functions properly, conducting a test run
Heat Pump System works for the sites where either cooling or heating Large capacity outdoor units of MULTI V 5 minimize installation only during night after judgment time, the Low-Noise Operation of is recommended. For previous product, professional engineer who is well-
operation is needed, while Heat Recovery System fits perfectly to the space that spares valuable floor space and significantly decreases MULTI V 5 can function regardless of the time at the noise sensitive aware of more than 40 different functional settings and more than 200
sites wherein both the cooling and heating operations are simultaneously total installed weight. This gives users more flexible design potential areas. When used, the speed of the outdoor unit fans is restricted error codes had to check main parts in order to make sure that the test
needed or locations installed with Hot Water Solution to provide hot and better use of the saved space. during normal operation. run had succeeded. With Mobile LGMV of MULTI V 5, fast and accurate
water and heating via radiators. By providing suitable solutions that cater auto test run can be executed and the professional installer running the
to any building types and their requirements, MULTI V 5 offers the best 12.25m2 Previous Model test can receive test results via email, which shortens installation hours
HVAC system. and increases overall efficiency in installation processes.
Previous Model
What are the benefits? 9.42m2 Previous

MULTI V 5 allows the building previously installed with Heat Pump system to 23% Load
switch to the Heat Recovery system (by adding HR boxes and a third pipe) Reduction
for changing purpose of the building or remodeling reasons via simple piping
construction. Sound level Off
(Judgment time)
Heat Pump System

23% 15% Low-noise operation time
Reduction Reduction

12.25m2 9.42m2 3,640kg 3,100kg On

6:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 6:00

Highest Start End

Previous Model Previous Model outdoor temp.
Foot print area Product weight

* Comparison basis : 1 Rows of outdoor units 728kW (72.8kW x 10sets) installation case

Slave 1 Master Wider Operation Range

Outdoor unit Outdoor unit 2 pipes Able to operate at extreme conditions

Liquid Pipe With enhanced inverter compressor and control technology coming Load
Gas Pipe from improved inverter cooling technology, sub-cooling and vapor
Indoor unit injection, MULTI V 5 has achieved extended range of cooling and heating Sound level Scheduled setting available
operations. For heating, it can operate at as low as -25°C to perform
Type properly even at very cold environment. It is improved perfectly to fully Low-noise Off Low-noise Wi–Fi MV Module
Changeover function at extreme conditions such as performing cooling operation at operation operation
-15°C, making the product adequate for uses in specialized venues like
technical rooms. Moreover, MULTI V 5’s cycle technology with enhanced On On
durability enables optimal cooling performance at high temperature
that increases up to 48°C. 6:00 12:00 18:00 6:00
Start End Start End
Outdoor air temp. (°C WB)
Heat Recovery System Indoor setting available


10°C 15°C 20°C 27°C
Indoor air temp.(°C DB)
Heat Recovery Unit Heating Cycle Monitoring Diagnosis Installation Smart Management
3 pipes
Outdoor air temp. (°C DB) LGMV

Slave 1 Master 48°C
Outdoor unit Outdoor unit

Previous Model Model (HP) 8 ~ 12HP 14 ~ 20HP 22 ~ 26HP
Step Sound Pressure, dB(A)
Indoor unit -10°C 1 55 60
-15°C 2 52 59 57
Liquid Pipe 3 49 56 55
High Pressure Gas Pipe 53
Low Pressure Gas Pipe
10°C 14°C Cooling 25°C 27°C * Capacity could be decreased during Low-Noise operation.
Indoor air temp.(°C WB)

HR unit

028 029


MCuMolutioltVliiV5n5g / Heating Operation
Nomenclature OuOtduotodroUornUitsnits GravityGproaivnittyGpAroaRivnUitMy p0o8i0nLtTE5 / ARUM100LTE5 / ARUM120LTE5 Multi V 5 OUTDOOR
9.9O. OpepreartaiotinonLiLmimitsits Gravity p[Uoniti:nmtm] UNITS
ARU M 100 L T E 5 2. Dimensions No. Part Name Description
CCooCooolliionnlgign/gH/eHaetiantginOg pOepraetriaotnion Heating 3D View 1 Leakage test hole (side) Ø 22.2
ARUM080LTE5 / ARUM100LTE5 / ARUM120LTE5 2 Wire routing hole (bottom) 2-Ø 22.2
Serial number Gravity point 3 Power cord routing hole (bottom) 2-Ø 50
4 Pipe routing hole (front) -
E: High Efficiency 50°C 20°C 5 Pipe routing hole (bottom) 2-Ø 66, Ø 53.88
48°C 18°C 6 Power cord routing hole (front) 2-Ø 45
Air Discharge Type 45°C 7 Wire routing hole (front) 2-Ø 30
T : Top Discharge 15°C
Electrical Ratings Outdoor Temperature (°C DB)35°C 10°C MULTI V 5
L : 3Ø, 380 ~ 415 V, 50Hz / 3Ø, 380V, 60Hz Range for continuous operation30°C 5°C
Range for pull down operation25°C 0°C
Multi V 5 Total Cooling capacity in Horse Power(HP) unit 20°C Outdoor Units -5°C 333
EX) 8HP → ‘080’, 10HP → ‘100’ Outdoor Temperature (°C WB)15°C 312
10. Sound Levels Range for warming up operation10°C -10°C
Combination of Inverter Type and Cooling Only, Range for continuous operation-15°C 298
Heat Pump or Heat Recovery 5°C 245
M : Inverter, Heat Pump and Heat Recovery 0°C 236
MULTI V System with Indoor Unit using R410A 156

10.1 Sound Pressure LevelARU : Global line-up

Position of Sound Pressure Level Measuring -5°C -20°C

Note -10°C 1,690 172
• Data is valid at -f1r5e°Ce field condition -25°C
• Data is valid at nom10°Cina14l°Co1p5°Cera20t°iCng 2c5o°Cn27d°Citio30n°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C27°C 30°C 731
(Pitch of foundation bolt holes)
• Sound level will varInyddooerpTeemnpdeirnagturoen(°aC WraBn)ge of Indoor Temperature (°C DB)

1m awfabhcsitcoohrrsptthsioeun1Nce.hocq1NN1LTEt.oeueo.haqoEvTTELeeuttisesehphqeiqvflevueufamdteisisiflhvciveliefegafadneieeufleiltefirfergnifepnegenncunitsturprtcotepeiar)inenpisesnps:gci0sosiapensulmiseiag:fnnmt0snsrgumlpsgeesumtnutalhtecaghem:rn7tetlhtt.ieghli5:foe7coetmth.lndulh5foome(:wlllaa7oifnw.orc5gliomlnroogoupweoosirpnamtegtiricnaogtiipnncegorncadotinitnidogintisoc:onsn:ditions: 162 [mm(inch)]
1m • Sound lev2e. l2R.caLRaneganvenegoblefdepoifuffilpelnudrlceol nwdrcoenewaon:ps0eoerpmaedtrioanitin:ons: tatic 219
165 System Heat Recovery Heat Pump
HP 799
141 Liquid Low Pressure High Pressure Liquid Gas
92 175 pipe pipe pipe
Gas pipe Gas pipe

8 Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) 101 730
Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) (Pitch of foundation bolt holes)
• Data is valid at free field condition pressure mo2Ifd.thRIefeathnroeglrareetuilovaesftivpheeuudmhlluidadmoitiiydrwiitsngy tuioosopitdoehoreigahh.tii,gochno, oc: loinoglincgapcacpiatycictyancabnebdeecdreecarseeadsebdybthyethseensseinbsleibhleeahteraetdruecdtuiocnti.on. 10 Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) 71
If the relative humidity is too high, cooling capacity can be decreased by the sensible heat Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) 71
11424 14Ø569122.7 (1/2)
Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)

• Data is valid at nominal operating condition reduction. 625 414

• Sound level will vary depending on a range of factors such as the Unit:dB(A) 670 760

constructioMn o(adceolustic absorption coefficient) of pCarotioculilnargroom in 9M.uSM9lOit.uimplOVtiuep5Vrleta5ratainoteinHooe55nLua99itsLm..i00niCmigtositosling / Heating Operation OutOdouotdr oUonr itUsnits 675
whichAthReUeMqu0i8p0mLeTnEt5is installed 58.0 735

• SoundAleRvUelMca1n00bLeTinEc5reased in static pressure mode58o.r0used air guide. Outdoor Units System System SHysetaetmRecoveHryeat RecovHereyat Re
ARUM120LTE5 59.0 SCimoSoiumlltiuanlngtaenoeuosuCso6Co0oli.on0lgin/gH/eHateiantginOgpOepraetriaotnioHneating SLpyiHqispuPteeidm LLpHoiiqGwpPueaiPdsrepsipseurLeLpHioqipeGwueaHiadtPisRgreGhpesicapPsoseruveLrpeseoirpsyGwuearHPesirgepGh
OutsidAReUUMn1i4t0FLuTnEc5tion 60.0 61.0 20°C 10 Ø 9.5H82P(3/8) Ø 9ØL.p5i81qip29ue.(id035/8()Ø3/49)ØL.5o21Gw9Ø(a.3P0s1/r58e5p)s.(ip83se8/u4Ør()e51/89)ØH.0i51g
60.5 30°C 61.5 12

CAatRegUorMy 180LTE5 Functions 61.0 MULTI V 5 62.0
25°C 64.5
ARUM200LTVEa5riable Path of Outdoor Unit HEX 62.0 ○ 20°C 65.5 16°C ARUM140LTE5 / ARUM160LTE5 / ARUM180LTE5 / ARUM200LTE5 Ø 9.5120 (3/8) Ø 9Ø.152022.(23/(87)Ø/8)9Ø.522Ø(.321/89()7.0/85)Ø(32/42)Ø.21(
CKeoymRpeofnrAAeignRRetrsUUanMMt 224200LLTTHAHEEniu55PtmOi iCRdoiTtMryr(oSHseiiognhnsoPBrrlaecsksuFrien Oil Return) 64.5 ○ 15°C ARUM220LTE5 / ARUM240LTE5 / ARUM260LTE5 8 Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 1
65.0 ○ 67.0
○ 15°C 67.0 10°C Ø 1211.720(1/2) ØØØ19212.5.2872.5((183//2(81))Ø-1Ø1/8Ø2)2.728Ø2.(51.281/29(()71.0/-815Ø)/8(32)/84.)Ø5Ø811(
Outdoor Temperature (°C DB)
Range for continuous operation 675675 12 Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø1

ARUM260LTOEil5Sensor 65.0 ○ Range for pull down operation [Unit : mm] No. Part Name Description
1 Leakage test hole (side) Ø 22.2
ARUM221LTDEu5al Sensing ○ Outdoor Temperature (°C WB) 2 Wire routing hole (bottom) 2-Ø 22.2
○ Range for warming up operation 3 Power cord routing hole (bottom) 2-Ø 50
○ Range for continuous operation 4 Pipe routing hole (front) -
○ 5 Pipe routing hole (bottom) 2-Ø 66, Ø 53.88
6 Power cord routing hole (front) 2-Ø 45
7 Wire routing hole (front) 2-Ø 30
ARUM241LTHLEog5wih Noise Operation Unit Fan 61.5 10°C 62.5 5°C Multi V 5
Static Mode of Outdoor 62.0 63.0
ARUM261LTPEa5rtial Defrosting 62.5 2. Dimensions
5°C 63.5
ARUM280LTAEu5to Cleaning of Outdoor Unit 62.8 ○ 0°C 63.8 0°C ARUM220LTE5 / ARUM240LTE5 / ARUM260LTE5
Useful FAunRctUioMn 300LTI(EnFda5onorrevCeoroselinrgotCaotimonfo)rt Mode Based 63.1 ○
ARUM320LTOEu5tdoor Temperature 63.8 64.1
-5°C 65.8

ARUM340LTSEm5art Load Control (SLC) 65.6 -10°C 66.6 -5°C
ARUM360LTt(ECem5hapnegriantgurinedaococrorddisincghatrogleoaadir) 66.0 ○
67.8 3D View
ARUM380LTOEu5tdoor Unit Control Refer to Humidity
ARUM400LTDEe5frost / Deicing 66.2 ○ -15°C 14°C 165°8C .0 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C -10°C
ARUM420LTHPEhi5gahsePrPersostuercetiSown itch 10°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C27°C 30°C
ReliabilitAyRUM440LTREe5start Delay (3-minutes) 66.3 ○ 68.1
ARUM460LTSEe5lf Diagnosis 66.5 ○ 302
ARUM480LTSEo5ft Start 66.8 ○ Indoor Te6m8p.e2rature (°C WB) Indoor Temperature (°C DB) 280
ARUM500LTTAEeC5stERzu(nSimFupnlcetCioonntroller) ○ N21..oN12IERTLtf..N21eehqaotvheun..RTIELotefesILEiTRgeehvtqfalteeehqehvaraeundteveeelfusnighoieivlfelgeasifgefnearvedluteepetfliariodervilrfeugpaelfffeenioeenluiiftslppgtlifnrfhcrvadeuipeaeuneetutponlisrsrlg:ipmwuevp0hcsediaeneulmnuilinsoedlpsg:mmcwn0ishdoiatenygulmeinpuosed76666gtmei:snmwhitosth88980r0uyg:elpa7enetitmmode.....ith.tnsi5h39607foroio:otega7metnpylohtt.l:iot5feoihoogihwmsrnlhheal:i:on,ti7tgwofgciho.oo5oin,onlomlgcpholioe:niwogorgpalhiientnci,rnaggcagpotcoiancaopcogplieintanycrdcgoaciitnttaiycoidnnancitgpabsio:naecncobsdi:teneycddriceetacaionrseneabsds:eebddy etbhcyertehsaeesnsesedibnlsbeiybhletehaheteraestedrunecsdtiiuboclnet.iohne. at
ARUM520LTAEC5Ez Touch 267
ARUM540LTAEC5Smart IV 67.8 ○ 214
68.0 ○ 1,690 154
67P.0QCSZ○250S0 125

67.P2ACS4B000 reduction. 68.8 [mm(inch)]

Central ACoRnUtroMlle5r60LTAEC5Smart 5 67.P4ACS5A000 69.5 System Heat Recovery Heat Pump 189 (Pitch of foundation bolt holes)
6688..PPP35AAACCCMPP545ABA000000000 69.8 HP 121
AARRUUMM650800LLTTAAAEECCC55PPM((aAAnddavvgaaennrccee5dd Control Platform) IV 68.P6LNWKB000 70.4 Liquid Low Pressure High Pressure Liquid Gas 109
Control Platform) 5 68.P7QNFB17C0 70.5 pipe pipe pipe 92
6689..P80PWPRRA-DCB1000 70.6
69.P6QNUD1S40 70.6 Gas pipe Gas pipe
71.3 14~16 Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) 76

18~20 Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)

BNU (BuAilRdinUgM620LTAEC5P Lonworks 22 Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 28.58(1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)162
NetworkAURnUit)M640LTAEC5P BACnet 165 24 Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 34.9(1-3/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)
140 26~34 Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)
92 176
PInDstIa(lPlaotwAAioeRRnr UUMM666800LLTTVSREEate55arfinraidgbaelerrdaWntatCehraFrlgoiwngVKalivte Control Kit 36~40 Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)

42~60 Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) 71 71 100 1,040
Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) 442.5
DistributAioRnUInMdic7a0to0rL) TPEr5emium 138 159 Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) 760 System SystemHeSaytsRteemcovery Heat ReHcoevaetrRyec

Cool / HAeaRt USeMle7ct2o0r LTE5 69.8 PRDSBM 71.8 62~64 Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) (Pitch oØf fo1uL2npid.qi7pautei(iodS1n/y12bHso4)HtlPt~ePhm1Øo6Lleos2)Gw184.ØaH5P~s8LPr1pepiL26iq(ppsi1i.puqise7p-eiu1de(i/rØd18e/)21)L2pHi.iqØ7piLHugØeoL(2Gihed1Gwo2aa/PGw.28tas2Pr).Rsae5Prp(ssee8p7irpssceiØ/pp(8uesLosi1ep)ruovs2-eere1Guw8er/r.a8ye5PØs)8rHep1(Hsi1L2pgØ
69.1 PRVC2 70.9 HP
69.P2VPDRSCMTNIL0000 70.9 439
66~94644Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) 14~16

Low AmAbiRenUt MKit740LTE5 508
ICOycMleoMduAolenRi(tOUorDMinUg7D6r0y LCTonLEGta5MctV) 593

676676 1,240

Device Mobile LGMV 18~20 Ø 15.88 1(541/~81~) 62Ø0 21Ø88.Ø51~8212.50(71.8-(181//Ø8(25))1/85).ØØ8Ø822(825..852/8.85()87(1Ø/(8-1)12-/188/.)85Ø)8 1(Ø15Ø

※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied 677 22 Ø 15.88 (158/8~2)220Ø 2Ø8Ø.2512815(5.18.8-818(/Ø85(5)/81/8)5Ø).Ø828Ø82(.825.8/58.85()18(-1(Ø11-/1-821/)88/8).Ø5)81(ØØ15

Outdoor Units 24 Ø 15.88 (52/822)4 Ø 3Ø4Ø2.1945(11.58-.388/8(5Ø)(/581/)85Ø).Ø828Ø82(.835.48/58.89()1((11-Ø1--13/83//88)4)).Ø9Ø(11Ø-523

26~34 Ø 19.05 (322/644~) 3Ø4 32Ø46Ø.19~513(.9418.-8035/(85Ø()/381/)49Ø).0Ø25Ø83(.435.48/94.(9()11(--Ø13-//8383)/)48.)Ø9Ø(11Ø92-

030 51 36~40 Ø 19.05 2(363/~643~) 44Ø0 43Ø16Ø.13~914(.9010.-5055/(83Ø()/341/)49Ø).0Ø25Ø830(.44533.18/941.3()(11(--Ø13-//5848/)1)8.)Ø3Ø(11Ø92-
Ø 19.05 3(364/~244~) 06Ø0 44Ø12Ø.13~916(.9010.-5055/(83Ø()/341/)49Ø).0Ø35Ø44(.1439.1/34(.13)(-1(3-Ø1/58-/54)8/1)8.)Ø3Ø(11Ø92-

51 62~64 Ø 22.2 (74/268~2) 6~06Ø4 46Ø42Ø.15~926(.2410.-523/((43Ø7)//482))2Ø.2Ø4Ø(147.14/38.43)(.15(-1(5-Ø1/58-/34)8/4)4.)Ø5 Ø(21Ø2-3

62~64 Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 4


Q1 What are the differences between MULTI V IV and MULTI V 5? Q3 How does MULTI V 5 operate when humidity reference of the dual sensing SLC is that of the outdoor?
A3 During dual sensing SLC, outdoor unit changes target pressure of the system referring to temperature and humidity in cooling mode.
A1 Category MULTI V IV H/P (ARUN***LTE4) MULTI V 5 H/P & H/R (ARUM***LTE5) MULTI V 5
◯ - When the humidity of outdoor side is higher than that of indoor side, outdoor unit will lower target pressure to remove humidity, thus
Vapor Injection ◯ ◯ outdoor unit will consume more energy and indoor will be more cooled compared to SLC operation but more efficiency than normal operation


Smart Oil Control (Oil Level Sensor) ◯ ◯ Outdoor humidity is higher than indoor unit Evaporation temperature & efficiency
◯ Outdoor unit will consume more energy
Active Refrigerant Control ◯ ◯ Dual Sensing SLC (RH 70%↑)
◯ Discharge air will be more cold than normal or Relative Humidity >70%
Variable Heat Exchanger Circuit ◯ ◯ SLC operation

Continuous Heating ◯ 26 HP / 96 HP Discharge SLC under the high humidity condition
110m / 40m Temperature
Smart Load Control ◯
-15 ~ 48 (˚C)
-25 ~ 18
Dual sensing (Humidity Sensor) - 50 ~ 200%
50 ~ 160%
Comfort Cooling ◯ 50 ~ 130% Normal operation (non -SLC)

20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C

Ocean Black Fin - Efficiency SLC under the high humidity condition
Maximum Capacity (1 Unit / 4 Unit) 20 HP / 80 HP

Height Difference (ODU ~ IDU / IDU ~ IDU) 110m / 40m

Cooling Operating Range (OAT, °CDB) -10 ~ 43 Normal operation (non -SLC)

20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C

Heating Operating Range (OAT, °CWB) -25 ~ 18

1 Unit 50 ~ 200% - When the humidity of outdoor side is lower than that of indoor side, outdoor unit will rise target pressure to save energy and keep
comfort, but indoor humidity will be less removed compared to normal operation.
Combination ratio of IDU 2 Unit 50 ~ 160%

3 or 4 Units 50 ~ 130%

※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied Outdoor humidity is lower than indoor unit Evaporation temperature & efficiency
Outdoor unit will consume less energy
Dual Sensing SLC (Low Humidity)
Discharge air will be less cold than normal or 30%< Relative Humidity< 50%
SLC operation.
Q2 Can MULTI V 5 ODU be connected with the 2 series indoor unit? Discharge SLC under the low humidity condition
A2 Yes, MULTI V 5 ODU can be connected with the 2 series indoor unit. In this case, the ODU DIP Switch No.3 should be “OFF” which is Temperature

default setting. Refer to the below table. (˚C)

Normal operation (non -SLC)

ODU IDU Compatibility ODU DIP Switch No. 3 If dip switch setting is not correct Ref. 20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C

Can not communicate between Indoor Efficiency SLC under the low humidity condition
& Outdoor unit (%)
Gen. 2 (ARNU*2) ◯ Must be OFF
(factory default) (System will not be operated)

Normal operation (non -SLC)

MULTI V IV Gen. 4 (ARNU*4) ◯ Must be ON to enable When Dip Switch No. 3 is OFF, 20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C
MULTI V 5 gen. 4 functions System can be operated, but
some function of Gen. 4 is not available
To keep comfort and save energy you may turn off outdoor unit humidity sensing or propose to install new standard remote controller in
Must be OFF When Dip Switch No. 3 is ON, Some functions of order to sensing indoor humidity.
(factory default) Can not communicate between Gen. Gen.4 are not available
Gen. 2 + Gen. 4 ◯ 2 Indoor & Outdoor unit (Gen 2 units are not
※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied operated), only Gen 4 Units are operated.
Sensing point SLC Setting
Outdoor humidity
by humidity sensor (ODU) CASE 1. Dual Sensing SLC with Outdoor humidity sensor in ODU Setting

Indoor humidity DIP-SW01

ODU dip switch setting procedure (No.3) 7-Segment Setting summary
DIP-SW01 #5 On
ODU main PCB dip switch is all “OFF” at default state SW04C ( X : cancel)
(1) Check and make sure that all connected indoor units are 4 series. (ARNU******4.) SW03C (▶: forward) Func > Fn14 >
(2) Change Dip switch No. 3 from OFF → ON SW02C (◀ : backward) Off, op1 ~ op3
(3) Push the reset button.
SW01C (●: Confirm/
Dip Switch 7 segment Automatic Addressing)
SW01D (reset)
ON CASE 2. Dual Sensing SLC with Indoor humidity sensor in New Standard
R/C setting (PREMTB100)

Reset Setting summary
button Function>

1234567 1234567 Smart Load Control>
1234567 1234567 Off, op1 ~ op3

※ User can turn off humidity control in ODU Setting (humidity reference)
<Setting summary> ODU DIP-SW01 #5 On > Func > Fn16 > Off

032 033


Q4 What is the principle and accuracy of humidity sensor? Upper electrode Other Questions Question Answer MULTI V 5
Thin-film polymer Yes, the static pressure of MULTI V 5 is the same with MULTI V IV.
A 4 Total Tolerance (%) = Sensor measurement tolerance (%) + Location of sensor tolerance (%) Lower electrode Item
Glass substrate
The capacitive measurement principle established and proved itself as a standard in the past. The static pressure of MULTI V 5 is Max.
For this principle, the sensor element is built out of a capacitor. The dielectric is a polymer Humidity Sensor of R/Controller Fan 8 mmAq as MULTI V IV??
which absorbs or releases water proportional to the relative environmental humidity, and thus 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.9
changes the capacitance of the capacitor. This change in capacitance can be measured by an 2.4 to 5.5 V Is the limitation of Compressor max. Hz applied by the No, the limitation of comp Hz is not applied for default. But, it can be
electronic circuit. For humidity sensors with CMOSensⓇ technology, a “micro-machined” finger 0 ~ 100% RH Compressor set by option for limitation of max Hz (or current).
electrode system with different protective and polymer cover layers forms the capacitance for
the sensor chip, and, in addition to providing the sensor property, simultaneously protects the -40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F) capacity of outdoor unit?
sensor from interference in ways previously not achieved. 8 sec (tau63%)

Model Humidity Sensor of Outdoor 4Way V/V The usage of main & sub 4 way valve for MULTI V 5 ? MULTI V 5 has the function of both H/P and H/R by one unit.
Size (mm) 3 x 3 x 1.1 Main valve has a function to change the operation mode.
Supply voltage range 2.1 to 3.6 V (cooling ↔ heating) Sub. Valve has a functions to change the
RH operating range product type (H/P ↔ H/R)
T operating range 0 ~ 100% RH
RH response time -40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F) VI In case of vapor injection, how much is the middle pressure? The optimal middle pressure for vapor injection is 1.2 PS.

8 sec (tau 63%) PS : Suction pressure of compressor

VI By how much is heating capacity increased Generally, the heating capacity is increased up to 15 ~ 20%.
by vapor injection?

Q5 What is difference in refrigerant piping connection between heat pump and heat recovery? Humidity Where is Indoor Humidity sensor? It is placed inside of the RS3 remote controller.
A5 From MULTI V 5, Low pressure gas pipe in heat pump operation changes to high pressure gas pipe in heat recovery operation Sensor

due to internal cycle. So for heat pump cycle, no. 1, 3 pipe should be connected and for heat recovery operation, No. 1,2,3 pipe is
connected. (For the heat pump operation, DO NOT connect No.2 pipe)

Heat Recovery Installation Heat Pump Installation Remote Does remote controller show the humidity information Yes. It shows the current humidity information on screen.
Close Close Controller (status) as well? (for RS3 Only) But has no function to control the humidity

Remote Is it possible to connect the local humidity sensor with No. All of RS3 remote controller can not be connected with local
Controller Remote controller (RS3)? humidity sensor.

1 Close 2 Close 3 1 Close 2 Close 3

SLC Does dual sensing SLC function control the humidity ratio? No. There is no control of humidity ratio.

Liquide pipe SLC Is SLC fully used on Eurovent? Isn’t humdity fixed Eurovent (RH 47%) and AHRI (RH 51%) have fixed humidity test
Low Pressure for the test? What about AHRI? condition.
Gas pipe
High Pressure Reducer for Gas Pipe
Gas pipe
Liquide pipe
Gas pipe

8HP 9.52 19.05 15.88 8HP 9.52 No Use 19.05 15.88 19.05
10HP 9.52 22.2 19.05
20HP 15.88 28.58 22.2 10HP 9.52 No Use 22.2 19.05 22.2 Comfort Why is not the comfort heating applied in product? Comfort cooling need super heating controlled and Comfort heating
Cooling need sub cooling controlled. In case of controlling EEV for sub cooling,
noise and stable operation may be affected and critical.
20HP 15.88 No Use 28.58 22.2 28.58

※ For using as Heat Pump, Reducer for Gas pipe should be used.
Reducer is included in outdoor unit.

Installation Does the IDU – Central controller direct connection for No, it is not possible.
communication cable is possible? (Flat connection)

034 035

OUTDOOR UNITS _ MULTI V 5 _ SPECIFICATION LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT OUTDOOR
VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification UNITS
MULTI V 5 : :



HP 8 10 12 14 HP 16 18 20 22

Model Name Combination Unit ARUM080LTE5 ARUM100LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM140LTE5 Model Name Combination Unit ARUM160LTE5 ARUM180LTE5 ARUM200LTE5 ARUM220LTE5
Independent Unit ARUM080LTE5 ARUM100LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM140LTE5 Independent Unit ARUM160LTE5 ARUM180LTE5 ARUM200LTE5 ARUM220LTE5

Cooling (Rated) kW 22.4 28.0 33.6 39.2 Cooling (Rated) kW 44.8 50.4 56.0 61.6

Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 22.4 28.0 33.6 39.2 Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 44.8 50.4 56.0 61.6

Heating (Max) kW 25.2 31.5 37.8 44.1 Heating (Max) kW 50.4 56.7 63.0 69.3

Cooling (Rated) kW 4.49 5.80 7.58 8.68 Cooling (Rated) kW 10.89 10.91 12.77 15.70

Input Heating (Rated) kW 3.97 4.92 6.85 8.13 Input Heating (Rated) kW 10.28 10.12 12.20 14.15

Heating (Max) kW 4.78 5.92 8.26 9.72 Heating (Max) kW 12.39 11.94 14.69 16.76

EER 4.99 4.83 4.43 4.52 EER 4.11 4.62 4.39 3.92

SEER 10.1 9.7 9.59 8.89 SEER 8.38 8.23 8.05 7.51

COP Rated Capacity 5.64 5.69 4.91 4.82 COP Rated Capacity 4.36 4.98 4.59 4.35
Max. Capacity 5.27 5.32 4.58 4.54 Max. Capacity 4.07 4.75 4.29 4.13

SCOP 4.69 4.51 5.01 4.63 SCOP 4.83 4.0 3.98 3.9

Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037

Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin

Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll

Compressor Combination x No. W x No. (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 Compressor Combination x No. W x No. (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2
Motor Output x 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 1 5,300 x 1 5,300 x 1 Motor Output x 5,300 x 1 (5,300 x 1) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 1) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 1) + (4,200 x 1)
Number Number
Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)

Oil Charge cc 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 Oil Charge cc 3,900 5,200 5,200 5,200

Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
1,200 x 1 1,200 x 1 900 x 2 900 x 2 900 x 2 900 x 2
Motor Output x W x No. 1,200 x 1 240 x 1 240 x 1 320 x 1 Motor Output x W x No. 900 x 2 320 x 1 320 x 1 320 x 1
Number Number
Fan Fan
Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. 240 x 1 Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. 320 x 1


Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8)
Connctions #1 Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Connctions #1 Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)
Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch)

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8)
Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)

Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x1 Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1

Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1

Net Weight kg x No. 198 x 1 215 x 1 215 x 1 237 x 1 Net Weight kg x No. 237 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1

Shipping Weight kg x No. 208 x 1 225 x 1 225 x 1 250 x 1 Shipping Weight kg x No. 250 x 1 312 x 1 312 x 1 312 x 1

Sound Cooling dB(A) 58.0 58.0 59.0 60.0 Sound Cooling dB(A) 60.5 61.0 62.0 64.5
dB(A) 59.0 59.0 60.0 61.0 dB(A) 61.5 62.0 64.5 65.5
Pressure Level Heating Pressure Level Heating

Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 84.0 85.0 86.0 89.0 Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 90.0 92.0 93.0 93.0
87.0 88.0 89.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 96.0 97.0
Level Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Level Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A
Communication Cable (VCTF-SB) Communication Cable (VCTF-SB)

Refrigerant Refrigerant Name kg 7.5 9.5 9.5 13.5 Refrigerant Refrigerant Name kg 13.5 16.0 16.0 16.0
Precharged Amount Precharged Amount
in Factory 15.7 19.8 19.8 28.2 in Factory 28.2 33.4 33.4 33.4
t-CO2 eq. Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve t-CO2 eq.
Control Control Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 13 (20) 16 (25) 20 (30) 23 (35) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 26 (40) 29 (45) 32 (50) 35 (56)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)

036 037

OUTDOOR UNITS _ MULTI V 5 _ SPECIFICATION LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT OUTDOOR
VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification UNITS
MULTI V 5 : :



HP 24 26 22' 24' HP 26' 28 30 32

Model Name Combination Unit ARUM240LTE5 ARUM260LTE5 ARUM221LTE5 ARUM241LTE5 Model Name Combination Unit ARUM261LTE5 ARUM280LTE5 ARUM300LTE5 ARUM320LTE5
Independent Unit ARUM240LTE5 ARUM260LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 Independent Unit ARUM140LTE5 ARUM160LTE5 ARUM180LTE5 ARUM200LTE5
Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM100LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5
67.2 72.8
61.6 67.2 72.8 78.4 84.0 89.6

Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 67.2 67.2 61.6 67.2 Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 72.8 78.4 84.0 89.6

Heating (Max) kW 74.3 74.3 69.3 75.6 Heating (Max) kW 81.9 88.2 94.5 100.8

Cooling (Rated) kW 17.40 20.20 13.38 15.16 Cooling (Rated) kW 16.26 18.47 18.49 20.35

Input Heating (Rated) kW 15.89 15.99 11.77 13.70 Input Heating (Rated) kW 14.98 17.13 16.97 19.05

Heating (Max) kW 18.80 19.15 14.18 16.52 Heating (Max) kW 17.98 20.65 20.20 22.95

EER 3.86 3.60 4.60 4.43 EER 4.48 4.24 4.54 4.40

SEER 7.88 7.55 - - SEER ----

Rated Capacity 4.23 4.20 5.23 4.91 Rated Capacity 4.86 4.58 4.95 4.70
COP Max. Capacity 3.95 3.88 4.89 4.58 COP Max. Capacity 4.56 4.27 4.68 4.39

SCOP 4.34 4.34 - - SCOP ----

Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037

Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin

Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll

Compressor Combination x No. W x No. (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 Compressor Combination x No. W x No. (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3
Motor Output x 5,300 x 2 5,300 x 2 5,300 x 2 5,300 x 2 Motor Output x 5,300 x 2 5,300 x 2 (5,300 x 2) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 2) + (4,200 x 1)
Number Number
Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)

Oil Charge cc 5,200 5,200 7,800 7,800 Oil Charge cc 7,800 7,800 9,100 9,100

Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
900 x 2 (1,200 x 1) + (1,200 x 1) (1,200 x 1) + (1,200 x 1)
Motor Output x W x No. 900 x 2 320 x 1 Motor Output x W x No. (900 x 2) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 2) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 2) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 2) + (1,200 x 1)
Number (240 x 1) + (240 x 1) (240 x 1) + (240 x 1) Number
Fan Fan
Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. 320 x 1 Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. (320 x 1) + (240 x 1) (320 x 1) + (240 x 1) (320 x 1) + (240 x 1) (320 x 1) + (240 x 1)


Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Connctions #1 Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Connctions #1 Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)

High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch)

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch)
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)

Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 +
Net Weight kg x No. 310 x 1 310 x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 Net Weight kg x No. (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1
(960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 +
(960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 +
(960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1
(215 x 1) + (215 x 1) (215 x 1) + (215 x 1)
(237 x 1) + (215 x 1) (237 x 1) + (215 x 1) (300 x 1) + (215 x 1) (300 x 1) + (215 x 1)

Shipping Weight kg x No. 320 x 1 320 x 1 (225 x 1) + (225 x 1) (225 x 1) + (225 x 1) Shipping Weight kg x No. (250 x 1) + (225 x 1) (250 x 1) + (225 x 1) (312 x 1) + (225 x 1) (312 x 1) + (225 x 1)

Sound Cooling dB(A) 65.0 65.0 61.5 62.0 Sound Cooling dB(A) 62.5 62.8 63.1 63.8
dB(A) 67.0 67.0 62.5 63.0 dB(A) 63.5 63.8 64.1 65.8
Pressure Level Heating Pressure Level Heating

Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 95.0 95.0 88.5 89.0 Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 90.8 91.5 93.0 93.8
Level 99.0 99.0 91.5 92.0 Level 94.5 95.2 96.0 96.8
Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A
Communication Cable (VCTF-SB) Communication Cable (VCTF-SB)

Refrigerant Refrigerant Name kg 17.0 17.0 19.0 19.0 Refrigerant Refrigerant Name kg 23.0 23.0 25.5 25.5
Precharged Amount Precharged Amount
in Factory 35.5 35.5 39.7 39.7 in Factory 48.0 48.0 53.2 53.2
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq.
Control Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Control Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 39 (61) 42 (64) 35 (44) 39 (48) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 42 (52) 45 (56) 49 (60) 52 (64)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)

038 039




HP 34 36 38 40 HP 42 44 46 48

Model Name Combination Unit ARUM340LTE5 ARUM360LTE5 ARUM380LTE5 ARUM400LTE5 Model Name Combination Unit ARUM420LTE5 ARUM440LTE5 ARUM460LTE5 ARUM480LTE5
Independent Unit ARUM220LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 Independent Unit ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5
Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM140LTE5 ARUM160LTE5 Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM180LTE5 ARUM200LTE5 ARUM220LTE5 ARUM240LTE5

95.2 100.8 106.4 112.0 117.6 123.2 128.8 134.4

Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 95.2 100.8 106.4 112.0 Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 117.6 123.2 128.8 134.4

Heating (Max) kW 107.1 112.1 118.4 124.7 Heating (Max) kW 131.0 137.3 143.6 148.5

Cooling (Rated) kW 23.28 24.98 26.08 28.29 Cooling (Rated) kW 28.31 30.17 33.10 34.80

Input Heating (Rated) kW 21.00 22.74 24.02 26.17 Input Heating (Rated) kW 26.01 28.09 30.04 31.78

Heating (Max) kW 25.02 27.06 28.52 31.19 Heating (Max) kW 30.74 33.48 35.56 37.60

EER 4.09 4.04 4.08 3.96 EER 4.15 4.08 3.89 3.86

SEER ---- SEER ----

Rated Capacity 4.53 4.43 4.43 4.28 Rated Capacity 4.52 4.39 4.29 4.23
COP Max. Capacity 4.28 4.14 4.15 4.00 COP Max. Capacity 4.26 4.10 4.04 3.95

SCOP ---- SCOP ----

Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037

Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin

Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll

Compressor Combination x No. W x No. (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 Compressor Combination x No. W x No. (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4
Motor Output x (5,300 x 2) + (4,200 x 1) 5,300 x 3 5,300 x 3 5,300 x 3 Motor Output x (5,300 x 3) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 3) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 3) + (4,200 x 1) 5,300 x 4
Number Number
Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)

Oil Charge cc 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 Oil Charge cc 10,400 10,400 10,400 10,400

Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
900 x 4 900 x 4 900 x 4 900 x 4
Motor Output x W x No. (900 x 2) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 2) + (1,200 x 1) 900 x 4 320 x 2 Motor Output x W x No. 900 x 4 320 x 2 320 x 2 320 x 2
Number 320 x 2 Number
Fan Fan
Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. (320 x 1) + (240 x 1) (320 x 1) + (240 x 1) Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. 320 x 2


Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Connctions #1 Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Connctions #1 Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)

High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch)

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 2 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 2
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 2 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 2 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 2 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 2
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2
Net Weight kg x No. (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (310 x 1) + (237 x 1) (310 x 1) + (237 x 1) Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2

(1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + Net Weight kg x No. (310 x 1) + (300 x 1) (310 x 1) + (300 x 1) (310 x 1) + (300 x 1) 310 x 2
(960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1
Shipping Weight kg x No. (320 x 1) + (312 x 1) (320 x 1) + (312 x 1) (320 x 1) + (312 x 1) 320 x 2
(300 x 1) + (215 x 1) (310 x 1) + (215 x 1)

Shipping Weight kg x No. (312 x 1) + (225 x 1) (320 x 1) + (225 x 1) (320 x 1) + (250 x 1) (320 x 1) + (250 x 1) Sound Cooling dB(A) 66.5 66.8 67.8 68.0
dB(A) 68.2 68.9 69.3 70.0
Sound Cooling dB(A) 65.6 66.0 66.2 66.3 Pressure Level Heating
dB(A) 66.6 67.8 68.0 68.1
Pressure Level Heating Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 96.8 97.1 97.1 98.0
100.5 100.8 101.1 102.0
Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 93.8 95.5 96.0 96.2 Level Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
97.6 99.4 100.0 100.2 mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A
Level Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Communication Cable (VCTF-SB)
mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A
Communication Cable (VCTF-SB) Refrigerant Name

Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Precharged Amount kg 33.0 33.0 33.0 34.0
Precharged Amount in Factory
Refrigerant in Factory kg 25.5 26.5 30.5 30.5 68.9 68.9 68.9 71.0
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq.
Control 53.2 55.3 63.7 63.7 Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve

Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64 64 64 64

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 55 (64) 58 (64) 61 (64) 64 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)

040 041




HP 50 52 54 56 HP 58 60 62 64 66

Model Name Combination Unit ARUM500LTE5 ARUM520LTE5 ARUM540LTE5 ARUM560LTE5 Model Name Combination Unit ARUM580LTE5 ARUM600LTE5 ARUM620LTE5 ARUM640LTE5 ARUM660LTE5
Independent Unit Independent Unit
Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5

140.0 145.6 151.2 156.8 162.4 168.0 173.6 179.2 184.8

Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 140.0 145.6 151.2 156.8 Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 162.4 168.0 173.6 179.2 184.8

Heating (Max) kW 156.2 162.5 168.8 175.1 Heating (Max) kW 181.4 186.3 192.6 198.9 205.2

Cooling (Rated) kW 33.66 35.87 35.89 37.75 Cooling (Rated) kW 40.68 42.38 43.48 45.69 45.71

Input Heating (Rated) kW 30.87 33.02 32.86 34.94 Input Heating (Rated) kW 36.89 38.63 39.91 42.06 41.90

Heating (Max) kW 36.78 39.45 39.00 41.74 Heating (Max) kW 43.82 45.86 47.32 49.99 49.54

EER 4.16 4.06 4.21 4.15 EER 3.99 3.96 3.99 3.92 4.04

SEER ---- SEER -----

COP Rated Capacity 4.54 4.41 4.60 4.49 COP Rated Capacity 4.40 4.35 4.35 4.26 4.41
Max. Capacity 4.25 4.12 4.33 4.19 Max. Capacity 4.14 4.06 4.07 3.98 4.14

SCOP ---- SCOP -----

Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL Code (Classic)
RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037

Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus /
Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin
Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed
Combination x No. (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 5 (Inverter) x 5 Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Motor Output x 5,300 x 4 5,300 x 4 (5,300 x 4) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 4) + (4,200 x 1)
Compressor Number W x No. Combination x No. (Inverter) x 5 (Inverter) x 5 (Inverter) x 5 (Inverter) x 5 (Inverter) x 6
Oil Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Motor Output x
Compressor Number W x No. (5,300 x 4) + (4,200 x 1) 5,300 x 5 5,300 x 5 5,300 x 5 (5,300 x 5) + (4,200 x 1)
Oil Type
Oil Charge cc 13,000 13,000 14,300 14,300 FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)

Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Oil Charge cc 14,300 14,300 14,300 14,300 15,600

Motor Output x W x No. (900 x 4) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 4) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 4) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 4) + (1,200 x 1) Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan Motor Output x W x No. (900 x 4) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 4) + (1,200 x 1) 900 x 6 900 x 6 900 x 6
Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. (320 x 2) + (240 x 1) (320 x 2) + (240 x 1) (320 x 2) + (240 x 1) (320 x 2) + (240 x 1) Number 320 x 3 320 x 3

Drive DC INVERTER DC INVERTER DC INVERTER DC INVERTER Fan Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. (320 x 2) + (240 x 1) (320 x 2) + (240 x 1) 320 x 3


Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP
Connctions #1 Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Connctions #1 Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)
High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4)

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch)
Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch)
mm x No. Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Dimensions (W x H x D) Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch)
mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 2 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 2 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 2 + (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 2 + Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)

kg x No. (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 2 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 2 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 3
+ (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 + (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 + kg x No.
dB(A) (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 2 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3
dB(A) + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1
Net Weight (310 x 1) + (237 x 1) + (310 x 1) + (237 x 1) + (310 x 1) + (300 x 1) + (310 x 1) + (300 x 1) + dB(A)
(215 x 1) (215 x 1) (215 x 1) (215 x 1) (310 x 1) + (300 x 1) +
Net Weight (215 x 1) (310 x 2) + (215 x 1) (310 x 2) + (237 x 1) (310 x 2) + (237 x 1) (310 x 2) + (300 x 1)
Shipping Weight (320 x 1) + (250 x 1) + (320 x 1) + (250 x 1) + (320 x 1) + (312 x 1) + (320 x 1) + (312 x 1) +
(225 x 1) (225 x 1) (225 x 1) (225 x 1) (320 x 1) + (312 x 1) +
Shipping Weight (225 x 1) (320 x 2) + (225 x 1) (320 x 2) + (250 x 1) (320 x 2) + (250 x 1) (320 x 2) + (312 x 1)
Sound Cooling 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.4

Pressure Level Heating 68.6 68.7 68.8 69.5 Sound Cooling 68.3 68.5 68.6 68.7 68.8

Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 96.4 96.6 97.1 97.4 Pressure Level Heating 69.8 70.4 70.5 70.6 70.6
100.3 100.5 100.8 101.0
Level Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 97.4 98.3 98.5 98.6 99.0
mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A 101.4 102.2 102.5 102.6 102.8
Communication Cable (VCTF-SB) Level Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Refrigerant Name Communication Cable (VCTF-SB)
Precharged Amount
Refrigerant in Factory kg 40.0 40.0 42.5 42.5 Refrigerant Name
t-CO2 eq. Precharged Amount
Control 83.5 83.5 88.7 88.7 in Factory kg 42.5 43.5 47.5 47.5 50.0
t-CO2 eq.
Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Refrigerant 88.7 90.8 99.2 99.2 104.4
Control Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64 64 64 64 Power Supply Ø, V, Hz
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64 64 64 64 64

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)

042 043




HP 68 70 72 74 76 HP 78 80 82 84 86

Model Name Combination Unit ARUM680LTE5 ARUM700LTE5 ARUM720LTE5 ARUM740LTE5 ARUM760LTE5 Model Name Combination Unit ARUM780LTE5 ARUM800LTE5 ARUM820LTE5 ARUM840LTE5 ARUM860LTE5
Independent Unit ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 Independent Unit
Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM200LTE5 ARUM220LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 Cooling (Rated) kW ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5
190.4 196.0 201.6 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM120LTE5 ARUM140LTE5

207.2 212.8 218.4 224.0 229.6 235.2 240.8

Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 190.4 196.0 201.6 207.2 212.8 Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 218.4 224.0 229.6 235.2 240.8

Heating (Max) kW 211.5 217.8 222.8 230.4 236.7 Heating (Max) kW 243.0 249.3 255.6 260.6 266.9

Cooling (Rated) kW 47.57 50.50 52.20 51.06 53.27 Cooling (Rated) kW 53.29 55.15 58.08 59.78 60.88

Input Heating (Rated) kW 43.98 45.93 47.67 46.76 48.91 Input Heating (Rated) kW 48.75 50.83 52.78 54.52 55.80

Heating (Max) kW 52.28 54.36 56.40 55.58 58.25 Heating (Max) kW 57.80 60.54 62.62 64.66 66.12

EER 4.00 3.88 3.86 4.06 3.99 EER 4.10 4.06 3.95 3.93 3.96

SEER ----- SEER -----

COP Rated Capacity 4.33 4.27 4.23 4.43 4.35 COP Rated Capacity 4.48 4.41 4.35 4.31 4.32
Max. Capacity 4.05 4.01 3.95 4.15 4.06 Max. Capacity 4.20 4.12 4.08 4.03 4.04

SCOP ----- SCOP -----

Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL Code (Classic)
RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037

Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus /
Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin

Type Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Type Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed
Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Combination x No. Combination x No.
Motor Output x (Inverter) x 6 (Inverter) x 6 (Inverter) x 6 (Inverter) x 6 (Inverter) x 6 Motor Output x (Inverter) x 7 (Inverter) x 7 (Inverter) x 7 (Inverter) x 7 (Inverter) x 7
Number Number
Compressor Oil Type W x No. (5,300 x 5) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 5) + (4,200 x 1) 5,300 x 6 5,300 x 6 5,300 x 6 Compressor Oil Type W x No. (5,300 x 6) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 6) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 6) + (4,200 x 1) 5,300 x 7 5,300 x 7


Oil Charge cc 15,600 15,600 15,600 18,200 18,200 Oil Charge cc 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500

Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan

Motor Output x W x No. 900 x 6 900 x 6 900 x 6 (900 x 6) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 6) + (1,200 x 1) Motor Output x W x No. (900 x 6) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 6) + (1,200 x 1) (900 x 6) + (1,200 (900 x 6) + (1,200 900 x 8
Number 320 x 3 320 x 3 (320 x 3) + (240 x 1) (320 x 3) + (240 x 1) Number x 1) x 1)
Fan Fan
Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. 320 x 3 Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. (320 x 3) + (240 x 1) (320 x 3) + (240 x 1) (320 x 3) + (240 x 1) (320 x 3) + (240 x 1) 320 x 4


Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Connctions #1 Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Connctions #1 Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4)

High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch)

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch)
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)

mm x No. (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 3 mm x No. (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x 1,690 x 760) x 3 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 4
+ (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1 + (930 x 1,690 x 760) x 1
kg x No. kg x No.
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 3 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 4
kg x No. + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 kg x No. + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1 + (960 x 1,825 x 796) x 1
dB(A) dB(A)
Net Weight dB(A) (310 x 2) + (300 x 1) (310 x 2) + (300 x 1) 310 x 3 (310 x 2) + (237 x 1) + (310 x 2) + (237 x 1) + Net Weight dB(A) (310 x 2) + (300 x 1) + (310 x 2) + (300 x 1) + (310 x 2) + (300 x 1) + (310 x 3) + (215 x 1) (310 x 3) + (237 x 1)
(215 x 1) (215 x 1) (215 x 1) (215 x 1) (215 x 1)

Shipping Weight (320 x 2) + (312 x 1) (320 x 2) + (312 x 1) 320 x 3 (320 x 2) + (250 x 1) (320 x 2) + (250 x 1) Shipping Weight (320 x 2) + (312 x 1) + (320 x 2) + (312 x 1) + (320 x 2) + (312 x 1) + (320 x 3) + (225 x 1) (320 x 3) + (250 x 1)

+ (225 x 1) + (225 x 1) (225 x 1) (225 x 1) (225 x 1)

Sound Cooling 69.0 69.6 69.8 69.1 69.2 Sound Cooling 69.2 69.4 70.0 70.1 70.2

Pressure Level Heating 71.1 71.3 71.8 70.9 70.9 Pressure Level Heating 71.0 71.4 71.6 72.1 72.1

Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 99.2 99.2 99.8 98.8 98.9 Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 99.2 99.4 99.4 99.9 100.1
Level 103.0 103.2 103.8 102.7 102.8 Level 103.0 103.2 103.4 103.9 104.1
Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Heating dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A mm2 x No. R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Communication Cable (VCTF-SB) Communication Cable (VCTF-SB)

Refrigerant Name kg 50.0 50.0 51.0 57.0 57.0 Refrigerant Name kg 59.5 59.5 59.5 60.5 64.5
Precharged Amount Precharged Amount
Refrigerant in Factory 104.4 104.4 106.5 119.0 119.0 Refrigerant in Factory 124.2 124.2 124.2 126.3 134.6
t-CO2 eq. Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion t-CO2 eq. Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion

Control Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Control Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64 64 64 64 64 Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64 64 64 64 64

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)

044 045

MULTI V 5 1. Eurovent Test Condition : For more info regarding program consult
2. Capacities are based on the following conditions :
• Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB Outdoor 35°C (95°F) DB / 24°C (75.2°F) WB
ARUM880LTE5 / ARUM900LTE5 / ARUM920LTE5 / ARUM940LTE5 / ARUM960LTE5 • Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB Outdoor 7°C (44.6°F) DB / 6°C (42.8°F) WB
• Piping Length : Interconnected Pipe Length = 7.5m
HP 88 90 92 94 96 • Difference Limit of Elevation (Outdoor ~ Indoor Unit) is Zero.
3. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national code.
Model Name Combination Unit ARUM880LTE5 ARUM900LTE5 ARUM920LTE5 ARUM940LTE5 ARUM960LTE5 4. Sound Level Values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation.
Independent Unit 5. The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units
ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 combination. The recommended ratio is 130%.
ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 6. Explanation of Terms
ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 • EER : Energy Efficiency Ratio (Cooling)
ARUM160LTE5 ARUM180LTE5 ARUM200LTE5 ARUM220LTE5 ARUM240LTE5 • SEER : Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (Refer to Typical Cooling Season)
• COP : Coefficient Of Performance (Heating)
Cooling (Rated) kW 246.4 252.0 257.6 263.2 268.8 • SCOP : Seasonal Coefficient Of Performance (Refer to Typical Heating Season)
7. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification.
Capacity Heating (Rated) kW 246.4 252.0 257.6 263.2 268.8 8. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases.

Heating (Max) kW 273.2 279.5 285.8 292.1 297.0 047

Cooling (Rated) kW 63.09 63.11 64.97 67.90 69.60

Input Heating (Rated) kW 57.95 57.79 59.87 61.82 63.56

Heating (Max) kW 68.79 68.34 71.08 73.16 75.19

EER 3.91 3.99 3.96 3.88 3.86

SEER -----

COP Rated Capacity 4.25 4.36 4.30 4.26 4.23
Max. Capacity 3.97 4.09 4.02 3.99 3.95

SCOP -----

Exterior Color Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray Warm Gray / Dawn Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037 RAL 7044 / RAL 7037

Heat Exchanger Type Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus / Wide Louver Plus /
Type Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin Black Fin

Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed Hermetically Sealed
Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll

Combination x No. (Inverter) x 7 (Inverter) x 8 (Inverter) x 8 (Inverter) x 8 (Inverter) x 8

Compressor Motor Output x W x No. 5,300 x 7 (5,300 x 7) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 7) + (4,200 x 1) (5,300 x 7) + (4,200 x 1) 5,300 x 8


Oil Charge cc 19,500 20,800 20,800 20,800 20,800

Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan

Motor Output x W x No. 900 x 8 900 x 8 900 x 8 900 x 8 900 x 8
Number 320 x 4 320 x 4 320 x 4 320 x 4
Air Flow Rate (High) m3/min x No. 320 x 4


Discharge Side / Top TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Connctions #1 Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4)

High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch)

Pipe Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Connctions #2 Gas Pipe mm (inch) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)

Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 4 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 4 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 4 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 4 (1,240 x1,690 x 760) x 4

Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 4 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 4 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 4 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 4 (1,280 x 1,825 x 796) x 4

Net Weight kg x No. (310 x 3) + (237 x 1) (310 x 3) + (300 x 1) (310 x 3) + (300 x 1) (310 x 3) + (300 x 1) 310 x 4

Shipping Weight kg x No. (320 x 3) + (250 x 1) (320 x 3) + (312 x 1) (320 x 3) + (312 x 1) (320 x 3) + (312 x 1) 320 x 4

Sound Cooling dB(A) 70.3 70.3 70.4 70.9 71.0
dB(A) 72.2 72.2 72.5 72.7 73.0
Pressure Level Heating

Sound Power Cooling dB(A) 100.2 100.4 100.6 100.6 101.0
dB(A) 104.2 104.3 104.4 104.6 105.0
Level Heating

Communication Cable mm2 x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C

Refrigerant Name R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A

Precharged Amount kg 64.5 67.0 67.0 67.0 68.0
in Factory
Refrigerant t-CO2 eq. 134.6 139.9 139.9 139.9 142.0

Control Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion Electronic Expansion

Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64 64 64 64 64

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)



EER / COP / Part Load Inverter Twin Rotary &
Inverter Scroll Compressor
Saving Energy Cost with High Efficient Product
Adapted High Efficient Compressor according to Capacity
Heat Pump MULTI V S
- Air cooled VRF Heat pump & Heat Recovery COP (Heating) Inverter Twin Rotary Inverter scroll compressor
- 12.1 ~ 33.6kW (Cooling capacity based) EER (Cooling) (12.1kw ~ 15.5kw) (22.4kw ~ 33.6kw)
- Both 1Φ, 220 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60Hz and 3Φ, 380 ~ 415V, 50 ~ 60Hz
- Side discharge outdoor unit Compressor Efficiency Comparison
- Includes the industry’s first single phase Heat Recovery system
3.35 16% 3.90 43% Efficiency Scroll Compressor
Rotary Compressor
Conventional MULTI V S HR 3.71 5.30
300m * Comparison Based on 15.5kW in cooling mode Conventional MULTI V S HR 12.1 19.6 28 kw
(MULTI V S H/P) (Cooling capacity)
TOTAL PIPING LENGTH Heat Recovery * Based on internal test data
150m (175m) * Comparison Based on 15.5kW in heating mode
Cooling Mode
Longest piping length Cooling EER is 5% higher than Inverter Twin Rotary
from ODU ~ IDU (Equivalent) conventional on average.
Concentrated Winding Motor
Available in Heat Pump and Heating Mode
Heat Recovery Configurations Oil path area is improved by over 50% by increasing the extra stator cavity. Due to
Heating COP is 5% higher than this, caloric value of motor is reduced, improving the cooling function of stator coil.
Energy saving by heat conventional on average.
recovery unit
5% 3.90 5% 4.39 Twin Rotary Rotor

3.71 4.18 Upper and lower part rotor offset imbalance in shaft rotor rotation. Vibration and
noise is reduced. Max torque load decreased by 45% compared to single rotor.

Conventional MULTI V S HR Conventional MULTI V S HR Surface Coating
Surface coating of outstanding abrasion resistance property on vane and crank shaft.
* Comparison Based on 15.5kW in cooling mode * Comparison Based on 15.5kW in heating mode
Inverter scroll compressor

50m Combination of Cooling, Smart Load Control Applied World Best Class Compressor Speed Operation Range (Hz) 150
Heating and Hot Water Solution 120
Height Difference Increase comfortable sensation and Max. 23% energy - Rapid response capability
between ODU ~ IDU INDOOR UNIT - Compact core design (Concentrated motor) 20
saving thanks to MULTI V load control - Down to 15Hz : Part load efficiency improvement 15

6 By-pass Valve Conventional

MULTI V S changes indoor discharge air temperature continuously Compressor reliability is maximized with 6 By-pass Valve
according to load, to save energy. - Prevent compressor damage due to excessively compressed refrigerant more

efficiently than 4 by-pass valve

SLC (Smart Load Control) operation ... Direct Oil Injection

Startup Operation Real Time Operation - Eliminate suction refrigerant gas heat loss through direct oil injection into
compression chamber (efficiency increases)
HYDRO KIT Startup After 20 minutes
- Reliability increase due to proper oil amount supply
Startup Operation
MULTI V S Scroll Profile
Heat Reacovery
- The enhanced reliability by increasing the thickness of scroll central part within largest pressure
* Heat Pump and Recovery are separated models. Basic Operation Smart Load Control - Efficiency increases by expanding 96% bypass area and 17% improved volume ratio by non
15m Discharge Air uniform scroll thickness
Height Difference
between IDU ~ IDU Optimal Heat Exchanger

Power Maximize Efficiency according to different Heat Exchanger
Input path by cooling and heating (LG’s own technology)

Until 20 minutes after startup operation Variable Heat Exchanger Circuit intelligently selects the optimal
Indoor air discharge temperature path for both heating and cooling operations. With this smart path
- Energy efficiency increased by 3-step Smart Load Control during startup phase selection technology, an average of 6% increase in the efficiency of
- Discharge air temperature adjusted according to outdoor and indoor temperature both operations has been achieved. The paths number and circuit
- Comfort level in cooling / heating operations ensured velocity are adjusted to match temperatures and operation modes in
order to maximize efficiency instead of compromising efficiency for
Max. 10% Energy saving each operation when the number and direction of paths are fixed
independently of temperature operation mode.
Real Time Operation

Basic Operation Smart Load Control

3°C 10°C
Refrigerant Refrigerant

20°C 20°C

Features & Benefits Key Applications 3°C 3°C
Refrigerant Refrigerant
• Energy saving • Premium residential apartment / house
• High reliability • Small sized office / restaurant / retail shops 35°C 35°C Fixed heat Cooling Heating
• Improved user convenience • Building with multiple owners exchanger circuit
Fixed refrigerant temperature Variable refrigerant temperature Efficiency up due to Fin shape
048 Efficiency performance
Max. 13% Energy saving Improved heat exchanger efficiency of up to 28%

Conventional Wide Louver Plus Fin

How to set up:: By dip switch in outdoor unit (Referred to Product Data Book) Factory default setting is Off. Heating

* ESEER (European seasonal energy efficiency Ratio) conditions based on 15.5kw unit Cooling Cooling 100% Cooling 128%
- Outdoor temperature condition : Number of Heating 100% Heating 123%

EER 100% / 75% / 50% / 25% = 35℃ (DB) / 30℃ (DB) / 25℃ (DB) / 20℃ (DB) Previous Design circuit
- Indoor temperature condition : 27°C (DB) / 19°C (WB) (Fixed)

* Dual sensing (Temparature & humidity) smart load control is possible with Remote controller
PTEMTB100 (White) /PREMTBB10 (Black)



High Reliability of Refrigerant Components Smart Control Sufficient Pipe Length Limit Fan Technology and RPM Control
Superior Performance and Strong Durable Components are Pressure Control applied for smart, quick, and Sufficient pipe length limitation provides flexible External static pressure control for outdoor unit fan to adapt
developed by LG’s technologies design and installation more flexibly to various installation conditions of outdoor unit
precise responds to the user's requested temperature
MULTI V S improved reliability through an excellent technique of Oil MULTI V S inverter technology and sub cooling control circuit For efficient operation, newly developed fan blows higher air volume and
separator / Accumulator / Sub-cooling. Temperature + Pressure Control technology allows greater piping length and outstanding elevation has more high static pressure. In addition, operating noise is decreased.
differences. A cooling system can be implemented more flexibly in a
Senses and controls pressure directly shop, office and even high-rise building, reducing the designer’s work Fan Technology
using pressure sensor for faster and more time and providing more efficient design.
exact response to load variation The new axial fan has a mogul trailing edge, narrow hub blade and reverse hub,
this provides a high efficiency, low noise, wide fan, as well as improving the air
High Pressure Low Pressure flow rate.

Sensor Sensor

Quick Operating Response Outlet Temp. (°C) Pressure +Temperature Control Piping Capabilities 300m Mogul Reverse
Temperature Control trailing edge hub
The desired temperature can be 150m Total piping length
reached in up to 14% less time 27 (175m)
in cooling mode due to pressure
control. The indoor environment 14% Longest 50m 526mm
can be controlled more accurately Quicker pipe length
and more comfortably. (Equivalent) 15m ODU ~ IDU Narrow
12 Height hub blade
IDU ~ IDU difference
14% Height difference

* Specifications may vary for each model. 2min Time (1Ø) 4 / 5HP (1Ø) 5 / 6HP
(3Ø) 4 / 5 / 6 / 8HP

❶ Cyclonic oil separator Refrigerant Super cannon fan increases the air volume in 50 CMM and the noise level is
decreased by 4dB (A).
- Highly reliable and efficient oil
separation by centrifuge using cyclonic Refrigerant Heat Exchanger with Ocean Black Fin 4 Way Piping Grooved
methods +Oil for Corrosion Resistance suction surface
- Free design and installation by 4 way piping.
- High collection efficiency as well Cyclone Strong Durability against high salinity and heavily polluted air
as outstanding resistance to high Centrifuges
temperature and pressure LG’s exclusive Ocean Black Fin is applied on the heat
exchanger of MULTI V S in order to perform even in
Oil corrosive environments. The strong protection from Tip vortex
Oil Separator various corrosive external environments such as seaside suppressor
with high salt contamination and industrial cities with
severe air pollution keeps MULTI V S operating without (3Ø) 10 / 12HP Super Canon Fan
breakdown. This improvement in durability prolongs the
❷ Large Volume Accumulator product’s lifespan and lowers both the operational and Fan RPM control
maintenance costs.
- Improved reliability by adopting the large Flow of air is straight due to fan shroud and Fan RPM control even in high-rise
volume accumulator building.
(38% volume up compared to conventional)
- Prevents the liquid refrigerant entering
the compressor suction Corrosion Resistance Proven by Certified Tests Low Noise Operation Fan RPM

- Maximize efficiency by optimal amount LG Corrosion Resistance solution passed ISO 21207 accelerated corrosion Free from noise at any time with low noise operation function + + control
of refrigerant test conducted by an independent test organization and the result (Fan Max.
has been certified by prestigious global certification organization, UL At night mode, noise reduced maximum 14% compared to normal mode. RPM Up)
- Protect compressor break down and (Underwriters Laboratories).
Increase life time Capacity Fan Shroud
Certified protection Load * E.S.P : External Static Pressure • Straight air flow
❸ BLDC Fan Motor - New shroud adopted
UL VERIFIED MARK CERTIFICATE  Condition of salt spray test - Performs high static pressure
- The BLDC Fan motor is more efficient  
than a conventional AC motor, offering This certificate confirms that a representative sample set, process or system was evaluated to 
an additional 40% energy savings at low determine the validity of the specific marketing, advertising or promotional claim regarding the 
speeds and 20% at high speeds product, process or system specified below and such product, process or system is eligible to bear the 
UL Verified Mark as described below. 

Efficiency (%)
50 100

40% 20% Temperature 35°C

Mist of 5% sodium chloride solution Sound Level Night
58 0:00

Certificate Number:  A022809 


BLDC Issue Date:  April 12, 2018  Condition of gas exposure test Mode Start Mode End
Motor Step 1
AC Expiration Date:  April 11, 2019  * Test Method B Simulation Validated Step 2 Upgraded Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Motor Step 3
Claim Verified:  Condenser resists 27 years of simulated severe corrosion  (Test condition: Salt contaminated Easy and convenient maintenance with self-diagnosis
16:00 20:00
Product / System /  Condenser Employed on Outdoor Unit of Air‐Conditioners  condition + severe industrial/traffic
Process Name: 
Model Number(s):  ARU********  * Based on 1,500 UL test hours

Details:  N/A  R.H. NO2 SO2 56
95% 10 x 10-5 5 x 10-6 53
Visit for information on all products/processes/systems that are authorized to bear the UL Verified Mark.
This UL Verified Mark is owned by UL LLC. Permission to use the UL Verified Mark has been granted per this certificate, yet may
be withdrawn at the sole discretion of UL LLC. Subject to the terms and conditions of our Agreements, UL has granted the
limited non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use this UL Verified Mark directly on product and packaging, and/or in
conjunction with materials used to advertise and promote the Verified claim. Any such use shall not imply any Certification or
endorsement based on the UL verification process, nor shall the UL Verified Mark be used in any professional, technical, trade,
website or other business publications in order to advertise accomplishments except where the specific product that achieved
UL Verification is being promoted.

Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized
licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a UL Customer Service Representative.

This is an electronically generated letter. Signatures are not required for this document to be valid. Page 2 of 2

500 1,000
Motor Speed (RPM)
Enhanced Coating Layers 12:00 4:00 8:00 12:00 16:00 The inclusion of FDD elements - Auto start-up, auto refrigerant check,
black box functionality, simultaneous evaluation, and auto refrigerant
The black coating with enhanced epoxy resin is applied for strong protection Time collection, provides the optimal solution for user reliability and ease
from various corrosive external conditions such as salt contamination and air of maintenance.
❹ Double Sub-cool Interchanger pollution. Moreover, the hydrophilic film keeps water from accumulating on
the heat exchanger’s fin, minimizing moisture buildup and eventually making Max. - Auto commissioning Mode
- Reliability is enhanced by minimizing it even more corrosion resistant. 58 8dB(A) - Auto Refrigerant Collection
pressure drop due to high efficiency spiral - Auto evaluation of refrigerant amount
structure and 2 times larger size Hydrophilic film (Water flow) 50 * Normal mode noise level (28kw) : 58dB(A) FDD
Long pipe is possible (up to* 175m) and The Hydrophilic coating minimizes moisture buildup on the fin. Day Night * Night 3 step noise level (28kw) : and charging MICOM
high elevation (up to* 50m) - Able to access LGMV (LG Monitoring
Reduction of indoor refrigerant noise level Epoxy resin (Corrosion resistant) 50dB (A) 56dB(A),53dB(A), 50dB(A)
The Black coating provides strong protection from corrosion. * Sound pressure tested by following conditions : View) by smartphone
Double Sub-cool Interchanger - Black box function
Aluminum fin 1m distance / 1.5m height - Piping & wiring error check-up

* Based on equivalent pipe length

050 051


Nomenclature [Unit : mm] Symbols Heat Pump OUTDOOR
Piping Direction UNITS
ARU N 100 L S S 0 A 165 620
Serial number A Datum Iine

Piping Cooling 45°C Heating 20°C
Direction 43°C Heating 18°C
627 40°C 15°C
Model Type 291 834 390
S : Standard 276 660 3604 holes for Anchor Bolts (M10) Outdoor Temperature (°C DB) 35°C Outdoor Temperature (°C WB)10°C
L : Compact Range for continuous operation Range for warming up operation
R : Corrosion Resistance 330 111 24CA 950 30°C Range for continuous operation5°C
(7) 81 476(34) 26 Range for pull down operation
Air Discharge Type 82 C 244 25°C MULTI V S
S : Side Discharge 5 8326 97
141 4665
Electrical Ratings 5 20°C 0°C
L : 3Ø, 380-415V, 50Hz / 3Ø, 380V, 60Hz -5°C
G : 1Ø, 220-240V, 50Hz / 1Ø, 220V, 60Hz 5 15°C

10°C -10°C
Total Cooling Capacity in Horse Power(HP) unit 3 5°C
EX) 8HP → '080', 10HP → '100'

Combination of Inverter Type and Cooling Only B B B 0°C
or Heat Pump 40 416
N : Inverter and H/P, V : Inverter and C/O 51 2 148 -5°C -20°C
64 -10°C
MULTI V System Outdoor Unit using R410A 1 4 -25°C
10°C 14°C 15°C 10°C
20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C

Indoor Temperature (°C WB) Indoor Temperature (°C DB)

Outdoor Unit Function 5-1.D. Ø 20 holes for drain connection 91 696 Heat Recovery
Category Functions MULTI V S

Variable Path of Outdoor Unit HEX - Cooling 50°C
Key Refrigerant HiPORTM (High Pressure Oil Return) - 45°C 20°C
Components Humidity Sensor ARUB060GSS4 only 40°C 18°C
Anti Corrosion Black Fin 35°C 15°C
○ Outdoor Temperature (°C DB) Outdoor Temperature (°C WB)
Range for continuous operation 30°C Range for warming up operation 10°C
Oil Sensor - Range for pull down operation Range for 5°C
25°C continuous operation
Dual Sensing ARUB060GSS4 only 3D View
Low Noise Operation ○ [Unit : mm] 0°C
Hgih Static Mode of Outdoor Unit Fan ○ Piping 10°C -5°C
Partial Defrosting - 620 5°C
Special Function Auto Cleaning of Outdoor Unit ○ 390 0°C -10°C
(Fan reverse rotation) 360 -5°C -15°C
Indoor Cooling Comfort Mode Based ○ -10°C
Outdoor Temperature ARUB060GSS4 only 14 -15°C
Smart Load Control (SLC)
(Changing indoor discharge air CA 10°C 14°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C -20°C
temperature according to load) 4 holes for Anchor Bolts (M10)
Indoor Temperature (°C WB) -25°C
Outdoor Unit Control Refer to Humidity C A 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C
330 26
950 Indoor Temperature (°C DB)

90 C

Defrost / Deicing ○

High Pressure Switch ○

Phase Protection ○ 1380 5 Simultaneous Cooling Simultaneous Heating
Basic Function Restart Delay (3-minutes) ○ 30°C 20°C
27°C 16°C
Self Diagnosis ○ 25°C 15°C

Soft Start ○ 606 20°C 10°C
52 80
Test Run Function - 80 15°COutdoor Temperature (°C DB) Outdoor Temperature (°C WB)
52 Range for continuous operation Range for pull down operation
AC Ez (Simple Controller) PQCSZ250S0 B1 6 25 B 26 7 Range for pull down operation Range for continuous operation
96 96

AC Ez Touch PACEZA000 695 164 10°C
AC Smart IV PACS4B000 416
250 5°C
Central Controller AC Smart 5 PACS5A000
91 0°C 0°C

ACP (Advanced Control Platform) IV PACP4B000 291


ACP (Advanced Control Platform) 5 PACP5A000 5-1.D. Ø -5°C -5°C
20 holes for drain connection
AC Manager 5 PACM5A000 -10°C -10°C
75 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C
BNU (Building ACP Lonworks PLNWKB000 A -15°C Indoor Temperature (°C DB)
Network Unit) ACP BACnet PQNFB17C0 10°C 14°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C
Indoor Temperature (°C WB)
IO Module (ODU Dry Contact) PVDSMN000 42 536 44
91 557 60 Note
PDI (Power Standard PPWRDB000 1. These figures assume the following operating conditions : Equivalent piping length : 7.5m
Distribution Indicator) Premium 3 Level difference : 0m
2. Range of pull down operation : If the relative humidity is too high, cooling capacity can be decreased by the sensible
Cool / Heat Selector PRDSBM

Cycle Monitoring LGMV PRCTIL0 606 8 24 Position of Sound Level Measuring
Device Mobile LGMV 52 85 81
Additional kit PLGMVW100 3D View B 25 Note
Refrigerant Charging Kit ○ Piping connection port These figures assume the following operating conditions:
94 Equivalent piping length : 7.5m
Low Ambient Kit (Logical operation) Level difference : 0m
Not applied to Note No. Part Name Description
ARUB060GSS4 1. Unit should be installed in compliance with the
- 1 Air Outlet -
installation manual in the product box.
Variable Water Flow Valve Control Kit - 2. Unit should be grounded in accordance with the 2 Power and communication cable Hole -

local regulation or applicable national codes. 3 Gas Pipe Connection Welding joint 1.5m
3. All electrical components and materials to be
※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied 4 Liquid Pipe Connection Welding joint
supplied from the site must comply with the local
regulations or international codes. 5 Handle - 1m
4. Electrical characteristics chapter should be
considered for electrical work and design. 6 Pipe routing hole (front) -
Especially the power cable and circuit breaker
should be selected in accordance with that. 7 Pipe routing hole (side) -

8 Pipe routing hole (back) -

052 053

OUTDOOR UNITS _ MULTI V S _ SPECIFICATION LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT MULTI V S HEAT PUMP LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT OUTDOOR
VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification UNITS



HP 4 5 HP 5 6
Model Name General Model ARUN040GSR0 Model Name General Model ARUN050GSR0 ARUN060GSR0
Capacity Corrosion Resistance Model 12.1 14.0 Capacity Corrosion Resistance Model 14.0 15.5
12.5 15.0 16.0 18.0
Input Cooling (Rated) kW 3.78 4.38 Input Cooling (Rated) kW 3.33 3.97
EER 2.10 2.65 EER 2.77 3.40
SEER Heating (Rated) kW 3.20 3.20 SEER Heating (Rated) kW 4.20 3.90
COP 5.98 6.60 COP 6.56 6.65
SCOP Cooling (Rated) kW 5.9 5.7 SCOP Cooling (Rated) kW 5.77 5.30
5.15 4.96 5.23 5.19
Exterior Heating (Rated) kW Warm Gray Warm Gray Exterior Heating (Rated) kW Warm Gray Warm Gray
Morning Gray Morning Gray Morning Gray
Rated Capacity RAL 7044 - Rated Capacity RAL 7044 RAL 7044
RAL 7030 RAL 7044 RAL 7030 RAL 7030
Color (General) Color (General)
Color (Corrosion Resistance) Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin - Color (Corrosion Resistance) Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin
RAL Code (Classic), General RAL Code (Classic), General
RAL Code (Classic), Corrosion Resistance BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin RAL Code (Classic), Corrosion Resistance BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary
(Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1
Heat Type 4,000 x 1 BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary Heat Type 4,000 x 1 4,000 x 1
Exchanger FVC68D (PVE) (Inverter) x 1 Exchanger FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)
1,300 4,000 x 1 1,300 1,300
Type Axial Flow Fan FVC68D (PVE) Type Axial Flow Fan Axial Flow Fan
124 x 1 1,300 124 x 2 124 x 2
Combination x No. 60 x 1 Axial Flow Fan Combination x No. 110 x 1 110 x 1
Compressor Motor Output x Number W x No. Side 60 x 1 Compressor Motor Output x Number W x No. Side Side
Ø 9.52 (3/8) DC INVERTER Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8)
Oil Type cc Ø 15.88 (5/8) Side Oil Type cc Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Ø 9.52 (3/8)
Oil Charge W x No. (950 x 834 x 330) x 1 Ø 15.88 (5/8) Oil Charge W x No. (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1 (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1
m3/min x No. (1,065 x 918 x 461) x 1 m3/min x No. (1,140 x 1,462 x 461) x 1 (1,140 x 1,462 x 461) x 1
Type (950 x 834 x 330) x 1 Type
Side / Top 70 x 1 (1,065 x 918 x 461) x 1 Side / Top 94 x 1 94 x 1
Motor Output x Number mm (inch) 77 x 1 Motor Output x Number mm (inch) 106 x 1 106 x 1
mm (inch) 50.0 73 x 1 mm (inch)
Fan Air Flow Rate (High) mm x No. 52.0 81 x 1 Fan Air Flow Rate (High) mm x No. 51.0 52.0
mm x No. 72.0 52.0 mm x No. 53.0 54.0
Drive kg x No. 75.0 58.0 Drive kg x No. 72.0 72.0
kg x No. 72.0 kg x No. 76.0 77.0
Discharge dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 75.0 Discharge dB(A)
dB(A) dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Pipe Liquid Pipe dB(A) R410A 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Pipe Liquid Pipe dB(A)
Connctions Gas Pipe dB(A) Connctions Gas Pipe dB(A) R410A R410A
mm2 x No. 1.8 R410A mm2 x No.
Dimensions (W x H x D) (VCTF-SB) Dimensions (W x H x D) (VCTF-SB) 3.0 3.0
3.8 2.4
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg Electronic Expansion Valve Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg 6.3 6.3
5.0 Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve
Net Weight 1, 220 ~ 240, 50 Electronic Expansion Valve Net Weight
1, 220, 60 1, 220 ~ 240, 50 1, 220 ~ 240, 50
Shipping Weight 8 1, 220 ~ 240, 50 Shipping Weight 1, 220, 60 1, 220, 60
1, 220, 60 10 13
Sound Cooling 8* Sound Cooling

Pressure Level Heating Pressure Level Heating

Sound Power Cooling Sound Power Cooling

Level Heating Level Heating

Communication Cable Communication Cable

Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Refrigerant Name
Precharged Amount in Precharged Amount in
factory factory
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq.
Control Control

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units

* : In case of ARUN050GSL0, maximum combination ratio is 130%. Note : 1. Eurovent Test Condition : Type of indoor unit connected is only Ceiling Concealed Duct.
Note : 1. Eurovent Test Condition : Type of indoor unit connected is only Ceiling Concealed Duct. - Refer to EUROVENT certification regulation for more detail test conditions.
- Refer to EUROVENT website for test values connected Ceiling Cassette type indoors.
- Refer to EUROVENT certification regulation for more detail test conditions.
- Refer to EUROVENT website for test values connected Ceiling Cassette type indoors. 2. Performances are based on the following conditions :
2. Performances are based on the following conditions : - Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB / Outdoor 35°C (95°F) DB / 24°C (75.2°F) WB
- Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB / Outdoor 35°C (95°F) DB / 24°C (75.2°F) WB - Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB / Outdoor 7°C (44.6°F) DB / 6°C (42.8°F) WB
- Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB / Outdoor 7°C (44.6°F) DB / 6°C (42.8°F) WB
3. The maximum combination ratio is 160%. (the maximum combination ratio of ARUN050GSL0 is 130%.) 3. The maximum combination ratio is 160%.
4. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes. 4. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes.
5. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification. 5. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification.
6. Sound Level Values are measured at Anechoic chamber. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation. 6. Sound Level Values are measured at Anechoic chamber. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation.
7. Power factor could vary less than ±1% according to the operating conditions. 7. Power factor could vary less than ±1% according to the operating conditions.
8. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases. (R410A, GWP(Global warming potential) = 2087.5) 8. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases. (R410A, GWP(Global warming potential) = 2087.5)

054 055

OUTDOOR UNITS _ MULTI V S _ SPECIFICATION LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT MULTI V S HEAT PUMP LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT OUTDOOR
VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification UNITS



HP 4 5 6 HP 8 10 12
Model Name General Model ARUN040LSR0 ARUN050LSR0 ARUN060LSR0 Model Name General Model
- - -
Capacity Corrosion Resistance Model 12.1 14.0 15.5 Capacity Corrosion Resistance Model 22.4 28.0 33.6
12.5 16.0 18.0 24.5 30.6 36.7
Input Cooling (Rated) kW 2.37 3.33 3.97 Input Cooling (Rated) kW 8.30 8.75 14.00
EER 1.93 2.77 3.40 EER 6.62 8.12 7.46
SEER Heating (Rated) kW 5.10 4.20 3.90 SEER Heating (Rated) kW 2.70 3.20 2.40
COP 6.46 6.56 6.65 COP 6.03 6.59 5.72
SCOP Cooling (Rated) kW 6.49 5.77 5.30 SCOP Cooling (Rated) kW 3.70 3.77 4.92
5.02 5.23 5.19 4.33 4.17 3.86
Exterior Heating (Rated) kW Warm Gray Warm Gray Warm Gray Exterior Heating (Rated) kW Warm Gray Warm Gray Warm Gray
Morning Gray Morning Gray Morning Gray
Rated Capacity RAL 7044 RAL 7044 RAL 7044 Rated Capacity - - -
RAL 7030 RAL 7030 RAL 7030 RAL 7044 RAL 7044 RAL 7044
Color (General) Color (General)
Color (Corrosion Resistance) Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Color (Corrosion Resistance) - - -
RAL Code (Classic), General RAL Code (Classic), General
RAL Code (Classic), Corrosion Resistance BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary RAL Code (Classic), Corrosion Resistance Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin
(Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1
Heat Type 4,000 x 1 4,000 x 1 4,000 x 1 Heat Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Exchanger FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Exchanger (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1
1,300 1,300 1,300 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 1 5,300 x 1
Type Axial Flow Fan Axial Flow Fan Axial Flow Fan Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)
124 x 2 124 x 2 124 x 2 2,400 2,600 3,400
Combination x No. 110 x 1 110 x 1 110 x 1 Combination x No. Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Compressor Motor Output x Number W x No. Side Side Side Compressor Motor Output x Number W x No. 140 x 1 190 x 1 190 x 1
Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) DC INVERTER DC INVERTER DC INVERTER
Oil Type cc Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 15.88 (5/8) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Oil Type cc Side Side Side
Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2)
Oil Charge W x No. (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1 (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1 (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1 Oil Charge W x No. Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
m3/min x No. (1,140 x 1,462 x 461) x 1 (1,140 x 1,462 x 461) x 1 (1,140 x 1,462 x 461) x 1 m3/min x No. Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)
Type Type (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1 (1,090 x 1,625 x 380) x 1 (1,090 x 1,625 x 380) x 1
Side / Top 96 x 1 96 x 1 96 x 1 Side / Top (1,140 x 1,462 x 461) x 1 (1,215 x 1,795 x 500) x 1 (1,215 x 1,795 x 500) x 1
Motor Output x Number mm (inch) 108 x 1 106 x 1 106 x 1 Motor Output x Number mm (inch)
mm (inch) mm (inch) 115 x 1 144 x 1 157 x 1
Fan Air Flow Rate (High) mm x No. 50.0 51.0 52.0 Fan Air Flow Rate (High) mm x No. 127 x 1 160 x 1 173 x 1
mm x No. 52.0 53.0 54.0 mm x No.
Drive kg x No. 72.0 72.0 72.0 Drive kg x No. 57.0 58.0 60.0
kg x No. 76.0 76.0 77.0 kg x No. 57.0 58.0 60.0
Discharge dB(A) Discharge dB(A) 81.0 80.0 81.0
dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C dB(A) 84.0 84.0 85.0
Pipe Liquid Pipe dB(A) Pipe Liquid Pipe dB(A)
Connctions Gas Pipe dB(A) R410A R410A R410A Connctions Gas Pipe dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
mm2 x No. mm2 x No.
Dimensions (W x H x D) (VCTF-SB) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Dimensions (W x H x D) (VCTF-SB) R410A R410A R410A

Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg 6.3 6.3 6.3 Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg 3.5 4.5 6.0
Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve
Net Weight Net Weight 7.3 9.4 12.5
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve
Shipping Weight 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 Shipping Weight
8 10 13 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Sound Cooling Sound Cooling 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60
13 16 20
Pressure Level Heating Pressure Level Heating

Sound Power Cooling Sound Power Cooling

Level Heating Level Heating

Communication Cable Communication Cable

Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Refrigerant Name
Precharged Amount in Precharged Amount in
factory factory
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq.
Control Control

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units

Note : 1. Eurovent Test Condition : Type of indoor unit connected is only Ceiling Concealed Duct. Note : 1. Eurovent Test Condition : Type of indoor unit connected is only Ceiling Concealed Duct.
- Refer to EUROVENT certification regulation for more detail test conditions. - Refer to EUROVENT certification regulation for more detail test conditions.
- Refer to EUROVENT website for test values connected Ceiling Cassette type indoors. - Refer to EUROVENT website for test values connected Ceiling Cassette type indoors.

2. Performances are based on the following conditions : 2. Performances are based on the following conditions :
- Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB / Outdoor 35°C (95°F) DB / 24°C (75.2°F) WB - Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB / Outdoor 35°C (95°F) DB / 24°C (75.2°F) WB
- Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB / Outdoor 7°C (44.6°F) DB / 6°C (42.8°F) WB - Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB / Outdoor 7°C (44.6°F) DB / 6°C (42.8°F) WB

3. The maximum combination ratio is 160%. 3. The maximum combination ratio is 160%.
4. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes. 4. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes.
5. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification. 5. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification.
6. Sound Level Values are measured at Anechoic chamber. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation. 6. Sound Level Values are measured at Anechoic chamber. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation.
7. Power factor could vary less than ±1% according to the operating conditions. 7. Power factor could vary less than ±1% according to the operating conditions.
8. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases. (R410A, GWP(Global warming potential) = 2087.5) 8. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases. (R410A, GWP(Global warming potential) = 2087.5)

056 057


VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification UNITS

System Diagram MULTI V S

Providing a total solution by heat pump, air conditioning (cooling by refrigerant & chilled water, heating by refrigerant & hot water)
and domestic hot water supply.

Air conditioning

Refrigerant piping Indoor Unit
Water piping
Hot water
Domestic supply
Hot Water
HP 6
ARUB060GSS4 Tank

Model Name Cooling (Rated) kW 15.5 HR Unit
Heating (Rated) kW 18.0
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 3.97
Heating (Rated) kW 4.10
Input 3.90
Rated Capacity 6.84 Heat Recovery HYDRO KIT
EER 4.39
SEER Color 4.38 Floor heating
COP RAL Code (Classic) Warm Gray

Exterior Wide Louver Plus

Heat Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Exchanger (Inverter) x 1
4,200 x 1
Compressor Type W x No. FVC68D (PVE) Energy Saving
Combination x No. 1,700
Motor Output x Number cc Axial Flow Fan Energy consumption can be reduced since absorbed heat from indoor space is used for supplying hot water.
Oil Type 124 x 2
Oil Charge W x No. Conventional
Type m3/min x 110 x 1
Motor Output x Number No. Absorbed heat is released to outdoor air.
Fan Air Flow Rate (High) Side / Top Side
mm (inch)
Drive mm (inch) Ø 9.52 (3/8)
mm (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Discharge mm x No. Ø 15.88 (5/8) Heat Heat Transfer
mm x No. (950 x 1,380 x 330) x 1 Released
Pipe Liquid Pipe kg x No. (1,140 x 1,549 x 466) x 1 Heat
Connctions Low Pressure Gas Pipe kg x No. Conventional Absorption
#1 High Pressure Gas Pipe dB(A) 118 x 1
dB(A) 132 x 1 Cooling
Dimensions (W x H x D) dB(A)
dB(A) 56.0
Dimensions (W x H x D) - shipping mm2 x No. 58.0
(VCTF-SB) 80.0
Net Weight 84.0 Hot water
Shipping Weight 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C

Sound Cooling R410A Boiler Domestic
(Gas or Electric) Hot Water Tank
Pressure Level Heating 3.5 Hot Water Supply

Sound Power Cooling 7.3
Level Electronic Expansion Valve
1, 220 ~ 240, 50
Communication Cable 1, 220, 60 MULTI V S Heat Recovery with HYDRO KIT
Refrigerant Name Absorbed heat from indoor space is used for making hot water.
Precharged Amount in
Refrigerant factory
t-CO2 eq.

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Heat Transfer

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units HR Unit

Note : 1. Eurovent Test Condition : Type of indoor unit connected is only Ceiling Concealed Duct. Hot water Heat
- Refer to EUROVENT certification regulation for more detail test conditions. Absorption
- Refer to EUROVENT website for test values connected Ceiling Cassette type indoors. HYDRO KIT Domestic
Hot Water Tank Cooling
2. Performances are based on the following conditions : Heat Recovery Hot Water Supply
- Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB / Outdoor 35°C (95°F) DB / 24°C (75.2°F) WB
- Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB / Outdoor 7°C (44.6°F) DB / 6°C (42.8°F) WB

3. The maximum combination ratio is 160%.
4. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes.
5. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification.
6. Sound Level Values are measured at Anechoic chamber. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation.
7. Power factor could vary less than ±1% according to the operating conditions.
8. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases. (R410A, GWP(Global warming potential) = 2087.5)

058 059


World’s best inverter compressor, smart load control and
wide louver plus fin make world class high efficiency

- Air Cooled VRF Heat Pump Energy Efficiency Heating Efficiency (COP) Wide Louver Plus Fin MULTI V M
- 14kW (Cooling capacity based) + Corrosion Resistance
- 3Φ, 380 ~ 415V, 50 ~ 60Hz (Compressor Module) Cooling Efficiency (EER)
- 1Φ, 220 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60Hz (Heat Exchanger Module) Wide Louver Plus fin technology increases efficiency and heating
- Outdoor unit is installed inside building 6.2% 2.6% performance compared to conventional fin.

3.40 3.80 3.90 +


140m A Company MULTI V M A Company MULTI V M
Module type (Eurovent) Module type (Eurovent)
70m New Type Scroll
Conventional 100%
Longest piping length from Compressor MULTI V M ensures world’s best class energy efficiency with
Module to Indoor unit innovative technology including the LG’s New Type Scroll compressor.

Direct Inlet / Outlet Case Motor Wide Louver 128% 28%
Plus Fin
Indoor unit 123% 23%
(Cooling) Heat exchange rate (%)
Heat Wide Louver
exchanger Plus Fin

Compressor (Heating)

Bottom Quiet Operation
Low sound level of both compressor module and heat exchanger
section module allows outdoor units to be installed and operated inside.

Duct Connected Case New type of
Oil compression section

Smart Load Control

To save operation energy consumption, automatically controls the
refrigerant temperature according to outside temperature.

Indoor unit Compressor

30m 35°C 20°C

Longest piping Duct
length from Heat Heat
Exchanger Module to
Compressor Module exchanger

Air Temperature
During Start up Weather Dependent Building permit could be simplified

Changed by Regulation in Spain
Indoor Temperature
Exposure regulation of
Features & Benefits Key Applications Power Input outdoor unit on wall
• Flexible design & installation • Regulation that outdoor unit should be installed inside building
• Space & installation cost saving • Lack of installation space at restaurant, retail shop • Can only be installed inside the building
• Easy maintenance • Do not want to expose the outdoor unit for safety reason or aesthetic design • Discharge air volume less than 60CMM
• Building permit could be simplified • Building nearby that could cause noise problem or historic city centers • Securing more than 5m distance between outdoor discharge grilles
• Securing at least 2.5m from the floor
060 Up to 30% Energy Saving Time • Securing more than 2.5m from surrounding windows

Smooth (Level1) SLC Start up SLC Contol
Quick (Level 2) Operation Basic Operation (Default Setting)
Power (Level 3)



FLEXIBLE DESIGN & Nomenclature Compressor Module OUTDOOR
ARU N 050 L M S 0 [Unit : mm] C
Module Type
Serial number 36 110
Increased freedom of design
- Additional structure installation and ceiling construction isn’t Model Type 101
required S : Set
Heat exchanger module can be installed in false ceiling spaces C : Compressor Module 216 A
Ease of service (Replacement of the comp) E : Heat Exchanger Module 500 249
Low noise by module (vs Integrated Type) Right MULTI V M
Outside Unit Type 580
M : Modular Type B 551
Electrical Ratings 625
L : 3Ø, 380-415V, 50Hz / 3Ø, 380V, 60Hz 1389
G : 1Ø, 220-240V, 50Hz / 1Ø, 220V, 60Hz

Total Cooling Capacity in Horse Power(HP) unit
EX) 5HP → '050', 8HP → '080'

Combination of Inverter Type and Cooling Only
or Heat Pump
N: Inverter and H/P, V: Inverter and C/O

MULTI V System Outdoor Unit using R410A

Heat Exchanger Outside Unit Function 512 352
Module 700
Category Functions Modular
- 512
Variable Path of Outdoor Unit HEX -

Max. Key Refrigerant HiPORTM (High Pressure Oil Return) - 249 327
10 indoor units Components Humidity Sensor - Left Front
Anti Corrosion Black Fin ○
Max.70m ○ 15 D
Max.30m Compressor module can be installed at any place inside Oil Sensor - Ø15
Module Dual Sensing - 462 19

Low Noise Operation ○

Hgih Static Mode of Outdoor Unit Fan ○ 22.5
Partial Defrosting -

Useful Function Auto Dust Cleaning of Outdoor Unit ○ Detail D
(Fan reverse rotation) ○
○ 19
Indoor Cooling Comfort Mode Based ○
Outdoor Temperature ○
Smart Load Control (SLC) PQCSZ250S0 25 530 25
(Changing indoor discharge air PACEZA000
Flexible Piping Location temperature according to load) PACS4B000
Neat & easy installation by flexible piping location piping. Outdoor Unit Control Refer to Humidity PACP4B000
Top side piping Defrost / Deicing PACM5A000
High Pressure Switch PQNFB17C0
Phase Protection -
Reliability Restart Delay (3-minutes) -
Self Diagnosis -

Soft Start PVDSMN000

Test Run Function PRCTIL0 122
AC Ez (Simple Controller)

AC Ez Touch 150 30

Rear side piping Central Controller AC Smart 5

Increased Freedom of Design ACP (Advanced Control Platform) IV

Additional structure installation or ceiling construction isn’t required ACP (Advanced Control Platform) 5 Heat Exchanger Module
due to improved freedom of design. This makes replacement of
the compressor easier, making the service and maintenance of AC Manager 5
products handy. Moreover, split module provides low noise operation
in comparison to the integrated type. BNU (Building Network ACP Lonworks [Unit : mm]

Volume Unit) ACP BACnet 1681

Compressor Module Installation Refrigerant Charging Kit 1622
Variable Water Flow Valve Control Kit 1397
0.233 m3
Heat Exchanger Module PDI (Power Distribution Standard 19 560 19

Indicator) Premium

0.826 m3 Cool / Heat Selector

Low Ambient Kit Range for continuous operation
Range for pull down operation
A Company 0.603 m3 IO Module Outdoor Temperature (°C WB) 850
B Company 0.494 m3 (ODU Dry Contact) Range for warming up operation29 28 69 335 314 335
Range for continuous operation
A Company 0.203 m3 LG Cycle Monitoring LGMV
LG Device Mobile LGMV 462
※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied 352 292
Heat Pump 357 352 22
294 300 242 170 95
Heat exchanger E.S.P. (External Static Pressure) Control Cooling 222Heating221 1122 219 113
Compressor 1562
45°C 20°C 352
43°C 18°C 111
40°C 15°C
up to 30 Pa up to 157 Pa Outdoor Temperature (°C DB)
(max) 35°C 10°C

30°C 5°C

Conventional Outdoor Unit 25°C 0°C
Normal Mode High Static Pressure Mode -10°C
15°C -15°C

10°C -20°C 388

5°C -25°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C
Indoor Temperature (°C DB)

10°C 14°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C

Indoor Temperature (°C WB)

062 063

OUTDOOR UNITS _ MULTI V M _ TECHNICAL DATA [ H ea t Ex [ cHHheeaa a tntEg xEcexhr ac nMh gaeornd Mg uoelder u] Mle od ule] OUTDOOR UNITS _ MULTI V M _ SPECIFICATION LG participates in the ECP programme for EUROVENT OUTDOOR
VRF program. Check ongoing validity of certification UNITS
11.1 S1P1oos.iut1ionnS d oof SP uorunnedd sPsrP eusr sruerese LsLevueerlv MeeealLsueriv ngel DISCHARE MULTI V M :

[ C omp r eC[ Csomsoopmrr ep sMsr oeorsd Msuoolder u] lMe od ule] DUCT SUCTION

1.5 m MULTI V M

1.5 m
2m 2m

1.0 m System
* Measuring place : Anechoic chamber
* Measuring place : Anechoic chamber HP 5

I nsta lla tion S p a c e f or C omp r essor Mod ule Set ARUN050LMS0
Model Name Compressor Module ARUN050GME0

Heat Exchanger Module 14.0
I nsta lla tion S p a c e f or C omp r essor Mod ule Cooling* (Rated) kW 16.0
kW 4.12
Capacity Heating* (Rated) kW 3.59
kW 4.32
InstI anlslatta ilolantiSopnacS ep afoc reCf oormC poremspsor ersMsoorduMleod ule Heating* (Max.) kW 3.40
kW 7.03
Cooling* (Rated) 3.90
Top View b a Front View Input Heating* (Rated) 4.12
Heating* (Max.)

c EER Based on Rated Capacity


e COP Based on Rated Capacity
Based on Max. Capacity

on S p a c e f or C omp r essor Mod ule SCOP

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units

Front Side Module

HP 5
Heat Exchanger Module
Service Space Model Names Compressor Module ARUN050GME0
d (Front Side) Exterior Color Morning Gray -
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7030 1,562 x 460 x 688
Top View F r ont View 580 x 700 x 500 1,806 x 537 x 825
Dimensions Net mm x No. 618 x 833 x 564 84 x 1
I nsta lla tion S p a c e (W x H x D) Shipping mm x No. 69 x 1 95 x 1
[ mm ] 76 x 1 -
C a teTg oop r y View Ma r k Desc r F ip r otinotnView Weight Net kg x No. -
Shipping kg x No. Hermetic Motor Compressor -
a Right 10 or more (Inverter) x 1 -
Type 3,200
Category C a tegToMrp ay rVk iew C Moa mr k pressor Dbcesc r iFDp er tosiconrinpttVioinew Lef t I nsta lla mtiomInns] Stap llaa tcioen Space 11(m00moo)rr more FVC68D (PVE) Wide Louver Plus / Black Fin
aM odul e d RightRight Rear [ more Combination x No. 1,300 Sirocco Fan
C a teg or y a F ront - 400 x 2
10 or more 10 or More500 or more Compressor Motor Output W x No. - 60
Compressor e Lef t Left I nsta lla mtiomT nop] S p a c e - 3 (29)
Module C Moa mr pk ressbor Db esc r ip tion [ 10 or more 10 or More200 or more Oil Type - 16 (157)
M a odul ec 10 or more 10 or More -
C ompressor bd c llaRLtiegiofhttn Rear Rear h a n1100g eoorrr mmMooorreed ule 500 or more Oil Charge cc - Ø 12.7 (1/2) to Comp. Module
M odul e ce 200 or more500 or More Ø 19.05 (3/4) to Comp. Module
I nstda Rear S p a c e f or F H T rooepna tFtroEntx c Heat Exchanger Type Ø 9.52 (3/8) to IDU
Top View I nsteda lla tion S c 200 or More Ø 15.88 (5/8) to IDU Ø 25 (1)
e 10 or more Type 45.0
- 45.0
eF r f oonr t FHVT rioeoepnwa tt Ex Top View Top 500 or more Fan Motor Output x Number W x No. 45.0 66.0
p a c h a ng er Mod ule 200 or more Air Flow Rate (Rated) m3/min x No. 59.0 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C to Comp. Module

Top View External Static Nominal (Rated, Factory Set) mmAq (Pa) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C to IDU R410A
I nsta lla tion S Dpesa c c r eip tf ioorn H ea t Ex c h a ng er MI nosdta ullaletion S p a c e Max. mmAq (Pa) R410A -

Ma r k [ mm ] Liquid mm (inch) 2.0 -

a RTigohp tView 10 or more Pipe Connctions Gas mm (inch) 4.175 Electronic Expansion Valve
1, 220 ~ 240, 50
sor b Lef t 10 or more Drain mm (inch) -
c Rear 10 or more 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Sound Pressure Cooling (Rated) dB(A)
Level dB(A)
Idenstallation Space fF oT roorpnCt ompressor Module 500 or more Heating (Rated)
200 or more
Sound Power Level dB(A)

[Unit: mm] Communication Cable mm2 x No.
on S p a c e f Toorp H Vieeawt Ex c h a ng er Mod ule Front View
Refigerant Name
[Unit : mm] [Unit : mm]

Top View Air Suction 600 x 6[U00nit: mm] Refrigerant Precharged Amount kg
Power Supply t-CO2 eq. Ø, V, Hz
(Service Inspection Hole) F r ont View Control

[Unit: mm] 10 or More

F r ont View

F r ont View H = 100 or More ※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied
Note : 1. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification.
Air Discharge [Unit: mm]
2. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes. And “Electric characteristics” chapter should be considered for electrical work and design. Especially
[Unit: mm] [Unit: mm] the power cable and circuit breaker should be selected in accordance with that.
F r ont View 70 or More 600 or More
3. Power factor could vary less than ±1% according to the operating conditions.
[Unit: mm] 4. Sound pressure level is measured on the rated condition in the anechoic rooms by ISO 3745 standard. Sound power level is measured on the rated condition in the reverberation

rooms by ISO 3741 standard. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation.
5. Performances are based on the following conditions :

• *Cooling : Indoor Ambient Temp. 27°CDB / 19°CWB, Outdoor Ambient Temp. 35°CDB / 24°CWB
• *Heating : Indoor Ambient Temp. 20°CDB / 15°CWB, Outdoor Ambient Temp. 7°CDB / 6°CWB
• Interconnected Pipe Length and Difference of Elevation : – Heat Exchanger Module ~ Compressor Module = 5m

– Compressor Module ~ Indoor Unit = 7.5m
– Difference of Elevation (Heat Exchanger Module~ Compressor Moduler ~ Indoor Unit) is Zero
6. The maximum combination ratio is 130%.
7. This product contains Fluorinated greenhouse gases. (R410A, GWP(Global warming potential) = 2,087.5)

064 065

[Unit: mm]


High Efficiency System Regardless of Economical, Highly Efficient System
External Conditions MULTI V WATER IV
LG’s key technologies are integrated to inverter compressor
Regardless of outdoor temperature and other environmental conditions,
MULTI V WATER IV is the optimal solution. With 4th generation inverter compressor, the Multi V Water IV
boasts top-class energy efficiency.
- Water Cooled VRF Heat Pump & Heat Recovery Operation independent of weather
- 22.4 ~ 201.6kw (Cooling capacity based) conditions Extended Compressor Speed 20Hz ~ 140Hz
- 3Φ, 380 ~ 415V, 50 ~ 60Hz - Rapid operation response
- Outdoor unit installed indoor - Capable of reaching required temperature quickly
- Increase part load efficiency
Outside Temp. Wind
HiPORTM (High Pressure Oil Return)
Outside Temp. Wind - Eliminating loss in suction gas by returning oil directly

to compressor
- Resolve compressor efficiency loss caused by oil return

Active oil control (Oil level sensor)
- Oil recovery operation occurs only when required
- Enhanced compressor reliability & continuous heating
- Oil distribution between compressors

Available in Heat Pump & Heat MULTI V WATER IV System for Maximum COP
Recovery Configuration Geothermal Applications
COP Maximum COP 8.5
Energy saving by heat Uses underground heat sources such as soil, ground water, lake, river,
recovery unit etc. as renewable energy for cooling and heating of a building. Water 7
or antifreeze solution is circulated through the closed loop HDPE (High
Density Poly-Ethylene) pipes buried beneath the earth’s surface. It is 6
highly efficient since it uses renewable energy.
Heating based 5 Heating based
Simultaneous operation - The Circulating water temperature range is between -5°C ~ 45°C operation
- Antifreeze should be applied depending on the application. Cooling based
External energy saving by between 4 operation
heat recovery system * Please contact local LG office for application availability.

40m Longest piping length after 1st branch 0
(Conditional application)
20 40 60 80 100 Operation Ratio (%)
40m Cooling based
Simultaneous operation * Outside unit water inlet temperature : 7°C
Height between * Indoor temperature : 20°C DB / 15°C WB
IDU ~ IDU Geothermal Application * Maximum COP Condition : Cooling 40% + Heating 60% operation

50m 37℃ Economical, Highly Efficient System

Height between Cooling 32℃ Power Input (kWh) 2,000 Average
ODU ~ IDU Tower 1,800 energy saving
1,400 12%
Water 1,000
Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Control 600
Panel 400
150m Longest piping length from MULTI V
ODU ~ IDU (Equivalent) Under Ground WATER IV
Machine Room Pump

Total Piping Length 300m LG’s 4th Generation Inverter Compressor
150m (175m)
Longest piping length from Under ground Efficiency (EER) 10% 5.5 5% HEX Optimization
ODU ~ IDU(Equivalent) 40m (90m) HEX 5.0 2% Cycle Composition
Longest piping length after 1st 40m Chiller - FCU MULTI V WATER IV Improvement
branch (Conditional application) 1% Inverter Control
Cooling Tower Cooling Tower 1% Active Oil Control
Height between ODU ~ IDU (Open type cooling towers can be used.) 1% HiPOR™
Height between IDU ~ ODU Ref.
Previous Model MULTI V WATER IV
control) * Comparison between 10HP (28kW) in cooling mode

Integrated Part Load Efficiency

Features & Benefits Key Applications Efficiency (EER) 13% 6.7 6% HEX Optimization
4% Cycle Composition
• Operation independent of weather conditions • Large scale office with curtain wall AHU 5.8
• Utilizing renewable source • Building using geothermal & various water heat source Improvement
• Replacement of Chiller-FCU system • Luxurious residential building MULTI V 1% Inverter Control
• Seaside building WATER IV 1% Active Oil Control
066 1% HiPOR™
Water piping
Water Boiler Boiler
Cooled Chiller Pump Pump (Space Saving) Pump
Water piping
Independent control
Central control



WATER SAVING FLEXIBLE DESIGN & Nomenclature Operation Limits Heating OUTDOOR
Variable Water Flow Control (Option) ARW N 100 L A S 4 Cooling

Supporting your buildings to become greener Largest Capacity Serial number Inlet water Temperature (°C)45 45 MULTI V WATER IV
Range for continuous operation40 40
The world’s first variable water flow control system for water cooled Sufficient pipe length limitation provides flexible design S : Standard 35 35
VRF system. LG applied Variable Water Flow Control to optimise Range for pull down operation 30
water flow control regarding partial cooling or heating load conditions. and installation A : Basic Function Inlet water Temperature (°C)30
Because of this it’s also possible to reduce circulation pump energy Range for warming up operation 25
consumption. Providing 8 ~ 20HP (22.4 ~ 56kW) with single unit, and up to the Electrical Ratings 25
world’s largest capacity 80HP (224kW) by combination. L : 3Ø, 380 ~ 415 V, 50Hz / 3Ø, 380V, 60Hz Range for continuous2020
HP 8 10 14 20 22 24 28 30 34 40 42 ~ 60 62 ~ 80 Total Cooling Capacity in Horse 15 15
Power(HP) unit 10
kW 22.4 28 39.2 56 61.6 67.2 78.4 84 95.2 112 117.6 ~ 168 173.6 ~ 224 EX) 10HP → '100' Range for Range for
10 operation 10 operation
Variable Water Combination of Inverter Type and Cooling Only 25 30
Flow Control Valve or Heat Pump 15 20 -5
N: Inverter and H/P 10 15 20 25 30
DC 0 ~ 10V LG Indoor Temperature (°CWB)
1 Unit MULTI V Water System with Outside Unit Indoor Temperature (°CDB)
using R410A
CoolingTower 2 Units 3 Units 4 Units

Inverter Longest Piping Length Note
Pump 1. These figures assume the following operating conditions:
Sufficient pipes length limitation in Design and Installation 2. Equivalent piping length :7.5m
of immense variety of building 3. Level difference : 0m

Geothermal Provide flexible installation up to 300m of total piping length. Outside Unit Function
River / Sea As water pipes are not connected to indoor units, users are free
PWFCKN00 from water leakage problems. Category Functions MULTI V WATER IV
Variable Path of Outdoor unit HEX ○
Key Refrigerant HiPORTM (High Pressure Oil Return) - Position of Sound Pressure Level Measuring
Components Humidity Sensor ○
Anti Corrosion Black Fin -
Total Water Flow (m3) -
Oil Sensor -
15,456 Longest piping length Height Dual Sensing
after 1st branch difference 50m -
71% Low Noise Operation
Height -
between IDU Hgih Static Mode of Outdoor Unit Fan
Partial Defrosting
Useful Function Auto Dust Cleaning of Outdoor Unit -
(Fan reverse rotation) ○
4,439 Indoor Cooling Comfort Mode Based ○
Outdoor Temperature ○
Total Piping Length 300m ○
Constant Water Flow Variable Water Flow Actual longest piping length (Equivalent) 150m (175m) Smart Load Control (SLC) ○
Longest piping length after 1st branch (Conditional application) (Changing indoor discharge air ○
Note Height difference between ODU ~ IDU 40m (90m) temperature according to load) PQCSZ250S0 Note
1. Location : Paris, France Height difference between IDU ~ IDU 50m PACEZA000 1. Data is valid at free field condition
2. Office, 68,000m2 40m Outdoor Unit Control Refer to Humidity PACS4B000 2. Data is valid at nominal operating condition
3. Operation time : 1,344 hours (cooling period) PACS5A000 3. Sound level will vary depending on a range of factors such as the construction
Defrost / Deicing PQCPC22A0
PACP5A000 (acoustic absorption coefficient) of particular room in which the equipment is installed
High Pressure Switch PACM5A000 4. Sound level can be increased in static pressure mode or air guide application.
Phase Protection PQNFB17C0
Compact Size Reliability Restart Delay (3-minutes) PWFCKN000
Project Example : 63F (Pump : 20,064 LPM, 42.4mAq * 4ea) Thanks to compact size of product, it provides more space Self Diagnosis PQNUD1S40
for commercial or public use as much as possible. PRDSBM
1) Inverter pump with MULTI V WATER and variable water flow control kit Soft Start - Optional Accessories
2) Constant pump (Step control) with Water cooled VRF The optimal design of the compact, lightweight outdoor unit enables PVDSMN000
double stacking, which results in 50% savings in installation space. Test Run Function PRCTIL0 No. Name
10 years energy cost ($) PLGMVW100 1 Y branch pipe
AC Ez (Simple Controller) Model
2 Header ARBLN01621
AC Ez Touch ARBLN03321
3 Connection pipe of Outdoor Units ARBLN07121
Total Water Flow (m3) AC Smart IV ARBLN14521
Conventional MULTI V WATER IV Central Controller AC Smart 5
2,600,518 36% 61% ACP (Advanced Control Platform) IV ARBL057
[100%] ARBL104
1,653,093 Reduced ACP (Advanced Control Platform) 5 ARBL107
AC Manager 5 ARBL2010
28kW x 4EA 56kW x 2EA BNU (Building ACP Lonworks ARCNN31
Per each Per each Network Unit) ACP BACnet ARCNN41
880 x 550 mm 755 x 500 mm
Refrigerant Charging Kit
* 112kw, Floor area based Installation Variable Water Flow Valve Control Kit

PDI (Power Standard

Constant Pump Inverter Pump Lightweight Distribution Indicator) Premium

Nothing or Decrease additional load reinforcement work at building Cool / Heat Selector

5 years 10 years Easier to transport and install thanks to 18% reduction in overall weight. Low Ambient Kit

Unit IO Module (ODU Dry Contact)
Constant pump
Energy Use Pump Running Energy Use Pump Running Cycle Monitoring LGMV
(kWh) Cost ($) (kWh) Cost ($) Device Mobile LGMV

7,952,040 1,142,441 15,904,080 2,600,518 18% 127kg
Reduced ※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied

Inverter pump 5,054,940 726,225 10,109,880 1,653,093 154kg
Previous Model

• Power consumption rate : 0.13$/kWh * Based on 28kW
• Annual power consumption rate expected to increase by 5%

068 069


MULTI V WATER IV Heating Dissipation Value by Model Precaution of Installation REFERENCE SITE OUTDOOR
Model HP Heating Dissipation Value 1. Do not install the unit at the outdoors. (Otherwise it may Bouygues Challenger
ARWN080LAS4 8 cause fire, electric shock and trouble.) Recommended ambient
ARWN100LAS4 10 600 W 515.9 kcal/h 0.143 kcal/s temperature of outdoor unit is between 0 ~ 40°C LG MULTI V WATER Solution with Geothermal Application
ARWN120LAS4 12
ARWN140LAS4 14 630 W 541.7 kcal/h 0.150 kcal/s 2. Keep the water temperature between 10 ~ 45°C. Otherwise it Site Information
ARWN160LAS4 16 may cause the breakdown. Standard water supply temperature is
ARWN180LAS4 18 660 W 567.5 kcal/h 0.158 kcal/s 30°C for cooling and 20°C for heating. The industrial group Bouygues was established in France in 1952. It now maintains operations in 80 countries and employs more than 131,000 people.
ARWN200LAS4 20 In 1988, after two years of construction, the new headquarters for Bouygues Construction was officially opened for business. Named Challenger, the
690 W 593.3 kcal/h 0.165 kcal/s 3. Establish an anti-freeze plan for the water supply when the complex became a technological showcase for late 20th century architecture. MULTI V WATER IV
product is stopped during the winter.
700 W 601.9 kcal/h 0.167 kcal/s LG Solution
4. Be careful of the water purity control. Otherwise it may cause
720 W 619.1 kcal/h 0.172 kcal/s the breakdown due to water pipe corrosion. Refer to ‘Standard Bouygues decided to convert their headquarters into an eco-friendly building by significantly reducing its energy footprint. The LG MULTI V Water system
Table for Water Purity Control’ in PDB (Product Data Book) was chosen as the ideal HVAC solution for this project. The system not only saves energy but also reduces water usage as it recycles water in order to
750 W 644.9 kcal/h 0.179 kcal/s regulate the temperature of the building. With LG’s advanced technology, the building’s water consumption was reduced by more than 70 percent.
5. The water pressure resistance of the water pipe system of this
Test condition : 1) Indoor air temperature : DB 40℃, WB : 32℃ product is 1.98MPa
※ A design stage should be considered to ventilation system in mechanical room.
6. Always install a trap so that the drained water does not back flush
/ ARWN200LAS4 7. Install a pressure gauge and temperature gauge at the inlet and
outlet of the water pipe.
[Unit : mm]
8. Flexible joints must be installed not to cause any leakage from
755 the vibration of pipes.

500 9. Install a service port to clean the heat exchanger at the each end
of the water inlet and outlet.
Liquid pipe 79 95
Gas pipe 79 997 10. It is recommended to install the flow switch to the water
High/Low pressure collection pipe system connecting to the outdoor unit. (Flow switch
Common 79 acts as the 1st protection device when the heat water is not
Water pipe outlet
58 11. When setting the flow switch, it is recommended to use the
product with default set value to satisfy the minimum flow rate of
913 58 this product. (The minimum flow rate range of this product is 50%.)
828 Water
742 pipe inlet 12. To protect the water cooling type product, you must install a
635 strainer with 50 mesh or more on the heat water supply pipe.
420 If not installed, it can result in damage of heat exchanger by the
following situation.
169 1) Heat water supply within the plate type heat exchanger is
composed of multiple small paths.
345 250 2) If you do not use a strainer with 50 mesh or more, alien
378 500 particles can partially block the water paths.
3) When running the heater, the plate type heat exchanger plays
755 the role of the evaporator, and at this time, the temperature
of the refrigerant side drops to drop the temperature of the
Individual Installation heat water supply, which can result in icing point in the water
4) As the heating process progresses, the water paths can
be partially frozen to lead to damage in plate type heat
5) As a result of the damage of the heat exchanger from the
freezing, the refrigerant side and the heat water source side
will be mixed to make the product unusable.

Water Piping Installation

070 071



HP 8 10 14 HP 20 16 18 MULTI V WATER IV
ARWN080LAS4 ARWN100LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 Combination Unit ARWN200LAS4 ARWN160LAS4 ARWN180LAS4
Model Name Combination Unit ARWN080LAS4 ARWN100LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 Model Name ARWN080LAS4 ARWN100LAS4
Independent Unit Independent Unit ARWN200LAS4 ARWN080LAS4 ARWN080LAS4
22.4 28.0 39.2
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 25.2 31.5 44.1 Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 56.0 44.8 50.4
Heating (Rated) kW 3.86 5.09 7.84 Input Heating (Rated) kW 63.0 50.4 56.7
kW 4.2 5.34 8.17 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 11.20 7.72 8.95
Input Cooling (Rated) kW 5.80 5.50 5.00 COP Heating (Rated) kW 11.67 8.40 9.54
Heating (Rated) 6.00 5.90 5.40 Exterior 5.00 5.80 5.63
kgf/cm2 Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 5.40 6.00 5.94
EER kPa RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 Heat Exchanger Color kPa Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
LPM Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate RAL Code (Classic) LPM RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
COP Rated Capacity Compressor Type Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
W x No. 45 45 45 Maximum Pressure W x No.
Exterior Color Pipe Connctions Resistance 45 45 45
RAL Code (Classic) cc 10.7 15.8 28.6 Head Loss cc
mm (inch) 77 96 135 Rated Water Flow mm (inch) 30.1 10.7 + 10.7 15.8 + 10.7
Heat Exchanger Type mm (inch) Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Type mm (inch) 192 77 + 77 96 + 77
Maximum Pressure A (inch) (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 Combination x No. Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Resistance A (inch) Motor Output x (Inverter) x 1 Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Head Loss A (inch) 4,200 x 1 4,200 x 1 4,200 x 1 Number (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2
mm x No. Oil Type 5,300 x 1
Rated Water Flow mm x No. FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Oil Charge 4,200 x 2 4,200 x 2
kg x No. 2,800 2,800 2,800 Liquid Pipe FVC68D (PVE)
Type kg x No. Gas Pipe 3,000 FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)
dB(A) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2) 5,600 5,600
Compressor Combination x No. dB(A) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 25.4 (1) Ø 12.7 (1/2)
Motor Output x dB(A) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Ø 12.7 (1/2)
Number dB(A) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8)
Oil Type mm2 x No. 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2)
(VCTF-SB) (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Oil Charge (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2)
kg (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Pipe Connctions Liquid Pipe 127 x 1 127 x 1 127 x 1 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread)
Gas Pipe 137 x 1 137 x 1 137 x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2
(804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2
Water Connecting Inlet 47.0 50.0 58.0 Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 140 x 1
Pipes Outlet 51.0 53.0 57.0 Pipes Outlet A (inch) 150 x 1 127 x 2 127 x 2
Drain Outlet 59.0 62.0 70.0 54.0 137 x 2 137 x 2
63.0 65.0 69.0 60.0
Dimensions (W x H x D) Drain Outlet A (inch) 66.0 50.0 51.8
1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C mm x No. 72.0 54.0 55.1
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 62.0 63.8
R410A R410A R410A kg x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 66.0 67.1
Net Weight Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No.
5.8 5.8 5.8 dB(A) R410A 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Shipping Weight Net Weight dB(A)
12.1 12.1 12.1 dB(A) 3.0 R410A R410A
Sound Pressure Level Cooling Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Shipping Weight dB(A)
Heating mm2 x No. 6.3 11.6 11.6
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Cooling (VCTF-SB) Electronic Expansion Valve
Cooling 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 Sound Pressure Level Heating 24.2 24.2
Sound Power Level Heating 13 (20) 16 (25) 23 (35) kg 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve
Cooling 3, 380, 60
Communication Cable Sound Power Level Heating 32 (50) 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60
Refrigerant Name Communication Cable 26 (40) 29 (45)
Precharged Amount in
Refrigerant Factory Refrigerant Name
t-CO2 eq. Precharged Amount in
Control Refrigerant Factory
t-CO2 eq.
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Control

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

072 073



Model Name HP 22 24 28 Model Name HP 30 34 40 MULTI V WATER IV
Combination Unit ARWN220LAS4 ARWN240LAS4 ARWN280LAS4 Combination Unit ARWN300LAS4 ARWN340LAS4 ARWN400LAS4
Independent Unit ARWN080LAS4 ARWN100LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 Independent Unit ARWN100LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 ARWN200LAS4

Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 61.6 67.2 78.4 Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 84.0 95.2 112.0
Input Heating (Rated) kW 69.3 75.6 88.2 Input Heating (Rated) kW 94.5 107.1 126.0
EER Cooling (Rated) kW 11.70 12.93 15.68 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 16.29 19.04 22.40
COP Heating (Rated) kW 12.37 13.51 16.34 COP Heating (Rated) kW 17.01 19.84 23.34
Exterior 5.26 5.20 5.00 Exterior 5.16 5.00 5.00
Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 5.60 5.60 5.40 Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 5.56 5.40 5.40
Heat Exchanger Color kPa Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Heat Exchanger Color kPa Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
RAL Code (Classic) LPM RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL Code (Classic) LPM RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
Compressor Type Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Compressor Type Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
Maximum Pressure W x No. Maximum Pressure W x No.
Pipe Connctions Resistance 45 45 45 Pipe Connctions Resistance 45 45 45
Head Loss cc Head Loss cc
Rated Water Flow mm (inch) 28.6 + 10.7 28.6 + 15.8 28.6 + 28.6 Rated Water Flow mm (inch) 30.1 + 15.8 30.1 + 28.6 30.1 + 30.1
Type mm (inch) 135 + 77 135 + 96 135 + 135 Type mm (inch) 192 + 96 192 + 135 192 + 192
Combination x No. Hermetically Sealed Scroll Combination x No. Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Motor Output x Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll (Inverter) x 2 Motor Output x (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2
Number (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 Number
Oil Type 4,200 x 2 Oil Type 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 2
Oil Charge 4,200 x 2 4,200 x 2 Oil Charge
Liquid Pipe FVC68D (PVE) Liquid Pipe FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)
Gas Pipe FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) 5,600 Gas Pipe 5,800 5,800 6,000
5,600 5,600
Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Pipes Outlet A (inch) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Pipes Outlet A (inch) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
Drain Outlet A (inch) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Drain Outlet A (inch) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
mm x No. (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
kg x No. (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) kg x No. 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread)
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2
dB(A) (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 dB(A) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2
Net Weight dB(A) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 Net Weight dB(A) (140 x 1) + (127 x 1) (140 x 1) + (127 x 1)
dB(A) 127 x 2 dB(A) (150 x 1) + (137 x 1) (150 x 1) + (137 x 1) 140 x 2
Shipping Weight dB(A) 127 x 2 127 x 2 137 x 2 Shipping Weight dB(A) 150 x 2
mm2 x No. 137 x 2 137 x 2 mm2 x No. 55.5 59.0
Sound Pressure Level Cooling (VCTF-SB) 59.0 Sound Pressure Level Cooling (VCTF-SB) 60.8 61.0 55.0
Heating 58.3 58.6 58.0 Heating 67.5 72.0 61.0
kg 58.0 58.5 72.0 kg 72.8 74.0 68.0
Sound Power Level Cooling 70.3 70.6 71.0 Sound Power Level Cooling 74.0
Heating 70.0 70.5 Heating 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Communication Cable 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Communication Cable R410A R410A
R410A R410A
Refrigerant Refrigerant Name R410A R410A Refrigerant Refrigerant Name 8.8 8.8
Precharged Amount in 11.6 Precharged Amount in 6.0
Factory 11.6 11.6 Factory 18.4 18.4
t-CO2 eq. 24.2 t-CO2 eq. Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 12.5
Control 24.2 24.2 Electronic Expansion Valve Control Electronic Expansion Valve
Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380, 60 49 (60) 55 (64) 3, 380, 60
Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 45 (56) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 64
35 (44) 39 (48)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A) * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions

- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F) - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification 3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

074 075



Model Name HP 42 44 48 Model Name HP 50 54 60 MULTI V WATER IV
Combination Unit ARWN420LAS4 ARWN440LAS4 ARWN480LAS4 Combination Unit ARWN500LAS4 ARWN540LAS4 ARWN600LAS4
Independent Unit ARWN140LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 Independent Unit ARWN200LAS4 ARWN200LAS4 ARWN200LAS4
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW
Input Heating (Rated) kW 117.6 123.2 134.4 Input Heating (Rated) kW 140.0 151.2 168.0
EER Cooling (Rated) kW 132.3 138.6 151.2 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 157.5 170.1 189.0
COP Heating (Rated) kW 22.9 24.13 26.88 COP Heating (Rated) kW 27.49 30.24 33.60
Exterior 24.04 25.18 28.01 Exterior 28.68 31.51 35.01
Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 5.14 5.11 5.00 Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 5.09 5.00 5.00
Heat Exchanger Color kPa 5.50 5.50 5.40 Heat Exchanger Color kPa 5.49 5.40 5.40
RAL Code (Classic) LPM Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray RAL Code (Classic) LPM Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
Compressor Type RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 Compressor Type RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
Maximum Pressure W x No. Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Maximum Pressure W x No. Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
Pipe Connctions Resistance Pipe Connctions Resistance
Head Loss cc 45 45 45 Head Loss cc 45 45 45
Rated Water Flow mm (inch) Rated Water Flow mm (inch)
Type mm (inch) 30.1 + 28.6 + 10.7 30.1 + 28.6 + 15.8 30.1 + 28.6 + 28.6 Type mm (inch) 30.1 + 30.1 + 15.8 30.1 + 28.6 + 28.6 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1
Combination x No. 192 + 135 + 77 192 + 135 + 96 192 + 135 + 135 Combination x No. 192 + 192 + 96 192 + 192 + 135 192 + 192+ 192
Motor Output x Hermetically Sealed Scroll Motor Output x Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Number Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Number Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Oil Type (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 Oil Type (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3
Oil Charge Oil Charge
Liquid Pipe 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 2 Liquid Pipe 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 3
Gas Pipe Gas Pipe
Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 8,600 8,600 8,600 Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 8,800 8,800 9,000
Pipes Outlet A (inch) Pipes Outlet A (inch)
Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Drain Outlet A (inch) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Drain Outlet A (inch) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) +
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread)
Net Weight kg x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + Net Weight kg x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) +
Shipping Weight kg x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Shipping Weight kg x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread)
Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread)
dB(A) (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 dB(A) (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3
Heating dB(A) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 Heating dB(A) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3
Sound Power Level Cooling dB(A) (140 x 1) + (127 X 2) (140 x 1) + (127 X 2) (140 x 1) + (127 X 2) Sound Power Level Cooling dB(A) (140 x 2) + (127 x 1) (140 x 2) + (127 x 1)
mm2 x No. (150 x 1) + (137 X 2) (150 x 1) + (137 X 2) (150 x 1) + (137 X 2) mm2 x No. (150 x 2) + (137 x 1) (150 x 2) + (137 x 1) 140 x 3
Heating (VCTF-SB) Heating (VCTF-SB) 150 x 3
59.7 59.9 60.0 57.8 60.0
Communication Cable kg 62.1 62.3 62.0 Communication Cable kg 63.4 62.0 56.0
71.7 71.9 74.0 69.8 74.0 62.0
Refrigerant Refrigerant Name 74.1 74.3 76.0 Refrigerant Refrigerant Name 75.4 76.0 70.0
Precharged Amount in Precharged Amount in 76.0
Factory 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Factory 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Control R410A R410A R410A Control R410A R410A
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 14.6 14.6 14.6 Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 11.8 11.8
Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 30.5 30.5 30.5 Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) 24.6 24.6
Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 18.8
Electronic Expansion Valve
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
64 64 64 64 64 3, 380, 60

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A) * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions

- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F) - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification 3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

076 077



Model Name HP 62 64 68 Model Name HP 70 74 80 MULTI V WATER IV
Combination Unit ARWN620LAS4 ARWN640LAS4 ARWN680LAS4 Combination Unit ARWN700LAS4 ARWN740LAS4 ARWN800LAS4
Independent Unit ARWN200LAS4 ARWN200LAS4 ARWN200LAS4 Independent Unit ARWN200LAS4 ARWN200LAS4 ARWN200LAS4
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW ARWN080LAS4 ARWN100LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW ARWN100LAS4 ARWN140LAS4 ARWN200LAS4
Input Heating (Rated) kW Input Heating (Rated) kW
EER Cooling (Rated) kW 173.6 179.2 190.4 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 196.0 207.2 224.0
COP Heating (Rated) kW 195.3 201.6 214.2 COP Heating (Rated) kW 220.5 233.1 252.0
Exterior 34.10 35.33 38.08 Exterior 38.69 41.44 44.80
Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 35.71 36.85 39.68 Rated Capacity kgf/cm2 40.35 43.18 46.68
Heat Exchanger Color kPa 5.09 5.07 5.00 Heat Exchanger Color kPa 5.07 5.00 5.00
RAL Code (Classic) LPM 5.47 5.47 5.40 RAL Code (Classic) LPM 5.46 5.40 5.40
Compressor Type Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Compressor Type Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
Maximum Pressure W x No. RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 Maximum Pressure W x No. RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
Pipe Connctions Resistance Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Pipe Connctions Resistance Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
Head Loss cc Head Loss cc
Rated Water Flow mm (inch) 45 45 45 Rated Water Flow mm (inch) 45 45 45
Type mm (inch) Type mm (inch)
Combination x No. 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 + 10.7 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 + 15.8 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 + 28.6 Combination x No. 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1 + 15.8 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1
Motor Output x 192 + 192 + 135 + 77 192 + 192 + 135 + 96 192 + 192 + 135 + 135 Motor Output x 192 + 192 + 192 + 96 192 + 192 + 192 + 135 192 + 192 + 192 + 192
Number Number Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Oil Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Oil Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Oil Charge (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 Oil Charge (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4
Liquid Pipe Liquid Pipe
Gas Pipe 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 2 Gas Pipe 5,300 x 3 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 3 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 4

Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)
Pipes Outlet A (inch) 11,600 11,600 11,600 Pipes Outlet A (inch) 11,800 11,800 12,000

Drain Outlet A (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Drain Outlet A (inch) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
mm x No. Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) mm x No. Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
kg x No. + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 kg x No. + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
dB(A) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) dB(A) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
Net Weight dB(A) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 Net Weight dB(A) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40
dB(A) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) dB(A) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Shipping Weight dB(A) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) Shipping Weight dB(A) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread)
mm2 x No. (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 mm2 x No. (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4
Sound Pressure Level Cooling (VCTF-SB) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 Sound Pressure Level Cooling (VCTF-SB) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4
Heating (140 x 2) + (127 x 2) (140 x 2) + (127 x 2) (140 x 2) + (127 x 2) Heating (140 x 3) + (127 x 1) (140 x 3) + (127 x 1)
kg (150 x 2) + (137 x 2) (150 x 2) + (137 x 2) (150 x 2) + (137 x 2) kg (150 x 3) + (137 x 1) (150 x 3) + (137 x 1) 140 x 4
Sound Power Level Cooling Sound Power Level Cooling 150 x 4
Heating 60.7 60.9 61.0 Heating 59.3 61.0
64.2 64.3 63.0 65.1 63.0 57.0
Communication Cable 72.7 72.9 75.0 Communication Cable 71.3 75.0 63.0
76.2 76.3 77.0 77.1 77.0 71.0
Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Refrigerant Name 77.0
Precharged Amount in 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Precharged Amount in 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Factory Factory 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
t-CO2 eq. R410A R410A R410A t-CO2 eq. R410A R410A
Control Control R410A
17.6 17.6 17.6 14.8 14.8
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz 12.0
36.7 36.7 36.7 30.9 30.9
Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 25.1
Electronic Expansion Valve
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
64 64 64 64 64 3, 380, 60

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A) * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions

- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F) - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification 3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

078 079



HP 8 10 14 HP 20 16 18 MULTI V WATER IV
ARWB080LAS4 ARWB100LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 Combination Unit ARWB200LAS4 ARWB160LAS4 ARWB180LAS4
Model Name Combination Unit ARWB080LAS4 ARWB100LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 Model Name ARWB080LAS4 ARWB100LAS4
Independent Unit Independent Unit ARWB200LAS4 ARWB080LAS4 ARWB080LAS4
22.4 28.0 39.2
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 25.2 31.5 44.1 Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 56.0 44.8 50.4
Heating (Rated) kW 3.86 5.09 7.84 Input Heating (Rated) kW 63.0 50.4 56.7
4.20 5.34 8.17 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 11.20 7.72 8.95
Input Cooling (Rated) kW 5.80 5.50 5.00 COP Heating (Rated) kW 11.67 8.40 9.54
Heating (Rated) kW 6.00 5.90 5.40 Exterior 5.00 5.80 5.63
Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray 5.40 6.00 5.94
EER RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 Heat Exchanger Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
COP Rated Capacity Compressor Rated Capacity Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
45 45 45
Exterior Color Pipe Connctions #1 Color 45 45 45
RAL Code (Classic) 10.7 15.8 28.6
77 96 135 RAL Code (Classic) 30.1 10.7 + 10.7 15.8 + 10.7
Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll 192 77 + 77 96 + 77
Maximum Pressure (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 (Inverter) x 1 Type Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Resistance (Inverter) x 1 Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Heat Exchanger Head Loss kgf/cm2 4,200 x 1 4,200 x 1 4,200 x 1 Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2
kPa Resistance 5,300 x 1
FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) 4,200 x 2 4,200 x 2
Rated Water Flow LPM 2,800 2,800 2,800 Head Loss kPa FVC68D(PVE)
3,000 FVC68D(PVE) FVC68D(PVE)
Type Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 9.52 (3/8) Ø 12.7 (1/2) Rated Water Flow LPM 5,600 5,600
Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 25.4 (1) Ø 12.7(1/2)
Combination x No. Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Type Ø 28.58(1-1/8) Ø 12.7(1/2) Ø 12.7(1/2)
Motor Output x 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Ø 19.05(3/4) Ø 28.58(1-1/8) Ø 28.58(1-1/8)
Number 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) Combination x No. Ø 19.05(3/4) Ø 19.05(3/4)
Oil Type 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2)
Compressor W x No. (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 Motor Output x W x No. (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
(804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 Number 40A(PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2) 40A(PT 1-1/2) + 40A(PT 1-1/2)
(Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Oil Charge cc 127 x 1 127 x 1 127 x 1 Oil Type 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A(PT 3/4) (External Thread)
137 x 1 137 x 1 137 x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 1 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2
Liquid Pipe mm (inch) Oil Charge cc (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 1 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2
47.0 50.0 58.0 140 x 1
Pipe Connctions #1 Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 51.0 53.0 57.0 Liquid Pipe mm (inch) 150 x 1 127 x 2 127 x 2
59.0 62.0 70.0 54.0 137 x 2 137 x 2
High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 63.0 65.0 69.0 Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 60.0
66.0 50.0 52.0
Inlet A (inch) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 72.0 54.0 55.0
Outlet A (inch) 62.0 64.0
Water Connecting Drain Outlet A (inch) R410A R410A R410A Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 66.0 67.0
Pipes Pipes Outlet A (inch)
5.8 5.8 5.8 R410A 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. Drain Outlet A (inch)
12.1 12.1 12.1 Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 3.0 R410A R410A
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No.
Net Weight kg x No. 6.3 11.6 11.6
Net Weight kg x No. 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Shipping Weight kg x No. Electronic Expansion Valve
3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 24.2 24.2
Shipping Weight kg x No. 13 (20) 16 (25) 23 (35) dB(A) 3, 380~415, 50 Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve
Heating dB(A) 3, 380, 60
Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) Sound Power Level Cooling dB(A) 32(50) 3, 380~415, 50 3, 380~415, 50
Heating dB(A) mm2 x No. 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60
Heating (VCTF-SB) 26(40) 29(45)
Sound Power Level Cooling dB(A)
Heating dB(A) kg
mm2 x No.
Communication Cable (VCTF-SB)

Refrigerant Name kg Communication Cable
Precharged Amount in
Refrigerant Factory Refrigerant Name
t-CO2 eq. Precharged Amount in
Control Refrigerant Factory
t-CO2 eq.
Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Control

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

080 081



Model Name HP 22 24 28 Model Name HP 30 34 40 MULTI V WATER IV
Combination Unit ARWB220LAS4 ARWB240LAS4 ARWB280LAS4 Combination Unit ARWB300LAS4 ARWB340LAS4 ARWB400LAS4
Independent Unit ARWB080LAS4 ARWB100LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 Independent Unit ARWB100LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 ARWB200LAS4

Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 61.6 67.2 78.4 Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 84.0 95.2 112.0
Input Heating (Rated) kW 69.3 75.6 88.2 Input Heating (Rated) kW 94.5 107.1 126.0
EER Cooling (Rated) kW 11.70 12.93 15.68 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 16.29 19.04 22.40
COP Heating (Rated) kW 12.37 13.51 16.34 COP Heating (Rated) kW 17.01 19.84 23.34
Exterior 5.26 5.20 5.00 Exterior 5.16 5.00 5.00
Rated Capacity 5.60 5.60 5.40 Rated Capacity 5.56 5.40 5.40
Heat Exchanger Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Heat Exchanger Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
Color RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 Color RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
Compressor Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Compressor Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
RAL Code (Classic) RAL Code (Classic)
Pipe Connctions #1 45 45 45 Pipe Connctions #1 45 45 45
Type Type
28.6 + 10.7 28.6 + 15.8 28.6 + 28.6 30.1 + 15.8 30.1 + 28.6 30.1 + 30.1
Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2 135 + 77 135 + 96 135 + 135 Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2 192 + 96 192 + 135 192 + 192
Resistance Hermetically Sealed Scroll Resistance Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2
Head Loss kPa (Inverter) x 2 (Inverter) x 2 Head Loss kPa
4,200 x 2 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 2
Rated Water Flow LPM 4,200 x 2 4,200 x 2 Rated Water Flow LPM
Type FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) 5,600 Type 5,800 5,800 6,000
5,600 5,600
Combination x No. Ø 19.05 (3/4) Combination x No. Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Motor Output x W x No. Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Motor Output x W x No. Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)
Number Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) Ø 28.58 (1-1/8) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) Number 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Oil Type (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) Oil Type 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Oil Charge cc (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) Oil Charge cc 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread)
20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2
Liquid Pipe mm (inch) (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (755 x 997 x 500) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 Liquid Pipe mm (inch) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2
(804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 2 (140 x 1) + (127 x 1) (140 x 1) + (127 x 1)
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 127 x 2 Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (150 x 1) + (137 x 1) (150 x 1) + (137 x 1) 140 x 2
127 x 2 127 x 2 137 x 2 150 x 2
High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 137 x 2 137 x 2 High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) 55.0 59.0
59.0 61.0 61.0 55.0
Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 58.0 59.0 58.0 Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 67.0 72.0 61.0
Pipes Outlet A (inch) 58.0 58.0 72.0 Pipes Outlet A (inch) 73.0 74.0 68.0
70.0 71.0 71.0 74.0
Drain Outlet A (inch) 70.0 70.0 Drain Outlet A (inch) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. R410A R410A
Net Weight kg x No. R410A Net Weight kg x No. R410A
Shipping Weight kg x No. R410A R410A Shipping Weight kg x No. 8.8 8.8
Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 11.6 Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 6.0
dB(A) 11.6 11.6 dB(A) 18.4 18.4
Heating dB(A) 24.2 Heating dB(A) Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 12.5
Sound Power Level Cooling dB(A) 24.2 24.2 Electronic Expansion Valve Sound Power Level Cooling dB(A) Electronic Expansion Valve
mm2 x No. Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve mm2 x No. 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Heating (VCTF-SB) 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Heating (VCTF-SB) 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380, 60 49 (60) 55 (64) 3, 380, 60
Communication Cable kg 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 45 (56) Communication Cable kg 64
35 (44) 39 (48)
Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Refrigerant Name
Precharged Amount in Precharged Amount in
Factory Factory
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq.
Control Control

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130% .(2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A) * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions

- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F) - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification 3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

082 083



Model Name HP 42 44 48 Model Name HP 50 54 60 MULTI V WATER IV
Combination Unit ARWB420LAS4 ARWB440LAS4 ARWB480LAS4 Combination Unit ARWB500LAS4 ARWB540LAS4 ARWB600LAS4
Independent Unit ARWB140LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 Independent Unit ARWB200LAS4 ARWB200LAS4 ARWB200LAS4
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW
Input Heating (Rated) kW 117.6 123.2 134.4 Input Heating (Rated) kW 140.0 151.2 168.0
EER Cooling (Rated) kW 132.3 138.6 151.2 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 157.5 170.1 189.0
COP Heating (Rated) kW 22.9 24.13 26.88 COP Heating (Rated) kW 27.49 30.24 33.60
Exterior 24.04 25.18 28.01 Exterior 28.68 31.51 35.01
Rated Capacity 5.14 5.11 5.00 Rated Capacity 5.09 5.00 5.00
Heat Exchanger 5.50 5.50 5.40 Heat Exchanger 5.49 5.40 5.40
Color Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Color Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
Compressor RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 Compressor RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
RAL Code (Classic) Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate RAL Code (Classic) Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
Pipe Connctions #1 Pipe Connctions #1
Type 45 45 45 Type 45 45 45

Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2 30.1 + 28.6 + 10.7 30.1 + 28.6 + 15.8 30.1 + 28.6 + 28.6 Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2 30.1 + 30.1 + 15.8 30.1 + 28.6 + 28.6 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1
Resistance 192 + 135 + 77 192 + 135 + 96 192 + 135 + 135 Resistance 192 + 192 + 96 192 + 192 + 135 192 + 192+ 192
Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Head Loss kPa Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Head Loss kPa Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
(Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3 (Inverter) x 3
Rated Water Flow LPM Rated Water Flow LPM
5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 1 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 3
Type Type
Combination x No. 8,600 8,600 8,600 Combination x No. 8,800 8,800 9,000

Motor Output x W x No. Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Motor Output x W x No. Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Number Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Number Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8)
Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8) Ø 34.9 (1-3/8)
Oil Type 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + Oil Type 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) +
40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread)
Oil Charge cc 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + Oil Charge cc 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) +
40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread) 40A (PT 1-1/2) (Internal Thread)
Liquid Pipe mm (inch) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) Liquid Pipe mm (inch) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread)
(755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3 (755 x 997 x 500) x 3
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 3
(140 x 1) + (127 X 2) (140 x 1) + (127 X 2) (140 x 1) + (127 X 2) (140 x 2) + (127 X 1) (140 x 2) + (127 X 1)
High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (150 x 1) + (137 X 2) (150 x 1) + (137 X 2) (150 x 1) + (137 X 2) High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (150 x 2) + (137 X 1) (150 x 2) + (137 X 1) 140 x 3
150 x 3
Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 60.0 60.0 60.0 Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) 58.0 60.0
Pipes Outlet A (inch) 62.0 62.0 62.0 Pipes Outlet A (inch) 63.0 62.0 56.0
72.0 72.0 74.0 70.0 74.0 62.0
Drain Outlet A (inch) 74.0 74.0 76.0 Drain Outlet A (inch) 75.0 76.0 70.0
mm x No. mm x No. 76.0
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
kg x No. kg x No. 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. R410A R410A R410A Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping kg x No. R410A R410A
dB(A) dB(A) R410A
Net Weight dB(A) 14.6 14.6 14.6 Net Weight dB(A) 11.8 11.8
dB(A) dB(A) 9.0
Shipping Weight dB(A) 30.5 30.5 30.5 Shipping Weight dB(A) 24.6 24.6
mm2 x No. Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve mm2 x No. Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 18.8
Sound Pressure Level Cooling (VCTF-SB) Sound Pressure Level Cooling (VCTF-SB) Electronic Expansion Valve
Heating 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Heating 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
kg 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 kg 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Sound Power Level Cooling 64 64 64 Sound Power Level Cooling 64 64 3, 380, 60
Heating Heating 64

Communication Cable Communication Cable

Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Refrigerant Name
Precharged Amount in Precharged Amount in
Factory Factory
t-CO2 eq. t-CO2 eq.
Control Control

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A) * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions

- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F) - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification 3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

084 085



Model Name HP 62 64 68 Model Name HP 70 74 80 MULTI V WATER IV
Combination Unit ARWB620LAS4 ARWB640LAS4 ARWB680LAS4 Combination Unit ARWB700LAS4 ARWB740LAS4 ARWB800LAS4
Independent Unit ARWB200LAS4 ARWB200LAS4 ARWB200LAS4 Independent Unit ARWB200LAS4 ARWB200LAS4 ARWB200LAS4
Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW ARWB080LAS4 ARWB100LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW ARWB100LAS4 ARWB140LAS4 ARWB200LAS4
Input Heating (Rated) kW Input Heating (Rated) kW
EER Cooling (Rated) kW 173.6 179.2 190.4 EER Cooling (Rated) kW 196.0 207.2 224.0
COP Heating (Rated) kW 195.3 201.6 214.2 COP Heating (Rated) kW 220.5 233.1 252.0
Exterior 34.10 35.33 38.08 Exterior 38.69 41.44 44.80
Rated Capacity 35.71 36.85 39.68 Rated Capacity 40.35 43.18 46.68
Heat Exchanger 5.09 5.07 5.00 Heat Exchanger 5.07 5.00 5.00
Color 5.47 5.47 5.40 Color 5.46 5.40 5.40
Compressor Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Compressor Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray Warm Gray / Mornig Gray
RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL Code (Classic) RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030 RAL 7044 / RAL 7030
Pipe Connctions #1 Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Pipe Connctions #1 Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Plate
Type Type
45 45 45 45 45 45
Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2 Maximum Pressure kgf/cm2
Resistance 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 + 10.7 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 + 15.8 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 + 28.6 Resistance 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1 + 15.8 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1 + 28.6 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1 + 30.1
192 + 192 + 135 + 77 192 + 192 + 135 + 96 192 + 192 + 135 + 135 192 + 192 + 192 + 96 192 + 192 + 192 + 135 192 + 192 + 192 + 192
Head Loss kPa Head Loss kPa Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll Hermetically Sealed Scroll
Rated Water Flow LPM (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 Rated Water Flow LPM (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4 (Inverter) x 4

Type 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 2 5,300 x 2 + 4,200 x 2 Type 5,300 x 3 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 3 + 4,200 x 1 5,300 x 4

Combination x No. FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) Combination x No. FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE) FVC68D (PVE)
11,600 11,600 11,600 11,800 11,800 12,000
Motor Output x W x No. Motor Output x W x No.
Number Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Number Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8) Ø 22.2 (7/8)
Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8) Ø 53.98 (2-1/8)
Oil Type Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 41.3 (1-5/8) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Oil Type Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4) Ø 44.5 (1-3/4)
40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
Oil Charge cc + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 Oil Charge cc + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40
(Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
Liquid Pipe mm (inch) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) Liquid Pipe mm (inch) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2) 40A (PT 1-1/2) + 40A (PT 1-1/2)
+ 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40 + 40A (PT 1-1/2) + PT40
Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) Low Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread) (Internal Thread)
20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread) 20A (PT 3/4) (External Thread)
High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 High Pressure Gas Pipe mm (inch) (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4 (755 x 997 x 500) x 4
(804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4 (804 x 1,143 x 630) x 4
Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) (140 x 2) + (127 x 2) (140 x 2) + (127 x 2) (140 x 2) + (127 x 2) Water Connecting Inlet A (inch) (140 x 3) + (127 x 1) (140 x 3) + (127 x 1)
Pipes Outlet A (inch) (150 x 2) + (137 x 2) (150 x 2) + (137 x 2) (150 x 2) + (137 x 2) Pipes Outlet A (inch) (150 x 3) + (137 x 1) (150 x 3) + (137 x 1) 140 x 4
150 x 4
Drain Outlet A (inch) 61.0 61.0 61.0 Drain Outlet A (inch) 59.0 61.0
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 64.0 64.0 63.0 Dimensions (W x H x D) mm x No. 65.0 63.0 57.0
Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. 73.0 73.0 75.0 Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping mm x No. 71.0 75.0 63.0
Net Weight kg x No. 76.0 76.0 77.0 Net Weight kg x No. 77.0 77.0 71.0
Shipping Weight kg x No. Shipping Weight kg x No. 77.0
Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C Sound Pressure Level Cooling dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
dB(A) dB(A) 1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Heating dB(A) R410A R410A R410A Heating dB(A) R410A R410A
Cooling dB(A) Cooling dB(A) R410A
Sound Power Level Heating mm2 x No. 17.6 17.6 17.6 Sound Power Level Heating mm2 x No. 14.8 14.8
(VCTF-SB) (VCTF-SB) 12.0
Communication Cable 36.7 36.7 36.7 Communication Cable 30.9 30.9
kg Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve kg Electronic Expansion Valve Electronic Expansion Valve 25.1
Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Refrigerant Refrigerant Name Electronic Expansion Valve
Precharged Amount in 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 Precharged Amount in 3, 380 ~ 415, 50 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
Factory 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 Factory 3, 380, 60 3, 380, 60 3, 380 ~ 415, 50
t-CO2 eq. 64 64 64 t-CO2 eq. 64 64 3, 380, 60
Control Control 64

Power Supply Ø, V, Hz Power Supply Ø, V, Hz

Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units 1)

1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria) 1) The numbers in parentheses means maximum connectable indoor units in accordance with outdoor units combination. The recommended ratio is 130%. (2.2kW criteria)
* This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A) * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions Note : 1. Capacities and Inputs are based on the following conditions

- Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero - Cooling : Indoor temp. 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB, Water inlet temp. 30°C (86°F), Interconnecting piping length 7.5m, Level difference of zero
- Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F) - Heating : Indoor temp. 20°C (68°F) DB, Water inlet temp. 20°C (68°F)
2. Capacities are net capacities 2. Capacities are net capacities
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification 3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification
4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.) 4. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

086 087


- 11.2 ~ 15.5kW (Cooling capacity based) CONVENIENT INSTALLATION UNITS
- 1Φ, 220 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60Hz World’s First Class Cooling
- Outdoor unit installed indoor and Heating Efficiency Compact Size MULTI V WATER S

MULTI V WATER S EER and COP is superior Outdoor unit can be placed inside a closet, no need for roof or
outside space. It can be applicable for small space application such
EER is Max. 81% higher COP is Max. 76% higher as shops in city centers and malls.
than W-Company

Geothermal Application 77% 76% Foot print area

2.7 4.8 2.9 5.1 6HP


6HP (15.5kW) 6HP (15.5kW) 6HP

W-Company 15.5kW
Total Water Flow (m3) 76%

Cooling Tower Application 520mmVariable Water Flow Control (Option)630mm330mm
Conventional MULTI V WATER S
Supporting your buildings to become greener
70m (90m) Longest piping length from Variable Water Weight MULTI V WATER S
ODU ~ IDU (Equivalent) Flow Control Valve
15m CoolingTower DC 0 ~ 10V 118kg Reduced
Height between

Hybrid Geothermal Application Inverter
River / Sea

Total Piping Length 145m 71% Convenient Installation
70m (90m)
Longest piping length from 15,456 Absence of drain pipe makes installation easier.
ODU ~ IDU (Equivalent) 40m
30m 30m 4,439
Longest piping length 15m
Height between after 1st branch Constant Variable Cost Saving
ODU ~ IDU Space Saving
Height between ODU ~ IDU No
Water Flow Water Flow Drain Pipe
Height between IDU ~ ODU

Note : 1. Location : France

2. Total operationn time : 1,344hr

3. Indoor temperature : Normal office environment

4. Outdoor temperature : Average summer temperature Conventional MULTI V WATER S

5. Inlet flow temperature : Approximately 30°C

Valve control OFF
40% Open Total piping length : 145m


Features & Benefits Key Applications ON

• Independent weather condition • Small-medium scale office ON Actual longest piping length 70 (90)m
• Utilizing renewable source • Building using geothermal & various water heat source Longest piping length after 1st branch 40m
• Replacement of Chiller-FCU system • Luxurious residential building
• Seaside hotel 40% Operation 4V Signal 40% Level difference
088 Operation between
Signal [V] ODU ~ IDU
10 Water Flow 30m
8 100% Level difference
7 90% between
6 80% IDU ~ IDU
5 70% 15m
4 60%



Nomenclature Heat Pump Heating MULTI V WATER S OUTDOOR
ARW N 60 G a 0 Cooling Outdoor Temperature (°C DB) 45°C
Range for continuous operation 40°C MULTI V WATER S
Generation 45°C Range for pull down operation 35°C
Air Discharge Type
A : Basic 40°C Outdoor Temperature (°C DB)
Range for warming up operation
35°C Range for continuous operation

Electrical Ratings 30°C 30°C
G : 1Ø, 220 ~ 240V, 50Hz / 1Ø, 220V, 60Hz 25°C 25°C
20°C 20°C
Total Cooling Capacity in Horse Power
EX) ‘60’ → 6HP Class

Combination of Inverter Type and 15°C 15°C ARWN60GA0
Cooling Only or Heat Pump
N: Inverter and H/P Range for Range for
operation operation
Indicates that this is
Water System Outside Unit using the R410A 10°C 10°C

10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 30°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C HP 6
Indoor Temperature (°C WB) Outdoor Units Capacity Cooling (Rated) kW 18.0
Indoor Temperature (°C WB) Heating (Rated) kW 3.20
kW 3.50
Outside Unit Function 2 _ R410A(50Hz) Note : 1. These figures assume the following operating conditions: Outside Unit 2. Dimensions & Gravity pointInput Cooling (Rated) kW 4.84
2. Equivalent piping length : 7.5m Heating (Rated) 5.14
3. Level difference : 0m kgf/cm2 Warm Gray
kPa RAL 7044
Category Functions MULTI V WATER S ARWN40GA0 EER LPM Cupro brazed Stainless Steel Plate
Variable Path of Outdoor Unit HEX - ARWN60GA0 COP Rated Capacity W x No. 45
Key Refrigerant HiPORTM (High Pressure Oil Return) - Exterior Color cc 28.4
Components Humidity Sensor - RAL Code (Classic) mm (inch) 60
Anti Corrosion Black Fin - 379(14-29/32) mm (inch) BLDC Inverter Twin Rotary
- 330(13) Type A (inch) (Inverter) x 1
Oil Sensor - Maximum Pressure A (inch)
- Resistance mm x No. 4,000 x 1
Dual Sensing - Heat Exchanger Head Loss mm x No.
kg x No. FVC68D (PVE)
Low Noise Operation - kg x No. 2,600
Hgih Static Mode of Outdoor Unit Fan - Rated Water Flow dB(A) Ø 9.52 (3/8)
dB(A) Ø 19.05 (3/4)
Partial Defrosting 523(20-15/32) Type dB(A) 32A (PT 1-1/4)
520(20-19/32) mm2 x No. 32A (PT 1-1/4)
Auto Dust Cleaning of Outdoor Unit Combination x No. (VCTF-SB) (520 X 1,080 X 330) x 1
Useful Function (Fan reverse rotation) Motor Output x (688 x 1,170 x 414) x 1
Indoor Cooling Comfort Mode Based Number kg
Outdoor Temperature Compressor Oil Type 76 x 1
82 x 1
Smart Load Control (SLC) - Oil Charge 50.0
(Changing indoor discharge air 50.0
temperature according to load) 60(2-3/8) 1080(42-17/32) Liquid Pipe 62.0
Gas Pipe 62.0
Outdoor Unit Control Refer to Humidity - Pipe Connctions
1.0 ~ 1.5 x 2C
Defrost / Deicing -
High Pressure Switch ○ 113(4-7/16) 227(8-15/16) Water Connecting Inlet
Pipes Outlet 1.0
Phase Protection - 554(21-13/16)
632(24-7/8) 2.1
Reliability Restart Delay (3-minutes) ○ 403(15-7/8) 403(15-7/8) 338(13-5/16) Dimensions (W x H x D) Electronic Expansion Valve
Self Diagnosis ○ Dimensions (W x H x D) - Shipping 1, 220 ~ 240, 50
1, 220, 60
Soft Start ○ 2. Installation Space 88(3-15/32) Net Weight 13

Test Run Function PQCSZ250S0 82(3-7/32) Gravity point
- [Unit : mm (inch)]
AC Ez (Simple Controller) PACS4B000 Required the minimum space as shown be19lo2(w7-9/1f6o)r installation and Shipping Weight
AC Ez Touch 5. Installationcheck. If the space is not fit on this drawing, consult with LG. Sound Pressure Level Cooling
: Service area Heating
AC Smart IV 76, Seongsan-dong, Changwon City, Gyeongnam,
641-713, Korea
Central Controller AC Smart 5 CHASSIS CODE: K3 Cooling
ACP (Advanced Control Platform) IV PQCPC22A0 8) Installation of water pipe [Unit : mm(inch)] Sound Power Level

ACP (Advanced Control Platform) 5 PACP5A000 379 (14-29/32) 20 (25/32) 100 (3-15/16)

AC Manager 5 PACM5A000 1. Water pipe system diagram Communication Cable

BNU (Building ACP Lonworks - • The water pressure resistance of the water pipe system of this product is 1.98MPa Refrigerant Name
Network Unit) ACP BACnet - • When the water pipe passes indoo(OrsuP,trmsoiddaeukcuetnistu) re to execute heat insulation on the pipe so that water drops do not form Precharged Amount in
PRAC1 Factory
on the outer side of the water pipe. t-CO2 eq.
Outside Units Control

Installation Refrigerant Charging Kit PRVC0 • The size of the drain pipe must be equal to or larger than the diameter of the connecting product. 1,080 (42-17/32) Refrigerant
Variable Water Flow Valve Control Kit PPWRDB000 - Always install a trap so that the drained water does not back flush.

PDI (Power Standard

Distribution Indicator) Premium - • Always install aWastterrpaipine er (50Mesh or above) at the entrance of the water pipe. (When sand, trash, rusted pieces get
- vthaelvsinepwsatcaiaeslltateaiorpn psluiepdp,lyb,yitinctaenrSlcoea(crFvukricosiennegta)rpewraoitbhleomuststiodethuenipt,roitdcuacnt600 (23-5/8)
Cool / Heat Selector - mixed into due to blocking) consumption of pump by blocking Power Supply Ø, V, Hz
- - If On/Off save the energy
Low Ambient Kit PRCTIL0
- the water supply to the outside unit not operating. Select appropriate valve and install on site if necessary.
IO Module (ODU Dry Contact) 100 (3-15/16) Number of Maximum Connectable Indoor Units
• Install a pressure gauge and te1m93 p(7-e19r/a32t)ure gauge at the inlet and outlet of the water pipe.
Cycle Monitoring LGMV • Flexible joints must be in1s00ta(3l-l1e5/d16)not t5o23 (c2a0-u19s/3e2)any20l(e25a/3k2a) ge from the vibrationH-BoefampSiupppeosrt.
Device Mobile LGMV • Install a service port to clean the hTeoaptVeiexwchanger at the each end of the waFtreornitnlVeitewand outlet.
• For the components of the water pipe system, always use components above the designed water pressure.
※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied * This product contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. (R410A)
Note : 1. Capacities are based on the following conditions :
dB(A) Position of Sound Pressure Level Measuring
- Cooling Temperature : Indoor 27°C (80.6°F) DB / 19°C (66.2°F) WB / Water 30°C (86°F)
Installation of Pressure gauge Temperature gauge Installation of - Heating Temperature : Indoor 20°C (68°F) DB / 15°C (59°F) WB / Water 20°C (68°F)
Outdoor Units Outside Units - Piping Length : Interconnected Pipe Length = 7.5m
Water pipe Gate valve Service port - Difference Limit of Elevation (Outside ~ Indoor Unit) is Zero.
outlet 2. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national codes.
3. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed without notification.
4. Sound Level Values are measured at Anechoic chamber. Therefore, these values can be increased owing to ambient conditions during operation.
5. Add an anti freeze to circulation water when outside unit is operating under 10°C (50°F), and change the DIP switch on main PCB. (For more information on installation section.)

1.5m (4.9ft) Water pipe Strainer
Inlet Service port

Gate valve

as 1.5m (3.3ft) Installation of Drain line Installation of
ar Outside Units Outdoor Units
090 091
Do not directly connect the drain outlet to the water pipe outlet.
(It can c2ausRe4p1r0oAb(l5e0mHsz)to the product.)

ilizes Over 3 Million Ions) How It Works

particles by infusing the air passing through the air conditioner with over 3 millions ions.

6-Step Vane, Control up to 70° 5-Step Louver, Control up to 55°

O- The vertical vane, which moves up and down, has 6 different settings including full-auto swinTgh. e louver, which sways left and right, has 5 different settings including full auto-swing.
O- H+

rmful Substances OH Radical Production Chemical Reaction How It WoCrokms plete Sterilization
OH radicles bond with H particles inCthleeaanirs Filter wH2iOthmRoelegculeasraAreirpflroowduced
harmful particles OH radicles inactivate harmful substances

The comprehensive auto cleaning function prevents the formation of bacteria and mold on the heat exchanger, providing a more pleasant and comfortable environment.

How It Works How It Works

2 Cleans Filter with Regular Airflow the formation of bacteria and mold on the heat exchanger, providT6inhg-eaSvmetroetricepapllVveaaasnaenn,tweah,nidcChcoommnofovtrertsaobullpe ueannpvdirodtnoomwen7n,th0. a°s 6 different settings including full-auto 5-Step Louver, Control up to 55° settings including full auto-swing.

The comprehensive auto cHlHeanHiHng function prevents swinTgh. e louver, which sways left and right, has 5 different

BenefitBy eliminating the humidity and bacteria left in the The indoor environment remains odorless with the By preventing the polluting of the heat exchanger
air conditioner, the auto cleaning function removes advanced deodorizing function. by various germs and bacteria, the cooling performance
2 Pain Point HH all substances that might be harmful to human body.
4 Way Swingand longevity ofthe air conditioner remains unchanged
HH CBeenretfiifit cate
HH even after 10 years of usage.

2.1 odor strength decrease in 60 minutesAn odor of strength 2 or less indicates that there is odor but no sense FInutnecrtteiokn, VoefrPifilacsamtioanstCeer rIotinfyizinegr+A/nItoibnaizceter rialuAniracbolendtoitisounietarsblwy ictohovlaanlleasrethaastoofnaBaalyliryrlosmceuoolibmonmsdvitni.aetainotucinnepegsr,attthhnhaeedthamudumitogoihwdtcitlnbeyeaaanhnrinadergbmfaufcuntlecttroiiaohnleurfmetmainnotRAvbheuoeestdomy.CaToldhevaveaneinninscdgeoHdporrdaoeevronimddveoirsfroizucninlmlegaPenfnuaatnricrrtetbiomiycna.elielnimssiondaotirnlegsbsawctitehriath, me oldaBbnyaydnvpdalroreoinvodgeuoensrvtsgiintteyghromattfhstechaaepnnoadolilrbuthcatoiecnrntgwedroiiistafieo,ttnahhceeecrhucremeoamoutllaieanitxngecsphiuneanrnafcgnoheraimnrndagoneocdreunit. 4 Way Swing disperses cool air quickly and effectively in multiple directions to each corner of a room.

30 min. even after 10 years of usage.

of displeasure (degree of odor peBremnisesfiibtle).
d and bacteria growing on
Removes Harmful Particles
he heat exchanger is wet. 1
Odor A2uto Cleaning provide3s clean air by eliminat4ing bacteria, mold and odors that can otherwise accumulate in an indoor unit.


Normal Offensive How It Works Benefit
reus odor

substance Cleans Filter with Reg4ulaWr aAyirSflwowing Bacteria Elimination Odor Elimination Mold Elimination
Mountain Indoor life Bathroom Food waste
smell smell smell smell The comprehensive auto cleanin4g WfunacytSiowninpgredveisnptesrtshees fcooroml aatirioqnuoicfkblyacatnedriaefafencdtmiveollydionnmthueltihpeleatdeirxecchtiaonngsetro, peroacvihdicnogrnaemr oorfeaprloeaosma.nt and comfortable environment.
Light Strong
and down are Odor strength Moderate Very Strong
1.5 Bacteria Elimination Odor Elimination Mold Elimination

60 Odor strength reduce 3.6 1.5 / The Odor floating in the room as well as curtain and clothes.

By eliminating the humidity and bacteria left in the The indoor environment remains odorless with the By preventing the polluting of the heat exchanger
air conditioner, the auto cleaning function removes advanced deodorizing function. by various germs and bacteria, the cooling performance
all substances that might be harmful to human body. and longevity ofthe air conditioner remains unchanged
even after 10 years of usage.


Removes Harmful Particles

Auto Cleaning provides clean air by eliminating bacteria, mold and odors that can otherwise accumulate in an indoor unit.

ng on

Bacteria Elimination Odor Elimination Mold Elimination

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