Twiggs County High School
Business Communication
2019-2020 Course Syllabus
TEACHER Andrea Lewis ROOM # 306
EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
TEACHER WEB PAGE online class site
TEACHER SUPPORT 478-945-3112 ext. 5014
What message are you sending when you speak, write, and listen? As one of the most
important skills for employers, students will explore the value of communication in their
personal and professional life. The digital presence and impact of written and visual
communication in a technological society will be addressed. Students will create, edit, and
publish professional appearing business documents with clear and concise communication.
Creative design, persuasive personal and professional communications will be applied
through research, evaluation, validation, written, and oral communication. Leadership
development and teamwork skills will be stressed as students work independently and
collaboratively. Presentation skills will be developed and modeled for students master
presentation software in this course.
Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources, software, and
applications of communications. Professional communication skills and practices, problem
solving, ethical and legal issues, and the impact of effective presentation skills are enhanced
in this course to prepare students to be college and career ready. Employability skills are
integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to
demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-
curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are
integral components of the employability skills standard for this course.
Business Communications is the third course in the Business and Technology pathway in
the Business Management and Administration cluster. Students enrolled in this course
should have successfully completed Introduction to Business and Technology and Business
and Technology. After mastery of the standards in this course, students should be prepared
to take the end of pathway assessment in this career area.
FBLA is a co-curricular student organization that plays an integral part in the components
of the Business & Technology course standards. FBLA activities are incorporated
throughout this course and the rest of the Business and Computer Technology courses.
Students are strongly urged to join FBLA (cost is $25 & includes a t-shirt)to benefit from
the wealth of opportunities the organization has to offer.
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BMA-BC-1. Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
BMA-BC-2. Examine and practice grammar, mechanics, and process of composing
professionally written business communications.
BMA-BC-3. Apply effective oral communication by communicating in a clear, courteous,
concise, and professional manner.
BMA-BC-4. Use active and intentional listening skills to respond appropriately to oral
BMA-BC-5. Master word processing software at an expert level to create, edit, and publish
professional-appearing business documents.
BMA-BC-6. Integrate multiple forms of communication in the successful pursuit of a
BMA-BC-7. Apply skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and
BMA-BC-8. Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS, etc.),
communication/ networking tools, and social networks appropriately to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, and create information to successfully function in professional settings..
BMA-BC-9. Master presentation software to create, edit, publish, and deliver professional
appearing business presentations.
BMA-BC-10. Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and
technology education courses through leadership development, school and community
service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive events.
Semester 1: Semester 2:
1. Digital Literacy and Citizenship 1. Mastering Presentation Software
2. Advanced Word Processing 2. Oral Communication & Presentation
3. Introduction to Communication
4. Grammar and Written Skills
3. Human Resources and Career
Career Opportunities: Industry Certification
Administrative Services Mangers Microsoft Office Specialist – Word
Expert 2013
Supervisor of Office and
Administrative Support End of Pathway Assessment –
Microsoft Office Specialist –
PowerPoint 2013
Student Responsibilities
This is a business class; you will be expected to conduct yourself in a business-like
manner and use employability skills. Employability skills are those traits that are
looked upon favorably by an employer: positive attitude, neat appearance, good
work habits, etc. The CTAE Department at TCHS will help you develop these traits so
that you will be better prepared for college or a career.
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Show RESPECT for adults and fellow students. Inappropriate language/behavior
(i.e. hitting, kicking, cursing, yelling, etc.) will not be tolerated. Each student is
expected to treat every student, classroom aid, and teacher with respect.
Students are expected to participate in class discussions. The teacher will raise or
lower a student’s grade based on the amount and appropriateness of a student’s
participation. Student participation is required and students will be called on to
answer questions. Student participation is integral to our class and your grade.
In order to enhance student learning, students will use the Internet daily as a
resource tool for this class. All student access to the Internet will be under the direct
supervision of the teacher. While in a Business and Computer Science lab, students
will comply with all Twiggs County Public Schools guidelines. Failure to follow
county mandated guidelines would result in punishment that ranges from loss of
privileges to administrative referral. The school will restrict access by minors to
inappropriate materials on the Internet. The school will monitor and use tracking
methods to insure that minors do not participate in unauthorized or illegal
measures while on line. MAIN POINT: IF IT IS NOT FOR SCHOOL, DO NOT USE
Students are expected to bring all materials to class every day. Required Materials
are a notebook, black pens, and a positive attitude.
No food or drinks allowed at any time in the classroom (this includes gum). Water
will be allowed in a closed container that must be kept on the floor.
The last five minutes in the period are for cleaning your work station, returning
your books to the proper shelf. At the end of each class period, each student is to
leave his or her workstation clean and orderly. Books and materials are to be
returned to the assigned area at the end of the period. If your workstation is left
unclean it will result in a detention.
The teacher dismisses class, not the bell. Do not gather belongings or leave your seat
until instructed to do so. When dismissed, push the workstation chair in and leave
the room in a calm and orderly manner.
Problems with your computer are to be reported immediately. Save all work onto
your google drive and not the hard drive.
Discipline Policy: If a student violates any of the above classroom expectations the
following consequences with received:
o First Offense: Warning
o Second Offense: Call Home
o Third Offense: Student Detention
o Fourth Offense: Student Referral
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Published Materials Instructional Supplies
Online Resources Three Ring Binder
Microsoft IT Academy Paper, Pen or Pencil, highlighter
Microsoft Office 2013/Office 365 Headphones
This is a performance-based class; so all students will be expected to demonstrate what they
have learned to receive credit for the class. No work is accepted after two days and will
result in a grade of 0 for incompletion. All assignments are due on the due date. Work that is
late will receive one grade letter lower than it would have received if turned in on the due
date. Each day later, results in a letter grade drop.
Assignment Grade Weights Grading Scale
Classwork Classwork, Daily Work, Homework 15% A: 90+
/Homework Formative Assessments 25% B: 80+
Quizzes C: 70+
Projects ● Written Quizzes, small Projects 60% F: <70
Unit Tests Summative Assessments Mandatory tutorial
Assessment Projects ● Tests, Assessment Projects, Mon/Thurs if
average falls below
SLO Final Exam 75
Midterm Project/Final Project - 2 test
OTHER INFORMATION Additional Requirements/ Resources
Expectations for Academic Success ● Email/googledocs – use TCPS only
● Google Class:
● Complete daily classwork
● Microsoft IT Academy
● Participate in discussions and ask
● Participate constructively as a team
● Problem solve and accept challenges
● Challenge yourself to continuously
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***Important note: PowerSchool’s Parent Access provides parents or guardians round-
the-clock access to real-time information about their child’s attendance and grades. Please
see the Information Specialist for an access ID, password, and other account information.
State-issued photo identification is required. Students also may track their academic
progress for college and career through PowerSchool’s Student Access. Students may see
the Information Specialist for an access ID and password.
Add parent email address to your student’s Google Class to keep track and keep updates.
Do Not store files on your computer in “Documents”. Files to be stored on cloud drives
(Google Drive, OneDrive), to prevent loss, in case you change computers, or your computer
is reset.
Textbooks will not be issued. Materials are available online. If you have an e-book device,
link to the textbook chapters is available to be used in class, or at home.
Any technology used in violation of the BYOT policy may be confiscated with or without
Internet misuse will result in blocking the Internet for that day, with or without notice.
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