What to Expect at an Alcohol
Rehab Program
By samd89644 16 Jun 2022
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Acceptance of your drinking problem is the first step. Once you recognize and accept that you
need help, your road to recovery can start. A crucial step in the process is entering a suitable
treatment program for your needs. If you want to learn more about what to expect, here are
things to keep in mind. Being mentally prepared for what’s coming will help you transi몭on to
life inside the rehab facility, especially if you’re in there for long‐term treatment.
Interview and Assessment
When you check in, the staff will do interviews and take your medical history. They’ll need to
find out the extent of the alcohol abuse. Also, men몭on if you have any allergies to
medica몭on. They might use medica몭on during detox to ease the symptoms. If you’re allergic
to any of those medicines, they’ll know from your file and will look for alterna몭ve ways to
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The first and hardest step for anyone who enters rehab is detox. Withdrawal symptoms
typically occur during detox, within 24 to 48 hours. For some, the symptoms can last for days.
For others, it can last for weeks. It depends on the extent of alcohol abuse. The rule of thumb
is that the longer you’ve abused alcohol, the more severe the symptoms and the longer it
takes before they stop. That’s also why it’s not a good idea to go cold turkey at home. Given
the complica몭ons that could result from the withdrawal symptoms, pa몭ents are advised to
enter into alcohol rehabs in Arizona for medically assisted detox. That’s safe. With the staff
on standby, pa몭ents have access to help if they require it.
Treatment Types
There are two types of treatment programs. You’ll either go to a residen몭al program or
outpa몭ent program. However, if you’ve had relapses before or you require intensive
treatment, you will be recommended for residen몭al treatment.
Residen몭al treatment requires par몭cipants to stay at the facility un몭l they finish the
program. That’s ideal for pa몭ents who want to focus on their recovery without
outside distrac몭ons.
Outpa몭ent treatment allows pa몭ents the flexibility to come and go for their sessions.
If you can’t afford to take a long absence from work, or have responsibili몭es that you
need to fulfill, this recovery op몭on will work for you.
Family or Marriage Therapy
Addic몭on doesn’t only hurt the individual. It hurts families, too. That’s why many facili몭es
now offer family or marriage therapy and counseling. It’s meant to provide pa몭ents with a
way to reconnect with their loved ones. Support from family and friends have a
tremendously posi몭ve impact on a person’s rate of recovery. By encouraging family and
marriage therapy, facili몭es can help pa몭ents mend fences and start healing the damage that
the addic몭on had brought into their lives.
A몭ercare Support
You can also expect ac몭ve and strong a몭ercare support from the best rehab facili몭es. Many pa몭ents
suffer a relapse once they get out of treatment. Many find it hard to transi몭on to a life outside rehab.
A몭ercare support helps prevent that.
alcohol rehabs in Arizona 5 Views
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