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Published by tessaj, 2022-11-15 16:26:56

Annual Report

WHAT WAS THE MOST “a heart for lost people
UNEXPECTED THING who have never heard
YOU ON THIS TRIP? the name of Jesus.”

The biggest thing that
happened to me was my heart
growing for the nations. A lot of
this happened when I spent two
weeks in quarantine in Thailand
when we first arrived. I was
able to read some books like
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality,
Spiritual Multiplication, and had
the opportunity to watch Secret
Church with David Platt. These
things, along with my team, and
the long-term team helped me
to find
I did not expect this to happen,
but now I am considering
moving overseas for a longer
period of time.



Both of the transitions back were interesting, to say the least, but the first time coming
back I found myself being mostly mad at people. I would ask questions like, “Why
are more people not doing this”, or “how can you spend your summer just making
money when there are people who don’t know Jesus”, or “Why do people care so much
about things that don’t matter and own things that they definitely do not need”. I was
experiencing some reverse culture shock and it was interesting how it affected me.
That part was not as bad the second time because I knew that I would experience those
things. Eventually, it wore off in a lot of ways and I fell back into American things. It is
so humbling to go to another country and return to people who never left.





I would absolutely recommend I would absolutely I would absolutely
others go overseas. Whether or recommend it to anyone recommend going
not you have the desire to move and would go as far as to overseas. Especially for
overseas long-term or feel called say that I think everyone someone like myself
to local missions, I think going should give overseas a who had spent 21 years
overseas equips you in so many shot. It does not have to be in central Iowa and had
new ways that staying here just a full 7-8 week summer trip, never left the country,
won’t do. You’ll meet a variety of but even a two-week trip. I going overseas was
people with different beliefs and think the summer trip is so an incredible way to
it challenges you to know why you worth it and will help you leverage my time,
believe in Jesus. You learn how to to grow in many ways. It is abilities, and knowledge
lean on Jesus and let go of control, a one-of-a-kind experience of the gospel to serve
you learn how to meditate on that you will most likely the Kingdom of God.
scripture and spend more time never get the opportunity Even for those who feel
in the word, you learn about the to do again. You can not like they are not capable
importance of spending time with take off from the “real of being in another
Jesus before starting your day and world” for seven weeks. country for two months,
you ultimately learn more about Now is your time to give it sharing the gospel with
who Jesus is and what it means a chance and to see what people they’ve never
to be a follower of him. Going God has planned for you. met before… welcome
overseas can change your life in to the club! There is
ways you didn’t think it needed - JAKE extensive training to
until you get there and experience learn what it looks
it for yourself. like to do ministry in a
foreign country.

YceErSt!a!!in!!lyMnyoetxtpheerioennlcyeownaes 100% yes. YES! It’s such a
there is - each member unique, challenging,
ovef rmy yditfefaemrenotfe8xhpaedrieance – SARAH eye-opening, and
amnodmdeifnfetsre. Inftygoruorwsiunmg mer fun experience. If
ipsraob"faabilluyrme"othreataciscurately I would 100% you keep a humble
stated as "God didn't do recommend going spirit, you will see
what I wanted Him to do," overseas to others. yourself grow and
would ask, do you This trip pushes you find joy from the
but I that He will do what in ways you never experience.
trust thought possible
is BEST for you? and it gives you a – SUMMER
different perspective
– QUINN of the world. Igthaivbeesasomaluantzeeilwnygwmwoeouarlndki!ntIhgtatto
wwncthoaihlatmleithon’esanstva,hettelrrobuipbteeheoe. ,rLfnaaipksdneeeodo“,yue”
ABSOLUTELY. My overseas – MAX Iwtpwhwrhirotooohcuueiwlsgdsiishsnt,dettaeohlnlrmeedevasttetproerupydssloeittcnnotahedtgoioyosoneu.
experience was the perfect Being away from home
balance of hard and restful I would highly with limited contact can
that I got the most growth recommend overseas
in the least amount of time. I to others. It deeply really show the things
was also able to learn so much broadens perspectives in your life that you are
from my teammates and our and other beliefs. The holding onto before
hosts. Watching God move way I describe my trip is leaning on God.
through the city was one of the eye-opening because of
most beautiful experiences, the first-hand experience – LIV
and I would not trade it for of such vastly different
the world. I am so excited to perspectives that I I would definitely
continue to pray over SE Asia couldn’t have understood recommend going
and hear all the testimonies of otherwise. You learn how overseas. I learned
what God is doing there. to adapt to different many things from it
situations, navigate and saw God working
– AMANDA language barriers, and in ways I wouldn’t have
work with a team. But been able to otherwise.
YES, 100%! It is the most furthermore and most I now have a better
challenging and rewarding importantly, you get to understanding of God’s
thing I have ever done. do work that directly heart for the nations
It changes your whole affects the eternal and my role in that.
perspective of the weight kingdom. It is extremely
of the gospel and is totally fulfilling and it deepened – EMMA
worth the sacrifice of a my own faith.
couple of months for the 48
opportunity to learn how – BRYSON
to do our most important
job here on earth!




To every
tribe, &

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