Parent & Student
School Year ת ש ע ” ט
August 2018
Dear Parents, עמו"ש
We hope this letter finds you and your family in the best of health, enjoying a
pleasant and restful summer. As the new school year approaches, the entire
staff at Torah Temimah is once again prepared to do their utmost in assuring
that בע"הit will be a most successful one for all our Talmidim. The Hanhala at
Torah Temimah will be working closely with the Rebbeim and the parents, in
order to assure that each Talmid receives the best chinuch possible and that
all of his needs are addressed. The outstanding results of the past years will
serve as a springboard, as we surge ahead towards even higher plateaus in
יראת שמים, לימוד התורהand מדות טובות.
Enclosed please find some very important information. Please read it very
carefully and retain it for future reference. Also, please familiarize your child
with its contents, so that he too will be informed as to what is expected of
him as a Torah Temimah Talmid.
Please do your utmost to ensure that your child abides by the enclosed rules
and procedures. Forging a strong partnership between the Yeshiva and the
parent body is of paramount importance if our mutual goals are to be realized.
We look forward greeting all Talmidim on Thursday, י"ט אלול/August 30.
Please note: All boys in first through fifth grade should meet in Dining Room
at 9:00. Boys in sixth, seventh and eighth grade should meet in the Bais
Primary boys will meet in Room 104.
Wishing you much נחתand הצלחהfrom all your children.
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Eliezer Rappaport
1. Communication .............................................Page 3
2. Schedules and Attendance ............................Page 5
3. Student Safety ...............................................Page 6
4. Biking and Walking Pass ................................Page 7
5. Media Influence / Internet Policy..................Page 7
6. General Information
A. Daily Schedule ........................................Page 9
B. Transportation........................................Page 10
C. Homework ..............................................Page 12
D. Games, etc..............................................Page 13
E. Sales by Students....................................Page 13
F. Reading Material ....................................Page 13
G. Propriety of Students’ Possessions ........Page 13
H. Celebrations / Birthdays.........................Page 14
I. Extra-Curricular Events...........................Page 14
J. Identification and Lost & Found .............Page 14
7. Dress Code.....................................................Page 14
8. Educational Materials....................................Page 15
9. Health (As per NYS Health Code)...................Page 15
10. Bar Mitzvah ...................................................Page 15
11. Meals & Foods / Kashrus ...............................Page 16
The partnership between the Yeshiva and our Parents is one of the
foundations upon which successful chinuch is built. We value your input and
are always here to accommodate your concerns, so we ask that you never
hesitate to call. In order to be able to best serve you, we have various
methods of communication, but the premise remains constant – we are your
partners and look forward to your feedback on any topic.
The Yeshiva has initiated communication via e-mail. This new system allows us
to transmit pertinent information directly to you. Please submit or/and
update your e-mail address either by calling the office or by e-mailing us at
[email protected] to be linked in to this valuable form of communication.
Children should be encouraged to bring home all printed notes and show
them to you as they will contain important information. It’s recommended to
check the briefcase of younger talmidim regularly for any notes that are sent
Our weekly Publication “B’Kesher” has received much positive feedback.
B’Kesher provides parents with an insider’s view of the goings–on in and
around כותלי ישיבתנו. Please read through it carefully, as important
information is communicated through the B’Kseher. We look forward to your
suggestions and input.
This number should be used as your source for important information about
the Yeshiva, as well as schedule changes. The Info-Line is the number to call
for Yeshiva event updates and for information regarding the following:
1. If Yeshiva is closed due to inclement weather conditions
2. If there is an early dismissal due to snow
3. If there are changes in the school calendar
This system is designed to handle multiple calls simultaneously and messages
will be updated when necessary. Please avoid calling our office for a
question that can easily be answered by calling the Info-Line.
If you haven’t included your e-mail address on your registration form, please
send an e-mail to [email protected] to be added to our e-mail distribution list.
The office staff is more than ready to be of assistance to you, courteously and
efficiently. Should you need any changes in transportation, or want us to hold
your son for “pick-up”, please call the office at least one hour before
dismissal time.
Please note: Generally, students are not allowed to use the office phones or
a faculty member’s phone.
The Yeshiva wants to assure you that the lines of communication are
always open. To reach our Pre-School, Elementary and Junior High
School Staff you may contact them by email, or by leaving a message
on their voice mail as indicated below. To reach your son’s Rebbi,
you may call the Yeshiva office and leave a message.
Mrs. Hindy Hilman, Pre-School Director Ext.227 [email protected]
Rabbi Eliezer Rapaport, Menahel
GENERAL STUDIES: Ext. 311 [email protected]
Rabbi Avi Pearl, Principal Ext. 135 [email protected]
Rabbi Elozer Silver, Principal
Rabbi Fievy Lieberman, Executive Director Ext. 123 [email protected]
Rabbi Yisroel Kleinman, Administrator Ext. 154 [email protected]
Rabbi Eli Goldberg, Administrator Ext. 125 [email protected]
Mr. M. Waldman, Bookkeeper Ext. 155 [email protected]
Consistent and timely attendance to Yeshiva is one of the most basic and
integral factors in a Talmid’s success. Boys who develop a daily routine of
coming on time to Yeshiva, not only will have the chance to succeed in
Yeshiva, but will also acquire an important מידהnecessary to be successful
as adults. Aside from negatively impacting your son, coming late also has a
negative effect on other Talmidim and the ruach in Yeshiva in general. A
child entering class late has lost the morning momentum, and is at a
disadvantage for the remainder of the day. He also disturbs the entire class
by his late entry.
We especially appeal to you about Sunday morning. Please see to it that
your child gets to sleep on time on Motzai Shabbos and arrives to Yeshiva
punctually on Sunday morning.
Late arrival procedures:
Students coming late must bring a signed note explaining his lateness.
Even in case of lateness, please make sure that your son eats breakfast
before coming to Yeshiva.
In the event that a child is late or has been absent from Yeshiva, a note
must be sent to the Rebbi/Morah/Teacher explaining the situation, not
merely requesting that the child be excused. It is also very helpful and
appreciated when parents let us know when their son is absent. A short call
to the office or email that your son will not attend Yeshiva that day, keeps
us informed. It is the child’s responsibility to make up all work missed
during his absence and he is still held responsible for that material on his
next bechina. If the absence is extended, the parent should contact the
Rebbi and Teacher or the Menahel.
Continuity in the learning schedule is of paramount importance. Absences
or even lateness for personal reasons are disruptive, both for your son and
for his classmates. Parents are urged to schedule all appointments for their
children AFTER Yeshiva hours only!
We wish to restate the Yeshiva’s policy regarding mid-year vacations; trips
to Eretz Yisroel, etc.
“ "אין מבטלין תינוקות של בית רבן אפילו לבנין בית המקדשOnly under
extenuating circumstances will the הנהלת הישיבהconsider granting
permission for interruption of the לימודיםof a talmid in the middle of the
school year.
Any parent taking a child out of the Yeshiva for such trips without prior
permission must realize that his child will not be able to continue in the
All parents and visitors to school must first contact the office; this includes
primary parents bringing their children to school in the beginning of the
year. If a message or anything is to be sent to a Talmid, or he is to be taken
out of class, the office will contact the Rebbi/Teacher. You may not go
directly to your child’s classroom as it disrupts classroom routine and
management. Please do not discuss your child with the Rebbi or Teacher
during class time.
The office will allow a Talmid to leave school early only after receiving a
request by a parent and approval from the Menahel/Principal. While this
may pose an inconvenience, it must be enforced for the safety and
protection of our children.
We are most concerned about the safety and security of each and every child
entrusted to our educational institution. Fundamental to this area is the need
to provide proper supervision throughout the day.
We request that no child be dropped off earlier than 10 minutes prior to
start time.
If you are driving your son to school late, do not drop him off and drive
away. There is no guarantee that he will, in fact, go into the building and
proceed to his classroom, rather than wandering off. This is especially
relevant to very young students. Park your car and take your son personally
into the building, and provide him with a late note, so that you can be certain
he will be admitted to class.
Talmidim are not permitted to leave school premises after the beginning
of the school day at any time, for any reason without explicit permission
from his Menahel or Principal. This includes quick shopping trips to
neighborhood stores which will result in suspension and possible expulsion
from school. We simply cannot sign-off on this essential responsibility. Any
deviation from this rule will be dealt with in the strictest way.
Children may walk to and from Yeshiva with parent’s written consent provided
to the Yeshiva office. Boys may also ride their bikes to and from Yeshiva with
parent’s written consent, provided that they wear appropriate helmets.
Precaution should be made to cover the bicycles during wet weather, as the
bikes may not be brought into the buildings. The Yeshiva is not liable for
theft or damage of bikes and other equipment.
Talmidim may not come to Yeshiva with Scooters, skateboards, rollerblades
We feel it necessary, before presenting the Yeshiva’s Internet/Technology
policies, to share with you what our Gedolim have told us. Our Gedolim
strongly recommend that children have no access to the Internet at all,
for any reason, under any circumstances. Their feeling is that the
benefits of shielding our children from the potential dangers of viewing or
hearing material that is lacking in Tznius or otherwise inappropriate far
outweigh the inconveniences incurred. The above is most certainly
applicable to the viewing of television/secular videos.
1. Student’s use of computers, phones, IPad, tablets, etc. with internet
access, even if internet is not being used, must be supervised at all times by
a parent. Extra care must be taken when friends come over to “play on the
computer” or “work on a project.”
2. Students may not have their own e-mail addresses, nor may they access
WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, or any social media.
3. Devices in the home with internet access…
…Must be password protected
…Must have a protective filter including monitoring/accountability
software (ex. Web Chaver, Spectro Pro, etc.)
…Must be used only in a non-secluded area
1. No electronic devices, such as cameras, portable electronic games, music
and DVD players, smart watches, and media storage devices (including, but not
limited to: Ipods, MP3/4 players, disks, flash drives, memory sticks, etc.) may be
brought to Yeshiva or on the bus.
2. Students may not have their own cell phones. Students may not bring any
cell phones to Yeshiva regardless of ownership.
Over the past few years, thousands of innocent children, often from wonderful
homes, have been traumatized and scarred by inappropriate exposure to the
Internet where parents did not exercise proper precautions. The Yeshiva
expects that its talmidim not be exposed to unfiltered internet content.
Exposure to unfiltered internet by a student of the Yeshiva is grounds for
Consultation with your Rav/ מורה דרךis imperative before making any
decision about your family’s use of the Internet.
Yeshiva families are able to seek advice on the above matters from a very
knowledgeable and experienced organization - Technology Awareness Group at
The daily שחרית מניןwill begin on Tuesday, September 4th, at 7:45 AM.
Under the guidance and supervision of the Menahel, Rabbi Eliezer Rapaport,
and Rabbi Yitzchok Steinberg, the Yeshiva Ketana מניןhas gained widespread
admiration and is emulated in many other מוסדות. The מניןhelps the
talmidim develop a responsibility of השכמה לתפלה בצבורand ' עבודת הdaily.
Talmidim are trained for the חשיבותand proper הנהגהduring תפילה. This will
also afford the talmidim the opportunity to serve as a שליח צבורor בעל
קריאה. The importance of Minyan is such that the Yeshiva provides free
transportation to all talmidim in all neighborhoods. A list of Minyan bus stops
will be distributed in Yeshiva. Talmidim in grades 6, 7 and 8 are required to
attend the Yeshiva Minyan. Breakfast will be served. The cost of breakfast is
$1.00. All talmidim will be issued a bar-coded card to be scanned. Talmidim
that are entitled to free or reduced lunches are also eligible for free or
reduced priced breakfasts.
All Talmidim from grades 6-8 must attend Minyan in Yeshiva every
morning. It is not optional. Minyan begins at 7:45.
Grades Pre1A-5- classes begin daily at 9:00 AM. The following is the daily
schedule for dismissal times.
The following is the daily schedule for dismissal times.
N & K P1A Grade 1-3 Grade 4-7 Grade 8
Sunday n/a 12:00 2:00 2:00 2:00
Monday 3:00 3:00 4:30 5:30 5:30
Tuesday 3:00 3:00 4:30 5:30 5:30*
Wednesday 3:00 3:00 4:30 5:30 12:30
Thursday 3:00 3:00 4:30 5:30
Friday Winter 11:50 11:50 12:00 12:00
Summer 12:20 12:20 12:30 12:30
Mishmor: 6:30 – No Transportation (Please see below.)
In the event that Yeshiva closes early because of snowstorms, icy conditions,
or other emergencies, parents are advised to follow announcements recorded
on the Yeshiva’s message line. We will also send an e-mail with the details.
All parents are requested to instruct their children where to go in case there
is no one home. Older siblings should be instructed to care for the younger
children. Parents that have only younger children in school should request a
neighbor’s older child to care for their son with the instructions, that in the
event no one is home, they should take them to their house with them until
called for.
Following are the procedures in the event of hazardous weather:
An e-mail will be sent to all e-mail addresses on file. (Please make sure to
update your email address by calling the office or by e-mailing us at
[email protected].)
An advisory will be on the Yeshiva’s Info-line phone system (718-518-
Our eighth grade mishmor program provides our talmidim the opportunity to
broaden their ידיעות התורה. Mishmor is scheduled for Thursday evenings
after general studies from 5:30 PM until 6:30 PM.
Mishmor attendance is mandatory for all talmidim in eighth grade.
Mishmor will begin after Sukkos. Please arrange transportation home for your
son after mishmor.
In order to enhance the needs of our talmidim and parents, we have
designated one of our well known and dedicated secretaries to assume
responsibility for coordinating all transportation needs. All transportation
questions should be directed to Mrs. Ruchy Margulies. In case of an
emergency ONLY, when the Yeshiva office is closed, Mrs. Margulies can always
be reached on her cell: 718-687-8919.
Please bear in mind that Consolidated Bus Company serves us as part of its
general contract with the Department of Education. While every effort is
made on our part to request the most convenient stops, we cannot guarantee
all requests. According to NYC Law, it is the obligation of every parent to
wait at the bus stop at departure and arrival times. Students using school
buses should be well briefed on alternative means of transportation when
there is no bus service.
A list of the Sunday bus stops, which is the same as the 5:30 bus stops, as
well as a list of Consolidated Bus stops, will be sent out in a separate mailing.
METRO CARDS: The OPT (Office of Pupil Transportation) issues Metro Cards
to 7th and 8th graders. Those students who live more than a mile and a half
away from the school, are issued a free Metro Card. Students who reside less
than a mile and a half away from the school are issued a Half Fare Metro Card.
These decisions are made by OPT; not by the Yeshiva.
Parents are requested to encourage their children, and to remind them from
time to time, to adhere to the following rules:
Do not get off the curb before the bus door is open.
No pushing while getting onto the bus or on the bus.
No standing on seats or in the aisles.
Issues are to be settled in Yeshiva, not on the bus.
Respect your bus driver.
Sit quietly and show respect to each other.
Do not put hands out of the window.
Do not throw anything out of the window.
Let’s make a Kiddush Hashem!
Please note: At dismissal, students will not be permitted to go to another
child’s home without a written note signed by a parent. Additionally, if you do
not want your child to go on the bus on a particular day, please send a written
note, signed by a parent.
Homework is an invaluable aid in helping Talmidim get the most from school.
Homework reinforces daily learning, prepares the Talmid for upcoming
lessons, and helps develop self-discipline, responsibility, and organizational
skills. Each Rebbi/Teacher has developed a homework policy.
Parents play a key role in making homework a positive experience for the
children. It is preferable to provide a quiet and calm atmosphere to study
and to try to set a daily homework time. Praise and support go a long
way as well as consistently signing the homework chart when required.
Talmidim are expected to complete their homework neatly and on time.
They are expected to do work on their own and ask for help only after
they have given their best effort. Talmidim are responsible for making up
homework due to absence. If your child regularly requires your help,
neglects his homework, spends too much or too little time on
homework, contact your child's Rebbi/Teacher.
In the Mechina Division (6th-8th Grades) Limudei Kodesh “homework”
really is an expression of the חינוךthat a ben Torah should learn everyday
both in the daytime and at night. Also, consistent חזרהof that day’s
לימודis absolutely crucial to your son’s הצלחהin the upper grades.
Generally speaking, חזרהshould take between 10-20 minutes.
Depending on age and maturity, it is also encouraged to arrange regular
learning at night in a local Bais Medrash so that your son develops a habit
and love for going out to learn. (Note of caution: Make sure that there is
appropriate supervision and that you are fully aware of what’s really
happening if and when he goes out to learn.)
Failure to complete homework will be reflected in the Talmid's grade.
Certain toys and games are disruptive and/or are not in the spirit with
which the Yeshiva wishes to imbue its Talmidim. This includes but is not
limited to: DS, radios, cameras, toy guns, sports cards, playing cards etc.
(Approved game cards such as Uno, Monopoly, Top Trump, etc. may be
brought.) Laser flashlights are dangerous and may not be brought to school.
Any inappropriate material brought to the Yeshiva will be confiscated.
No buying or selling by students of any type of article or food is permitted.
Any violation of this rule may lead to suspension. Materials and proceeds of
sales will be confiscated.
Parents are advised to carefully screen their children’s reading material.
Unfortunately, the libraries provide easy access to inappropriate reading
material. Many seemingly harmless books and magazines contain
objectionable material that is spiritually harmful. It is advisable to take
advantage of the recent proliferation of kosher reading material:
newspapers, magazines, etc.
Please note: Only reading material approved by the Yeshiva may be brought
to Yeshiva. (even non-secular)
All lunchboxes, school bags, loose-leafs, folders, etc. should only bear pictures
and writings that are consistent with “good taste” and “Tznius.” No sports,
TV, movie, or cartoon characters are permitted.
LOCKERS & LOCKS: Lockers and locks will be available for talmidim in grades
3-8 when Yeshiva begins - $10.00 for a locker and $10.00 for a lock. Please
note that private locks are not permitted. Those students who have their
Yeshiva locks from previous years, need not purchase new ones. Locks
become the personal property of the talmid, and may be used from year to
year. The Rebbeim of each class will assign lockers. Locks can be purchased
from the English Department.
1. Birthdays
In grades 1-3, students may bring in one item for each classmate in honor
of a birthday, (i.e. basic cupcakes or donuts ) only with pre- approval
from the Rebbi, Morah, or teacher. Whole cakes, balloons or other items
should not be sent.
2. Siyumim/class parties
Classroom celebrations will be arranged and coordinated by the Rebbi or
Teacher. Please do not send in any nosh or foods without a note from
the Yeshiva requesting it.
Parents are requested to please choose carefully before having children
participate or be spectators in extra-curricular activities. Certain activities and
venues do not meet the Yeshiva’s standards. It is prudent to discuss these
matters with a member of the Hanhala.
To avoid loss of personal belongings, please make sure that all hats, coats,
briefcases, books, etc., have name tags. Anything left over 30 days will be
considered הפקר.
Talmidim are expected to dress as בני תורה. Please keep the above in mind as
you shop for the upcoming season. Pants should be solid dark colors; only blue
or black sneakers are permitted. Shirts must have collars and be tucked in at
all times. Tightly fitted pants, sweaters and shirts with large lettering are
unacceptable. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Please keep in mind that consistency in our message to the children as to
Tzuras Ben Torah is of utmost importance. Fathers and mothers are
requested to come to the Yeshiva buildings in a dignified and refined manner
befitting a Makom Kadosh.
A. HEBREW DEPARTMENT – The list of Seforim which are needed for each
grade is included with the general information.
B. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT – Textbooks are on loan to students, from your
Public School District or from the yeshiva. If a book needs to be replaced
due to loss or unreasonable damage, there will be a replacement charge.
A supplies list is included for all parents.
9. HEALTH (As per N.Y. State Health Code)
A. New York State law mandates that any child not in compliance with the
required immunizations be excluded from school until the
immunizations are brought up to date. Requirements change from
year-to-year and grade-to-grade. If unsure, call the nurse and ask.
B. NEW GRADE REQUIREMENTS! New York State law mandates that all new
students, as well as those in Pre1A, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grades, must have
a physical, dated no earlier than one year from the start of the school
year. If you do not send in proof of a private physical, your child will
automatically be examined by a school district appointed physician.
C. If it becomes necessary for your child to have medication during the
on his own. It is to be brought to the office BY AN ADULT with a note
from a doctor to give it. This applies to prescription or over-the-counter
medication, i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, etc. We must have the bottle with the
pharmacist’s label. The law requires that any medication, prescription
and over-the-counter, i.e. Tylenol, Benadryl etc., found with a child be
confiscated and thrown away.
D. If your child has a special health problem or needs (i.e. asthma, allergy,
etc.), please notify us, so we can be prepared to properly care for your
child as necessary.
When celebrating the momentous occasion of a Bar Mitzvah, it is necessary
that parents follow the instructions which they will receive in the mail. Any
and all questions should be referred to Rabbi Rapaport. Our best Mazel Tov
wishes on a true שמחה של מצוה.
The Yeshiva has a full service kitchen and expert staff dedicated to providing
the tastiest and nutritious meals for our talmidim. Full breakfast, lunch and
supper food service is provided as applicable. Meal fees vary based on
eligibility for government subsidy or full pay. See your financial contract for
further details. Should you prefer sending along lunch, we ask you to please
adhere to the lunch calendar. Tuesday is designated as a meat day. Please do
not send dairy. The rest of the week, dairy will be served; please don’t send
meat for lunch. Do not send dairy snacks for the afternoon break, on days
that meat is served. (Be sure to check the lunch menu each week in the
B’Kesher newsletter for any exception.)
PLEASE NOTE: Please do not drop off lunch containing takeout food (i.e.
pizza or sushi). Such deliveries cause jealousy among the students and
creates disturbance.
The policy for acceptable food to be brought to school is as follows:
1. All food sent to Yeshiva must have a reliable hashgacha visible on the
2. All dairy food must be Cholov Yisroel
3. Baked goods must be Pas Yisroel
It is recommended that you purchase all prepared foods from a store that is
under a reputable Hashgacha. Should you have a question about a product or
store/restaurant, please feel free to call the hanhala.
Please note: Bubble gum and chewing gum should never be brought to
Yeshiva. Due to the increasing incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in children and the
concern of obesity, we feel compelled to urge our parents to exercise extreme
caution in the type and amounts of “nosh” that they give their children for
555 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11218
I n f o @ y t t. e d u