The CIBER MSI Consortium
Proudly Presents
June 1-4, 2017
Fuller E. Callaway
Professorial Chair Robinson College of Business
35 Broad Street, Suite 1438
Executive Director, CIBER Atlanta, GA 30302-3989
[email protected]
404-413-7284 (office)
1 June 2017
Welcome to the 2017 International Business Pedagogy Workshops!
This annual event, designed for those of us who have a passion for teaching
international business, is now a great tradition sponsored by a consortium of CIBERs –
federally designated centers of excellence in international business. We gather each
year to inspire each other about teaching, learn about latest classroom innovations, and
update our pedagogical toolbox. As always, we have assembled world-class educators
who will share with us their expertise on: (i) the content; (ii) pedagogy; and (iii)
resources for teaching international business.
This year, plenary sessions include a workshop on teaching effectiveness led by Dr.
Laura Carruth, a cognitive learning scientist. Other plenaries include a session with a
select group of master teachers, a session on instructional technology, and one on
teaching the introductory IB course. The poster session, where participants showcase
their classroom innovations and experiences, continues.
We are very pleased by the addition of a new thematic workshop on International
Entrepreneurship to be taught by two renowned educators – Patricia McDougall and
Manuel Serapio. Welcome to the team!
I take this opportunity to extend my special thanks to:
This year’s keynote speakers: Dr. Timothy Duvall, Senior Program Officer at the
U.S. Department of Education and Ahmet Bozer, President International, The
Coca-Cola Co. (ret);
Our partners in the CIBER Consortium for Minority Serving Institutions: Brigham
Young University, The George Washington University, Indiana University,
Michigan State University, Temple University, Texas A&M University, University of
Colorado-Denver, University of Maryland, University of Miami, and University of
A talented Georgia State University CIBER team whose skills and effort are
unmatched – Thank you Farrah Bernardino, Dr. Ilke Kardes, Jamaica Villegas,
Paula Huntley, and many student assistants!
We hope that you fully take advantage of this professional development opportunity.
S. Tamer Cavusgil
Georgia State University, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an equal opportunity educational institution and is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
International Business Pedagogy Workshops
June 1-4, 2017
Hosted by GSU-CIBER
Thursday, June 1
12:00-7:30 pm Conference Check-In outside of Room 1203
1:30-3:00 pm
3:00-3:15 pm Plenary I: Teaching Effectiveness: What Does Research Show? Room 1203
3:15-5:00 pm
5:00-5:15 pm Presenter: Laura Carruth, Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning,
5:15-6:15 pm
Associate Professor, Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State University
6:30-7:30 pm
Commentator: John Riesenberger
Refreshment Break – Room 1203
Plenary II: Insights from Master Teachers Room 1203
Panelists: Evaristo Doria, Linda Gerber, Piet Pauwels, Liesl Riddle, Hakan Saraoglu, Attila
Refreshment Break – Room 1203
Opening Keynote Remarks Room 1203
Timothy Duvall, Senior Program Officer, Int’l and Foreign Language Education, U.S.
Dept. of Education
Welcome Reception Room 802-803
Tamer Cavusgil, Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair & GSU-CIBER Executive Director
8:00-9:30 am Friday, June 2
Plenary III: Designing the Introductory International Business Course Room 1203
Panelists: Tamer Cavusgil, Pedro Carrillo, Roberto Garcia, Linda Gerber, Ilke Kardes, Ben Kedia,
Michael Pustay. Commentator: John Riesenberger
9:30-9:45 am Refreshment Break – Room 1203
9:45-11:00 am Plenary IV: Instructional Technology and Resources for Teaching IB Room 1203
Panelists: Tamer Cavusgil, Jacobus Boers, Roberto Garcia, Ilke Kardes, Erkan Kocas
11:00-11:15 am Refreshment Break – Room 1203
11:15 am Keynote Remarks Room 1203
12:30 pm Ahmet Bozer, President International & Executive Vice President Coca-Cola Co. (Ret.)
12:45-1:45 pm Lunch (Room 802-803) & Group Photo (Room 802-803)
1:45-3:15 pm Room 601 Room 627 Room 620 Room 619 Room 610
Pustay, Yaprak Saraoglu Liu, Riddle E. Cavusgil, Civi, McDougall, Serapio
3:15-3:45 pm Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
3:45-5:15 pm Room 601 Room 627 Room 620 Room 619 Room 610
Pustay, Yaprak Saraoglu Liu, Riddle E. Cavusgil, Civi, McDougall, Serapio
IB: International Business; FIN: Essentials of International Finance for IB; MGT: International
Management; MKTG: International Marketing; ENT: International Entrepreneurship
Saturday, June 3
8:30-10:15 am Room 601 Room 627 Room 620 Room 619 Room 610
Pustay, Yaprak Saraoglu Liu, Riddle E. Cavusgil, Civi, McDougall, Serapio
10:15-10:45 am Ozkaya
Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
10:45 am- Room 601 Room 627 Room 620 Room 619 Room 610
12:30 pm Pustay, Yaprak Saraoglu Liu, Riddle E. Cavusgil, Civi, McDougall, Serapio
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch – Room 802-803
Poster Session – Room 802-803
1:00-2:00 pm Cary Caro, Mourad Dakhli, Brady Hodges, Ilke Kardes, Minna Logemann, Elena Poliakova,
Hinrich Voss & Giles Blackburne, Meral Yaliniz
2:00-3:15 pm Room 601 Room 627 Room 620 Room 619 Room 610
Pustay, Yaprak Saraoglu Liu, Riddle E. Cavusgil, Civi, McDougall, Serapio
3:15-3:45 pm Ozkaya
Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
3:45-5:15 pm Room 601 Room 627 Room 620 Room 619 Room 610
Pustay, Yaprak Saraoglu Liu, Riddle E. Cavusgil, Civi, McDougall, Serapio
IB: International Business; FIN: Essentials of International Finance for IB; MGT: International
Management; MKTG: International Marketing; ENT: International Entrepreneurship
Sunday, June 4
Case Writing and Teaching Pedagogy Research
8:30-10:00 am Room 601 Room 610 Room 619
10:00-10:15 am
10:15 am-Noon Yaprak Workshop leader: Garcia Cavusgil, Deligonul
Noon-1:00 pm Workshop members: Dakhli, Doria
Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
Cross-national Perspectives Pedagogy Research
Room 601 Room 610 Room 619
Workshop leader: Pauwels Workshop leader: Garcia Cavusgil, Deligonul
Workshop members: Civi, Workshop members: Dakhli, Doria
Gerber, Kovacs, Liu
Boxed Lunch & Award Ceremony – Rm 802/803
Awarding of Certificates of Achievement; Presentation of best paper awards
Program Adjourns
International Business Pedagogy Workshops
June 1-4, 2017
Hosted by GSU-CIBER
Thursday, June 1
12:00-7:30 pm Conference Check-In – outside of Room 1203
Plenary I: Teaching Effectiveness: What Does Research Show? Room 1203
Presenter: Laura Carruth, Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching &
Learning, Associate Professor, Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State
1:30-3:00 Commentator: John Riesenberger
pm About: How do you define teaching effectiveness? How can you demonstrate
that you are an effective teacher? How does teaching effectiveness impact
student learning? We will explore these questions and review the literature
from different disciplines to identify high impact teaching strategies and
3:00-3:15 Refreshment Break – Room 1203
Plenary II: Insights from Master Teachers Room 1203
Panelists: Evaristo Doria, Linda Gerber, Piet Pauwels, Liesl Riddle,
3:15-5:00 Hakan Saraoglu, Attila Yaprak
About: Experienced educators will share classroom pedagogy and practices that
they find most useful in their teaching. The purpose of this panel is to
demonstrate a diversity of teaching philosophies. Panelists will share specific
ideas for connecting with millennials.
5:00-5:15 Refreshment Break – Room 1203
5:15-6:15 Opening Keynote Remarks Room 1203
Timothy Duvall, Senior Program Officer, Int’l and Foreign Language
Education, U.S. Dept. of Education
6:30-7:30 Welcome Reception Room 802-803
S. Tamer Cavusgil, Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair & GSU-CIBER
Executive Director
Friday, June 2
Plenary III: Designing the Introductory IB Course: Room 1203
Content, Templates, and Pedagogy
8:00-9:30 Panelists: Tamer Cavusgil, Pedro Carrillo, Roberto Garcia, Linda Gerber, Ilke
am Kardes, Ben Kedia, Michael Pustay. Commentator: John Riesenberger
About: Faculty involved in designing and delivering introductory IB courses
will share their experiences and practices. Resources for the teaching of these
courses such as syllabi, exercises and cases will also be made available.
9:30-9:45 am Refreshment Break – Room 1203
Plenary IV: Instructional Technology and Resources Room 1203
for Teaching IB
Panelists: Tamer Cavusgil, Jacobus Boers, Roberto Garcia, Ilke Kardes, Erkan
9:45-11:00 Kocas
About: Leaders will share resources including knowledge portals, social media,
IB course management software, video sources, and other useful material for
teaching IB. The discussion will focus on the most recent advances in
classroom technology. This plenary session will help provide a uniform
understanding of educational technology for all participants.
11:00-11:15 am Refreshment Break – Room 1203
11:15 am Keynote Remarks Room 1203
12:30 pm
Ahmet Bozer, President International & Executive Vice President
Coca-Cola Co. (Ret.)
12:45-1:45 Lunch (Room 802-803) & Group Photo (Room 802-803)
1:45-3:15 Parallel workshops: IB (Room-601); FIN (Room-627); MGT (Room-620);
pm MKTG (Room-619); ENT (Room-610)
3:15-3:45 pm Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
3:45-5:15 Parallel workshops - cont’d.
8:30-10:15 am Saturday, June 3
10:15-10:45 am Parallel workshops - cont’d.
10:45 am- Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
12:30 pm
12:30-1:30 pm Parallel workshops - cont’d.
Lunch – Room 802-803
Poster Session Room 802-803
Cary Caro, Xavier University, Inverted Learning
Mourad Dakhli, Georgia State University, Live Cases in Study Abroad with
Peers Teams: Integrating Multiple International Business Experiential
Brady Hodges, Texas A&M University, Bringing the World to Them:
Merging Cross-border Partnerships and Experiential Learning in a Global
1:00-2:00 pm Marketing Team Project & Competition
Ilke Kardes, Georgia State University, Global Competency Certificate
Minna Logemann, Aalto University School of Business, Virtual Business
Elena Poliakova, Georgia State University, Using Hofstede’s “National
culture” Online Tool in IB Classes
Hinrich Voss & Giles Blackburne, Leeds University, Fireplace Talks
Meral Yaliniz, Northwood University, An Experiment on the Impact of the
Two-Stage Collaborative Exams in an International Trade Course
2:00-3:15 pm Parallel workshops - cont’d.
3:15-3:45 pm Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
3:45-5:15 pm
Parallel workshops - cont’d.
Parallel Thematic Workshops on Friday, June 2 & Saturday, June 3
IB: Introduction to International Business – Room 601
Workshop Leaders: Michael Pustay, Texas A&M University; Attila Yaprak, Wayne State University
Topics covered: Evolution of global business, foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise,
national trade policies and the international trading regime, regional economic integration, domestic
environments of IB, strategy & structure, managing mergers & acquisitions, corporate governance & social
FIN: Essentials of International Finance for IB – Room 627
Workshop Leader: Hakan Saraoglu, Bryant University
Topics Covered: Globalization and the multinational corporation, foreign exchange and Eurocurrency
markets, international parity conditions, real exchange rates, currency futures, currency options, managing
transaction and operating exposures, foreign market entry and country risk management, multinational
capital budgeting, multinational capital structure and cost of capital, international corporate governance.
MGT: International Management – Room 620
Workshop Leaders: Leigh Anne Liu, Georgia State University; Liesl Riddle, George Washington University
Topics Covered: Globalization and international management; corporate social responsibility in global
context; strategic and competitive dimensions of international management; strategic alliances and cross-
border collaborations; multicultural competence and development; global mindset and global leadership.
MKTG: International Marketing – Room 619
Workshop Leaders: Erin Cavusgil, University of Michigan-Flint; Emin Civi, University of New Brunswick;
Erkan Ozkaya, California State Polytechnic University
Topics Covered: Pedagogy & resources for teaching intl’ marketing, globalization & implications for
marketing managers, market entry decision, global market research, key players in intl’ marketing, business
partnering & alliances, pricing, product policy, branding, distribution channels, standardization vs.
adaptation decisions, research streams in intl’ marketing.
ENT: International Entrepreneurship – Room 610
Workshop Leaders: Patricia McDougall, Indiana University; Manuel Serapio, University of Colorado Denver
Topics Covered: The intersection between international business and entrepreneurship, incorporating
entrepreneurial content in the international business course, including topics, syllabi, and course materials,
resources for teaching and research, including recommendations for textbooks, readings, cases, videos, and
internet based resources.
Sunday, June 4
Case Writing and Teaching Room 601
Workshop Leader: Attila Yaprak
About: Some faculty find that case teaching is an effective way to impart
knowledge. Learn from seasoned faculty as to how to incorporate case
teaching into your courses. Also, learn about writing and publishing original
case studies.
Pedagogy Room 610
Workshop Leader: Roberto Garcia
Workshop Members: Mourad Dakhli, Evaristo Doria
About: The best classroom teaching is a combination of “learned skills” and
“art-form.” This combination can make the abstract come alive. Hear and
8:30-10:00 am learn from the masters of pedagogy how to motivate and create exciting and
substance-filled lectures. This session will cover several practical teaching
tools to enhance the relevance and interest level of international business
content in a variety of business courses.
Research Room 619
Workshop Leaders: S. Tamer Cavusgil, Seyda Deligonul
About: Everyone interested in learning more about carrying out research in
international business is welcome. Topics discussed include: where to look
for meritorious research ideas; promising research avenues in IB; the role of
theory in research; crafting manuscripts for refereed journals; managing the
‘Revise & Resubmit’ process; tips for publishing success; and suggestions for
building your career.
10:00-10:15 am Refreshment Break – 6th floor lounge
Cross-national Perspectives Room 601
Workshop Leader: Piet Pauwels
Workshop Members: Emin Civi, Linda Gerber, Erica Kovacs, Leigh Anne Liu
10:15 am-Noon About: Faculty with IB teaching experience in various world regions will
illustrate their best practices in working with their students audiences.
Pedagogy cont’d. (Details above)
Noon-1:00 pm Research cont’d. (Details above)
Boxed Lunch & Awarding of Certificates of Achievement
Rm 802/803
Program Adjourns
International Business Pedagogy Workshops
June 1-4, 2017
Hosted by GSU-CIBER
Tamer serves as Executive Director, Center for International
Business Education and Research (CIBER), and Fuller E. Callaway
Professorial Chair at Georgia State University.
Tamer also serves as a visiting professor at Leeds University
Business School and the University of South Australia Business
School. Previously, he was the inaugural holder of John W. Byington
Endowed Chair in Global Marketing at Michigan State University. He
also held the Gianni and Joan Montezemolo Visiting Chair at the
University of Cambridge, the U.K., where he is also an Honorary
Fellow of the Sidney Sussex College.
Tamer is the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Hasselt (Belgium)
and the University of Southern Denmark.
Tamer specializes in the internationalization of the firm, global strategy, emerging
markets, and buyer-seller relationships in cross-border business. Most recently, he has
been researching the evolution of middle-class in rapidly transforming economies.
Tamer has authored more than two dozen books and some 200 refereed journal
articles. His work is among the most cited contributions in international business.
Various reviews have listed him as one of the most influential and prolific authors in
international management. Google citations indicate over 30,000 citations as of 2017.
Tamer is the senior author of the leading textbook, International Business: The New
Realities, with G. Knight and J. Riesenberger (4th ed., 2017, Pearson).
Tamer founded the Journal of International Marketing in 1993 and served as its Editor-
in-Chief for the first seven years. The American Marketing Association adopted the
journal which is now in its 24th volume. Its impact factor was 3.1 in 2015.
Similarly, Tamer introduced the annual book series, Advances in International Marketing
in 1986 and served as Editor-in-Chief for the first 20 volumes. Most recently, Tamer has
helped launch a new business journal, Rutgers Business Review, to feature
managerially relevant research for business executives. Tamer served as Associate
Editor for the Journal of International Business Studies, and is on the editorial review
boards of a dozen professional journals.
Throughout 25+ years of leading CIBER centers of excellence in international business
at Michigan State and Georgia State, Tamer has created opportunities for advancing
research and scholarship in international management (CIBERs – Centers for
International Business Education and Research – are federally designated national
resource centers in the United States). CIBER funding has made it possible to initiate
landmark research projects, roundtables on internationalization of business education,
and offer professional development opportunities for faculty and doctoral students.
Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) workshops have been organized
for the past two decades (held annually in Atlanta:
consortium/fdib/ ).
Tamer is an elected Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and served
on its Board of Directors. He was program chair for the 2000 annual meeting held in
Phoenix, AR. He also served as Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, International
University, Geneva, Switzerland from 1997 to 2007, assisting a start-up business school
gain accreditation and recognition.
While leading the CIBER at Michigan State University, Tamer spearheaded the
development of now leading international business knowledge portal, globalEDGE, and
a host of decision support tools for international managers. Most well-known among
these is CORE – COmpany Readiness to Export. CORE is a tutorial and decision
support tool for managers considering going international. It was then adopted by the
U.S. Department of Commerce, and is being used nationally in its Export Assistance
In 2014, Tamer and his doctoral student, Prof. Gary Knight, were awarded the
prestigious JIBS Decade Award, for their article, “Innovation, Organizational Capabilities
and the Born-Global Firm.” Tamer is also the recipient of: The American Marketing
Association’s Excellence in Global Marketing Research Award (2002 and 2012);
Distinguished Faculty, and Ralph H. Smuckler Award for Advancing International
Studies and Programs (Michigan State University).
Tim Duvall is Senior Program Officer in the US Department of
Education’s International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE)
office. He came to IFLE after 15 successful years as a professor and
small business owner.
He holds degrees from The College of William and Mary, Virginia
Tech, and The University of Arizona. He taught at Pima College, The
University of Arizona, and St. John’s University in New York City
where he won awards for both his teaching and his research.
With IFLE, Tim administers the Centers for International Business Education grants
along with the National Resource Center and Foreign Language and Area Studies
fellowship grants for the Russia/East Europe, Africa, Middle East, and International
world areas.
Jacobus Boers, as an assistant dean, is tasked to define and
execute a strategic vision for the college’s portfolio of international
programs including international experiences, study abroad,
exchange programs, and the experience international students have
while at the Robinson College of Business. He is also the director of
the Global Partners MBA program.
In teaching, Boers shares practical experience he gained while
conducting business on five continents. Through extensive travel and expatriate
assignments, he has worked in different cultural, economic, political and legal
environments. He has developed a systematic approach for establishing and developing
strong relationships of trust with customers, clients, associates, and partners in diverse
cultures, at times under difficult circumstances. Over the years, he has supported the
international growth and success of organizations both as a member of the
management team and as a consultant.
Boers has directed the planning and implementation of large international projects with
responsibilities for technical compliance, financing, procurement, logistics, facilities
commissioning and testing. He has been responsible for worldwide customer service
support, including directing post-sales technical support. He has also has worked with
companies providing goods and services procured under Multilateral Development Bank
lending facilities, bringing technology to the developing world for application in
education, healthcare, civil administration, and research.
Mr. Ahmet Bozer served as an Executive Vice President of The
Coca-Cola Company until his retirement in March 2016 serving as
the President of Coca-Cola International since January 1, 2013. In
that position he was responsible for all units outside North America.
From 2000 to 2012 Ahmet worked in Istanbul for the The Coca-Cola
Company, rising from Division President of Eurasia with
responsibility for a handful of countries to President of the Eurasia
and Africa Group covering 90 countries. Ahmet began his career in
1985 with the audit firm Coopers & Lybrand, based in Atlanta,
serving in a variety of audit, consultancy and management roles. In 1990 he moved to
The Coca-Cola Company as a Financial Controller Manager in Atlanta and then moved
to his native Turkey in 1992 as Region Finance Manager for the company. In 1994 he
joined the Coca-Cola Bottlers of Turkey as Finance Director and was named managing
Director of the bottler in 1998, where he remained until he rejoined The Coca-Cola
Company in 2000.
A founding member of The Coca-Cola Turkey Life Plus Foundation, Ahmet also
previously served as head of the US-Pakistan Business Council. In 2013, Ahmet was
named Chairman of the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU),
Chairman of the U.S.-Turkey Business Council, Chairman of the US – Brazil Business
Council and was appointed to the Robinson College Board of Advisors at Georgia State
University. Ahmet currently is a member of the Board of Directors of Coca-Cola Hellenic
and Turkish Philantrophy fund. Ahmet holds a Master of Science in Business
Information Systems from Georgia State University in the U.S. and a Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration from Middle East Technical University in Ankara,
Pedro E. Carrillo C. has dual citizenship in Venezuela and the
United States, with thirty years experience in diplomatic relations in
financial institutions for regional development, bilateral and multi-
lateral negotiation and U.S. congressional relations. He has served
in the Venezuelan Foreign Service for more than 20 years. He has
also served as a Program Coordinator in San José de Costa Rica
for the Inter-American Development Bank and worked for
government agencies and private banking institutions.
His graduate work was done at the School of Advanced International Studies “SAIS” of
the Johns Hopkins University in International Public Policy. Carillo has been teaching for
The Institute of International Business of the J. Mack Robinson School of Business at
Georgia State University since January 1996, and was also an Adjunct Professor at
Oglethorpe University teaching for their MBA program.
Laura Carruth became the Director of the Center for Excellence in
Teaching & Learning in November 2014. She is an Associate
Professor in the Neuroscience Institute and Department of Biology
and has a secondary appointment in the School of Public Health.
She has been interested in all aspects of teaching and learning
since she was a graduate student at the University of Colorado,
Boulder. She is particularly interested in expanding research efforts
in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at Georgia State. She runs
workshops on a wide variety of pedagogical topics including student engagement and
active learning, hybridized classes, documenting teaching effectiveness for promotion &
tenure, pre-assessment techniques plus many others.
She coordinates the new CETL Faculty Teaching Fellows and Faculty Teaching &
Learning Communities (Faculty-TaLC) programs plus the CETL book club. She enjoys
talking to her colleagues about pedagogy and understanding how to meet the learning
needs of Georgia State students. Her neuroscience research focuses on investigating
how early life stress impacts brain development and learning. She also partners with
Zoo Atlanta and Fernbank Museum of Natural History on summer science education
workshops for K-12 teachers from across the state.
Erin Cavusgil is an Associate Professor at the University of
Michigan-Flint. Erin teaches both traditional as well as online
classes, and enjoys experimenting with new pedagogical
approaches. In her teaching, she strives to keep her students
engaged by incorporating most recent business world content into
her teaching. Her typical class goes beyond lecturing, and includes
exercises, brief videos, problem-solving sessions, and short
Erin holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of
Michigan, an MS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, and a
PhD in Marketing from Michigan State University. She spent about 4 years working in
the pharmaceutical industry as a chemical engineer.
Erin’s main research interests include international marketing, retailing, new product
development, innovation, and marketing strategy. Her research has been published in
the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, International Business Review, Journal of Business Ethics, and the Journal of
Business Research, among others.
Emin Civi is Professor of Marketing at the University of New
Brunswick, Saint John, Canada since 2005. He has also taught in
various places including Carnegie Mellon University Qatar, Celal
Bayar University, Turkey, United Arab Emirates University, Izmir
Economy University, Turkey, and has spent two academic years in
Michigan State University as a visiting scholar. Civi teaches
marketing strategy, international marketing and international
business courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His
research has appeared in journals like Thunderbird International
Business Review, the Marketing Intelligence and Planning and International Journal of
Business and Emerging Markets etc.
Emin’s teaching has been recognized by over time with honors and distinctions across
different platforms such as awards that are student nominated (University of New
Brunswick (UNB) Allen P. Stuart Award), faculty and university-wide awards (UNB
Departmental Teaching Award, UNB Merit Award, and UNB’s highest teaching
designation as a Teaching Scholar), international awards (the Hormel Meritorious
Teaching Award and the Hormel Teaching Excellence Award by Marketing
Management Association in USA) as well as a regional award (Association of Atlantic
Universities Distinguished Teaching Award) and a current nomination for a national
teaching award (3M National Teaching Fellowship) in Canada.
Mourad Dakhli is Associate Professor of International Business and
holds a Ph.D. from the Moore School of Business at the University
of South Carolina. His research centers on the value-generating
processes of human and social capital across different cultural and
institutional settings and the implications on learning and
innovation. Prior to joining GSU, he served as a faculty member at
the American University of Kuwait, and taught at various places
including the University of South Carolina, Azerbaijan State Oil
Academy (Azerbaijan), the Caucasus School of Business (Republic of Georgia), and
His prior work experience includes developing and marketing industry training
programs, managing capacity development projects at a number of academic
institutions, and directing the activities of a bi-national chamber of commerce
responsible for the promotion and implementation of a wide array of international trade
and investment initiatives.
Seyda Deligonul is Professor of Management at St. John Fisher
College since 1989. A recipient of the Dean Citation award, one of
the highest in the Fisher community, Deligonul teaches business
strategy courses and supervises MBA capstone projects at the
School of Business. He is an active contributor to the doctoral
program at Eli Broad Graduate School at Michigan State University.
His work has appeared in more than 20 journals including Journal of
Marketing, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of International
Marketing, Decision Science, Journal of Applied Probability, Journal
of the Operational Research Society, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal
Quality Engineering, Journal of Computation, Journal of Simulation and Computation,
Journal of Industrial Mathematics, Journal of Quality Management.
His current research interests include topics from interorganizational relationships,
governance issues, and firm performance. In his spare time Deligonul enjoys art. He is
an avid painter and photographer with nationally acclaimed work.
Evaristo F. Doria co-leads the US – Latin America Program
(USLAT) at the Institute of International Business. USLAT, an
initiative of the IIB, connects U.S. businesses and entrepreneurs to
their counterparts in Latin America. IIB faculty provides a range of
technical assistance for market entry and expansion and facilitates
successful global business.
Doria has worked as a corporate executive in strategic marketing
and sales in Latin America and Asia for Fortune 100 companies for more than two
decades. Most recently, he served Johnson & Johnson as an international executive in
charge of International Marketing. Doria has authored several articles and books in his
field targeted to the Spanish speaking business community.
P. Roberto Garcia is the Young-Jin Kim Clinical Professor of
International Business in the Department of Management and
Entrepreneurship at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.
He also serves as Faculty Director for the Center for International
Business Education and Research (CIBER). He currently teaches
various International Business courses at the Undergraduate, Kelley
Direct-Online, and Executive Education programs.
Garcia holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in International
Business with a functional area minor in Organizational Behavior
and an MBA from the University of Toledo, Ohio (International Business). He received
his bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia in Psychology. Before
going on to pursue a Ph.D., Dr. Garcia gained significant full-time management
experience at well-known organizations including, GM, Ford, Chrysler, ALCOA, Philips,
AT&T, Wendy’s International, Edwards Brothers Printing, Kimball International, U.S.
Department of Justice, Manitowoc, Cummins Inc., Eli Lilly, etc.
Linda Gerber is the Director of the Center for Global
Business/CIBER at the McCombs School of Business at the
University of Texas at Austin where she manages programs which
enhance the knowledge of students, faculty, and businesses about
international business. Linda has spearheaded the creation of
business language courses across the University’s foreign
language departments, supervised all international student
exchange and scholarship programs in the College of Business,
and initiated a number international business curricular programs.
Linda is a noted expert on international business education, having authored a variety of
papers on international programs, consulted with many U.S. colleges and universities
on their international business programs, served as an external reviewer for the U.S.
Department of Education on international grant proposals, and been an invited speaker
at national conferences on study abroad and international programs in higher
education. Her international teaching experiences include positions at ESC – Paris,
ESADE in Barcelona, the Helsinki School of Economics, and the Steinbeis Institute in
Stuttgart and Berlin. Her current teaching is related to international trade and
Ilke Kardes is full time faculty at Robinson College of Business,
Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia and teaches classes
in International Business at the Institute of International Business.
Additionally, she serves as Research Director for Center for
International Business Education & Research (CIBER). She is
responsible for driving research initiatives as well as managing
CIBER’s IT needs including web publishing, database
management, and other technology requirements. Her research
interests focus on emerging markets, middle class, branding, and IB pedagogy.
Ilke’s academic career and experience have been shaped by different cultures over the
years. Before joining GSU, Ilke was a faculty member at the University of Applied
Sciences, Duesseldorf, Germany and at Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, where
she earned her Ph.D. degree in Marketing. She also served as a research associate at
Robinson College of Business in 2011. Ilke is fluent in English and German, in addition
to her native language, Turkish.
Ben Kedia holds the Robert Wang Chair of Excellence in International
Business and is Director of the Wang Center for International
Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of
Memphis. His teaching and research interests include International
Business Strategy and Cross-Cultural and Comparative Management.
Kedia has served as Division Chair, Program Chair, and Doctoral
Consortium Chair of the International Management Division of the Academy of
Management. He also served as Program Chair, Vice President and President of the
Academy of International Business-U.S. Southwest, and as President and Member of
the Executive Committee of the CIBER Association. He is an active member of the
Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, and the CIBER
Association. In addition to his academic and administrative responsibilities, he has
served as a consultant and provided executive training for Federal Express, Smith &
Nephew, Citibank, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, American Cyanamid, and Entech
He received his Ph.D. from Case-Western Reserve University, M.B.A. from Atlanta
University, LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws) from the University of Bombay, and B. Com.
(Bachelor of Commerce) from the University of Rajasthan (India).
Erkan Kocas is a Trade Specialist at the Michigan State University
International Business Center. He is involved in all efforts to connect
the mid-Michigan business community with the resources of the
International Business Center (MSU-CIBER) and the Broad College
of Business. This work is strongly export-focused and includes
programs such as the Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan and the
Michigan Export Growth Program.
Prior to joining the Broad College of Business Erkan worked in different roles for more
than 15 years at companies with an extensive global reach such as Xerox, Thomson
Reuters, and Citrix. He gained intensive business operations experience at Thomson
Reuters where he was responsible for the sales operations of the Central and Eastern
Europe region from 2008-2010. Years prior, Erkan became an entrepreneur by
establishing his own internet-based business.
Erkan graduated from the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University with a
Master’s of Business Administration with a concentration in Supply Chain Management,
and currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. program at the College of Education studying
Higher Adult and Lifelong Education (HALE).
Leigh Anne studies the roles of culture and cognition in negotiation,
conflict management, collaboration, teams, and relationships in
multicultural settings. Her research has appeared in Administrative
Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of
International Business Studies, Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, and Management and Organization Review, among
other outlets.
She has been a visiting professor at Toulouse Business School in France, Peking
University, and Nanjing University in China. She has consulted for Fortune 500
companies and the nonprofit sectors on conflict management and multicultural
competency programs. Professor Liu has taught courses and workshops for
undergraduate, MBA, MIB, Ph.D., and executive students on topics of international
negotiation, multicultural competency, global management, and cross-cultural behavior.
Patricia McDougall-Covin is the William L. Haeberle Professor of
Entrepreneurship and the Director of the Institute for International
Business at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. Dr.
McDougall is a 1stCentury Entrepreneurship Research Fellow,
former Vice President of Programs for the Academy of International
Business and former Entrepreneurship Division Chair in the
Academy of Management. She served as Associate Dean of the
Kelley School of Business from 2004-2009. She received her
doctorate from the University of South Carolina.
She and her frequent co-author are widely credited with pioneering the growing
academic field of international entrepreneurship and were presented the JIBS Decade
Award for their 1994 article on the early internationalization of new ventures. The award
is given to the Journal of International Business Studies article that has had the most
significant impact on international business research during the past decade. Their 1994
article was also awarded the Foundational Paper Award by the Academy of
Management Entrepreneurshp Division for a paper that has had a lasting and positive
influence on the field of entrepreneurship.
Dr. McDougall-Covin has received several teaching and research recognitions,
including Indiana University’s Trustees’ Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, the
Kelley School’s Full Professor Research Excellence Award and the John W. Ryan
Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Programs and Studies. She has
co-edited four books and published numerous articles which appear in a variety of
academic and professional journals. She is a current or former member of ten editorial
boards. Her research has been presented in the business press,
including Inc. magazine, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. Her business
teaching cases appear in more than twenty-five leading textbooks.
Erkan Ozkaya is a faculty member at the California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona. He holds a PhD in Marketing
from Michigan State University. His research interests are
International Marketing, Innovation and New Product
Development, and Marketing Strategy. Erkan has published in
leading journals including Journal of International Business
Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing,
International Business Review, among others. He has served as
the Global Marketing Track Chair at AMA and AMS conferences.
Erkan is the founding director of NASA-Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) Business Startup
Program where he teaches international technology commercialization and leads
student teams to commercialize NASA technologies. He is the faculty member of the
NASA – CPP Technology Assessment Program where he leads student teams to
conduct international marketing research activities to find potential customers for NASA
technologies. He is also a member of the Entrepreneurship in STEM Education
Program where he coaches cross disciplinary student teams to develop and sell
products in a global setting.
Erkan’s passion and enthusiasm for teaching drives him to implement innovative and
effective ways to deliver course content. He enjoys providing a hands-on learning
environment with industry projects, case studies, and digital content. He teaches both at
graduate and undergraduate level, and is proficient in delivering content in hybrid,
online, and face-to-face formats. Erkan’s exemplary teaching performance has been
recognized by the International Business and Marketing Department at Cal Poly
Pomona, where he received Faculty of the Year Award three times. He takes an active
role in designing and implementing the International Business curriculum.
Erkan has a diverse teaching portfolio that includes International Marketing, Innovation
and Product Commercialization, Technology Commercialization, Global Business
Strategy, Exporting, International Logistics, Global Reputation Management, and
Principles of Global Business.
Piet Pauwels holds a Master’s Degree in Marketing from the Vlerick
Leuven Gent Management School and a Ph.D. in Business
Administration from Hasselt University. Today, Prof. Pauwels is the
dean of the faculty of Business Economics at Hasselt University. He
is full professor of marketing teaching international and industrial
marketing in the BA and MSc programs.
He is involved in research programs related to organizational market
learning in the context of export marketing, new product development, and global
purchasing. He was a visiting scholar at Michigan State University (USA) and has been
invited as a guest lecturer at, among others, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School,
KU Leuven, TU Eindhoven, and University of StGallen. He has been involved in
research and/or consulting to internationalizing companies operating mainly in a
business-to-business context.
Michael Pustay is Professor of Management at Texas A&M University
and Associate Director for the Center for International Business
Studies at the University. He holds a similar position in TAMU’s
federally-funded Center for International Business Education and
Pustay received his B.A. in Economics from Washington and Lee
University summa cum laude and his Ph.D. in Economics from Yale
University. He has written numerous articles dealing with the impact
of government policies and regulations on the performance of firms.
His recent work has explored the impact of regional economic integration on business
behavior and the role of government policy in shaping competition in the international
airline industry.
Pustay is a member of the Academy of International Business, the Academy of
Management, the American Economic Association, and the International Trade and
Finance Association. He has taught international business to undergraduate, graduate,
MBA, and executive audiences for the past two decades.
Liesl Riddle is an Associate Professor of International Business and
International Affairs at The George Washington University School of
Business. Dr. Riddle has written extensively about diasporas and
development, international entrepreneurship, and trade and
investment promotion. She co-authored the first published study
about diaspora investment in the Journal of International Business
Studies in 1999. Having examined diaspora investment and
entrepreneurship for over 25 years, Dr. Riddle has conducted
research with diaspora communities in the USA and Europe originating from countries
of origin in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle
East. Since 2006, she has led the GW Diaspora Capital Investment Project, which
generates and disseminates learning about diaspora investment and its role in
development to assist private-sector firms, policymakers, diaspora organizations,
diaspora entrepreneurs, and researchers.
Dr. Riddle consults on diaspora engagement-related issues for international
organizations and government agencies, such as the United Nations, the World Bank,
the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Organization
for Migration (IOM), the International Centre for Migration and Policy Development
(ICMPD) and for private-sector clients, including Western Union. She is a member of
the advisory board of Homestrings, an online investment platform for diaspora
investment, and Shuraako, an NGO promoting employment and entrepreneurship in
Somalia. She also was one of the original partners of the African Diaspora
Marketplace, a business plan competition co-sponsored by USAID, Western Union, and
George Washington University. She is a founding member and former director of GW’s
Diaspora Research Program and is a faculty advisor for GW’s Center for International
Business Education and Research in the area of diaspora investment and
entrepreneurship. Dr. Riddle holds a BA and MA in Middle Eastern Studies, a MBA in
Marketing/International Business, and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Texas
at Austin. Prior to her appointment at GW in 2001, she worked in the field of market
research and held the position of the Director of Research for an international market
research firm.
John Riesenberger is the president at Consilium Partners, Inc. and
serves as a board member at Ontario Institute for Cancer
Research. He was a Clinical Professor of Executive Development
at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and an
Executive-In-Residence at the Michigan State University Center for
International Business Education and Research.
His teaching and research activities center on leadership and
global projects. He is an accomplished author, consultant and international executive
with senior executive experience in major pharmaceutical firms, and with C-suite
experience in biotechnology firms and pharmaceutical agencies.
He served as Vice President, Global Business Management, Pharmacia & Upjohn. He
has also served as Corporate Vice President and Chief Commercialization Officer of a
biotechnology firm and as the Executive Vice President of a pharmaceutical science
branding agency. He received a Masters of Business Administration degree and a
Bachelor of Science in Economics-Business degree from Hofstra University. He
attended the Harvard Business School’s International Senior Management Program.
Hakan Saraoglu is Professor of Finance and Coordinator of the
Financial Services Program at Bryant University. He received his
Ph.D. from Michigan State University and his masters and bachelor
degrees from Bogazici University in Turkey. He teaches international
financial management, international investments, financial modeling,
and corporate finance at Bryant University. His research interests are
in international finance, investments, and financial modeling.
His research articles have appeared in Financial Analysts Journal,
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Economics
and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Journal of Investing, Journal of
International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Journal of Financial Planning, and
Financial Services Review among others. Saraoglu received the Excellence in Graduate
Teaching Award in 2000, the Excellence in Teaching Award in 1999, both at Bryant
University, and the Excellence in Teaching Award in 1993 at Michigan State University.
He was named a W.B. and Candace Thoman Fellow in 1992 and was the recipient of
the Homer Higbee Award for International Educational Exchange in 1994 at Michigan
State University.
Saraoglu has been actively involved in the internationalization of the business
curriculum at Bryant University and served as a member of the University’s International
Business Program Steering Committee. He was on the program committee for the 2000
Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business and was a track chair for the
2004 Northeast U.S.A. Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business.
Manuel G. Serapio is faculty director of the Center for International
Business Education and Research (CBER) at the University of
Colorado Denver’s Institute for International Business, and Associate
Professor of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Business
School, University of Colorado Denver.
Professor Serapio specializes in the design and development of
global business education programs. He has designed programs and
consulted for more than four dozen multinational companies,
entrepreneurial ventures, and government agencies in the US and Asia. These
companies include Starbucks Coffee International, Western Union/First Data
Corporation, Molson Coors International, Cisco Systems, IBM, Global Healthcare
Exchange, Arrow Electronics, RE/MAX International, TVI (Singapore), ePLDT Ventus
(Philippines), Jinling Petrochemical (PRC), Korea Banking Institute, Nokero
International, and others.
In academia, Dr. Serapio led the development of the Faculty Development in
International Entrepreneurship (FDIE) program for CU Denver’s CIBER. Working jointly
with Drs. Patricia McDougall and Walter Kuemmerle, Dr. Serapio has offered the FDIE
program to more than 200 faculty members since 2005 in Denver, Seoul, Istanbul, and
Dr. Serapio has published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Management
International Review, Organizational Dynamics, Research Technology
Management, Academy of Management Executive, IEEE Spectrum, and other
publications. His research has been cited by, Investor’s
Business Daily, Financial Times, Rocky Mountain News, and the Los Angeles
Times. Together with Drs. Patricia McDougall and Marian Jones, Dr. Serapio co-edited
a special issue on International Entrepreneurship for Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice. He is co-author (with Drs. Antonella Zuchella and Birgit Hagen) of a
forthcoming book in international entrepreneurship to be published by Edward Elgar
Publishing and an international entrepreneurship courseware for
Professor Serapio received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana
Champaign and MBA from the University of Hawaii. He is the recipient of multiple
teaching awards and has generated more than $4 million in sponsored grants and
research from the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office
of Naval Research, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Japan-US Friendship
Commission, and other organizations.
Attila Yaprak is Professor of Marketing and International Business at
Wayne State University and a member of Sabanci University`s
Network Faculty (Turkey). A former Executive Secretary of the
Academy of International Business, he has taught or had research
visits to the University of Oulu (Finland), Lyon Business School
(France), Ludwig Maximilian University (Germany), Autonomous
University of Barcelona (Spain), Lviv School of Management
(Ukraine), Jiang Xi College for International Trade (China), the Trade
Training Center (Philippines), and the University of Michigan and
Michigan State Universities (United States).
His work has appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the
Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business
Research, Journal of Advertising, Management International Review, International
Marketing Review, International Business Review, Political Psychology, and the Journal
of World Business, among other journals. Winner of research grant awards from the US
Department of Education and the National Science Foundation, he is also the winner of
multiple teaching awards, including the Outstanding Marketing Professor Award (the
Academy of Marketing Science) and the President`s Award for Excellence in Teaching
(Wayne State University). He has taught in Executive Development programs in the
United States and Turkey and has served as a panelist on research grant panels in the
United States, Canada, and Israel.
International Business Pedagogy Workshops
June 1-4, 2017
Hosted by GSU-CIBER
Name Affiliation Workshop Interest
Syed Ahmed Xavier University of Louisiana International Entrepreneurship
Lailani Alcantara Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific International Management
Elsa Anaya Palo Alto College Introduction to International Business
Jennifer Barhorst Lander University Introduction to International Business
Spyridon Batas The University of Northampton International Entrepreneurship
Kevin Bechard Manchester Community College International Entrepreneurship
Daniel Bello Georgia State University
Farrah Bernardino Georgia State University Introduction to International Business
Giles Blackburne University of Leeds International Entrepreneurship
Tom Bloomquist Montana State University Plenary 4
Jacobus Boers Georgia State University Keynote Speaker
Ahmet Bozer Coca-Cola Company
David Bruce Georgia State University Introduction to International Business
Brione Burrows Central Georgia Technical College Essentials of International Finance for IB
Regina Butts Fort Valley State University Educators
Introduction to International Business
Cary Caro Xavier University of Louisiana Plenary 3
Pedro Carrillo Georgia State University Plenary 1
Laura Carruth Georgia State University Introduction to International Business
Jodi Carver Community College of Beaver
County Workshop leader for International Marketing
Erin Cavusgil University of Michigan-Flint Plenary 3 & 4
S. Tamer Cavusgil Georgia State University Introduction to International Business
George Charles Oakwood University International Management
Reccia Charles St. George's University Introduction to International Business
Xin-Zhu Chen Edinboro University of PA Essentials of International Finance for IB
Gin Chong Prairie View A&M University Educators
Workshop leader for International Marketing;
Emin Civi University of New Brunswick, Cross-national Perspectives
Saint John, Canada Pedagogy
Mourad Dakhli Georgia State University Workshop leader for Research
Seyda Deligonul St. John Fisher College Plenary 2; Pedagogy
Evaristo Fernando Georgia State University
Michelle Drew Fort Valley State University International Management
Tim Duvall Intl & Foreign Language Keynote Speaker
Education, U.S. Dept. of Education
Alison Fraser Auckland University of Technology International Management
Dinorah Frutos- Saint Anselm College International Entrepreneurship
Juan Gallego University of Colorado -Colorado International Entrepreneurship
Roberto Garcia Indiana University Plenary 3 & 4; Workshop leader for Pedagogy
Linda Gerber University of Texas Plenary 2 & 3; Cross-national Perspectives
Greg Hardt Georgia State University International Management
Omaima Hatem University of Edinburgh International Marketing
Brady Hodges Texas A&M University - Corpus International Marketing
Yejing Huang Shanghai Academy of Social Essentials of International Finance for IB
Sciences Educators
Paula Huntley Georgia State University
Mayank Jaiswal Georgia Institute of Technology International Entrepreneurship
Andrew Johnson Texas A&M University - Corpus International Management
Michelle Johnson Alabama State University Introduction to International Business
George Jones University of Wisconsin-Rock Introduction to International Business
Ilke Kardes Georgia State University Plenary 3 & 4
Benwari Kedia University of Memphis Plenary 3
Virginie Khare Eckerd College International Management
Erkan Kocas Michigan State University Plenary 4
Erica Kovacs Indiana University / Universidade Essentials of International Finance for IB
Federal Rural de Pernambuco Educators; Cross-national Perspectives
Helen Liang Western Kentucky University Introduction to International Business
Wan-Chien Lien Georgia State University International Marketing
Eunah Lim ISCTE-IUL Introduction to International Business
Jing Ting Liu Georgia State University Essentials of International Finance for IB
Leigh Anne Liu Georgia State University Workshop leader for International
Management; Cross-national Perspectives
Steven Liu Georgia State University Essentials of International Finance for IB
Minna Logemann Aalto University International Management
Rubina Malik Morehouse College International Management
Franzelle Mathis- Abraham Baldwin Agricultural International Marketing
Pertilla College
Tricia McDougall Indiana University Workshop leader for International
Emil Milevoj California State University, Fresno International Management
Frode Nilssen Nord Universitet International Marketing
Okoroafor Nzeh Paine College Introduction to International Business
Ephraim Okoro Howard University International Marketing
Ngozi Oriaku Elizabeth City State University Introduction to International Business
Danny Overstreet Emerald Publishing
Kubilay Ozkan Georgia State University Essentials of International Finance for IB
Elif Ozkaya Florida International University International Management
Erkan Ozkaya California State Polytechnic Workshop leader for International Marketing
University, Pomona
Ayse Ozturk Georgia State University Essentials of International Finance for IB
Isabella Pagsisihan Georgia State University
Piet Pauwels University of Hasselt Plenary 2; Workshop leader for Cross-national
Clovis Perry Bluegrass Community & Technical International Entrepreneurship
Elena Poliakova Georgia State University Essentials of International Finance for IB
Michael Pustay Texas A&M University Plenary 3; Workshop leader for Introduction to
International Business
Kanton Reynolds Saint Augustine's University International Management
Liesl Riddle George Washington University Plenary 2; Workshop leader for International
John Riesenberger Consilium Partners, Inc. Plenary 1 & 3
Adam Rubin Bryant University Introduction to International Business
Cranmer Rutihinda Bishops University International Entrepreneurship
Sandra Santamaria EAFIT University International Management
Hakan Saraoglu Bryant University Plenary 2; Workshop leader for Essentials of
University of Colorado - Denver International Finance for IB Educators
Manuel Serapio University of Southern Denmark Workshop leader for International
Peter Servais International Entrepreneurship
Esta Shah University of Cincinnati Introduction to International Business
Hesam Shahriari Prarie View A&M University Essentials of International Finance for IB
Aijaz Shaikh University of Jyvaskyla International Marketing
Shabnam Aijaz University of Jyvaskyla International Management
John Spillan University of North Carolina at International Marketing
Samba Sy Georgia Institute of Technology International Entrepreneurship
David Tanganelli Universitat Internacional de International Marketing
Sandra Torres Miami Dade College International Management
Michael Valdez Fort Lewis College International Entrepreneurship
Johanna University of Antwerp Introduction to International Business
Sal Veas Santa Monica College International Entrepreneurship
Jamaica Villegas Georgia State University
Lei Wang Xian Jiaotong University International Management
Jon Wilkerson University of Colorado-Denver Introduction to International Business
Meral Yaliniz Northwood University International Management
Attila Yaprak Wayne State University Plenary 2; Workshop leader for Introduction to
International Business & Case Writing and
Yimai Zhang Georgia State University Teaching
Essentials of International Finance for IB
Michael Ziolkowski The College at Brockport Educators
International Marketing
International Business Pedagogy Workshops
June 1-4, 2017
Hosted by GSU-CIBER
The 2017 International Business Pedagogy Workshops
are brought to you by the GSU-CIBER Team:
S. Tamer Cavusgil
Farrah Bernardino
Ilke Kardes
Paula Huntley
Jamaica Villegas
Ayse Ozturk
Isabella Pagsisihan
We would also like to acknowledge our Ph.D. students and visiting
Wan-Chien Lien
Jingting Liu
Steven Liu
Elizabeth Napier
Kubilay Ozkan
Elena Poliakova
Yimai Zhang
To find out more about GSU-CIBER, visit our websites: / or
follow us on Twitter @GSU_CIBER.
International Business Pedagogy Workshops
June 1-4, 2017
Hosted by GSU-CIBER
Thank you, Sponsors of the
2017 International Business Pedagogy Workshops!
This program is partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education.