There are a number of RALO working groups. Three Regional At-Large Organisations have
current working groups.
AFRALOhave theAFRALO Rules of Procedure review, which is working on updating
AFRALO Rules of Procedure, including individual membership which is a requirement of
the first At-Large review.Tijani Ben Jemaais the chair of that group. Their second group is
a taskforce focused on more African representation in ICANN leadership positions. Their
work is to encourage an increased number of African members into ICANN leadership
positions. That group started this past year. and is the chair of that group.
APRALOalso has a couple of working groups. The first one was theAPRALO Rules of
Procedure reviewunder the leadership ofCheryl Langdon-Orr. This group is connected to
the working group that is looking into the APRALO individual member review. And again,
all RALOs are being asked to develop rules to include individual members.
LACRALOhas theLACRALO ccTLD working group,which is working towards developing
the strategic and regional plan for ccTLDs.
The leadership of that isSergio Sallinas Porto.They also have a LACRALO
governance working group, which is worked on harmonizing the English and
Spanish versions of theLACRALO Rules of Procedure, which were approved
in the second At-Large summit in London. Sergio is also the chair of that group.