Jesus is Alive!
Bible Point
Jesus is risen.
Bible Story
The Tomb is Empty
John 20
Butterflies develop in four stages. The third stage of
development is the chrysalis stage. While the
caterpillar is inside the chrysalis it is being
transformed. The caterpillar will emerge as a
beautiful butterfly, leaving the chrysalis empty.
Today we will talk about how the tomb was empty
on Easter morning because Jesus had risen.
Preschoolers will not be able to grasp the entire
story. However, focus on the fact that the tomb was
empty. This will lay ground work for them as they
mature and begin to understand the significance of
the crucifixion and resurrection.
Lesson 3 Jesus is Alive!
Creative Play Time
Butterfly finger puppets
Caterpillar crawl through tube
Butterfly puzzle
Butterfly costume
Plastic eggs with stuffed caterpillars inside
Free time to explore the butterfly “toys”
Story Time
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by
Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Each week this book will be reread.
After the caterpillar ate and ate, he went into his cocoon. Inside the
cocoon he was being changed. One day he left his cocoon. It was
empty. Did you know that when Jesus died on the cross that He was
placed in a tomb? But He did not stay there. He came out and left the
tomb empty. Next week we will see if the cocoon is empty.
Nature Time
Plastic cup with cocoons
Have the children look in the cup at the cocoons. Make sure that they do
not move the cups or hold them. Talk about how after Jesus died He was
placed in a tomb. However, on Easter morning the tomb was empty.
Jesus had risen!
Lesson 3 Jesus is Alive!
Bible Story
Plastic Easter egg for each child
Hide the eggs. Let each child find one egg. When they have all found an
egg, form a circle on the floor. Have the children open the egg to see is
inside. They should find that the eggs are empty.
What did you find in your egg today? Nothing! It was empty. Were you
surprised to find your egg empty? Today we are going to learn about
someone else that found something empty.
After Jesus died on the cross, He was buried in a tomb. This was like a
cave in the side of a mountain. On Sunday morning Mary Magdalene
came to the tomb. When she arrived at the tomb, she found that the big
stone that had been rolled in front of the tomb was rolled away. She ran
and got Peter and John. They came with her and entered the tomb.
They found that Jesus was no longer in the tomb. The tomb was empty!
Mary Magdalene stood at the tomb crying. She thought someone had
taken Jesus away. She saw two angels sitting inside the tomb. They
asked her what was wrong. She told them and turned around. There
was Jesus! She talked to him and then ran to tell the others, “I have
seen the Lord!” She knew that Jesus was not dead but He had risen from
the tomb.
Can all of you say, “He is risen!”? Let’s say it together excitedly just like
Mary Magdalene must have felt that morning. Does it make you excited
to know that Jesus is not in the tomb? The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive
and He wants to be your friend.
Thank Jesus for dying on the cross for us. Thank him for being our friend.
Tell Him how glad we are that He is no longer in the tomb.
Lesson 3 Jesus is Alive!
I Spy Time
Bottle from previous lesson
Uncooked shell pasta
Add the shell pasta to represent a cocoon or chrysalis to the bottle.
Look inside the bottle. Try to “spy” the egg, caterpillar and cocoon.
Cocoon Picture
Blue construction paper
Small branches or branches cut out of brown paper
Uncooked shell pasta
Glue the branch onto the blue paper. Glue a few shell pastas onto the
branch to represent the cocoon.
Resurrection Rolls
Crescent rolls in a can
Large marshmallows
Prepare the rolls as indicated on the directions, except place a
marshmallow in the middle of the crescent triangle before rolling up.
When the roll bakes, the marshmallow will melt leaving an empty center.
Lesson 3 Jesus is Alive!
Pretend Play
Have the children act out the steps of metamorphosis: (Each week
another step will be added.)
1. The children curl up into a ball to represent an egg. Remind them
that even though we can not see inside the egg, God can. He sees
everything about us.
2. The egg hatches and out comes a caterpillar. Have the children
wiggle around on the floor like a caterpillar. Remind them that the
caterpillar must eat and eat to grow. Remember that we need to
grow also. We need to read our Bibles and go to church and talk to
God to help us grow.
3. The children crawl under a table or inside a sleeping bag. Inside,
the cocoon the caterpillar is changing. Soon the cocoon will be
empty. Have the children crawl out from under the table or the
sleeping bag to show that the cocoon is now empty. Jesus did not
stay in the tomb. He came out of the tomb and left it empty just
like the cocoon is left empty.
Break out of the Cocoon
Rolls of toilet paper
Have each child stand. Roll each child in toilet paper, wrapping the paper
around and around them. When all the children are rolled up have them
break free from their cocoons.
Option: Have a relay. Divide the children in teams and see how fast one
team member can wrap the other children.
Lesson 3 Jesus is Alive!
Teaching Needs
Creative Play Time:
Butterfly finger puppets Caterpillar crawl through tube Butterfly puzzle
Butterfly costume Plastic eggs with stuffed caterpillars inside
Story Time:
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Nature Time:
Plastic cup with cocoons
Bible Story:
Plastic Easter egg for each child
I Spy Time:
Bottle from lesson one and two Uncooked shell pasta
Egg cartons Blue construction paper Uncooked shell pasta
Glue Small branches or branches cut out of brown paper
Crescent rolls in a can Large marshmallows
Rolls of toilet paper