Oologah Lake
Oologah Lake, located north of Claremore in the heart of Will Rogers
Country, provides a recreation setting that is perfect for your family. Water
enthusiasts enjoy skiing, sailing, canoeing and swimming.
Eleven parks are available and include showers, camping pads, electric
hookups, playgrounds, picnic tables and group shelters. Sportsmen enjoy
the opportunity to capture a wide variety of fish and game. The lake is
stocked with sand bass, catfish, hybrid striped bass, crappie and walleye.
Also available are 18 miles of equestrian and hiking trails including Will
Rogers Centennial Trail and Skull Hollow Nature Trail.
800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 51
Skiatook Lake
Skiatook Lake is an outdoor enthusiasts dream. Formed by the confluence
of Hominy Creek and Bird Creek, the lake has a surface area of over 10,500
acres of more than 160 miles of shoreline. It’s shoreline is accentuated by
steep, picturesque bluffs that offer spectacular views.
Visitors to the area love the many recreational opportunities available, in-
cluding hunting, fishing, camping, picnicking and boating. Facilities are
plentiful around the lake and provide easy public access.
Sport fishermen enjoy finding large mouth bass, black and white crap-
pie, channel catfish and several species of sunfish. Hunters spend their
time hunting for white-tailed deer, quail, rabbit and squirrel. A total of
8,000 acres are open for public hunting. The city of Skiatook is nearby
and offers a variety of shopping and restaurants.
52 2013 Guide to Green Country GreenCountryoK.com
EXPLORE the Lakes of Green Country
Northeast Oklahoma’s Green Country is famous for its unique history and culture. Among sports
enthusiasts the area is known as a “water wonderland.”
Lake Tenkiller
Beautiful Lake Tenkiller and the Illinois River attract over 2 million visitors an-
nually. The area lies in the heart of the rugged Cookson Hills where you will
discover unsurpassed scenery. Lake Tenkiller is surrounded by dogwood forests
and other flowering trees.
The Lake is popular for fishing (black bass, white bass, striped bass, crap-
pie, catfish, bream and walleye), boating, skiing, scuba diving, picnicking,
camping, hiking and hunting. Eighteen parks have been developed by the
Corps of Engineers and there are two state parks - all with boat ramps and
Picnic areas are furnished with restrooms, picnic shelters and tables,
swimming beaches and grills. The lake also has three nature trails for those
who want to get away from it all and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Photo: Jerry Ehlers
Photo: George Harris 800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 53
EXPLORE the Lakes of Green Country
Birch Lake Lake Spavinaw and Lake Eucha
Located in Osage County with 27 miles of shoreline, this Located near the city of Jay, these lakes provide an area of pristine
lake offers excellent public hunting, recreation areas, beauty in far eastern Oklahoma. The area has a multitude of great
three parks with campsites, fishing docks, and boat facilities, including numerous scenic campsites, picnic areas, play-
launching ramps. Birch Lake is near many attractions grounds, fishing docks and group shelters. Marina and concessions
including the beautiful Tall Grass Prairie Reserve. are available and fishermen love the wide variety of fish.
Copan Lake McClellan-Kerr Navigation System
Located 18 miles north of Bartlesville, this lake provides Serving as both commercial and recreational purposes, this system
a wide variety of game fish including large mouth bass, offers flood control, navigation, hydropower, water supply, and wildlife
white crappie, channel and flathead catfish and sunfish. conservation. Three Forks Harbor, Muskogee, can accommodate
Game species available include: deer, mourning dove, recreational boaters and has a 40 foot boat ramp, automated fuel dock
waterfowl, bobwhite quail, turkey, cottontail rabbit and and 100 metric-ton travel lift. This 20 acre harbor provides boating
squirrel. Copan Lake has Class A camping facilities, beach access to the Arkansas, Verdigris and Grand Rivers, and the inland
areas, beautiful picnic sites and boat ramps. waterway system of the United States.
Lake Hudson Dripping Springs Lake and State
Park/Lake Okmulgee
Located just east of Pryor with 200 miles of shoreline, this
lake is abundant in species of fish and is called “the best Dripping Springs Lake and nearby Lake Okmulgee are just minutes
bass lake in Oklahoma.” It has a variety of wildlife and away from historic Downtown Okmulgee on SH 56. A favorite
plays host to all types of water sports. Hudson Lake has among fishermen, the lakes boast nearly 300 campsites, boating,
easy public access, boat ramps, recreational areas and water skiing, fishing and playgrounds. There are equestrian trails,
overnight camping. hiking and mountain biking trails, hunting and fishing.
Hulah Lake
Located in Osage County in a farming and ranching
area, Hulah Lake has a picturesque setting and an open
invitation to visitors for picnicking, camping, hiking and
sight-seeing. There is excellent fishing and hunting along
with recreational facilities and boat ramps.
Illinois River
Nestled in the beautiful Ozark Hills, the Illinois River is a
spectacular destination for those who enjoy canoeing
and rafting with 70 miles of breathtaking scenery. Shoot
across the rapids on Oklahoma’s best known scenic river
and study the array of nature and wildlife with over 65
species of fish. There are also plenty of camping and
public facilities.
Lake Associations Copan Lake Eufaula Lake Fort Gibson Lake
207 S Caney St 102 E BK-200 RD 8568 State Hwy 251 A
Copan, OK 74022-4120 Stigler, OK 74462-9440 Fort Gibson, OK 74434-9619
918.532.4334 918.484.5135 918.462.2042-INFO
Keystone Lake 918.682.4314-Off Season
Lake Eufaula Association Kaw Lake Association Kaw Lake 23115 West Wekiwa Road Oologah Lake
Eufaula 918.689.7751 Ponca City/Kaw City 580.762.9494 9400 Lake Road Sand Springs, OK 74063-9312 12698 S Hwy 88
Fort Gibson Lake Association Skiatook Lake Association Ponca City, OK 74604-7323 918.865.2621 Oologah, OK 74053-0700
Wagoner 918.485.4623 Skiatook 918.630.5997 580.762.5611 Skiatook Lake 918.443.2250
5353 Lake Road Lake Tenkiller
Grand Lake Association Tenkiller Lake Association Robert S. Kerr, Lock Skiatook, OK 74070-9803 Route 1, Box 259
Grove 918.786.2289 Cookson 918.457.4403 Dam & Reservoir 918.396.3170 Gore, OK 74435-9547
Lake Hudson Association Keystone Lake Association HC 61 Box 238 918.487.5252
Salina 918.434.2700 Mannford 918.865.3321 Sallisaw, OK 74955
54 2013 Guide to Green Country GreenCountryoK.com
HISTORIC Sites & Museums
Foothills u.S.S. BaTfiSH anD War franK lloyD WrigHT’S priCe ToWer
MeMorial parK & priCe ToWer arTS CenTer
BaTTle of Honey SpringS Muskogee, 918.682.6294, USSBatfish.com Bartlesville, 918.336.4949, PriceTower.org
Checotah, 1863 Honey Springs, Battlefield An actual World War II submarine that sank 3 enemy Wright called his tallest built skyscraper “the tree that
Road, 918.473.5572 submarines and 11 other enemy vessels. Visitors can escaped the crowded forest.” This arts center attracts
Civil War Battle of Honey Springs, won by the Union tour the inside of the submarine. visitors from around the world for its architecture and
Army on July 17, 1863, was the largest ever fought CreeK CounCil HouSe MuSeuM world-class exhibitions.
in the Indian Territory. The Battle is re-enacted every Okmulgee, 918.756.2324 BarTleSville area HiSTory MuSeuM
three years. This museum’s purpose is to preserve and Bartlesville, 918.338.4290
KaTy DepoT interpret the Creek Council House and to bring BartlesvilleHistory.com
Checotah, 918.473.6377, KatyRailroad.org an understanding of the history and culture of the Bartlesville’s heritage unfolds with stories of oilmen,
Restored 1890 wooden MKT depot, houses local Muscogee (Creek) people. Indian chiefs, ranchers, bankers, outlaws, school
artifacts, railroad memorabilia, Honey Springs battle SequoyaH’S CaBin teachers, smelter workers, shop clerks and many
and steer wrestling exhibits and serves as Checotah’s Sallisaw, 918.775.2413 others who helped to shape a tiny frontier settlement
Information Center. Exhibit of pre-Civil War cabin of Sequoyah, the man into a modern city.
forT giBSon HiSToriC SiTe who developed the Cherokee alphabet. WoolaroC MuSeuM anD
Fort Gibson, 918.478.4088 CHeroKee feMale SeMinary WilDlife preServe
FortGibson.com/Historical-Sites Tahlequah, NSU Campus, 918.456.5511 SW of Bartlesville, 888.WOOLAROC
Reconstructed 1824 log fort and outbuildings, The original Cherokee National Female seminary (966.5276) x10, Woolaroc.org
depicts its role in the development of the Indian (from 1887 to 1909), was completely restored in The ranch retreat of oilman Frank Phillips was
Territory frontier. On site is a gift shop and museum 1994 (including its historic Kiowa murals) and today built in 1925. The museum houses a world-class
with period artifacts. houses academic and faculty offices for NSU. collection of western art, artifacts and special
HenryeTTa TerriTorial MuSeuM CHeroKee HeriTage CenTer exhibits. The ranch is a 3,700-acre wildlife preserve.
Henryetta, 918.652.7112 Tahlequah, 888.999.6007 DeWey HoTel
TerritorialMuseum.net CherokeeHeritage.org Dewey, 918.534.0215
Located in Henryetta’s 1905 one-room school, and of The Heritage Center includes the Cherokee National Period furnishings, glassware, clothing and
the Joseph W. Hardin photography collection. Coal Museum, Trail of Tears Exhibit, Cherokee Family rare photographs of early day life in the area are
mining, oil drilling and other local historical artifacts Research Center, Museum Store, Cherokee Ancient displayed in this restored Victorian Hotel.
give the museum a unique quality. Village and Adams Corner Rural Village. Closed in ToM Mix MuSeuM
aTaloa loDge January. Dewey, 918.534.1555
Muskogee, 888.682.5514 x7283 george M. Murrell HouSe Features a 30-seat theatre featuring Tom Mix movies,
bacone.edu/ataloa Park Hill, 918.456.2751 exhibits and a life-size replica of his horse, Tony.
Built in 1932 on Bacone College campus, it is OKHistory.org/sites/georgemurrell This silent western movie star once worked as a
Native American operated and houses more than Mansion built in 1845 by George Murrell, who bartender, deputy sheriff, prizefighter and athletic
20,000 pieces of traditional and contemporary Native married the niece of Cherokee Chief John Ross. coach in Oklahoma.
American art. Known as “Hunter’s Home” after George’s fondness DruMrigHT HiSToriCal MuSeuM
five CivilizeD TriBeS MuSeuM for fox hunting. Today it is the only remaining Drumright, 918.352.3002
Muskogee, Agency Hill—Honor Heights antebellum plantation home in Oklahoma. DrumrightHistoricalSociety.org
Drive, 877.587.4237, FiveTribes.org Wagoner CiTy HiSToriCal MuSeuM Housed in a 1916 Santa Fe Depot, located in
An 1875 Union Indian Agency building, listed on Wagoner, 918.485.9111 Drumright, one-half mile from the discovery well, the
the National Registry, preserves the heritage of the Large display of historic and antique fashions dating museum continues to grow and improve in fulfilling
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Choctaw, & Seminole over 150 years, along with artifacts from the area. its mission to take its visitors on an exciting trip to
tribes. The building houses a museum, art gallery the past.
and gift shop. High Plains TiDal SCHool
oKlaHoMa MuSiC Hall Drumright, 866.258.1903, TidalSchool.com
of faMe & MuSeuM Big HearT MuSeuM This 8,000 square foot historic school building has
Muskogee, 918.687.0800, OMHOF.com Barnsdall been restored and transformed into Oklahoma’s
Housed in the 100 year old Frisco Depot, hear and Named after prominent Osage Chief James Bigheart, premier winery and vineyard.
see over 75 videos, bios and concerts. Experience the museum includes Cherokee and Osage Nation freD DruMMonD HouSe
Oklahoma’s musical talents. artifacts and area history, including the story of how Hominy, 918.885.2374
THree riverS MuSeuM the town name changed from Bigheart to Barnsdall. As a reflection of financial success, Frederick
Muskogee, 918.686.6624 franK pHillipS HoMe Drummond, turn-of-the century business leader built
3RiversMuseum.com Bartlesville, 918.336.2491 this substantial Victorian-style home in Hominy.
This museum relates the story of the settlement and FrankPhillipsHome.org
development of the Arkansas, Verdigris, and Grand 26-room mansion of Frank and Jane Phillips,
Rivers housed in the beautifully restored railroad Oklahoma oil industry pioneers.
depot, Midland Valley.
800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 55
HISTORIC Sites & Museums
oSage rounD HouSe HoMiny ponCan THeaTre and Custom Cars while honoring the vision,
Round House Square in Indian Village Ponca City, 580.765.0943 craftsmanship and tenacity of the men who built
WildWestTour.com PoncanTheatre.org them.” Darryl Starbird
The Osage Round House is the only surviving The ornate interior, elaborate ceilings and stained BelviDere ManSion
community round house in Osage County, glass, recall the luxury of this circa 1927 vaudeville Claremore, 918.342.1127
traditionally used for village activities and traditional house and movie palace. RogersCountyHistory.org
events of the Osage Indians. WHiTe Hair MeMorial A magnificent three-story Victorian mansion built
iMMaCulaTe ConCepTion CHurCH Ralston, 10 mi West of Hominy on Hwy 20 in 1907. The mansion is now owned by the Rogers
Pawhuska, 918.287.1414 918.538.2417 County Historical Society.
ImmaculateConception-Pawhuska.org Preserved 1920s house of Osage, Lillie Morrel J.M. DaviS arMS & HiSToriCal MuSeuM
Known for its rare stained glass windows, this Burkhart and learning center for Osage culture and Claremore, 918.341.5707
1910 French Gothic-style Catholic Church was the heritage. TheGunMuseum.com
principal church of the Osage Tribe, known to many HarWelDen ManSion World’s largest privately owned museum, houses
as “The Cathedral of the Osage.” Tulsa, 918.584.3333 over 20,000 unique firearms, Western memorabilia,
oSage TriBal MuSeuM, Harwelden was originally the home of Mr. And Mrs. musical instruments and 1,200 steins from all over
liBrary anD arCHiveS Earl Palmer Harwell. Built in 1926 in the Collegiate the world.
Pawhuska, 918.287.5441 Gothic, or English Tudor style, it is today a Tulsa Will rogerS MeMorial MuSeuM
OsageTribe.com/museum landmark. Claremore, 918.341.0719, WillRogers.com
Displays and artifacts relating to Osage culture gilCreaSe MuSeuM Will Rogers memorial is the tourism destination
from the 1600s to present are exhibited, along with Tulsa, 918.596.2700, Gilcrease.org showcasing the life, wisdom, humor and legacy of
archives and photo collections. The world’s largest comprehensive collection of Oklahoma’s native son, Will Rogers.
paWnee Bill ranCH, HiSToriC American Indian and Western art. There are exhibits ToTeM pole parK
SiTe anD MuSeuM on America’s prehistory, settlement and expansion. Foyil, SH-28 A, 918.342.1127
Pawnee, 918.762.2513 It also houses the worlds only signed copy of the RogersCountyHistory.org
PawneeBillRanch.com Declaration of Independence. Folk artist Ed Galloway developed this nine-acre
1910 mansion and other structures of Wild West oKlaHoMa Jazz Hall of faMe park as a monument to the American Indian. The
showman Gorden W. Lillie. Known as Pawnee Bill Tulsa, 800.348.9336, OKJazz.org centerpiece, totem pole, rises from the back of an
he promoted Pawnee Bill’s Wild West Show which Located in the historic Union Depot, it is the state’s enormous turtle.
traveled all over the world from 1888–1913. only facility devoted to gospel, jazz and blues Har-Ber village MuSeuM
paWnee CounTy HiSToriCal SoCieTy musicians with Oklahoma ties. Grove, 918.786.3488, Har-BerVillage.com
MuSeuM anD DiCK TraCy HeaDquarTerS pHillipS ManSion, pHilBrooK A reconstructed turn-of-the century village that
Pawnee, 918.762.4681, PawneeCHS.org MuSeuM of arT re-creates all aspects of the area’s early settlement.
Items of interest include artifacts from area ghost Tulsa, 800.324.7941, Philbrook.org ColeMan THeaTre
towns, genealogy research materials and a special The 1927 Tuscan-style estate of oilman Waite Miami, 918.540.2425, ColemanTheatre.org
area devoted to Pawnee native, Chester Gould, Phillips, named one of the top 60 art museums in This historic theatre was built by George L. Coleman
creator of the Dick Tracy comic strip. the country by the AAM and is one of only five U.S. Sr. in 1929. Originally a vaudeville theatre, the
MarlanD ManSion museums with the unique combination of historic opulent structure has Louis XV interior design.
Ponca City, 800.422.8340 home, gardens, and collections. Dog iron ranCH & Will rogerS
MarlandMansion.com SHerWin Miller MuSeuM of JeWiSH arT BirTHplaCe
The Marland Estate Mansion, a beautiful 55-room Tulsa, 918.492.1818, JewishMuseum.net Oologah, 918.275.4201, WillRogers.com
Italian Renaissance villa, was built between 1925 and Utilizes art and history to preserve Jewish culture. Site of the log-walled, two-story home where famed
1928. The collection includes art and artifacts spanning Cherokee humorist and film star Will Rogers was
MarlanD granD HoMe over 4,000 years. born in 1879.
Ponca City, 580.767.0427 TulSa air anD SpaCe Coo-y-yaH MuSeuM
MarlandGrandHome.com MuSeuM & planeTariuM Pryor, 918.825.2575
Restored 1916 home of E.W. Marland, includes an Tulsa, 918.834.9900 Katy Depot houses Cherokee and Osage artifacts
extensive 101 Ranch collection, Native American TulsaAirAndSpaceMuseum.com and art, local history items, a rare salt-glazed pottery
artifacts of the Plains Indians and a DAR museum. Featuring static and hands-on exhibits about Tulsa’s collection and an 1800’s printing press.
pioneer WoMan MuSeuM aerospace heritage with rare and vintage aircraft. CaBin CreeK BaTTlefielD
Ponca City, 580.765.6108 Vinita, 10 mi south of Vinita, 918.256.7133
PioneerWomanMuseum.com Great Lakes The site of two Civil War battles, in 1863 and 1864.
Exhibit of artifacts honoring the history of women in The Battle of Cabin Creek is re-enacted every three
Oklahoma and their influence on the development of Darryl STarBirD’S naTional roD years.
the state and nation. & CuSToM Hall of faMe
Afton, 918.257.4234, DarrylStarbird.com
“The only institution in the world dedicated to
the preservation and display of classic Hot Rods
56 2013 Guide to Green Country GreenCountryoK.com
CALENDAR of Events
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. Please confirm dates prior to making final travel plans.
1–Mar 24 Edgar Payne: the Scenic Journey gilcrease.org tulsa
8–12 chili bowl nationals chilibowl.com tulsa
18–19 Dr. Martin luther King Jr. Soul Food cook-off 918.684.6363 Muskogee
19 tuff truck & atv racing and Demolition Derby motorheadevents.com claremore
19 ultimate Eagle Watch 877.671.6985 Kaw lake
20 Martin luther King Jr. Parade 918.492.9495 tulsa
22–27 “Jekyll & hyde” tulsapac.com tulsa
26 Miami tribal Stomp Dance miamination.com Miami
28–Feb 3 tulsa boat, Sport & travel Show exposquare.com tulsa
1–2 american arenacross motorheadevents.com claremore
1–3 tulsa ballet presents: “lady of the camellias” tulsapac.com tulsa
8–10 home & garden Show groveok.org grove
9 home Sweet home chocolate Festival 918.681.7949 Muskogee
15–16 Spring living history Event at the u.S.S. batfish ussbatfish.com Muskogee
22–24 bassmaster classic 918.894.4200 tulsa/grand lake
23, Mar 1 & 3 tulsa opera presents: “the Most happy Fella” tulsapac.com tulsa
22–24 2013 grand lake boat and Sport Show grandlakefun.com grove
24–May 19 bending, Weaving, Dancing: the art of Woody crumbo gilcrease.org tulsa
1–3 outdoor Sporting Expo visitclaremore.org claremore
2 annual Peoria Stomp Dance peoriatribe.com Miami
2 glenpool Spring Market 918.291.2005 glenpool
2 bob Wills birthday bash cainsballroom.com tulsa
5–10 Kathy rigby is “Peter Pan” tulsapac.com tulsa
7–10 greater tulsa home & garden Show tulsahba.com tulsa
8 grand lake boat & Sport Show 918.786.2289 grove
13–16 conference uSa basketball tournament tulsaconvention.com tulsa
15–17 aKc national agility championship aKc.org tulsa
22–24 rogers county home & garden Show rogerscountyhomeandgardenshow.com claremore
1–30 Muskogee azalea Festival cityofmuskogee.com Muskogee
Tulsa Inn & Suites 2$ Off Adult Gate Relive The Grandeur... [COUPONS]
I-44 at 31st & Memorial Area
918.858.2100 Offer valid Sept. 27-Oct. 6, 2013, on full price AND SAVE 10%
3212 S. 79th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145 gate admission. One coupon per person; OUR GIFT SHOP
not valid with (EXCLUDING BOOKS
No other discounts apply. Offer not valid & CONSIGNMENTS)
any other
15% O FFduring special events. Must present coupon EXP. 12/31/2013
offers. TheEMstaatrelsand
upon check in. Exp. 12/31/13 • G2GC
• 62 Spacious Rooms • Guest Laundry Ponca City • 800-422-8340
• Variety of Suites • Business Center WWW.MARLANDMANSION.COM
• Complimentary Breakfast • 10 minutes from BOK Event
• Wireless Internet
• Indoor Heated Pool Center & Expo Center
• Sauna/Fitness Center • Cracker Barrel & Ruby
Tuesdays Next Door
800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 57
CALENDAR of Events
5–14 bare bones Film Festival barebonesfilmfestivals.org Muskogee
12–13 Woolaroc Spring traders Encampment woolaroc.org bartlesville
13 herb Day in brookside brooksidetheplacetobe.com tulsa
13 29th annual chili & bbQ cook-off 918.360.6006 Muskogee
15–26 breeder’s invitational breedersinvitational.com tulsa
18–Jul 14 rendezvous 2013 gilcrease.org tulsa
20 tulsa Zoo/Party for the Planet tulsazoo.org tulsa
20 Second annual heritage Days cityofeufaula.com Eufaula
20, 26 & 28 “aida” tulsapac.com tulsa
26–27 green country classic ranch rodeo & trade Show 918.342.5357 claremore
26–27 Junque arte Festival 918.214.3000 nowata
26–28 red Fern Festival redfernfestival.com tahlequah
26–May 4 Destination claremore visitclaremore.org claremore
30–May 5 “West Side Story” tulsapac.com tulsa
May rodeo Miami 2013 visitmiamiok.com Miami
bixby bbQ ‘n blues Festival bixbyrotarybbq.com bixby
2–4 oklahoma Steam threshing & gas Engine Show oklahomathreshers.org Pawnee
3–4 antique & craft Show chamberofclevelandok.com cleveland
3–5 lilac Festival claremore.org claremore
4 18th annual oklahoma renaissance Festival okcastle.com Muskogee
4 rooster Days Festival 918.251.1518 broken arrow
4–27 66th annual Stilwell Strawberry Festival strawberrycapital.com Stillwell
10–12 tabouleh Fest 918.367.3324 bristow
11 tulsa international Mayfest tulsamayfest.org tulsa
11 Frank lloyd Wright’s Samara: a Mid-century Dream house pricetower.org bartlesville
16–19 Exhibition
17–Sept 8 nuyaka creek Winery Spring Wine Festival nuyakacreek.com bristow
Sailboat regatta and bucket run tuckerdowning.com/bucketrun Eufaula
18 Will rogers Stampede Prca rodeo willrogersstampede.com claremore
18–19 backwoods bash Music & camping Festival 918.240.2062 Prue
23–26 rocklahoma Music Festival rocklahoma.com Pryor
24–27 7th annual Music & Mayhem wormydog.com Eufaula
24–26 60th annual bigheart Day barnsdallchamber.net barnsdall
25 g.a.r. cemetery Memorial Day ceremony 918.541.2288 Miami
[COUPONS] Relive The Grandeur... 2$ Off Adult Gate Tulsa Inn & Suites
I-44 at 31st & Memorial Area
AND SAVE 10% Offer valid Sept. 27-Oct. 6, 2013, on full price 918.858.2100
OUR GIFT SHOP gate admission. One coupon per person; 3212 S. 79th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145
(EXCLUDING BOOKS not valid with
& CONSIGNMENTS) 15% O FFNo other discounts apply. Offer not valid
any other
EXP. 12/31/2013 during special events. Must present coupon
TheEMstaatrelsand offers. upon check in. Exp. 12/31/13 • G2GC
Ponca City • 800-422-8340 • 62 Spacious Rooms • Guest Laundry
WWW.MARLANDMANSION.COM • Variety of Suites • Business Center
• Complimentary Breakfast • 10 minutes from BOK Event
• Wireless Internet
• Indoor Heated Pool Center & Expo Center
• Sauna/Fitness Center • Cracker Barrel & Ruby
Tuesdays Next Door
58 2013 Guide to Green Country GreenCountryoK.com
CALENDAR of Events
30–June 1 Diamond Daze Festival sallisawchamber.com Sallisaw
30–June 1 Miami nation tribal Pow Wow miamination.com Miami
30–June 1 tallgrass bluegrass Festival skiatookchamber.com Skiatook
31–June 1 Jim Shoulders Spring round-up rodeo henryetta.org henryetta
June antique & collectible Fair & Sale 918.333.5200 Dewey
Keystone catfish Festival chamberofclevelandok.com cleveland
1 route 66 blowout route66blowout.com Sapulpa
1 Disney’s “the lion King” 918.596.7111 tulsa
1 american heritage Music Festival grandlakefestivals.com grove
4–30 arts on the avenue artsontheave.net tahlequah
6–8 chalk it up—chalk art Festival brokenarrowok.gov broken arrow
7–8 o’reilly’s national Monster truck rally mapmotorsports.com Miami
7–8 leake collector car Show & auction leakecar.com tulsa
7–8 Sunfest sunfest.org bartlesville
7–9 Saint Francis tulsa tough ride & race tulsatough.com tulsa
7–9 oK Mozart okmozart.com bartlesville
7–9 Drumright Discovery Days drumrighthistoricalsociety.org Drumright
7–15 golden Eagle Poker run visitlakeeufaula.com Eufaula
8 hogs ‘n hot rods collinsvilledowntowninc.com collinsville
8 Kawfest kawlake.com Kaw city
8 Kellyville heritage Days 918.770.2231 Kellyville
8 old Settlers Festival checotah.com checotah
8 34th annual World’s largest calf Fry Festival & cook-off vinita.com vinita
8 Pinto World championship horse Show exposquare.com tulsa
8–10 Mid america Ford team Shelby nationals midamericafordmeet.com tulsa
10–22 Pawnee bill’s Wild West Show 918.762.2513 Pawnee
12–17 ten Mile garage Sale 918.452.2362 Eufaula
15, 22, 29 black gold Days glenpoolchamber.org glenpool
15 Muscogee (creek) nation Festival muscogeenation-nsn.gov okmulgee
20–23 16th annual Peoria Pow Wow peoriatribe.com Miami
20–23 Presentation at Picture in Scripture amphitheater pictureinscripture.com Disney
21–23 volunteer Fire Dept. annual noodling tournament 918.691.4920 Shidler
21–July 27 green corn Festival bixbyoptimist.org bixby
Will Rogers... [COUPONS]
Experience the life,wisdom, and humor.
Open 10am - 6pm • 12 GALLERIES OF HIS LIFE & TIMES
Open Late Tuesdays ’til 9
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Good for up to Birthplace Ranch in Oologah MUSEUMS
4 general admissions Expires 12/31/13
9501 E. 380 Rd.
okaquarium.org • (918) 296-FISH
Jenks in the Tulsa Metro
800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 59
CALENDAR of Events
29–30 Kidsfest woolaroc.org bartlesville
JuLy arts, crafts, Music & cajun Festival grandlakefestivals.com grove
Quapaw tribal Pow Wow quapawtribe.com Quapaw
4 affair of the heart/heart of tulsa heartoftulsa.com tulsa
5–7 international round up club cavalcade cavalcaderodeo.com Pawhuska
12–14 29th annual Whole hawg Days eufaulachamberofcommerce.com Eufaula
15–21 Sallisaw lion’s club iPra rodeo 918.774.5497 Sallisaw
25–27 american cowboy trade Days & the 918.825.0157 Pryor
25–27 celebration of the american cowboy
26–28 918.762.2108 Pawnee
Pawnee bill Memorial rodeo gatesway.org claremore
auGust gatesway balloon Festival ussbatfish.com Muskogee
Fall living history Event at the u.S.S. batfish 918.756.0761 okmulgee
1–3 okmulgee invitational rodeo & Festival willrogers.com oologah
2–4 Will rogers & Wiley Post Fly-in shidleroklahoma.com Shidler
9–10 Shidler classic car Show oksteakcookoff.com tulsa
9–10 oklahoma championship Steak cook-off blueroseriverfest.com tulsa
18 blue rose riverfest willrogersmemorialrodeo.com vinita
24 Will rogers Memorial rodeo dcminnerblues.com rentiesville
24 Dusk til’ Dawn blues Festival grandlakefestivals.com grove
24 Jana Jae Fiddle camp & Music Festival cherokeetourismok.com tahlequah
28–31 2013 cherokee national holiday henryetta.org henryetta
30–Sept 1 living legends rodeo
30–Sept 1 claremore.org claremore
30–Sept 2 bluegrass & chili Festival 918.756.1958 okmulgee
31–Sept 1 okmulgee county Fair oces.okstate.edu/osage Pawhuska
osage county Free Fair 918.825.3241 Pryor
sePteMber Mayes county Fair Wyandotte-nation.org Wyandotte
Wyandotte nation tribal Pow Wow damjambicycletour.com Pryor area
5–7 Dam J.a.M. bicycle tour cowetachamber.com coweta
5–7 39th annual coweta Fall Festival okindiansummer.org bartlesville
5–7 oklahoma indian Summer Festival rogerscountyfair.com claremore
5–9 rogers county Free Fair
for up to
4 visitors.
Exp. 12/31/13 • GCB13 GreenCountryoK.com
Open Every Day of the Year • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
918.341.0719 • 800.324.9455 • willrogers.com
60 2013 Guide to Green Country
CALENDAR of Events
13–15 Eastern Shawnee tribal Pow Wow estoo-nsn.gov Wyandotte
14 cherokee Strip trail ride 877.671.6985 Kaw lake
14 Woolaroc Fall trail ride woolaroc.org bartlesville
20–21 art of bbQ tulsaartofbbq.com tulsa
20–21 Pelican Festival 918.786.2289 grove
21 nuyaka creek Winery Fall Wine Festival nuyakacreek.com bristow
21 black buggy Day blackbuggyday.net chouteau
21 Skiatook Pioneer Day Festival skiatookchamber.com Skiatook
26–oct 6 tulsa State Fair tulsastatefair.com tulsa
27–28 route 66 cruisers cruise-in & car Show route66cruisersok.org claremore
27–28 art of living Music & art Festival 918.456.3742 tahlequah
28–29 oklahoma State Sugar arts Show oklahomasugarartists.com tulsa
october Fall traders Encampment woolaroc.org bartlesville
haunted castle halloween Festival okcastle.com Muskogee
4–5 national indian taco championship pawhuskachamber.com Pawhuska
4–nov 2 Western heritage Weekend tommixmuseum.com Dewey
5 heart of the osage craft Fair 918.639.0777 barnsdall
5–6 tulsa oktoberfest tulsaoktoberfest.org tulsa
11–12 arabian & half-arabian championship horse Show exposquare.com tulsa
16–20 great West chili Fest & car Show okmulgeeonline.com okmulgee
18–26 Pioneer Day chamberofclevelandok.com cleveland
19 ghost Story tours at Pawnee bill ranch pawneebillranch.com Pawnee
19 hallowMarine—oklahoma aquarium okaquarium.org Jenks
26 hallowZooeen—tulsa Zoo tulsazoo.org tulsa
27–31 Will rogers Days willrogers.com claremore
Dewey christmas arts & crafts Show & Sale 918.397.0756 Dewey
noveMber 150th anniversary battle of honey Springs okhistory.org checotah
illinois river arts & craft Festival 918.444.2530 tahlequah
1–4 affair of the heart/heart of tulsa heartoftulsa.com tulsa
2–3 christmas Kingdom at the castle okcastle.com Muskogee
8–10 garden of lights 918.684.6302 Muskogee
8–10 camp Dry gulch christmas train christmastrain.com Pryor
22–24 Woolaroc Wonderland of lights woolaroc.org bartlesville
28–Dec 31
28–Jan 1 holiday arts & crafts Show 918.366.4841 bixby
29–Dec 20 christmas arts & crafts Show thegunmuseum.com claremore
29–Dec 22 living nativity at Shepherd’s cross shepherdscross.com claremore
Winterfest bokcenter.com tulsa
23–Jan 1
See more detailed event listings at greencountryoK.com.
800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 61
Farms, ranches, and vineyards
all across Oklahoma are opening
their gates, issuing a heartfelt invitation
to sample the abundant bounty
and natural beauty found in the state’s
growing adventure — Agritourism.
Visit OklahomaAgritourism.com
and plan your next Oklahoma
Agritourism adventure.
Sequoyah Riding Stables
19059 Park 80, Hulbert, OK 74441
(918) 772-3906
If you’re looking for garden transplants, plants for
your flower beds, fresh produce, custom-made
outdoor furniture, or even landscaping and gardening
advice, come visit with us at Sweet Miesy Farms and
Greenhouse! We’d love to see ya’.
Located just 6 miles off Historic Route 66, north of Bristow, OK Come on out and enjoy a horseback ride on 300
acres of trails inside the fabulous Sequoyah
(918) 935-5380 | [email protected] State Park. Open year round: Summers open
everyday except Mondays 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
62 2013 Guide to Green Country “LGikere” uesnoCn [email protected] Miesy Farms Spring and Fall, open Fri., Sat. & Sundays 10
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Winters, open on Saturdays 10
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (weather permitting). Bring
the whole family and create memories that
will last a lifetime! The beautiful scenery and
abundant wildlife will make your trail ride one
to remember. Bring your whole group and enjoy
our special ‘Cowboy Camp’ for a hayride and
cookout! Grab your boots and come on out to
Sequoyah Riding Stables!
With 19 state parks to
choose from, Green
Country is a bounty for
the outdoor enthusiast.
Amidst rolling hills in the heart of the Osage Nation, Osage Hills State Park
is a prime example of Oklahoma’s natural beauty. With forests, rocky
bluffs, and serene waters, the park is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts,
wildlife watchers, and anglers of all ages. Visitors can relax in one of the
native stone cabins, constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the
1930s, or take their pick from plenty of RV & tent campsites. For more
information, visit TravelOK.com/OsageHills.
Nestled in the mighty oak trees just west of Okmulgee is Okmulgee State Park.
Named by the early-day settlers of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Okmulgee
means “bubbling water.” Offering scenery, relaxation, and water recreation, the
park and lake are the perfect escape for boating, fishing, and family activities.
State ParksFor more information, visit TravelOK.com/OkmulgeeSP.
Keystone State Park offers a quick getaway from the sights and sounds of
Tulsa city life. With sandy beaches, wooded shorelines, high bluffs, and
low, rolling hills, visitors can sleep under the stars in a campground, or enjoy
the comfortable amenities of cabins complete with central heat and air and
fireplaces. For more information, visit TravelOK.com/Keystone.
Located in the heart of the Cookson Hills, the sparkling, clear waters of Lake
Tenkiller make this state park a popular destination for a variety of water sport
activities, with scuba diving chief among them. Visitors can also expect a wide
array of scenery including stone cliffs, thick forests, gorgeous lake views, and
hard-to-beat sunsets. For more information, visit TravelOK.com/Tenkiller.
800.922.2118 2013 Guide to Green Country 63