How to Save Time with SharePoint
Document Libraries
SharePoint Document Libraries have been around for quite some time and just because
they haven't changed all that much doesn't mean that you should ditch your document
libraries just yet. There are a number of great reasons that using these document libraries
is important. For starters, the most important thing that these document libraries can
provide is security. This is very important, because no matter how many changes have
been made to the SharePoint software, if you have documents that aren't protected, then
there is no point in having a SharePoint website.
What does this mean? Well, one of the biggest threats to SharePoint is hackers who will
try to use password cracking or even data mining to get hold of information from
websites like yours. Another great reason to use and maintain your SharePoint
document libraries is to help maintain the network that is necessary for you to be able to
collaborate on projects. When you have multiple people working on a project, you need
to have a way to communicate on the various stages and check on the progress of each
person. By using SharePoint document libraries, you can make sure that everyone is
communicating on a timely basis - whether it's through email chat or maybe even phone!
Another reason to make sure that you keep up to date with your SharePoint document
libraries is that as you get better at using the system, you're likely to find new ways for to
save time while doing your work. The most common way that SharePoint users end up
saving time is through the process of co-authoring documents. As a SharePoint user
myself, I know first-hand how frustrating this can be. All of a sudden, you have to search
for specific information that you wrote years ago in a different file. And when you're
finished searching, you still don't have it.
This is where SharePoint document libraries really come into play. Since they are stored
in your SharePoint development site, you can use these folders to keep things clean,
specific, and organized. You can easily go to the appropriate section of your storage area
(like "My Document") and pull out the specific information that you want, then store it
away for easy access whenever you need it.
And last, but certainly not least, using SharePoint libraries will save you money. If you
aren't already familiar with one drive sync, you should definitely look into getting started
with it. SharePoint sites often have sections where you can store files across the site.
These sections are called "outbound links" and they allow other users who are connected
to you to easily download these files from your site.
When used correctly, SharePoint document libraries can be one of the best ways to avoid
wasting time searching for important documents or items in your storage area. If you're
like most people, you'll start out by having a general folder structure consisting of a "My
Documents" folder, then separate "My Document folders" from your "binary folder
structure". However, if you need to search for certain types of information, you may need
to create subfolders or, worse yet, merge all of your document libraries into a single
document library. Whatever your scenario, using folders can save you time, money, and
headaches. QuixTec is the best sharepoint consultancy services, provider.