Grammar Check 1
Present simple and present continuous
We use the present simple:
a to talk about things that happen regularly.
b to express our thoughts and feelings.
c to tell a story.
d to talk about future events that have a timetable.
A Read the sentences below and match them with the uses they illustrate.
1 Then she gets offered a job in this small town in the
country. So, she decides to move there with the family. .......c......
2 We usually start at 7:30 and work through until 4:00. a
3 I think they need to hire some extra staff. b
4 We fly back from Lisbon on Friday afternoon d
We use the present continuous:
a to describe things that are happening as we speak.
b to talk about changes that are taking place.
c to refer to conditions that are temporary.
d to talk about immediate future plans.
*Some verbs are not B Read the sentences below and match them with the uses they illustrate.
used in the continuous
form. 1 Companies are using more temporary workers. b
• see page 129 in the 2 The first candidate is arriving at nine. d
Grammar Reference
3 She's printing out some documents. a
section 4 I' m replacing him all this week. c
AC Read about the findings of a U.S. survey of the recruitment of college graduates
and choose the correct verb tense.
NEWS BRIEF proportion (65%) of those inter\"iew<?<I �(e.11Je<·t I
Pow<>rPeople ,umounce>d that it '(releases I is ctr<' e.lJJ<'<'ting) to have better job pros1wcls
releasing) its annual survey of how the world
U\an thei r parents. Their optimism, however, is
of work 2(cluing<'s I is changing). This year's
survey "(m-ainitws I -is <'.rnmining) how the new not. always sharnd by e>mployers. and while
generation of workers that is entering the job U1c majority 8(ag1y,es I is agreeing) that the
new gem•ration ''(possesses I i.<; possessing) the
market today ·•(compares I is comparing) to Uwir technical skills that 1"(berome I ml! becoming)
parents' genemtion, 1 he baby boome>1-s. TI1e> most t•s.<;cntial in the modern hi-l<'<'h work environment,
t.hey also 11(.',uggestIare suggesting) that they 12(do
recent findings 3(slww I are slunving) what U1cse
not have/are uot hm•ing)someofthc•otherequally
young professionals, frC'Sh from college, arc
thinking as they 1110,·e into the world of work. important skills, espc•cially in communication.
II "(aJJJ)('<H'S I 'is appearing) that a significant
-ian -er -ee -ant man/woman